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The UI designer is essential to the creation of a digital interface. It guarantees a good user experience thanks to fluid navigation, consistency in the information architecture and an appropriate design. So what is its role, and what are the prerequisites for the profession of UI Designer?


UI Design works on the visual part of user interfaces. This can relate to a mobile application, a website, a product or any interactive screen on a device. It is the meeting point between an interface and users, but above all, between a brand and its customers. 

A good UI requires an ergonomic design, allowing users to achieve their goals. Here are the criteria for optimal ergonomics:


The UI design must allow all users, regardless of their constraints (geographical, material or physical), to quickly access your interface. 

Good accessibility requires HMI interfaces that give access to all users. This also applies to people with disabilities.


Fluid navigation is essential for building natural communication between the user and your interface. The design of an effective navigation system calls upon interaction and information design principles. This straightforward navigation requires the creation of shortcuts, menus and links that are both aesthetic and functional.


A graphic design must arouse an emotion in the user in the order of trust or satisfaction. This design combines several criteria: 

  • typography 
  • colours 
  • animations
  • micro-interactions
  • content hierarchy

The design aims to entice users to explore your interface more deeply. With easy and uncluttered navigation, this promotes user loyalty and consolidates their commitment.


It is necessary to pay attention to the hierarchy of contents. The goal is to structure the information to make it easy for all users. This is key to creating a clean design and easier interaction with the digital system. 

Information architecture is fundamental in how users navigate the site or application. In this way, choose a structure that adapts to your field of activity, and that is known to your users.


The purpose of so-called “interaction” design is to design an interface with a natural interaction between a human being and the site or application. This brings user-friendliness to the digital interface and allows users to achieve their goals as efficiently as possible. 

This type of design includes several dimensions, such as: 

  • catchy labels
  • entertaining animations 
  • qualitative images


Today, thinking “mobile first” is essential when creating a digital interface. This must be optimized and adapted for all mobile devices (phones, tablets, etc.). The UI Designer must take this criterion into account when creating an interface. 

This criterion is all the more important because it allows Google to reference a site or a mobile application better.



Let’s get to the heart of the matter, what does a UI Designer do? He ensures that the digital interface is consistent, easy to use, and aligned with brand objectives and user expectations.  

By becoming a user interface designer, you will have a multidisciplinary job with several hats: the visual, emotional, psychological aspects… Indeed, you will need to understand how each element works and creates a good user experience. You will need to know user expectations through extensive research and design the interface accordingly. 

The job of a UI Designer includes several steps in the creation of an interface: 

Make a graphics benchmark. 

The graphic benchmark makes it possible to centralize the best practices, the most relevant elements and all the design novelties to develop the most adapted, modern interface corresponding to the criteria of the market. For this, the UI designer must constantly monitor trends in digital interfaces. 

Set visual guidelines 

The role of the UI designer is to design all the pages of an interface and to ensure the consistency between each visual with the user journey defined by the UX designer. Every day, he works on the design of the graphic elements, the interactions and the organization of the pages. In general, he creates a visual library to ensure the consistency of the brand image.

Create prototypes and wireframes. 

He will create prototypes and models for the developers in a team with the UX designer. Using these wireframes, they can make a functional design to help users find what they want on the interface. 

Optimize UI continuously 

The role of the UI designer is to constantly test the interface with users to ensure the proper functioning and meaning of each element. If the feedback is negative, he must adjust his choices.


To become a good UI Designer, you will learn by practising and making mistakes. Many human qualities are required, among them:

  • Curiosity, to always look for the latest trends
  • Creativity, to offer an adapted and modern design 
  • Rigour and organization to keep commitments on time 
  • Empathy, to better understand the user
  • Team spirit, to better communicate with all stakeholders


A good UI Designer should:

Know the web and applications to create modern interfaces that are easy to use and meet the habits and needs of users. This knowledge will allow him to integrate graphic elements and animate them.  

Know how to master computer and graphic design tools such as the Adobe suite or even Figma for prototyping. 

Know good elements of psychology and sociology to identify the targeted users best. This will allow the UI Designer to adapt UI choices based on user behaviours. 

