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Business owners across the board faced an eventful year in 2022. While it wasn’t the year of recovery that many had hoped for, nevertheless, several markets continued to evolve, and technology maintained its position as a dominant force in business development.

As 2023 continues to get underway, it’s vital that startups, corporations and investors alike gain an understanding of the top technology trends of the year. As the business landscape evolves, founders and business owners need to be up to date on which technologies are gaining the most traction and which are fading away. Here in the digital era, being prepared for and embracing technology can only help to make a business succeed as the year progresses.

Why do Technology Trends Matter?

The past two decades have proven just how crucial technology is to every aspect of running a successful business. Staying up to date with the latest tech trends is crucial to ensure the following:

  • A Competitive Advantage – by keeping up with the latest technology trends, businesses can gain a distinct advantage over their competitors. New tools, including software and hardware, can improve everything from efficiency to productivity.
  • Meeting Customer Expectations – as technology advances, customer expectations also change. Customers expect businesses to provide the latest and most convenient technology to meet their needs. For example, customers expect businesses to have a mobile-friendly website, offer eCommerce, and feature a social media presence.
  • Cost Efficiency – adopting the latest technology trends can lead to cost savings for businesses. New technologies can automate tasks, streamline operations, and reduce the need for manual labour.
  • Innovation – technology trends drive innovation, and businesses that embrace these trends can develop new products and services that meet the changing needs of customers and service users.
  • Risk Mitigation: By staying up to date with technology trends, businesses can mitigate risk. New technologies can help identify and even provide protection from data breaches and cyberattacks.

2023’s Strongest Technology Trends

Artificial Intelligence Takes Over 

2023 is the year when business owners will begin to experience the tangible effects of Artificial Intelligence. Innovations like no-code AI, for instance, will give organizations the ability to harness the power of AI using simple, drag-and-drop interfaces to develop intelligence products and services. 

We’ve already seen the retail sector adopt this emerging trend: Stich Fix, for instance, has incorporated AI-enabled algorithms to offer personalized clothing suggestions to its customers. 

AI has the potential to revolutionize jobs and processes across various industries, not just the retail sector. This groundbreaking technology can streamline and automate the most intricate of business processes, although it’s quite a way off from being used to replace human employees entirely. 

A New Blockchain Breakthrough

Since the cryptocurrency boom of 2017, blockchain technology and its associated digital assets has been a prominent tech trend. Blockchain tech has been utilized to support everything from the Bitcoin casino vertical to smart contracts across government, real estate, and even healthcare. This innovation is set to only continue developing throughout 2023, particularly as more decentralized products and services are integrated into the mainstream. 

One strong use case for blockchain tech that would also deliver substantial benefits to businesses is as an alternative to the cloud. From cloud gaming to cloud storage, the utilization of virtual spaces is becoming more and more common. Storing data in a decentralized space and being able to tap into the added layers of security and data encryption that blockchain provides doesn’t just give businesses a safer way to keep the information; it also ensures a more innovative way to access and analyze it. 

Superapps are the Way Forward

Business owners should already be aware of the important role that having a mobile app presence plays in ensuring success in the modern digital landscape. The focus for 2023 and beyond, however, is on more than just putting a mobile app out into the world; it’s on the creation and development of so-called ‘superapps’. 

Superapps can be categorized as a technology that consolidates an ecosystem and a platform into one application, effectively combining the features of multiple apps into a single solution. These apps can replace the need for numerous individual apps, as well as offering a platform for third-party developers to create and publish their own mini-apps.

According to industry forecasts, the adoption of superapps will continue to rise rapidly, with 50% of the population expected to be using more than one superapp by 2027. As customers worldwide increasingly demand mobile-first experiences that are both robust and user-friendly, the popularity of superapps is set to grow from here on out – particularly among younger generations.

Sustainability at the Forefront

Last but not least, 2023 will see sustainable technology heading to the forefront. Globally, we are now largely dependent on tech devices like smartphones, tablets and computers, often to the point where we overlook the origin of the components used to manufacture them. However, as the year progresses, consumers are likely to demand greater transparency in supply chains and seek out products and services that are sustainably developed. 

