cloud technology Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Fri, 25 Mar 2022 07:23:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 cloud technology Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 The Five Great Benefits Of Cloud Computing Fri, 25 Mar 2022 07:23:21 +0000 According to a study by the International Data Group, 69% of companies already use cloud

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According to a study by the International Data Group, 69% of companies already use cloud technology somehow, while 18% are considering adopting a cloud computing strategy in the future. In turn, experts ensures that 94% of companies say they have seen an improvement in their security after moving to the cloud.

The Five Benefits Of Cloud Computing

For companies, regardless of their size, it is vital to know the main benefits of virtualizing their operations. Cloud computing offers many benefits for all types of businesses, regardless of their size, so we have focused on the top 5.

Fewer Costs

Suppose there is one thing that concerns any company, production costs and their reduction to maximize profits. Investing in cloud computing requires an initial investment, so we must emphasize the importance of ROI (Return on Investment).

First of all, accessing our company’s data quickly and easily allows us to save time; and that time is money. Investing in the cloud is efficient because we will choose the plan that best suits our needs, paying only for what we will use. Many studies show that the final consequence is a lower cost and a higher return, thanks to cloud-based applications.

More Security

As times progress, cybersecurity is more important in companies. Numerous ransomware attacks are taking place, so investing in cloud computing is one of the safest options. Protecting our files, databases, web pages, and storage is the smartest bet.

How do you get that security boost? Migrating our entire business to the cloud allows all our information to be monitored in real-time to prevent intrusions or illegitimate access to our databases. Not all companies have the necessary budget to create a cybersecurity area, hire specialists and keep their organizations safe.

Therefore, contrary to what one might think, investing in the cloud is a safe bet to prevent data theft perpetrated by cybercriminals. Several studies show that personal information thefts can occur by the same company employees when we have the information stored locally. This was the case with Dr. Varun Gupta, a former Intel employee who stole confidential information through a flash drive.

Greater Flexibility

Each company has specific needs, so it is essential that cloud computing offers flexibility to convince about its benefits. We talk about flexibility if we compare it with local hosting. A server established in the cloud can satisfy the demands in real-time instead of having to establish a very expensive local infrastructure.

We get that flexibility because companies have different plans to choose from that cater to different needs. In addition, we can choose how to build on cloud computing: public, private, or hybrid clouds. In this way, we will not spend more than we need, but more importantly: our business can grow, demand more resources and, for this, we can change to another more suitable plan. For this reason, it is said that the cloud accompanies the company’s progress, offering “scalability.”

Remote Work

In many companies teleworking or the hybrid modality is here to stay. There is no better way to make remote work viable than with the entire organization based on the cloud. Not only for employees who work from home but to access all company information from the phone.

Cloud computing adapts to current needs, so it offers the possibility of accessing our company’s information from anywhere in the world, as long as it is hosted in the cloud. One of the benefits of cloud computing is this remote access system, which allows us to obtain real-time control of what happens in the company and achieve that work-personal life balance.

Maximum Performance

Finally, one of the most attractive benefits of cloud computing is enjoying infrastructures powered by the latest hardware on the market. If we bought a local server for our company, we would have to change it after five years, which means keeping accounting on amortization or having to invest in fixed assets. Betting on the cloud means accessing machines and servers maintained by specialized personnel and updated with the latest technologies and market standards.

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The Cloud, The Next Destination For The Insurance Business Sat, 25 Dec 2021 07:01:57 +0000 The Cloud is the next destination for the insurance business. The Cloud Adoption Index attests

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The Cloud is the next destination for the insurance business. The Cloud Adoption Index attests to this for Insurance report, highlighting that eight out of ten respondents plan to transfer up to 80% of their business to this technology and that 88% of the companies consulted plan to increase their investments in these services. One of the aspects that that report highlights is insurers’ strong commitment to Advanced Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, which leads them to triple their technological spending.

For Vega, partner responsible for the Insurance sector, “one of the keys to the insurance sector is to get insurance companies to become data-based organizations. The survey results confirm that the adoption of the Cloud is the need for digital transformation is driving the adoption of the Clouded as a business facilitator, its adoption is an issue that is on the agenda of all senior executives of companies”. For an optimal implementation, in his opinion, insurers must face critical issues, such as data security and internal challenges, such as cultural change and the availability of knowledgeable profiles in Cloud systems.

