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What does a software developer do? Easy: he develops software, doesn’t he? It is not that simple, however. Whereas in the past developers were confined to writing software, IT and business today collaborate more closely. A requirement arose from this transformation: that of better understanding the environment in which they operate. This environment is also changing. Developers must now transmit projects in a clear and accessible way, and interact with collaborators far from their profession. Fortunately, there are now tools that facilitate this collaboration and which are revolutionizing the profession of the developer.

Speak The Language Of Business

How to explain this upheaval? First, we must mention the disenchantment of companies that have invested heavily in custom software that takes too long to finalize and make profitable. Many companies have spent hundreds of millions of dollars on projects that took years of work to complete, only to be disappointed when they were finally done. Businesses are right to be unhappy when such a large investment does not keep all of its promises. The worst part is that it is often too late to raise the bar once the software is ready, as company stakeholders did not have enough visibility during the development phase.

Everyone On The Bridge

A traditional software developer had to master the art of creating IT solutions through their in-depth knowledge of .net or javascript. A modern software developer also needs to understand how the business works, the latest regulations and compliance requirements in their country, region, and industry, and much more. This makes software development more complex and makes it a team sport that relies on multiple contributions. Fortunately, all parties involved in the execution of a project can now speak a single language that everyone understands.

Developers, and even business analysts with little programming experience, can now use low-code automation software to create and implement software, without being programming language specialists. Low-code is a visual approach to software development. It analyzes and automates the application development lifecycle, and reduces developers’ reliance on traditional coding. Now, application creation tools are even more accessible to non-coders to design critical business software applications.

New Tools, New Possibilities

If low-code reveals the secrets of the wizard to the whole company, is the role of the software developer becoming obsolete? This one will not completely disappear, but rather evolve. Once isolated and heavily involved in tactical product development work for the enterprise, developers can now be better integrated and more strategic. As .net and javascript will continue to run software applications, a low-code automation platform will increasingly emerge as the tool of choice. This will make coding faster and more collaborative, which is good news for everyone.

Low-code is not a new approach but has benefited in recent years from the momentum of digital transformation observed in companies. According to Gartner, 75% of large companies will use four or more low-code development tools, both for IT application development and for citizen development initiatives, by the end of 2025. The adoption of low-code automation code grows and the people responsible for developing software will evolve just as quickly.

Also Read: How To Build Big Data Applications With A Low-Code Platform

Secure A Seat Around The Table

The metamorphosis of software development and the growing dependence on digital tools in many activities are contributing to the advent of the corporate technologist. This is critical, as technology decisions will now be better understood during development, not just after deployment. It is the collision of worlds that previously existed in silos.

The application development process now benefits from the synergies it needs to prioritize results without being hampered by logistics. Low-code means that the code itself is no longer an obstacle. The whole company can therefore understand the process and participate in the improvement of the software and its adequacy with the objectives, from the start.

The IT team is now fully involved in the business issues of the company. In 2021, low-code should move from a niche execution method to the preferred business development mode. The ability to embrace this new way of working will allow developers and IT teams to gain more prominence in key business functions. It’s time for the whole business to get involved in application development. Everyone will be a winner.

It is undeniably easier and faster to run software projects today. For ten years, the use of agile development techniques has made it possible to make software available to users more quickly by working in shortened sprints and by making iterative improvements. But the profitability of software is not just a question of time to market.

It is vital that the company can express what it wants and that the developer can express by what means he achieves this. results. If companies increasingly rely on software to run their businesses, then a developer’s ability to speak the language of business, not just the language of technology, is essential.

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How To Build Big Data Applications With A Low-Code Platform https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/how-to-build-big-data-applications-with-a-low-code-platform/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/how-to-build-big-data-applications-with-a-low-code-platform/#respond Sat, 10 Apr 2021 10:13:00 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=4004 When people think of low-code platforms, they often think that they are only good for

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When people think of low-code platforms, they often think that they are only good for building simple applications. They believe that a developer with programming experience will not be able to create business applications. And that developers and technology professionals only use low-code to create simple applications, such as forms or simple procedures.

But really, that is not so. The low-code platforms can create complete and powerful applications that can handle large amounts of data, what is popularly referred to as Big Data. The processing of large volumes of data is an upward trend that is having important applications in many sectors, being one of the pillars of the so-called Industry 4.0. 

This post is inspired by this other one published: 6 steps to use low-code platforms to create Big Data apps. The article breaks the myth that low-code does not allow building complete applications, offering several good tips on how we can use low-code to create applications that can take advantage of the full power of Big Data.

The article points out that low-code platforms can have some problems when handling massive amounts of data. He points out that: “low-code is designed to work with transactional data and defined record sizes.” This feature seems to rule out the possibility of dealing with Big Data. Still, the article goes on to say. 

