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Project management is essential in every company because projects with proper management are likely to succeed. But what exactly is project management? We explain the most important thing you should know about this topic!

What Makes A Project?

An activity must therefore meet various conditions to be defined as a project. These conditions are:

  • No routine: A project represents a new challenge and lies outside the everyday areas of activity.
  • Goal-oriented: A project has a defined goal. Only when this is achieved can the project be completed.
  • Time limit: Every project has a defined beginning and end.
  • Specified resources: All resources such as personnel, budget or materials are limited in quantity and should not be exceeded for successful project completion.
  • Required expertise: Several employees, usually from different departments, are involved in a project. This ensures broad technical knowledge of the content and optimal solutions.

Also Read: What Does PMO or Project Management Office Mean

The Concept Of Project Management

In project management, projects and their goals are planned and controlled. The project goals should be achieved within the defined framework for the company – in terms of costs, quality and time. For this purpose, project managers guide each project through the areas of project definition, project implementation and project completion. 

Depending on the complexity of the tasks, project management is about the entirety of

  • management tasks
  • organization
  • techniques and 
  • middle

To ensure the successful completion of a project.

Project definition: To achieve the project goal, the project planning is done with the client in the first step.

The project goal and the process are defined with the help of various methods. These methods include SWOT analysis, project structure plans or network plans. In addition, resources such as costs, materials and personnel are planned and determined for the project in this phase.

This is followed by project implementation.

In the second step, the previously defined goals are pursued. Each project’s progress is documented and compared with the previously created plans. Regular target/actual comparisons are used to identify deviations and counteract the risk of delaying the achievement of goals. From this step, the objective can only be changed by agreement with the client since the cost and time factors are already coordinated with the project objective.

The final step in process management is project closure.

Here all completed project steps must correspond to the objective. This way, the result can be handed over to the client in the agreed quality. All data is then passed on to revision: with the help of a post-calculation, possible deviations can be considered in subsequent project planning.

Practical Tools For Project Management

There are many different project management tools on the market. You support the planning and implementation of projects and make an important contribution to the success of projects in companies. There are software tools that 

  • present all tasks of the project.
  • Implement projects in an optimized way.
  • Ensure control and transparency of complex projects.
  • Simplify teamwork.


The goal of project management is to control projects in a meaningful way and thus shape change processes in companies successfully. Be it the switch to mobile working for your employees, redesigning your website, or considering offering webinars for existing and potential customers. None of these projects can do without project management.

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How To Improve Your Inventory Management Wed, 27 Jul 2022 08:12:32 +0000 In terms of inventory management, making a regular statement of what you have in storage

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In terms of inventory management, making a regular statement of what you have in storage is essential. Likewise, you must know how to exploit the related information appropriately. Next-generation tools help you manage your inventory efficiently today.

Get A Helpful Tool For Real-Time Inventory Tracking

Why not consider installing a cash register to manage your inventory? This tool offers you a range of solutions of all kinds. In particular, it allows the various management centers within your company to be connected. This will positively impact the monitoring and evaluation of your net income. This interconnectivity will give you real-time data on what you have in stock. Thus, you have an overview of what has been ordered, what is sold, and what has not moved.

At the same time, you will save money by having an exhaustive inventory. Thanks to the system’s interconnectivity with other mobile devices, the tool will inform you of the actual number of each item in stock. Each movement is noted in the daily register, then automatically counted in your inventory.

Quickly Access The Various Flows Within Your Company

The system will provide the interface between your physical stocks and in-store flows. It acts as a registry or customer inquiry point within your business enterprise. Its use will provide you with accounting and commercial information that is both consistent and standardized. You quickly access digital data from any device connected to the Internet.

The inventory management system from a cash register is also cloud-based. This will make it easy for you to visualize your business’s cash or commodity flows. You will have a trend of orders and the evolution of the sale on a single platform. You can access it from multiple devices and monitor your inventory status no matter where you are.

Streamline And Automate Supply Orders

The applications installed in the system automatically carry out the inventory of your stocks. The procedure includes a detailed tracking system for each order made. It can then automate the management of deliveries and, at the same time, maintain the volume of inventory at optimal levels. These precise statements allow you to honor your delivery commitments on time. You avoid unnecessary storage of provisions that monopolize your space in the basement or back room.