Among the reasons why insurers opt for this platform, 61% cite digital transformation, well ahead of business strategy (39%). In addition, respondents do not mention Covid-19 as a trigger for adopting the Cloud despite the rapid expansion of sales channels and digital services during the 2020 lockdown. However, 92% of respondents explain that increasing business resilience and business continuity are determining factors for adopting cloud services.

In addition, 62% of small insurers rank cost optimization among their top three goals, compared to 34% of large and medium-sized insurers: the smallest see the adoption of cloud services as a way to reduce the gap to the one faced by larger competitors, in terms of generating economies of scale.

Likewise, and whenever we talk about the Cloud, data security questions appear implicit. In this sense, this aspect continues to be the main concern for insurers when migrating their business to the Cloud according to 59% of those surveyed, followed by regulatory compliance risk (44%), regulatory risk (43%), and the one related to the lack of profiles with the necessary skills (33%). The risk derived from the services provided by third parties and related to a reduction in the level of service is not considered an essential threat among the respondents, which suggests a high level of trust from insurers towards cloud service providers.

Also Read: Which Cloud Model is Right for Your Business Apps?

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Rapidly Increase The Value Of Cloud Storage Tue, 14 Sep 2021 07:13:20 +0000 In the last year, companies have accelerated the migration of their data and applications to

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In the last year, companies have accelerated the migration of their data and applications to the cloud, increasing the volume of data hosted in the cloud and the total value of this market. Experts predict that this will grow at a CAGR of 19.2% until 2026, when it reaches a total value of $ 124 billion. Cloud storage has become a fundamental ally for companies in their digitization process, and in the last year, its adoption has accelerated. According to research recently published by Global Industry Analysts, the value of the cloud storage market reached $ 41.8 billion in 2020. Still, digitization accelerated by the pandemic has generated a considerable boost in migration to the cloud.

According to experts, the market value will grow at a compound year-on-year rate higher than expected before the health crisis, increasing by 19.2% annually until 2026. By that time, it is expected to reach $ 124 billion. According to these researchers, the most incredible growth will occur in essential storage services, which will increase their revenues at a CAGR of 21.7% in these years, reaching about 106.7 billion in 2026. For its part, the advanced services market will also exceed previous expectations, growing at a CAGR of 13.8% in these years.

The report highlights the size of the US market this year, which will reach a value of 13.8 billion dollars, and the regional market that will grow the fastest in this period will be that of China, which will increase in value at a CAGR of 24.6 % to about 28.1 billion in 2026. Other countries that will overgrow these years are Canada, with a CAGR of 17.8%, Germany (16.5%), and Japan (14.7%).

This research includes figures and forecasts for the leading suppliers in the market, and they represent an improvement over previous industry forecasts. For experts, the pandemic has had a notable unforeseen effect on the cloud adoption process among public and private organizations, and this momentum will continue in the future. Although your forecasts will likely change in these seven years, there is a good chance that the market value will increase even more in this time, accompanying the growth of the data.

Also Read: Which Cloud Model is Right for Your Business Apps?

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Cloud Switchboards – Artificial Intelligence For Cloud Switchboards Thu, 02 Sep 2021 06:55:48 +0000 Artificial Intelligence, which so many science fiction films have inspired over the years, became a

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Artificial Intelligence, which so many science fiction films have inspired over the years, became a reality, which has evolved by leaps and bounds, improving its features and reducing its costs, which has allowed it to become popular, and Nowadays, any company has the possibility of using it to improve its Customer Service. Thanks to the integration of AI with the PBX in the cloud, the average response time is reduced, the quality of the service is improved and the work of the agents is unloaded, thus optimizing resources.

