coding Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Wed, 01 Sep 2021 11:25:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 coding Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 What Is Flask (Python) And What Are It’s Main Advantages Wed, 01 Sep 2021 11:25:17 +0000 Today we have a wide range of options to create web pages and many different

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Today we have a wide range of options to create web pages and many different language options (PHP, JAVA.). In this case, Flask allows us to develop web applications with the Python language very quickly. Flask is a “micro” framework written in Python and designed to simplify and make more accessible the creation of Web Applications under the MVC pattern. The word “micro” does not mean that it is a small project or helps us make small web pages. By installing Flask, we have the necessary tools to create a functional web application.

It is likely that at some point, you will need new functionality that you do not have first with the installation; for that, you will find a large set of extensions (plugins) that can be easily installed with Flask, and that will allow you to add all the functionalities you need. As for the MVC pattern, this is a way of working that allows differentiating and separating what the view (HTML page), the data model (the data that the App is going to have) is, and the controller (where the requests from the web app).

Frameworks in Python

There is the Python Wiki, where a list of all supported Frameworks is shown. Some of those on the list say “full-stack,” this means that when the Framework is installed for the first time, it already comes with all (or almost all) the necessary functionalities to create a complete web application, such as Django. For those who are not “full-stack” such as Flask, you will need to install extensions to achieve some functionality.

Main Advantages Of Using Flask

  • Micro Framework: Perfect if you want to develop a basic App or create it quickly and agilely. For which applications, many extensions are not required, and with Flask, it is enough.
  • It includes a development web server: Therefore, it does not require an infrastructure with a web server to test web apps. You can run a web server in a simple way with which you can observe the results that are obtained.
  • It has a debugger and built-in support for unit tests: If there are any errors in the code being created, you can debug that error, and you can also see the values ​​of the variables. In turn, there is the possibility of integrating unit tests.
  • WSGI compatibility: To serve web pages created in Python, web servers with this protocol, the WSGI, can be used.
  • It is compatible with Python3.
  • Good route management: When you work with Web Apps made in Flask Python, you have the controller that receives all the requests made by the clients, and you have to determine which route the client is accessing to execute the relevant code.
  • It natively supports the use of cookies.
  • No ORMs: You don’t have ORMs, but you can easily use an extension.
  • Sessions can be used.
  • Very optimal for building static content applications or web services.
  • Documentation, mailing list, and GitHub code.
  • Open Source that is covered under a BSD license.

Flask Extensions

Here are the most used extensions or plugins with Flask:

  • Flask-script: This plugin allows you to manage the application through commands.
  • flask-WTF: This allows you to generate HTML forms with objects and classes.
  • Flask-login: To authenticate the username and password.
  • Flask-Bootstrap: They are style sheets for the content of the page.
  • Flask-Sqlalchemy: It allows us to generate the data model.

Flask is a perfect option for building Web Apps with Python; it has a good learning curve and can be learned quickly. If you would like to master Flask, at Epitech, we have a degree in computer science in which we teach this and other programming languages. For more information, questions, or any other procedure, do not hesitate to contact us; we will be happy to assist you.

Also Read: Edge Computing – Processing Speed On The Web

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4 Tips To Streamline DevOps Every Developer Needs To Know Tue, 29 Sep 2020 11:47:55 +0000 Streamlining DevOps can have a big-time impact on your bottom line. And part of this

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Streamlining DevOps can have a big-time impact on your bottom line. And part of this speaks volumes to growth and scaling your business. This is essential for business owners and managers within your tech team. If you are not focused on scaling and streamlining, you may be losing business to competitors. Scaling your technology can serve up serious growth potential.

A powerhouse DevOps team equals success. This is true for almost every industry and every niche since the business has become digital and tech-focused. And this goes for businesses large and small.

For tech-focused companies that are looking for scaling opportunities, streamlining DevOps via key development tools, like Helm repository via JFrog can be just what your DevOps team needs. For instance, developers can put solutions in places like containers and charts, bringing development to the next level.

The following 4 tips to streamline DevOps every developer needs to know may prove valuable for your company. Let’s take a closer look.

Find And Use Development Tools With Efficiency Potential

Streamlining development processes within the DevOps environment is the number one goal. If you have the right tools in place, streamlining and making processes more efficient becomes much easier. But finding and using the right development tools for the job can prove challenging. In fact, it takes a bit of due diligence.

Even if you have the best of the best when it comes to developers, without those efficiency tools, your development team can be behind the curve when it comes to building and deploying applications and software. This goes for internal and external software and applications.

What are the hallmarks of efficient development tools for your team? This depends on your overall goals when it comes to tech, but a few markers worth considering are increased security, analysis, code vulnerability scanning, project management, automation, artifact distribution, portability, and more.