You clearly know actual sales trends with good traceability of all your purchases and sales. In particular, you have information on what sells best, when, to whom, and how much. This information will, in turn, be switched to your inventory management data. You reduce or, on the contrary, increase your purchase orders while regulating prices according to demand.

Operate A Powerful Digital Inventory Management System

With this digital inventory management system, you can quickly feel the impact of your business decisions on your bottom line. With a regular overview of the flow of goods, the cash register offers you the opportunity to introduce customer loyalty programs. You can provide regular customers discounts or group products together for marketing purposes.

The more efficient your inventory management is, the more it can streamline the direction of your products. Optimize your purchase orders concerning the products that work best and their delivery cost. You can thus consider diversifying your products. A better understanding of inventory also means more comprehensive and detailed management of product lines. You can now integrate other settings, such as style, shape, and size, depending on the preference of your target customers.

Also Read: Achieving a Solid Inventory Management with a Good Inventory System

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Notes For A Strategic Management Of Human Resources Fri, 15 Jul 2022 06:58:00 +0000 This article aims to reflect on the framework of action that should preside over the

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This article aims to reflect on the framework of action that should preside over the company’s strategic Management of human resources. From the necessary effective linking of the workforce to the leading role in knowledge management as a central factor of the business, passing through the importance of a clear and strong culture and the set of practices that senior Management must observe, as an example and encouragement for the rest of the controls and staff.

Strategic Management Of Human Resources

Within this framework, the action plan that has to bring together the personnel policy in the company globally must be integrated and aligned with the objectives established in the strategic plan and must be based on three fundamental aspects:

  • Knowledge of the organization.
  • Analysis and evaluation of the current situation.
  • Foreseeable evolution of the company in the medium term.

Therefore, if we want to be competitive, it seems necessary to influence the task of mobilizing the attitudes of the personnel in the appropriate direction. In the example cited of financial institutions, their positive evolution today is driven by two fundamental factors: the quality of the risk and the costs of transformation, which requires having, together with the precise technical means, competent, motivated, and rationally distributed.

But a helpful link is not easily achieved since it is the result of mutual trust, by which the employees feel integrated into the project of “their entity,” assuming the plans and objectives set as their own, a belief that is the fruit of, in turn, the systematic application of a human resources policy that integrates, from a perceived structure, the functional needs, the systems to cover them and the adaptation of people through planned training and promotion based on their current and potential skills. And how they do their job.

The active and strategic contribution to the company’s results must represent: for directors and managers, the opportunity to feel like managers of their large or small business unit; and for the staff in general, the possibility of individual professional enrichment and self-realization, which has a direct impact on work morale by reducing the feeling of failure caused by not being able to deploy the skills that one possesses adequately.

But, to generate a level of excellence that allows us to obtain advantages over our competitors, we need to achieve, on the one hand, a greater connection with our customers, brought with a better service, a more personalized treatment, and a product offer that meets their needs, and on the other hand, having a staff with excellent and up-to-date technical training, which will undoubtedly constitute the best response to a very competitive market that expects more than just commercial aggressiveness from the company.

The key to all competitiveness is knowing how to take advantage of the talent and capacity for innovation in everyone who works.

Therefore, the staff must be interested in the business’s success, putting their creative and organizational skills at stake and trying to achieve the double objective of improving profitability and, at the same time, the satisfaction of the workers by developing their skills within a framework of increased trust and collaboration.

In this context, knowledge management plays an essential role as a central factor in the business since it can add value to it through its two channels of income and expenses. In income: improvement of the relationship with the client, responding effectively to their problems; and increased capacity to innovate new products and services and to respond to the competition. In expenses: reuse ideas or models to minimize duplication of efforts; and improve efficiency by capturing and sharing best practices.

Thus, today, in the knowledge economy, relationships between organizations and between people are temporary and often depend on the specific project they are carrying out; teams are made and broken according to to need, so rigid hierarchical structures no longer work, which have clear implications when it comes to promoting the creation and sharing of knowledge.

In implementing knowledge management as one of the basic strategies of organizations, Human Resources must play a significant role. With the involvement of the Management itself and the information systems through an adequate technological infrastructure, it must promote a culture that enhances the fluidity of knowledge in a favorable environment through communication and encourages its use by including it in the processes. Assessment and its link with other methods.

