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Have you ever accessed a web page with your smartphone that didn’t load or display correctly? You probably closed it and looked for the same information on another page. So that this does not happen, you have to apply Responsive Design. If you don’t know what it is, you can’t miss this new article.

What Is Responsive Design

Adaptive Web Design or Responsive Design is a web design technique. Currently, Responsive Design is used to have a web page that adapts well to the measurements of the different screens of each type of device (smartphones, tablets, and computers)

When a website can adapt to the different sizes that exist, we speak of a multiplatform website. A series of CSS3 style sheets are needed using the “media query” attribute to convert an ordinary website into a multiplatform. Thanks to a multiplatform website, the user experience is more enjoyable and meets their needs. From smartphones, the websites where you had to expand to read something are becoming outdated.

Why Should Your Website Be “Responsive”

Next, we will explain to you why your website should be responsive through the main advantages of Responsive Design. The advantages are many and, at the same time, of great relevance if you have a website or plan to dedicate yourself to creating websites.

  • Better user experience. By applying Responsive Design, the user experience is improved. Therefore, the time spent on the web will improve, the bounce rate between pages will increase, and, in turn, your brand image will improve. Therefore, users will enjoy greater ease and practicality when browsing your website, so they will also have a better opinion of it.
  • End of duplicate content. When you use a mobile version to offer content adapted to users who access your website, duplicate content is created. Google penalizes duplicate content, so using a mobile version is very detrimental to your website’s SEO. Thanks to an Adaptive Web Design, you avoid this problem since instead of duplicating the content of a page, the content itself is organized differently depending on the device with which the web is accessed.
  • Web cost reduction. Applying responsive Design, a website’s development and maintenance costs are reduced since the same template is used for the different devices or platforms. Therefore, a single change takes effect in all versions.
  • Increase in virality. Recently, a study has been carried out on access to social networks. This study certifies that 70% of these accesses are made through mobile devices. From this, it can be deduced that if a user has entered our website with their smartphone, they most likely have social apps like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. Open, so if they want to share something, it will be much faster and more natural.

Responsive Design

Now you know what Responsive Design is and the importance of applying it to web pages. If you plan to create a web page or dedicate yourself to developing web pages, surely you will not hesitate to apply an Adaptive Web Design to get the most out of it.

Suppose you think that you lack the knowledge to develop web pages applying Responsive Design, or you would like to learn how to develop websites with Adaptive Web Design. In that case, we offer several courses and degrees focused on this and that do not require previous programming knowledge. One of them is the Coding Academy, a programming course that offers intensive training in computer programming. With this course, you can become a Web & Mobile Developer, Full Stack web programmer.

In turn, we offer a Degree + Master in Computer Science, a 5-year program in which, from scratch, you will be taught in a theoretical but above all practical way, everything about computer science. At the end of the course, you will obtain the official title recognized by the EU, which will prove that you are an Information Technology Expert. With it, you will be able to opt for professional opportunities such as Developer, Full Stack Developer, Computer Engineer, Technical Director, Project Manager, CEO Owner.

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How To Choose The Best Hosting For SEO https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/best-hosting/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/best-hosting/#respond Mon, 15 Jun 2020 15:06:47 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=2274 If you are about to launch your project online and you are going to base

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If you are about to launch your project online and you are going to base your online marketing strategy on SEO, you are surely wondering what to do with hosting to achieve the best possible result. What is the best hosting for SEO?

SEO web hosting

Right now there are hundreds of thousands of companies or projects similar to yours. If your business is only one among many… How can you excel? While it’s challenging to get noticed, don’t feel overwhelmed, because there are methods you can work with to help you stand out and succeed. If you are here you probably already know that SEO is your best friend when it comes to achieving online visibility. It is an arduous process, but free, reliable, and will always be by your side to help you.

When we talk about SEO we are not just talking about a strategy or a magic pass that will solve your problems overnight, there are several factors that can affect your Google ranking. Of course, some of the most important are the target keywords, backlinks, content, and structure of your website. However, there is another factor that you should not neglect and that is your hosting provider.

Yes, although everything else may seem sufficient in your SEO strategy, if your hosting website provider falls short, your efforts can receive significant damage.

What is a Hosting service?

To explain it in a simple way, the web hosting service or website hosting is what allows Internet users to see your website. Basically it is a computer that stores the files of your site and shares them through the great network of networks. The companies that offer this type of service have (supposedly) the appropriate technologies to make your information available to everyone and safeguard it.

As you can see, it is not something to take lightly, as it is the heart of all the efforts you make to have an online presence.

