Internet Of Things Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Thu, 07 Sep 2023 17:51:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Internet Of Things Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 Embracing the IoT Revolution: How Taiwan’s Innovative Technologies Are Shaping Businesses Thu, 17 Aug 2023 15:54:41 +0000 In the digital age, the Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a groundbreaking technology

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In the digital age, the Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a groundbreaking technology that has revolutionized the way businesses operate. IoT refers to the network of interconnected devices and objects that can communicate, collect, and exchange data over the internet without human intervention. This interconnected ecosystem of smart devices has paved the way for a connected world, where businesses can harness the power of data and automation to drive efficiency, productivity, and innovation. Among the countries at the forefront of IoT innovation, Taiwan stands tall. Taiwanese companies have developed a range of IoT products that cater to various business needs, helping enterprises become more efficient, sustainable, and competitive in the global market.

In order to foster a culture of innovative solutions, the Ministry of Economic Affairs established the Taiwan Excellence Awards in 1993. This prestigious award acknowledges brands that are making significant contributions to industries on a global scale. Each year, a meticulous and rigorous selection process evaluates the shortlisted brands based on four crucial aspects: “R&D,” “Design,” “Quality,” and “Marketing.” The primary goal is to identify exceptional products that not only exhibit “Innovative Value” but also proudly bear the label “made in Taiwan.” The recognized products then serve as exemplary representations of the nation’s industries and are actively promoted by the government in international markets, effectively shaping a creative and positive image for Taiwanese businesses.

MiTAC has developed an advanced video telematics and management solution that seamlessly integrates Big Data, Edge AI computing, and AIoT technology to optimize fleet operations, prioritize safety, and minimize potential accidents. The inclusion of Edge AI computing power, particularly the ADAS/DMS system, ensures immediate detection and warnings for prompt action. Additionally, fleet operators can remotely monitor transportation situations through efficient two-way communication. MiTAC’s VisionMax plays a crucial role in recording and analyzing any unusual driving behaviors. This comprehensive system stores critical data on both SD cards and cloud platforms, facilitating post-accident analysis, if necessary. To ensure the integrity and security of recorded data, the application of BlockChain technology safeguards recordings against tampering. For large companies, the implementation of these intelligent fleet management products holds immense significance. Real-time vehicle monitoring, fuel consumption tracking, and driver behavior analysis enable improved route planning, reduced fuel expenses, and an overall enhancement in safety measures. The combined power of Big Data, Edge AI computing, and AIoT brings about a transformative shift in fleet management, driving greater efficiency and effectiveness for businesses in the transportation sector.

Another cutting-edge solution built with an innovative hardware design to revolutionize modern businesses with weather monitoring is the DLW-1000 series by ICP DAS Co. Ltd. This mini weather station supports Modbus RTU/TCP and MQTT communication protocols. It can measure air quality data, including CO, CO2, O2, NH3, HCHO, H2S, PM1/2.5/10, and TVOC. It is also capable of measuring meteorological data such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation amount, illuminance, atmospheric pressure, and sea level. It comes with IP54 protective design and exhaust fans and this unique design effectively prevents slanting rain caused by strong winds from entering the module. In addition, its waterproof and protective connectors for RS-485 and Ethernet (with PoE support) ensure proper functioning in extreme environments. Whether a business needs to monitor air quality or weather patterns in extreme settings, this station is the ultimate solution they can rely on for precise and consistent results.

Taiwan’s contribution to the IoT revolution is evident through innovative solutions like the MioEYE K Series + VisionMax by MiTAC and the DLW-1000 series by ICP DAS Co. Ltd. These technologies have proven instrumental in enhancing business efficiency, solving modern-day challenges, and driving sustainable growth. As businesses worldwide embrace the opportunities presented by IoT, the future promises a more connected, intelligent, and prosperous world of commerce. With continuous innovation and technological advancements, IoT will undoubtedly shape the future of businesses, empowering them to thrive in an ever-evolving global marketplace.


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Can Your Internet Speed Be Affected By A Router? Thu, 29 Sep 2022 07:41:48 +0000 Everybody’s home internet setup needs a Wi-Fi router. What does a router actually do? To

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Everybody’s home internet setup needs a Wi-Fi router. What does a router actually do? To put it simply, a router is entirely in charge of delivering the radio signals that let your tablet, smartphone, smart TV, and laptop connect to the internet wirelessly.

