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The classic training of new employees is difficult during the lockdown and contact restrictions. HR managers face a challenge: How can the training be carried out successfully in the home office so the new colleagues feel they are in good hands? The magic word here is digital onboarding!

In this article, we will tell you how you, as an HR manager, can successfully establish digital onboarding in your company so that new employees feel well-received from day one. We also give tips on convincing your superiors of a digitized onboarding process.

What Is Digital Onboarding?

Every HR manager’s goal is to integrate new employees into the daily work process as quickly as possible and spend only a little bit of time on training unnecessarily- this is where digital onboarding comes into play. Digital onboarding is the induction of new employees using HR software. Therefore, the company entry is digital and possible from the home office without any problems.

Choosing The Right HR Software

Numerous e-recruiting software also offers an onboarding tool. We have already presented these to you on our blog. These tools have the advantage that all the steps required for onboarding can be processed in one place – however, these softwares also come with additional costs. In addition to the special software, tools that are already established in your company can also be used:

Microsoft Office 365:  Most people are probably familiar with the functions of Microsoft Office 365 because it is not for nothing that MS Office is the most used software by German office workers in 2020. Microsoft Teams offers numerous practical functions that you can use for your digital onboarding process. For example, you can hold live events or organize a presentation of the team via video conference. In addition, wikis can be used as guides, for example, and calendars can be synchronized. Microsoft itself shares more tips.  

Google Workspace: The former Google G Suite became Google Workspace and offered functions similar to Microsoft Office Teams. For example, you can use the Google Forms feature to create interactive documents, such as the Business Code Agreement. Google Docs also offers the possibility to create documents that several people can work on simultaneously. Google spreadsheets make it possible to create checklists for the new colleague’s first week at work. All files relevant to onboarding can be stored centrally and shared with new colleagues.

Trello:  The project management tool Trello also offers numerous options for designing the digital onboarding of new employees. For example, there is a template for an induction plan with various functions.

Slack: This tool primarily maps communication within the company and is a good alternative to Microsoft Teams. For this purpose, the new employee is invited and can exchange ideas with colleagues and superiors. These can, in turn, inform him about important dates or processes.

You Can Use These Building Blocks In Your Digital Onboarding.

Your company will certainly offer important information, such as a company portrait, for new employees even without digital onboarding. You can enrich the onboarding process with the help of HR software systems. We have created an overview of the options you should think about:

Digital company portrait:  In this, you can, for example, provide image videos of your company. There may also be a personal greeting from the Management Board to new employees. You could also offer digital tours through different locations so the new colleagues can get a perfect picture of their new workplace. 

FAQ:  At first, most new colleagues often have the same questions: What are the core working hours? Where can I find the works council? How do I behave correctly when I report sick? Collect frequently asked questions from new employees and answer them centrally. Think back to your first day at the company: Which questions would you have liked a direct answer to? 

Form and document pool:  Whether vacation requests, occupational safety regulations, or documents for company pension schemes: Make the most important documents for everyday work directly available to new colleagues. Internal company guidelines on processes and SOPs should also be stored here. 

Feedback opportunity: Use the opportunity to absorb knowledge and feedback from a new employee. In this way, you can reduce the risk of operational blindness in the company and benefit from the fresh wind that new colleagues bring with them. You can also use these tips to improve your onboarding process constantly.

E-Learning: Some training courses are not necessarily subject-specific but affect every employee in a company. To remain efficient and not overfill the appointment calendar of the new colleague from day one, you should rely on e-learning. For example, record the data protection training video and make it available on the e-learning platform that most HR software systems offer. In this way, the employees can call up the information exactly when they have time for it – tests can also be carried out afterward via these platforms so that you can check whether the new colleague has understood the core statements of the training.

This Is How Digital Onboarding Succeeds: Preparation Is The Be-All And End-All.

In addition to choosing the right HR software or tools, you can take other measures to make the onboarding process as efficient as possible. With our tips, you, as an HR manager, are perfectly prepared for the virtual onboarding process.

To ensure a smooth first day of work for employees working from home, the right equipment must be made available. Ensure newcomers get their laptops, smartphones, and the appropriate access and passwords on time. Depending on the scope of work, you should deliver the hardware one week before the start of work so that the new colleague has enough time to set up the equipment.

