covid19 Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Fri, 01 Oct 2021 04:12:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 covid19 Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 A Hybrid Work Model The New Trend In Companies Sat, 02 Oct 2021 04:06:00 +0000 The fear of a loss of productivity due to not having their employees controlled to

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The fear of a loss of productivity due to not having their employees controlled to the millimeter. However, the arrival of the coronavirus pandemic changed the rules: now it was companies that sent their employees to work at home, but without prior notice, without planning, with the mere intention of being able to survive. Teleworking had come the hard way but against all expectations.

True, some jobs cannot be developed remotely, but others for which have to work in an office is a delay. Of course, companies did it without a margin of time and, above all, without providing their workers with the necessary tools, which has resulted in many of them now asking for a hybrid work model.

What Does The Hybrid Work Model

You’ve probably been hearing about the hybrid work model for weeks, even months. So that we understand each other, it is a way of working that combines teleworking with face-to-face work. In other words, companies allow their employees to work between two and three working days from their homes, while the rest of the hours stipulated in their contract must be performed in the workplace provided by the company.

It is, without a doubt, the closest thing to a Solomonic solution, but it is the one that seems to be satisfying the majority. It allows employees to reconcile work and personal life much more than before while saving time and money on travel. For their part, companies cover their control quota, that without which it seems they cannot exist, although the truth is that they should not waste the door that has been opened towards a future of total teleworking. After all, hybrid work is nothing more than a middle way to save the furniture and not give up entirely before some employees who, for the most part, are more comfortable than ever.

They say that you always have to stay with the good side of things, so in this case, we are left with the hybrid work model that is the first step towards a much more open-minded attitude. And towards a work future in which technology will make us live much better and more comfortable. It will take time and effort, but if we can do precisely the same in an office in the city as in a balcony overlooking the beach, a house in the mountains, or a motorhome while we discover the secrets of the Portuguese coast.

What Kind Of Companies Adopt It

As we have already said, not all sectors can afford to telecommute their employees. Some tasks must be carried out in people, such as production or the services sector, but there is no problem with others, but it is highly recommended to allow a particular wide sleeve with the hybrid work model.

We are talking about professions related to communication, marketing, or technology. Today the computers we have and the internet speeds that home networks reach allow us to connect better even in a physical office. Meetings, preparation of projects, and even presentations to clients are much more enjoyable and efficient with each person in the place where they are most comfortable. It seems that these types of companies have finally seen it.

What is not normal (although it is understandable by the height of view) is that companies such as Amazon, Apple, or IBM have known how to see that the implementation of the hybrid telework model is tremendously beneficial for all parties and that an SME is not able to apply it. True, a small business depends a lot more on results than one of the monsters we have mentioned a few lines above, but the only way to grow is to imitate the best in our industry as much as possible!

Long-Term Trends In The Labor Market 

Although many companies were filled with the saying that ‘teleworking had come to stay, many of them decided to back down as soon as the coronavirus pandemic left them. Be careful, not because of bad results, but because of insecurity. Fortunately, a high percentage of them valued implementing a hybrid teleworking model as an intermediate solution.

As we have read, just over 60% of companies, despite ruling out working at home full time, are willing to implement a system with some hours of teleworking and others of work in the office. Almost a quarter would be ready to make workers go to the office for just one day to carry out specific tasks there, and the other six could be wherever they wanted! The hybrid telework model seems to be the preferred model between now and 2025, at which time companies, already with more planning, should begin to consider teleworking seriously. 

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Risks Of Teleworking And Excessive Use Of Computers Wed, 09 Jun 2021 06:40:57 +0000 The pandemic has forced us to adapt our needs to health circumstances. In addition to

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The pandemic has forced us to adapt our needs to health circumstances. In addition to the emergence of new opportunities such as teleworking, there are also new problems to take into account, such as those caused by the excessive use of computers when having to work remotely.

Understanding the psychological risks of teleworking that can occur is vital to face better and overcome these types of problems. However, psychological problems are not the only problems. Other physical problems can also appear whose solution is simple: using glasses with a blue light filter so that the computer screen does minor damage to our eyes.

How To Avoid The Risks Of Teleworking

However, it is not so easy to overcome these problems, and we have to know how to act accordingly.

Differentiate The Areas Of The House Well

When it comes to teleworking, it is essential to do it in a suitable room, which differs from the rest of the house. Therefore, we have to try to have our own office or home office and that it has nothing to do with the living room, kitchen or any other room where we could be quietly with our laptop. 

This is extremely important and will allow us to disconnect and relax when we need it, preventing the appearance of a good number of problems. For example, suppose we decide to telework in the living room because we have no other place to do it. In that case, we run the risk that concentration will be lower due to many distractions around us, and it will also be more difficult for us to differentiate this area of work from the leisure area.

