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Digital workplaces are becoming increasingly popular. This is mostly due to the numerous advantages that they provide for businesses. But what are these advantages? If you never heard of a digital workplace before or would just like to know more about how they can help you, this article will go through seven advantages.

Fast Communication

One of the main advantages of using a digital workplace is the increase in the speed and efficiency of communications. Not only can instant messaging actually be quicker than trying to talk across people in the office, but full intranet solutions like Simpplr can increase communication across various channels.

Easier Access to Training and Resources

In a traditional physical workplace, training usually has to be hired from training providers who either come into the office or employees have to travel to their premises. In a digital workplace, training and resources can be carried out online, which is much more efficient.

Videoconferencing Tools

Videoconferencing platforms, such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams, have become a lot more popular over the last couple of years. These are often a staple component of a full digital workplace. Videoconferencing tools enable employees to meet whenever and from wherever and communicate just as easily as if they were in the same room.

Better Employee Engagement

Digital workplaces are very popular with employees due to all of these advantages. A higher level of employee engagement is great for business, as employees who like to work for your company tend to provide better results.

Increased Flexibility

Using a digital workplace can increase flexibility for all employees. For one thing, it opens up the possibility of working from home, which has benefits for employers as well as employees. Adopting a home working model (even if it is just for certain employees) enables employers to hire new staff from a wider geographical location. This means that new hires can be chosen based on their skills and experience rather than the practicality of them being able to get to the office every day!

Lower Costs

Digital workplaces are less expensive to maintain than physical workplaces. Physical workplaces require the need to pay rent or mortgage payments for working premises, costs of commuting to the office, and potentially maintenance and repair costs on top of this. While digital workplaces incur the costs of specific software, this is typically much less than the cost of running a physical workplace.

Higher Operational Efficiency

Digital workplaces usually make use of collaborative cloud-stored documents and shared platforms, which are often much more efficient than sending files back and forth between multiple employees.

If you are not ready to make the jump to a fully digital workplace, it can be a great idea to incorporate a digital workplace into your office-based operations. If you want to keep using the advantages of a traditional workplace while also taking advantage of what a digital workplace offers, you can set up a digital workplace to be used from the office. You may even find that a hybrid working model (which incorporates a combination of traditional and home working) works best for you.

Also Read: Performing A Local SEO Audit In Under 1 hour! Find Out Here

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How To Measure The Digital Reputation Of Your Business Fri, 04 Jun 2021 06:52:32 +0000 The digital reputation is an article that appeared after the paradigm shift in communication between

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The digital reputation is an article that appeared after the paradigm shift in communication between businesses and customers concept. While in the past, consumers played a passive role in which they were limited to receiving information from companies, today’s opinion is more important than ever. The websites and platforms where information about a company appears are not static places that contain lead but two-way communication platforms.

Places like Google My Business and other review portals have increased the importance of customer reviews. In addition, social networks have generated very dynamic communication channels, which erase all the borders that traditionally existed between companies and clients. The online reputation encompasses these and other talks and has become a crucial factor to be managed by companies of all sizes.

Why Is It Essential To Measure Online Reputation?

Online reputation is defined as the subjective image that a user can build a business based on its information on digital platforms. Therefore, this reputation is built around the content that an organization distributes about itself in various channels. However, it also includes the reactions that other users have to that content (reviews, comments on networks.) and the public conversations between the brand and users.

Today, it is essential that companies take care of this online reputation in two ways.

  • On the one hand, they must be present in all internet channels relevant to their sector: from search engines to online directories, social networks, and review portals such as TripAdvisor.
  • On the other hand, they must take care of the conversation around their brand generated in the online environment. Therefore, it is about enhancing the visibility and credibility of the business.

The figures testify to the importance of caring for your online reputation:

  • 3 out of 4 consumers trust a business more if it has positive reviews.
  • 85% of consumers ensure online trust reviews to the same level as if they were personal recommendations.
  • 49% of consumers need reviews to the least four stars before buying into an online business.

Tools To Measure Digital Reputation

Google Alerts

It is a system-generated by Google that sends notifications when new content is published around the specified keywords (for example, the name of your business). Thus, it is possible to detect reviews or comments about your business posted on blogs or web pages that are not under your control.


A complete tool aimed at monitoring online reputation on various platforms, from review portals to social networks and business directories. Among its possibilities, it offers to generate surveys to collect feedback from users, tools to manage comments and messages on social networks, and instruments to create reports on metrics related to digital reputation.


Yext is not limited to managing digital reputation but also offers services related to SEO and eCommerce optimization. Regarding reputation management, it allows you to monitor online reviews of a business and respond to them from a unified platform, in addition to enhancing the acquisition of reviews from actual customers in an automated way.

SEMrush Brand Monitoring

The well-known SEO tool also provides social listening tools that allow you to discover the brand’s reputation and estimate traffic from mentions.


This social media management platform allows you to monitor brand-related conversations on social media so that that reputation can be inferred.