Bring The Entire Company Into The Technology Loop

This is one of the most important tips to streamline DevOps, and every developer and ops manager needs to understand this. If your company, the entire company, is not onboard with the technology, it can be difficult to get processes fully streamlined. You may be surprised just how many team members are not ready for tech change.

The good news is that it can be easy to put the entire company on the right path when it comes to scaling technology. The DevOps team, as unsung heroes as they are, can play an important role in this.

First, bring in the development team and explain what the changes will be, what processes will be streamlined and/or automated, and why this is important to company growth and success. Next, bring in other departments, from HR to content developers, everyone needs to be part of the conversation.

When you bring the entire company onboard with technology shifts, the focus should be on the team. When you make this happen, the capacity for growth and success will be a top priority throughout the organization.

All Technology Processes Need To Be Accessible

For development to be streamlined and highly efficient, you must ensure that all technology processes are accessible. If DevOps tools and other key aspects of your technology are not accessible, it can be challenging for all teams to get the full benefits the business needs to scale and win against competitors.

This is especially true in highly competitive industries. You need all technology to be accessible and the ease of use should be in place as well. This makes ease of use a big part of automation and accessibility. With these aspects at the forefront, streamlining DevOps is simplified. But be sure to limit accessibility to only those who need access to ensure top security measures are in place.

Make Technology Part Of Your Company’s Culture

Technology can only be fully utilized if it is part of the overall company culture. This can prove difficult if your company is not a traditional tech business. But even if retail is your niche, technology can be a big part of the growth process.

For example, if you want to capitalize on more online retail, which is set to be a $6.5 billion business by 2023, you will need to be more technologically inclined as a company. Making your company culture more tech in nature can help streamline DevOps processes, even if it doesn’t involve your development team.

In Conclusion . . .

The above 4 tips to streamline DevOps every developer needs to know may seem not so development minded. However, development begins with DevOps, but it leads to total organization growth and success. How are you streamlining development in your company? We want to hear from you.

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Migrating from AngularJS to Angular Using a “Hybrid” Approach Wed, 16 Sep 2020 15:26:40 +0000 Hello, my dear readers! I am very happy today because I have prepared a very

The post Migrating from AngularJS to Angular Using a “Hybrid” Approach appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

Hello, my dear readers! I am very happy today because I have prepared a very interesting article for you. So, if you have a few minutes, please don’t waste your time and let’s start reading. In this article I want to highlight the most important points.  I reckon that after reading this article, everyone may think: „Surely, I want to practice it in my work”. Of course, I will reveal some general information with some details.

From my point of view, this topic is really worth your attention.

A Hybrid Approach Using AngularJS and Angular

It seems to me that working with the most cutting-edge toolset is always an excellent opportunity to develop yourself as an expert and to dive into all the most advanced hip extracts which are just simple fun. As for me, I prefer to begin the projects from the scratch and to keep the setup that changes our preferences and project specifications. At this point, I want to deal with three important features:

  1. To my mind, the process has to be incremental and you must work through the element after the component, service after service, and so on.
  2. As for the application, it can’t stay frozen through the migration method as you need to give some new features.
  3. One benefit remains the most important: no new comments would be improved using the legacy code.

The migration can be done collaboratively and developed over the time — it seems like a win-win situation. I want to say that the migration process is not all roses though. Of course, I’ll tell you about some of the experiences of the process and give a handful of working solutions that will help you to go through this. Surely, you’ll find it helpful when migrating your app from AngularJS to Angular.

Also Read: What Is The QR Code?

Initial state: AngularJS 1.4

I want to start with AngularJS 1.4 that is written in TypeScript and Gulp as a task branch. And now, I want to present the following steps which can help you to start your work:

  1. Moving to Webpack
  2. Creating an Angular project, building and adding mandates
  3. Preparing Webpack configuration for hybrid app
  4. Bootstrapping the hybrid app
  5. Hybrid app
  6. UI Router

As usually, let’s discuss it in details.

Step 1: Moving to Webpack

As step one, I want to find a hopeful replacement for Gulp. On the top of that, there are two popular task posts out there —SystemJS and Webpack — and now let’s consider both of them. After some practice, presently I have ultimately decided to choose Webpack. The reasons behind my choice involved enough complexity and flexibility to run AngularJS 1.4 and then easily to handle the new Angular. It goes without saying that Webpack handles not only module bundling but can also prepare our application and run a dev server. As for the Webpack configuration, it often depends on your application’s specification, but you can find a lot of pre-made configurations on GitHub. Instead of diving into the comprehensive rundown of our complete form, I want to outline its most valuable components instead. Needless to say, Webpack configuration represents the entry property and includes two files: our AngularJS initialization file and the file that collects all global styles.

