MOBILITY Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Wed, 20 Apr 2022 16:05:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 MOBILITY Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 The Future Of The Robotics Market Intelligence And Mobility Wed, 25 Aug 2021 06:27:16 +0000 Over the next ten years, the volume of the global robotics market will grow 6

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Over the next ten years, the volume of the global robotics market will grow 6 to 10 times. It will dominate the segment of robots for professional services, with more than double the sales of industrial and logistics robots. This data is provided by The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) in the study “Robotics Outlook 2030: How Intelligence and Mobility Will Shape the Future”. Robotics is a very diverse industry sector, and its future is difficult to predict.

Its growth potential is high, and this can be stated unequivocally. However, market participants producing equipment and software for industrial automation must be mobile and aggressive enough to take advantage of all the new strategic and technological directions that will be important in the next ten years. 

Small and startups will drive innovation in promising segments, generate high profits, and change the size of the robotics industry. The global robotics market by 2030 will grow from the current $ 25 billion to $ 160-260 billion, experts predict in The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) document. At the same time, the market share of robots providing professional services can reach $ 170 billion. Sales of industrial and logistics robots will amount to about $ 80 billion.

Today, the robotics industry is represented by more than 500 companies that produce products in four main categories: conventional industrial robots and collaborative robots or cobots, robots for stationary professional services, for example with medical and agricultural applications, robots for professional mobile services, professional cleaning, construction, underwater activities, and self-guided vehicles for the transport of large and small loads in logistics or assembly lines. According to BCG experts, seven major trends will define and shape the robotics market in the next decade.

Mastery Of Professional Service Robots

Sales of robots for professional services ($ 90 billion to $ 170 billion) will more than double the sales of conventional and logistics robots.

Change Consumer Preferences And Social Trends

This trend will increase the demand for advanced robotic solutions. On the one hand, increased consumer demand for faster deliveries of customized products will increase the ability of robots to customize production and logistics. On the other hand, an aging population will increase the demand for mobile service robots to help with personal hygiene, exercise, food delivery, and more. The growing public interest in recycling will require robots to perform complex dismantling and sorting tasks.

Robots Will Take Low-Wage Jobs

The replacement of people by robots will lead to a shortage of manual workers and higher wages in countries with traditionally low wages.

Advanced Technologies Will Improve Human-Robot Interaction

Disruptive technologies in intelligence, communications, and machine control will expand the capabilities of robots and simplify their interaction with humans. For example, AI will allow robots to face unexpected situations. Imaging systems will improve offline checks. 5G communication technology will increase the working range of the robot.

As these technologies are introduced, many customers will choose modular systems consisting of a core, peripheral controllers, machine vision software, and artificial intelligence for autonomous, intelligent actions rather than buying basic robotic systems. They will be easy to implement and will be able to solve a specific range of tasks independently.

The convergence of IT, which manages data, and OT, which contains operating machines, will accelerate the development of intelligent robotic systems and simplify their connection to complex manufacturing plants. Already today, dozens of startups are focused on working in specific niches in these cutting-edge areas.

Robots Will Be Able To Learn

Today’s simulation tools allow robots to be trained to solve current problems. However, these methods do not provide the ability to introduce them to respond to unexpected events flexibly and intelligently. The study conducted by the non-profit artificial intelligence analysis center OpenAI made it possible to create the first application that includes a humanoid robotic arm. You can solve Rubik’s Cube problems entirely without human intervention. The automated capabilities that will emerge from these technologies will be precious in single-batch custom manufacturing processes.

Also Read: Big Data, AI, Robotics And Cybersecurity, The Technologies That Contribute The Most To Curbing Covid-19

Semi-Autonomous Mobile Machines In Pre-mapped Environments

These vehicles drive themselves on relatively good roads and in clear weather conditions, transferring control to the driver when they encounter a difficult situation. Level 4 auto navigation is autonomous and has a backup system that can shut down the machine in rare unexpected problems but does not require human intervention.

