inbound marketing Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Sun, 20 Feb 2022 10:36:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 inbound marketing Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 How To Build Brand Awareness With Inbound Marketing Thu, 04 Nov 2021 06:44:59 +0000 We begin by defining the term inbound marketing, it focuses on naturally reaching people through

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We begin by defining the term inbound marketing, it focuses on naturally reaching people through relevant content, and if inbound exists, outbound marketing must exist. This focuses on showing products or services and does so through media invasive. So how can we generate brand awareness using inbound marketing? We will tell you or remind you of eight tricks that can help your brand be recognized, remembered, and loved.

  • Pay attention to your presence in rss: Create a varied content strategy and publish regularly. We do not tell you to develop a complex calendar in a few weeks with the same publications each day. We say that you have a clear communication tone, establish several thematic lines that you can deal with, and go on making a bank of resources such as images, infographics, or your own videos. And use hashtags: keep your brand’s social networks updated, both the profile information and the publications. To this, add a list of crucial or important hashtags for your brand. Behind are the endless lists of hashtags, use the right and appropriate ones, stop to see which ones interest you according to circumstances, and exploit them.
  • Interact with people through social media: As important as publishing is to encourage and create a dialogue with the people who follow you and always respond to them. Create posts thinking about generating discussion, ask questions or create polls in favor of generating conversation. Of course, always respond to the comments or messages they send you, even if they are harmful; Unanswered comments cause a lousy perception in general and abandonment or irresponsibility in the person who has written it.
  • Be regular publishing content both on your website and on the blog or the resources you use apart from social networks: More than once, we have said that content and its dissemination are the essential tools of SEO. These contents must be attractive so that people stop to read them and their own or unique so that Google uses them to position the brand.
  • Create audiovisual content: We often say that video is the king of content. We all consume videos and prefer them to a photograph. We have at our disposal several tools and resources to record and edit audiovisual content. Platforms like YouTube offer us new functionalities to create very professional-looking videos. Even so, they don’t need to be professional videos, and they must be exciting and capable of being shared.
  • Make that content known: If it is not seen, it does not exist. This very introductory phrase is applicable to brand communication. If we invest time creating our own and exciting content and editing videos, we have to make it known. Not because it is published, it will be consumed by people, and we must use speakers such as social media, newsletters, and other publications in the sector. So that people know what you have prepared for them.
  • Apply to remarket: Another technique that we have talked about on many occasions and that we should not forget is capturing those who have already taken an interest in us. Generating brand awareness, like love, takes time. Contact after contact builds trust. Re-contacting those who showed interest in us is an accurate shot. It helps to start a relationship and close sales.
  • Implement guest blogging and co branding: Seek collaboration with other compatible blogs on the subject. Write for them. Invite them to write yours. It is an excellent way to attract more people or retain current ones. You can do the same by establishing collaborations with other brands (co branding) by creating actions limited in time with another brand to enter new markets and make yourself known to another audience by the hand of someone compatible.
  • Develop freemium plans: who has not subscribed to a website, newsletter, or blog to receive free information? We have all done it. It is about those free subscriptions that give us knowledge of interest in exchange for our data. Selflessly providing information or entertainment is an excellent way to increase brand awareness.

Here we leave you eight inbound marketing techniques to increase brand awareness, and they are not invasive techniques. They are based on contributing and sharing. Choose those that best suit your activity and the audience you are targeting.

Also Read: Why Are Software Companies Embracing Inbound Marketing?

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Why Are Software Companies Embracing Inbound Marketing? Sun, 21 Feb 2021 15:56:00 +0000 Since the appearance of inbound marketing, we have witnessed a meteoric increase in the number

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Since the appearance of inbound marketing, we have witnessed a meteoric increase in the number of companies turning to this marketing strategy. The first who understood that such a system could be a powerful lever for growth is the software publishers. Therefore, it is natural that they were the first to turn to inbound marketing, and this from its inception. Indeed, software publishers quickly realized that the marketing methods to promote their software and find customers were not compelling enough.

They did not convert a large enough number of customers. Prospects into customers. Since they discovered this new strategy, they have broken the old codes regarding marketing and sales. But what are the reasons why software companies are moving towards inbound marketing and soliciting an inbound marketing agency to help them? We explain everything to you in our article.

Software publishers often need to create and manage hyper-growth once they have passed their software solution’s development stage. In addition to generating leads quickly so that their activity is profitable, they also want to create new customers in masse! By definition, inbound marketing allows you to multiply your leaders and increase the probability that these leads will turn into customers. Therefore, inbound marketing responds perfectly to software publishers’ desire to want to make their software visible to as many people as possible.

Also, in these dynamic startups, the teams are often small. Software publishers do not always have the in-house skills to develop an adequate marketing strategy, but above all, they do not want to specialize in this branch and remain focused on their core business. This is why many software publishers decide to use the services of an inbound marketing agency. This saves them from having to resort to a recruitment process, and they can rely on the help of experts in the field who will be able to support them for as long as they wish.

Finally, software publishers are highly digitalized companies, for whom communication is a key point. They have an authentic digital culture and therefore know what they want in terms of communication. However, they need to be supported because they do not master inbound techniques. Thus, they are sensitive to everything digital. In particular, they are the first consumers of social selling to understand social networks and derive benefits from them.

