email marketing Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Sun, 20 Feb 2022 10:36:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 email marketing Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 7 Key Tips On How To Create An Eye-catching Email Template That Users Want To Read? Tue, 23 Nov 2021 10:56:37 +0000 Digitalization has transformed the way of doing business towards a more competitive environment where everything

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Digitalization has transformed the way of doing business towards a more competitive environment where everything is available at the touch of your finger. Digital marketing has emerged as the biggest tool for businesses and services providers to reach out to wider audiences. And the need for digital marketing is even more crucial in the current scenario where the whole world is combating the COVID 19 pandemic. One of the Pioneer and Evergreen tools of digital marketing is ‘Email Marketing.

There was a time when emails were believed to be for professionals and businesses only. But the scene is now changed, and email services have also evolved with time. Therefore, Email Marketing can be a good medium to market your products/services digitally. You might also receive so many promotional emails but you don’t read them all. Why?

For email marketing to be successful, you have to build a database of existing and potential clients and subscribers who want to hear from you. This, of course, won’t happen overnight. You have to keep patience and continue to work on learning the art of creating highly responsive emails. So, ‘Email Marketing’ is a fruitful tool because the user is too busy to visit the website frequently but reads his email daily.

Emails are old-school but ‘Email Marketing’ has evolved in the past few years and it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. It needs creative and professional techniques to catch more clients and convert leads into customers with flying colors. If you’re a beginner and desire to learn some working hacks to fetch maximum traffic, you’re on the right page.

Begin With Organizing Content

Everything else will fail unless your content is unique, short, approachable, relatable, and organized well. There are hundreds of emails dropped into your inbox but you read a few. Why is it so? Because not all can grab your attention.

A survey says that it takes less than 20 seconds for an email reader to choose to open or delete the email. You have to come up with email content that is unique, value-driven, and sounds creative to the readers. Your content should be 10 times better than typical so-called marketing emails. Besides creativeness, your content should be informative and in-depth yet short. The length of the content also matters. It should be neither too small nor too long. At the end of the day, Content is Always the King!

Work On Designing, Template, & Layout Area

This is very significant. You may find as many templates as you want to write effective emails but not all are responsive enough. Choose a template that goes perfectly with your idea of business. Even a basic template may give you a canvas to pour your creativity and mold it the way you want it.

The design of your email must be unique, eye-catching, organized, and user-friendly. Your email design must be something that conveys all the necessary information on the face of it. Once you have finalized the design and layout, save it for all future emails. However, there is always room for modification and changes.

You may find many automation tools also for generating emails. We’d recommend ‘Sendinblue’ which is simple, customizable, and has pocket-friendly plans to do the job for you while you can target actual sales and business. You can learn more interesting information about this topic on this site. Creating emails is super easy with Sendinblue. It has pre-designed templates to offer you and an ability to engage more audiences. 

Decide Content-Length

Long stories do not work. We’re living in an era where even social media stories are not more than 30 seconds long. So, email content must also be short but complete. The arrangement of content should be in the order of importance. Use formatting tools like bullet points, headings, subheadings, etc. to help readers quickly go through it. Hyper-linking those words/phrases is mandatory and requires more information.

Add ‘CTA – Call To Action

Never forget to add the ‘Call to Action’ button. This instigates the reader to go further. And it creates high chances to gain an enduring customer/client. CTA must be added keeping in mind the target audience. It should be so stimulating that readers can’t stop themselves from hitting and taking the action they want.

CTA must be a short action verb of a letter or two. Say Follow, Register, Subscribe, Buy Now, Order Now, Visit, etc. The placement of the CTA button must be done wisely. It must be visible to the readers and shouldn’t promise anything that you won’t offer. So, it is very important to set the expectations of readers right from the scratch.

Also, add other ways to get in touch with you, like your Instagram handle, or Facebook page, or website address. This will help you in redirecting traffic in the future.

Promote Your Brand

A brand has something always unique and different that makes it stand out among others. While creating an email for your potential buyers/clients/customers, add your business logo, name, or trademark so that people can identify by brand assets themselves. This helps to create a trust factor among readers. Not just that, focus on minute things as well like colors of the brands, theme, designs, etc. This adds to your credibility. Plus, if you are sending images or videos, make sure to invest it in the right because high-quality videos and images are very impressive.

Wise Choice of Fonts

Choose the fonts that are usually used by your brand on other platforms. This brings brand uniformity and readers can confirm email from you. An email would be useless if it won’t be able to convey the intended message. So, select the most stylish font that can be equally legible. You may also add other font formatting ideas like using background colors to distinguish noticeable text in your email from readers point of view.

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The Best Email Marketing Strategies For Your business Tue, 18 May 2021 07:35:05 +0000 Email marketing is not precisely a new digital marketing strategy but still forms one of

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Email marketing is not precisely a new digital marketing strategy but still forms one of the most direct and effective communications between customers and companies of any size. We will tell you.

