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Surely you have already heard of e-commerce many times, but what about m-commerce or Mobile Commerce? Perhaps you already know what we are talking about just by reading the term. But, in order not to leave anyone with doubts, we will talk about what m-commerce is, what its advantages are, and why you should bet on it.

What Is M-Commerce

M-commerce or Mobile Commerce, as its name suggests, is making purchases through a mobile device. That is, it refers to commercial transactions that are made through these devices, such as mobile phones or tablets. In addition, thanks to technological advances, shopping through smartphones is becoming easier, making m-commerce gaining ground on e-commerce.

Because m-commerce allows users to make their purchases when they want and from where they want, without having to wait to be at home in front of a computer, behavior and buying habits change a lot thanks to new technologies, machine learning, or business intelligence. The consumer has more information at their fingertips and, above all, more possibilities.

They can, and prefer, obtain and compare products or information online, thus making better decisions. For this reason, many companies are working and making an effort to offer omnichannel, guaranteeing the possibility that the customer can buy their products how and from where they want. Of course, you have to ensure good customer service on all channels. Likewise, according to some studies, it is expected that for the year 2020, mobile commerce will multiply by three and will be 50% of online purchases.

What Are The Advantages Of M-commerce

  • Does Not Need Additional Development: In m-commerce, no additional development is needed since it can be used through mobile browsers. Of course, you need your website to be 100% responsive.
  • Mobile Application: Mobile Commerce allows applications, which speed up and facilitate even more transactions and purchase operations, especially since the loading speed is higher.
  • Always In Your Pocket: The use of apps for m-commerce allows you to be with the user at all times, being able to offer offers.
  • Segmentation: Gives the possibility of segmenting the target audience by age, geography, etc.

Other information Of Interest About Mobile Commerce or M-commerce

According to 8 out of 10 users, the main growth factors are the convenience and ease of mobile purchases. Likewise, 77% of mobile users made some purchase during 2017 with their mobile or tablet, being 36% more than in 2018. And, sales through a mobile application account for 63% of mobile transactions for those retailers that generate sales on both the mobile web and the app. Retailers have a bigger and better impact on mobile when they develop a strong presence on the mobile web and use an attractive and useful app.

Why Bet On Mobile Commerce or M-commerce

If after everything you have read so far you still have doubts about why bet on e-commerce, we are going to give you some more reasons:

  • Increase In The M-Commerce Share: In 2020, it is expected that there will be a 23.8% growth in purchases through mobile devices.
  • Ease Of Use: This means making the buying process easier and more intuitive for customers since they are very familiar with smartphones.
  • Total Availability: With the arrival of apps for mobile commerce, users can buy 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Also, products or services may be offered globally.
  • Positioning: It helps to improve the positioning in the market since you are offering your customer a new point of sale to access your products.
  • Better Knowledge Of Customers: With geolocation and other techniques, you can get to know customers better. As well as segmenting and outlining a consumer profile easily thanks to smartphones’ geographical data and browsing habits.

And it is that, as a shopping channel, the mobile is gaining strength and ground. Users, on many occasions, already take it for granted that we can make all our purchases or any transaction at the time we need it. Betting on a mobile app should no longer be only a matter for large companies but also small and medium-sized businesses.

Also Read: What Is A Freelance Community Manager?

The post What M-Commerce Is Find Out What You Need About Mobile Commerce appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

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