Applications Of Artificial Intelligence In Customer Service

Artificial Intelligence is being used in many sectors and has really interesting applications in areas such as caring for the environment or industrial development, among others. But, as we mentioned before, the help of AI in the Customer Service division is invaluable. These are some of the most useful applications in this field:

  • Analysis Of Customer Reactions: One of the functions of Artificial Intelligence is based on the analysis of user interactions. Thus, for example, if the person, in a phone call attended by AI, says words such as supervisor, dissatisfaction, or any other that indicates their dissatisfaction, the system will alert the person in charge of the corresponding department, who could listen to the call, and intervene. if necessary. The main advantage of this functionality is that the analysis is carried out in real-time, so the problem can be solved on the spot, improving the customer experience.
  • Detection Of Work Peaks: The use of Artificial Intelligence does not replace humane treatment, but rather complements it. Although more and more users choose to use machines for certain services, such as ATMs, take-out, or tolls, for example, when solving problems or dealing with more sensitive issues, we all continue to prefer humane treatment. For this reason, the detection of work peaks, coming from the analysis of the calls received in a call center, will facilitate the work of the agents and allow the coordinators a much more effective use of resources, which will have a direct impact on better service.
  • Direct Interactions With Clients: Interaction with clients is one of the most used functionalities of Artificial Intelligence. Through it, users get answers to frequently asked questions, without the need for an agent to be available. This not only reduces call queues and waits considerably, but also frees workers to take calls that require human intervention.
  • Get Ahead Of The User’s Wishes: Prediction is the future of AI and a lot of financial and human resources are being invested to perfect this quality. Artificial Intelligence is called like this, because in many aspects it simulates a human brain, obviously saving distances, but like this one, it is capable of learning through experience

This is especially useful in certain circumstances, and although it may sound very complicated, it is not that complicated. Thus, for example, in a routing system for calls or frequently asked questions, the machine learns from the responses of customers, offering more and more valid options. In the same way, it can be used for other purposes. Imagine that a supermarket customer regularly consults the offers at the end of the month, the system detects it and the brochure could be sent to him by mail, on the 25th, for example, anticipating his action.

Advantages Of Using Artificial Intelligence In Customer Service

In addition to all the functionalities of Artificial Intelligence, the use of this through the virtual switchboard offers us a series of additional benefits. These are the three most interesting for the company:

  • Permanent Service: One of the main advantages of using Artificial Intelligence is that it satisfies the customer’s need for immediacy. On the one hand, it can serve a large number of users at the same time, and in addition, the service will operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, without the need for the employer to make a large investment.
  • Greater Efficiency: Another great benefit of AI is that it increases efficiency, since it allows agents to dedicate themselves to the really important tasks, giving them more time and fewer users to attend to, so those that are derived, from the automatic system, will be treated in better conditions.
  • Great Data Analysis Capacity: The data analysis of every call attended by Artificial Intelligence in real-time is very useful. This will allow us to learn about our target audience and the buying habits, concerns, and concerns of our customers.
  • Also Read: What Applications Does Artificial Intelligence Have

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Businesses Increase Use Of Cloud Backup Solutions Mon, 05 Jul 2021 11:04:04 +0000 Recent research reveals that 69% of organizations use backup-as-a-service cloud solutions, a percentage that has

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Recent research reveals that 69% of organizations use backup-as-a-service cloud solutions, a percentage that has grown rapidly in recent years. And more and more companies are turning to these cloud services to back up critical business data, something that seemed unthinkable in terms of efficiency and security relatively recently and becoming more and more common.

The analysis firm ESG (Enterprise Strategy Group) has just published its research, The Evolution of Data Protection Cloud Strategies. They have surveyed 381 IT professionals linked to data protection strategies to know the degree of cloud services in this field. The main figure that its author highlights is that the percentage of organizations that use backup services in the cloud has increased from 39% in 2016 to 64% in 2020, which gives a measure of how the cloud is becoming increasingly a fundamental part of IT strategies.

Their summary explains that the adoption of services in the public cloud is growing rapidly, and now more and more companies are turning to them to protect the most critical data for the business, using native or third-party solutions. Thus, data protection in the cloud has become almost an indispensable norm in the digital and post-pandemic age, with a significant increase in the use of backup-as-a-service, disaster recovery-as-a-service, and object-based backups, on the cloud.

Although this research has also shown a worrisome level of users who have a wrong idea of ​​the levels of protection they can obtain from public cloud services and SaaS providers and the risks of possible data loss or regulatory compliance. Thus, more than a third of organizations rely solely on SaaS providers for data backup and recovery in the cloud. Experts perceive this as a mistake, as organizations are responsible for their data and its recovery in the event of an error.

