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Nowadays, we observe with total normality that a person puts his finger on his mobile to use it. A reality that a few years ago could have been unthinkable. This functionality is possible thanks to fingerprinting, a traditionally used technology almost exclusively in police investigations. Today, it has made its way into our day-to-day life due to electronic devices.

How To Identify Ourselves By Hands And Feet

Suppose the palm of the hands or feet is observed. In that case, it can be verified that characteristic drawings are formed on the skin composed of reliefs (called papillary ridges) separated by spaces (called interpapillary grooves). The study and classification of the picture created by the papillary ridges and the interpapillary grooves allow us to identify people. They are capable of recognizing us through the palms of our hands, the soles of our feet or the last phalanges of our fingers. In the latter case, we would be talking about fingerprinting.

What Is A Fingerprint

Fingerprinting is a branch and is the technical procedure that allows the papillary ridges of the last phalanx of the fingers to be associated with the person they belong to. This association is possible because our papillary ridges and interpapillary grooves respond to three basic principles:

  • They do not change over time. For example, suppose the impression of the papillary ridges and grooves is taken from an individual during his childhood and compared with the one obtained once he has reached adulthood. In that case, it will be observed that the traces remain identical regardless of the alterations typical of growth, such as size.
  • The papillary ridges present unique characteristics in each individual, so no two people share them.
  • They are immutable. That is, they cannot be modified. In case of injury, if it is slight, the tissue will regenerate without causing any change. On the other hand, in more severe injuries, such as burns, the affected part will be replaced by scar tissue.
  • Fingerprinting is, therefore, one of the most effective methods for identifying people. About its typology, three classes of dactylograms are distinguished.
  • Natural: the papillary ridges and grooves generated from birth in the last phalanx of the fingers.
  • Artificial occurs when a natural dactylogram is replicated on a card through ink.
  • Latent (better known as a fingerprint) is the mark caused when the papillary ridges and grooves come into contact with a surface, object or person.
  • Another form of dactyloscopy is the reconstruction through a mold of a person’s finger.

Application And Functions Of Fingerprinting

Fingerprinting has its main application in the forensic field, although it is increasingly being implemented as a security measure. Among the different applications of this branch, we can highlight:

  • Search for traces in scenarios or places where a criminal act has been committed.
  • Establish which people have been in that scenario.
  • Identify those who have committed the criminal act.
  • It also makes it possible to identify victims and ensure their identity, for example, in cases that cannot be recognized by other means or there is no record of their disappearance.
  • Issuance of identity documents.
  • Security measures. More and more intelligent security systems allow individuals to access certain rooms thanks to their fingerprints. In our day to day, a clear example is electronic devices that will enable unlocking only through the fingerprint of their owner.

Also Read: What Is The QR Code?

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How To Improve The Reliability Of Counting Processes With Barcodes Mon, 15 Feb 2021 13:06:00 +0000 In many companies and administrations, paper documents are still essential. Digitizing, sorting, and classifying this

The post How To Improve The Reliability Of Counting Processes With Barcodes appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

In many companies and administrations, paper documents are still essential. Digitizing, sorting, and classifying this mass of paper documents is problematic. The processing of these documents is compulsory for the constitution and progress of the files. How to improve the processing of paper documents? Can the use of barcodes help and improve paper document processing processes? We will discuss these topics in this article, and we will try to explain the principles.

What Is A Barcode

Companies and administrations are gradually converting to the digitization of documents. The management of all forms and procedures requiring paper has not yet completely disappeared, and there is still a lot of work to be done on this subject. In the meantime, large volumes of writing still have to be processed manually. Also, information must be extracted reliably and quickly so that cases and procedures are handled properly.

These problems can be solved using bar codes. There are several types of barcodes. Of 1D barcodes (represented by vertical bars) and 2D barcodes(two dimensions). Each has these peculiarities, but the common point is their reliability of reading. Thanks to the bar codes’ coding, it is either read and recognized at 100%, or there is an inconsistency, for example, due to a deterioration of the bar code, which makes it unrecognizable. There are different types of barcodes depending on the use:

Automatically Scan And Separate Documents, Easy With Barcodes!

The primary reason for using barcodes is batch separation. Take the example of an operator who has to scan hundreds of documents. Regardless of the type of paper, we know that there are documents of one page or more. The most important point is that there is a barcode on the first page of every form. Using scanning software with a barcode analysis function, it can automatically separate each distinct document.

If the page being processed has a barcode, it is a new document. If the page being processed does not have a barcode, then the page is quite simply the continuation of the document being created. By this simple rule, an operator can place a bundle of 150-200 pages on a scanner to easily and quickly obtain separate documents. In the separation barcode, it is possible to give it precise characteristics so that it is not confused with another barcode that may also be present in the document.

Extract Information Using Barcodes

There are many types of barcodes with different characteristics. To the human eye, that doesn’t mean much, other than vertical bars or squares. But, for the scanning software, there is no risk of “getting it wrong.” Regardless of its type, a bar code contains one or more information, and this information can be read without difficulty by the software. Thus, when creating and adding these barcodes on a document, it is possible to include data that will be automatically retrieved when reading. It suffices to retain information, such as the date, the type of document, a reference number, so that this information is associated with the form during the automatic processing of these documents.