In this line, some leading organizations are addressing the task of defining the different professional profiles that work in them, simultaneously preparing the entity’s dictionary of knowledge, for which they are taking into account the strategy, the nature of the business, the experience of those responsible for each function and the opinion of experts in the sector together with the requirements of the regulators.

The objective is to define the knowledge that each of these profiles must possess. Finally, there is something that I want to highlight in this article. We are installed in the permanent change, in new ways of leading, in having designed a “map of knowledge.” Still, there is an issue that remains over time: the superior managers of an institution are even more obliged to observe a set of practices in their way of acting that serve as an example and encourage the rest of the managers and staff that make up the staff.

If we want to walk towards excellence, it is necessary that competence, rigor, and a job well done constitute the credential for the promotion and reward of the people who make up the company and, therefore, for access to the critical positions of responsibility of the more qualified, a policy with which we will find ourselves on a solid base from which to successfully face the challenges that arise, with rigorous observance of the code of conduct throughout the organization.

Also Read: ERP Systems For Human Resources Know All The Keys

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Great Ways to Speed Up Business Processes Fri, 08 Jul 2022 06:55:19 +0000 If you are running a business, it’s worth figuring out the best ways in order

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If you are running a business, it’s worth figuring out the best ways in order to ensure the most agile workflows possible. This means that you should be doing everything in your power in order to speed up business processes. The advantage of doing this is that you are able to move faster, increasing efficiency and productivity and increasing your bottom line. The question that you might be asking yourself is just what you can do in order to ensure that your business is running in a fast and efficient manner. The good news is that this guide has been created to give you a complete overview. Read on now to learn all about it.

Embracing the Cloud

If you are truly serious about making sure that your business runs as smoothly as possible, then you definitely need to embrace the possibilities that are involved with using the cloud. Not only does this give you a smooth way to share information — much faster and more efficient than using email — but it also gives you a ready-to-use back-up in the case of any data loss. If you are interested in seeing exactly what the cloud brings, then it’s definitely worth checking out the many different possibilities that are involved with

Stand-Up Meetings

It is very hard to successfully run a business unless everybody is on the same page. This can be hard if you are not regularly checking in with the different members of your team. This means that one of the best options that you can think about is making sure that you have daily meetings. This means that you can figure out what you should be doing for your business each and every day and how to achieve optimum success. With that said, make sure that everyone is interested, as stand-up meetings don’t work for everyone.

Use Project Management Software

The days of primarily using email as a means of communication between all the different members of your team is largely over, thanks to an aversion to its use by younger generations. That’s why it might be a much better idea to take a look at the different options that are involved with using project management software. This is especially useful if you are working on a large task with lots of moving parts, as this will allow you to break up the work into a series of different subtasks.

Cut Down on Business Travel

Business travel can be glamorous and one of the perks of a great job, but when you think about it properly, it can actually be a significant waste of your company’s time and money. For example, the time spent on a plane is time spent not being connected to your company. Now it might be a better option to see if you can attend meetings virtually — for example, by using a telecommunication platform such as Zoom — where you can often find the same outcomes as visiting in person.

Also Read: What Is Storytelling And How To Use It In Your Business

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How To Improve The Sales Strategy In The SMEs Ecosystem Tue, 05 Jul 2022 05:35:25 +0000 Optimizing sales, invoicing more, and generating more profits is the mantra of SMEs in 2022.

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Optimizing sales, invoicing more, and generating more profits is the mantra of SMEs in 2022. The objective is not a small thing, considering the current environment in which the economy operates at all levels. But, Data experts have identified some simple techniques with which SMEs could approach the long-awaited goal of selling more and better.

Map Current Processes

It is a starting point. Taking stock of the current strategy allows successful actions to be valued. And identify those areas in which it is necessary to improve. Or delete. Mapping current processes determine if the steps and resources used are correct to drive business growth. And, in any case, to better understand the stages of a sale.

According to Data experts, this mapping can lead business managers to ask themselves some basic questions, such as:

  • How many emails should be sent?
  • How many calls do you have to make?
  • Who should be the receiver of emails and calls?
  • How are proposals made? Including? How long does it take to prepare and ship them?