Have a developed sense of creativity to create unique and attractive digital interfaces that will arouse positive emotions in users.


Just like for the profession of UX Designer, there is no typical profile or studies devoted to this profession. It is necessary to highlight the skills and soft skills that you already have. 

Several paths are available to you to become a UI Designer; you can choose to do a BTS, a DUT or a license in digital engineering, multimedia, graphic design, webdesign, web marketing, communication or even applied arts. 

The UI Designer, or interface designer for users, comes from a wide variety of training. Business, tech or even marketing profiles can learn the necessary additional skills. 

Indeed, in addition to design skills, UI Designers must, above all, know how to work in a team, in particular in pairs with a UX Designer, understand users’ emotions and be creative in the design of an interface.


There are some training courses online or in centres dedicated to UI Design and the challenges of this profession. These pieces of training require basics in the field mentioned above and will allow you to develop your skills and knowledge of the area. 

They will teach you: 

  • The creation of an automatic and faithful visual journey of the user’s needs
  • The development of a coherent design between all interfaces
  • Collaboration with a multidisciplinary team bringing together UI and UX designers, web developers, and communicators… 
  • Prioritization of content to identify unnecessary or missing content 
  • The development of interactive models and prototypes 
  • Familiarization with the principles of mobile navigation and the constraints that this generates
  • The choice of colours, icons and typography according to brand image and readability on digital interfaces
  • Emotional design awareness that puts user emotions at the centre of the experience


The professions of UI and UX designers often need clarification. However, there is a real difference. 

Unlike UX designers, who focus on ergonomics and user experience, UI designers focus on digital interface design. The objective of UI Design is to meet the visual needs of users by improving the work of organizing content designed by UX. 

The two have very distinct roles, although they are complementary: we first work on the user experience, and to best meet their needs, we design the digital interface.


The job of the UI Designer is very different from the role of the web designer. 

The web designer puts his creativity and technique at the service of designing layouts that reflect a brand’s image. Its mission is to create the graphic charter for the pages of a website and the design of web interfaces, unlike the UI Designer, which works on a user-centric approach. Its mission is to define the needs and behaviours of users to align the interface with their expectations.

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3 Key Areas When Building A New Website For Your Business https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/3-key-areas-when-building-a-new-website-for-your-business/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/3-key-areas-when-building-a-new-website-for-your-business/#respond Fri, 24 Jun 2022 10:39:05 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=6047 Websites have become an integral part of businesses in this digital age. If you have

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Websites have become an integral part of businesses in this digital age. If you have already been in operation for quite some time but still don’t have a functioning website up and running, you may have missed out on several opportunities for your company.

The internet has become an integral part in the lives of most customers, and this includes their purchase journey. You may not be aware of it, but one of the first things prospective customers look at when considering a purchase is the company’s website.

Thus, despite the development and maintenance costs, a well-produced website is not a liability, but rather an asset as it can actually pull in more revenue for the company. It also delivers many other benefits such as increasing the company’s credibility, serving as a platform to showcase your brand, as well as generating leads and organic traffic.

However, the website must be of good quality and able to deliver a good experience to your customers before you can receive any of these benefits. To guide you in your planning, here are 3 key areas that you must focus on when building a new website for your business :

1. Choose A Suitable Domain Name For Your Business

While a domain name is not the end all and be all for a company website, it does play a critical role in improving the quality of a website. A good domain name can help establish the company’s credibility, build your brand, and can increase lead generation.

Having a short yet memorable name that is directly related to your product or service will make it easier for your target customers to find you. It also makes the company appear more professional and trustworthy.

But with so many websites already published by now, it can be challenging to get a domain that is properly suited for your business. Should you encounter this problem, consider purchasing an existing domain for your use. Get a professional domain appraisal before concluding your purchase to ensure that you are getting a fair value for your money.

2. Pay Attention To The User Experience

Customer have come to expect convenience and comfort in the services provided by credible companies, and this includes their experience when navigating through your website. A graphics heavy website may seem appealing in concept, but if it causes heavy lags and delays the user from getting the information he wants, chances are he will just give up and leave the site.