This information can be used in various ways:

  • Information contained in the barcode of the document can be used as a destination, for example. The form will be sent directly to the department concerned or placed in a processing queue, depending on the document type.
  • Other information could be a customer reference. This will identify the person who sent this document. 
  • Etc. 

If the paper must be imported into a specific application, the data contained in the barcode of the form can be automatically extracted and sent directly to the application.  If a barcode is unreadable because the received document is damaged, the record cannot be misclassified, but it will be redirected to a manual processing process. 

Thanks to the automation of processing large quantities of paper documents, operators are no longer dedicated to thankless and tedious tasks. This improves the efficiency and processing time of cases and procedures requiring paper documents. As we have seen, the benefits of using barcodes are significant. Reading a barcode is very fast for scanning software compared to manual processing by a human. Also, there is no risk of error. Barcodes can surely improve the handling of your paper documents and your processes.

Also Read: Software Integration with Payroll Systems for SMEs

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What Is The QR Code? Mon, 14 Sep 2020 07:21:41 +0000 To start, you need to know what the QR code is. It is one more

The post What Is The QR Code? appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

To start, you need to know what the QR code is. It is one more step of the barcode. The difference is that this code can store more information than the barcode. But both have the same purpose: to identify products. Also, the name of the QR code itself gives us a clue of what it is: QR refers to Quick Response. And that answer is a relationship between the code and the product. That is, it directs the person using the code through a URL to the product in question.

And Why Use This QR Code

As we now know, it has revolutionized the world of digital marketing. But why?

Because It Allows Creating Hype Between Buyer And Product.

The potential customer can now be a participant in the purchase process in a different way. The code is placed next to a short description (or not) of the product that they are going to find, and it is the customer who, intrigued, decides to see for himself what we are offering.

Because It Is Very Easy To Scan.

Smartphones already include an option dedicated exclusively to reading QR codes. Or even using the camera itself! Therefore, anyone who has a smartphone with this option will be able to access the content of the QR code in a matter of seconds.

Because They Are Easy To Create.

Many free applications on the  Internet help us to generate our QR codes in a few steps and without giving you more information than the URL of what you want to convert into code.

Also Read: Internet Of Things (IoT) In Education Applications And Advantages

Because They Can Store Large Amounts Of Information.

This is the main difference between the traditional barcode. Although the most common thing is that a QR code refers us to website URLs, it is also used to direct attachments to emails, texts, videos, phone calls, RRSS.

Different Uses Of The QR Code

One of the biggest advantages of these codes is the variety of formats that can be used. It can be stored in the video, in text, in audio, and images. Therefore, the uses that are accustomed to giving these codes are very diverse. You can use your QR code to …

Business Cards

Adding a QR code to your business card will make you connect in a much easier way with the person you are giving it to. Why? Because you can redirect with the QR code to a page on your website where your potential client finds your best services and enters your sales funnel.

Restaurant Menu

Putting the menu of our restaurant in a QR code is a great option to avoid the customer having to wait for the waiter to bring him the menu. Also, it will lower costs and is great for reducing materials.

Also, in the COVID situation, it is a much more hygienic way, since you can make small pieces of vinyl with the QR code to place on the table that will be easy to clean with alcohol.

Ah! And you can also vary the menu whenever you want without having to change the QR code, it can even be an opportunity to digitize your business and that your customers can place their order via mobile without having to wait for the waiter.

Thank You, Card, In Your eCommerce

Being grateful to customers and reminding them that they are important to you is always very important and good for your business. Thanks to QR codes, you can make dynamic thank you cards that will encourage interaction with your customer.

For example, you can add a QR code in your eCommerce orders in which you connect with a video of the team thanking you for buying in your online store.

Connect Your Website

This is one of the most common options, and that’s because it works. Connecting your website with a QR code makes accessing it easy through any device and by placing the QR code on any support.

Build Customer Loyalty With Discount Codes

It is a great option to give more options to those clients who already trust you. Making a discount code through this option will make the customer feel cared for.

Promotional Videos Of Your Brand

The option to make videos is great for, for example, promoting your brand. This way is original and will attract attention.

Send A Form To The User

Again, it is an original, practical, and simple way of getting information to the recipient and that you can place on any medium, such as on the receipt or purchase invoice, and in this way you can carry out a satisfaction survey.

Also Read: Blockchain – How Is It Applied To Digital Marketing

How To Create A QR Code

One of the advantages that we have discussed the QR code is that it is very easy to create. Many websites help us do this and with very little information in return.

Some example of these websites is:

  • QR Code Generator
  • QR Code Generator
  • QR Code Monkey
  • QR

From these websites, you can generate the codes and configure them depending on the function you want to give them. That is if you want them to link to an email, a social network (Twitter, Instagram, Youtube), an event …

You can also generate them by downloading the free “QR Code Generator” application from Google Play.

As we can see, the possibilities that this code offers us are almost infinite, and it also allows us to innovate and keep up to date with what is becoming more common every day. It should be taken into account that not everyone knows how to use them, so ideally, next to the first QR codes you write a small guide on how to use them.

Also Read: The Basic Aspects Of The Business Digitization

The post What Is The QR Code? appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

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