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The pandemic has boosted teleworking since the “social distance” required to stop the virus has led many companies to opt for their workers to perform their tasks remotely. Specifically, almost three million employees work remotely. In total, one million more people have joined this way of working in the last year, precisely 74.2% more. This new way of working has numerous advantages for workers.

Everything related to family reconciliation stands out, and companies can benefit from a reduction in infrastructure costs, among other advantages. But teleworking also poses a significant challenge for organizations and requires a change in mentality, both on the part of employers and the number of employees themselves. In this context, the English term smart working resonates strongly, but what exactly does this concept mean, and what changes does it imply? Read on to find out.

Fusion Of Teleworking And New Technologies

The word itself expresses it; smart working means “working intelligently,” with a methodology that allows obtaining the best results by optimizing resources to the maximum. In the current context, it is about optimizing teleworking thanks to new technologies to offer the workforce all the necessary tools to achieve maximum professional performance anywhere.

Companies should no longer value as a parameter to measure workers’ performance the hours they spend sitting in their chairs in the office, but the work objectives that they meet. This change in the evaluation of employee productivity is closely related to a change in the business mentality, which focuses on “confidence in workers” and giving them more freedom of maneuver to work, from anywhere and anywhere.

New technologies play a fundamental role in intelligent working. First, all workers must have an optimal Internet connection and work equipment to carry out the different tasks and communicate with each other, with their clients, suppliers, etc. Secondly, workers must access a shared virtual desktop in the company’s cloud. They have access to all the necessary documentation and the programs they usually use in a simple way and with all the security guarantees for the organization.

This tool facilitates work at all levels, especially allowing collaboration between workers, who share a single space like an extension of the company itself, in which documentation and confidential data are safe. Read on to find out how a virtual desktop works and its benefits for businesses.

The Virtual Work Desk The Great Ally Of Companies

Having a virtual desktop makes it easier for organizations, whether SMEs or large corporations, to make the definitive leap towards intelligent working. Thanks to it, aspects related to mobility, accessibility, and flexibility at work are enhanced and ensure that communication and cooperation between work teams are not affected by physical distance. In this way, a kind of “virtual office” is built. Let’s look at them in more detail.

First of all, the virtual desktop makes it easier for company employees to carry out their work from any place and device. This fact must be highly valued at this time, in which teleworking has become a reality for many companies. This remote access to all the company’s tools and information makes work processes more flexible and promotes family reconciliation.

On the other hand, companies must consider that the fact that their employees work remotely means that they are physically distanced, both from their colleagues and from their superiors. This fact can cause, in some cases, the demotivation of the workers since they can feel “disconnected” from the mission of the company. Demotivation is usually linked to a drop in work performance, which can significantly harm the company’s results. In this sense, having a virtual desktop and having easy access to work tools and files facilitates communication and collaboration between employees and work teams.

Digitization is a critical element of smart working, and having the right technology to work is a key factor in increasing worker productivity and improving the efficiency of work processes. To do this, virtual desktops adopt the cloud, the practice of working “in the cloud,” and benefit from everything that this practice entails. Companies must understand that working from home is not just connecting to a computer but sharing a robust and secure workspace where everything flows.

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Combining Comfort And Professionalism In Your Home Office Design Wed, 03 Nov 2021 07:28:29 +0000 A lot of professionals have decided not to return to the office full time, and

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A lot of professionals have decided not to return to the office full time, and instead are designing home offices to work from indefinitely. If you won’t be seeing clients, colleagues, managers, or vendors in your home office, you probably don’t need to worry too much about how your office looks as long as you have a neutral background for virtual meetings with video.
But if there is a chance that anyone related to your business might come to your home, you should make sure that it is both comfortable and professional. Although most people are expecting a more casual look and feel to a home office than an office building, they are still going to expect the space to have an air of professionalism.
So how do you find that balance between professionalism and casual comfort? Why go to these lengths to create a comfortable space for visitors to your home office? Because it is always best to make your guests feel comfortable and at home, especially if you will be trying to sell something or negotiate a deal.
The more physically comfortable someone is the more open and relaxed they will be. This is often the best attitude to face when you are trying to be convincing for any reason. Here are some things to keep in mind.

What Furniture To Include In Your Home Office

If you’ve already been pricing office furniture, you have probably realized that it is extremely, and sometimes unfairly, priced. You can often find domestic furniture that can serve the same purpose at a much lower cost. If you go that route, you should still have a large or L-shaped desk for your work area. You can get a gaming chair that offers the same support as an executive office chair but as much as $100 less.