You’re here today for a specific reason – you want to know if a router might affect your internet speeds. Well, yes, routers do in fact affect how quickly you can access the internet, simply because it handles all data from a home network, including management and processing.

As a result, a fast router maximizes your internet speed while a sluggish router has the potential to slow it down. It’s kind of a bummer, no? Your network’s slowest component determines how quickly your internet will be overall.

Because of this, if your Wi-Fi router cannot handle the internet speed, it will act as a chokepoint for your entire home network. If this applies to you, the router must be changed as soon as feasible.

In this case, you will only be paying for internet bandwidth that you are hardly even using. What does this mean for your internet speed? Let’s see how you might go about doing so.

What Indicates a Slow Internet Connection?

An independent speed test is the quickest and most accurate way to determine if your internet speed has slowed down. It may seem difficult, but it’s really easy and only takes a few minutes.

Every fifteen days, you should check your internet speed to make sure you are receiving the internet speed specified in the plan you have chosen with your internet service provider. It’s best to keep a record of your findings each time you test your internet speed so you can see whether it has slowed down.

The internet speed will typically be slower during these hours compared to off-peak hours, therefore you can opt to do the speed test at specific times of the day, such as right after work.

This is also a wonderful approach to troubleshooting and determining whether the router is the real culprit slowing down your internet.

Does the Speed of Your Router Affect the Internet?

There are several other factors to consider first if you are wondering how a Wi-Fi router influences your internet speed. First and foremost, it’s extremely improbable that your router is to blame for a slow internet speed if you purchased it within the last two to three years.

Despite this, it’s still crucial to confirm that the router has the most recent firmware update because it may eventually affect how well the router functions. Even if the router does not have a problem, its positioning is too far away from the devices that require access to it, it can still slow down the internet.

Additionally, you might be using the router a little too much. Wi-Fi extenders or additional routers are frequently needed in larger locations to ensure that everyone in the home enjoys a reliable internet network.

In spite of all of this, a slow internet speed could nevertheless be caused by problems with the router. A more recent internet speed plan may not be compatible with an older internet router, especially if gigabit or fiber internet has been substituted.

The router can possibly require maintenance or even replacement.  For instance, if you are looking for the best Wi-Fi router for 1 bedroom apartment on FirstEnergy, they might just better complement your home. 

Tips to Speed up Your Internet

Here are several methods that could help your router work well.

Reboot the Router

Even though it might seem overly simple, simply turning the router off and back on again might be the key to restoring the connection speed to its previous level. Simply unplug it for 30 seconds, then plug it back in.

Change the Location of Your Router

You might not be able to fully access your internet connection if your router is a bit too far away from the devices or if the antenna is pointed in the wrong direction. The layout of your home ultimately determines where the router should be placed.

The router should be placed in a higher, open area so that your devices may get stronger internet signals.

Buy a Wi-Fi Extender

The router might be having trouble transmitting signals if you live in a broader area. In order to further reduce the distance between your device and the closest access point, a Wi-Fi extender is a device that increases a router’s range.

Final Thoughts

So, to address your original question, yes, a router can impact your internet speed. You can also take other actions to improve your internet speed, though. We hope you will give these suggestions a try and let us know if they are effective for you. You can buy best router from first energy home.

In addition, if you have suggestions of your own, feel free to share them below!

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MacOS 13 – News, Launch And Everything About The Future New Version Of The Mac Operating System Fri, 23 Sep 2022 06:17:00 +0000 The new version of Mac, macOS13 Ventura, will incorporate news and new features next fall

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The new version of Mac, macOS13 Ventura, will incorporate news and new features next fall 2022. Could you get to know them all?

What Is macOS

macOS is the operating system designed by Apple to run its computers, whether laptops or desktops, exclusively on its branded devices.

Its first version was born in 2001, perfected in each update that, as a curiosity, began having names of big cats (such as Puma, Cheetah or Jaguar). From version 10.9, they began to have names of places in California, such as Catalina, Big Sur or the latest version available so far: Monterey (v 12).