Asian Robotics Companies To Take Competitive Market Share

Korean, Chinese, and Japanese robotics companies that emerged in the last decade and now occupy a small market share will be able to grow significantly. Major Asian retailers are beginning to modernize their warehouses to meet growing demand, and the logistics will require a large volume of robotic equipment.

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Ways To Make The Right Choice of Software For Your Virtual Call Center Fri, 14 Feb 2020 15:49:54 +0000 We all know that virtual call center software is the right tool to take on

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We all know that virtual call center software is the right tool to take on board if you want to endow your customers with world-class customer services without spending tons of your investment. Once done right, it can help a business offer exclusive and all-inclusive customer service, which is not limited by the location, device, and work hours.

It saves tons of your limited and crucial investment done on maintenance, hardware deployment, and updates.

All in all, it’s here to support your growth and help you overcome various operational issues. However, you can relish all these benefits only if you have made the right choice. Not any ordinary virtual call center has the power to endow you such huge benefits. In fact, a wrong choice can act as an impediment rather than a growth factor.

Would you like to face this?

If not, then this article will help you a lot as we’re going to explain to you things to consider when you wish to enjoy par excellence customer service and hassle-free virtual call center operations.

Pay attention to the features

It is the feature of your virtual call center tool that allows you to do endless jobs in one go. If features are not sufficient, then your operations will fail big time, and you are likely to face tons of hassle. That’s why you must pay attention to the features offered of suggestive options.

Features like IVR, on-hold music, call recording, auto call distribution, voicemail transcription, and call forwarding are the basic ones and are included in any ordinary system. However, there are various other business-class features like Global Connect, Call Queuing, and Call Barging that only a professional service provider offers.

These features can be proved as blessing in disguise for all those enterprise-grade businesses as they make things easier than ever. So, you must pay attention to these features and understand whether these features are your need of the hour or not and purchase accordingly.

Check the flexibility

Your business needs can change at any point in time. With the changing needs, you can’t afford to change all of your infrastructures, including the call center software. Hence, before you make a final purchase, you must pay attention to the flexibility of the chosen software.

It should be able to offer you more work stations without hampering the existing ones. You can easily get more seats at a marginal cost. Also, the feature modules should be easy-to-customize. You can add/drop features as the time demands. The more flexible would be the solution, the best fit it would be for you.


There is no point in taking virtual call center software that is complex. When it has a complex interface, not every employee can gain hands-on experience of it. Hence, you may encounter limited productivity and usability.

If you want to keep this at bay, then checking the user-friendliness is a must-to-do thing before you take the final decision. It should have a clear and easy navigation facility.


The sole purpose of using cloud-based call center software is that you can be at your customers’ service around the clock. To achieve this, it’s important that your software should come with great compatibility with all types of data-driven devices like mobile phones, tablets, PCs, and laptops.

If it fails to work like other data-devices, then it will end-up behaving like your on-site call center, which keeps you bound with a particular location and device.

Don’t ignore international expansion

Going global is the need of the hour, and every second business is exploring business opportunities beyond the boundaries. In that case, it’s important that your call center is capable of managing your global operations without asking major changes in the existing infrastructure. 

All those who keep global expansion in their to-do list must prefer cloud-based software as it enables them to work without any geographical limitations. 

Such a system comes with remote working capabilities and can be at your service without asking much of investments. So, even if you are not financially sound for global expansion, you can still get hold over it using the cloud-based business phone system

The Final call

If you want to make the most of your virtual call center, then it is important to understand that it should be an ideal fit in your ecosystem. To ensure this, make sure you’re taking care of a few points like flexibility, user-friendliness, easy updates, and feature suites before making the final call.

Little diligence in starting can help you get benefitted till eternity. So, next time you go out to hunt down the best call center software for you, don’t forget to pay attention to these points. We bet you will make the right choice with these tips.

Also Read : International Export Guide For SMEs

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The Mobility In The Era Of Digitalization Mon, 10 Feb 2020 09:57:52 +0000 Mobility is one of the legs on which the digital transformation is based and is

The post The Mobility In The Era Of Digitalization appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

Mobility is one of the legs on which the digital transformation is based and is one of the main bets of the companies. We analyze the situation of the mobile world in the company.