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How important is SEO Hosting?

In a word – SO MUCH. We always associate SEO with content production, design, web development, and optimization for mobile devices. However, we do not stop to think about the key element so that users can reach our website, the server. On which SEO factors such as loading speed or user experience depend. Let’s see what this is based on.

Uptime / Downtime and SEO

Perhaps you have heard of Uptime or Downtime. If not, don’t worry, I’ll explain below.


Also known as uptime or uptime, it is a percentage in a period of time (generally considered monthly) in which your website is working without interruptions.


It is the opposite of Uptime and refers to the time that your website is offline, unreachable in a region, or in the entire network.

I bet you prefer your website to be up and running all the time, at least as much as possible, so that customers always find it available. Since when it coincides that your website is down, you lose a potential client.

Frequent inaccessibility will lead Google to mark your website as unreliable. They’re not going to give websites that are offline most of the time a high ranking. They want to show only the best possible results. And availability is a quality factor.

When choosing a hosting service provider, it is important to consider what your average Uptime is. Time is money, and the shorter the uptime of your website, the more money you will lose. If you have problems with your accessibility, it is better that you contact your provider to try to solve it as soon as possible.

If you plan to change hosting, the market is very wide, you have 1000 options. To opt for one or the other you can always look for reviews of hosting providers that have an Uptime / Downtime check like here, to be able to know for sure if what the provider says in its advertising is real.

Website speed as a key factor

As you may already know, in addition to attracting the attention of your customers and being accessible, your website should also have decent loading speed. How fast? Well enough so that your visitor does not lose patience and interest.

The Internet can offer your visitors a wide variety of sources for their questions. If you’re lucky enough to get clicked, don’t let slow loading speed discourage your visitors.

A good hosting provider will load the information quickly and allow your audience to navigate your website with ease. Customers don’t like waiting. In turn, your website will receive a good user response and will improve its ranking in Google if its load is fast.

Make sure to optimize your website correctly to offer the best possible loading speed. But … How do you do it? Here are some of the things you can do:

  • Look for a hosting provider that offers caching ;
  • Use plugins or plugins in the case of WordPress that implement caching on your website ;
  • Compress your images with tools like. You must find a balance between the quality of the image and its size, the less it weighs the better it will be but remember that a poor quality image is not positive for your site either.
  • Give your images the measures that will be used on the web, to avoid the browser having to resize at runtime.
  • Use the latest software.

Your server location and domain name

Have you heard of local SEO? Choosing a hosting provider with local servers for a local audience will generate more traffic for your website. Google will evaluate where your website is located and determine the relevance for that place.

Therefore, if you have chosen a provider that has data centers near your target audience, your website will be more likely to show results compared to others in another country.

If your website is local and is aimed at users from a certain country, you must also obtain a domain from that country. So, if your website is in Spain and your target audience is Spanish, then you must obtain a domain.es and web hosting that has data centers in Spain or nearby.

SSL certificates (HTTPS)

Having an SSL (HTTPS) certificate is a ranking factor and this has been confirmed by Google. Most quality web hosting providers offer a free SSL certificate, so be sure to sign up for guaranteed hosting.

In addition to HTTPS being a ranking factor, you will also gain greater user confidence (by seeing the “green lock” next to the URL). Your visitors will feel much more secure if they visit your site without the warning they receive in their browsers when websites don’t have SSL. An SSL today is a must, especially if you work with sensitive data.

Other websites you share an IP with

Although Google has not confirmed it, people often say that it can affect your SEO.

Basically, when you hire a shared hosting, you use the same server and the same IP address with dozens of other websites, sometimes even hundreds. If some or most of these websites spam or get penalized, that IP will be associated with “bad SEO “.

Therefore, if you are hosted on the same server and IP address with other spam websites, your legitimate website will also be affected. To avoid this, you should always go with a better hosting provider, get cloud hosting with a dedicated IP, or just check what kind of websites are hosted on the IP address you are using with your shared hosting account.

The security of your websites and the server

If you do not adequately protect your websites, or if your server is not secure enough, you can easily be hacked or attacked and this will greatly affect your rankings.

If a hacker breaks into your website, they can easily modify your content to the point where you don’t even notice it. Or if the hosting provider has not secured its server enough, it may run a DDoS (denial of service) attack on the server, causing the server to be unresponsive.

Also Read: What Benefits Does Big Data Bring To Marketing Departments?

How to choose hosting providers for SEO?

