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Did you know that an average human is exposed to approximately 5000 advertising messages in just one day? The number used to be much lower in the past, when we only had things like jingles and slogans to rely on. Times have changed, though, and it seems as if advertisers are now trying to practically cover any blank space with ads that can point people to their business. And, given that the Internet is now a thing, there are much more blank spaces to cover than before.

Read more about the significance of advertising:

Advertising is basically a form of communicating with an audience, while aiming at getting them to take action, such as buy a product or a service. Of course, the communication is paid for, since advertisers need to buy media slots, create advertising messages and, of course, track the performance of their ads. The thing that we are going to focus on today is the tracking part. You are going to learn what it is, why it is important, as well as how you can do it correctly.

What Is Ad Tracking?

Everyone knows what ads are. If you haven’t placed any previously, you must have at least come across some of them already. People are exposed to around 5000 of ads on a daily basis, remember? So, if you haven’t seen any, then you must be either living under a rock, or too absorbed in your own thoughts to notice anything around you. I suppose that none of that is correct, though, and that you know precisely what ads are.

What’s more, you are here not because you have been exposed to ads, but because you want other people to be exposed to the specific messages that you want to send. If you are running a business and you don’t invest in this strategy, chances are that you won’t have much success. Today, everyone is grabbing their piece of the Internet to send a message, and businesses need to work really hard to get their specific message across and to make sure that it is noticed by larger audiences.

When you first started researching the topic of advertising, you realized that there are multiple platforms that can allow you to send your message and make your business more visible. That is probably when you have started creating your ads and placing them across some or all of those platforms. Here is a question for you now. Do you know how all of those ads actually performed? If not, then it is time for you to get familiar with one rather important concept.

The concept in question is called ad tracking and, as you can see here, it basically consists of tracking performance of your ad campaigns. You can use the tracking process in order to measure your ROI and basically determine how much of your ad spending actually translates into sales. I suppose you get that tracking should be an integral part of every single advertising campaign, because you cannot possibly make any improvements if you don’t even know how well your current campaigns are performing.

Ad Tracking (1)

Why Should You Do It?

You see, people are often quite aware of the importance of advertising, but they sometimes fail to recognize the significance of tracking. They will feel the results on their profits, and that is all they need to know, right? Well, that is definitely wrong. There are, in fact, a lot of amazing benefits that come with ad tracking, and those benefits show precisely why you should use this concept to your advantage. If you are not quite certain as to which benefits I am talking about, I will now list them for you below and help you get a better understanding of why tracking ad campaigns is significant.

1. You Get Better Insight Into Your Audience

We all have our own assumptions as to what might work with certain audiences and what should be avoided. Yet, those assumptions cannot always be correct. The mere fact that, say, five people are going to have five different opinions regarding this shows you that nobody’s assumptions can be correct at all times. Thus, you need to rely on something more solid, meaning that you need to get better data about your audience and then learn what could work for them and what would throw them off.

Well, ad tracking will help you do exactly that. You will get valuable insights about your audience’s interests, behaviors, desires, motivations, pain points and many more things. Those insights will actually help shape your campaign and create a more successful one, instead of roaming in the dark, creating a campaign based on assumptions, and hoping that it will work. Sure, if you’re creating a brand new campaign, you may have to rely on those assumptions, but the point is that this won’t work in the long run and that you should start tracking as soon as you can.

Ad Tracking (2)

2. You Get More Qualified Leads

Since you will be getting a lot of important data about your audience through the ad tracking process, you will consequently be able to create profiles of your ideal customers. Basically, you will get familiar with the characteristics of those people that you are planning on targeting, which can ultimately help you get more qualified leads. Such leads will be more receptive to your specific messages, and you will have a much easier time moving them down the actual sales funnel and getting them to buy your products or services.

3. And Thus More Conversions

The entire point of advertising is to get more conversions, and thus make more sales, right? Well, with the help of ad tracking, you can get more out of your advertising because you will attract those qualified leads that are more likely to become your customers. In short, a great tracking process will ultimately lead to more conversions, which is basically your main goal. I suppose you are starting to get the significance of ad tracking right now, aren’t you?