Step 2: Creating an Angular project structure and adding dependencies

Many people claim that setting up an Angular project without Angular CLI can be involved. It is often said that CLI tools are excellent and starting a new project with CLI takes only one command. But sometimes, I have to get my hands dirty and to start a project without the correct tools. Before setting up a new project structure, you can add Angular dependencies to our present project. Separating both frameworks allows us to keep the project’s structure clear. Elements that were rewritten to the new Angular can be easily separated from the old application, which helped us to keep the plan created. When you have installed all of the provinces and created the project structure, the next step is to add a minimum form for the Angular application.

Step 3: Preparing Webpack configuration for the hybrid app

When Webpack is launched and the Angular project is already built, it is time to configure Webpack in order to create the new project. Of course, to achieve that, you need two additional loaders: ts-loader and angular2-template-loader. As a result, the first one helps to load TypeScript files, the other provides us to load outside Angular template files.

Step 4: Bootstrapping the hybrid app

This step needs some additional configuration. AngularJS application has angular-deferred-bootstrap set up. This component gives a determining function before the app starts. It can be used to get the data from the backend, the arrangement, for example.

Step 6: Hybrid app

Once the hybrid app is up and running, you can start the method of the code upgrading. One of the most popular models for doing this is to use an Angular element in an AngularJS context. This can be a totally new element or one that was AngularJS earlier, but has been rewritten for Angular.

Step 7: UI Router

Downgrading or upgrading elements is not the only way to successful migration. I found out that the UI Router that was already there can help us with our task just as good. It can switch the logic between AngularJS and new Angular thanks to its care for hybrid apps. According to the experts’ opinion, the angular-hybrid module allows the UI Router to route to both AngularJS and Angular elements.

So, I represented you several steps of the initial state: AngularJS 1.4. It is quite clear that these steps make everything work easier. I hope that it is clear to you, what the main steps you may use.


So, let’s summarize all my words written above. I have tried to demonstrate the most important points, which can be helpful for you. I hope that this topic “Migrating from AngularJS to Angular using a ”hybrid” approach” helped you to get some more information about regression testing.

To conclude everything up, I’ll give you the list of 7 main steps for that.

Here is the list of them:

  1. Moving to Webpack
  2. Creating an Angular project building and adding mandates
  3. Preparing Webpack configuration for hybrid app
  4. Bootstrapping the hybrid app
  5. Hybrid app
  6. UI Router

I’m really thankful for reading this article. I hope you found it interesting!

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Why Choose The Laravel Framework Mon, 27 Jul 2020 10:14:18 +0000 Laravel is an open-source web framework written in PHP1 respecting the model-view-controller principle and entirely

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Laravel is an open-source web framework written in PHP1 respecting the model-view-controller principle and entirely developed in object-oriented programming. 

Laravel is today a widely recognized and popular solution in the IT world for custom software development. “Laravel is the most powerful rival in the PHP ecosystem, simply because it includes the functionality needed to build modern web applications.”

Safety And Performance

One of the most important benefits of choosing Laravel for your web application development is its capabilities to provide high-level security. If you choose Laravel, your web application presents no risk of unintentional and hidden SQL injections.

Also, Laravel can provide excellent performance of web applications. From time to time, certain features and functions affect the performance of the site. But Laravel offers various tools that help developers improve their performance.

Object-Oriented Libraries

Laravel is one of the best PHP frameworks because it has object-oriented libraries and others pre-installed, which are not found in any other PHP framework. One of the pre-installed libraries is the authentication library. These libraries are packed with great features that are easy to use and implement for every developer.

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Documentation And Community

Laravel has a powerful community of developers who continuously provide support to make it more flexible and scalable. So, if you want to provide complex functionalities, a lot of documentation is at your disposal.

Unit Tests

With Laravel unit tests, each module of your web application is tested before the site goes live. These tests ensure a performing, bug-free, and ultimately hassle-free application for your end-users. This is another exception of the Laravel framework.


Laravel provides a built-in command-line tool called Artisan. This tool helps to create a “skeleton” code and database architecture, as well as their migrations. Managing the database becomes easier. The Craftsman Tool allows you to perform almost any repetitive and tedious programming task.

Support For MVC Architecture

If you search on google you will find that Laravel follows a Model-View-Controller architecture. And this is what makes Laravel a “great” framework to use for the development of your web applications. It improves performance, provides clarity, and allows for better documentation.