You should also ensure that new employees know when, where and with whom to report on their first day. Here, too, take the newcomer’s direct colleagues on board. A phone call or video conference is best suited for this, supplemented by an e-mail with all the important information about the first day of work.

Convince Your Superiors of Digital Onboarding.

To convince your superiors to establish a digital onboarding process, we have summarized the most important advantages for you:

Cost savings:  Even if money has to be invested first to establish digital onboarding in the company, costs can be reduced in the long run. 

Time-saving:  This advantage is obvious with an automated process. The HR software can digitize workflows so that, for example, information only has to be provided once for the system and does not have to be handed out to each new employee manually. 

Flexibility:  Digital onboarding and the associated digital processes can be adjusted anytime. If, for example, a manager changes the organizational chart, this can be adjusted directly in the HR system and does not have to be printed out again for new employees. As a human resources department, you are much more flexible and can quickly communicate information.

Competitive advantage:  A modern and digital onboarding process puts you one step ahead of the competition and allows you to attract qualified specialists. Companies that use digital onboarding can retain up to 90% of new hires, but only 30% for companies that don’t. 

Induction plan: The more organized and efficient the digital onboarding takes place, the faster new colleagues will settle into the company. This allows you to work faster on tasks and assert yourself in day-to-day business. You can support him in this with a structured induction plan. Of course, you, as HR manager, are in demand here and the specialist department.


A digital onboarding process should find its way into every company because it saves time and money and ensures that new employees can start more quickly with what they were actually hired for: their new job!

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Mistakes to Avoid When Working with Potentially Dangerous Equipment https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/mistakes-to-avoid-when-working-with-potentially-dangerous-equipment/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/mistakes-to-avoid-when-working-with-potentially-dangerous-equipment/#respond Thu, 16 Feb 2023 07:34:41 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=6796 There are all sorts of items and pieces of equipment that can fit under the

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There are all sorts of items and pieces of equipment that can fit under the general umbrella of being dangerous. Of course, there are also many ways in which you can make sure that you are working with all of this in a manner that is safe. At the same time, there are also many mistakes that you should be looking to avoid, as this will help you out no end when it comes to staying fully and properly safe. So, let’s look into just a few of these errors that you can be sidestepping whenever you find yourself working with dangerous equipment.

Not Assessing the Risks

First of all, you are going to need to make sure that the risks have all been fully and properly assessed. Sometimes, these are going to come from the specific pieces of equipment that you find yourself working with. On other occasions, it will be a matter of ensuring that the actual working environment has been checked and is fit for the purposes that you have in mind, as well as the number of risks being kept as low as possible.

Failing to Familiarize Yourself with the Equipment

Before you get to work with any type of equipment that could be dangerous, you are going to have to make sure that you are fully and properly familiar with it. After all, you do not want to find yourself in a situation in which there is the potential that it could cause you some type of injury. So, whether you are looking into heat guns online or some high-power drills, there is no doubt that taking all necessary training courses is going to make all the difference when it comes to health and safety. Also, there are different levels of what can be done, so you certainly do not want to find yourself in a situation in which you are running before you can walk.

Not Communicating with Others

When you are working in an environment that has the potential to cause some dangers, it is certainly the case that you are going to need to fully and properly communicate with everyone else who finds themselves in the very same situation. Poor communication can lead to accidents, and this is also one of the elements that should be fully and properly decided well in advance of what you are doing.

Not Wearing the Proper PPE

While this may seem like a highly obvious point, it is also one that certainly needs to be included. After all, the PPE is there to ensure that your protection is guaranteed. You will certainly not want to find yourself in a situation in which an injury occurs down to the simple fact that something has not been worn that should have been worn. Protective shields, gloves, goggles, and ear protectors are examples of appropriate protective equipment you should wear.

Managing to avoid all of these mistakes and working with dangerous equipment should be an awful lot safer, and risks should be kept low.

