companies Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Sun, 20 Feb 2022 08:30:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 companies Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 Keys To Attracting And Retaining Talent In Your Company Thu, 11 Nov 2021 06:34:48 +0000 One of the keys to continuing advancing and evolving in your projects and maintaining your

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One of the keys to continuing advancing and evolving in your projects and maintaining your company’s growth is to be able to attract talent (also known as employer branding ) and, once captured, know how to retain it. Do you bet on it in your company? If not, this article will likely change your mind and start allocating resources to attract talent. It is essential to start from the basis that workers need from companies what they need from them and, currently, one of the constant struggles of companies in an increasingly changing, dynamic, and transformative labor market is to offer their teams a balanced work environment, based on trust and mutual recognition.

Attracting talent, and above all, attracting digital talent will help consolidate your company. And it is that an employee with talent and willingness to develop his professional career in your company will be one of the gears of its success. We must emphasize the importance of building an internal culture in companies that are directly committed to the well-being of workers, and thus ensure that they feel part of the company, that they become ambassadors of the same, that they see loyalty and commitment as the foundation of their professional bond and take pride in belonging even in times of crisis (and pandemics). All of this will be key to maintaining competitiveness.

Ways To Attract Talent

Here are some ways to attract and retain talent within your company. Look at them!

1. Offer Flexibility

With the situation that we are experiencing caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, employees are beginning to give greater importance to the flexibility of their jobs, not only in schedules but rather in being able to combine teleworking with face-to-face work (known such as the hybrid work model) to be able to reconcile professional and personal life.

2. Competitive Salary

Salary is one of the most significant aspects for employees to be attracted to one company or another. Workers seek a salary that meets their job demands and aspirations. Likewise, the company can attract more talent if it can offer other social benefits, such as health insurance coverage, the inclusion of allowances, and transportation costs, among others.

3. Possibility Of Promotion

One of the aspects of attracting and retaining talent in your company is offering future workers a professional career to promote and advance. For this, it is necessary to have training programs so that they can grow constantly and thus feel continuously motivated and more qualified, which at the same time benefits the company.

4. An Optimal Work Environment

An optimal work environment means greater productivity and concentration of workers. Having a motivated and happy team eager to contribute and advance is essential to attract future candidates and retain the talent that the company already has.

Everything You Need Is Available In Our Flexible Offices

The dream of any employee is to work in an office with modern facilities, with the best technology, and with social areas and offices with original formats where they can work, hold meetings, workshops, or relax and disconnect after a long day. Thus, keeping teams motivated and satisfied is one of the priorities that all companies must have to attract talent. 

Also Read: Social Marketing Automation Strategies That Convert The Most

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5 Ways to Efficiently Use Social Media to Improve Your Conversion Rates Fri, 26 Feb 2021 06:44:39 +0000 Social media platforms have grown both in popularity and size over the years. So far,

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Social media platforms have grown both in popularity and size over the years. So far, there are around 3.6 billion active social media users, and that number is expected to rise to 4.41 billion by 2025. That said, numerous companies have also started using social media for marketing and other business-related purposes.

Nowadays, social media networks have become a hub for interactions and relationships between consumers and brands.

The main reason is that social media can help companies generate a lot of qualified leads, as well as help them convert those leads into customers. With that in mind, here are a few ways to efficiently use social media to improve your conversion rates.

Leverage social listening

Social listening is one of the most important metrics every company with a presence on any social media platform should use. The main reason is that this metric allows you to listen in on any conversation where your company’s name or brand is mentioned.

That said, by understanding the sentiment in which social media users are mentioning you, you’ll be able to maintain a good reputation and improve your efforts. In other words, this helps you understand precisely what consumers want and expect from your brand.

Moreover, social listening helps you monitor which trends your audience is interested in and how those trends affect their shopping behavior. This can help you prepare your strategy in advance and score more conversions by catering to consumer needs and wants.

Leverage social proof

Social proof is a social and psychological phenomenon where people tend to copy the actions of others. This strategy is so efficient at driving conversions because consumers either want to fit in with a certain group or believe that the group is better informed than they are.

This behavior will encourage them to act in the desired way. The most efficient method of using social proof and the one that leads to the most conversions is user-generated content. That said, this type of social proof can be used as part of your overall content marketing strategy.

However, if you have trouble integrating it into your campaign, you can always consult with one of the reliable digital strategy agencies to help you do so. User-generated content alongside positive reviews and testimonials can do wonders for your conversion rate.

Create an awesome landing page

Qualified prospects will eventually lead back to your website, regardless of the social media strategy you use. Leads that follow your marketing efforts on social media need to be nurtured until they are ready to convert.

Your landing page can greatly affect the outcome. In other words, whether visitors decide to stay and explore further or bounce right off depends on your custom web page design.