4. You Learn How To Customize Your Content

If you really want to attract those great leads and increase the number of your conversions, you will need to know how to create the perfect content. Sure, when launching a brand new campaign, you may try a few different things out and hope that those will work, but here is the thing. Ad tracking allows you to check precisely what works, and create and customize your content accordingly. Perfectly customized content will lead to more clicks and more conversions.

5. You Generally Get To Optimize Your Campaign

If I could sum all of this up in a few words, this is what I would say. Ad tracking allows you to optimize your advertising campaigns, which further leads to more sales. It is important for you not to ignore this particular strategy, because it can certainly improve your conversion rate and bring more customers to the table. Since you definitely want to gain more customers, I am sure that you understand the significance of investing in a proper ad tracking process.

Ad Tracking (3)

How To Track Correctly?

Now, speaking of proper ad tracking processes, there is no doubt in my mind that you are now wondering how you can do this the right way. Well, the truth is that the entire tracking process isn’t really simple, but there is one thing that can help you do it easily and successfully. In the simplest words possible, there are ad tracking apps that can simplify all of this and help you do everything perfectly. In case you haven’t heard of those apps already, I would advise you to get better acquainted with them, because they can undeniably be of huge help.
One thing you will need to be careful about is the actual process of choosing the best tracking app for you. Naturally, you want to get the best value for your money and you want to find an app that will provide you with all the data you need about the specific campaigns that you are running, about the audience you are targeting, and practically about anything else that could help improve your performance in the future. Well, this just means that you should take enough time to research several different tracking apps and compare their features until you are ready to choose the best one for you.

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What Is Remarketing Strategies And Advantages Thu, 23 Jun 2022 08:45:06 +0000 What Is Remarketing? Remarketing or retargeting consists of creating advertising campaigns or personalized ads for

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What Is Remarketing?

Remarketing or retargeting consists of creating advertising campaigns or personalized ads for people who have previously visited your website or ecommerce or have interacted with your brand. These advertising campaigns aim to increase ROI as we focus on creating highly personalized ads for an audience that has previously been interested in our brand. Indeed it has ever happened to you that you have been looking at a product in an online store.

Then that same product has appeared on Facebook, in Instagram stories, in an advertising banner, in the newspaper you read. That’s why they were doing an excellent remarketing or retargeting campaign. Of course, to create good retargeting campaigns, it is imperative to understand and analyze what the audience we are targeting is like and use tools such as Facebook Ads or Google Ads display ads to create an excellent joint strategy.

Remarketing And Retargeting Strategies

Time Sequential Remarketing

This remarketing strategy shows different ads to users based on the purchase phase they are in. In this way, people who leave your website will see advertisements highlighting the characteristics and benefits of your products or services, thus obtaining a greater probability of conversion. If there are still users who resist, you can make an ad with a special discount to encourage them to take the step and, in addition, to obtain a greater probability of conversion, we recommend that you link the ad to a particular landing page in which the price has that discount applied.

Remarketing To Users Who Abandon The Cart

By having an online store, some potential customers will inevitably abandon the purchase process, either because the shipping costs are high or because the final price is higher than that of the competition. However, you must remember that if these users have added the product to their cart, they have a high purchase intention, so they will only need a little push to convert.  

Therefore, if you want to apply this remarketing strategy, you will have to use AdWords or Facebook Ads to carry out advertising campaigns, in which you will only have to create a list of people who do not make the purchase. Once this list is made, we can show you personalized ads, such as: 

  • Offering them free shipping costs. 
  • Providing them with a discount on their next purchase. 
  • Remind them that you have abandoned the shopping cart halfway. 
  • Remarketing to buyers

If the customer makes a purchase on your website and is satisfied, they are more likely to make a purchase again than if they are a new customer and do not know the quality of your products or services. Therefore, this strategy will be effective if you have additional products or services in your store or e-commerce that will likely be purchased by users who have previously converted. To be effective, you will only have to collect previous buyers on a list and offer them products or services similar to those they have already purchased.  