Also Read: Public Wi-Fi Networks Know Their Risks And Protect Your Information

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What Are The Trends In Outsourcing In This 2022 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/what-are-the-trends-in-outsourcing-in-this-2022/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/what-are-the-trends-in-outsourcing-in-this-2022/#respond Fri, 06 May 2022 07:04:29 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=5817 Every day more companies choose to outsource their services. The business process outsourcing sector is

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Every day more companies choose to outsource their services. The business process outsourcing sector is constantly evolving, adapting to today’s challenges. Situations such as digital acceleration and the changes brought about by the pandemic have generated new work models and trends in Outsourcing. Do you know what they are? Whether you are the person in charge of Outsourcing or if you are part of a company that offers this service, you must know what is new in this field. Thus, you will make more strategic decisions, and you will be one step ahead of the competition.

Location Flexibility

Telecommuting is here to stay. Whether in a hybrid or 100% remote way, companies that provide outsourcing services must have these new work models in place. Analyzing the capacity for flexibility and innovation in this field will be essential when looking for a strategy. This favors costs and makes it easier to have international teams. Offering or contracting services with professionals in diverse geographic locations enhances the expertise and diversity of organizations.

Cloud Technology And Cybersecurity

To have international teams and work remotely, it is essential to put a magnifying glass on the capacity of the IT infrastructure of each company. Having a cloud-based information system should be one of the priorities when offering outsourced services. This, especially in alliances between companies based on document management and constant access to data.

Having an information system in the cloud implies having cybersecurity and data protection protocols. Thanks to automatic software updates, more fantastic guarantees are generated. These services can be outsourced by companies that provide other outsourcing services.

Software Development And Process Automation

Having your programs or advanced applications is a plus when providing outsourcing services. This allows greater agility and innovation in both internal and external processes as a supplier. In addition, these platforms positively influence the results expected by customers. Process automation also streamlines service delivery, and it allows workers to focus on more specific areas and give more personalized attention.

The Challenge Is Constant

The most important thing for you to be at the forefront of these trends is Networking, research, and advice. Being informed is the key to staying ahead of the competition and providing a better offer or accepting the right supplier. The collaborative work that prevails in Outsourcing must be increasingly reinforced, generating a contractual relationship and support within decisions and strategies. The preceding can be executed with the help of allied companies in the diagnosis, planning, and evaluation of the areas they support.

Also Read: IT Outsourcing – Advantages Of Outsourcing It Support And Services

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Take Your Freelancing Game to the Next Level with These Helpful Tips https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/take-your-freelancing-game-to-the-next-level-with-these-helpful-tips/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/take-your-freelancing-game-to-the-next-level-with-these-helpful-tips/#respond Tue, 08 Feb 2022 12:05:24 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=5377 Finding work can be very difficult, all the way from job hunting to finally landing

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Finding work can be very difficult, all the way from job hunting to finally landing some interviews. This strain has compelled a lot of people to choose the freelancing life, which some find way easier. As a freelancer, you have the option of choosing what kind of companies you want to work for, the ability to define your work terms, and most importantly, earn money by doing what you’re passionate about.

If you’re a freelancer or are interested in becoming one, this article will provide you with solutions on how you can become a solid freelancer in no time.

1. Join Freelancer Apps

One of the most important things you can do as a freelancer is signing yourself up on freelancer apps that will provide you helpful resources like blogs and FAQ’s.

Apps like these make it easy for freelancers to network with organizations and fellow professionals you would like to work with and vice versa. You will have the opportunity to set up a fully detailed profile for your target audience including contact details for potential clients to find you.

2. Create a Personal Profile

One of the things that prevents freelancers from getting jobs is having an incomplete portfolio or none at all. You need to create a portfolio that tells your story, experience, training, and achievements in your field.

This gives you better odds of landing clients since they will have insight into you and your work. A good way of doing this is to create a website with your picture with information about your past work and use it to market yourself. 

3. Price Yourself Correctly

A mistake you should never make as a freelancer is underpricing or overpricing yourself. When you know your worth, you’ll be better placed at selling your services to clients who are on the lookout for fair pricing.

Pricing yourself will also help you identify your ideal target customer. Your pricing should accurately reflect on your quality of service and the people you are targeting.