This will present a ‘point of no return’ shift for many business owners, who will need to innovate and embrace sustainable tech in order to continue engaging customers. 

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Technological Trends 2022 Hyperautomation, Virtual Reality And Cybersecurity Fri, 03 Jun 2022 06:14:56 +0000 By 2022, global e-commerce spending is expected to increase by 60% to around €13 billion,

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By 2022, global e-commerce spending is expected to increase by 60% to around €13 billion, so businesses will need to accelerate their digital transformation to establish effective connections and services with their customers. An international technology consultancy focused on people analyzes the technological trends that will reign in 2022 and how companies will have to apply them to avoid losing opportunities or customers.

This year the main leading technology trends will be the distribution of the business model, cloud-native platforms, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, the deepening of process automation, the new data management paradigms, and the evolution of virtual reality and blockchain technology.

According to data from consulting firm Gartner, companies will embrace a “digital and remote” distributed model to improve employee experiences, digitize consumer and partner touchpoints, and develop product experiences. In this way, cloud-native platforms will gain prominence to create new resistant, elastic and agile application architectures, which will allow responding to the new, rapidly changing digital habits of customers.

Edge Computing, Cybersecurity And Hyperautomation

On the other hand, there will be an increased focus on Edge Computing, which combines data processing and storage in the collection device located close to the information source, at the edge of networks, instead of relying on a single central site that may be hundreds of kilometres away. This model enables intelligent grids, in which connected devices perform essential on-site analytics and use the results to take specific actions. As for data, the trend will be to organize it into fabrics ( Data Fabrics ) that, according to Baufest, “provide flexible and resistant integration, so that they are available wherever they are needed.”

Regarding computer security, we will see how the zero-trust paradigm will predominate, which requires strict identity verification for everything and for anyone who wants to connect; and also the concept of cybersecurity meshes, that is, of “flexible and composable architectures that integrate disparate and widely distributed security services”. On the other hand, we will find ourselves before a further step in the automation of processes, which will promote the concept of hyper-automation.

Metaverse, A Concept With Many Possibilities

In addition, in 2022, we will become more and more familiar with the concept of the “metaverse”, that is, persistent digital worlds that exist in parallel with the physical world and within which many of the functions that we are used to in the world can be performed. Real-world, such as learning, working, playing and socializing.

In this sense, experts predict that the metaverse -a concept that is not exempt from controversial aspects- will impact society as great as the Internet. Also, in this artificial space where the physical world meets the virtual world, virtual reality (VR) technology will allow digital representations of people to interact, play games, chat, try on new clothes, etc. It is estimated that this space will open opportunities for companies, such as sponsorship of events and concerts, development of digital-only products, games and manufacturing processes.

NFT: Non-Fungible Token

In a world where cryptocurrencies are starting to gain a new level of publicity and attention, another development is about to take place that will attract a lot of attention. In short, NFTs are like physical collectables but digital and also have exclusive property rights. These digital tokens can be considered certificates of virtual or physical assets ownership. Some anticipate that anyone will be able to tokenize their work to sell it as NFTs. On the other hand, some experts suggest that NFTs will play a vital role in the upcoming metaverse.

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What Problems Does Artificial Intelligence Avoid In The Human Resources Area Wed, 02 Feb 2022 08:55:44 +0000 According to an analysis in data analytics and governance, information quality, automation, cost savings, and

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According to an analysis in data analytics and governance, information quality, automation, cost savings, and staff satisfaction are some of the contributions of Artificial Intelligence to the operations of the Human Resources area. This analysis also identifies the main inefficiencies that could be avoided with the application of technologies based on information processing and predictive models, which are specified in:

Profiles That Do Not Fit The Vacant Position

Correctly defining the characteristics of the profile to be incorporated is a key job and, at the same time, arduous: experience, skills and abilities, training, expectations. Nowadays, thanks to the different communication platforms that we have within our reach, the volume of job applications can be very high.

