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Her place begins where the official rules and employee manuals do not reach. For example, company culture also talks about how to deal with problems, cooperate with colleagues, or whether it makes sense to go to the boss and present your ideas because you know he will listen to you.
Corporate culture is the realization that a good decision can come from anywhere, regardless of whether you are an employee or a company owner. Corporate values ​​are not only about how we think and solve problems. And in the end, they don’t just exist so that people on the team have something to identify with. Vice versa.
Based on the company’s values, you can predict where the company can go. For example, if your values ​​are based mainly on limits, your future employees will also be limited and thus average. And average employees mean an average company. But if you respect freedom and transparency, your values ​​will attract like-minded people with talent that cannot be expressed anywhere but in a free environment.
After all, the success of any company lies in the work of individuals who make daily decisions that can significantly affect the entire team’s success. Unless these individuals are kicking for the same team, it’s only a matter of time before the penalties pile up.
Company culture means the difference between being an employee and a team member. Whether you do your job or live it. Do you value your place, or would you change it overnight? A staunch individualist who hates working on projects with other people will hardly enjoy work that works on a team game.
A person who requires much freedom in his work will not identify with a job where he has to follow linear procedures. Suppose you are one of those who value time flexibility and the ability to work from anywhere more than an above-standard salary. In that case, you will not fit into a company where you will be terrorized with attendance every day.
Company culture is not a list of behavior patterns that someone invented. These values ​​can mean the difference between genuinely looking forward to work and giving it your all or going there just because you should. If your motivation comes from your self-actualization and certain needs, company culture is something you should be interested in at every interview.

What Are Our Company Values?

We are an SEO agency with quite an interesting mix of people with different personalities. Extroverts, introverts, analytical or creative souls. Lovers of brevity #BriefAndToThePoint or lovers of words who can’t think of an idea under 140 characters #StoryTellers.

Those who would jump off a bridge for team building and those for whom the trampoline is a personal best… and we could go on like this forever. You have an idea.

Despite our diversity, we are united by the values ​​we believe in and follow. Not only in our office but also when working with customers or on projects. They are:

  • Honesty and fair play – because we don’t do what we don’t like ourselves. More than anything else, we value ethics, transparency, and knowing that we don’t have to be ashamed of what we do because we do it with the best of intentions.
  • Freedom – be it time, space, or thought. We know it makes no sense to preach and limit because the mediocrity above stems from it. We respect everyone’s uniqueness and way of expression and work.
  • Discipline, self-reflection, and self-control – because freedom does not mean missed deadlines or unsubmitted projects. We rely on each other and expect everyone to do their part of the job to the best of their ability and to be able to evaluate their performance objectively. Either positive or negative. Proceed accordingly.
  • The ferocity and high performance – because we don’t want to do only what is necessary, but to bring added value. We look for holes in the system and are always thinking about what could be done better and more efficiently.
  • We don’t do what can’t be measured – because without it, we wouldn’t know if we’re achieving the results we rely so much on. We always know our goal and can specify it precisely.
  • The belief that people are primarily good – because negativism has never successfully led anyone anywhere. We think positively and look for the positive in everyone.
  • Action outside the comfort zone – we know you must constantly work on yourself. Exposing ourselves to situations we don’t like is a path to knowledge and personal growth.

These are the corporate values ​​that we carry, which should be breathed by everyone who wants to work with us and feel at home with us. Since there are never enough smart people, if you think you belong with us, there are never enough smart people, so let us know about yourself. Test yourself as an SEO specialist, and we will contact you when you know.

For those of you who haven’t paid much attention to corporate culture, this article served as inspiration. Either to create your corporate values or to find your place in working life.


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Keys To The Development Of A Sustainable Company Sun, 27 Feb 2022 06:51:00 +0000 Sustainability means that what is good for the company is also good for the planet,

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Sustainability means that what is good for the company is also good for the planet, and vice versa. Being sustainable implies creating more than what is destroyed. Sustainable companies are those that do a better job of creating net economic, social, and ecological wealth than any of their competitors.

Productivity, Innovation, And Sustainability In The Company

Productivity and innovation were the forerunners of the current model of business leadership that, based on a deep respect for the environment and with an unprecedented social conscience, focuses on corporate sustainability. This concept encompasses not only learning but also the best practices of its predecessors, with a different twist, which comes from the intense competition for resources that are experienced on a global scale.

Resources and human talent must be correctly guided towards a more sustainable future and, on this path, companies have a lot to say. Making efficient use of natural resources and human capital is seen as a necessity to survive, with capital letters, not only in the business environment. That is why sustainability is becoming one of the key criteria used when judging the quality of a company and its leaders.