The next version, 13, has been baptized as Ventura, and many details are already known regarding the news.

Mac OS Ventura: What’s New In The MacOS13 Version

Continuity Mode 

Continuity is a well-known function on the Mac. This utility allows you to copy and paste text between devices or continue doing what you were doing on another. 

The most important novelty in this section is the continuity camera, which will allow you to use the iPhone as a webcam for your Mac and use it in all the apps. With this mode, you can take advantage of the features of your iPhone’s camera, such as flash, high resolution or wide angle, to improve the quality of your videoconferences. 

Metal 3, Video Game Software 

Apple has incorporated into Mac OS 13 the new Metal 3 version, a software that improves the gaming experience, accelerating its rendering and offering better graphics and high frame rates. 


The new version of the Mac is committed to the security and a future without passwords, these being replaced by an authentication system using Touch ID or Face ID to create a unique digital key for each site or service. These keys are synced between all your Apple devices via Keychain, and the brand ensures they cannot be leaked or hacked. 

Stage Manager 

Stage Manager is a new way to organize windows on Mac, with which you can group and overlap them, work with several simultaneously and switch between them easily. 


Similar to what’s new in iOS16 and iPadOS16, SharePlay is introduced in Mac OS 13 to view content synced with your friends from the FaceTime and Messages apps. 

You can see more details of the Mac OS 13 Ventura update on Apple’s official site. 


Spotlight, the native search engine for Mac, is updated with macOS Ventura and new features such as timers, quick image search by combining results from local files and the web, and other shortcuts will be added. 


Apple’s email app is also updated in macOS13, with the ability to undo sends, schedule them, and add reminders for received messages. 

Mac OS 13 Ventura Compatible Devices 

The devices that, at the moment, are known to update to the version of macOS Ventura are: 

  • iMac 2017 and later 
  • Mac Pro 2019 and later 
  • iMac Pro 2017 
  • Mac mini 2018 and later 
  • MacBook Air 2018 and later 
  • MacBook 2017 and later 
  • MacBook Pro 2017 and later 

Also Read: 6 Reasons Why Your Business Should Use VoIP Phone System

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How Technology Will Revolutionize Events In 2022 Wed, 03 Aug 2022 05:45:57 +0000 This is not the first time we have discussed the future of events on our

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This is not the first time we have discussed the future of events on our event technology blog. Last time, we highlighted hybrid events as one of the most anticipated trends in the events industry and took an in-depth look at the opportunities and challenges ahead. Even so, it is always convenient to anticipate what events have in store for us in 2022, especially when we are close to saying goodbye to the year.

We all know that the last two years did not go as expected. COVID-19 and the resulting economic crisis have entirely changed the landscape of organizations in the international arena. To delve deeper into this topic, check here what impact the coronavirus will have on the events industry (although by now, we have already experienced almost all the consequences). But the question is, how can technology help us organize events in 2022?

The most striking fact is that virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and artificial intelligence (AI) are growing exponentially. Hence, the event industry wants to make the most of its benefits. But realistically, this may not happen in a short space of time.

Other emerging trends, such as paperless, touchless, or contactless technologies that prioritize eliminating contact, have become the salvation of almost all organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, technological innovation has played a crucial role in the organization of virtual and hybrid events, helping all event organizers not to stagnate completely.

The truth is that technology has enabled thousands of people to work remotely and host virtual events and meetings worldwide. And what can we deduce from this? The more we continue with our lives in the so-called “new normal,” the more technology will help us adapt to new realities and scenarios.

Use of contactless and paperless technology another way event technology will play an important role is by reducing contact in interpersonal interactions to avoid contagion through surfaces. The registration and ticketing processes and even the networking strategy are expected to be more digital than ever. For example, event apps allow you to digitize all interactions, reducing the need to touch objects like business cards. Furthermore, sustainable events are contactless and paperless.

The realization of virtual and hybrid events technology can help the events industry reopen its doors while maximizing opportunities for in-person and virtual audiences. Physical tickets will give access to live sessions (which is an excellent idea if there is capacity, even if it is limited, in a particular place). Virtual tickets will allow participants to interact with exhibitors through webinars and video conferences with total security.