The benefits of inbound marketing for software publishers. Software publishers are moving in large numbers towards inbound marketing strategies, in particular, because they have understood all the services that they can bring them. Who says inbound marketing says marketing automation! Such software makes it possible to qualify a database, which is often very important among software publishers. By modifying this database, they can then send personalized content to each of their prospects: send the right message, at the right time and to the right person.

This allows them to bring their prospects into a lead nurturing process to feed them little by little, depending on their progress in the conversion funnel. The number of contacts is no longer a problem since they can manage a reasonably large database without much effort. Thus, thanks to a marketing automation software set up in the context of an inbound marketing strategy, the marketing and sales teams will save a lot of time thanks to automation, allowing to simplify the management of leads.

Inbound marketing thus makes it possible to individualize the relationships that the company maintains with each of its prospects, according to the stage of the purchasing cycle in which they are. Therefore, personalizing the customer relationship makes it possible to move opportunities forward at their own pace in the conversion funnel and give them time to understand on the one hand.

The benefits that the software can bring them and, on the other hand, to understand the software’s features and technicalities. As part of an inbound marketing strategy, premium content such as webinars, white papers, and demos are put in place that makes it easier for prospects to understand the software. This type of content aims to alleviate the technical difficulties that some software may present and educate prospects on particular topics.

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Sales Strategies – What They Are, Types of Strategies To Sell Thu, 23 Jan 2020 19:56:39 +0000 When designing a marketing plan it is essential to devote the necessary time to define

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When designing a marketing plan it is essential to devote the necessary time to define the different types of sales strategies that we will use.

After all, the ultimate goal of any company is to sell more. But to sell more is not enough to have a nice showcase or a very cool website. We have to define a series of strategies that allow us to achieve our business objectives.

Therefore, in this article, I will explain different examples of sales strategies of a company both online and offline.

What Are Sales Strategies?

If I had to keep a good definition of sales strategies I think it would be the following. A sales strategy is a strategic process that is designed in order to achieve business objectives.

You must know that the  sales strategies of a company will be oriented to:

  • That people who don’t know us buy us.
  • That the customers of the competition buy us.
  • That our current customers buy us more.

These are the ways we have to grow our business.

Types Of Sales Strategies

There are different types of sales strategies but mainly we can classify them into two large groups:

  • Online sales strategies.
  • Offline sales strategies.

In my opinion, in recent years we are so focused on online techniques that we often forget about offline.

This is a serious mistake for me. Because today, personally I no longer conceive a marketing plan in which both techniques are separated.

They should try to integrate under the same plan in order to achieve the marketing objectives of the company. However, there are also other types of strategies such as:

  • Sales strategies of a product.
  • Service sales strategies.
  • You have to be clear that selling a product is not the same as marketing services.

The services have a series of characteristics and peculiarities that must be taken into account.

Also Read: (RPA)Robotic Process Automation Of HR – The Next Challenge For Companies

Examples of Sales Strategies of a Company

Now that we have seen the different types that exist, I will get into more detail and we will deepen in what are the sales strategies that you will be able to use.

Online sales strategies

There are different types of digital advertising formats that we can use as strategies to increase the sales of our business.

What I recommend is that you do not put all the eggs in the same basket. That is, imagine that your entire budget in advertising on Facebook is destined and one day it is no longer profitable for you.

Online congresses
Online congresses are one of the strategies to sell that we use in the Marketing and Web School. On an annual basis, we organize a free online marketing congress in which we bring together 32 referents of the sector to give very practical talks.

Social Network Advertising

The social network advertising is one of the most effective ways to reach our audience and at a relatively lower cost compared to the other media.

Buying quality paid traffic is one of the keys to increasing the visibility of any business. Many projects fail because they fail to be visible and also fail to position themselves organically. And precisely, one of the ways to solve visibility problems is to invest in traffic and take it to the destination we want.

Up-Selling and Cross-selling

One of the most used eCommerce sales strategies is Up-Selling and Cross-Selling. In case you did not know, Up-Selling (or additional sale) is to offer the customer a product that resembles the one he wants to buy or has already bought.

While Cross-Selling (or cross-selling) consists of offering complementary products to the one that you have bought or that shows interest.

Offline Selling Strategies

So far we have talked about different online sales strategies, but not only the digital world is lived.

You also have to take into account offline techniques that even depending on the sector can become more effective, so let’s see different examples.

Sale by phone

When we are talking about selling a product and / or a high-priced service, it is best to try to close the sale by phone.

By phone, we can perfectly talk with our potential client, ask what problems he intends to solve and what his purchase objections are. And it is that when it comes to a high investment we need to know that we are not going to be wrong and for that, the best way is to talk with the other person behind the project.

Cold door sale

It may be one of the sales strategies used by the oldest companies, but which, depending on the sector, are still effective today.

Now, with the digital transformation of companies, we are evolving towards a more social sale.

Also known as social selling. Social selling is a sales technique that uses social networks (mainly LinkedIn) to attract potential customers through useful content and then transforms them into sales.

If you did not know this sales strategy I recommend that you inform yourself because it is the natural evolution of traditional sales work.

Marketing at the point of sale

One of the typical sales strategies in physical stores is usually marketing at the point of sale. The marketing at the point of sale is formed by different techniques that are applied in the store itself to try to get the sale. Mainly, there are three types of marketing :

  • Visual merchandising
  • Seduction merchandising
  • Merchandising management.

If you have a physical store, I recommend you learn more about this technique.

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