A couple of accent chairs on the other side of the desk is a good idea, but you’ll have more versatility if these chairs have casters or easily slide across the floor while still being comfortable. You can then create a comfortable conversation corner with a loveseat, and pull over the matching accent chairs when needed. You can also use those same accent chairs to add seating to a small café style dinette table and chairs in place of a conference table.

How To Create a Cconversation Corner on a Shoestring Budget

Chances are your budget for your new home office is already stretched to the limit, and you might think you don’t have money for all of your office furnishings at this time. While you definitely need to have a desk and office chair, all of the other furniture in your office can be purchased as you can afford them.

After setting up your actual workstation, your next furniture purchase should be to create that conversation corner mentioned above. A loveseat is a perfect choice for such a corner because it is small enough that it doesn’t take up much space but still offers that homey comfort that puts people receptive and at ease. Shopping online is the best way to find cheap loveseats for sale, but you can also look at your local furniture stores.

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A Hybrid Work Model The New Trend In Companies Sat, 02 Oct 2021 04:06:00 +0000 The fear of a loss of productivity due to not having their employees controlled to

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The fear of a loss of productivity due to not having their employees controlled to the millimeter. However, the arrival of the coronavirus pandemic changed the rules: now it was companies that sent their employees to work at home, but without prior notice, without planning, with the mere intention of being able to survive. Teleworking had come the hard way but against all expectations.

True, some jobs cannot be developed remotely, but others for which have to work in an office is a delay. Of course, companies did it without a margin of time and, above all, without providing their workers with the necessary tools, which has resulted in many of them now asking for a hybrid work model.

What Does The Hybrid Work Model

You’ve probably been hearing about the hybrid work model for weeks, even months. So that we understand each other, it is a way of working that combines teleworking with face-to-face work. In other words, companies allow their employees to work between two and three working days from their homes, while the rest of the hours stipulated in their contract must be performed in the workplace provided by the company.

It is, without a doubt, the closest thing to a Solomonic solution, but it is the one that seems to be satisfying the majority. It allows employees to reconcile work and personal life much more than before while saving time and money on travel. For their part, companies cover their control quota, that without which it seems they cannot exist, although the truth is that they should not waste the door that has been opened towards a future of total teleworking. After all, hybrid work is nothing more than a middle way to save the furniture and not give up entirely before some employees who, for the most part, are more comfortable than ever.

They say that you always have to stay with the good side of things, so in this case, we are left with the hybrid work model that is the first step towards a much more open-minded attitude. And towards a work future in which technology will make us live much better and more comfortable. It will take time and effort, but if we can do precisely the same in an office in the city as in a balcony overlooking the beach, a house in the mountains, or a motorhome while we discover the secrets of the Portuguese coast.

What Kind Of Companies Adopt It

As we have already said, not all sectors can afford to telecommute their employees. Some tasks must be carried out in people, such as production or the services sector, but there is no problem with others, but it is highly recommended to allow a particular wide sleeve with the hybrid work model.

We are talking about professions related to communication, marketing, or technology. Today the computers we have and the internet speeds that home networks reach allow us to connect better even in a physical office. Meetings, preparation of projects, and even presentations to clients are much more enjoyable and efficient with each person in the place where they are most comfortable. It seems that these types of companies have finally seen it.

What is not normal (although it is understandable by the height of view) is that companies such as Amazon, Apple, or IBM have known how to see that the implementation of the hybrid telework model is tremendously beneficial for all parties and that an SME is not able to apply it. True, a small business depends a lot more on results than one of the monsters we have mentioned a few lines above, but the only way to grow is to imitate the best in our industry as much as possible!

Long-Term Trends In The Labor Market 

Although many companies were filled with the saying that ‘teleworking had come to stay, many of them decided to back down as soon as the coronavirus pandemic left them. Be careful, not because of bad results, but because of insecurity. Fortunately, a high percentage of them valued implementing a hybrid teleworking model as an intermediate solution.

As we have read, just over 60% of companies, despite ruling out working at home full time, are willing to implement a system with some hours of teleworking and others of work in the office. Almost a quarter would be ready to make workers go to the office for just one day to carry out specific tasks there, and the other six could be wherever they wanted! The hybrid telework model seems to be the preferred model between now and 2025, at which time companies, already with more planning, should begin to consider teleworking seriously. 