Remarketing To Users Similar To Those Who Convert

You must know your target audience to obtain visits or conversions thanks to your ads. It would help to observe your statistics in Google Analytics or other analysis tools. When entering Google Analytics, it uses the behavior report to identify if users follow a specific pattern so that we can target an audience that is more likely to convert. Once you have analyzed and obtained some common characteristics among your buyers, we recommend creating an audience with those requirements and using it in a Google AdWords campaign.   

The Facebook Ads tool also offers you an option to create public audiences similar to your website visitors, buyers, and followers. For example: If you get that they perform an average of 2 sessions that last 3 minutes and are between 30 and 45 years old, you will be able to specify your Google AdWords campaign. 

Advantages Of Remarketing Campaigns

Reduce Cost

By advertising through this technique, the costs of your campaign will always be lower than running conventional ad campaigns since they will go to people who are already interested in your brand or product and not to cold traffic.

Promote Branding

Since your ad will appear to potential customers while browsing, your brand will become more visible, and they will become familiar with it. Also, if these appear on platforms that allow images to be included in the ads, the effect will be more significant.  

Carry Out Hyper-Segmentation

With this method, you will focus on potential customers since the ads will target people with more specific profiles. 

Increase CTR

People who know your brand will get more clicks about impressions and, therefore, the CTR of your ads will increase. 

Improve ROI

Thanks to the fact that these types of campaigns are very effective, in addition to having a lower cost, the return on investment will increase compared to conventional campaigns that you have carried out in the past. Now that you know some advantages and strategies of remarketing, you can put them into practice when you run campaigns to get more conversions on your website or e-commerce. 

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What Is Top Of Mind In Marketing And How To Get It Locally Sun, 15 May 2022 06:19:00 +0000 There are brands of different types that we all have in mind. For example, if

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There are brands of different types that we all have in mind. For example, if we talk about pens, the BIC brand will surely come to mind. Or, if we think of sportswear, we are likely to think of Adidas or Nike. All this has to do, precisely, with the Top of Mind. But what is Top of Mind in Marketing, and how can you get it locally. All brands try to gain a foothold in marketing to achieve positioning. The objective is to advertise in the best way, obtain recognition, and generate more sales. And here, the concept of Top of Mind has a more than prominent role.

What Is Top Of Mind In Marketing

The Top of Mind in marketing is an English term that refers to the brand or product that comes to mind when you think of a sector, product, or category. We are talking, then, about the brand that is best positioned in the consumer’s mind. In this case, positioning is determined by the product or brand’s position in the person’s mind. If you are among the first, you will likely sell more than others.

How To Get The Top Of Mind Locally

The Top of Mind at the local level is essential for your business to succeed. Your brand or your products will be positioned first in the consumer’s mind, and this means that your business will be one of the first that the consumer goes to when making a purchase. But how then to get the Top of Mind locally. Next, we give you a series of fundamental tips for this.

Invest In Branding And Advertising

The first step to getting Top of Mind locally is to invest in branding and advertising. With branding, what is done is to build a brand and publicize the advantages that consumers have of buying that brand’s products. And once we have located the brand, it is time to publish it to know about it. Branding and advertising allow consumers to have a positive image of the brand and remember it. To help you, precisely, so that your brand or your products obtain the branding and publicity they need.

Make Local SEO And An Accessible Website

Local SEO is the set of strategies carried out to improve a brand’s local positioning in search engines. In this case, we focus on the specific location and its location so that users in an area know it. If you work on local SEO and have an accessible website, easy to read and with quality content, you will likely get the Top of Mind in Marketing. The users of a place will have your business in a privileged space to go to it when they need a product.

Have A Good Product And Credibility

Finally, it would be best if you generated maximum trust in consumers. And how can you get it? Simply, always offering a good quality product and developing full credibility. If customers are satisfied with their purchase, they will likely come to your business. This satisfaction will make your brand remain in the consumer’s mind since the shopping experience has been positive.

Also Read: What Tools Are Essential To Protect Your Organization

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What Is Market Research And How To Apply It In 7 Steps? Sun, 23 Jan 2022 07:33:00 +0000 Market research is an essential marketing tool since it allows us to understand better the

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Market research is an essential marketing tool since it allows us to understand better the public we are targeting and succeed with our campaigns. We are launching a new product or brand, identifying problems with our strategy, and getting ideas to improve our service. Market research has a lot of practical applications, so let’s see what it is and how to use it with our brand.