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The Great Future Of Edge Computing Sun, 03 Jul 2022 06:43:00 +0000 What Is Edge Computing? In principle, Edge Computing has a formidable field of application in

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What Is Edge Computing?

In principle, Edge Computing has a formidable field of application in business and industrial organizations. Internet of Things (IoT) devices collect a large amount of information, but they are limited to sending this data to the cloud, where it is processed to obtain certain information or events are triggered, which does not allow optimization of the speed of transmission. 

But this can be improved by using Edge Computing, where information is stored very close to the data source (hence EDGE = edge of the network). Because the processing does not have to happen in the cloud, but locally, it is much faster, using less bandwidth, and reducing latency to a minimum. 

If it is not necessary to send all this information to the cloud and it is the devices themselves that are in charge of processing it, allowing organizations to analyze it in real-time, something that is tremendously necessary for specific industries such as telecommunications, finance, or health.

Benefits Of This Technology

As we can see, all this results in benefits that must be taken into account: 

  • Reduction of broadband costs by not having to upload data to the cloud at all times. 
  • Lower latency, almost non-existent. 
  • Greater agility and speed in the user’s decision-making. 
  • Better security conditions by controlling the privacy of the information. Its storage occurs locally. 
  • Improvement of the user experience. 

Edge Computing Applications

Edge Marketing is going to have a wide diffusion in Information Technology circles : 

  • Manufacturing industry: Analyze and prevent possible errors in the production chain. 
  • In Agriculture and livestock: Monitoring in real-time the processes that are carried out. 
  • In the mining and oil industry: Bringing analytics to the most remote places is one of the main challenges for Edge Computing. 
  • Video games and multimedia content: Bringing data centers closer to the places where they are being consumed. 
  • Energy Consumption: Edge-connected IoT devices are used to monitor and correct energy consumption in industries and businesses in real-time. 
  • Using Edge in autonomous driving and traffic management. 
  • Apply this technology to healthcare, enabling automated care and immediate responses to incidents. 
  • For questions related to surveillance and response to possible anomalies, by studying images instantly, detecting any problem that occurs, whether they are natural disasters or terrorist attacks. 

Also Read: Mobile Database Technology In Edge Computing

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Influence Of IoT In The Retail Sector Thu, 19 May 2022 05:41:06 +0000 How users make their purchases and search for information about the products or services they

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How users make their purchases and search for information about the products or services they wish to acquire has completely changed, making businesses have to adapt to these new market requirements. Therefore, it is essential to know the influence of IoT in the retail sector. Would you like to discover what solutions the Internet of Things can provide in the real estate sector? Stay and read this post, and we will show you everything you need to know next!


Wearables are electronic devices that users incorporate into their bodies as part of their clothing, which collect data and are linked to other types of platforms. The best-known ones that have experienced tremendous success in recent years have been smartwatches and bracelets. In this way, brands can use these innovations to send promotions to their target audience, indicate the way to the establishment, or facilitate new payment methods through contactless technology. Thus, the relationship between the individual and the brand will be intensified. Users will be able to find out more quickly what is new in the business, and the purchase process will be facilitated.

Smart Stores

One of the most relevant applications of IoT in the retail sector is the implementation of sensors that collect data on the behavior of users in the establishment of the brand. With this, we will be able to carry out a more efficient distribution of the store, placing the different products and exhibitors in the most suitable places. Likewise, intelligent stores will significantly improve the user experience, developing technological solutions that allow people to interact with the product and learn about all its characteristics and peculiarities without having to be physically fit.

Proximity Marketing

The Internet of Things can take advantage of information about users’ geolocation. As a result, we may send individuals near the business offers to encourage you to visit the store or report a restock of your favorite product. With this, we increase the chances that you will stop at the company and make a purchase. On the other hand, this technology’s personalization is so deep that we achieve a very efficient impact on the individual, improving the relationship of trust and loyalty with the brand.

RFID Technology

Online shopping continues to grow, making e-commerce figures more significant every year. For this reason, retail companies must be competitive in logistics and freight transport. Through the RFID system, it is possible to know the information contained in the labels of the articles or packages, making it possible for businesses to track their shipments more efficiently. Likewise, it will be more challenging to lose an order, and individuals will be happier with the service offered by the brand.