4. Know Your Competition

A common mistake made by many freelancers is not scouting their competition. You could be good at what you are doing, but there is someone undercutting you for one or two menial reasons.

As such, identify your competition and study their work. Analyze their approach and find out what’s giving them that edge in the market. Doing this will push you to improve your skills and make you a better freelancer.

5. Insist on Referrals

One key factor that helps freelancers get more gigs is referrals. Once you have finished a job for a client, do not just end the relationship there! You need to ask them to refer you to other potential clients. You’ll find that this might help build your client base a lot.

You will be surprised by the number of jobs you would get out of word of mouth.

Winding It Up 

Note that as a freelancer, you’ll be acting as your own marketer. This means you will need to be on your toes as you look for new and brilliant ideas to keep your existing clients and find new ones. Hopefully, you’ll find this article inspiring enough to get and keep you on the right track.

Also Read: How Does Technology Help SMEs To Move Forward

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Are Online Pay Stubs Secure? https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/are-online-pay-stubs-secure/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/are-online-pay-stubs-secure/#respond Fri, 07 Jan 2022 11:49:02 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=5250 Generating pay stubs online can be a great way to help save time and energy

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Generating pay stubs online can be a great way to help save time and energy within your business. This is especially useful for small and medium-sized companies who may be struggling to manage their to-do lists, but it can be used elsewhere too.
Being able to generate and automate pay stubs online is a way to ensure your records are up to date without the additional workload that it usually requires. If you are looking to save time and energy within your business, an online pay stub portal may be the way to go.
As pay stubs are vital documents, you must get them right. Pay stubs contain a lot of personal information, which means you need to ensure you are using a safe, secure portal for this kind of accounting document.

Why Are Pay Stubs Important?

Pay stubs are a kind of document that is given to employees along with their salary. Pay stubs can be given weekly or monthly, based on the salary schedule of the business, and they can be provided online or as a physical document.
The accounting department will organize the pay stubs, and employees will be given a copy for their own records. HR will also have a copy of the same pay stub for the records of the business.
This document not only shows how many hours an employee has worked and therefore how much they have earned during this pay period but also shows any deductions which come from this amount, such as tax or insurance payments.
It is clear to see why pay stubs are important for both workers and employers, which is why you need to ensure you are on top of the records.

Online Pay Stubs Save Time

You can generate pay stubs online to save time and energy within your business. This is useful for small and medium businesses that do not have the additional manpower or budget required to manage this kind of documentation.

Pay stubs need to be up to date for both the hours worked by an employee as well as the current tax regulations for your area. 

With an online pay stub portal, this can be done automatically, and you can ensure that all employees get their pay stubs on time, whether they opt for online or physical copies.

However, you must choose a secure online portal to prevent any issues. Some portals may not be secure, which means they will generate fake pay stubs, which cannot be used in records and will not provide the right information for the business or employee.

Pay stubs can be used in all forms of records, from tax payments to being used as a reference for new employees. This is why they need to be accurate and done through a secure online portal to ensure they will be useful.

There are many options when it comes to online pay stub generators, but not all companies operate to the same standards. For the safety of your employees and your business operations, make sure you consider a reputable name in pay stubs if you are wanting to move this process online.

Why Use Online Pay Stub Portals?

When running your own business or managing the accounting for a small organization, there is a lot of work to do.
Sometimes it can be hard to get everything done on time and to the quality that is required by the company. When you have a full to-do list, pay stubs can be left behind and will become a large stressor for your accounting or HR team, which is why using an online portal can be very useful.
With an online portal, the process can be completed within minutes. Using company details and salary information, you can set up your own pay stub portal and provide accurate payroll details to your employees.
This process can be automated to ensure pay stubs are curated on time, every month or week, based on the needs of the business.
With this large task covered, you will have more time to work on other aspects of the business. This is incredibly valuable for smaller businesses who have a lot to do on their own, and now their efforts can be better used elsewhere.
Instead of worrying about pay stubs and chasing details from the accounting department, you can now use this time to reach your long-term goals. Whether this free time goes into reaching new clients, improving your services, or increasing brand awareness, there are many other tasks that you can tackle now that pay stubs are being managed elsewhere.