What Is Market Research

We can define market research as the process through which companies systematically collect data on consumers to better understand the public they are targeting and thus make better decisions. In this way, it is possible to manage its time and resources better.

How To Do Market Research In 7 Steps

1) Define Your Goals

Before taking any action in marketing, we have to stop to think about what we want to achieve with it. Being clear about your research objectives will help you better focus on the next steps and achieve satisfactory results. Market research is a very versatile tool, and as such, it can help us achieve very diverse goals: testing an idea for a new product, analyzing the success of an advertising campaign, improving an existing service, and much more.

2) Identify Your Target Audience

Market research is based on studying your target audience, so it must be well defined to achieve good results. If you haven’t done it before, it’s time to sit down and determine your buyer persona, representing the ideal customer for your products or services. This buyer persona should not be limited to demographic data but should include in-depth information about their habits, needs, and challenges.

3) Choose The Sample And The Method

In the previous section, we saw some quantitative and qualitative methods examples. Choosing one or the other will depend on our resources and the objectives we have set for market research. It is also essential to select a  representative sample of our target audience, either through random (random) or non-probabilistic sampling (choosing different types of profiles to represent the total population).

4) Collect The Data

To collect data on our target audience, we have to design the instrument, for example, the structure and characteristics of the focus group or the survey questions. Next, we will apply this instrument to our sample until we get the data we are looking for. Depending on the technique used, this process will vary, from a few days to several months.

5) Study Your Competition

In addition to collecting data from our target audience, it is also convenient to complement our market research with information about the competition.

Luckily, many online tools can help us with this task, such as:

  • Google Keyword Planner:  To see the search volume of your competition’s keywords and analyze the terms that bring them the most traffic.
  • SimilarTech: To find out the technologies used in the competition’s websites.
  • SimilarWeb: To obtain information about the traffic and audience of competitor websites.
  • Buzzsumo: To analyze the performance of the campaigns and publications of the competition in social networks.

6) Complement The Information With Other Sources

To obtain a complete vision, in addition to studying the target audience and the competition, I recommend that you compliment your market research with some data about the market in general. To do this, you can rely on sources such as the National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC) or Think With Google’s studies and analyzes on digital markets.

7) Analyze The Data

Last but not least, you will have to analyze all the information you have collected in your market research. For the final report of your study to be helpful, remember to put the data in context, summarize the most critical information through graphs that are easy to understand at a glance and, above all, include a series of practical recommendations to apply everything you have learned.

Also Read: Tools To Collect Information In Market Research

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Fundamentals of Digital Marketing Fri, 15 Oct 2021 17:27:52 +0000 Marketing has evolved since the martinis and cigarettes of the ’60s advertising industry. Today’s marketing

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Marketing has evolved since the martinis and cigarettes of the ’60s advertising industry. Today’s marketing is rooted in the digital world, and it is essential to invest in these digital marketing efforts if you want your business to survive. Our modern world is online, and therefore the modern business must be, as well.

For some businesses, this transition can be overwhelming. The internet is such a vast place. Digital marketing tactics change practically overnight, and if you aren’t confident in your abilities, navigating the industry can be scary. However, it’s important to remember that underneath it all, there are some basics of advertising that remain the same no matter what strategy you implement. Mastering these fundamentals gives you a solid and reliable foundation to start your company’s online marketing, proving that even the internet can be predictable sometimes.  

To get you started, we’ve spelled out the basics so you can begin your digital marketing journey on the right foot.  

Search Engine Optimization 

SEO is the bread and butter of digital marketing. This process involves researching commonly searched keywords and integrating them within your website content. By doing this, you are showing Google that you have the information that your customers are looking for. Remember, no matter how intelligent Google becomes, it still isn’t fully interpretive. This means that it is simply matching up the keywords that users type with keywords in websites. The more keyword matches, the more Google thinks that your site is the right one for the user. 

