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Big Data and its analysis are becoming more and more important today. Although the Python programming language is mainly used in data work, programming in the R language is also essential. The R language is considered the best tool for data reconfiguration and statistical study. This makes a lot of sense since experts in statistics and data analysis design the R language.

Thus, programming in the R language has a simple syntax, is open source and is under the protection of the GNU operating system. This UNIX-like system is a collection of various programs: apps, development tools, games, etc. Is it possible to ask for more? We tell you the advantages of programming in the R language for Big Data. To learn more about big data, you can check out ProjectPro’s Big Data Projects.

Advantages Of The R Language For Big Data

As we already mentioned, it is a language created by statistical experts, specifically developed for data analysis. Programming in R is ideal for simplifying Big Data analysis. These are some of the most important reasons:

  • Availability: as we already mentioned, being open source and not having restrictions regarding operating systems, it is available to anyone who wants it. Also, this helps reduce costs. 
  • Community: A large number of users value and support the R language, in addition to the number of resources that can be found online regarding it.
  • Simplicity: The R language has automation features and simple code, significantly reducing data analysis time. In addition, data management with the R language is very intuitive. This management is the process of structuring the unstructured data of Big Data to study it. This process can be very tedious, but it is simplified thanks to R programming and its tools. In addition, it offers the possibility of seeing this data represented in graphs to facilitate understanding.
  • Automation and Machine Learning. The R language is highly automated, and many of the functions needed to analyze big data are built into the language. For this reason, actions such as data classification or statistical hypothesis testing can be performed in just two lines of code.  
  • The latter leads us to machine learning. R programming has several tools that allow developers to train an algorithm to predict future events or patterns based on data.

In conclusion, it is an excellent option to organize, manage and store Big Data efficiently.

Where To Learn To Program R or Other Languages ​​For Big Data

Once you know the importance of the R language, you have to know that it is only one of the many programming languages ​​out there. You may want to know where to learn them. We offer a variety of computer programs, with which you will become a great professional. With our Bachelor’s Degree, complemented by a Master’s in Computer Science, we offer varied technical content and a multitude of hands-on programming projects covering various programming languages. This training will allow you to get closer to programming and new technologies, turning you into a complete and great profession

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Programming Languages ​​You Should Learn in 2022 Thu, 16 Dec 2021 10:38:08 +0000 The online environment is gaining more and more prominence in our lives, creating thousands of

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The online environment is gaining more and more prominence in our lives, creating thousands of applications and web pages every day. Thus, the occupation of the web developer is one of the best values today, being necessary to know what programming languages you must learn to work in that sector. Would you like to identify the most relevant programming languages ​​that exist? Stay and read our post, and we will show you everything you need to know below.


To get started in programming languages, we must begin by learning about JavaScript, as it is one of the most demanded, most used, and most valuable. JavaScript excels mainly in web page development, although it is also compatible with multiple applications. In addition, it makes the pages more attractive since it offers the possibility of creating interactive effects. On the other hand, its learning is not excessively complicated, and it works well with other programming languages, providing multiple resources to develop efficient, attractive, and quality platforms.


Python has become one of the programming languages ​​that has been gaining more prominence in recent years due to its involvement in new technologies, such as Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, or robotics. Likewise, it is being used frequently to develop scalable web applications.

Being a language so requested by companies, learning Python is a guarantee to start our professional career in web development. What’s more, well-known brands such as YouTube or Instagram are integrated into Python. This programming language can be used in almost all situations, being multiplatform and offering a large number of resources.

C ++

Without a doubt, one programming language that every web developer should learn is C ++. Its importance is due to the incredible versatility it presents, allowing the creation of applications of all kinds and offering multiple possibilities for their development.

Possibly, it is one of the most difficult programming languages ​​to know among all those that we have mentioned in this list, but mastering it is a clear indication that we have enough skills to become a good web developer. It can also be noted that C ++ provides a standard template library called STL for use in data structures, arithmetic operations, and algorithms.


Another of the programming languages ​​that we can highlight is PHP. Although it won many detractors in its beginnings, the truth is that it has evolved and grown over time until it became an essential language to work as a web developer.