However, the number of applications that fit the desired profile should be minimal. With the application of Artificial Intelligence, we will be able to establish filters, analyze and categorize requests in an agile way which, in addition to saving resources, will result in the recruitment of more suitable candidates.

Confusion In The Onboarding Processes

For those companies with a large flow of professionals and great size, their incorporation and adaptation must occur with maximum fluidity. The use of machine learning technologies and their application in internal communication platforms substantially facilitates this process, avoids dysfunctionalities, and, above all, generates an environment of greater trust in newly hired employees.

Deficiencies In Training Programs

Artificial Intelligence offers the possibility of developing applications that facilitate employee learning with a high degree of personalization and future needs. Adaptation of curricular programs, support of voice assistants and chatbots, evaluation reports with proposals for improvement, application of game dynamics to educational environments, the possibilities in this area are diverse.

Negative Employee Experience

Each professional is different and different in their perception of their environment, how they relate, their level of expectations. Controlling each of these parameters individually to design an employee experience with a high degree of personalization is a challenge for Human Resources departments. This is possible thanks to extensive data analysis, the interpretation of this enormous amount of data, and its automatic application in differentiated action models.

Template Oversizing

Correctly sizing a template is a determining aspect of the income statement of many companies. But it is also essential to organize schedules, paid leave and rest periods, periods of medical leave. It is no longer just a matter of knowing in detail what is happening today but also being able to predict future scenarios that could compromise the company’s proper functioning. The structure here Artificial Intelligence becomes our best ally and considerably reduces the allocation of human resources to this task, focusing on others of more excellent value.

Errors In Performance Appraisal

Knowledge, analysis, and interpretation of performance and productivity indicators based on objective parameters is a valuable tool when assessing the performance of a work team. Even more so in the case of extensive staff and companies with flexible remuneration formulas and subject to the achievement of objectives. And not only that, this knowledge will allow those responsible for the area to implement measures that limit the impact of absenteeism, demotivation, or excessive turnover.

Also Read: Machine Learning Is Coming As Close As Possible To Humans

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Home Automation And Internet Of Things Tue, 18 Jan 2022 05:09:21 +0000 Do you remember when in a movie you saw someone entering their house and clapping

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Do you remember when in a movie you saw someone entering their house and clapping their hands to turn on the lights? It was the future, that and flying cars. A few years later, home automation arrived and, although not many use clapping, we can already talk about connected devices that make our lives much easier.

Thanks to the dizzying pace and development of technology, we can talk about home automation and the Internet of Things as part of the daily lives of individuals and companies. But let’s start at the beginning, as usual, to explain a little what these concepts are and what their applications are.

What Is Home Automation And The Internet Of Things?

IoT is the acronym for Internet of Things (Internet of Things) and refers to the interconnection of devices through a network, which can be private or public. Devices that range from common and everyday objects (such as a refrigerator or household lights) to industrial ones, such as vending machines. The connection is made through what is known as M2M, that is, Machine to Machine so that the interaction is done without the need for human intervention.

On the other hand, home automation consists of the automation of building processes of any kind, whether in the field of security, communication, or energy management. In other words, with home automation, you can program the blinds to open at an hour or the heating to turn on. The main difference with the Internet of Things lies in the certain degree of “intelligence” of this interaction: with home automation, you manually set the time; With IoT, the device in charge of collecting the outside temperature is the one that activates the heating when it reaches a few degrees.

And this is an application of home automation and the Internet of Things at a particular level, imagine when you extrapolate these concepts to more complex processes. Thanks to the information collected by the IoT sensors, an action is triggered, optimizing any process in terms of time and costs, as well as allowing for a certain preventive control, to avoid failures, as well as corrective. And all in real-time and, on many occasions, without the need for human interaction.

Thus, Industry 4.0 is an increasingly close reality, especially with the great digital transformation that businesses of all kinds are undergoing. The objective is to integrate technology into the day-to-day of a company, increasing its productivity through the development of intelligent, optimized, and automated processes.