It is important to note that simply throwing keywords into the mix is not going to help. You need to work the keywords into high quality content for your site to achieve the desired effect. 

Social Media Marketing 

Social media is one of the most powerful tools available to a digital marketer. The size of the audiences on these platforms is unparalleled, as most people use the sites at least once per day. Engaging with audiences is easier than ever through comments, stories, and shares, and it’s easy to target certain demographics if you wish to do so.
Social media is also an incredible way to level the playing field. Small and large businesses alike can create successful social media campaigns that bring in new customers. Ads are as affordable as you need them to be, and with the right attention you can create a truly unique brand without the resources of a large corporation.


PPC has become a key tool in building a digital marketing campaign. Though it cannot stand alone forever, it helps new marketing campaigns get off the ground. Ads can build engagement, which then feeds into the efficacy of SEO. You have likely seen PPC ads at the top of Google results – they say “ad” next to them and automatically appear at the top of the search results. 

These can be used to boost brand visibility, advertise a sale or special occasion, or remain competitive during busy times of the year.

Mobile Marketing 

Mobile strategies are an especially smart way to begin your marketing journey. About 63% of people use a mobile device for their Google searches. Depending on your business, your clientele may even use mobile searches more often. Optimizing for mobile has a great potential for attracting customers.

You must ensure that your website has a mobile version that’s easy to maneuver and that you optimize SEO for Google maps. Including location-based keywords such as “near me” and “in [home city]” can really help to land mobile search hits.  

Put In the Work 

Digital marketing can be daunting, but the results are almost always impressive. Businesses that wish to thrive and grow in modern markets must participate in the digital world, but this also provides the unique opportunity for national and international growth. If you are willing to take these fundamentals and continue to grow your knowledge, you can have your business’s digital marketing campaign running in no time. 

Also Read: The Trends And Strategies Of Digital Marketing In 2021

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What Is Mobile Advertising And How It Works? Wed, 13 Oct 2021 15:13:39 +0000 When you have a business, nothing better than having tools, applications, and platforms, among others,

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When you have a business, nothing better than having tools, applications, and platforms, among others, that help us increase the sales of our business, bring in clients, and much more. The entrepreneur’s dream comes true! One of these is mobile advertising, a way of using the most used electronic device for our benefit. Do you want to know what it is, how it works, and what it can do for your business? So let’s go!

What Is Mobile Advertising?

As its name suggests in English, it is about mobile advertising. But what does this mean? It is based on using mobile technology to deliver advertising messages to users. But it is not just about sending messages with ads; but mobile advertising involves much more. We will tell you!

Several types of mobile advertising are used as a tool to attract customers and retain existing ones. These are some:

  • Banners: These are some strips that appear before a web page that the client wants to access. When you click on it, you get to the advertised offer or promotion.
  • Interstitials: This ad takes up an entire page and, like banners, also appears before the page the user is going to.
  • SMS: Messaging is still on the rise, especially for advertising to our clients. They are usually promotions and discounts accompanied by a link that directs them to this. These are typically sent through a bulk SMS messaging system.

The applications can also be used to design a mobile advertising campaign. In these we can mention mobile internet, applications of all kinds, streaming TV and radio. Technological advances expand the options for using mobile advertising, and the forms used are becoming more effective.

Advantages Of Mobile Advertising

Advertising is still a great hook to attract customers, but if it is not used in the right way, it can damage the image of our business. It requires a  knowledge of technology  (or to have professionals who have it) and high sensitivity and empathy in dealing with the client.

Some of its advantages, when appropriately used, are:

  • Thanks to segmentation, users receive publicity on matters that interest them so that the  ROI  can be high and fast.
  • The cost is not very high compared to other types of marketing.
  • It interacts without interruptions.
  • It has a very high response rate of 10-20%.

And are there some downsides to mobile advertising? Yes, and they are these:

  • Users cannot ignore these messages, and some see it as an attack on their privacy.
  • There are many restrictions related to creating ads, such as image or text size limits.