Its popularity has made it part of millions of websites, is the programming language with which WordPress websites are built. Thus, it enables you to code server-side applications efficiently. In the same way, the Laravel framework has also benefited PHP, eliminating the elements of this programming language that most bothered web developers.

C #

Finally, among the programming languages ​​that you must learn, we could not forget to mention the relevance of C #. This language can be used for all platforms such as web, applications, video games, or IoT and, in addition, it is scalable, upgradeable and ideal for all types of Windows development. C # is a variant of C ++ that is much easier to learn, and that can serve as a basis to start learning the languages ​​included in the C set.

Many developers who know this language work for companies that offer support and solutions to corporate institutions. As has been observed throughout this article, knowing different programming languages ​​will open many doors for us to work as web developers, giving us the possibility of entering a sector with broad expectations for the future where there is a vast demand for employment.

Also Read: Top Most Programming Languages To Learn

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What Is Flask (Python) And What Are It’s Main Advantages Wed, 01 Sep 2021 11:25:17 +0000 Today we have a wide range of options to create web pages and many different

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Today we have a wide range of options to create web pages and many different language options (PHP, JAVA.). In this case, Flask allows us to develop web applications with the Python language very quickly. Flask is a “micro” framework written in Python and designed to simplify and make more accessible the creation of Web Applications under the MVC pattern. The word “micro” does not mean that it is a small project or helps us make small web pages. By installing Flask, we have the necessary tools to create a functional web application.

It is likely that at some point, you will need new functionality that you do not have first with the installation; for that, you will find a large set of extensions (plugins) that can be easily installed with Flask, and that will allow you to add all the functionalities you need. As for the MVC pattern, this is a way of working that allows differentiating and separating what the view (HTML page), the data model (the data that the App is going to have) is, and the controller (where the requests from the web app).

Frameworks in Python

There is the Python Wiki, where a list of all supported Frameworks is shown. Some of those on the list say “full-stack,” this means that when the Framework is installed for the first time, it already comes with all (or almost all) the necessary functionalities to create a complete web application, such as Django. For those who are not “full-stack” such as Flask, you will need to install extensions to achieve some functionality.

Main Advantages Of Using Flask

  • Micro Framework: Perfect if you want to develop a basic App or create it quickly and agilely. For which applications, many extensions are not required, and with Flask, it is enough.
  • It includes a development web server: Therefore, it does not require an infrastructure with a web server to test web apps. You can run a web server in a simple way with which you can observe the results that are obtained.
  • It has a debugger and built-in support for unit tests: If there are any errors in the code being created, you can debug that error, and you can also see the values ​​of the variables. In turn, there is the possibility of integrating unit tests.
  • WSGI compatibility: To serve web pages created in Python, web servers with this protocol, the WSGI, can be used.
  • It is compatible with Python3.
  • Good route management: When you work with Web Apps made in Flask Python, you have the controller that receives all the requests made by the clients, and you have to determine which route the client is accessing to execute the relevant code.
  • It natively supports the use of cookies.
  • No ORMs: You don’t have ORMs, but you can easily use an extension.
  • Sessions can be used.
  • Very optimal for building static content applications or web services.
  • Documentation, mailing list, and GitHub code.
  • Open Source that is covered under a BSD license.

Flask Extensions

Here are the most used extensions or plugins with Flask:

  • Flask-script: This plugin allows you to manage the application through commands.
  • flask-WTF: This allows you to generate HTML forms with objects and classes.
  • Flask-login: To authenticate the username and password.
  • Flask-Bootstrap: They are style sheets for the content of the page.
  • Flask-Sqlalchemy: It allows us to generate the data model.

Flask is a perfect option for building Web Apps with Python; it has a good learning curve and can be learned quickly. If you would like to master Flask, at Epitech, we have a degree in computer science in which we teach this and other programming languages. For more information, questions, or any other procedure, do not hesitate to contact us; we will be happy to assist you.

Also Read: Edge Computing – Processing Speed On The Web

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