organization Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Wed, 15 Sep 2021 06:12:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 organization Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 Tips For Improving The Onboarding Experience For Project Managers Sat, 05 Dec 2020 05:07:24 +0000 Finding effective project managers is not easy. However, after you have found the ideal project

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Finding effective project managers is not easy. However, after you have found the ideal project manager, their onboarding is considered to be quite straightforward.

While there is no denying that all onboarding processes and experiences should be simple and straightforward, it is also true that the onboarding process for different roles at the organization will differ.

In the case of project managers, the onboarding process plays a crucial role in their success, and in turn, their contribution to the success of the organization.

For this reason, the onboarding process for project managers should be well thought out.

Here are some of the elements you must include in providing your new project managers with a holistic and helpful onboarding experience:

Onboarding To Processes And Technologies

Every organization uses a specific set of processes, tools, and technologies. While getting acquainted with these is important for every new employee, its importance in the case of project managers is especially critical.

This is because only when a project manager is well-versed with the processes of the organization, will they be able to implement said processes on their projects and within their teams.

Similarly, being proficient with the technological tools used by your organization is equally important for a new project manager. If this means that the new project managers will have to go through a couple of training sessions dedicated to the software and tools your organization uses, then doing so is well worth the effort.

If, however, your organization is using project management software free to use, there may be a chance that the managers you hire already have experience with them. If this is the case, such training sessions may not be required.

Onboarding To Projects

Besides being onboarded to the organization, its processes, and its tools, there will be instances when a new project manager will be taking over an ongoing project. In fact, there may be instances when a new project manager is required to take over multiple ongoing projects.

In such cases, it is important to dedicate special time during the onboarding process to help the new project managers understand the intricacies of the projects that they are about to start managing.

The most efficient way to do this is to schedule one on one knowledge sharing sessions between the new project manager and the one that was handling the project before them.

Also Read: Tips For How To Successfully Design Your AI Projects

Onboarding To The Team

Regardless of whether a new project manager will be assigned to ongoing projects or will be asked to manage new projects, they will be required to work with a number of other resources.

That’s why having an element of team onboarding is critical to helping ensure the success of your new project managers.

Besides dedicating a session to introducing them to the people they will be working with, it is also a good idea to find and assign a ‘coach’ to them. This coach doesn’t necessarily need to be a corporate coach, it can be someone from the upper management team or even another project manager working at your organization.

Such a ‘coach’ will act as a guide for the new project managers until they have learned the ropes of how things work at your organization.


When you think about it, the onboarding process for a project manager has the same objective as any other onboarding process- to help enable them to do their job with efficiency and effectiveness. Did we miss any activities that you include in the onboarding experience of your project managers?

Share them with us in the comment section below.

Also Read: How To Improve Application Development

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4 Steps to Take to Improve Your Organizational Skills at Work Wed, 10 Jun 2020 10:12:42 +0000 Most employees spend less than 40 percent of their workday doing what they were hired to

The post 4 Steps to Take to Improve Your Organizational Skills at Work appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

Most employees spend less than 40 percent of their workday doing what they were hired to do work.

Is this even surprising?

If you’re anything like most workers, you just wanted to do the bare minimum and call it a day when it’s time to leave. Unless your boss is keeping a close eye on you or you’ve got tight deadlines, putting in a proper shift is rarely your goal.

Are you ready to turn a new leaf and become more focused and productive at work? Start by improving your organizational skills.

In this guide, we’re telling you what you can do to develop strong organizational skills in the office. Keep reading.

An Organized Mind Is a Productive Mind

What picture comes to your mind when you think of a highly organized person? A clean office with a neatly-arranged desk. There’s no clutter on the shelves either.
Sure, an organized workspace is a big indication of an organized person, but it doesn’t necessarily mean the person is any more productive than one who is in a cluttered office.
This is because organization begins in the mind.
It doesn’t matter how neat your space is. If you’ve got a cluttered mind, and thoughts bouncing up and down in a chaotic manner, you’re just as disorganized as the person in a cluttered office.
Declutter your mind. Organize your thoughts.

Show Me Your Friends…

If you’re always spending most of your time with disorganized people, you’ll somehow embrace their way of doing things. It’s time to minimize your interactions with such people.
Of course, it’s not wise to sever ties with a friend merely because they’re disorganized, but when you want to develop strong organizational skills and excel it work, you might have no choice.
The more you spend time with organized people, the more you’ll learn and appreciate the value of being organized.

Always Create a To-Do List

A to-do list can be the difference between having an organized day and a totally chaotic day in the office.

You certainly know the importance of to-do lists, but you rarely create them anyway. Tomorrow will always take care of itself; you say.

An organized person creates a daily, weekly, and even monthly agenda. They know what’s on their schedule tomorrow, the day after, and so forth. As such, they’re less likely to mismanage their time.

What’s more, there are digital tools that help you to create to-do lists and agendas. For example, you can use this agenda template for free.

Minimize Interruptions

Most workplaces, especially those with an open office plan, are hotspots for interruptions. When someone is not talking to you, your eyes are probably wandering across the room.
To be an organized person, you must learn how to minimize interruptions.
Don’t interrupt others unnecessarily and they’ll return the favor. Eliminate digital noise by cutting off all notifications from apps and computer programs you don’t use for work.

Developing Strong Organizational Skills Requires Practice

Possessing strong organizational skills is crucial to your success in the workplace. With this guide, you now have some of the information you need to become a more organized person. Remember, it takes practice, so don’t be hard on yourself if you’re not seeing positive results after a week or two.
Keep tabs on our blog to learn more about how you can increase your productivity.

Also Read: What Is Multi-Cloud And How It Benefits Companies

The post 4 Steps to Take to Improve Your Organizational Skills at Work appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

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