Appropriate Equipment

Maybe at home, you do not have the appropriate equipment to telework safely; if not, you should try to get it. With this equipment, we mean furniture, for example, a chair. Sitting for many hours at a time teleworking is not the same as spending hours on the couch, no matter how much we are in the same house. 

If we do not have a quality chair, like the one we could have in our work, back pain will knock on the door in a matter of time. In the same way, it is necessary to have a large table or all the equipment required to carry out the activity. But, again, suppose we do not have the appropriate equipment. In that case, we will likely end up overwhelming ourselves over time and suffer episodes of stress that will impact our work performance.

Keep Your Routine

Finally, to avoid psychological problems, it is essential to maintain the routine as much as possible. This means that, even though you work from home, it is necessary to get up earlier, shower, wash, dress, and have to breakfast before starting to work on the computer.

This routine is quite important and will help you feel much more relaxed and focused when teleworking. Lastly, don’t forget that you are not alone. You will be able to telework with your colleagues remotely, so do not underestimate online meetings and the use of all kinds of tools that make it easier for you to keep in touch with them. In this way, you will be able to develop high-quality work.

Also Read: Teleworking – IT Security Put To The Test Of New Information Challenges In The Cloud

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Coronavirus Emergency Loans and Benefits for Small Business Sat, 05 Jun 2021 07:08:06 +0000 So many small businesses were hit hard by the safety measures and mandatory closures that

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So many small businesses were hit hard by the safety measures and mandatory closures that were necessary to slow down the spread of the coronavirus. The coronavirus emergency loan is a loan that is required to sustain ongoing operations.

List of Coronavirus Emergency Loans

Some of the coronavirus emergency loans include:


Nav through a small business grant contest is giving grants to a small business that tells a story of opportunity and preservation when facing an ongoing challenge.

Chamber of Commerce of the US

The Chamber of Commerce of the US came up with an initiative called Save Small Business Fund to offer grants of up to $5,000 to employers throughout the country.


Facebook is offering Grants totaling $100 million will be distributed to 30,000 small companies.

Main Street Lending Program

This supports mid-sized and small businesses that were doing well before coronavirus by offering them loans payable in 4 years.

Local and State Coronavirus Small Business Assistance

States have come up with ways to assist small businesses in their areas. The states are:


Businesses that were hit hard by the coronavirus are eligible for cash grants from the Denver Small Emergency Relief program.


Small businesses are qualified to get up to $20,000 in loans for zero-interest payments that can be delayed for up to 12 months if you use the Utah Leads Together Small Business Bridge Loan program.


SMEs are liable for loans with no interest via the SA, Emergency Loan Program. Micro Enterprises and companies that are in charge of providing jobs are eligible for emergency microloans.


Small companies in Chicago can qualify for loans of up to $50,000 with a five-year repayment period via the Chicago Small Business Resiliency Fund. Your revenue before coronavirus will be the determining factor of the amount of loan you can qualify for.


Organizations in Louisiana will apply for credits up to $100,000 with no interest and no installments for the initial half year through the Louisiana Loan Portfolio Guarantee Program.

New Hampshire

Small businesses can get funding from the Manchester Small Business Recovery Loan Fund. They can get loans of up to $25,000 with 2%interest rates.

New Mexico

Businesses can get loans that are repayable in 2 to 4 years with 3% to 10% interest rates from the New Mexico Recovery Fund.


Little organizations are qualified for zero-interest advances of up to $100,000.

New York

NY, City Small Business Continuity Fund offers 0% attributes up to $75,000 to little organizations to counterbalance deals misfortunes.


Small businesses can access loans of up to $100,000 with a three-year repayment period and zero interest rate.

New Jersey

Nonprofits and small companies in New Jersey can qualify for up to $100,000 in funding that can be deferred for a year.


The Washington SME Emergency Grant Program offers small start-ups up to $10,000 in loans.

North Carolina

Little organizations will get 0% premium advances up to $50,000 without any installments for the initial half year.


Little associations in Minnesota can apply for 0% advances of up to $35,000 through the SME Emergency Loan Program, which has a five-year reimbursement plan.


The Economic and Community Development Initiative of Kentucky will provide up to $3,000 in incentive funds to small businesses.


The Florida SME Emergency Bridge Loan Program Presents $50,000 in credits to little associations affected by coronavirus. The loans function as a stopgap measure before the company can secure alternative financing.


The state of Connecticut has a program that offers zero-interest advances up to $75 000 or three months of working interest.

Small businesses have benefited from the coronavirus emergency loan through being eligible for loan forgiveness, zero interest rates on the loan, and flexible repayment periods.

According to Lantern Credit, ‘Small business grants allow you to do these things and more. Because grants don’t have to be repaid, businesses can use them to invest in a company’s growth and profitability.’ Grants for small business from Lantern by SoFi have helped the business open new locations, add new product lines and hire new staff.

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