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Companies that have digital workplaces equipped with certain key functionalities will be the best equipped to face any crisis that appears in the future.

There are many current indicators that indicate that the companies that invest the most in improving the digital experience of their employees and equipping them for remote work achieve more committed workforces, enhance their competitiveness, and positive results at all levels that have an impact on even an increase in income. What if a crisis like that of the coronavirus enters the scene? Well, in this case, the state of evolution of a company’s digital workplace can make the difference between continuing or not maintaining business productivity. Knowing what stage of maturity your tool is in and the way forward to evolve this solution towards a digital workplace model Completeness is essential to the future of organizations.

Experts highlight five capabilities of digital workplaces that can help the employee develop with more than ever before. ease and efficiency in their tasks, while increasing their motivation and satisfaction:

Content management and collaboration capabilities

Having technology endowed with high functionalities of content and documentary management is important for the correct development of the professional activity of the employees. In addition, the functionalities that allow creating knowledge bases, facilitating the creation and exchange of content, as well as departmental and interdepartmental collaboration with videoconferencing systems, chats, discussion forums, or collaborative wikis, are excellent for maintaining employee productivity. , regardless of the environment in which they are working.

Personalization of employee experience

In order to maintain the productivity index of the employees, it is necessary that they have the experience that responds to their specific needs. Automatic behavior-based content personalization will be a very useful tool to facilitate information localization, reducing search times, and increasing productivity. You can also consider using a company like Workhuman that helps you recognize employees, retain talent, and makes sure everyone feels seen.

Management of access to information based on roles and profiles

Correct identity management and access control on the intranet will allow us to maintain a continuous information access security system while enabling the organization to define specific policies adapted to special situations or crises, applied to each specific type of business.

Search for content

Having a powerful first-rate search engine will provide quick and agile access to information, which directly affects the productivity index of the workforce. Also, if users have tools to filter and sort search results, or to customize search rankings, it will have a direct impact on their satisfaction levels.

Integration of ecosystems

All the mentioned tools will make sense to the extent that they are integrated with the rest of the corporate systems. Because this integration will be the one that will allow offering a unified experience to the employee while making the most of the investments previously made in different technologies by the organization. It is important that, in situations that need to be managed with agility, the companies have the technology that allows them to adapt and evolve towards the model they need.

The digital workspace is a fundamental element for business. It is a critical environment when it comes to training the operations of the teams, keeping it prepared for any future challenge since it allows connecting different spaces, applications, processes, and culture in an integrative solution of the “Employee First” type.

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5 Tips to Environmentally Transform Your Home Office Mon, 06 Apr 2020 13:56:25 +0000 With the latest pandemic hitting the surface of the earth and taking country by country

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With the latest pandemic hitting the surface of the earth and taking country by country under its influence, there is no other way than to make means at home. The money will be needed as long as this crisis upholds as there is yet a prediction to tell is of its longevity. Under such circumstances, you will need to save as much as you can and allocate funds to be used in the future. Staying at home, you may not be able to make extra expenditures, but you can save on bills.

Though it is creating difficulties for us, the pandemic is doing its part in relieving the earth of its calamities, and so must everybody. Take the plunge to go green inside your house while the virus handles the outside. Below are a few handy tips for a greener work environment while working from home.

Use Nature As Much As Possible

Storing plants at your operational place can help in stimulating things up and help you rejuvenate from the blooming greens. They can be fantastic décor pieces while also refreshing your air, unlike the use of air fresheners to do so. Also, to inviting in nature and saving electric bills, you can make use of sunlight through your window to throw in light and switch of electric bulbs. Doing this will not only create a refreshing environment, and you will feel like sitting in a sunbathing garden, but it will make your workplace greener.

Adopt Green Furniture

Desks, chairs, tables, shelves, and a whole lot more is needed in an office to adjust workplace things and make the area look more office-like. Getting everything brand new can be much of a waste of money. And since the situation advises to save money, it will be best to get the supplies from home or reusable resources. You can find out places that sell used furniture and get used equipment for making shelves out with. You will also find out used stationery from your dwelling to consume in the office.

Emit the Paper

This practice is a well-received one, but not many can fully administer to it. Going paperless saves trees and lessens the waste to a great extent. It is quite a resourceful procedure made more accessible with technology. Forgoing paperless, you need to make every documenting task with the use of technology. For this, you will have to forbid printing out things to send to recipients. You can use a word processor to write out thoughts and submit them electronically. For this task, pdf usage on can be beneficial as it can handle any recording task from delivering error-free files and getting signatures on them.

Administer Some Green Habits

A common and much needed eco-friendly habit is saving money through electric appliances. You can switch off any device that is not in use while you work, and not just after you finish work. Take off the charger from the strip for a bit to save in between sessions. Also, you could use energy-saving light bulbs and lamps. Maintain a clean office and put those snacking habits down a notch. Use less water and plant or water foliage in between work schedules.

Also Read: How Is IoT Redefining The Future Workplace?

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