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How To Manage Remote Work Teams Sun, 15 Aug 2021 09:20:00 +0000 New technologies, globalization, and current circumstances related to COVID-19 have driven new, more flexible work

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New technologies, globalization, and current circumstances related to COVID-19 have driven new, more flexible work models. We can highlight remote work (telework) or other systems such as blended working, which combines remote work with face-to-face work in the office or physical space. Modalities that have come to stay, with all that this implies.

Are you a CEO, and are you considering establishing a flexible work model in your company, but you don’t know how to manage remote work teams? Then you are in the right place. Keep reading, below we give you a series of useful guidelines that you should keep in mind.

Keys To Managing Teams Remotely

  • In work teams, communication must always flow, but even more so in remote work, since non-verbal communication is lost. Would you please communicate with your employees and keep them in continuous communication with their colleagues? Tools such as video conferencing, whiteboards, or chat rooms can help you maintain good communication most properly at all times.
  • As in any job, colleagues must get to know each other and socialize beyond their work relationships. In these cases, the blended working system may be the best option since you will find a good balance between face-to-face work and teleworking. Organize at least one weekly meeting in which, in addition to sharing aspects of the projects being carried out, other topics are discussed with a more informal nature. This will help build a trusting relationship between the team members themselves, which will make their work more efficient.
  • If you want to focus on work and that your employees do not get scattered when they perform tasks, set goals to meet and always assign completion deadlines. Thus, they will keep an eye on what they have to do and be more productive and effective.
  • Use project management tools, as they will help your employees organize themselves effectively and allow you to manage what tasks each worker is doing, when, what time they use to do each one and their level of productivity. Thus, you will be able to fully optimize resources, identify team leaders, and synchronize with billing tools, which will save you unnecessary costs. Zoho Projects, TeamBox, or Basecamp are just some of the dozens of project management tools you can use in your day-to-day life.
  • The fact of not having a boss physically and for a long time controlling the work can cause, on some occasions, employees to get lost and slow down. So,  choose the person you hire well, thoroughly prepare for the selection process. This way, you will get a good filter to keep only the best ones.

Remote work or blended working can bring you several benefits, such as saving costs, having a better work-life balance, and the possibility of choosing the best professionals, wherever they are.  In addition, if you opt for the blended option, you are in the right place, since thanks to our concept of flexible workspaces, you will be able to have a corporate headquarters for your company, totally personalized and adapted to that face-to-face online rotation.

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Risks Of Teleworking And Excessive Use Of Computers Wed, 09 Jun 2021 06:40:57 +0000 The pandemic has forced us to adapt our needs to health circumstances. In addition to

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The pandemic has forced us to adapt our needs to health circumstances. In addition to the emergence of new opportunities such as teleworking, there are also new problems to take into account, such as those caused by the excessive use of computers when having to work remotely.

Understanding the psychological risks of teleworking that can occur is vital to face better and overcome these types of problems. However, psychological problems are not the only problems. Other physical problems can also appear whose solution is simple: using glasses with a blue light filter so that the computer screen does minor damage to our eyes.

How To Avoid The Risks Of Teleworking

However, it is not so easy to overcome these problems, and we have to know how to act accordingly.

Differentiate The Areas Of The House Well

When it comes to teleworking, it is essential to do it in a suitable room, which differs from the rest of the house. Therefore, we have to try to have our own office or home office and that it has nothing to do with the living room, kitchen or any other room where we could be quietly with our laptop. 

This is extremely important and will allow us to disconnect and relax when we need it, preventing the appearance of a good number of problems. For example, suppose we decide to telework in the living room because we have no other place to do it. In that case, we run the risk that concentration will be lower due to many distractions around us, and it will also be more difficult for us to differentiate this area of work from the leisure area.

Appropriate Equipment

Maybe at home, you do not have the appropriate equipment to telework safely; if not, you should try to get it. With this equipment, we mean furniture, for example, a chair. Sitting for many hours at a time teleworking is not the same as spending hours on the couch, no matter how much we are in the same house. 

If we do not have a quality chair, like the one we could have in our work, back pain will knock on the door in a matter of time. In the same way, it is necessary to have a large table or all the equipment required to carry out the activity. But, again, suppose we do not have the appropriate equipment. In that case, we will likely end up overwhelming ourselves over time and suffer episodes of stress that will impact our work performance.