Believe it or not, it takes a fraction of a second for consumers to form a first impression, and they base their impression on design alone. That’s why it’s vital to create an awesome landing page so that you can ensure that any visitor or lead will actually decide to stay on your website.

Use various promotions and giveaways

Promotions and giveaways are always great ways to boost conversion rates using social media. This is especially true if they’re part of a contest. This way, you create a lot of interest and a lot of engagement surrounding your offers. People will want to participate and become a part of the event.

Besides, if you add a sense of urgency, you can create the so-called FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) effect. For example, there is only a limited number of products on discount. You can also add a countdown timer to emphasize that the promotion is ending soon. Any well-designed event that will encourage engagement is more likely to result in better sales and higher conversion rates.

Use tools to track your progress

Every social media strategy designed to boost conversions will need improvements every now and then. The main reason is that the social media environment is never static. Things tend to change fast, and they change often.

A new trend can change consumer behavior practically overnight. That’s why it’s essential to use various tools that will help you monitor your strategy and allow you to track various metrics and KPIs. That way, you can test out different tactics to determine what works and what doesn’t. This will help you improve your efforts for better conversions in the long run.

Social media provides numerous opportunities to companies of all sizes. Therefore, if you want to boost conversion rates, social media is the right channel to focus your attention on. The key, however, is to know how to navigate this dynamic environment.

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The Digital Future How To Prepare For The Challenges Of Digitization Tue, 15 Dec 2020 05:29:04 +0000 Companies must adapt to remain competitive and fit for the future, as well as to

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Companies must adapt to remain competitive and fit for the future, as well as to take advantage of and exploit new growth opportunities and benefits offered by digitization in the company. For that, below, we will highlight and influence key areas of work:

The Scalability Of The Company

It’s about creating new business areas and ideas with the least resistance and the best success rates regardless of the existing business structure. The management must promote a culture of freedom for decision-making and action, linked to taking risks by the staff. Culture rains from top to bottom.

Especially in SME companies, because they do not have large budgets, to be successful it is essential to have constant work monitoring, based for example on a project manager to monitor it, and an agile decision making, so as not to slow progress. The mix of profiles, veterans, and new profiles with a new drive and mentality is also crucial.

Scaling the company is a solution for the future, which requires a new way of thinking as well as a predisposition to reinvent the processes, abandoning the “it was always done this way”. Research and development are perfect complements for this type of organization, such as its management. As in everything that launches the process of “trial – error – learning – testing, etc.” must be assumed as part of the process.

Maintain Institutional Relationships and Create An Ecosystem

Ecosystems are dynamic and therefore promote relationships between different parties that allow creating new added value through flexible and dynamic collaboration models. Many companies may or may not have to manufacture everything themselves, because the best knowledge or differential advantages are lacking at a certain point in the value chain. Acknowledging it is painful, but it also unlocks hidden potential. Trying to do everything only lengthens the “speed to market” and increases the complexity within companies, with the costs that it entails. It is about reducing both through collaboration models.

To be successful, you have to be close to the end customer, just as successful companies do. For this, new technological solutions must be implemented and developed, from eCommerce to other B2C solutions, to connect with end customers, involving all interested parties. The degree to which suppliers, customers, and partners are engaged in the business, abandoning the hermetic model, will be crucial in future business success.

Innovation Beyond The Product And The Use Of Open Business Models

New ways of doing things allow for organizational changes. These changes allow innovation to emerge that even goes beyond the product. Product innovation and partial improvement of existing products are complemented by process innovations, new service development and entirely new business models. Both the contact with the client, as well as the processes and the commercial effort allow an excellent potential for digitization, the lever that changes everything. It is the form of excellence that companies consolidate their competitive advantage and develop technological leadership to be leaders in their sector, providing the most outstanding value to customers, which is always the final goal, offering additional and above all personalized services.

Bring The Future To The Present

The normality of companies is to deal with new questions, demands, developments and challenges every day. Changes have never been so cross-cutting, with such an accentuated impact across the entire organization and departments.

Taking advantage of the exponential growth offered by technologies is crucial to ensure the competitiveness of the company in the digital age. To do this, you have to put the customer at the center and understand what customers demand shortly. The technological future must be on the company’s plan (Predictive Models, Artificial Intelligence, 3D Printing, etc.) to understand them and detect how to integrate them into their structures and processes.

Optimal Digital Infrastructure

Companies are living entities, and the only constant is constant change. IT and infrastructure departments also live under this requirement. The introduction of new technologies, achieving crucial improvements are necessary to take advantage of digitization opportunities in the future. Having different systems connected in a network that communicate with each other to complete the processes is essential, adding the analytical skills at the different levels of the organization to be able to carry out an analysis of the current state of the techniques and continuous systems. It is not only the generation of data but also converting them into useful information for decision making, which is the Dashboards. Sometimes it is more advisable to develop new communication networks from scratch than to “patch” existing systems over and over again.