All seek that the worker only has to intervene in those points of the process where it is necessary, either because an error occurs that the system is not capable of solving, or because their action is necessary to finish it. Therefore, we could consider that, in a certain way, the Internet of Things is an evolution of the concept of home automation, in which we go from programming to collecting and reading data.

IoT Applications In Human Resources

To exemplify everything we have been saying, let’s see an Internet of Things application in the Human Resources department:

Currently, it is mandatory by law to keep track of employees’ hours, all to verify that the staff exercises their working hours following the contract they have signed. To do this, companies have devised all kinds of systems, so that it is the most comfortable, fast, and reliable both for the signer and for the person who has to carry out said control.

An example is to do it through “geo-positioning”, installing a series of sensors at the entrances and exits of the offices, in addition to a signature system using a card or biometric data, two types of information are collected:

  • On the one hand, control of each worker, through their entry and exit times.
  • On the other hand, in addition to the workers, the entrances and exits of all those who go to the office (doors that are used the most, busiest hours, etc.) are measured. 
  • All this makes up what is known as Big Data, that is, a large amount of data that provides information of all kinds that can be used strategically for the business (for example, important meetings are scheduled at times when there are fewer entries and exits). 
  • There is, in addition to scheduling the best time to make deliveries by suppliers, by collecting that data).

Thus, in addition to exercising mandatory Time Control, companies can, in turn, carry out Access Control, all to optimize office activity to the maximum and facilitate the achievement of tasks.

Also Read: Internet of Things [IoT] Applications in Civil Engineering

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Information To Know About Microtopography Sun, 12 Dec 2021 12:03:00 +0000 As the interlocutors should know, microtopography is in fact topography, but on a micrometric scale.

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As the interlocutors should know, microtopography is in fact topography, but on a micrometric scale. The objective of microtopography is the study of surfaces and especially the accidents that are there such as cracks, cracks or engravings and so on. It is also the study of the roughness of surfaces such as questions of roughness, polishing and others.

The Microtopography Process

You should know that the process is in fact done in 4 stages. Interlocutors can learn more about micro-topography by doing research on the internet. It is thus questioned in the model of the diagnosis in the first place. Indeed, an aerial photo makes it possible to diagnose potential drainage problems by locating the wetter areas. These appear as darker shades in photos in general. The photo provides an overview that allows specialists to better judge the extent of the possible problems. To do this, they assess the area of ​​wetlands.

However, it should be noted that this type of diagnosis is above all a simple tool. It also allows you to get an idea of ​​the work to be done in each of the plots to be explored. The second stage is the validation of the microtopographic survey. Indeed, the diagnosis is not sufficient to allow us to understand all the drainage problems. The observations therefore need to be validated in the field. For modeling, it is done only once the data has been collected. The production or leveling plan is used to regularize the slopes of a field. It should be noted that the leveling plan is a planning method.

The Use Of Microtopography

At the present time, when it comes to the use of micro-topography, it is above all a matter of the archaeological field as a priority. It must be said that archaeologists show tenacity as well as remote sensing techniques to be able to characterize spatial anomalies. This kind of technology as well as technique generally provides really interesting information. Thus, priority is given to the microtopographic study of ancient reliefs. For more information, it is a question of modeling the terrain in three dimensions. In fact, microtopographic work largely consists of making measurements with centimeter precision using GPS. Subsequently it is necessary to develop graphic representations. It is a process considered to be really methodological. Why ? Because it allows for careful observation that allows us to understand the reliefs generally invisible to the naked eye.

Technologies Found In The Context Of Microtopography

You should know that many technologies make it possible to have contactless dimensional control. It is in particular a question of measurement by capacitive sensors, or even measurement by inductive sensors, or even measurement by ultrasonic sensors or even measurement by optical sensors. Small reminder, measurement by optical sensors is considered to be the one that offers the most possibilities. Capacitive sensors, after all, cannot capture the shape of objects or have edge effects. While inductive sensors can only work on metallic and magnetic objects. Interlocutors can learn a little more about the subject by going to the internet.