Get Started Within Minutes

It may seem like a huge task to prepare pay stubs and to make sure these documents are always up to date, but it is possible to generate it all online securely.
Within minutes, you can set up your pay stub portal online and ensure that all of the relevant information will be handed to your employees along with their salaries.
You can register in minutes using the company name and salary information, allowing you to prioritize other things that need to get done within the company.
Pay stubs are vital documents that can be used in a range of circumstances, from registering tax payments as a reference for new employees and as proof of income. These are essential documents that need to be handled accurately and securely, which is why you may be considering outsourcing this task to an online portal.
The time you save can be better used elsewhere in the company, allowing you to reach your long-term goals at the deadline.
Managing pay stubs online through a secure portal can be an asset to your business and will help you get everything done on time. Hundreds of thousands of companies like yours are already using this online portal to save time and energy, so what are you waiting for?
Get registered today to free up time and provide a secure process to your employees.

Also Read: Social Marketing Automation Strategies That Convert The Most

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Keys To Attracting And Retaining Talent In Your Company https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/keys-to-attracting-and-retaining-talent-in-your-company/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/keys-to-attracting-and-retaining-talent-in-your-company/#respond Thu, 11 Nov 2021 06:34:48 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=5005 One of the keys to continuing advancing and evolving in your projects and maintaining your

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One of the keys to continuing advancing and evolving in your projects and maintaining your company’s growth is to be able to attract talent (also known as employer branding ) and, once captured, know how to retain it. Do you bet on it in your company? If not, this article will likely change your mind and start allocating resources to attract talent. It is essential to start from the basis that workers need from companies what they need from them and, currently, one of the constant struggles of companies in an increasingly changing, dynamic, and transformative labor market is to offer their teams a balanced work environment, based on trust and mutual recognition.

Attracting talent, and above all, attracting digital talent will help consolidate your company. And it is that an employee with talent and willingness to develop his professional career in your company will be one of the gears of its success. We must emphasize the importance of building an internal culture in companies that are directly committed to the well-being of workers, and thus ensure that they feel part of the company, that they become ambassadors of the same, that they see loyalty and commitment as the foundation of their professional bond and take pride in belonging even in times of crisis (and pandemics). All of this will be key to maintaining competitiveness.

Ways To Attract Talent

Here are some ways to attract and retain talent within your company. Look at them!

1. Offer Flexibility

With the situation that we are experiencing caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, employees are beginning to give greater importance to the flexibility of their jobs, not only in schedules but rather in being able to combine teleworking with face-to-face work (known such as the hybrid work model) to be able to reconcile professional and personal life.

2. Competitive Salary

Salary is one of the most significant aspects for employees to be attracted to one company or another. Workers seek a salary that meets their job demands and aspirations. Likewise, the company can attract more talent if it can offer other social benefits, such as health insurance coverage, the inclusion of allowances, and transportation costs, among others.

3. Possibility Of Promotion

One of the aspects of attracting and retaining talent in your company is offering future workers a professional career to promote and advance. For this, it is necessary to have training programs so that they can grow constantly and thus feel continuously motivated and more qualified, which at the same time benefits the company.

4. An Optimal Work Environment

An optimal work environment means greater productivity and concentration of workers. Having a motivated and happy team eager to contribute and advance is essential to attract future candidates and retain the talent that the company already has.

Everything You Need Is Available In Our Flexible Offices

The dream of any employee is to work in an office with modern facilities, with the best technology, and with social areas and offices with original formats where they can work, hold meetings, workshops, or relax and disconnect after a long day. Thus, keeping teams motivated and satisfied is one of the priorities that all companies must have to attract talent. 

Also Read: Social Marketing Automation Strategies That Convert The Most

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What Are The Solutions For Innovating In Customer Reception Management https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/what-are-the-solutions-for-innovating-in-customer-reception-management/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/what-are-the-solutions-for-innovating-in-customer-reception-management/#respond Sat, 30 Oct 2021 08:00:06 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=4958 With the health crisis, the reception management in all establishments open to the public, whether

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With the health crisis, the reception management in all establishments open to the public, whether in shops, museums, cinemas, restaurants, or public authorities, has become a real headache! How do you count visitors to ensure that the maximum welcome gauge is not exceeded? How to analyze its crowds to prevent customers from fleeing in front of the queues outside the stores? The good news, publishers and hardware manufacturers are now providing innovative solutions. Let’s discover together the solutions that it is possible to put in place to innovate customer reception management.