Reorganization Of The Workplace

Work is more than a workplace, but the place also encourages work. It was evident that workplace trends point towards greater flexibility, autonomy, mobility and above all, digitization. It is not a secret that companies still do not sufficiently implement the use of flexible workplace models, such as teleworking, shared and collaborative service, employees with mobile phones, interactive technologies, etc.

There is the technology that offers an optimal combination of flexibility, real-time connection and collaborative work. You have to take advantage of them. The future of the workplace is defined by an infrastructure oriented towards optimizing time, resources and automation, both in technical and physical terms.

There is irremediable interest in SMEs for the future, but also scepticism towards the comprehensive trends of digitization. Many SMEs are uneasy because they don’t yet know exactly where the journey is headed for their organization, their employees, and their customers. Despite the glimpse of the future, the only certainty is that digitized competitors will replace companies. Thinking fresh in business development and management is more crucial than ever.

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The Top SaaS Companies You Should Know About in 2020 Sat, 06 Jun 2020 05:42:01 +0000 Companies are pouring record amounts of money into their IT budgets this year.  Close to half

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Companies are pouring record amounts of money into their IT budgets this year. 

Close to half of that money is being spent on software as a service or SaaS for short.

What are the services these businesses are lining up at the door waiting to invest in?

Keep reading to discover the top SaaS companies in 2020 and stay up to date with the latest in business technology.

Top SaaS Companies

SaaS, or software as a service, is one of the most popular trends of the year when it comes to business innovation.

The software is changing the way we do business and bringing people closer together when we need it the most. Take a look at the SaaS trends of 2020 and the companies leading the way.


Slack technologies has been gaining significant momentum in 2020. It was founded in 2009, had its initial launch in 2013, and it has been rapidly growing ever since.

Slack is a communication platform that businesses use for employee communication. It is similar to an instant messenger where employees can communicate through different “channels.”


Shopify is another SaaS business that has been rapidly gaining momentum in 2020. Shopify recently released its Q1 Earnings and noted a 62 percent increase in new stores created between March 13, 2020, and April 24, 2020. 

Shopify is a leader in the global e-commerce industry. They provide a platform for businesses to sell their products.

Adobe Creative Cloud

Adobe creative cloud is a must-have on any list of SaaS companies. Adobe grew by leaps and bounds in 2019 and is poised to continue the trend in 2020. Adobes stock price outpaced the industry and gained close to 46 percent in 2019. 

A subscription to Adobe creative cloud gives you access to a library of software applications used to edit pictures and videos, develop web applications, and also design them. 


With everything going online these days, you need a place to store all that information. This is where Dropbox comes in. 

Dropbox allows you to create and store documents and files all in one place. They allow for the documents to be shared, making it easier for teams to collaborate in one place.


Everyone is turning to the internet during this pandemic, and many businesses are trying to make the switch from brick and mortar to the web. 

Wix helps by creating templates to help you build a website without having to learn any coding skills. Making it easier for small businesses to move online, set up a website with their website builder, and continue selling their product.


One of the best SaaS companies ever created, Github, is a platform that users go to create, share, and discover software.

Github was so widely used and functional that Microsoft acquired them for 7.5 billion in 2018.

For More Technology Updates

SaaS has been growing significantly in the past few years and is projected to continue to grow substantially in the future. These top SaaS companies are leading the revolution for the future of technology.

For more technology news and updates, check out the rest of our website!

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Why is active sourcing an integral part of companies? Sat, 06 Jun 2020 05:07:17 +0000 If a company wants to fill a new position, we are all familiar with the

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If a company wants to fill a new position, we are all familiar with the most common form of recruitment. The company places a job advertisement on its website or on job portals and career networks. It waits for applicants to register and then selects the most suitable candidate for the position. This form of recruiting is called passive sourcing. In many cases, however, this passive form of candidate search is no longer sufficient. With a current, almost 100 percent employment rate, too few applicants report on the job advertisement. The whole process is dragging on unnecessarily. Companies must, therefore, take a more active approach in order to optimally fill vacancies again. This active search is called active sourcing. Recruiters use an active approach to find suitable candidates. But why is this active approach increasingly necessary for companies?

Vacancies are not sufficient for all positions

Even if 90% of the open positions are filled through job advertisements, this procedure is currently not always sufficient. There are multiple reasons for this. There are professions in which job advertisements are virtually invisible since there are simply too few people who practice this profession and are looking for a job at the same time. For example, if a company wants to fill the position of sommelier, it will not necessarily be successful with a job advertisement. Since the field is very special, it is difficult to find the person you are looking for passively.