Also Read: The Relevance Of Edge Computing In The Technological World Of Tomorrow

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Big Data – Key To Retain Talent In Companies And Improve Productivity Thu, 25 Nov 2021 06:12:39 +0000 Big Data Talent Productivity The data are one of the great values held by businesses,

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Big Data Talent Productivity

The data are one of the great values held by businesses, and their analysis provides concrete and detailed information on a particular subject, company, or problem; improve decision-making and reduce costs, find new solutions in response to actual market or societal demands, or increase business efficiency, among many other things.

If we focus on the business field today, Big Data can be applied to many businesses, including departments such as talent management. “applying data analysis to this department allows companies to improve engagement with talent, such as knowing their employees better, controlling differences and gaps that may occur, such as salaries, knowing the compensation that benefits the most contribute or discover the degree of motivation of the team.”

In addition, using Big Data in combination with Artificial Intelligence in Human Resources adds value to businesses since the results help companies improve the relationship with their employees, predict risks or optimize the search for candidates in personnel selection processes, among many other advantages. Thus, to successfully apply Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in the areas of talent management, we collect six uses with which to make the most of data analysis:

  • Improve employee productivity. Human Resources departments can know the moments of most employee productivity through the analysis with Artificial Intelligence of different performance metrics. This information will be used to discover where it is necessary to improve working conditions or optimize schedules to use the company’s personnel resources better.
  • Adjust remuneration systems.  Concerning productivity, a key aspect is remuneration. This analysis of the available information also allows us to know which are the most productive employees, or who obtain the best performance, to adjust bonuses or improvements in their remuneration and salaries. In addition, Big Data allows Human Resources departments to analyze whether, in turn, these improvements in compensation affect the performance of workers.
  • Training. Thanks to AI, departments can know what type of training employees need at all times. In other words, it is possible to know what skill they have to learn or the gaps between different workers to try to solve them through specific training courses.
  • Find the best talent. The data collected by companies about their employees allows us to know precisely the specific skills that the company needs at all times, which helps to define the profile of the candidates in the job offers they advertise. In addition, Big Data also allows departments to know the shape of each employee, so they can make the most of the capabilities of their workers and discover hidden skills in them that improve their performance in the company.
  • Improve employee retention. Thanks to Big Data, Human Resources departments can discover patterns among workers who leave the company and prevent the flight of talent. The data analysis also serves to plan the action in the event of possible variations in the workforce, thereby improving the management of human resources in the company. It should not be forgotten that companies invest a lot of capital in training employees, so a high turnover affects the accounts and, also, their services.
  • Know the commitment and motivation of employees.  Big Data also helps develop surveys that allow evaluating and drawing conclusions about how employees feel, their relationship with the company, what problems they see in it, or how to improve motivation. All this information will be beneficial to retain talent and enhance the company’s relationship with its employees.

The uses that can be made of Big Data combined with Artificial Intelligence in Human Resources departments are infinite, so applying these technologies will help be more efficient, reduce expenses and make more accurate predictions”.

Also Read: Concepts Of Big Data That Benefits To Your Business?

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The Future Of The Robotics Market Intelligence And Mobility Wed, 25 Aug 2021 06:27:16 +0000 Over the next ten years, the volume of the global robotics market will grow 6

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Over the next ten years, the volume of the global robotics market will grow 6 to 10 times. It will dominate the segment of robots for professional services, with more than double the sales of industrial and logistics robots. This data is provided by The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) in the study “Robotics Outlook 2030: How Intelligence and Mobility Will Shape the Future”. Robotics is a very diverse industry sector, and its future is difficult to predict.

Its growth potential is high, and this can be stated unequivocally. However, market participants producing equipment and software for industrial automation must be mobile and aggressive enough to take advantage of all the new strategic and technological directions that will be important in the next ten years. 

Small and startups will drive innovation in promising segments, generate high profits, and change the size of the robotics industry. The global robotics market by 2030 will grow from the current $ 25 billion to $ 160-260 billion, experts predict in The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) document. At the same time, the market share of robots providing professional services can reach $ 170 billion. Sales of industrial and logistics robots will amount to about $ 80 billion.

