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The inbound marketing methodology can be adapted to multiple sectors and improve the results of all types of companies. But the truth is that the tourism sector is working like a glove. Thanks to the digital transformation that this sector has experienced, users are researching and planning their trips online. Therefore, brands that are willing to offer valuable content to attract them and accompany them throughout their journey will have a much easier time attracting and retaining customers.

Analyze Your Buyer Persona

A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer, based on accurate data and informed assumptions about their demographics, behaviors, motivations, and goals. This representation helps you plan your inbound strategy, as it allows you to understand who you want to attract and what type of content you need to add value to them. Buyer personas must be based on research and analysis, and it is beneficial to analyze your current customers to identify common trends.

Research Your Customer Journey

Research is a significant part of the customer journey in the tourism sector. Without analyzing the customer journey of your buyer personas, you can adapt your interactions to create value and accompany users to the final decision continuously.

Within the  customer journey, we distinguish three major stages:

  • The discovery stage begins when a potential customer experiences a problem or need. At this point, he begins to investigate to find out what he needs to solve.
  • The customer has identified the problem and is considering different options to resolve it in the consideration stage. Once you are clear about what you want, you move on to the next phase.
  • Finally, in the decision stage, the customer already knows what he wants and is actively looking for a company that can meet his needs.

By deeply understanding the customer journey of each of your buyer personas, you can anticipate the questions, topics, and search terms that will be relevant to them at any given time.

Create Quality Content

Content is one of the great pillars of the tourism sector since it helps us make customers find us and attract them to our brand. Once you have identified your buyer personas and their needs at each stage of the journey, you can use this information to create content specifically tailored to them. The star strategy to attract potential customers to our site is travel blogs, where content is published periodically in the tourism sector. To achieve maximum effectiveness and create content tailored to the needs of our buyer personas, we must also pay attention to the keyword strategy. This will help us quickly position ourselves in search engines and attract more visits.

Improve Your Visibility

Once you have launched your content strategy, it is time to start working on multiplying its reach. To do this, there are two key strategies:  social networks and search engine optimization or  SEO. Social networks are ideal for getting in touch with potential clients and making your content known, either organically or through promoted posts. To achieve the best results, it is important to have thoroughly analyzed your buyer persona’s digital presence and be on the networks where they spend the most time. On the other hand, SEO is essential to attract sustained visits. In addition to keyword optimization on your blog, you should pay attention to on-page optimization (website structure, URLs, rich content, metadata, etc.) and link building  (generating links from external websites to yours).

Convert Visitors Into Leads

Getting visitors to your website is an essential first step, but to convert them into customers, you need to convince them to leave you their data and thus become leads. At this point, the strategy of landing pages and lead magnets comes into play. In short, it is about offering beautiful content to your buyer persona in exchange for them leaving you their data, for example, to download a checklist or sign up for a webinar. For this point to work correctly, optimizing all the elements of your landings is essential, paying particular attention to forms and CTAs.

Accompany Leads Toward Conversion

The next phase of inbound marketing for the tourism sector is lead nurturing, sending the information a series of messages that respond to their needs and accompany them on the path to conversion. This is done through an email marketing strategy with automated flows in many cases. Once the visitor leaves us their email, a series of message shipments spaced out over time is activated. To achieve better results, it is essential to segment the database according to different customer profiles and personalize the content as much as possible.

Delight Customers

The inbound marketing process does not end with converting the lead into a customer. Acquiring new customers is much less profitable than keeping existing ones, so we must pay special attention to offering a great experience. In this way, we will gain customer loyalty and benefit from repeat purchases and gain new customers effortlessly thanks to positive recommendations and reviews.

Also Read: Trends In Inbound Marketing For 2022

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How To Build Brand Awareness With Inbound Marketing https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/how-to-build-brand-awareness-with-inbound-marketing/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/how-to-build-brand-awareness-with-inbound-marketing/#respond Thu, 04 Nov 2021 06:44:59 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=4981 We begin by defining the term inbound marketing, it focuses on naturally reaching people through

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We begin by defining the term inbound marketing, it focuses on naturally reaching people through relevant content, and if inbound exists, outbound marketing must exist. This focuses on showing products or services and does so through media invasive. So how can we generate brand awareness using inbound marketing? We will tell you or remind you of eight tricks that can help your brand be recognized, remembered, and loved.

  • Pay attention to your presence in rss: Create a varied content strategy and publish regularly. We do not tell you to develop a complex calendar in a few weeks with the same publications each day. We say that you have a clear communication tone, establish several thematic lines that you can deal with, and go on making a bank of resources such as images, infographics, or your own videos. And use hashtags: keep your brand’s social networks updated, both the profile information and the publications. To this, add a list of crucial or important hashtags for your brand. Behind are the endless lists of hashtags, use the right and appropriate ones, stop to see which ones interest you according to circumstances, and exploit them.
  • Interact with people through social media: As important as publishing is to encourage and create a dialogue with the people who follow you and always respond to them. Create posts thinking about generating discussion, ask questions or create polls in favor of generating conversation. Of course, always respond to the comments or messages they send you, even if they are harmful; Unanswered comments cause a lousy perception in general and abandonment or irresponsibility in the person who has written it.
  • Be regular publishing content both on your website and on the blog or the resources you use apart from social networks: More than once, we have said that content and its dissemination are the essential tools of SEO. These contents must be attractive so that people stop to read them and their own or unique so that Google uses them to position the brand.
  • Create audiovisual content: We often say that video is the king of content. We all consume videos and prefer them to a photograph. We have at our disposal several tools and resources to record and edit audiovisual content. Platforms like YouTube offer us new functionalities to create very professional-looking videos. Even so, they don’t need to be professional videos, and they must be exciting and capable of being shared.
  • Make that content known: If it is not seen, it does not exist. This very introductory phrase is applicable to brand communication. If we invest time creating our own and exciting content and editing videos, we have to make it known. Not because it is published, it will be consumed by people, and we must use speakers such as social media, newsletters, and other publications in the sector. So that people know what you have prepared for them.
  • Apply to remarket: Another technique that we have talked about on many occasions and that we should not forget is capturing those who have already taken an interest in us. Generating brand awareness, like love, takes time. Contact after contact builds trust. Re-contacting those who showed interest in us is an accurate shot. It helps to start a relationship and close sales.
  • Implement guest blogging and co branding: Seek collaboration with other compatible blogs on the subject. Write for them. Invite them to write yours. It is an excellent way to attract more people or retain current ones. You can do the same by establishing collaborations with other brands (co branding) by creating actions limited in time with another brand to enter new markets and make yourself known to another audience by the hand of someone compatible.
  • Develop freemium plans: who has not subscribed to a website, newsletter, or blog to receive free information? We have all done it. It is about those free subscriptions that give us knowledge of interest in exchange for our data. Selflessly providing information or entertainment is an excellent way to increase brand awareness.

Here we leave you eight inbound marketing techniques to increase brand awareness, and they are not invasive techniques. They are based on contributing and sharing. Choose those that best suit your activity and the audience you are targeting.

Also Read: Why Are Software Companies Embracing Inbound Marketing?

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