What Is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a digital marketing strategy that involves sending emails to users of a company’s database, whether customers or leads (potential customers who have contact details, thanks to that, have left a form). Through sending emails, it is about building a relationship with users and guiding them towards the purchase. Companies also use email marketing to communicate all kinds of news to their customers: updates to the conditions of service, expansion of the catalog, offers, discounts, etc.

Email Marketing Strategies

1. Personalize Your Messages

Personalization consists of using the data that users leave on your website to generate messages tailored to their needs and expectations. It is a very effective email marketing strategy: it is estimated that personalized emails convert up to 6 times more.  

For this, it is necessary to have an appropriate form in which information about users is collected, including their location, age, and other helpful information. Some ideas for personalization include the use of the user’s name in the subject and the text of the email or the sending of adapted offers based on their previous purchases. 

2. Segment your subscribers

User segmentation allows the sending of email marketing campaigns that add value to those who receive them. It is possible to carry out segmentation according to the industry to which it belongs or the company’s size in which it works (thanks to the information collected in lead capture forms), among many other criteria. 

It is also helpful to segment users according to the phase of the customer journey. They send different emails and offers to those who are not yet convinced, to those who are ready to purchase, or to those who have already purchased on previous occasions.

3. Send Mobile-Friendly Emails

It is estimated that 55% of smartphone users have purchased after receiving a promotional email. To take advantage of these opportunities, it is essential that emails can be viewed correctly on mobile devices. 

To do this, use a responsive design (which adapts to the screen width of any device), write short email subjects, and create a call to action at the end of the text visible on smartphones.

4. Automate Whenever Possible

The most effective email marketing campaigns implement the sending of automatic emails according to user behavior. The most common among these automated emails are the thank you for the purchase and the welcome emails after a user subscribes. 

However, there are other efficient examples to achieve more sales with automated emails, such as sending reminders to renew subscriptions before they expire.

Also Read: What Is Conversational Marketing

Advantages Of Using Email Marketing In Your Business

  • It is a prevalent communication channel, more than others, such as social networks. In addition, it is estimated that 99% of consumers look at their email every day. 
  • Control of your database without depending on third-party platforms as it happens in social networks.
  • A very effective medium for conversion. The average ROI (return on investment) for email marketing is around € 35 for every euro spent, according to the Data & Marketing Association 

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What are the Benefits of Email Marketing? Wed, 05 May 2021 16:16:19 +0000 Email marketing can be a powerful marketing tool. Email marketing is part of the broader

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Email marketing can be a powerful marketing tool. Email marketing is part of the broader marketing service, known as digital marketing. Even though some people believe that email marketing is no longer relevant, this simply isn’t true.

The reason why we believe email marketing is important is that it allows you to use email to endorse your business’s services or products.  Email marketing can help you get more customers as they become aware of your new list of items or offers by adding it into your marketing efforts. Email marketing can play a crucial role in your business marketing approach with brand awareness, lead generation, building relationships, or engaging customers between procurements through different types of email marketing.

The Benefits of Email Marketing:

Whether it is a newsletter or order confirmation, emails are considered a very important aspect of the progress and administration of your business.

Below you can find three major benefits of email marketing:


A conversion means selling your services or products. It requires an initiation of a promotion or sale. To increase your sales, you can send an email marketing drive to your subscribers. Also, you can find other email marketing methods known to improve conversion rates that include special offers or emailing a discount. Special offers include anniversary or birthday emails, re-engagement emails, or welcome emails.

Also, today, you can find abandoned cart emails that occur when a visitor leaves a cart at your online store.

Brand awareness:

Email marketing is one of the best digital marketing approaches that allow you to reach customers directly.  Through email marketing, you can have one-to-one communications easily.

When your brand appears in individuals’ email inbox, then the person will remember the brand easily as it stays top of mind. A customized marketing email is more powerful than a social media post as in social media, you are not sure if the person saw your message or not. 

Scalability is one of the main benefits of email marketing.  That means the emails can be directed to a huge number of receivers at a comparatively affordable cost, which is not possible with other marketing networks (or if it is, usually comes at a much higher cost compared to email marketing).

Customer loyalty:

Email marketing helps with the loyalty of a customer at every phase of the buyer journey. This includes conversion, lead nurturing, retention, and onboarding.  It can also be an influential tool for constructing a community. For example, in order to build customer loyalty, you can produce newsletter content well so that the subscribers will be looking forward to it coming every week. Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s are usually great days to send these!

Also Read: Database Marketing: What Is It And How To Do?


In this article, we’ve gone through the 3 major benefits of email marketing. We hope they’ve helped you understand why email marketing is still relevant.

Although it can take time to build an email list, once you have one, email marketing can become a very convenient marketing system that is also very cost-efficient. 

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