But while functionality trumps aesthetic, it does not mean that you can totally let go of your website’s overall appearance. You just need to find the balance between content and function. Use simple layouts and minimize the use of videos, animations, or heavy graphics that are not relevant to your company. Choose font types that are easily readable as well as color schemes that are not heavy on the eyes.

The bottom line is that you need to ensure a smooth journey for your customers. They should be able to find the details they need at the shortest possible time without getting bored or turned off by what they see in your website along the way.

3. Make Sure It Is Accessible And Safe To Use

No matter how nice your website looks or how great the content inside is, if your target users cannot access it, then all your hard work goes down the drain. And when it comes to online searches, there are no second chances. Once the user fails to get in for any reason, they will immediately get out and turn to someone else.

Thus, it is imperative that you take steps to ensure that your website stays responsive all the time. One of the ways to achieve this is by working with a reliable web hosting provider.

Your web host is the one responsible for storing the data on your website, which affects the site’s speed and accessibility. When your website gets an influx of traffic and your web hosting service is not prepared for it, your website can crash, giving your users a bad experience and cause them to leave the site. The web host provider also ensures safety for both the company and the site visitors by protecting it from online threats like viruses, hacks, and cyber attacks

Aside from this, you also need to consider your website’s compatibility with both mobile phones and computers or laptops. In the US alone, consumers spend more than 5 hours a day on their phones, and 30% of them use their phones to shop online.

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What Is Responsive Design (or Adaptive Web Design) https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/what-is-responsive-design-or-adaptive-web-design/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/what-is-responsive-design-or-adaptive-web-design/#respond Wed, 01 Dec 2021 06:46:31 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=5083 Have you ever accessed a web page with your smartphone that didn’t load or display

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Have you ever accessed a web page with your smartphone that didn’t load or display correctly? You probably closed it and looked for the same information on another page. So that this does not happen, you have to apply Responsive Design. If you don’t know what it is, you can’t miss this new article.

What Is Responsive Design

Adaptive Web Design or Responsive Design is a web design technique. Currently, Responsive Design is used to have a web page that adapts well to the measurements of the different screens of each type of device (smartphones, tablets, and computers)

When a website can adapt to the different sizes that exist, we speak of a multiplatform website. A series of CSS3 style sheets are needed using the “media query” attribute to convert an ordinary website into a multiplatform. Thanks to a multiplatform website, the user experience is more enjoyable and meets their needs. From smartphones, the websites where you had to expand to read something are becoming outdated.

Why Should Your Website Be “Responsive”

Next, we will explain to you why your website should be responsive through the main advantages of Responsive Design. The advantages are many and, at the same time, of great relevance if you have a website or plan to dedicate yourself to creating websites.

  • Better user experience. By applying Responsive Design, the user experience is improved. Therefore, the time spent on the web will improve, the bounce rate between pages will increase, and, in turn, your brand image will improve. Therefore, users will enjoy greater ease and practicality when browsing your website, so they will also have a better opinion of it.
  • End of duplicate content. When you use a mobile version to offer content adapted to users who access your website, duplicate content is created. Google penalizes duplicate content, so using a mobile version is very detrimental to your website’s SEO. Thanks to an Adaptive Web Design, you avoid this problem since instead of duplicating the content of a page, the content itself is organized differently depending on the device with which the web is accessed.
  • Web cost reduction. Applying responsive Design, a website’s development and maintenance costs are reduced since the same template is used for the different devices or platforms. Therefore, a single change takes effect in all versions.
  • Increase in virality. Recently, a study has been carried out on access to social networks. This study certifies that 70% of these accesses are made through mobile devices. From this, it can be deduced that if a user has entered our website with their smartphone, they most likely have social apps like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. Open, so if they want to share something, it will be much faster and more natural.

Responsive Design

Now you know what Responsive Design is and the importance of applying it to web pages. If you plan to create a web page or dedicate yourself to developing web pages, surely you will not hesitate to apply an Adaptive Web Design to get the most out of it.

Suppose you think that you lack the knowledge to develop web pages applying Responsive Design, or you would like to learn how to develop websites with Adaptive Web Design. In that case, we offer several courses and degrees focused on this and that do not require previous programming knowledge. One of them is the Coding Academy, a programming course that offers intensive training in computer programming. With this course, you can become a Web & Mobile Developer, Full Stack web programmer.