Today, the robotics industry is represented by more than 500 companies that produce products in four main categories: conventional industrial robots and collaborative robots or cobots, robots for stationary professional services, for example with medical and agricultural applications, robots for professional mobile services, professional cleaning, construction, underwater activities, and self-guided vehicles for the transport of large and small loads in logistics or assembly lines. According to BCG experts, seven major trends will define and shape the robotics market in the next decade.

Mastery Of Professional Service Robots

Sales of robots for professional services ($ 90 billion to $ 170 billion) will more than double the sales of conventional and logistics robots.

Change Consumer Preferences And Social Trends

This trend will increase the demand for advanced robotic solutions. On the one hand, increased consumer demand for faster deliveries of customized products will increase the ability of robots to customize production and logistics. On the other hand, an aging population will increase the demand for mobile service robots to help with personal hygiene, exercise, food delivery, and more. The growing public interest in recycling will require robots to perform complex dismantling and sorting tasks.

Robots Will Take Low-Wage Jobs

The replacement of people by robots will lead to a shortage of manual workers and higher wages in countries with traditionally low wages.

Advanced Technologies Will Improve Human-Robot Interaction

Disruptive technologies in intelligence, communications, and machine control will expand the capabilities of robots and simplify their interaction with humans. For example, AI will allow robots to face unexpected situations. Imaging systems will improve offline checks. 5G communication technology will increase the working range of the robot.

As these technologies are introduced, many customers will choose modular systems consisting of a core, peripheral controllers, machine vision software, and artificial intelligence for autonomous, intelligent actions rather than buying basic robotic systems. They will be easy to implement and will be able to solve a specific range of tasks independently.

The convergence of IT, which manages data, and OT, which contains operating machines, will accelerate the development of intelligent robotic systems and simplify their connection to complex manufacturing plants. Already today, dozens of startups are focused on working in specific niches in these cutting-edge areas.

Robots Will Be Able To Learn

Today’s simulation tools allow robots to be trained to solve current problems. However, these methods do not provide the ability to introduce them to respond to unexpected events flexibly and intelligently. The study conducted by the non-profit artificial intelligence analysis center OpenAI made it possible to create the first application that includes a humanoid robotic arm. You can solve Rubik’s Cube problems entirely without human intervention. The automated capabilities that will emerge from these technologies will be precious in single-batch custom manufacturing processes.

Also Read: Big Data, AI, Robotics And Cybersecurity, The Technologies That Contribute The Most To Curbing Covid-19

Semi-Autonomous Mobile Machines In Pre-mapped Environments

These vehicles drive themselves on relatively good roads and in clear weather conditions, transferring control to the driver when they encounter a difficult situation. Level 4 auto navigation is autonomous and has a backup system that can shut down the machine in rare unexpected problems but does not require human intervention.

Asian Robotics Companies To Take Competitive Market Share

Korean, Chinese, and Japanese robotics companies that emerged in the last decade and now occupy a small market share will be able to grow significantly. Major Asian retailers are beginning to modernize their warehouses to meet growing demand, and the logistics will require a large volume of robotic equipment.

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Artificial Intelligence Is Changing The Medical Sector For The Better Mon, 09 Aug 2021 07:54:52 +0000 The world of healthcare is changing, and we owe that to advances in artificial intelligence

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The world of healthcare is changing, and we owe that to advances in artificial intelligence (AI). These systems, capable of performing tasks that require human intelligence, can process large amounts of data that a human cannot do daily. Also, this technology is designed to learn to perform tasks without being programmed. Its application in the medical field demonstrates its effectiveness, especially in the diagnosis, treatment, provision of care, and very noticeable results.