Also Read: What Are Mobile Marketing Campaigns

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The Trends And Strategies Of Digital Marketing In 2021 Sat, 28 Aug 2021 06:22:00 +0000 Digital marketing is essential in any business that wants to go to the rhythm of

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Digital marketing is essential in any business that wants to go to the rhythm of society. It is the only way to attract and retain customers, but there is so much competition that it is increasingly difficult to stand out from the rest. Today we tell you what the trends to implement in 2021 to excel are.

What Else Will Be In Digital Marketing In 2021

Marketing strategies are the only means we have available to sell more. However, given the wide competition in all sectors and that more and more companies act through marketing, it is necessary to be different. For this, there is nothing better than innovation. Here are some tips for you to innovate and stand out from the competition. 

Social Media

There is no doubt that social media has undergone many changes over the years. People’s habits change, and new networks appear with new opportunities to adapt to. These have shown specific trends, such as that many users are leaving the networks due to the Data Protection Law and that more and more brief content is being followed. What do we mean by this? People value short content that leaves a clear idea or leaves no idea, such as stories on Facebook or Instagram. 


Videos have become the king of digital marketing and an excellent tool for attracting customers. This year, 90% of the content that has been shared on networks has been videos. What does this mean? That audiovisual content is going strong and is becoming the most used and valued. It is estimated that videos represent 80% of the traffic generated on the internet.  How to make different videos that make us stand out from the competition? There are many ways to do it, and the first, of course, is by offering valuable content. 

Content Marketing

Videos aside, the written content is still considered the only type of digital marketing strategy. How to do it to be successful? There are very marked trends in this area that make it clear to us how everything will work in 2021. 

  • Influencers: Influencers continue to rise, and it is because they know how to connect with the customer. Following their example, recognizing customers’ needs and giving them a solution is the key to selecting topics for our content strategy. 
  • The Transparency: Users have already been bombarded with a lot of information and publicity, and they know how to differentiate honesty very well. For this reason, the value of transparent companies that offer a sincere message and that strive to earn the trust of their public.
  • Personalized Content: Since there is a lot of content available on the network, it is necessary to create customized content that connects with the public and thus creates engagement. To achieve this, multiple companies are creating dynamic and interactive web pages, as well as gaming. Being different is the key.


This is an under-exploited digital marketing strategy that promises in 2021. It is one of the most difficult to implement but offers a lot of traffic, authority, and potential customers. The work and effort will be worth it! What does it consist of? It is about investigating the benefits that some actions entail and thus gain publicity. 

For example, a real case: a person who has a marketing agency and offers video marketing consulting services investigated many influencers’ money on YouTube. He decided to base his blog basically on this. In a short time, this valuable information was mentioned by a television medium referring to his blog and by several YouTubers on his channels. The result? A considerable increase in visits and sales. 

Guest Post

If you take a little time, or one of your employees, to write guest posts on authority pages in your sector, you will attract many visits since the norm is to offer a position in exchange for a link to your website. Although it may seem something simple that does not contribute much, the positioning of your website will increase a lot.  This will not be as simple as it looks because many will see you as their competitor, so your proposal must be valuable by offering quality content. The best thing is if you have some that you can show them. 

Other Marketing Strategies And Trends

Although we do not like to talk about negative things, such as the pandemic experienced this year, we must be aware that this has caused notable changes in marketing. Hence, what is known as Contactless Marketing has emerged that is working effectively. This is based on three ways of putting it into practice : 

  • Small demos. Show our products through video conferences or live broadcasts. 
  • Product distribution using 3D printing. 
  • Deglobalization of manufacturing. 

Another strategy that will be consolidated even more, if possible, in 2021 is that of artificial intelligence. It has been proven to be effective in improving communications, analyzing data or tracking sales, as well as projecting patterns of customer behavior and, based on this, making changes that we consider necessary. 

Also Read: Internet Of Things [IoT] In Tourism Solutions And Benefits

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Advertisers Prefer To Work With Specialized Agencies Mon, 26 Jul 2021 09:56:12 +0000 The study reveals that 58.8% of the advertisers interviewed work with specialized agencies in different

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The study reveals that 58.8% of the advertisers interviewed work with specialized agencies in different areas. Furthermore, 60.2% state that they would prefer to work with specialists in the future as well. On the contrary, 39.8% say that they favour solving all their communication needs with the same agency. 