The reality is that mobility solutions and mobile devices are more than settled in companies. The evolution that in society has experienced in a society where conciliation begins to be a requirement, the high cost of offices or the possibility of working from anywhere on the planet, are some of the elements that have favored the development of mobile solutions In the companies.

With this situation, the reality is that the company no longer needs to have workers tied to a chair and an office so that it can perform its task. Thus, workers begin to find, thanks to this labor mobility, how they can pick up their children to school, and then continue working from home. Companies also do not need to rent large office spaces since it is not necessary to have all employees in the same physical space, which results in significant savings to companies. And of course, it doesn’t matter where a worker is if he has a connection he can work.

In short, it is an element that favors companies and employees but still faces certain challenges. In this sense, Emilio Dumas, general director of Dynabook, affirms that “the biggest challenge for companies in the face of the phenomenon of labor mobility that we are experiencing is to find the balance between acquiring solutions that guarantee maximum operational and safety efficiency and that, at the same time, be affordable in terms of infrastructure management, maintenance, and costs. The particularity of mobility is that it has been the employees who have forced organizations to take this leap, demanding higher quality tools to work from anywhere or collaboratively. A situation that is further amplified with the arrival of new generations in the world of work,
It is true that this is one of the keys to the mobile revolution. And it is the users who have made companies bet on mobile tools. Until now, the best technology was always in a company, but since the first smartphone appeared, the situation changed. It was the home user who radically embraced the new mobile technology, and that change was what allowed companies to adapt. But, companies still have a way to go. For example, from the company NOW and from its perspective of management software manufacturers, it is stated that “we must take the current information systems to the device that we all use most frequently, to our smartphones. And, with this, extend it to client suppliers and other members of the value chain. For this, processes, procedures and new relationships must be redefined. We must think of another way of doing things in the search for greater efficiency. ”

Mobility: A-Pillar In Digitalization

As we have said, mobility is one of the indispensable elements in the digital transformation of the company. Mobility has been the cement on which the technological transformation has settled and will continue to be so in the near future. As David Alonso, director of Samsung’s business area, says, “mobile technology is transforming business, customer service and the way we work every day. We could say that we are facing a new mobile era, where mobile devices allow us to achieve everything that previously seemed impossible: work from a distant place, navigate at maximum speed, manage payments from our suppliers and use our software and business applications as if We were in the office. ”

The reality is that digitalization cannot be understood without taking mobility into account. And, as Ignacio Herrero, director-general of NOW, says, “mobility is one of the best bets in terms of digitalization. From there, it is true that it opens a world of possibilities … Of course, analyzing the issue from a broader point of view, many new businesses could not have appeared, let alone consolidate, without mobility being one of its pillars keys”.

And they will continue to increase. More and more companies will incorporate a greater number of mobile devices and solutions. As stated, Miguel Angel Cervera, director of Modern Workplace and Cybersecurity at Microsoft, “Within a short time, 50% of workers worldwide will do so in a mobile way and it is expected that, in 2025, 75% employees are millennials, which means that companies that have not yet faced their digital transformation have to consider doing so as soon as possible. Not only to take advantage of all the advantages that digitalization brings when working but to ensure its competitiveness in an increasingly demanding market and even attract young talent that demands modern tools.

Therefore, what more and more companies understand, is that betting on technology as a way to improve the way of working of their employees, will mean in the medium and long term a return on investment. ”

The Role Of The Cloud In Mobility


For the development of mobility, the cloud has played an essential role. In fact, the operation of many applications could not be understood without Cloud Computing being there. As the CEO of Dynabook assures, “cloud computing is what we could call an old acquaintance of the IT managers of any company by allowing to meet such basic demands of employees as access to information and corporate resources, as well as collaborative work, regardless of place and at all times. In recent years, any company that has developed a mobility strategy, regardless of its maturity,

For its part, the Samsung spokesman believes that “the mobile industry is undergoing a great transformation thanks to innovative technologies such as 5G, IoT and Artificial Intelligence. Open collaboration is very important in this regard since it allows us to develop the opportunities offered by these technologies and offer connected services. For example, we have recently developed a security platform for emergency teams, police and firefighters with IBM, using the IBM cloud and Samsung’s Galaxy device ecosystem. Therefore, the cloud-mobility binomial is very important, since it can allow us to monitor situations and act immediately to protect the health of people, but also apply it to other sectors, such as financial, energy, retail, etc. ”.

