human resources Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Mon, 11 Jul 2022 06:51:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 human resources Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 Infographic Actions To Improve The Productivity Of The HR Area Mon, 11 Jul 2022 06:51:24 +0000 The role of the Human Resources department is key to the success of companies. During

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The role of the Human Resources department is key to the success of companies. During the last years we have observed how they have been gaining more and more importance and expanding their functions, not only in the recruitment process, but also in the  development of the company’s collaborators and their  motivation , which generates the best work environment. and translates into the results and productivity of the company.

Among the main functions we find:

  • Legal-administrative tasks related to contracts, payroll, social security, permits, sick leave, vacations, absences and time control.
  • Labor Relations function with contracting tasks, salary policy , labor  conflicts , collective negotiations, labor climate surveys, PRL, etc.
  • Design the compensation system for the workforce.
  • Recruitment and selection of personnel.
  • Employee training and development plans.
  • Evaluation of the performance of functions.

Sometimes this department is assigned bureaucratic or administrative tasks, or assumes functions that are not specific to the department, reducing its productivity and distancing it from what is really important, such as making decisions at a strategic level that have an impact on the rest of the members of the company, generating a positive impact on the organization. Now, how can we increase the productivity of the Human Resources department? These 5 actions will increase the productivity of Human Resources departments and help automate tasks, getting more time to dedicate to more important and strategic tasks.

Digitize The Human Resources Department

The Human Resources department must adapt to the evolutionary changes that we are undergoing and serve as an example for the entire company. We must innovate and use digital tools that allow us to be more agile and with higher quality processes. These tools allow us to save time in our daily functions to focus on what is really important, people.

From the Human Resources department we must help management and employees to quickly transform and adapt to digitalization, being essential to establish a technological strategy that simplifies the process for all workers. By using updated tools we will move legacy and traditional systems to a cloud platform that will help us build a digital Human Resources team. It is always a good option to put yourself in the hands of experts who can help us with this change process, or visit other companies to see how they are working.

Use Collaborative Tools

In our day to day we will not only use the Payroll and Human Resources application, which includes tools to control employee training, evaluate them or to find the talent you need. We can find other tools that will help us in our day to day life, such as Office365 with Sharepoint, which will help us to allow part or all of the team to access documents and modify them in real time, or Teams , which will allow us to have decentralized communication of the department. Other tools like HelloTeam! Collaborative innovation portal, will help employees to participate in the company’s innovation by contributing ideas and posting news related to the company’s activity in a fun way through gamification.

Create A Top Team

No one is as good as the sum of the team members, so it is essential to surround yourself with the best possible team. We must take care of and make the team grow. It is essential to maintain fluid communication with the team and develop some type of joint activity to promote cohesion. Eat once a week in the office, a meeting that allows you to have a non-work talk, some playful activity, etc. These are actions that will promote the integrity of the team.

If you want to attract the best, you must work on the image of your company betting on employer branding, think about what you can do for your team and what benefits it has working with you, then sell it! Take time to listen to your team and know what stimulates them and what diminishes their productivity. The work environment is essential to achieve a cohesive team.

Integrate Your Department Within The Organization

The Human Resources department must be an active part of the company and all its actions must be aimed at meeting the needs of other departments or of the people who are part of the company. For this, the distribution of the workload is essential and if we manage to delegate functions optimally, the work will be more effective and productivity will increase.

At this point, having an Employee Portal will decentralize many of the tasks of the Human Resources department, delegating them to middle managers, facilitating internal communication that will allow employees to check their payroll, vacations, employee file, make requests to the company, answer work environment surveys and other actions that will allow the worker to participate in the organization and decision-making. Turning the department into a more productive and valuable asset for the company.

Measure, Evaluate And Improve Processes

Broadly speaking, the lean methodology consists of  avoiding waste, using the resources already available to the maximum and constantly improving processes to obtain more and more efficient results .Measuring processes is part of continuous improvement, and you need well-defined objectives to be able to propose improvement actions.