Increasing Investment In Digital

Regarding the budgets that agencies dedicated to the marketing and communication area, approximately 0.4% of their total turnover is a figure lower than the world average. Specifically, advertisers allocate 21.8% of these budgets to below-the-line actions, 37.5% to above-the-line and 40.7% to digital. The digital medium thus becomes the one that receives the largest budget item since this study was carried out after suffering an increase of 18.5 points concerning the 2015 data. The global average of the budget dedicated to digital is 35.7%.

Choose The Agency With Which To Spend More Than Four Years

When choosing the agency to work with, 92.6% of marketers surveyed in the ‘Agency Scope’’ state that they use the contest as a method. In addition, they mention others such as workshops (67.6%), selection consultants (28.7%), selection based on agency credentials (15.7%), Direct Assignment (6.5%) or Assignment by projects (0.9%).

On the other hand, the average duration of the advertiser-creative agency relationship is 4.9 years in the UK, according to the report. The global average is 4.4 years. Likewise, 66.7% of the professionals surveyed affirm that their purchasing department is involved in the negotiation processes with the agencies. At a global level, there has been a general increase in their involvement in recent years, with China standing out as the country with the highest percentage, 77.1%.

Measure The Results

About the challenges that companies face shortly, the aspects most mentioned in the report have to do with the search and demonstration of Efficiency / ROI / Results (29.1%), an improvement in knowledge of the consumer and the contact points to reach them (27.4%) and with being able to adapt to lower customer budgets (20.7%). On the other hand, and regarding the challenges that creative agencies will face in the coming years, they mention the need to reinforce their creative capacity (29%) and understand the different communication platforms and channels (20,2%).

Also Read: The Power Of Technology in Influencer Marketing

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Blended Marketing -What Is It And How Does It Work? Thu, 24 Jun 2021 04:18:20 +0000 Many companies play all their marketing cards in digital channels, while others see more advantages

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Many companies play all their marketing cards in digital channels, while others see more advantages in offline marketing. Faced with this dilemma, blended marketing can provide the most accurate solution, betting on combining both facets. We analyze what blended marketing is and why it can be the key for many businesses to reach new types of audiences and customers.

What Is Blended Marketing?

Blended marketing is the seamless integration of digital marketing channels (website, social media, online advertising.) with traditional marketing (print media advertising, events, mailing.).

It broadly is about understanding marketing, knowing that each channel has its advantages and disadvantages, and creating tailored messages for each of them, generating a comprehensive strategy in which each content is complemented.

In short, it is not about generating a conflict between online and offline actions, nor about duplicating messages on both channels, but about creating a unified marketing strategy using all the possibilities that are relevant to the company.

For example, a blended marketing strategy could be the following: a company launches a television advertisement in which a story or situation is presented, but redirects viewers who want to know the outcome to a website.

How Does Blended Marketing Work

Generating an effective blended marketing strategy involves knowing first-hand what potential customers of a brand are looking for to provide it.

In addition, it is essential to study how to reach them, that is, the channels with which they interact and feel comfortable: do they use social networks? Do they prefer to search on Google? Are they interested in face-to-face events? Etc.

Advantages Of Using Blended Marketing

The blended marketing allows access to all the advantages of digital and offline marketing along with the following benefits of combining these two disciplines:

  • Greater exposure and reach.
  • Reach the same audiences through various channels, enabling more profound actions.
  • Generation of brand image and branding in online and offline spaces.
  • Access diverse audiences. According to the INE, there is still a segment of the population that does not use the internet regularly (for example, between 10 and 15% in those over 55 years of age, and around 30% in those over 65). Blended marketing allows you to integrate actions that also reach these demographic groups. 
  • Differentiation. Today, using offline strategies (printed materials such as flyers or posters, face-to-face or street actions.) can become the marketing technique that makes a difference. In the face of digital, companies that apply blended marketing can focus on generating tangible products that leave their mark.