Keep Your Routine

Finally, to avoid psychological problems, it is essential to maintain the routine as much as possible. This means that, even though you work from home, it is necessary to get up earlier, shower, wash, dress, and have to breakfast before starting to work on the computer.

This routine is quite important and will help you feel much more relaxed and focused when teleworking. Lastly, don’t forget that you are not alone. You will be able to telework with your colleagues remotely, so do not underestimate online meetings and the use of all kinds of tools that make it easier for you to keep in touch with them. In this way, you will be able to develop high-quality work.

Also Read: Teleworking – IT Security Put To The Test Of New Information Challenges In The Cloud

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Hyper Distributed Printing Simplifies The Challenges Of Telecommuting Sat, 24 Oct 2020 06:39:00 +0000 Hybrid work environments can increase within the business cloth. With workers, the World Health Organization

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Hybrid work environments can increase within the business cloth. With workers, the World Health Organization can work dimly within the workplace or reception. In contrast, firms see facilitating the preparation of Associate in Nursing “emergency” telework in extraordinary things like the containment of Covid19.

Teleworking in hybrid mode (both reception and within the office) means that the duplication of workplaces and also the increase in computing devices to hold out tasks, therefore firms should embrace data protection in their plans and of the tools that area unit used, maintaining or increasing productivity and containing prices the maximum amount as potential.

However, this is a replacement printing modality that has been obligatory that, while not a doubt, is that the resolution to beat all the challenges that firms face within the face of the growing extension of their printing park. We tend to be a unit talking regarding hyper-distributed printing, the sole one capable of managing and dominating all printing solutions, each those put in within the business office and people put in at the employees’ homes.

And it’s that this new intelligent resolution for medium and massive firms with work workers offered by Brother is predicated on a managed wholesale printing service. Additionally, through its platform settled within the cloud, it’s capable of handling all the company’s instrumentality, permitting remote management of them so all support and repair functions, that area unit typically administered in work centers, currently will be administered equally with efficiency and safety, notwithstanding the situation of the device.

We are a unit talking regarding hyper-distributed printing, the sole one capable of managing and dominating all printing solutions. They ought to not forget however necessary it’s to keep up and manage all company processes – whether or not within the workplace or at the employee’s home – which printing is one amongst them.

It’s a challenge that they can not neglect, which they need to tackle by providing their workers with instrumentality that has all the skilled functionalities they have to hold out their work, and by deploying an answer for hyper-distributed environments that permits maintaining company management and security, lightening the burden of technology departments supporting the extent of service.

Before and when in our approach of operating (and additionally of living), currently over ever, firms have the requirement to be versatile to make sure their operations and cut back the potential risks of new outbreaks they will suppose. The foremost advanced, additionally, can cash in of it as a chance and will be reinforced.

Also Read: Covid-19 Digitization Trends Increase Cyber Risks

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Big Data Analytics & Cyber Risks, The Face And The Cross Of Digitization Thu, 03 Sep 2020 06:29:23 +0000 Data Science, also known as Big Data Analytics, is the science that studies data. From

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Data Science, also known as Big Data Analytics, is the science that studies data. From vast amounts of information, it extracts them using statistics, mathematics, and computer science to interpret them and facilitate decision-making.

Its use offers advantages to the insurance industry. For example, it provides information on customer habits, allowing you to personalize products, better manage the life cycle of the policy and offer better service, and ultimately, make more accurate risk predictions based on individual behavior patterns. Having more data on behavior patterns also makes fraud detection easier.

It is not surprising that the use of Big Data Analytics allows companies to increase their profitability by up to 20%, according to data managed by Gartner.

To promote its use and train professionals in the sector, Some Insurance Schools has programmed the course ‘Big Data Analytics’, in which students will achieve the fundamental abilities and skills to design and execute use cases with which to find hidden patterns in your company data and predict behaviors that allow you to reduce costs or create business lines to generate income.

Increase In Cyber Risks

We could say that the takeoff of Big Data is one of the positive aspects of digitization. On the opposite side, we find the increase in cyber risks, which was much more highlighted during the current pandemic, with exponential growth in teleworking that has not always been accompanied by sufficient security guarantees.

To face the rise in the actions of cybercriminals, prevention alone is not valid, since absolute security is impossible and mitigation mechanisms such as cyber insurance are essential to reduce the impact of these attacks as soon as they occur. To respond to the current situation in which the demand for cyber insurance and professionals prepared to market.