Making a balance of the fundamental aspects surrounding the sales process makes it easier to design a more adjusted sales strategy. And, with it, boost the financial development of the business. A business process can be reduced to key steps: attracting potential customers, sending proposals, negotiations, and sales confirmation.

But, to these critical processes, we must add other “complementary” functions that can lead to the success or failure of any sales strategy: a good selection of products/services, the optimal definition of prices, adaptation to the client, the identification of the profitability indices by product/service, by the customer, by geographical area.

And, of course, functions such as the optimal delivery of orders, billing, and collection-payment processes, claims management, etc. Designing an adequate strategy and putting it into practice with the necessary tools will enable companies to fulfill their commitments. Guarantee the service. And increase loyalty rates. That is, sell more and better. How to improve the sales strategy in the SME ecosystem

Rely On An ERP Business Management Software

With the evolution of technology, many business management applications have evolved rapidly. It is especially introducing new features and improving the user experience. As Pablo Couso, commercial director of Data, explains, “one of the greatest revolutions in the commercial ERP environment is the introduction of analytical functions. An ERP with native BI provides SMEs with an unprecedented analysis capacity. Facilitates decision-making. And it guarantees precision in all performances.”

Operating or deciding based on the knowledge provided by the Data is key for a commercial strategy to be successful. The predictive capabilities it provides and the simulation and anticipation options it offers mean that SMEs that support their commercial management in an ERP with native BI are better prepared to succeed than those that use essential management tools. Simplifying processes saves time. Automating tasks also helps increase the accuracy of the results.

It makes processes fluid and rigorous. And it makes it easy to track the implemented actions. And with it, its evaluation always operates under the best practices scheme. And in a mode of continuous innovation and permanent improvement. In addition, having centralized information and having the entire process carried out via ERP, even integrated with other applications -CRM or e-commerce- gives greater security and confidence to the business process.

KPI or Performance Indicators

KPIs help improve organizational performance. Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to them. It was defining them correctly and making a detailed follow-up of their evolution. The information provided by the performance indicators helps to understand, for example, the average time and cost to make a sale. Or the profit margin of a customer or a product/service. Or the waiting time between when the customer places the order and receives the product/service. Using the appropriate technology also impacts the definition and monitoring of KPIs. Centralize information, automate calculations and send alerts. Everything applies when analyzing business KPIs.

Print Speed To The Process

Responding quickly to a customer’s or prospect’s request for information is key to accelerating the sales process. Mainly due to the image of solvency that the organization provides. And also, in an environment where the client is oversaturated with information, standing out for speed, simplicity, and transparency is a plus to be taken into account in the SME environment.

For this reason, when using a commercial ERP, SMEs opt for solutions that guarantee the solidity of its operation, functional coverage, and, very significantly, those applications that provide speed and flexibility responding quickly and applying directly to the quality of service offered to the customer. And, therefore, on their level of satisfaction and connection with the brand.

Evaluate The Quality Of The Offer

One strategy that works best in the commercial field is evaluating the offer. Review the quality of the products/services that are marketed. This helps to identify the reasons why the market opts for our proposal or that of the competition. It is important to define the weak points and the strengths of what is offered to the market -says. This will help achieve more significant differentiation by enhancing the strengths. And it will facilitate decision-making regarding the areas for improvement identified. Either by investing more in particular products/services to boost their sales. Or, on the contrary, suspend its commercialization if the results do not accompany it.

Also Read: How Can We Improve The Computer Security Of Our SME

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Keys To Management Control In Agricultural Companies Wed, 29 Jun 2022 06:14:16 +0000 The general evolution of the economy inevitably forces companies in all sectors to improve their

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The general evolution of the economy inevitably forces companies in all sectors to improve their competitiveness constantly. This is especially important in companies in complex sectors, such as agri-food. Although, from the outside, it may appear to be a simple activity, agricultural companies are among those that pose the greatest management challenges to achieving operational excellence, and this must go hand in hand with a management control system adapted to the needs of this key sector. Today’s article will deal with some of these fundamental parameters to control agricultural companies. As we have stated in numerous previous articles, having a good management control system is essential for any company. 