During my years of experience working with hosting services, I have seen everything. My advice is to look for quality hosting services that can offer you all of the above. Which is better? Which one to trust? Take these factors into account …


What is the reputation of the company? What do people and especially experts think about your services? Is it a cheap hosting provider with a very slow landing page and outdated design?

good comments

What do your clients say? What do people have to say about their percentage of uptime, services, and support? Look for reviews on the web, check their forums, and social media pages. Do they interact with their customers and respond to customer comments or questions?


Do they have their own data center or are they only reselling services to another provider? Do they have the latest hardware adhering to best practices or do they have outdated hardware and procedures?


How many years have they been on the market? While this is not a unique indicator of quality, a company with several years in the industry must be doing something right, otherwise, they would not survive that long.

Customer Support

How many communication channels does this company have? Do you offer 24/7 support?  Is your knowledge base broad?


I hope that my experience can help you find a hosting provider with which you can achieve to position your website in the best way.

Related: Smart Shopping – Campaign Operation And Keys

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All You Need To Know About In-House Web Archiving https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/all-you-need-to-know-about-in-house-web-archiving/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/all-you-need-to-know-about-in-house-web-archiving/#respond Mon, 24 Feb 2020 06:29:47 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=669 All finance service companies know that it is important to archive its website (as stated

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All finance service companies know that it is important to archive its website (as stated by FINRA), but they also know that this can be done by the IT department. Archiving your company’s web pages yourself, instead of getting it archived by professionals can give it a DIY effect and the results can sometimes be devastating.

Web archiving for proving your compliance is already a tough job and unless your web page is really simple, that is without any dynamic features or chatbots which is highly unlikely, it’s going to be all the more difficult. Apart from that, you also need to archive your social media communications, which is a whole new level of complexity due to its constantly changing nature.

If you still feel that you can archive your website yourself, then here are some In-House web archiving methods that countless companies have tried (and failed).

Custom Web Archiving

All big organizations usually employ their IT department for web archiving. By doing this they think that they have saved a lot of resources. But, because of their less experience, they don’t realize that web archiving is really hard. Trying to save a few bucks they usually end up spending more after they understand that they need to fix their disaster.

Now imagine this: you have drained all your resources, time and human power to create a custom-built solution, and one fine day it stops working. Will you be able to deal with the loss?

Irrespective of the timeline, the loss of archives can be really troublesome. They will then require additional human resources to regularly check for mistakes and fix them.

On the contrary, working with an expert will save you all this time and effort and also ensure that your system is fast and efficient. Your archives must capture everything on your web page at the given frequency – and this is one of the first things that fail in an In-house web archiving solution.

Content Management System (CMS)

To run your website, you are already paying for the Content Management System and they also provide this additional function that enables you to restore your website in times of need. This means you can demand a complete website restoration at any point in time, to the website you had at any other time. Magic, isn’t it?

You must be thinking, you are already paying for a CMS and you can enable your web archiving without any additional costs. But, wait. There are a few limitations to this method: The first problem comes with the passage of time. If at some point in your business, you want to change your CMS providers, then to retain your conversations and have access to the older versions of your website you need to keep paying them. This no-cost solution will then become very expensive.

Even if you are satisfied with your CMS provider and have no intention to change it in the future, you still need to rely on your CMS to restore your website. This method doesn’t let you supervise your online communications. Also, the restored website won’t have all the interactive and dynamic content. Hence, what you actually need is a web archive and not a restored website.

External Website Backups

Using your external website backups developed by your own IT department will also not work as an acceptable archive. This method is not capable of recording essential third-party conversations. Along with it, it fails to retain the linked pages. This means you cannot prove that the page was truthful at the time you created the external link.
Plus, it may also happen that the backup doesn’t work properly after a long period of time. It may not operate due to changed versions and technology. This approach is not efficient enough to qualify as evidence in the court of law.

Static Capturing

Some companies do not understand the need for archiving and go for crude methods like screenshots and pdf files. While being relatively cheap, this method carries a high compliance risk.

Pdfs and screenshots do not capture any dynamic content or external links. They miss out on all third-party conversations as well. They are not reliable as they can be easily modified and hence this is an absolutely inefficient method.

Try Using Stillio for Web Archiving

Stillio can capture everything on your website through full-size PNG screenshots at regular intervals of time. It even captures all website ads and video stills. The archiving process can be scheduled as per your requirement- hourly, daily or weekly.

Using Stillio can make this complex process of web archiving really simple for you as the process is fully automated and you need not worry about its efficiency.

Also Read: 7 easy tricks to make your online business a huge success

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