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The first thing you should ask yourself is whether or not your target audience is part of the Internet population, and that is, although the data seems to determine that everyone is a user of the Internet and social networks, the reality is that everyone is a user of the Internet and social networks is not is that. There are still many people who do not handle the new virtual tools and, therefore, do not use the Internet in their day to day.
Let’s say, for example, that you have a tourist business aimed at a mature audience, commonly called the elderly. Do you think that having a website and social networks for your business would affect something?

Meet the audience on social media

Therefore, the step you must take before launching into the creation of a website and social networks for your business will be to investigate if your target audience is present on the network. Knowing the public of each network will be easy for you thanks to the different annual studies that advertising and marketing companies prepare

Jump into the web universe

After verifying that your target audience is a user of the Internet and social networks, the time has come to launch yourself into the web universe. We know that, without prior notions, the simple fact of considering having a website seems crazy, but “Keep calm,” we have the solution!

Here are the three easy steps you must take to become a digital expert and adapt your business to the new era:

First steps on the Internet, social networks and digital devices

Before delving into the digital universe, you should have some basic notions that help you understand digital devices and the internetwork. With the Internet, Social Networks and Digital Devices course, you will acquire the necessary prior knowledge and fully introduce yourself to the essential technologies to develop your website and handle your profiles in networks with ease.

Know the basics of web 2.0 and social networks

Currently, there are many platforms available to create business web pages. Therefore, you must train in Fundamentals in web 2.0 and social networks to be able to identify, depending on your needs, the one that best suits your business. In this course, you will also learn how to create your professional profiles on social networks, which will allow you to train in both disciplines in just a few hours of free online training.

Generate web traffic and start converting

Attracting your target audience to your website and getting visitors to convert will be easy with the training that we have proposed. Still, if you want to expand your knowledge, you can do so with the free online course “Online Marketing: Design and Promotion of Websites.” In it, you will learn to develop a digital marketing plan that will help you devise the best strategy for attracting and retaining customers.

Take care of the security of your business website.

As an extra step, we recommend that you train in internet security to learn how to take care of the security of your website and your profiles on social networks from cybercriminals who are so on the rise in these times.

Also Read: Tips To The Defend Your Digital Identity

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How To Incorporate Pinterest Into Our Marketing Strategy Mon, 17 Aug 2020 06:36:27 +0000 What Is Pinterest Pinterest is a social network that serves as a search engine and

The post How To Incorporate Pinterest Into Our Marketing Strategy appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

What Is Pinterest

Pinterest is a social network that serves as a search engine and allows you to create folders called “boards” like the corks we know in which resources, jobs are advertised … but in their online form. On these boards, you will find the “pins”, that is, images that you like the most, interest, inspire. The social network also gives you the option of following those accounts that you like the most, or specific boards, which makes it familiar to us since its use is intuitive and similar to that of other RRSS.

Why Use Pinterest As A Business Account

For starters, Pinterest is a social network that is being used more and more, especially as a search engine for inspiration. But also, many of the people who use it do so as a search engine for products to purchase. It is used to see what is there and to find information, but also to buy products. Therefore, using the business version can help you analyze your visitors, which are the posts with the most views, which ones redirect more traffic to your website …

But, also, Pinterest Business will help you position your brand on Google. And not only as a blog but also each of the pins and the boards separately. And, thanks to its advertising options, you will be able to publicize your brand in that social network to grow in it and reach more people.

How To Incorporate Pinterest Into Your Marketing Strategy

To begin with, we cannot forget that it is a social network where the most important thing is visual. Therefore, we must bear in mind that our content has to be adapted to this requirement: if we want to upload images, they must be attractive and interesting.

Pin The Images Of Your Blog

Those images that you create for your blog, in which you dedicate time and effort, can also be reused for Pinterest, so, in addition to giving them double use, you can increase traffic to your website and reach more people. You can upload, for example:

  • Banners: Those banners that you have prepared already give enough information so that the reader is attracted to read more and… click. It is already on your website. Therefore, uploading them to Pinterest Business is a very good option, and also with almost no effort or time.
  • Images of The Interior or Infographics or Complementary Materials: This type of material works very well on Pinterest since it mixes the visual with very useful information. This social network is, above all, visual, so it is useless to put a photo with a lot of text, but, if you want the message to also arrive, I recommend that you use the infographics that you have created or that you create new.

Pin More Elaborate Informational Images

Pinterest Business is a very good social network to put candy in their mouths and that, in this way, they want to know more and go to your website. To do this, in addition to the above options, you can give information in images about something on your website. In this way, if they want it, they will go to it and download or request it, and, again, you will get quality traffic to your website since they will already have the idea of what they want.

Upload Images Of Your eCommerce Products

This option is one of the most effective for introducing Pinterest into your marketing strategy. Since, if your eCommerce offers products, what better than reaching more people? If so, what we recommend is that you position the images that you already have made for your website as well as your products and you will get direct links to your online store.

Upload Inspiring Images Directly To Pinterest Related To Your Business

Another content option for Pinterest is uploading inspiring images. Pinterest, as we have said, in addition to serving to buy, serves for people to be inspired by those areas that interest them. If we also offer that content, we can get them interested and go to the rest of our boards. These can be created by you (in Canva, for example) or be some that you find in image banks, or that you “save” from Pinterest itself from other users’ boards.

What Should You Keep In Mind When Uploading Images To Pinterest

For everything we have discussed to affect, that is, to position itself and make your products position themselves, we must take into account many points. The SEO positioning of Pinterest is something different from the one we know from Google, so here are some tips to see what we should take into account when we want to position ourselves on Pinterest.

  • Descriptive Title: This is very important since, if for example, it is a product of your website, the important thing is that the user knows what he is going to find, but also that Pinterest recognizes it. Also, the more interactions there are with your pins, the more Pinterest will consider it, and the more it will recommend your account.
  • Short Explanatory Text: Again, explain what the product is, its colors, its shapes, what it is for. It can help you position your pins on Pinterest by keywords, and in this way reach more people.
  • Link To The Web: This point is essential! The most important thing so that the user can reach your website is that you make it easy for them, and what better than with a direct link from the image that has interested them?
  • Engage With Followers: Although giving importance to your content is essential, it is also essential that Pinterest sees that you spend time on their social network and that you interact with the rest of the users.

The post How To Incorporate Pinterest Into Our Marketing Strategy appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

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