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Cybersecurity In Teleworking An Approach Guide For The Entrepreneur Tue, 18 Aug 2020 07:41:45 +0000 Teleworking has undergone extraordinary growth in recent months, it has forced companies to adapt quickly

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Teleworking has undergone extraordinary growth in recent months, it has forced companies to adapt quickly to offer their workers remote access to company resources. Workers access the organization through different devices, such as desktop computers, laptops, smartphones, or tablets, both corporate and personal.

What Can I Find In This Guide

To know in detail the risks that affect teleworking, the different actions that can put the organization at risk are indicated, as well as its most valuable asset, information. This is completed with the security measures and recommendations that are proposed for each risk.

This Guide Addresses The Following Points:

  • Telework Policy: All aspects that organizations must take into account when establishing this policy are included, addressing all possible scenarios and the rules that must be met in each one of them.
  • Security Objectives In Remote Access: The different teleworking and remote access solutions must guarantee the protection of the organization’s main asset, information, taking into account its basic pillars and, at the same time, the different legal regulations that the organization is in. required to comply.
  • Remote Access Methods: Summary of the main access options that companies have at their disposal, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of each, as well as the security measures that are implemented in each type.
  • Remote Access Server Security: These servers are what allow external devices to access internal resources, providing a secure and isolated teleworking environment. To do this, it is necessary to implement security measures that help protect corporate information and therefore business continuity.
  • The Security Software Client Remote Access: Safety guidelines that must be configured in software for remote access, planning how different client devices (configurations, technical assistance, etc.) used by workers are managed.
  • Main Threats To Teleworking Terminals: Due to the teleworking boom, the devices used have become a target of cybercriminals. To avoid these threats, a series of necessary guidelines are provided to mitigate and prevent these situations from putting at risk the security of the devices, as well as the information they manage.
  • Secure Work Teams: It is convenient to implement a policy of security updates for operating systems and applications together with other additional security measures that are equally important for the correct protection of teleworking devices.
  • Securing Mobile Teleworking Devices: Mobile devices, both corporate and mixed-use (BYOD), must be considered in the company’s security policies, as they are also threatened by risks inherent to their use. If a good security policy is not followed, they will be exposed to security incidents.
  • Data Protection In Teleworking Terminals: In teleworking devices documents are managed that may contain sensitive data of the organization, and therefore, they must be treated with the security they require. To do this, a series of security measures must be considered to help protect the terminals.
  • Data Backups On Teleworking Devices: A correct backup policy allows the organization to protect the information stored on the different devices assigned to this task, taking into account the information that each one of them deals with.

If you are teleworking in your company, the ‘Cybersecurity in teleworking: an approach guide for the employer’ guide is for you, download it and apply cybersecurity in teleworking.

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Teleworking Vs Face-To-Face Work On The Way To A Mixed Model Wed, 12 Aug 2020 05:11:55 +0000 COVID-19 accelerated the arrival of teleworking in companies. A model that, although it was not

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COVID-19 accelerated the arrival of teleworking in companies. A model that, although it was not new, has ended up becoming the solution for many of them in times of pandemic. Thus, and once we have launched the POST COVID stage, the question is, do we continue teleworking, or is it preferable that we return to face-to-face work?

The balance of telework is very positive, and towards the point, but there are times when a presence in companies is necessary. Currently, and it is the trend, it is increasingly important to carry out good knowledge and talent management, as well as the formation of multi-professional teams.

In knowledge management, the process of co-creation is very important, in which each one puts the best of himself to create a final result. In it, one of the most important pieces is the non-verbal language. If we modulate, we pivot, based on the non-verbal reactions of others, we will obtain more satisfactory results and, above all, we will have the ability to innovate, to offer more creative options. 

For this, and despite the great technological advances that have taken place, face-to-face work is necessary, since there are still no remote communication platforms available to replace key aspects such as informality established between participants or contact. personnel generated between them in this type of case. And it is that this ‘presence’ makes it possible to generate links, which give rise to more cohesive teams, something that, today, is essential. Finally, we must not forget about the so-called incidental, causal, or unprofessional contact. It is one that happens without being planned and many times without our being aware of it.

Should We Learn To Disconnect

It is necessary to disconnect at work and, as with most aspects of life, we learn to do so. From the worker’s point of view, these two strategies can help :

  • Planning: Designing work plans adapted to time and needs.
  • Discipline: Demanding of yourself the fulfillment of the program and the established objectives.

