The Hybrid Cloud Is Consolidated As The Ideal Technological Model For The New Normal Caused By Covid-19

86% of corporations contemplate the hybrid Cloud because of the ideal technological infrastructure model, seventy-six affirm that the pandemic has…

3 years ago

More Efficient And Secure Mobile Cloud Storage

A team of researchers has developed a replacement mobile cloud storage scheme, which promises to be more efficient, secure, and…

3 years ago

CloudMounter: Access unlimited cloud storage on your Mac

What is CloudMounter? CloudMounter can be termed as the system utility that would allow the mounting of the different cloud…

3 years ago

Telecommuting, Cloud & Cybersecurity, A Reality Within The Reach Of Any Business

Remote work has a great acceptance in the labor market and is becoming one of the main benefits that a…

3 years ago

The Cloud Secure Scanning And Printing

Today, employee mobility is an important topic for companies. More and more, users are on the move. To have access…

3 years ago

Cloud Computing – Analysis and Its Development in Countries

Cloud computing is becoming more and more interesting for companies, but many companies are still skeptical about the storage of…

3 years ago

What Is Multi-Cloud And How It Benefits Companies

There are different types of Cloud Computing. Among them, we have the public cloud, the private cloud, and the hybrid…

3 years ago

The Mobility In The Era Of Digitalization

Mobility is one of the legs on which the digital transformation is based and is one of the main bets…

4 years ago