Still, depending on the type or sector in which it operates, it should focus its efforts on recording and analyzing the key variables for good company management. Let’s start from the basis that there is no single type of agricultural company: there are those that only grow a single variety of fruit/vegetables on owned/leased farms and sell the product to processors, to those that grow on owned/leased farms at the same time that they buy the product from third parties, handle/package it in their facilities and distribute it to the customer (supermarkets, food stores.). Each link in the value chain implies management challenges of increasing complexity as more steps of the process are covered. Therefore, we will address the fundamental parameters to control each chain link.

Countryside the agricultural value chain begins in the field. Whether through the cultivation of own or leased farms, with fixed varieties each season or crops in rotation, land preparation, fertilization, sowing, irrigation, phytosanitary control, or quality control. Are necessary until the moment of harvesting. Some key indicators here are as follows:

  • Crop yield is measured as product units concerning resources, for example, Kg per hectare, Kg per tree, etc. They are specific to each cultivated species or variety and allow us to know if our crop is reasonably productive concerning the established reference.
  • Production cost, which can be broken down based on available information, must be associated with the production unit (euros/Kg, for example). It can range from the total cost (total euros invested in the crop) to broken down items (irrigation, phytosanitary products, harvesting.).
  • Field waste is the amount of product that, once harvested, is not useful for its continuity in the primary chain for quality reasons and must be diverted to the secondary chain. In an orange tree crop, discarded oranges are usually destined for the juice or pulp sector since they would not be acceptable in the fruit sector for wholesale (because of their appearance and weight.). It is generally measured in % of unit weight. It is a very important indicator since the cost of producing a culled piece is the same as that of a normal amount. Still, the sale price of the culled selection is just a fraction of that of the normal work, so it should be minimized in everything possible.

Handling and packaging once the basic fruit or vegetable has been collected (or purchased), the next usual phase is handling, which includes storage, grading, weighing, washing, selection, packaging and dispatch. You can even contemplate methods such as cutting, cleaning and combining with other varieties to produce products with greater added value (fourth range). This part of the value chain is closer to industrial activity, so many of the usual industrial indicators can be applied. Some relevant ones are the following:

  • Handling cost, which can be broken down based on the available information, must be associated with the production unit (euros/Kg, for example). It can range from the total cost (total euros invested in the handling) to broken down by items based on the successive phases.
  • Warehouse waste is similar to field waste in nature and is measured similarly. It is common for units to be discarded during the handling phase that has not been dumped in the gathering phase. It is important to minimize this ratio, which must be done in the harvesting step through exhaustive control of the handling company.
  • Surpluses, which is the amount of final product included in the sales container but for which there is no charge, is an important magnitude when packaging units make the sale. A 500g tray of tomatoes does not carry exactly 500g since the packaging is in whole pieces, and they will rarely add exactly that amount. Given that in no case can it take less than 500g, it will almost always have a few grams more, which means that in a production of thousands of units, this means several more kilograms of product included but not charged. It is measured as a percentage and must be controlled to detect the varieties or types of packaging that involve the most excess weight, in case it is possible to optimize or eliminate combinations of the product portfolio.

From here, the distribution of the final product can follow different routes, although it is usually derived from large distribution centers until it reaches the final consumer. We will not address this phase in this article. More indicators can be incorporated into an agricultural company’s control scorecard, which will depend on its scope in the chain and subsector. In general terms, it is recommended that the company build a performance map throughout the chain to supply the demand and properly plan supplies. 

Also Read: Business Management Programs For Machine Maintenance

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Why Field Service Management Software Is Important For Companies In The Field Sun, 19 Jun 2022 05:00:00 +0000 Companies that work in the field are usually companies where you can see employees fixing

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Companies that work in the field are usually companies where you can see employees fixing things in the garden or on the roof. They take care of various equipment such as air conditioners or even spaces, such as green spaces. Most often, responders work using intervention planning and management software. These people belong to an industry known as the field service industry, which is an industry that includes many different businesses. These offer a variety of services and take care of many customers.

There are advantages to working outdoors. No day is the same, and you have gratitude for helping people who are victims of breakdowns or other inconveniences. Plus, if you can use software apps to track your daily work, missions are all the more rewarding and satisfying to complete. Learn a bit more about the field service industry in general and how field service scheduling and management software can help you succeed in the industry.