In turn, we offer a Degree + Master in Computer Science, a 5-year program in which, from scratch, you will be taught in a theoretical but above all practical way, everything about computer science. At the end of the course, you will obtain the official title recognized by the EU, which will prove that you are an Information Technology Expert. With it, you will be able to opt for professional opportunities such as Developer, Full Stack Developer, Computer Engineer, Technical Director, Project Manager, CEO Owner.

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How To Approach Custom Web App Development? https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/how-to-approach-custom-web-app-development/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/how-to-approach-custom-web-app-development/#respond Mon, 27 Sep 2021 09:02:07 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=4823 Custom web apps are everywhere these days, and people across the globe use them every

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Custom web apps are everywhere these days, and people across the globe use them every day. The apps offer consumers an easier way of booking services, shopping, getting information, and performing various important tasks. Web apps can provide businesses with a multitude of opportunities.

Moreover, they provide the ability to deliver unique functionality and improve internal workflow in the organization. Online presence is a major factor in the growing need for software products. With various tools and frameworks, custom web development has turned to a whole new level. 

Innovative and unique approaches are becoming popular for crafting customized web apps specifically for businesses. The developers and businesses leverage simple, faster, and efficient coding processes and maintenance. Here you will know about essential details on custom app development along with various technologies and their architecture.

Popular Front-End and Back-End Technologies for Custom Website Development

Front-End Technologies

These frameworks are the building blocks of any software development, and it has a great influence on user experience. The following are the few front-end frameworks that one can use for their custom app development.

1. Angular:

It was developed by Google and is excellent for web apps, progressive and multi-page web apps. Even though it is not that easy to learn compared to other frameworks, the two-way data binding, reduction in code amount, and community support make it unique. Therefore, developers like to use the framework for creating intuitive and responsive experiences for users.


React is an easy framework to learn and was developed by Facebook to fix code maintainability problems. One can anytime add a new feature to the application. It is an open-source framework that provides tremendous functionality. Moreover, React helps in the creation of web apps that are stable and expect high traffic. It has reusable components and tools that make for quite easy collaboration.

Back-End Technologies

There are many options for server-side technologies used by developers to provide the best app development services. Some common back-end technologies are mentioned below.

1. PHP:

It is a programming language that has been here for over 25 years and has a huge community of developers. They acknowledge that PHP is compatible with several servers and is best for many cloud apps. In addition, it is known for great scalability, which distributes the entire workload between servers. Above all, it is flexible and meets every basic need of custom web app development.


ASP.NET is an amazing network application framework that Microsoft supports. It has all necessary functionality like faster performance due to better-compiled code, support for authentication protocols, vertical scalability, and numerous libraries. 

3. Java:

It is a programming language which has been present in the market for over two decades. It has a big community of programmers, and the language is easy to learn. The development process gets support from various Java IDEs such as NetBeans, Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, and many more. Developers use several frameworks and tools for layered architecture. Furthermore, Java code is compatible backwards and runs inside web containers on the server, easily migrated between multiple OS.

Select the Right Cloud Application Architecture

Cloud app architecture has a crucial role in the web app development process. It helps in maintaining the communication between structural components and the user interface. The app architecture shows the interaction within network software. Some common approaches for cloud app architecture are given below. 

1. Server-Side HTML:

It is an old approach in which the server generates HTML content and releases it to one URL as a page. Such architecture patterns are applicable to many frameworks and languages. No additional security tool is needed as it is given by the server-side. It has great usability and can stream huge data amounts between the user and the server. But it can take a long time.

2. AJAX:

It has the major advantage of displaying a page that contains widgets. The requested data can be uploaded by AJAX query, HTML chunks, JSON, or JavaScript templates. The whole custom app development process becomes easier as it reduces response time and enhances usability.

3. Single-Page Application:

This is a dynamic approach that enables fast, smooth, and real-time interactions in cloud app architecture. Such patterns provide page communication through AJAX, XML, JSON or HTML elements. It has increased usability and performance.