Efficient Storage

Finally, to learn about the influence of the IoT in the retail sector, we should not forget to mention its contribution to the storage of materials, resources, and products. Inventory control and the procedures corresponding to commercial operations become simpler and more reliable with the Internet of Things technology since the number of stocks can be known quickly, without the need for a person to inspect the items one by one physically. As has been observed throughout this article, the IoT allows companies to be more competitive, gathering information about the target audience and improving their experience with the brand, which will result in customer loyalty and the achievement of the business objectives.

Also Read: How Advanced Analytics Can Improve Operations In The Retail Sector

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What Is Wifi Analytics And What Is It For Tue, 26 Apr 2022 06:46:01 +0000 Wifi Analytics is one of the most valuable tools today. Its importance lies in capturing

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Wifi Analytics is one of the most valuable tools today. Its importance lies in capturing customer information through connected mobile devices. It operates in real-time, performs analysis and generates reports. It is essential to adapt the marketing plan, the commercial offer and the optimization of customer service processes.

Wifi Analytics will provide your business with multiple advantages. However, it is essential to understand some basic elements. First, today’s consumers value free wifi at the companies they visit. Second, they estimate the Internet of Things (IoT) readiness to facilitate the processes that involve them as customers. Having a tool that provides what they need while obtaining valuable information is the best strategy to achieve the desired profitability. Continue reading!

What Is The Usefulness Of Wifi Analytics For Your Business

The commercial dynamics have been configured to consolidate an offer built from the data obtained from the consumers themselves. Profitability no longer depends on the number of assets but information management. In this sense, wifi Analytics is the tool with the most significant strategic value to increase sales because it helps you understand the customer and meet their expectations. Let’s look at the most fundamental reasons why it is essential to have this technology.

It Helps Define Audience Segmentation

With wifi Analytics, you have the opportunity to make a realistic profile of ideal clients and get to know the target audience. Segmentation provides the ability to offer products and services to those genuinely interested. Understanding customers’ purchasing behavior allows us to identify which are the most attractive areas and which are not. Therefore, your business plans will be able to anticipate needs and adapt offers.

Get Reports In Real-Time

One of the reasons why the wifi Analytics platform is considered an indispensable tool is its ability to generate reports with accurate information in real-time. This document shows how much customers spend in a particular area, purchase time, and other specific patterns.

Also Read: Discover How WiFi Marketing Works

Achieve Higher Profitability At A Low Cost

The installation of the wifi Analytics platform does not require a significant investment. However, when weighed against all the benefits, your business will realize that the start-up costs outweigh. This tool can personalize marketing strategies and make digital campaigns much more effective. It guarantees the successful compilation in a database with helpful information for business adaptation plans to the commercial expectations of the most demanding clients.

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Data Centers Drive Adoption Of ARM-Based Servers Mon, 18 Apr 2022 05:35:42 +0000 ARM processors have jumped from the mobile world to the server world, with proposals generating

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ARM processors have jumped from the mobile world to the server world, with proposals generating a lot of interest in the business and cloud world. Experts say that data centers will be the main drivers of their adoption in the coming years, predicting that their market penetration could reach 22% by 2025.

In recent years, ARM processor technology has conquered the mobile and IoT industry, and its development has continued until the advent of server processors. Cloud providers have been early adopters of ARM-based servers. The data center industry, in general, is increasingly interested in this technology, which promises to improve the flexibility of services.

According to the latest report published on this market, the penetration rate of ARM servers will continue to grow in the coming years, reaching 22% in 2025. And they consider that data centers will be the main drivers of its adoption since they find essential advantages in this technology to solve the challenges derived from the digital transformation of organizations. They point to three main benefits: the ability to support highly diverse and changing workloads while being more scalable and cost-effective.

The second benefit is that ARM processors allow customization for different market niches with a more flexible ecosystem. The third is that they occupy a relatively small physical space, given their capabilities, which is very attractive for constructing micro data centers. In their report, researchers highlight that the leading cloud providers and telecom operators are increasingly betting on this type of small data centers. For this, they will increasingly opt for ARM-based servers.