What Is Field Service Management Software

Intervention management software is software that helps responders manage interventions. This may include planning, organizing, monitoring and reporting interventions. Field service management software can also help responders communicate with other responders, managers, and customers.

The field service industry is ever-changing, from plumbers fixing home sinks to technicians overhauling air conditioners in large shopping malls. This includes different types of businesses covering a wide range of fields, from security to the medical sector. For this reason, many response companies rely on scheduling and management apps and software to make their jobs easier.

What Are The Advantages Of Using Intervention Management Software

Intervention management applications and software have many benefits. Accurate data reports optimize workflow right from the start. This tool makes life easier for technicians in the field and managers in the office. It also makes it possible to provide better customer service by optimizing the travel times of the workers.

The choice of intervention management software depends on several factors. It must be able to meet the needs of the company and, in particular, include the functionalities required for the management of the interventions, such as the planning, the coordination and the follow-up of the interventions.

Also Read: Things To Consider In Choosing The Right Workflow Management Software

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What Is Reorder Point And How Is It Calculated Wed, 01 Jun 2022 08:02:20 +0000 And you, have you ever heard of the reorder point? This is a key indicator

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And you, have you ever heard of the reorder point? This is a key indicator in the logistics management of any company dedicated to serving products since it prevents warehouses from running out of stock and thus guarantees service and replacement on time. This is why correctly calculating the reorder point is essential.

What Is A Reordered Point Importance

The order point or reorder point (ROP) is an indicator that marks when a company must buy more stock of a particular product to avoid a stock outage. This allows you to continue serving commonly and meet demand until a new shipment of that product arrives.

Reorder Point Importance

Oversupply problems? Expired products in stock before distribution? Losses caused by poor management of the supply function? The reorder point formula is the answer to all these problems, which, by the way, are pretty frequent. Failures in planning, errors in placing orders, and lack of space in the warehouse due to the accumulation of unnecessary products are the consequences of decision-making that is not based on objective data. Additionally, the reorder point helps to combat possible errors in planning and errors made when placing orders and solves the lack of space in warehouses. 

The breakpoint can be scheduled periodically or reviewed continuously; this depends on the company itself and the products you work with. In short, this formula is used to anticipate the needs of the products and contrast them with the quantities available. In this way, it is possible to ensure that you always have the correct amount of product to meet the demand. This is an essential calculation for any warehouse, ensuring balance and consistency. Until a few years ago, an operation that had to be carried out by hand, or based on the data collected in Excel sheets, today it could be automated to gain convenience and minimize the risk of errors that could affect supply.

The main advantages of knowing the reorder point are:

  • Have a product in sufficient quantity to supply the demand.
  • Reduce overhead by avoiding investing in surplus stock.

How Is Reorder Point Calculated

As we have already discussed, the order point helps determine a point where you have enough inventory to meet demand while waiting for the next shipment to arrive. To calculate it accurately, it is essential to have specific data to be able to carry out the formula:

On the one hand, the stock levels necessary to avoid breakage are directly related to the level of service that the company accepts, that is, with the orders that the company is capable of attending in a given period.
Second is the lead time or supply time of suppliers, that is, the time it takes for a supplier to manage the orders and ship the merchandise or produce and ship the merchandise.
Finally, the expected consumption of that product in a certain period (generally in days).

Once we have these data, we can calculate the reorder point. The formula to do this is as follows: safety stock + (average consumption x lead time).

For example, imagine that a company that operates from Monday to Friday has a daily demand for 700 units of its product, a lead time of 5 days, and safety stock of 100 units. The company will have to buy more stock when warehouse stocks reach 3,600. This way, they will be able to cover the demand until new merchandise arrives. Finally, it should be noted that the data on stock levels necessary to avoid breakage, lead time, and everyday consumption are projections. They may not be exact, so companies must have extra stock of products for emergencies ( safety stock).

Finally, remember that to be competitive, you have to offer a constant level of product and service to customers. You have to strike a balance between excess stocks and shortages. The reorder point calculation helps to achieve this. However, it must be taken into account that, as with the variables on which it depends, it can change over time, so it is recommended to update it frequently.