In this sense, Christophe Bertrand, senior analyst at ESG, explains that they have been following this trend, which they call “the great data protection / SaaS disconnect” since 2019, and states that “it is extremely worrying that our latest research confirms that the problem is not getting better. IT managers must evaluate their data protection strategies for cloud-resident data and applications, and technology providers must increase market awareness and education efforts, or companies will continue to risk the loss of BC e, even potentially damaging regulatory fines”.

On the other hand, their research shows that organizations impose stricter RPO requirements on their backup-as-a-service providers, with more than a fifth of companies expecting the same commitment from public cloud providers. Experts have also found that 27% of companies consider profitability as the main characteristic that backup solutions in the cloud should bring while operating at scale. And 25% have indicated advanced security functions, which indicates that companies’ priorities in this regard are cheaper than improving data protection. This should be taken into account when developing data protection strategies.

Additionally, 21% of organizations expect cloud solutions to provide them with granular restores, 20% tiered storage, and 19% the ability to deliver versus service levels and support newer technology deployments, such as those based on containers. In conclusion, ESG experts say the market has enormous potential for new vendor offerings. Other research shows that a fundamental shift from traditional backup and restore to a new generation of solutions is brewing. More autonomous, based on artificial intelligence. This opens up new possibilities for providers focused on innovation and smart data management, which provides a greater understanding of data and enables it to be used for technical or commercial purposes beyond just offering backup and restore.

Also Read: The Best Email Marketing Strategies For Your business

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Cloud – Advantages Of The Cloud Management? Wed, 26 May 2021 16:37:21 +0000 Many companies, and many freelancers, will have heard of saving files or working in the

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Many companies, and many freelancers, will have heard of saving files or working in the “cloud.” That is, use Cloud Management. Many will wonder then what exactly is that? Considering the new technologies, and the possibilities that they offer us, it is a more flexible and efficient way of working.

Cloud Management

Cloud Management is working without having software installed on the computer, using and paying only for the services needed on the Internet and only when required.

Advantages Of Working In The Cloud

  • And it is that working in the “cloud” has many advantages. Among them, that of being able to adapt the services and solutions to the company’s needs or the self-employed person who hires them.
  • Another of its many advantages is mobility since it allows you to work with your services and information from anywhere with an Internet connection, through your mobile, tablet, etc.
  • But what if I run out of Internet access? It is not a problem since it can be accessed from any other Wi-Fi connection point through the mobile or using a USB with a 4G connection.
  • The lack of security, or even the fact that it can become obsolete, is not a problem either because, as it is a scalable technology, it can be adapted to the needs of each moment and receives constant updates.
  • In addition, it is a secure, encrypted environment in which backups are made automatically.
  • Working in the cloud also allows, and is not a minor fact, a significant cost reduction of up to 20%.
  • The ERP software and online billing, for example, have many advantages for both large corporations and small autonomous. For instance, in the latter case, it can help them solve tedious day-to-day tasks such as managing their invoices and paying taxes. Everything that is paperwork.
  • Likewise, and for whom his many occupations do not allow him to be aware of everything related to his business, this way of working gives him access to all the tax news, subsidies for the digitization of SMEs, or what needs to be done to access to the European Recovery Funds and how to apply for them.

Increase The Productivity Of Your Company

This way of working will allow entrepreneurs and freelancers to focus exclusively on growing their business and not spending more time than necessary on these tasks. When we think about starting a business, the first thing we assess is whether we will produce enough and at the right speed to generate income. This makes any system that allows us to increase productivity and create more of what we sell with less effort, less cost, and less time enormously attractive.

Ultimately, a company’s productivity is one of the main factors, if not the most important, in the success of a business. Therefore, for any entrepreneur who needs to focus on his company’s growth, being able to derive many of the essential tasks, but bureaucratically speaking, certainly cumbersome, is imperative.

Having a complete and straightforward cloud software for our company that you can access online and that allows you to manage it is a great time saver. You will not need to dedicate hours and hours of work to sort papers or file them. It is a way of working that will allow us to focus on what is essential: obtaining the best possible performance with the minimum of administrative bureaucracy.