Wrapping Up

Custom web app development has gained immense popularity as it provides flexibility and functionality. Developers and companies favour less resource waste, increased customer support, faster service delivery, and business continuity. By considering innovative approaches with technologies and architecture, one can create intuitive web apps. 

We hope this article about how to approach custom web app development is helpful to you. Do share this content on social media if you find it helpful for you in any manner.

Also Read: Guest Blogging for SEO: How to Build High-quality Links at Scale

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Can We Make Games on WordPress? https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/can-we-make-games-on-wordpress/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/can-we-make-games-on-wordpress/#respond Tue, 03 Aug 2021 09:26:58 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=4565 WordPress has grown out to be one of the most useful site development tools around

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WordPress has grown out to be one of the most useful site development tools around the world with millions of active users and websites that are powered by WordPress. I personally use it a lot to make my own blog sites as it only takes a couple hours to make a fully functional website on wordpress as compared to coding your own site.

It provides you with a plethora of tools and plugins to choose for your site. There is everything for everyone who wants to create a site for any sort of purpose. You can create a blog site for medical articles, you can create your own portfolio sites with the predefined yet customizable themes, you can make interactive quiz sites and so much more.

And that poses a question, can we also use WordPress for making games? Let’s find out

Game Development in WordPress

Just like web development, we see a bunch of tools that make it very easy for game developers to create their own games with ease. You don’t have to spend months trying to code through  each and every aspect of your game, there are tools that ease your process and make it super efficient as well.

The coding has become immensely powerful and you can create pretty much anything you want but more importantly, GAMES! The new HTML 5 also allows you to code your own browser games which is super cool as many people love to spend their free time playing browser games. Of course there are some restrictions as to what you can achieve by coding your games using HTML 5 or any other language.

Now as for our question, can we make games on WordPress? Technically Yes, you can! WordPress allows you to code your own site, which essentially means that you can pretty much do anything you want as long as you are good with coding. You can code your games at the backend and let wordpress take care of the website design and whatnot. There are a ton of browser games that have always kept the players hooked and I am sure, you must have spent hours trying to bulk up 8 ball pool coins.

However, it’d be extremely restricted and difficult considering wordpress isn’t equipped with the features and tools that are essential for making games. The other way, which is probably the best way to go about making browser games, is to use a game engine. I would highly recommend using Unity 3D as it supports cross platform builds, meaning you will be able to build your game for multiple platforms and that also include web. You can make any game that you can think of in Unity and one of the best examples of games made in Unity is the recent blockbuster, Valheim account, which you should definitely check out.

You can just choose to build your game for WebGL and once done, you will be able to publish your game on a wordpress site or basically any site with a few simple steps. This is way more better as Unity is made for developing games with thousands of tools to make your game dev journey a lot smoother.

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App Design – How To Improve The Design Of Your App https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/app-design-how-to-improve-the-design-of-your-app/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/app-design-how-to-improve-the-design-of-your-app/#respond Sat, 22 May 2021 09:31:00 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=4210 The world of mobile applications is becoming increasingly important due to the great use of

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The world of mobile applications is becoming increasingly important due to the great use of these platforms. Thus, it is essential to know how to improve the design of your app to capture the attention of individuals and, in addition, be functional while maintaining the style of the brand. Would you like to know the best guidelines to have an app design capable of achieving success in the market? Stay and read this post, and we show you everything you need to know below!

It Offers A Usable Interface.

The first step we must take to ensure that our app has a suitable design is to create an interface. The interface is the general appearance that the application shows, with which the user interacts to carry out the actions he wants. We must bear in mind that the user must be familiar with the elements that make up the interface to quickly and intuitively execute any activity in the app.

Respect Your Corporate Identity

The mobile application of our brand is a platform that represents our company and is established as a communication channel between the user and the business. Therefore, it is essential that when modifying the design of our app, we respect and maintain our corporate identity. The colours, typography, images, and visual elements integrated with the application must follow the company’s idea, transmitting its values ​​and business vision.

Keep Harmony

When a mobile application has too much information arranged without separations, it causes a feeling of overwhelm and anguish in the user, which can have repercussions in the abandonment of many people who open the app. This fact highlights the need to place the different elements of the application harmoniously, maintaining a neat and unmistakable aesthetic, including spaces that give the user freedom of movement. In addition, thanks to this harmony, we can discover the most attractive areas to place a button or any other component with which we want the individual to interact, improving the conversion rate.