In addition, they point out that in 2021 there has been a greater penetration of ARM-based computing platforms, especially by AWS, which has accelerated the use of its Graviton systems, becoming an example for other companies in the sector. Last year the implementation of ARM processors by AWS reached a penetration of 15%, and this year the percentage is expected to increase to 20%. This will lead other cloud service providers to follow the same path, and experts predict that they will invest in developing their ARM platforms in different foundries and products that could massively reach the market in 2025.

Another key driver of processor penetration will be ARM’s Neoverse platform roadmap, intended primarily for use in large-scale data centers and edge computing infrastructures. Although experts say that the strength of x86 platforms in the global server market should not be lost sight of, for now, they continue to largely dominate the server market, monopolizing high-volume orders and deployments.

Meanwhile, at the moment, ARM CPU-based servers are only starring in small batch production orders, targeting large data centers, and their presence in the enterprise market is still marginal. Therefore, experts believe it will be difficult for ARM-based servers to compete with those based on the x86 architecture before 2025.

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ERP Systems For Human Resources Know All The Keys Thu, 14 Apr 2022 05:49:00 +0000 It is increasingly common for companies to commit to equipping their teams with ERP solutions

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It is increasingly common for companies to commit to equipping their teams with ERP solutions for HR due to several factors. In the first place, due to the relevance that the Human Resources department has acquired in the business hierarchy. On the other hand, due to the role of internal management of human capital, talent retention, and, in general, promoting a more efficient organization policy. But what does ERP mean in Human Resources? Why has it acquired an irreplaceable role in business management in this area and general? We analyze the most relevant aspects of ERP systems for Human Resources.

What Is ERP In Human Resources

ERP is equivalent in its acronym in English, Enterprise Resource Planning, to the Resource Planning System. It is a comprehensive management software that allows management with a single program and, therefore, with a single database, all the company’s processes. This aspect makes it possible to multiply efficiency, avoiding potential errors and duplication in tasks. In the beginning, these platforms were focused on large companies, although today, they are also a key tool for SMEs.

Human Resources ERP Main Functionalities

The ERP for Human Resources provides a series of advantages and functionalities, which we detail below.

  • It allows a focus on those departmental tasks that provide added value by automating those areas that are subject to purely mechanical work.
  • Expenditure control. The streamlining of processes, and the ability to count on more information for its analysis and management, entails a considerable reduction in costs.
  • Comprehensive talent management. In line with business policy, talent management has become one of the cornerstones of any company’s growth. The data analysis converges in a dynamic that is closely aligned with the business positioning strategy.
  • It is a detailed data analysis. This process comes together in a dynamic that is closely aligned with the business positioning strategy.  

Comprehensive Management With ERP Software For Human Resources

The ERP for HR  allows comprehensive management of the department,  a key concept when referring to ERP systems for Human Resources. They make it possible to bring together different tools on the same platform that, being interconnected, optimize all processes in a much more aligned way. The management and integration in the same ERP platform facilitate the creation of joint reports since the data crossing is immediate. This quality is reflected in greater competitiveness and agility in business decision-making, considerably optimizing all processes and reducing costs.

Its scalable nature is another aspect that adds more excellent value to the company since it adds customized modules. We find payroll management, evaluation, selection, time management, employee portal or reporting, and data analytics. It is, in short, a powerful tool that has become the most effective work solution to respond to the demands and the current work context. 

ERP Human Resources, Examples Of The Most Outstanding Modules

The scalable nature of the modules is one of the most exciting characteristics of the ERP systems for Human Resources since it allows them to be totally and integrally adapted to the company’s needs at all times. Therefore, knowing the most outstanding modules will indicate the trends in  ​​Human Resources and business management.

  • Payroll Management Modules

Payroll and human resources management allow you to manage payroll and the company workforce and perform automated regulatory updates. From contracts, income tax, and Social Security, to the electronic signature of documents, with this powerful software, HR management is promoted.

  • Modules To Improve Internal Communication

The employee portal for companies has become the central axis of the management of the HR area by promoting greater autonomy on the part of the workers in administrative processes. Thus, internal communication is beneficial, and it is possible to lighten aspects related to vacations and personal data.

  • HR Indicators Analysis Modules

It is essential to have all the data to make the best decisions. The HR dashboard allows you to obtain a static photo of the company at the necessary time, to carry out detailed reporting and analysis. This is supported by tables, graphs, and other elements that facilitate its understanding.