On the other hand, there are completely opposite situations. Well-known and large companies such as Coca Cola receive a flood of applications solely because of the name, from which they first have to filter out suitable candidates. In such a case, the passive search means a considerable additional effort for the company. In the end, companies have to cut back on the passive approach from time to time, as they have to make a decision based on the applications received.

Also Read: Google Drive – What is it?

Internal recruitment as a partial solution

One often hears that vacancies are filled by recommendation, the so-called “vitamin B” or by internal candidates. Wouldn’t this approach solve the above problem? The application process is usually significantly shortened due to the internal filling of a position or on recommendation. If the company is filled internally, the candidate is known to the company, it has already settled in and fits into the existing team. The situation is similar with recruitment. The new colleague is not entirely unknown, someone in the company guarantees that he can identify with the corporate culture. Professional qualifications are evidenced by a brief review of the curriculum vitae.

However, there is no “fresh wind” in the company through this type of recruitment. New employees from outside always bring new and innovative ideas with them that can advance the company. In addition, by filling vacancies for “vitamin B”, the company runs the risk that the candidate will not be able to integrate properly, contrary to expectations. This path is a good alternative for individual positions, but the whole process of recruiting is difficult in the long run because after some time the potential of this method has been exhausted.

HR consultants as an alternative in active sourcing

Furthermore, many companies hire an external personnel consultant for recruiting, who takes over the entire tasks of recruiting and passes on only a few perfectly fitting candidates to the company. This considerably reduces the internal effort for the new filling of an open position. In addition, the personnel consultant can access completely different channels, such as their own talent pool. This increases the chances for the company to find the optimal position for the vacancy. But even with this option, the company is exposed to risk. The personnel consultant never knows the company as well as the internal personnel manager, which can also lead to incorrect filling of the position with this method.

Our own recruiting department as a solution for active sourcing

By setting up a recruiting department in the company, a large part of the recruiting can be done by yourself. Recruiters are trained in active sourcing, know the company and its departments, and ensure that the company no longer has to passively wait for candidates, but can actively approach desired candidates and win them over for the open position. However, active sourcing is not used as the only recruitment measure. External job advertisements and internal job advertisements are usually placed in addition, but you are no longer solely dependent on the response to these procedures.

For positions that are more difficult to fill, an internal recruiting department naturally also works together with an external personnel consultant who offers all-round support for recruiting, or a more cost-effective active sourcing service provider in order to ensure the optimal filling of the vacant position. In many companies, this situation is already pervasive and active sourcing has already become an integral part of recruiting.

Also Read: Which Social Network Generates a Greater Advertising Memory?

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When is the Right Time to Hire New People Fri, 05 Jun 2020 16:47:56 +0000 If you have started a business and worked hard to give it a strong standing,

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If you have started a business and worked hard to give it a strong standing, you have done a fabulous job. However, the struggle doesn’t end here. The next step is to scale your business to take it to new heights of success. It means you will have to add new people to your team so you can attract more sales and do more work. However, each employee comes with a responsibility that is on your shoulders. So, you should think twice before you start hiring and make sure this is the right time to do it. 

You had to Decline Work

You know it’s time to add new people to your company when you have to decline work from a client. You should never have to say no to new projects. However, you also shouldn’t take on responsibility if you know you can’t handle it. Start looking for potential employees when you see things are getting difficult to control.

Current Employees are Overworked

Usually, current employees are asked to put in extra hours to cover new or additional projects. You will, of course, pay them for extra hours and work; however, it’s not an efficient practice. Humans have limitations. Even if your employees don’t mind, you should not overwork them if you want to continue providing quality service.

New Skills are Required

Even if you don’t introduce new services, you will start to feel the need for new skills to make your current work more efficient. For example, data scientists are really in demand in all industries these days. If you are absolutely sure that adding a team member will be beneficial, you should not wait for it.

Also Read: Teleworking: Keys To Keep Your Data Protected

Experienced Employees Engaged in Menial Tasks

If you see senior and experienced team members wasting a lot of their time in menial tasks that anyone could do, you should look for junior professionals. You are paying high salaries for minor administrative tasks to those seniors. With new junior hires, those seniors can start focusing on the job that is up to their pay scale.

What if a Client Left You?

This is the most important question you should ask yourself before hiring an employee. There would be no need for employees if one or two clients left you. You can’t just terminate an employee unless you hired them on a contract basis. You have certain laws and regulations to follow when firing an employee. Moreover, it will create a bad image of your company in the market and skilled people will avoid working for you.

Also Read: Explain Virtual Work- How is it useful in the Coronavirus situation?

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