URL Generation

Laravel also helps generate URLs, which is very useful for building links in your models. When a user clicks or types a link, they want to see the desired content, such as an article, a product description, etc. Which is not possible without the help of URL routing. The Laravel framework provides a very simple route description strategy by simply accepting a URI and a closure.

Integration With Messaging Services

Another benefit provided by Laravel is the integration of the messaging service. It is used to send notifications to users to inform them of different events that occur. It also provides drivers for Mailgun, SMTP, Mandrill, SparkPost, PHP’s mail function, and Amazon SES, which allow an application to start quickly.

Multilingual Application Creator

So this is the right option for companies looking to expand across different countries with different languages. The Laravel framework, therefore, helps you to easily and quickly create your web application in different languages.

Laracasts Tutorials

Laravel offers features from Laracasts, a mix of free and paid video tutorials that show you how to use Laravel for development. The videos are all created by Jeffery Way, an expert instructor. The video quality is excellent and the lessons are well thought out and useful.

To conclude, we cannot confirm that Laravel is the best framework because everything Laravel does (and we just saw) other frameworks do too. Only the way of doing things remains different. 

Also Read: Top Most Programming Languages To Learn

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How to Write Code for Apps Fast and Easy Tue, 16 Jun 2020 14:17:23 +0000 It’s impossible to imagine our modern life without mobile apps. Today, almost every company has

The post How to Write Code for Apps Fast and Easy appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

It’s impossible to imagine our modern life without mobile apps. Today, almost every company has its own mobile app. It’s expensive to hire specialists to create applications and not everyone can afford this. Are you one of those who want to code an app on your own to save a lot of money? Then, you have come to the right place. Learn how to write code for apps successfully by following the useful tips that really work. Wonder how programmers help with coding homework of any complexity within a short deadline? For example, programming experts from AssignmentCore have a clear understanding of computer science and popular programming languages. Of course, it’ll be much more difficult to create an app on your own if you don’t have the basic knowledge. But nothing is impossible if you have a strong wish to learn how to write a code for apps.

3 Tools that Will Help You to Create an App without Coding Skills

Do you need to create a complex app with many functions? Then, you’d better go to experienced programmers. It isn’t a secret that even not all programmers who graduated from specialized colleges can create great apps. So, it’s a waste of time to do this on your own if you have zero coding skills. However, if you need a simple mobile app for your business, then, it’s worth trying to code it by yourself as hiring the best-qualified specialist will cost you much. So, how to do it if you know almost nothing about apps and coding? There are tools that will help you to create an app with the minimum knowledge of the coding process. 

  • AppMakr. The most commonly used platform for creating apps is AppMakr. It’s very easy to use even if you have never created apps. You don’t need to have coding skills at all. It’s up to you to use the design offered by the program or change the settings if you have such a wish. The whole process of designing apps with the help of AppMakr is intuitive. The good news is that you can use the app for free. If you need more functions, then, you can use the paid version of the program.
  • AppyPie. Want to create an app for iOS or Android? Then, don’t hesitate to use this platform. It’s one more good tool for creating apps with zero coding skills. The main principle of work with the program is the same as the previous tool has. You can choose the design on your own adding the media files you need.
  • AppInstitute. The main distinctive feature of this program is that here, you’ll be able to create the app according to your objective. First of all, you’ll be asked what your aim is and then, the program will offer you the best ways on how you can achieve your objective. The platform will offer you the existing options to look through. If you don’t find the one you need, you’ll be able to watch the video and gain the necessary skills for creating apps. If you have questions, just ask the customer care that is available round-the-clock via a live chat. Sounds great, doesn’t it? The only con is that the app constructor is more expensive than the previously discussed options.

Steps You Should Take to Achieve Success

There is a certain algorithm of actions you need to follow if you want to achieve success in creating apps. 

  • Learn about your target audience. You should keep in mind your target audience when creating an app. You’re recommended to learn as much as possible about the likes and dislikes of the target audience, what your potential app users are, what kind of information they may need, etc.
  • Check all the popular apps to create a competitive one. The selection of apps is impressive today. If you want to achieve success, you need to stand out. So, you should conduct research and analysis to know what is on the market. Don’t have the original idea for your business app? Not a problem. Just think about how to improve the idea they have already implemented.
  • Calculate the costs for the app design. Think about how much you are ready to invest in your app. The way it will look depends on how much you can spend on its development. 

Of course, cool programmers can create impressive apps. But today almost anyone can try to create a simple app with the help of smart online tools. Now, you know some of them and can check how they work. Besides the above-mentioned programs, you can try Bubble, Tilda, Pixate. These are also platforms that will help you to achieve your goal – create a good quality mobile product for your target audience spending minimum time and effort.

Also Read: Hiring Through Apps: Advantages and Disadvantages

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