Take User Test

Undoubtedly, one of the best methods to know if our app fulfils the necessary functions to impact the target audience effectively is to carry out tests and user tests. It is advisable to allow a group of individuals belonging to our target to use the application and, after their experience, tell us what features they think we should include or improve in the app. Likewise, they can also identify functionalities they do not consider essential and remove them from the application. In this way, we are more likely to create a long-term relationship with users who will feel satisfied using the mobile app.

Pay Attention To The Details

To make our target audience feel special when using our app, we can include details that differentiate us from the competition. Within this contribution, we refer to the originality of the notifications, the type of message that appears when there is no stock of a product, the page displayed when it is registered, etc. These little quirks improve the user experience and enhance the relationship between the brand and the individual.

Take Care Of The Loading Speed

Finally, to know how to improve the design of your app, you must know the importance of the speed of loading the application. If the user has to wait an excessive time to interact with it, they will abandon it without taking any action, thus reducing the number of purchases made through the platform. As has been observed throughout the post, through a series of measures, we can improve the aesthetics and functionality of our app, adapting to the new requirements demanded by users and starting the way to achieve the objectives set with our application. What did you think of this article on how to improve the design of your app? Do you know other actions that are effective to renew your mobile application?

Also Read: What Are Mobile Marketing Campaigns

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Web Design Trends To Take Up In 2021 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/web-design-trends-to-take-up-in-2021/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/web-design-trends-to-take-up-in-2021/#respond Mon, 15 Mar 2021 12:58:48 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=3842 Web design trends are constantly evolving and becoming more sophisticated. And if you want to

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Web design trends are constantly evolving and becoming more sophisticated. And if you want to stay current and optimize your website, you need to keep on top of the latest web design. Artistic design plays a massive role in your website’s success and performance. The redesign of your website should, therefore, make up an integral part of your digital strategy.

If you’re ready to launch or revamp your website, check out the 12 web design trends to look out for in 2021.

Use Vector Images

Vector graphics are among the latest new trends in graphic design. With Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), you can resize the image to fit your screen while preserving its original quality. High-quality photos allow for optimal page loading time, especially on mobile devices. Loading time entails an essential factor when it comes to indexing your site on search engines.

Create Motion Design Videos

The animation is much more likely to capture our attention than static images. And they say that 83% of our memory is visual! So it’s no surprise that motion design has been shown to effectively attract website visitors, as long as the video is entertaining and easy to follow.

Communicate In Numbers

Numerical data has a more significant impact than words. It also proves to your clients and prospects you are worthy of their trust. You can highlight your numbers using visuals like an infographic.

Go For Fancy Colours

2021 marks the beginning of a new decade. The latest trends reflect our emerging, extremely high-tech universe. Futuristic themes and bold, vibrant, saturated colours, neon shades and glitch* are all going to be a big deal this year.

Also Read: Here’s Why You Should Focus On A Responsive Website Design

Make Your Website Accessible

These days, inclusion is non-negotiable. All websites must take into account the needs of people with disabilities. Everyone needs to be able to browse and engage with all content easily. You can make this happen through:

  • Colour contrasts
  • Focus indicators
  • Instructions with built-in form fields

Building an accessible website will help you perfect your user experience (UX), which will boost your conversion rate and SEO.

Use Big, Visible Headings

Typography has always been an essential element of graphic design. Clear headings make it easy to structure the different parts of your web page. When well defined with the proper tags (H1, H2 tags), titles are also instrumental for SEO.

Opt For Big Characters

In this new decade, fonts are getting bigger, thicker and tighter. For a more modern aesthetic, showcase your content with a more oversized typography style and capture the attention of your visitors.

Go For A Clean, Slick Look

Avoid unnecessary information. This creates a more effortless browsing experience for Internet users. You also need to get rid of any extra elements in your website design. Websites with fast loading times are rewarded with improved SEO. And we see a comeback of a more colourful version of the flat design trend from a few years ago.