Customer Counting Solutions

The new health rules imposed by the Covid force stores to count the number of people entering and leaving their premises to respect the famous “store gauge.” In many shops still, an establishment employee is assigned to this repetitive task with low added value. However, there are now many technological innovations in sensors and solutions for counting people by WiFi or camera.

The installation of cameras equipped with intelligent optical sensors, in particular, allows the brand to receive only the counting information if necessary, or both the counting information and the video streams. This solution makes it possible to make significant savings on server capacity.

It is also possible to install simple sensors whose objective is to count customers in real-time for an even simpler solution. These sensors send information directly to the company and can even alert management if the gauge is exceeded. There are several different types of visitor flow sensors:

  • Infra-red systems that count customers crossing a virtual line;
  • 3D systems that reconstruct a 3D image and offer precise counting even in high traffic;
  • “Heatmap” systems that work with a camera analyze hot and cold areas and provide excellent knowledge of the areas analyzed.

Solutions To Guarantee Social Distancing

Another health measure since the arrival of the covid on the territory is the social distance of one meter between each person. This distancing is particularly difficult to enforce in stores, hence the idea of certain editors and manufacturers to offer a vibrating box. Customers and shop employees are advised to wear this case around their neck or place it in their pocket, and when another case is detected within a meter, sound and vibrations are emitted to warn people who are too close. Many companies have already adopted this solution, particularly in logistics and construction.

Solutions To Smooth The Flow Of Visitors

Customer metering solutions are particularly practical to avoid gauge overruns. But that’s not all, as these tools also provide fundamental analytics related to visitor flows. Indeed, thanks to digital counting methods, retailers can now identify periods of high and low traffic. These analyses can smooth flows by installing a system for booking slots or online appointments. This online reservation system solution represents an effective and efficient way to provide concrete answers and sustainably improve customer reception.

Generally, this solution, generally 100% SaaS, can be deployed quickly and allows establishments open to the public to relieve their services. The flow of visitors is thus better distributed, and queues are reduced. Another solution to smooth the flow of visitors: set up a virtual queue system that also works on the principle of slots. The virtual queue allows the customer to receive an hour of entry or checkout without waiting in a physical queue, where social distancing is more difficult to enforce.

Management Of Attendance, Analyze It To Control It Better

If the global pandemic has pushed publishers and manufacturers to imagine innovative solutions to manage better customer reception, these traffic management solutions have a beneficial effect beyond health measures. The analysis of the flow of visitors in stores or establishments open to the public is, in fact, a fundamental commercial issue since it makes it possible to trace a more profitable customer journey. Human resources are also better able to adapt to flows by properly adjusting employee presence. Finally, in general, the analysis of visitor flows and the implementation of adapted solutions allow better customer reception management and, therefore, better customer satisfaction.

Also Read: How Does CRM Benefit A Company?

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Use A Formal Announcement And Set Time To Increase Employee Survey Response Rates https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/use-a-formal-announcement-and-set-time-to-increase-employee-survey-response-rates/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/use-a-formal-announcement-and-set-time-to-increase-employee-survey-response-rates/#respond Fri, 22 Oct 2021 17:43:53 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=4924 If you need to make some changes in your business – but you are not

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If you need to make some changes in your business – but you are not sure where to start – you need to begin with a questionnaire and survey method. By learning what you can change, what your customers do not like, and what they enjoy about your business, you can quickly figure out what needs to be changed in your company for ultimate success. But how can you guarantee that your employer will still out the surveys?

If you simply distribute the surveys during the workday when everyone is busy doing their other tasks, the survey can go unnoticed. If you send it to their email, it might go in the trash. Figuring out the best way that you can increase employee survey response rates is key to learning more about your employees and what you can improve in your business.

Visit site to know a few ways you can increase employee survey response rates to gain valuable insight into your own company.