Also for Ignacio Herrero, general director of NOW, the cloud has played and plays an important role in the development of business mobility. In his opinion, “the role that cloud plays in the world of mobility is key. The possibility of accessing countless applications to address support processes offers the advantage of being able to test different solutions at a minimum cost and see which one suits our needs. In this sense, it is necessary to advance how they interact with each other when necessary ”.

In short, the cloud has made it possible to change the way it works. And mobility has been a definitive driver in that change since together they have made it possible for employees to access information at any time and from anywhere, regardless of the device used, which has led to an increase in the productivity and take better advantage of the different digital applications. As the spokesman for Microsoft says, “the use, increasingly common cloud, favors the emergence of new work models that not only boost productivity and mobility.”

Advantages & Mobility Strategies

Despite all the advances that have taken place in the mobility environment such as global workforce solutions, there are many companies that are not taking advantage of all the advantages offered by mobility solutions. In many cases, the advantages are not taken advantage of by resistance to change. Incredible as it may seem, there are a majority of companies that exercise unbridled control over the presence of the worker in the office. That constant presence is more valued, despite the fact that the worker may be viewing his Facebook page. And, as Miguel Angel Cervera, from Microsoft, says, “the only barrier that companies find when implementing a clear mobility strategy is not related to technology, but to resistance to change.”

Yes, companies that are committed to mobility are more successful. That is why the reluctance of some companies is not understood since there are applications and devices for all kinds of needs. For example, in the section on terminals, the Samsung spokesperson believes that “each organization must be aware of its needs and the devices that best suit each employee. There are people who prefer to have a very wide screen to have a greater visualization of the contents they have to work with, and others prefer smaller terminals that are more manageable. There is a greater penetration of devices in all types of sectors and businesses, and manufacturers are also aware of these demands. In our case, the growing Galaxy ecosystem is growing and includes lighter devices to others with maximum performance and 5G. But not only that, last year, we launched a smartphone and a rugged tablet to support all kinds of professionals, including very specific functions so that they can collect electronic signatures, make annotations and designs with great precision, but also with a very design robust to avoid vibrations, falls and impacts if they work in mobility ”.

The same happens in the case of business applications. From NOW, Ignacio Herrero, says that “from our experience, as manufacturers of NOW and Flexygo, companies are betting on the mobile digitalization of their processes with growing interest. In this sense, some mistakes can be made in the redefinition of procedures, in the adaptation of users, but they have a quick solution. It is something that mobility also brings, greater simplicity and simplicity. ”

But if we talk about productivity, what must be recognized is that in the field of business solutions there is still a way to go. And, in many cases, the application with which you work on a computer does not have the same benefits or the same usability, if you move to a smartphone. As mobile device users grow in the workplace, the demand for more fluid connectivity is increasing.
In this regard, the Samsung spokesman states that “today, we live and work with multiple devices, and more advanced and much simpler connectivity is needed. Until now, if users of a PC needed content from their phones, they had to interrupt their work to look at their phone and open an application to be able to send the contents to their PC. Therefore, it was necessary that this content is synchronized automatically, in order to start a project on one device and resume it on another, without distractions. ”

Mobility And 5G


We have been talking about the benefits and the innumerable advantages that 5G will bring to our lives for several years. Actually it is already working, although its full potential cannot be extracted. In addition, until it is a standardized technology among the entire population, we still have to wait. But the advantages are clear: 5G will give Internet access to all kinds of devices, that is, the IoT will see its boom thanks to the speed, the reduction of latency or the lower saturation that it provides with respect to 4G. Emerging technologies that until now have become popular especially in homes and offices, will become increasingly common and ubiquitous, thanks to the bandwidth of the 5G mobile network.