Also Read: 3 Benefits Of Using Unikernels And Why It Will Improve Cloud Computing


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Oracle Accelerates Data To Insight Transformation With Analytics Cloud Mon, 17 May 2021 05:38:43 +0000 Oracle Analytics Cloud allows users to connect to various data sources, from data warehouses or

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Oracle Analytics Cloud allows users to connect to various data sources, from data warehouses or data lakes that run in any cloud or on-premises to Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Suite, NetSuite, or Salesforce Document stores like Dropbox or file formats like Excel. Having access to a large number of data sources allows any user to act on them. For example, data engineers can query them on-site, within their data warehouse. At the same time, data analysts have the opportunity to extract them into a high-performance cache in Oracle Analytics Cloud.

Data engineers can publish a semantic business model on the data, and data analysts can extend that model with their own data sets. Data analysts can also explore data with rich interactive visualizations and share it with their coworkers. In contrast, data engineers can implement a secure deployment of their analytics solutions across the enterprise. And finally, regardless of how the solution has been built and implemented, the business user can obtain valuable information using various experiences, such as the Oracle web application, mobile applications, custom applications, productivity tools such as Slack and Excel.

The Latest Innovations in Oracle Analytics Cloud. Democratizing access to data analytics has never been more important to help organizations remain competitive and grow in an ever-changing business environment. Oracle is empowering its customers with AI-powered capabilities throughout the analytics process, from data preparation and predictive modeling to visualizations, automated data flows, and insights. With these new capabilities, Oracle Analytics accelerates the journey from data to information and action, helping organizations extract much greater value from it, achieve results faster, and improve productivity. Key new capabilities of the platform include:

  • New User Experience: The “Redwood” user experience and design system, a new standard in all Oracle products, offers visually compelling data experiences for all users.
  • Explainable In Machine Learning: Business users and citizen data scientists can now access all the details about how a machine learning model, built in the Autonomous Data Warehouse, has calculated its predictions. They can also view and interact with all predictability results in Oracle Analytics Cloud and expand them to gain insight into the factors that influence them quickly.
  • Smart Data Preparation: This patented data profiling engine samples and scans data sources to identify data quality issues and misuse of sensitive data and provide troubleshooting recommendations and even provide suggestions on how to improve the data. Oracle Analytics Cloud contains a built-in, extensible knowledge base with domain-specific content.
  • Built-in Text Analytics: With the latest update, users can access built-in text analytics features, such as token mining and sentiment analysis. Additionally, support for other unstructured data formats, such as documents and images, will also be incorporated, taking advantage of the new AI services in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).
  • Association Analytics And Shopping Cart Analytics: With Association Analytics, users can determine the probability of matching items within the same collection. This type of analysis is invaluable for direct marketing, sales promotions, and uncovering business trends across multiple industries. Shopping cart analysis can also be used effectively for store design, coupon offers, and cross-selling.
  • Custom Reference Insights: This update also enables organizations to use their business-specific data as automatic recommendations for users to enrich their data sets. This is a very useful function because it eliminates the need to duplicate data sets often used in an organization but are typically stored in separate data structures. It also speeds up data merging automatically without the need to write code.
  • Graph Analytics: Graph analytics is a set of techniques that allows users to explore the relationships between various entities, such as people or transactions. The application of this functionality is very useful in multiple areas, from marketing and social networks to security and compliance.
  • Custom Map Analytics: Map analysis gives users the ability to apply map layers and backgrounds to enhance data visualizations. For example, the user can analyze data on a population map or overlay bicycle or bus routes to optimize coverage in a given area. Users can now take advantage of maps hosted on a web server as a dynamic background, using the Web Map Service (WMS) protocol and XYZ tile layers. This allows them to take advantage of the integration of maps containing information that they may not have access to in their company and present it spatially in a simple way with their business data.
  •  New Mobile App: The new Oracle Analytics mobile application allows users to find information quickly and easily, all with a consistent user experience in Oracle Analytics Cloud and the application. This enables users to interact with data visualizations, explore dashboards, and share information with teams to collaborate better. Users also can hear natural language-generated audio narratives of the highlights of different reports, dashboards, and visualizations.

Also Read: How To Build Big Data Applications With A Low-Code Platform

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The Advantages Of The Cloud For Small Businesses | Teleworking Mon, 05 Apr 2021 05:27:19 +0000 The coronavirus crisis has turned the way of running a business around. Companies have had

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The coronavirus crisis has turned the way of running a business around. Companies have had to jump on the digitalization bandwagon to telecommute, to be able to continue selling thanks to the internet or to maintain customer service. The pandemic has accelerated the roots of the digital consumer, who is informed by the internet, buys online, and is related to brands from social networks.