Need To Increase Employee Survey Response Rates? Use a Formal Announcement And Set a Time

If you are struggling with getting response rates from your customers, this means you are not doing a good job of marketing your services and consenting with your target market. The same goes for employees – if you’re not getting the survey responses that you had hoped for from your employees, then this means you are doing something wrong in the outreach method. Instead of having hard work and surveys go to waste, use a formal announcement and set time to increase the survey response rates.

A formal announcement means that every employee will be able to listen to what you are saying – instead of an email or a casual note that will go by the wayside during the employee’s busy day, the formal announcement is sure to command attention and ensure that the employees at least understand there’s a survey being passed around or distributed.

Furthermore, if you create a set time for everyone to answer the survey, this makes it like a mandatory meeting. If everyone is supposed to hand in their survey by the next day at 11am in the office building where you are working, this shows that you are creating a time frame. People are more likely to adhere to deadlines than if they are just given something with no end date. You can do the same with online surveys – if you email the survey and say that you need a response by tomorrow at 10am at the latest, this shows the employees that you are taking it more seriously and the information learned from the employee is very important.


Using a formal announcement and set time is one of the best ways that you can increase employee survey response rates to gain valuable insight and information into what your employees like, what they do not like, and what needs to be changed in the business. Ensuring that all of your employees see the survey and are encouraged to fill out the questions can only help your business with valuable feedback.

Also Read: Applying Agile Practices Can Make Workers More Productive

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How To Improve Performance Management In Companies https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/how-to-improve-performance-management-in-companies/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/how-to-improve-performance-management-in-companies/#respond Sat, 07 Aug 2021 05:18:31 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=4589 Managing performance and digitizing a company is not accessible. But navigating on sight – as

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Managing performance and digitizing a company is not accessible. But navigating on sight – as too many VSEs and SMEs do in an environment of ever-increasing demands is highly reckless. This is why adopting good practices by creating a dashboard to help improve performance has become a necessity. But what does this tool consist of? What is his role? How to implement it effectively? You will find the answers to these questions in this section.

What Exactly Is Business Management

Running a business involves monitoring and optimizing its performance using different tools and indicators. It, therefore, consists of collecting relevant data to evaluate them to make the necessary decisions. Thus, the main objectives of piloting are risk prevention, the anticipation of pitfalls, and improving efficiency, both organizationally and financially.

DashboardsTheir Definition, Their Roles

Dashboards are still little-known, little-known tools with a vague concept. Their use has been limited for so long to the preparation of a budget, the presentation of reports related to accounting or finance, or even to simple reporting in an Excel file that they have lost their primary function: to manage.

What are dashboards used for? They are used first and foremost to analyze data to assess progress leading to achieving profitability objectives in a company. They highlight the physical or financial results against the goals to be completed and identify the gaps.

Dashboards are also responsiveness tools. They make it possible to orient the measures to be taken to correct the discrepancies noted. They are also information and motivation tools for managers. They are used to transmit internally the results obtained to stimulate the teams to continue the work initiated to achieve the set objectives.

The Main Stages Design Of A Dashboard

This is how ultra-powerful analysis technologies that are well known to management controllers emerged, such as the multidimensional Essbase technology, which, thanks to the expertise of expert integrators, has made it possible for many years to develop dashboards and efficient financial reporting by respecting specific steps which relate to both substance and form:

Determination Of Objectives

The first step in realizing a dashboard is to determine the objective and target of such an exercise exhaustively. The use we want to make of TB can go well beyond performance evaluation and be part of collaborative and transversal projects.

Choice Of KPIs

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are inseparable from dashboards. It is through these key indicators that a leader can measure the effectiveness of his actions. There is a multitude of KPIs in all sectors of activity. Each hand must also be combined with at least one driver, that is to say, an element serving to improve the performance of the action in terms of quality, time, or cost. It is essential to be careful to limit the number of key indicators in the dashboards, choose the right ones, and interpret them correctly.

Setting The Update Frequency

The design of dashboards must also provide for the determination of an update periodicity. Whether you opt for a daily, weekly, or annual update, the frequency chosen must be meaningful so as not to become counterproductive.