Stick With Organic Shapes

Geometric shapes are no longer the rage in 2021. We’re talking smooth, round, asymmetrical and curvy. Natural shapes will improve your layout, letting you divide your website’s different sections without sharp angles or straight lines.

The Magical 2-in-1 Photo + Illustration

Combining accurate life shots with drawings, this trend should continue in 2021. By juxtaposing graphic elements with photos, you infuse more creativity and elegance into your designs.

Set Up A Chatbot

Over the past few years, chatbots have seen rapid development. In 2021, with artificial intelligence and machine learning evolution, they will gradually become the norm for web communication.

Dark Mode

We’re going to see more dark mode this year. Business owners and service providers will start to use it on their websites since its advantages include:

  • Reduced eye fatigue
  • A contemporary style
  • Improved battery life, and more.

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Started your first business? Here are 5 Reasons Why You Need To Create A Website https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/started-your-first-business-here-are-5-reasons-why-you-need-to-create-a-website/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/started-your-first-business-here-are-5-reasons-why-you-need-to-create-a-website/#respond Wed, 03 Mar 2021 10:23:47 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=3796 The world begins to businessmen and businessmen belong to,  well, to the world. All businessmen

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The world begins to businessmen and businessmen belong to,  well, to the world. All businessmen started off somewhere. How you started off can be crucial to your success. If you are working on your start-up, you might wonder what the next step is. Well, let us tell you. If you haven’t already, you really need a website at this stage. And guess what? You can’t find a better opportunity to invest in a website than now. A good website offers a wide assortment of advantages for start-ups, and a large portion of these advantages accounts for increment in value dramatically year over year. 

Forget all this and get this simple situation. In these years where economic activities are running parallel to the Covid-19 pandemic, isn’t it good to pick the benefits of web development services and see an extreme rise in your organic reach?

Not yet convinced? We’ve gathered five of the most significant advantages that your start-up can get from even a basic website. They are the following:

#1 Contact with The Business: According to research, 63% of genuine audiences fundamentally utilize an organization’s website to discover and get in touch with the business. That is quite an enormous chunk of customers. Additionally, 93% of online consumer-business crashes start with an internet search engine. 

#2 Generate Leads For Your Start-Up: Leads, leads, leads. They do the talking. 92% of the web visitors select the business’s website that is on the top page of nearby results. Every business wants to show up on the primary page of Google’s indexed lists. Try not to underestimate its significance. Lower the website stands on the primary page list, the active visitor clicking percentage drops. Most individuals click one of the top three initial outcomes. Google’s search for the leading position has an active clicking factor of around 35%. Positioning on Google’s first page for a related keyword is valuable. It will assist your business with attracting leads without paying for it. It raises the value of your business as an immaterial resource.

#3 Save Cost With Digital Marketing: The Benefits of digital marketing stand in one of the best benefits of having a website for your start-up. Digital marketing helps start-ups promote their business at low costs in contrast with billboards, commercial television advertisements, newspaper commercials, and banners. Indeed, even paid Google advertisements are not all that helpful now as they were quite a long while back. As indicated by a new survey, at least 70% of individuals do not like mobile advertisements and utilize online ad blockers. Is there another method of promoting your website? Indeed, you can exploit email marketing, social media marketing, and building up a corporate blog.

#4 Keep Your Target Audience Informed: Consider a website being a web brochure or a catalog that you can refresh whenever you want. It is a lot simpler and snappier to change data about your items and administrations on your site than in a print leaflet or list. A site is a powerful method of letting your clients know about new administrations, telling them about new items, declaring forthcoming occasions, and making unique advancements about your start-up.

#5 Merge With Google Maps And Let People Find You: A site allows you to install maps straightforwardly into the content. A few organizations have a map implanted straightforwardly onto their landing page. An embedded map makes it simple for individuals who don’t invest a lot of time in your start-up’s local place to discover your business. This is especially significant if you organize events, as they may pull in individuals who wouldn’t, in any case, spend time in the neighborhood of your business.


Having a website for your start-up can come out as a fruitful result. And if a dedicated website design company designs your websiteit may generate some more benefits apart from these mentioned above. So, it is ideal to have a website for your start-up and gain what you are missing till now. 

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