What Is The Cloud?

Cloud storage is a technology that allows access to software, storage, and data processing thanks to the internet remotely. Information and programs are stored and run on an external server. In other words, the cloud allows a company to use programs directly from the browser without installing them on their computer and working with their files from any device.

There are many programs and applications that we use every day that work thanks to the cloud. The simplest example is email, although many other platforms use this system and allow you to work from any device in real-time:

  • Google Drive (spreadsheets and word processors)
  • Dropbox
  • OneDrive (file or photo storage)

Why Is It Helpful To Use The Cloud In An SME, And How Can It Help Digitization?

Hiring cloud services for companies allows access to handy tools to work from any device and place: ERP and CRM in the cloud, document management software, programs to manage social networks, or billing. Also, having cloud storage allows you to save a considerable amount of data safely.

1. Substitute An Initial Investment For A Periodic Payment

The cloud is contracted with an external provider, who is in charge of investing in powerful servers to process its data. Since it is a rental, SMEs do not have to spend large amounts of money to get this technology but instead make a periodic payment to use it for as long as they want.

2. Remote Access To Information

It is one of the significant advantages of the cloud. Since the information is stored on an external server, it is unnecessary to use the same device to access it. If you work with tools in the cloud, you can modify the data anywhere and on any device (computer, mobile, tablet.). 

All changes are updated automatically. For these reasons, it does not matter if the computer breaks or the mobile is lost: the information is safe on external servers. Access to these servers is done through an encrypted and secure connection. The client has a username and password to enter the service. From there, you can work and save information just like a regular computer hard drive.

3. Facilitates Collaborative Work And telework

Working directly in the cloud allows access to company data and programs anywhere. That makes teleworking possible since you don’t have to be in the office. Working in the cloud means that several people can have access to the same document or application. These are updated automatically, and all users can see the changes that others have made.

4. Backups

Any business works with a large amount of data throughout the day: inventory, invoices, customer lists. All that information must be well protected and up-to-date, and cloud providers take care of it. The company can choose how and when to make its backup copies, and the provider is responsible for storing everything on servers more secure than a private computer.

5. Avoid Assuming The Cost Of Storage Management And Security

The cloud service provider is responsible for protecting information and complying with all legal requirements regarding data protection.

6. Scalability

Every company pays for the resources it needs. If necessary, you can expand the storage space, hire more processing capacity, or increase the number of backups.

7. It Allows To Have Cutting-Edge Technology At An Affordable Cost

Access to the cloud does not require compelling computers, so it is possible to work with high-tech tools without investing in costly equipment. The processing power needed to run complex programs or tools is provided by the cloud, not by the device you are working with.

8. Automatic Software Update 

All platforms and tools that are used from the cloud are automatically updated. Cloud service providers are responsible for keeping their technology constantly updated, so SMEs will always work with the most advanced programs without buying each new version.

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Tips For Planning Your Data Migration To The Cloud Tue, 30 Mar 2021 07:17:38 +0000 The cloud environment is very attractive for modernizing business IT, but migrating to it requires

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The cloud environment is very attractive for modernizing business IT, but migrating to it requires a detailed plan to decide what data and systems, how to load, and where. Here are some tips for planning your data migration to the cloud cost-effectively and efficiently.

Before the pandemic, more and more organizations whose IT upgrade strategies prioritized the jump to the Cloud of, if not all, of their technological resources. Covid 19 has convinced them more and increased the number of companies that direct their IT investments towards the Cloud.

Its benefits to facilitate multi-device access, flexibility in resource provisioning, scalability, pay-per-use and subscription models, etc., are very attractive. But the transition to the cloud poses many challenges when it comes to handling legacy systems and data and their consistency and integrity.

Also Read: DNA Inspired Encryption To Protect Data In The Cloud

Migrate The Legacy To The Cloud

In recent years, organizations have had to deal with a data explosion, Big Data, which has overtaken their traditional storage systems. They have been incorporating new resources of different profiles depending on the criticality of access to the data. A Backup is not the same as intensive access to data through ERP, CRM, and BPM business solutions or real-time provisioning for business analytics.