It is very important to identify the processes that we can improve and whose improvement will add value to the company’s income statement by making us more efficient, and for this it is important to  listen to the  team’s opinion and collect all the information possible. Having a complete picture of the main processes and actions of the Human Resources department, contracted with their objectives or KPIs, will help us develop our action plan and make better decisions.

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Future Of Work HR Has The Keys To Transformation More Than Ever Sat, 23 Oct 2021 07:05:20 +0000 The health crisis has shown us the importance of organizational resilience in companies. Those who

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The health crisis has shown us the importance of organizational resilience in companies. Those who have resisted the best have changed their mode of organization and managerial model rapidly. And who then digitized or accelerated the digitization of their work process. Managers, but more broadly, HR played a key role in their ability to provide teams with more flexibility from this point of view.

Moment. There have already been significant crises, like that of 2008. There will still be others, but Covid-19 had the particularity of affecting everyone, all sectors, and impacting them all simultaneously. While the crisis is not over, some significant facts should be considered to plan better the following steps and better support employees in the “future of work.”

Rethinking The Organization Of Work And The Managerial Model

Teleworking is not the most significant HR development of this period. In any case, this is only the tip of the iceberg: some companies have taken the opportunity to rethink the organization and working time. With the health crisis, we have witnessed a more substantial transformation of companies, driven by HR, which causes change within entities by relying on managers. This collaboration has led to the implementation of good practices:

  • They were raising managers’ awareness of the review of individual performance targets. Because how can we maintain performance objectives (before the crisis) without supporting employees in defining each person’s role today, without offering sufficiently efficient documents and tools in their new working environment? Teams must understand what is expected of them and according to what performance criteria to focus again on their mission and the company’s challenges. The time has come for a more open, inclusive managerial culture centered on cohesion. Managers have a role to play in rebuilding employee confidence, while the context remains uncertain.
  • The use of digital tools facilitates the implementation of regular feedback. Remote work implies the obligation to formulate honest feedback between peers or between managers and employees on what works and, on the contrary, what does not. The void calls for interpretation, and interpretation calls for error.
  • Bring a point of vigilance to the “work-life balance” in the wake of the deployment of teleworking. We can ask ourselves to include domestic work in the calculation of objectives and performance on an equitable basis between women and men. Some countries have focused on reducing gender inequalities in the ratio of working time to household chores. This is the case in China, which is often rightly criticized elsewhere, where women worked during the crisis in the morning and men in the afternoon to share the time necessary to take care of the children.
  • Be vigilant about the health of employees. Experience has shown how useful some managers have set up support for employees who have never practiced telework. The lack of social interactions and the lack of information has caused some teams to lose their bearings. To maintain social relations, several HRDs have invested in imagining new traditions in the “relational routine” of employees and cementing the teams: blind test, virtual aperitif, morning coffee but also actions to give back meaning to work: coaching individuals, training, societal commitment.

Managers And HRD Hand In Hand To Drive Change

This dynamic goes first and foremost through the digitalization of the business processes of compensation, leave, recruitment, training to free up time for the HR department and focus on high added value tasks. This transformation necessarily involves implementing tools essential to the proper functioning of teams (facilitating teleworking, automating tasks, equipping employees with the appropriate equipment, etc.). And in particular, to play a support role for the employees in the most significant difficulty. The HR function must exercise its part of scouting and remain alert on upcoming changes to anticipate them and evangelize the practices of their teams.

HRDs must equip themselves to carry out the changes and support managers and employees in this crucial step. The HRIS (Human Resources Management Information System) will allow them to optimize their resources by automating the processes (essential functions), by improving the monitoring of tasks, and by empowering the employee (training, internal mobility, etc.). 

The question of implementation, Saas model, on-premise, Paas, all this must be thought out upstream according to the company’s strategic challenges. The challenge of these changes ultimately lies in the capacity of organizations to re-humanize relationships and support managers. And HR has a decisive role in this respect, in their ability to make both the manager aware of the choice of tools and the managers in the deployment of good practices.

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