Also Read: Artificial Intelligence To Optimize Energy Consumption In Data Centers

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6 Reasons Why Your Business Should Use VoIP Phone System Wed, 25 May 2022 12:00:12 +0000 Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone system is a popular choice among businesses. Thanks to

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Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone system is a popular choice among businesses. Thanks to its advantages, many prefer Ooma / VoIP phone system technology over landline phones.

The VoIP phone system allows businesses to run their operations smoothly. In this article, we are going to discuss whether all businesses should use VoIP phone service?

We have discussed the top reasons why businesses should adopt this technology. But first, let’s understand what a VoIP phone system actually does.

What Is a VoIP Phone System?

As the name gives it away, a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone system utilizes the internet. Such phones use IP technology for communication and need a broadband connection to work smoothly.

The best part is that you can connect with your teams through phone, smartphone, or desktop. You can easily set up the VoIP phone system in your office or home. A good VoIP phone service can help you install and customize your plan.

Reasons Why Businesses Should Use VoIP Phone System

There are a number of reasons why you should prefer a VoIP phone system over a landline. We have listed some of the major benefits VoIP technology can offer your business.

Conference Calls

When you have a VoIP phone system, you can get in touch with the whole team. You can contact managers and can even add the whole team to get reports. Since you’ll be connected with the whole team, you can easily streamline your business.

Global Access

A VoIP phone system uses an internet connection which makes it a cloud-based technology. This enables a business to connect with its remote workers instantly.

Organizations can manage and monitor teams working in other countries. Managers can take reports and hold meetings promptly depending on the nature of the business and tasks.

Data Security

VoIP is cloud-based which means additional backup of business data. Your crucial business information will have multiple layers of security as long as your internal infrastructure is secure.

This means only authorized employees will have access to sensitive data files. Moreover, they can access the necessary data whenever and wherever they need it.

Multiple Device Access

The VoIP phone system allows you to communicate with the team using any device. This is another key reason why you should use this technology. Anyone with a phone, tablet, or desktop can make and receive calls.

This is why small businesses should use the VoIP phone service. Your team will always be one call away and available when you need them.

Feature-Packed Service

The features that the VoIP phone system has to offer are mind-boggling. Unlike the landline, you can do call routing, call screening and transfer, utilize online fax, and instant messaging.

That’s not all, there are plenty of VoIP features for business users. Of course, all these features improve the work process for both employees and managers.

Scalability Options

When you have a VoIP phone system, it’s easy to add new lines. You can easily expand the service and include newly hired employees in your business network. You can add a separate system for a remote team or upgrade the plan to add new members.

What’s more intriguing is that VoIP systems are easy to move from one location to another. This is convenient for small businesses that often have to relocate. You can easily uninstall and then set up the VoIP phone system in a new location.

Takeaway Words

We hope you are now aware of the benefits of a VoIP phone system for businesses. The technology has plenty of features to offer that streamline the business and improve its productivity. All you need is a customized plan from a good VoIP phone service provider.

Also Read: VoIP – How & Why To Install This Technology In A Company

The post 6 Reasons Why Your Business Should Use VoIP Phone System appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

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What Is a Data-Driven Organization? How To Become The One? Tue, 24 May 2022 04:37:03 +0000 Data is a critical component of every company’s strategy in today’s modern industry. The majority

The post What Is a Data-Driven Organization? How To Become The One? appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

Data is a critical component of every company’s strategy in today’s modern industry. The majority of businesses, particularly large corporations, are heavily investing in data collecting, storage, and analysis. A Data Driven Organization is one that follows these approaches. Companies follow these procedures because they recognize the importance of data and the role it plays in company success. This article examines the best ways for establishing and growing a Data Driven Organization.

What is a Data-Driven Organization?

Data-Driven Organization means any company that bases its judgments on facts and data derived from various sources rather than views, intuitions, or emotions. In such an organisation, data-driven decision-making occurs at all levels of the business, not only at the senior management level.

Importance of Data-Driven Organization

Data-driven Organization can surpass their competitors by 6% in profitability and 5% in productivity. According to the reports, data-driven firms are 162% more likely than non-data-driven organisations to surpass revenue objectives and 58 percent percent more likely to surpass revenue goals.