The Keys To The Development Of A Sustainable Company

Sustainability is, like science, conjunction of theory and practice in which motivation cannot be lacking. The keys to the development of a sustainable company can be specified in five:

  • Integrate sustainability and strategy: each business must include sustainability at the roots of the corporate strategy, treating it as a priority issue and not as a peripheral issue. The mistake of approaching sustainability from a different angle and through the approach of an independent strategy must be avoided.
  • Incorporate sustainability into the company culture: extending it to all areas and levels, seeking the commitment of all stakeholders. The objective is that each member of the organization (not only workers and directors but also suppliers, shareholders, and subcontractors), internalizes the new values ​​acquired by the company to achieve their co-responsibility.
  • Quantify the benefits of sustainability and assess the risks involved in not acting accordingly. In this mission, the management of hypothetical scenarios that allow evaluating the potential impact of future environmental and social problems can be very useful. As Dr. Willard puts it, “Sustainability can increase revenue, reduce energy and waste costs, reduce material and water costs, increase employee productivity, minimize employee turnover, and reduce costs.” strategic and operational risks. Failing to assess risks means being unprotected from natural resource scarcity and labor strikes to violent weather and drought, issues that can affect the business, the supply chain, and even the ability to operate in certain regions.
  • Be more transparent. Communicate the good, the bad, and the regular efforts that are being carried out in terms of sustainability, exposing what the improvement plans are. Many stock exchanges have adopted or are considering adopting listing requirements for sustainability reporting. Be direct when informing about the current state of the company in terms of sustainability and clear when communicating the actions that are going to be taken to improve in each area.
  • Anticipate and adapt to changing circumstances. Innovating, applying new creative ideas, and transforming instead of discarding, are the bases of the new recycling and waste management. It is always possible to give something another use or find another function for it before discarding it, it is the basis of creativity applied to innovation with the aim of sustainability.

The Pillars Of Sustainability In The Company

Responsible competitiveness and sustainable development are supported by:

  • Environment: taking into account the scarcity of environmental resources and establishing a commitment that leads to a better world.
  • Governance: observing the applicable external regulations and also the values ​​of the company contained in its culture.
  • Responsible trade: through the involvement of shareholders, customers, suppliers, and any other entity with which it interacts.
  • Public policy and communication: that reports reality, based on transparency.

The development of a sustainable company is imprinted in the brand and endures in the value proposition to the customer; it is not separated from the core of the business, but attends to the social improvements that can be launched simultaneously with the growth itself; it is recognized in the vision and is executed jointly with the mission.

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How Should Companies Plan To Return To Business? Thu, 21 May 2020 17:15:12 +0000 Once the Government’s de-escalation plan has been established, the companies are immersed in the planning

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Once the Government’s de-escalation plan has been established, the companies are immersed in the planning of the return of the activity, establishing what measures they are going to have to implement to adapt to the recommendations and indications prescribed by the competent authorities.

Faced with all the questions that companies face when reactivating their activity gradually, Experts has prepared an orientation guide that establishes a series of guidelines and recommendations to help companies organize and plan this return, following the indications established by the competent institutions:

Protection of workers’ health

  • Social distancing measures, in the workplace both between employed personnel and with clients or third parties who come to the facilities.
  • Organizational measures in the company to ensure distance in the performance of the activity such as staggering of entrances, use of common areas, teleworking, videoconference meetings, etc.
  • Identify the risk of exposure to the virus in relation to the different activities carried out in the workplace, adopting protective measures to mitigate the risk.
  • Provide the person with the necessary hygiene products to be able to follow the health recommendations.
  • Provide personal protective equipment (PPE), such as masks, gloves, and appropriate uniforms.

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Labor measures

  • Maintain the total or partial teleworking strategy, thus having the teams distributed between the office and their homes.
  • Establish action protocols in the event that a worker manifests symptoms, to protect him and the rest of the workforce.
  • Stagger the schedules as much as possible to avoid crowds on public transport and at the entrance to work centers.
  • Establish controls and protocols that ensure employees are healthy before returning to their usual workplace (such as virus testing, temperature taking, etc.).
  • Strengthen communication, establishing communication channels with employees and collaborators to guarantee that the strategy and decisions derived from the return operation are known first hand by those involved.
  • Limit employee travel and travel.

Also Read: Essential Cybersecurity Measures For Teleworkers

Technology and security measures

  • Ensuring the correct operation of teleworking and reinforcing the existing prevention measures establishing a safety strategy in remote work.
  • Ensure compliance with data protection regulations in the field of remote work.
    Protect sensitive company data and train employees in this matter.

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