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First discussed in the 1980s, the theory behind the Scrum method states that projects are most efficiently completed when they employ small, self-organizing teams. Formulated by two Japanese researchers and then developed by American engineers, the Scrum approach advocates autonomous work, iterations and the definition of common objectives for team members. Therefore, the Scrum method works by blocks of development carried out collectively, each phase based on the lessons of the previous one. The exchange of information occurs during frequent and dynamic meetings called daily scrums or stand-up meetings. 

The objective of the iterations and these regular meetings:

  • Constantly Refocus The Project Toward Its Objective
  • Update the need in near real-time, based on markets, project obstacles and customer requirements
  • Involve the client regularly to avoid moving towards a project that does not meet expectations

Finally, the Scrum method is based on a set of principles and concepts:

What Is The Role Of The Scrum Master?

The Scrum Master is directly responsible for the correct application of the method. Rather than participating in the product development itself, this key player guarantees the team dynamics, which are crucial for the project’s success.

The three objectives of the Scrum Master are:

1. The Organization And Animation Of The Stages Of The Project

  • Sprint planning: the functionalities produced during the sprint are presented there. The Scrum Master supports developers in estimating work time and prioritization.
  • Sprint: the development phase (the development phases),
  • Daily scrums: this meeting in a concise format (15 minutes) is led by the Scrum Master, who enforces the terms
  • Sprint review: the retrospective of the past sprint is essential for the teams and the client. The Scrum Master analyzes with the group the work carried out and the improvements to be made.

2. Accompaniment During These Phases

At each stage, the Scrum Master accompanies and supports the team. It promotes collective and individual involvement and protects employees from parasitic external elements.

3. Applying The Method Daily And Highlighting Good Practices

The Scrum Master guarantees the application of Scrum practices. He must ensure that the process is well understood and its tools fully used. The mission of the Scrum Master is, above all, organizational and pedagogical. His in-depth knowledge of the method and his ability to apply it in harmony with his company’s culture are the keys to successful adoption.

His communication skills are essential, as well as his ability to create a team spirit and a profoundly collaborative work. However, far from the disorganized image that one can have of the Agile method, the application of Scrum also implies rigor: the Scrum Master must be vigilant in applying the essential points and know how to question the practices of his team.

The Scrum Master And The Agile Organization

The Scrum Master is one of the three essential elements of the method. With him, the Product Owner and the development team guarantee the product-need adequacy and the active part of the product creation. The Scrum Master is in constant contact with these stakeholders, to whom he brings a structured Agile framework.

With The Product Owner

The Scrum Master works on setting goals and prioritizing tasks. His broad vision and the succession of iterations allow him to anticipate any problems. In daily contact with development teams, he understands operational needs and supports the Product Owner in defining a clear backlog.

With The Development Team

The Scrum Master works alongside developers to quickly overcome obstacles throughout the project. He provides his vision and advice to eliminate everyday technical and organizational problems effectively. He is mainly involved in motivating and supporting employees during each sprint. The Scrum Master, therefore, strengthens the link between the Product Owner and the development team.

He participates in a clear definition of the need and the roles and in carrying out the tasks as smoothly as possible. Its role during the sprint retrospective is essential: it makes it possible to implement the right actions to improve future sprints. Finally, the Scrum Master brings his vision for a compelling presentation of each new increment – the part of the project carried out during the past sprint – to the client.

The Scrum Master Is Facing Organizations That Are Still Reluctant

This role of facilitator faces several obstacles. For companies, the Agile method is indeed difficult to fully implement. Often wanting to reconcile the rigor of a fixed specification and the client’s involvement, French firms rarely include Scrum in their DNA.

The Scrum Master is often faced with problems such as:

  • The corporate culture: the Scrum method is too often limited to small teams, even though it should be integrated into the corporate culture. This results in internal gaps in processes and vision, and the Scrum method does not deliver all the expected potential.
  • Excessive documentation and planning: the Scrum method prefers constant adaptation to action plans frozen in time. Documentation is sometimes necessary but must remain limited to allow action and adjustments. Traditional practices or the vital need for contractualization often hinder teams from using Scrum.
  • Fear of change and distorted vision of Scrum: the transition to an Agile organization continues to worry some companies accustomed to the sequential method. However, far from being a vector of chaos, the Scrum method is governed by rigor and organization. Although the Scrum Master personifies these values, he sometimes struggles to have them accepted by all employees.

These pitfalls are sometimes a source of failure for a method that has already proven its effectiveness. Faced with reluctance and fears, the Scrum Master also plays the role of ambassador of the technique. Its action is invaluable for adopting agility throughout the organization, helping it use data to serve processes, thus improving performance in the long term.

Also Read: Applying Agile Practices Can Make Workers More Productive

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Agility Is Increasingly Adopted By Business Departments Mon, 11 Apr 2022 07:58:09 +0000 Agility, carrying the product approach, is increasingly acclaimed as a real accelerator of transformations at

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Agility, carrying the product approach, is increasingly acclaimed as a real accelerator of transformations at all company levels. But is this approach based on a true culture of agility Initially initiated by mainly IT teams, agility gradually received support from all entities. These IT departments are no longer the sole guardians of agility, and more and more companies are making agility a real transformation issue.