How To Apply It To Your Business

  • Study your audience: what types of people may be interested in your business.
  • Know what channels they use to communicate and receive messages from other companies.
  • Find out about what their needs are and how your products or services can help them.
  • Come up with the message or messages you want to convey.
  • Adapt it to the channels your potential customers use.

Also Read: Top Metrics to Monitor your Mobile Marketing Strategy

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What Are The Benefits Of Brand Positioning? Wed, 23 Jun 2021 11:46:09 +0000 In a previous post, we talked about brand positioning, a concept used in Marketing that

The post What Are The Benefits Of Brand Positioning? appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

In a previous post, we talked about brand positioning, a concept used in Marketing that refers to the association between the brand and an attribute in the consumer’s mind. But what are the benefits of brand positioning? Is it really necessary to draw up a positioning strategy to achieve success?

Benefits Of Brand Positioning

A positioning strategy makes it possible to communicate the value proposition and competitive advantages of a brand, a fact that translates into a series of benefits:

Differentiate Yourself From The Competition

An effective brand positioning strategy allows defining those unique elements that differentiate a brand from other competitors in the market. To achieve this differentiation, brands must choose a brand positioning strategy focused on their competitive advantage or value proposition. In this way, they will ensure that their products and services are present in the minds of consumers, thus becoming the first purchase option.

Guide Customers’ Purchasing Decisions

Thanks to the brand positioning strategy, we can impact and transmit messages to customers much more effectively, managing to generate reliability. If we can occupy a place in their minds, we can get their loyalty since customers will know the brand and not feel the need to look for others.

Define The Value Of The Product or Service Offered

A positioning strategy allows identifying what aspects or attributes make the product or service unique and different from competitors. In other words, it helps customers realize why they should buy your brand and not a competitor’s.

Check The Fixed Price

With a good brand positioning strategy, the added value for customers is defined, that is, that benefit for which they are expected to pay the fixed price. If brands could not define such added value, customers would not be willing to pay the price.

On the contrary, brands with a strong positioning can raise the prices of their products and services to obtain higher margins. If this were the case, users would be willing to pay more, considering that the price is appropriate to the product’s characteristics and the benefit it offers.

Reach More People

Once the positioning strategy has been defined, it is already clear what message must be transmitted to the public. For this, the different communication channels of the brand can be used, reinforcing them through Marketing strategies. In this way, a greater range will be achieved.

Gain Credibility For New Products

Brands that stand out from competitors have an easier time making changes to their products or introducing new ones because customers trust them and the credibility of their actions.

Key Factors In Building Brand Positioning

To carry out a branding strategy effectively, we must take into account three key factors:

1. Discover The Needs Of The Consumer

To achieve the desired positioning within a market segment, we have to know what its consumers want. Although we can use traditional practices (surveys, interviews or focus groups), it is advisable to use more practical methods, such as interactive content, which stimulate user participation. In this way, we will improve the user experience and obtain key information about the buyer persona that will allow us to optimize business processes.

2. Analyze The Competitors

We must develop a rigorous audit of competitors in the digital environment to discover what actions they carry out and the perception of users of their brands. Thanks to this analysis, we will know which actions are favorable for the company and not appropriate due to their negative perception. Likewise, it will allow us to identify elements that help us to differentiate ourselves and fill gaps. To do this, we must find our competitive advantage or differential value proposition.

3. Connect With Values ​And Perceptions

To promote brand positioning, it is necessary to adjust the value proposition to reality. It is not enough to spread concepts of quality or price to place a brand at the top; It is also important to connect with consumers’ values, perceptions, and thoughts. In this sense, we must find a value proposition that motivates consumers and provides them with a relevant benefit.

In addition, it is essential to find a real connection so that the positioning is prolonged, avoiding the paradigm of selling at all costs. The goal should be to strengthen relationships with consumers to occupy a permanent place in their minds. To do this, we must promote strategies that humanize the brand, giving it a real identity and personality.

In conclusion, a well-positioned brand differs from the rest, is recognizable, authentic and provides added value, so it avoids imitation at all costs. Also, it would help if you had a unique tone of voice that allows you to build an essence that gets the public’s preference.

The post What Are The Benefits Of Brand Positioning? appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

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