Form Of Tables

The use of Excel spreadsheets for the design of dashboards is a valid option, but it is not the only generalization of software in the Cloud. It is also possible to use a reporting tool that employees already master to design tables. Several SaaS business intelligence solutions are also available for the construction and distribution of dashboards. In any case, the main thing is to be able to highlight necessary data visually. Beyond the construction of KPIs and dashboards, there are tools dedicated to managing the performance of companies, such as EPM software.

Also Read: International Export Guide For SMEs

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5 Ways to Efficiently Use Social Media to Improve Your Conversion Rates https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/5-ways-to-efficiently-use-social-media-to-improve-your-conversion-rates/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/5-ways-to-efficiently-use-social-media-to-improve-your-conversion-rates/#respond Fri, 26 Feb 2021 06:44:39 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=3767 Social media platforms have grown both in popularity and size over the years. So far,

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Social media platforms have grown both in popularity and size over the years. So far, there are around 3.6 billion active social media users, and that number is expected to rise to 4.41 billion by 2025. That said, numerous companies have also started using social media for marketing and other business-related purposes.

Nowadays, social media networks have become a hub for interactions and relationships between consumers and brands.

The main reason is that social media can help companies generate a lot of qualified leads, as well as help them convert those leads into customers. With that in mind, here are a few ways to efficiently use social media to improve your conversion rates.

Leverage social listening

Social listening is one of the most important metrics every company with a presence on any social media platform should use. The main reason is that this metric allows you to listen in on any conversation where your company’s name or brand is mentioned.

That said, by understanding the sentiment in which social media users are mentioning you, you’ll be able to maintain a good reputation and improve your efforts. In other words, this helps you understand precisely what consumers want and expect from your brand.

Moreover, social listening helps you monitor which trends your audience is interested in and how those trends affect their shopping behavior. This can help you prepare your strategy in advance and score more conversions by catering to consumer needs and wants.

Leverage social proof

Social proof is a social and psychological phenomenon where people tend to copy the actions of others. This strategy is so efficient at driving conversions because consumers either want to fit in with a certain group or believe that the group is better informed than they are.

This behavior will encourage them to act in the desired way. The most efficient method of using social proof and the one that leads to the most conversions is user-generated content. That said, this type of social proof can be used as part of your overall content marketing strategy.

However, if you have trouble integrating it into your campaign, you can always consult with one of the reliable digital strategy agencies to help you do so. User-generated content alongside positive reviews and testimonials can do wonders for your conversion rate.

Create an awesome landing page

Qualified prospects will eventually lead back to your website, regardless of the social media strategy you use. Leads that follow your marketing efforts on social media need to be nurtured until they are ready to convert.

Your landing page can greatly affect the outcome. In other words, whether visitors decide to stay and explore further or bounce right off depends on your custom web page design.

Believe it or not, it takes a fraction of a second for consumers to form a first impression, and they base their impression on design alone. That’s why it’s vital to create an awesome landing page so that you can ensure that any visitor or lead will actually decide to stay on your website.

Use various promotions and giveaways

Promotions and giveaways are always great ways to boost conversion rates using social media. This is especially true if they’re part of a contest. This way, you create a lot of interest and a lot of engagement surrounding your offers. People will want to participate and become a part of the event.

Besides, if you add a sense of urgency, you can create the so-called FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) effect. For example, there is only a limited number of products on discount. You can also add a countdown timer to emphasize that the promotion is ending soon. Any well-designed event that will encourage engagement is more likely to result in better sales and higher conversion rates.

Use tools to track your progress

Every social media strategy designed to boost conversions will need improvements every now and then. The main reason is that the social media environment is never static. Things tend to change fast, and they change often.

A new trend can change consumer behavior practically overnight. That’s why it’s essential to use various tools that will help you monitor your strategy and allow you to track various metrics and KPIs. That way, you can test out different tactics to determine what works and what doesn’t. This will help you improve your efforts for better conversions in the long run.

Social media provides numerous opportunities to companies of all sizes. Therefore, if you want to boost conversion rates, social media is the right channel to focus your attention on. The key, however, is to know how to navigate this dynamic environment.

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