The challenge is to bring these different types of data uploads to the Cloud. Because yes, once they are in the Cloud, all are advantages, but migrating them is a very complex task, radically far from plug & play. The goal is to move hundreds of data without damaging or losing it and in the shortest time so as not to harm business continuity. The size of the project advises partnering with a company specialized in cloud migrations that, in collaboration with the company, designs and executes a safe, efficient and profitable cloud migration plan.

Steps To Simplify And Secure Data Uploads To The Cloud

When planning the transition to the Cloud, it is necessary to clarify many points. Each project is unique, and there is no standard to apply. We note some key questions:

1- What part of the IT infrastructure goes to the Cloud and what part remains. Depending on the business structure’s type of business and characteristics, the local-Cloud correlation will be determined. In this decision, it is crucial to ensure optimal connectivity and integration between all resources regardless of where they are housed.

2- Private Cloud or Public Cloud? When talking about IT and the Cloud, one usually thinks of the large Cloud providers in the Cloud, mainly AWS, MS Azure, and Google. However, the criticality of data in sectors such as banking, health. Compliance with sectoral regulations or compliance with corporate security plans makes it better to choose to deploy a private Cloud, typical of that organization, that provides the same functionality advantages as those of public offerings.

3- How to choose the best cloud provider? In this decision, it is essential to rely on an expert partner in business technology and migration to the Cloud to know the pros and cons of each one and avoid dependence on suppliers ( vendor lock-in ). We must assess the accreditations and certifications of their services, compliance with standards related to security, access management, data protection, and good practices, SLAs, types of monitoring of services, and their billing models and how they fit into the corporate budgets.

4- Detection of vulnerabilities and contingency plan. An analysis is necessary to identify potential security flaws in existing corporate systems that would abort a safe and efficient cloud migration. Simultaneously, it is essential to design a plan that covers any eventuality and ensures that applications and data remain available and daily operations are not interrupted. Business continuity during migration is critical.

5- Coexistence between the previous environment and the Cloud. Both worlds must coexist during migration. This cannot be executed at once; it is necessary to carry out tests to validate everything is transferred continuously. And not only to check that the applications work and integrate with the rest of the infrastructures locally, but also to protect them from cyberattacks thanks to secure protocols and data encryption.

6- Maximum collaboration between multidisciplinary teams. The migration of business technology to the Cloud is not just for the IT department. It is not a purely technical question. It is necessary to consider the business, security, and legal issues that appeal to a joint work of different profiles. In this sense, from the first moment, it is key to determine who will participate and establish optimal communication channels so that everyone is informed of the details of the transition to the Cloud.

Also Read: Data Protection Plan Requirements And Guideline

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Data Encryption For Multi-Server Searches Wed, 20 Jan 2021 04:53:14 +0000 The expansion of cloud storage leads to significant advances in encryption technologies, trying to respond

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The expansion of cloud storage leads to significant advances in encryption technologies, trying to respond to the challenges posed by distributed architectures. An example is a work published by a team of researchers from a University, mainly focused on multi-server search tasks. In this context, the MS-SDC system promises to reduce file upload time by up to 64%, providing the right balance between performance and security.

Due to security and compliance demands, cloud providers must implement encryption technologies that substantially reduce performance in favor of security. This affects many tasks related to data hosted in the cloud, and multi-server searches are one of them. To improve performance, the researchers propose a new Symmetric Search Encryption (SSE) system for operations run on multiple servers simultaneously.

This scheme allows dividing the uploaded file in encrypted form into blocks and distributing them among various storage providers. This approach would be more efficient than uploading entire files to each of the lookup servers, each containing only a subset of files or blocks to improve security.

This system also extracts keywords for each uploaded file, which are stored so that the user can perform searches without having to apply encryption techniques again. This makes searching your files much faster, such as in indexed local storage environments, similar to searching on personal computers.

The researchers’ proposal is essentially similar to others that other researchers have made but includes additional features such as a multi-threaded application to speed up loading time. A randomly created master key generator for each uploaded file is different from current approaches, where a key is generated for each document, increasing the risk of hacking.

Its creators point out that the MS-SDC system differs from the others due to its ease of use and robustness since it can be run in any browser and applied to any file. And they say that their experiments demonstrate greater effectiveness in terms of load and search times and provide additional features that make it well suited for current and future cloud storage environments.

Also Read: How Quantum Computing Can Speed ​​Up Data Analysis In Healthcare

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