  • Time Control Modules

Properly recording the working day is easy with the independent module that manages the entire time recording process, fully complying with the law that requires companies to register time. 

  • Selection Modules

The selection software is ideal for receiving resumes, recruitment, and managing applications. Likewise, it is possible to carry out the entire detailed process of hiring, searching for talent, and publishing it on the portal.

  • Evaluation And Training Modules

With the training and performance evaluation software, essential areas in business management are detected. In the first case, it is adapted to the training needs that the company may require, adapting them to each employee. Regarding the area of ​​employee performance management, this criterion aligns each working person’s appropriate competencies with the business’s objectives.

In short, ERP systems for Human Resources achieve greater efficiency, improving business management and, therefore, being an essential pillar for optimizing the decision-making process.

Also Read: Human Resources Digitization The Electronic Signature

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Digital Services That Improve The Security Of Your Company Tue, 05 Apr 2022 05:17:20 +0000 The protection of people, property and assets are key aspects for the continuity of any

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The protection of people, property and assets are key aspects for the continuity of any business that can benefit from technological advances. For this reason, at Securitas, we believe that Security for companies must continue to evolve and apply the most cutting-edge technologies. Digital Services are supported by cutting-edge technologies identified by the Innovation department and reinforce security solutions. These are the 6 main innovations and trends that support these services:

Internet Of Things (IoT)

IoT or the “internet of things” basically refers to the interconnection and sensorization of different objects. The IoT offers a wide variety of applications that integrate with the rest of the security systems and surveillance services. It is applied in three essential services :

  • Indoor Positioning System (IPS): This allows the positioning of assets or people indoors and enables services such as access control without physical barriers.
  • Track and Trace: This service monitors and improves the protection of workers under challenging conditions (Isolated Man) and the transport of goods where it allows for protecting and managing entire fleets of vehicles.
  • Services based on  IoT sensors: The sensors can measure values ​​such as temperature or humidity, allow automatic or remote action and offer analytical information.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Machine learning and deep learning capabilities can also improve the Security of companies. This technology is applied above all in video surveillance systems and allows, for example, to identify abnormal patterns through image and sound analysis.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Automating repetitive tasks is not exclusive to the industrial sector (for example, in an assembly line); Managing large volumes of information is also a repetitive task that consumes time and human resources. At Securitas, we improve the efficiency of our internal processes and our services thanks to the incorporation of robots and programs that help ingest, process and produce results from data.

Data analysis

Data analysis and measurement through KPIs is a fundamental value for the Security of companies. The guards, security systems or sensors collect useful, representative and objective information that, combined with other relevant sources inside and outside the client, allows us to help you make optimal security decisions and even in other central aspects of your business.

Security In Digital Environments

Every company has an internet presence, so digital Security must be protected as vigorously as physical Security. But as in the real world, the risks of the digital world can often be challenging to anticipate.

Our Intelligence Services support decision-making by anticipating risks, threats and opportunities for the business. We analyze the information available on five key aspects of any organization: Security, reputation, digital footprint, digital risk and competitive or strategic intelligence. Securitas also emphasizes the digital protection of the networks themselves that support the electronic security subsystems and the OT networks.

Apps And Tools

Finally, advanced software solutions make it easier for companies to manage Security. These are some of the tools we have:

  • Management of visits and reservations of Securitas (VISEC) allows you to manage reservations for visits and events through a pre-registration system.
  • Collaborative Security: based on a mobile application, it facilitates communication, recording, and monitoring of incidents.
  • Video Stream: Capture and stream real-time video, audio, and photos for mobile workers.
  • Time Management: time control service with the delivery of detailed and informed reports.
  • Coordination of Business Activities (CAE): allows companies to manage and control the work carried out by third parties following regulations.
  • Simultaneous translation: a virtual translation assistant for fluid and natural communication.
  • Smart Post: a complete solution for managing parcels, mail and bags for companies within corporate buildings.
  • Smart Key: custody control and management of keys and assets with sleek cabinets.
  • Marketing Analytics: an advanced solution for measuring customer behavior in a physical space (heat maps, busiest times.).

In short, the application of technological innovation represents a revolution in Security for companies. 

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