Smart Shopping – Campaign Operation And Keys

Do you know the smart shopping campaigns? Google Ads, a paid ad management platform, allows the creation of different types…

3 years ago

CRO – How To Improve The Web Conversion Ratio?

conversion rate optimization (CRO) - More and more companies put their interest in online marketing actions such as doing a…

3 years ago

Top Most SEO trends That We Have Seen In 2020

There is less and less left to welcome 2020. And surely you are looking forward to what awaits us in…

3 years ago

Voice Biometrics – What Is It?

The phishing and data theft are serious security problems. These attacks can come from many sources, starting with phishing, social…

3 years ago

Blockchain: Main Barriers To Blockchain Adoption

Blockchain generates thousands of news every month, most of them referring to the possible applications of this technology, and the…

3 years ago

The Most Dangerous Computer Viruses In History

Computer viruses (malware) have been around for decades, wreaking havoc in some cases. With the passage of time, malicious codes…

3 years ago

What Is Multi-Cloud And How It Benefits Companies

There are different types of Cloud Computing. Among them, we have the public cloud, the private cloud, and the hybrid…

3 years ago

4ka: Overview of all packages. We will advise which is best for you

4ka is improving its portfolio. In March 2018, 4ka started selling new packages called SLOBODA and canceled or hid many…

4 years ago

5G technology: Speed, Data And IoT To Revolutionize Telecommunications

5G technology is already a reality. Its arrival to the general public will be one of the great technological transformations…

4 years ago

Artificial Intelligence As An Innovation Accelerator

Thanks to artificial intelligence (AI), emerging trends or new technologies can be recognized at an early stage - a significant…

4 years ago