Some importance of Data-driven organizations are:

  1. Promotes accountability and transparency – One of the most significant advantages of a data-driven decision-making method is that it improves openness and accountability for all organisations. The plan aims to boost employee engagement and teamwork.
  2. Consistent Improvement – Another benefit of data-driven decision making is that it allows for continuous improvement. Most businesses are capable of making small adjustments, monitoring key metrics, and making additional changes depending on the results of data-driven decision making. This improves a company’s overall performance and efficiency.
  3. It connects analytics insights to business decisions – In every firm, data-driven decision making is critical. The method aids enterprises in data mining, saving time and resulting in important insights. A specific analytical objective aids in the resolution of business issues, resulting in powerful performance and predictive insights.

How To Build a Data-Driven Culture in Organizations

  1. Cultivating a Data-Centric Culture – Employees in a data-centric culture see data analytics as critical to the company’s strategy. Before implementing data analytics and machine learning models in business operations, a business leader must set the agenda for the firm, which includes identifying the business results and measurable value that you expect.
  2. Purchasing the right tool – A corporation that wants to become data-driven must integrate data analytics technologies into its everyday workflow as quickly as possible. These technologies can assist your business in developing data quality assurance tests and providing automated suggestions based on massive data sets. For instance, the BI portal is a consolidated data portal where corporate employees may access data and receive recommendations.
  3. Industrializing Data and Artificial IntelligenceAn organization must industrialize data and analytics to manage and generate value from data. This entails promoting a “Data First” mindset throughout the company by standardizing data-driven processes and systems to enable the continual flow of data utilizing AI. This changes data from initial analytic discovery to prescriptive and predictive analytics integration into company operations, systems, and applications.
  4. Opening up Data Access – To become a Data Driven Organization, you must expand your organization’s tools to allow access to larger data pools that can deliver business insights. For a marketer, this should entail targeting marketing data across many channels and devices. This should include tracking products and introducing more testing processes and user evaluations for more feedback for IT employees.
  5. Become data literate – You must identify the metrics to track in order to become a Data Driven Organization, and all people of the organisation must be aware of them. Even when targeting similar consumers over the same period of time, you’ll see that data changes dramatically among different sets if you employ a range of methods.
  6. Adopting a continuous improvement approach – Your company should encourage a test-and-learn approach that allows for experimentation and learning from errors if it wants to keep finding new methods to apply data and produce new business insights faster. Your organisation will accomplish its desired outcomes with more speed and accuracy if you support a continuous improvement approach in your analytics pipeline.
  7. Aligning data with business objectives – Business executives should set data-driven objectives. They should also keep track of actionable KPIs that are beneficial to the company. Organizations should use data in an effective way that enhances both internal processes and end-user goals, from app retention metrics to conversion rates. Data must be anchored in goal-oriented tasks across the board, from finance and sales to service-level and project management experiences.
  8. Making the right decision – Data collection is an expensive process, and if the business does not use it to make the best decisions, it will be costly. Business leaders can support a top-down approach to developing a data-centric culture by empowering analytics centres to deliver automated insights and harness data from numerous channels, as well as designing decision-making procedures that reflect insights gleaned from data.

Challenges of Building a Data-Driven Organization

Transforming your company into a Data Driven Organization is an excellent method to manage its growth. However, due to the following challenges, this is not an easy task:

  1. Lack of Technical Employees: Because data science is such a new field, few people have the necessary abilities to work with it. Employees must receive theoretical and practical training in order to derive important business insights from data sets and make the firm more data-driven.
  2. Lack of an ETL tool: This occurs when firms are unable to follow the ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) procedure appropriately. As a result, the correct tool must be selected to ensure that this process is improved, resulting in a more data-driven organization.
  3. Inability to Collect Data in Real-Time: The organization may make decisions based on obsolete data, resulting in bad business decisions. As a result, real-time analysis is critical to the development of a Data-Driven Organization.


This article addresses a method for assisting firms in becoming more data-driven. The value of being data-driven was also emphasized, as well as some of the challenges that organizations may encounter. Overall, both employees and data providers must invest time, resources, and patience in order to create a Data Driven Organization. Any organization may become data-driven by creating a meticulous and systematic environment.

Also Read: Defining The New Data Driven Economy

The post What Is a Data-Driven Organization? How To Become The One? appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

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