Also Read: What M-Commerce Is Find Out What You Need About Mobile Commerce

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Process Digitization For Competitive Companies Thu, 18 Mar 2021 07:53:18 +0000 In the era of the digital revolution, we are a crucial moment for the appearance

The post Process Digitization For Competitive Companies appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

In the era of the digital revolution, we are a crucial moment for the appearance of disruptive businesses that, in many cases, overcome traditional barriers, transforming products and services. This decisive stage in business development forces companies to work within the digitization of processes and promote digital transformation.

What Is Process Digitization?

The digitization of processes is the adaptation of a company’s processes to the technological environment, so it consists of applying digital tools. This leads to manual or analog processes becoming digital, which also favors data collection and management.

This transformation can be applied to all processes in an organization, such as these:

  • Management processes
  • Operational processes
  • Support processes
  • Management process
  • Logistics processes

Advantages Of Process Digitization

  • Digital Transformation Of The Business: The digitization of processes is part of the digital transformation of an organization, in which it is essential to work today.
  • Help In Changing Business Models: Digitization provides data to evaluate a company’s business model and be able to improve or change it if necessary.
  • More Significant And Better Analysis Capacity: Obtaining reliable data provides information suitable for analysis. The more data your organization has, the more digital tools you must incorporate to manage them.
  • Improvement In Operations: Digitization makes the operational chain flow better and more efficient.
  • Cost And Time Savings: Data management, process systematization and automation make it possible for the company to save time and money.
  • Improved Decision Making. Having the necessary information at the critical moment allows responsible people to make the right decisions in less time. 
  • Increased Efficiency And Productivity: Digitizing processes allows a company to be more efficient and productive at all levels.
  • Promotion Of Innovation: Applying new digital technologies makes it possible to observe results and see opportunities with a futuristic mindset. Digitization helps to evaluate the different options to implement innovative actions within the company.
  • Improvement In Working Conditions: By increasing efficiency and productivity, digitization of processes helps motivation and positive perception of workers and increases their involvement.
  • Facilitation Of Communication And Teamwork: The digitization of processes and the implementation of all integral management systems streamline the sharing of information between the different departments and levels of the organization, something that facilitates teamwork and project work.
  • Increase In A Sales Opportunity: With the implementation of digital systems, the company can concentrate more efforts on attracting new customers. Also, digitization itself will promote that the perception by the user is more trustworthy.
  • Also Read: Importance of Cloud Computing For The Digitization Of Your Company

Keys In The Digitization Of Processes

Mentality Change

The digitization of processes is not only about adding technological equipment or business management software; it goes much further. It’s about changing the business mindset at the organizational level. In this evolution, work must be done on the relationship between technology, people and processes. Encouraging the change of mentality towards a digital mind allows to broaden the business perspective and visualize a horizon full of opportunities and growth.

Customer Experience

The way of consumption has changed, as has the relationship of users with companies. This has completely transformed business strategies and has made companies’ digitization place customers at the business center. Offering you an optimal user experience, facilitating the purchase, making the brand available on different devices, offering good customer service or personalization are just some of the processes that should be given importance. 

Data Analytics

Data is everything; it allows us to measure every step and every action taken; they show if the path we are taking is the right one and adjusts to the market needs. The digitization of processes includes managing and optimizing data to squeeze it to the maximum through automated analytical systems.


Thinking that training is not very relevant in companies is a grave mistake. In digital transformation, learning is essential. Human resources must be trained to face the challenges they will face with the digitization of processes within the organization. Good training allows the implementation to develop in an agile way and with the least possible negative impact on human resources.

Apply The Digitization Of Processes In The Company

Digitizing the processes of a company does not necessarily mean being a company that is being digitally transformed. However, a company that establishes a digital transformation strategy results in the digitization of processes. That is why the most advisable thing for a traditional organization is to start by drawing up a digital transformation plan. 

Different pathways designed for a comprehensive transformation strategy are built. The digitization of processes is key to competitiveness and is a critical way to increase efficiency and productivity to play a better role in the market. Undoubtedly, companies have to be flexible and adapt to new trends, and having a good process digitization system makes adaptation and modernization much easier. 

How An ERP Can Help Digitize Processes

An effective way to digitize the processes in a company is by implementing comprehensive management systems such as ERP. Iis a system designed to automate processes that can be used comprehensively in different departments. Today we can find ERPs that adapt to the needs of each company and sector, in which adequate functionalities can be implemented, designed or programmed for process improvement.

Five Steps To Digitize Your Business Processes

The implementation of systems for the digitization of processes is something to which time and efforts must be dedicated to obtain excellent results. However, with these five simple steps, you can start this implementation in your company:

  • Identify the processes to be digitized.
  • Determine which technological tools will help you achieve the digitization of these processes.
  • It involves the human resource of the company that is directly affected by the changes.
  • Test the digitization of processes at different levels and measure the results.
  • Validate and implement the tools and carry out the definitive digitization in the company.

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