For their part, companies must favor and enhance this disconnection through concrete actions such as, for example, facilitating personal and professional life, ordering work hours, etc. But, above all, it is very important how the person in charge of the team acts, which must lead by example.

What Are The Advantages Of Teleworking

Many benefits teleworking offers: The following stand out:

  • It offers a greater range of possibilities when it comes to managing both time and space. 
  • Both the trips to the companies and the place where you reside are no longer decisive.
  • Facilitates work and personal conciliation.

However, the reality is that we are heading towards a mixed work model to which, however, not all companies will change at the same rate, nor will the percentage of teleworking and face-to-face work be the same in their day-to-day lives

How Should We Get Back To The Offices

We will soon begin to implement the return plans to the offices, which can be applied to both companies and SMEs. Some of the most relevant aspects that activate the commitment, and promoting, are:

  • The confidence and empowerment of teams.
  • Generation of open space for professional development, where the employee himself is the protagonist.

Principles That Will Guide Our Return Process :

  • Be prudent, always ensuring the health of employees: those who have not tested positive, who do not have symptoms, and who are not in quarantine will gradually return to the offices.
  • Return gradually, progressively, and dynamically: we will be attentive to the latest information and data available, which will allow us to make the best decisions.
  • Guarantee the safety of employees, business continuity, and the needs of our clients: we will establish flexible shifts and hours where necessary to minimize the risk of contagion.
  • Enable strict hygiene and safety measures.
  • Establish early identification protocols.

In summary, returning to our work centers is, in itself, a process, which we must carry out, cautiously. It is one of the steps to take towards the so-called new normal, in which we must be prudent in our actions. Better times will come soon, having responded to the ‘how’ and ‘why’ that we currently have. 

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Keys To Guarantee Cybersecurity In The ‘New Normal’ Wed, 24 Jun 2020 09:58:12 +0000 COVID-19 represents an obvious health risk. We all agree on this. But it also poses

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COVID-19 represents an obvious health risk. We all agree on this. But it also poses a less visible threat in terms of cybersecurity to many companies. Since the state of alarm was decreed, teleworking has become the best measure to prevent the spread of the virus and maintain commercial activity. The flip side of the coin is that it has caused workers to have to exchange sensitive and confidential data from their homes.

Not many companies were prepared for a scenario like the one we are experiencing. They have had to adapt quickly, almost without time, to prepare a solid action plan that guarantees cybersecurity of teleworking. Most of the time, employees work on computers they own and are connected to domestic or public WiFi networks, unsupervised, and often insecure.

It is known that 95% of cybersecurity incidents are due to human error. Experts recall that it is essential that workers and external collaborators of the company are aware of the risks. According to data from a recent report.

How to ensure secure remote access

Telecommuting, business travel, or visits to clients’ offices are situations that make many workers turn to WiFi networks. Unfortunately, many of them do not meet the appropriate security parameters. Assuming this is true, it is advisable to offer employees a series of guidelines to protect domestic WiFi and avoid open or public connections that we can find in airports, stations, coffee shops … In addition, connections to the company’s central servers should be encrypted with virtual private networks or VPNs. This encrypts device traffic and prevents communications from being intercepted.

When it is not possible to use a home network or any other secure connection, a good alternative is to create an access point through the 4G or 5G data network offered by smartphones. A coverage that has several default security layers that protect the information that any computer sends and receives.

What devices are recommended for teleworking?

  • The Internet is a new battlefield. Anyone who works from home becomes a potential target for crackers and scammers. Equipping employees with the best ‘weapons’ can be an important asset during the war. In this sense, corporate devices that are controlled by Systems technicians, who keep them updated and with security measures, are the best option.
  • Political bring your own device (bring your own device, in English), abbreviated BYOD can save the company money. It consists of allowing employees to use their own personal computers or mobiles for professional purposes. However, these teams may not always be prepared with the necessary security measures and the corporate information stored on them could be compromised.
  • Another way to keep a company’s confidential data safe from external attacks is to work in the cloud. These types of platforms prevent employees from downloading infected files and, at the same time, make teamwork easier and more efficient. There are DMS (cloud file storage) systems that also allow you to make backups, restores, or integrations.
  • Little by little, it seems that the situation generated by the COVID-19 crisis is stabilizing. But teleworking is still an option for many companies and the most important technological challenge, once the most critical phases of the pandemic have been overcome, is to establish protocols to implement it in the safest way.

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