The covid-19 crisis has entrenched agility in long-term business practices. The evolution of professions and user needs is thus the first necessity for adopting an agile approach, far ahead of other necessities linked to a reflection on project management methods or even the search for performance. Between ambition and reality, EY Consulting questioned the practices implemented to stimulate agility and the limits to be exceeded for such an approach. The objective of his study is to explore the development of agility within organizations and to question their real progress.

Based on data provided by the CSA to 150 digital transformation players and around fifteen large companies and public entities at the end of 2021, the study draws up an inventory of the current agility maturity within organizations. The study also shows that the launch of an agile approach motivated by a desire to change the corporate culture or a management decision is insufficient to involve the entire company.

Despite a gap between the different departments, 46% of companies now operate in an agile environment. But the perception of agile maturity remains heterogeneous since half of the respondents evaluate the level of maturity of the IT department as “high.” At the same time, this rate is 32% for the business departments.

However, this study finds that 80% of companies that have not succeeded in adopting an agile approach have not adapted their organization and their processes. And it’s not for “technical” reasons, and resistance to change is the main cause (54%), unlike lack of resources (1%). Guarantee of success of this mutation? The establishment of bodies allows continuous improvement. This is the opinion of 73% of the professionals who took part in this survey and work in an agile context.

The Main Findings Of This Survey Are As Follows:

  • The expansion of agile approaches in support of transformations is accelerating within organizations
  • Initiated by IT departments, agility is being adopted more and more widely by business departments
  • Adapting the organization and processes to agile approaches is a key prerequisite for a successful ramp-up
  • The implementation of a modular IS coupled with agility guarantees an acceleration of delivery
  • Agility contributes to the construction of a favorable context for innovation

The Scrum and Kanban frameworks remain the most widely adopted frameworks (51%), followed by so-called hybrid frameworks (36%), inspired by existing frameworks and adapted to the operation and specificities of organizations.

Regarding the trajectory followed, EY found that initially, teams are given great freedom to experiment with the frameworks that seem most appropriate to them. However, when organizations progress in agile maturity and the number of projects carried out in an agile approach, structure, and governance are needed.

Also Read: Applying Agile Practices Can Make Workers More Productive

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Applying Agile Practices Can Make Workers More Productive Thu, 14 Oct 2021 09:48:35 +0000 It was announced that applying Agile practices can make workers up to 21% more productive,

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It was announced that applying Agile practices can make workers up to 21% more productive, thanks to the Product Owner, Agile Coach, and Scrum Master profiles. According to a study by the World Economic Forum, within the Product Development category, some of the positions that will see their demand grow the most in the coming years will be Product Owner, Agile Coach, and Scrum Master.

“The key to the success of this transformation is that it is transmitted to the corporate culture of the entire company and not only to isolated teams, and for this, a series of profiles is necessary and will be in great demand in the coming years. Agile practices of the future The company has explained what these jobs consist of and why they are so strategic for the organizations of the future:

  • Agile Coach, the most wanted professional. Agile Coach is currently the most demanded Agile position by companies that are currently in transformation. In 2020, Linkedin claimed that the demand for this type of profile in Spain had grown 57% compared to the previous year. An Agile Coach is a professional who helps companies and teams transform their culture towards agile models. It is a profile that has to have a vision of the entire organization and whose primary function is to lead the adoption of agility, define the strategy, train the workforce, motivate them and guide them throughout the process so that the company adopts it an Agile culture. For this role, it is necessary to have good communication skills since it is who has to teach and transmit knowledge. In addition, it is an essential requirement that the person know and have experience in agile frameworks and learn how to define which is the best suited to the company (Scrum, Lean, Kanban, etc.). Applying Agile practices can make workers up to 21% more productive.
  • Scrum Master, the Agile leader. Unlike the Agile Coach, a figure designed for business transition, more specific profiles are also demanded to manage teams under this model. This is the case of the Scrum Master, the leader within an Agile team, responsible for managing the Scrum process and the impediments that arise for the team to carry out its work. In addition, he is the person in charge of teaching the team to self-organize. A Scrum Master must have leadership skills and empathy as the team counts on him to manage and eliminate any impediments. Organizational skills are sought from him, and communication skills, as the team depends on him to control and eliminate any barriers that may arise.
  • Product Owner, taking care of the client’s interests. Very close to the Scrum Master is the role of Product Owner, a figure that represents the voice of the customer and is in charge of maximizing the results of the work carried out by the Agile team. This professional is the one who focuses on the business strategy and the return on investment of the product to help define priorities and objectives. In this position, the short and long-term business vision is essential to ensure the project’s success. It is the point of communication with the client, having negotiation skills and excellent knowledge of the competition.

Also Read: What Is Mobile Advertising And How It Works?

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