bots Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Mon, 31 Aug 2020 05:45:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 bots Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 Facebook Creates A Parallel Social Network To Detect Bots Mon, 31 Aug 2020 05:44:46 +0000 Social networks want to stay well away from those users who spam, scam by ‘

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  • Social networks want to stay well away from those users who spam, scam by ‘ phishing ‘ or ‘ trolling ‘. In this context, Facebook has created a parallel social network where bots with artificial intelligence emulate this class of users. Thanks to this new platform, the company can analyze behavior and take measures to see if they would finally be effective on the social network.
  • To carry out the simulation, the firm has an alternative Facebook known under the name ‘WW’, which has a smaller version of the WWW. This simulator works with the same code as the original Facebook used by real users, with the difference that in this space there are no real users, but there are a lot of bots with artificial intelligence that roam freely and imitate the users.
  • Regarding its operation, Facebook has explained that it has had to train some “bad bots” to sell illegal products on the platform to other “good bots”.
  • The bots’ job is to mimic all the activities that a real user can do, such as sending messages to others, doing searches, visiting pages, leaving comments, and similar actions.
  • Once it is studied how the “bad bots” behave and try to sell illegal items, the company set about designing new security rules to know if sales production is avoided, one of these measures has been to limit the number of messages sent between strangers.
  • When the firm verifies that the measures are practical, they will be integrated into the real platform and the real Facebook users. One of the curiosities of this project is that, as it is an alternative and simulated Facebook, it does not have any interaction with real users.
  • In reality, the simulated platform is not quite like the real Facebook and it cannot simulate all the factors of the real world. So, as smart as the bot is, it cannot accurately predict a human’s behavior and intentions.
  • Even so, the technology company has shown that there are new ways to test the security measures of a social network, with the mere certainty that it will not harm end-users.
  • The initiative has arisen in the artificial intelligence department Facebook AI, one of the sections in which the most curious things have been created, such as a robot that moves without a map, artificial intelligence that solves complex mathematical equations or another that changes the voice of the singers.
  • The post Facebook Creates A Parallel Social Network To Detect Bots appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

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    Boosts conversions using the Facebook bots Fri, 22 May 2020 11:22:38 +0000 In recent years, a steady rise is seen in the usage of Facebook chatbots due

    The post Boosts conversions using the Facebook bots appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

    In recent years, a steady rise is seen in the usage of Facebook chatbots due to the ease of using and splendid range of features. Using the messenger bot can help in reducing a lot of burdens associated with manual efforts to identify and increase leads. Now, it has become convenient to use bots for exchanging messages or replying over customer comments. There exist ample benefits that can help in raising your Facebook page subscribers. Using the bots, it has become easy to send messages to thousands of subscribers in a single click.

    And who can attract more leads manually and send each message to customers over the business page? No one! It takes hell efforts to do it manually. Even if you try, there’s a maximum limit of sending messages. So, what to do in such a case? Is there any help to send messages to potential as well as current customers? For this purpose, Facebook chatbots are gaining enormous popularity. The best way to contact the customers is by sending messages related to offers, deals, or other stuff. It helps a business in maintaining contacts with existing customers and retaining them for the future. 

    For businesses, Facebook bots work as a magic power. So, why not enjoy the benefits associated with bots? One of the astonishing benefits is the speedy boost in conversion rates using a chatbot. If you want to double or triple your conversion rates, using chatbots is the best option. Now, the question is- how to use chatbots for raising conversion rates? You can look at some ways discussed below.

    Effective customer management service

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    In the beginning, one should start using chatbots for boosting conversions without any doubt. When you start using services like automatic replies or messaging, it can give you a 100% guarantee to deal with the potential audience in a conversational manner. It makes you connect with the potential audience by replying instantly to their queries.
    If you want to raise your conversions and get ahead of the competition, it is a must to focus on an effective customer management service. In the chatbot description, don’t miss to focus upon the FAQs inquired by the audience. It gives a clear means for the audience to get their queries solved.

    Create awareness about your brand

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    With the bots, you get an advantage to create awareness about your business with the audience. Let the potential customers know about the products and services available within your business. It makes the audience learn about your company. For new customers, it can help them learn about your business. In this way, you can capture a lot of attention from the customers. When you promote your brand, the first step is to ensure brand awareness. To create awareness about your brand, make it conveyed appealingly to capture the audience’s interests.

    It is a beneficial step in warming up your audience with your brand. For brand awareness purposes, you can do it in many ways. In the first step, message a greeting text to your customers. It gives a little space for the customers to know about the brand before turning into a customer. In the second option, you can make your window covered with the menu of your business. It helps the audience to learn about the products and services available with your brand.

    Encourage more visitors

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    If you want to get a boost in your conversion rates, it can’t be done without using chatbots. Once you made the audience warm-up with your effective customer services and promoting awareness about the brand, it is a wise idea to encourage more visitors over your business page. Just direct all the potential as well as the existing audience towards your business page. Though, it is important to ensure that it looks like a natural activity. Don’t make it look like a sales strategy, or else the audience won’t get much attracted. Make it a conversational thing with your audience. Or, if you do not have any idea how to direct your audience over the business page, then use a top to link a “shop button” with the menu. Or it can be a good conversation which can work as the best method.

    Messaging subscribers with the broadcasts

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    If you want to raise the value of your customer’s retention, it is a must to follow this step. Just message the ad-hoc broadcasts to your subscribers and potential customers. For grabbing the audience’s attention, you can follow several ways. And with the increment in the lifetime value of the customers, it can be beneficial in increasing your conversion rates. In the whole process, keep an eye that it doesn’t appear as a pitch for sales purposes. You can send the broadcasts once a week to the customers.

    Broadcasts help customers learn about the news related to business, which can attract them to be a part of your business.

    The post Boosts conversions using the Facebook bots appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

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