For the CEO of Dynabook, Emilio Dumas, “the next generation of 5G networks is undoubtedly the trend that will drive and serve as a catalyst for many other technologies, among which Edge Computing, wearables, and 8K standout, called define our day to day as consumers and workers. So far, most of the forecasts around 5G have referred to investments and launches. However, this will change in 2020. With several telecommunications companies officially launching this technology and compatible telephones, the new generation of networks will result in the emergence of new types of jobs and exponential multiplication of productivity. ”

The great qualities of 5G, its speed and performance (with data transfer speeds far superior to the current ones and performances that improve those offered today by Wi-Fi networks and even many wired networks), and the notable reduction of latencies, They will have a great impact on companies and their way of operating. End-to-end latency is expected to fall below one millisecond allowing technologies and applications that are simply not possible with the current 4G.
In addition, the adoption of IoT by companies is growing significantly and will continue to do so in the coming years with the help of the connectivity provided by 5G. The Internet of Things provides companies with added value that allows them to optimize processes and focus on tasks that improve their productivity.

Let’s look at an example of what IoT will mean and how 5G technology can make use cases like this multiply exponentially: tire manufacturer Bridgestone has implemented Tirematics, an IoT solution based on Microsoft Azure for operators of commercial fleets

Bridgestone has added in each tire a series of innovative sensors that capture pressure and temperature in real-time and transmit that information to the Microsoft Azure cloud platform. When an anomaly is detected, Tirematics immediately issues an alert to the appropriate person, be it the driver, the tire technician or the maintenance manager. The result is a reduction in the workload of inspection and maintenance of the wheels and much less related operational problems, including breakdowns and safety. Bridgestone began developing Tirematics in Azure in August 2016 and its architecture includes Azure IoT Hub, Azure Data Lake, Azure Stream Analytics, Azure Event Hubs, among others. Definitely,

Mobility Security

The increase in mobile terminals and the massive adoption by users and companies have caused the cybercrime industry to see a real reef in mobile environments. As stated by Alfonso Ramírez, CEO of Kaspersky, “the number of attacks is constantly increasing, but not only to mobile devices but also to any device that provides mobility and the services the company offers to the user.”

From the point of view of security, it should be borne in mind that mobile devices nowadays have capabilities in terms of power, storage and, thanks to 5G, communications that equate them with the resources available in offices or centers of data. In this sense, José de la Cruz, technical director of Trend Micro, states that “the reality is that today’s offices are mobile, so in terms of cybersecurity we must take into account the dispersion of data, the reliability of communications, the physical security of the devices, as well as the software executed on them. For this, we must be able to implement the same levels of protection and control to these devices as to corporate environments. ”

The reality is that cybersecurity will be one of the great challenges of 2020 for all organizations, regardless of their size or sector of activity and will require that governments, companies and civil society work to find joint solutions. And cybersecurity is in the spotlight of all manufacturing companies. For example, Miguel Angel Cervera from Microsoft says that “our commitment is decided in each of the four major aspects that allow 360-degree protection of organizations: identity management and authentication, proactive and advanced threat detection, data protection and unified monitoring. All this contributes to something fundamental in the coming months: to strengthen the protection of all our clients in a world under increasing pressure from threats ”.

Samsung is also clear about its commitment since as its spokesperson states, “from our point of view, a protected device is the basis for creating a threat-free mobile ecosystem. Knox is the holistic platform that reduces risks in the hyperconnected world thanks to a series of overlapping defense and security mechanisms that have been incorporated into Samsung devices at hardware, operating system, and application levels. It is anchored in the chipset of the device itself during its manufacture and improves the Android Enterprise platform with much more granular security and management controls. Samsung is the only device manufacturer that adopts such a comprehensive and comprehensive strategy to ensure the safety of its devices.


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