There are ways to use low-code for large amounts of data if there is enough business value to justify the development of a methodology that facilitates it. Since development with low-code must work with fixed registers, the main task is to format these data to adapt them to the format of the available registers.

Six Steps To Creating An Application That Manages Large Amounts Of Data With A Low-Code Platform

  • According to the cited article, the first step to do this is to define the company’s requirements. Determine what business problems the application will solve and the types of Big Data used to solve them.
  • Then he talks about the use of Artificial Intelligence for the processing and elimination of unnecessary data to keep only what is necessary. Indeed we can design an algorithm of machine learning to detect and eliminate unnecessary data. Still, in many cases, it is not necessary such complexity and through a processing core of the data may be more than enough in many cases for that task detection and elimination of unnecessary data.
  • And once we have only the necessary data, we must format these appropriately to store each one in the corresponding field.
  • Next, we will have to create the necessary APIs to access these fields containing the filtered, processed, and formatted data.
  • At this point, it will be time to make use of an ETL (“extract-transform-load”) tool to normalize and transfer the data sets to other systems, allowing compatibility with these.
  • Finally, we can put together all the pieces of the application through the low-code platform and test if it is receiving the data correctly, processes it as it should, and returns the desired results, allowing us to perfect the processes until reaching the necessary result.

Also Read: The Advantages Of The Cloud For Small Businesses | Teleworking

What Is The Best Low-Code Platform To Create Big Data Applications?

The first thing is to remind you that we publish a complete guide to choosing a low-code development platform, which is the most developed answer to this question. A more concrete answer would be that it depends. It depends on the purpose and the needs. We do not think that there is a better platform than the rest for any area.

Now, suppose we focus on the professional development of applications for the business management field that use large amounts of data. In that case, it is a great option since it has an integrated database and visual programming that allow us to define and shape data in an agile way, a powerful API that allows the platform to be open to various standards, as well as an integration with Web Assembly that add a simple and powerful deployment to any system.

Several of our clients manage large volumes of data in real-time, including their insertion, modification, elimination, and filtering, in critical business infrastructures, such as hospitals or medical centers. This is the best example that is a platform prepared to face this type of architecture.

Also Read: Protect Your Organization With Microsoft 365 Business & Security

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AWS launches into No-Code and wants to compete with Microsoft PowerApps https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/aws-launches-into-no-code-and-wants-to-compete-with-microsoft-powerapps/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/aws-launches-into-no-code-and-wants-to-compete-with-microsoft-powerapps/#respond Thu, 02 Jul 2020 08:03:29 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=2345 No-Code / Low-Code development is increasingly perceived by companies as a viable solution to the

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  • No-Code / Low-Code development is increasingly perceived by companies as a viable solution to the shortage of developers and the business needs to innovate quickly and have new mobile solutions.
  • A market occupied by historic players like OutSystems, Mendix, Appian, Pega Systems, Kony, energized by new entrants like Ninox, ReTool, or AirTable, and now increasingly dominated by Salesforce and especially Microsoft with its Power platform (Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI). In one of its 2020 predictive reports, Forrester predicted that by the end of the year, half of the developers participated in their “ Application Development & Delivery ” survey ” working on projects based on it.
  • To counter this rise in power from Microsoft, other platforms are now integrating RPA into their solution, but above all artificial intelligence, whether to integrate cognitive functionality at the heart of applications than to support and help the “citizen developer” in the mastery of its development tool and creation of new Apps.
  • The rise of the “Low Code / No Code” could not leave AWS completely insensitive. The leader in the public cloud does not want to give a free hand to its main competitor and is also entering this market. This week it launched its new service “Amazon Honeycode”, nicely nicknamed “AWS for all”.
  • Honeycode is a no-code development environment, oriented towards creating mobile applications and built around an interface presenting a spreadsheet. This approach is found at the heart of the new “Microsoft Lists” tool (recently introduced in the Office 365 galaxy), but also of solutions like AirTable, or even ReTool (despite its much more Dev-oriented philosophy than the previous two). This spreadsheet-based approach is well suited to data-centric app development, but it is a little less universal than a more form-oriented, workflow, and API assembly approach, as the PowerApps / Power duo can be. Automate.
  • Like almost all low-code / no-code solutions, the AWS solution is primarily intended for trades and LOB (Line-of-Business) application development capable of quickly satisfying a Business need. Honey allows Business Analysts and advanced users to transform a data set or even a spreadsheet into a mobile (or Web) application without having to write a single line of code. In order not to start from scratch, the service offers “templates”, in other words, customizable examples and models such as monitoring team tasks, managing expenditure approvals, entering data in the field, managing stocks or managing the organization of an event (conference, meeting, etc.).
  • Also Read: How to Write Code for Apps Fast and Easy

    The post AWS launches into No-Code and wants to compete with Microsoft PowerApps appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

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