networks Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Tue, 20 Apr 2021 07:44:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 networks Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 The Differences Between 5G Networks That You Should Know Tue, 20 Apr 2021 07:43:54 +0000 We have heard a lot about 5G networks in recent times, which will undoubtedly change

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We have heard a lot about 5G networks in recent times, which will undoubtedly change our relationship with technology considerably. However, we have also heard a lot about the myths about 5G networks that we should not believe. To become aware of all that it means, we must know that there are two types of 5G networks, which show us that we have not yet seen everything possible with these advances.

The names given to these two types of networks are 5G NSA networks and 5G SA networks. These two networks are part of the timeline that we must follow to enjoy everything that has been promised with the 5G network. We cannot directly access a technological revolution, where it is necessary for a few years and a period in between until companies can carry it out.

What Is 5G NSA

We can quickly define 5G NSA networks as the beginning of a promise. This is the first technology that is being implemented called 5G in a generic way, but which does not offer everything that a 5G NSA network will give us.

In this case, it builds on the infrastructure we already have available to expand its capabilities and enable higher speeds. Although they are part of the 5G standard in both cases, they are a few first steps.

In this case, it takes advantage of the former and the significant deployment of 4G networks in all countries, is included as one of the best communications in the world. As in hybrid electric cars, this would be an adaptation that will gradually be modified.

Although the stability of the service is not maximum, and we can run into continuous drops to the 4G connection. Only specific and strategic points could we afford to connect to NSA-based 5G networks.

Also Read: The Influence Of 5G Technology On Our Homes

What’s Unique About 5G SA

Now we get to know the definitive 5G network, which does deliver on everything it promises us, and which will be part of the second phase of implementation. Once the antennas with 4G, for the most part, can offer us a high rate of speed, the new infrastructures that are of great importance will come into play. Without the new hardware, it will be impossible to achieve what we want, and, therefore, it is impossible with 5G NSA networks.

The digital dividend that has been produced for releasing the 700 MHz band has a lot to say in this regard. It is expected that by 2021 work will begin on these bands once they are ultimately released from DTT. This network will be the one that will allow a more significant reach even within buildings, cars and homes of all kinds, marking a clear difference with the 5G NSA as we are going to know.

What Are The Differences Between Both Networks And 4G

There are many relevant changes in the references of both networks where we noticed, as we have mentioned, improvements in connection, speed and much more. So that you do not doubt the possibilities of 4G concerning the two types of 5G, we are going to explain point by point how they improve in each phase. 

Latency: The essential point is latency, where 4G networks offer us 30 ms on average, and with the 5G SA networks themselves, it will become only 1 ms, something that is not possible with 5G NSA.

Download Speed: Another great promise of 5G is speed since 4G networks can reach 1 Gbps, and in 5G NSA, we enjoy 2 Gbps, breaking all limits in 5G SA networks with up to 20 Gbps or more.

Device Capacity Per Square Meter: It is also very relevant that the different 5G networks will allow us to connect more devices in the same area, going from 100,000 per km² to one million per km².

Devices Are Already Being Prepared

In 2020 we already saw how practically all mobile brands had presented smartphones with different 5G technologies, corresponding to the type of 5G SA. Once the infrastructure is completed, we can take advantage of it.

Also Read: Hyper-Connectivity: The Future Of 5G Network Technology

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Database Marketing: What Is It And How To Do? Mon, 01 Feb 2021 11:13:20 +0000 The marketing database provides tools for companies to sell more and more efficiently. We tell

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The marketing database provides tools for companies to sell more and more efficiently. We tell you what it is, and we share some examples and three steps to start applying it.

What Is Database Marketing

A marketing database is a form of direct marketing based on consumer data collected for later use this information to deliver personalized experiences. On the one hand, the company is dedicated to collecting information: name, contact forms, previous transactions with the company. It is then analyzed to provide offers according to the interests of the consumer and attract them to close the transaction.

Although traditional database marketing was based on physical shipments (brochures, catalogs, coupons, samples.) currently, this can also be completed with the delivery of promotions and information online. In short, it is about creating a relevant experience for the consumer, based on the information the company has about him.

How To Do Database Marketing

1. Create Your Database

The first step is to choose the right software to create your database. CRM programs are standard, which allow data to be stored and provide facilities for later use. At this point, it’s essential to choose a tool that makes it easy to segment customers and organize their information. 

There are different strategies to obtain your clients’ data, always with their consent: from creating their file by asking for them on the premises to generating online content that they can only download if they give you their data. 

Some data that you can request or collect in an automated way (through forms, loyalty programs, etc.) are:

  • Facts Contact: Necessary information such as name, address, phone, or email.
  • Acquisition Data: By what channel or advertising campaign they reached your business. 
  • Demographic Data: Age, educational level, place of residence.
  • Preferences and Motivation: What values ​​do they have, what are their interests and motivations.
  • Transaction Data: If they consume again in your business, how often they do it, what products they buy, and how much they spend.

2. Segment Your Customers

Second, it is essential to identify consumer groups and divide them. Categories can track demographics or personal interests. They can also be based on shopping behaviors, including loyal consumers, occasional shoppers, or first-time shoppers. 

3. Generate Appropriate Content

Based on these groups and segments, create marketing campaigns to meet the needs of these customer groups. For example, you can generate a campaign aimed mainly at people who will buy one of your products or services for the first time. You can also specifically target the participants in your loyalty program. 

Personalized campaigns, based on customer data, sell more: Database marketing makes the return on investment (ROI) between 5 and 8 times more profitable, according to at this point, it will also be essential to establish which communication channel your customers prefer to send them these content or offers. 

What Is Database Marketing For

Identify the most valuable customers. You must identify and take care of your most valuable customers (those who buy repeatedly and frequently). Through the database, detect who your valuable customers are and send them specific campaigns that reward them for their loyalty or recommend related products (cross-selling and up-selling).

Recommend suitable products after analyzing the information collected in the database, it is easy to recommend products according to the clients’ interests and their needs. For example, a travel agency can segment its clients according to interests and budget and then recommend backpacking experiences to some and luxury trips to others. It is thus adjusted to the reality of each client and improves their probability of selling.

Provide unique experiences, also in customer service the information collected by database marketing can be useful to all departments of a company. Combining this data with customer service, it is possible to retain customers through an extraordinary and personalized experience.

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