But exactly, what is artificial intelligence in health? It’s data-driven machine learning that has the technology to pave the way for increased revenue attention. AI is designed to provide automated information to healthcare providers, solve some routine tasks that allow human personnel to deal with true emergencies. AI is intended to allow improvement in health care processes. And some of the most obvious benefits of its application are the following:

Benefits Of AI In Health And Medicine

Integrating an AI into the healthcare ecosystem will help automate routine tasks, analyze large data sets to provide patients with much faster and lower-cost medical care. It is said that around 30% of costs in the field of health are associated with administrative tasks. The AI can perform these tasks, like insurance pre-authorization, record keeping and invoice tracking, etc.

This would ease the burdens on healthcare professionals and save healthcare centers money. Obtaining information and the rapid ability to process it will undoubtedly help make patient care more efficient. And all this only in health centers. Wearable healthcare technology also uses AI to improve service to patients. For example, some smartwatches can take the user’s heartbeats and prevent possible heart problems.

Health assessment through technology helps alleviate the burden on health professionals since unnecessary visits to hospitals would be avoided. Since AI could make minor diagnosis to patients from the comfort of their homes. However, in a future powered by AI, where this technology handles all our data, we cannot help but wonder:

What Will Our Privacy Be Like In The Future

The nature of artificial intelligence makes our data less secure. This is because the companies developing this technology collect even more information about us through AI. It should be noted that if it is an AI in health, it will be collecting even more sensitive data inherent in our lives.

In recent years AI technology has become very popular. It is in our homes through voice assistants and home automation. We also give you access to our locations in real-time through our smartphones and let you know when we buy, what we buy, who we share with, etc.

This means that for AI to work, it needs our personal information. Information that we give in exchange for a more comfortable quality of life. This brings us to the problem of privacy, as data is considered a valuable resource globally, and there are many willing to get it at all costs. We can limit the amount of information we give to this Artificial Intelligence with a few methods to protect our personal information. But could AI still work?

Artificial Intelligence Encryption

The world of technology has always been involved in the most egregious cyberattacks. In recent years, companies have suffered ransomware attacks where they hijack confidential data in exchange for money. There are no guarantees that AI-powered medical centers that collect large amounts of data will not be attacked. That is why cybersecurity becomes a necessity for this area as well.

Encryption technology makes it possible to defend and protect personal data from hackers. But this technology can also hide data from AI since the data must be decrypted for it to work. For companies that design Artificial Intelligence technology, encryption would take a back seat. By 2025, AI technology is expected to hit one of its biggest spikes around the world. And many of the corporations that promote them will not prioritize data security over the financial interests involved in AI. So we have to protect ourselves for the moment. How do we do it? Next, we will talk about it.

Also Read: How Quantum Computing Can Speed ​​Up Data Analysis In Healthcare

VPN Software Is The Most Secure Encryption Technology

Virtual private networks allow the anonymity of our identity online and hide our location and protect the information that we receive or send through the internet. The value of these programs for data protection is priceless. So to protect ourselves from cyberattacks and an AI-powered future where our data would be at the mercy of everyone, the use of the VPN becomes crucial.

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The Industry 4.0 Revolution How To Create A Hyperconnected Company Thu, 29 Jul 2021 06:28:58 +0000 We constantly talk about devices, tools, solutions, in short, technology or, instead, how technology solves

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We constantly talk about devices, tools, solutions, in short, technology or, instead, how technology solves our lives and has created the concept of a hyperconnected company. The pace of progress means that many of the services or products that we know have been implemented in large companies for years and are even working on their updates. What was known as a revolution, Industry 4.0, is already the current panorama in which companies and individuals move.

Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, IoT, RPA, cloud systems. A turning point has been reached where it is rare not to see any of these tools implemented in organizations of all kinds. Focusing on the Internet of Things, according to Advisor, it is estimated that in 2030 there will be some 125 million connected devices, more than three times the number there are today. Connected devices have moved from ideas to execution, and their application already provides a lot of value to different types of businesses. For instance:

  • Entities Dedicated To The Health Sector: With IoT, it is possible to monitor patients’ waiting time, sending the data to a system that subsequently produces statistics. This information is determined, for example, the specialty in which it occurs the most, thus establishing more spaced appointment systems to avoid the delay and concentration of sick people. On the other hand, with RPA, updating information from medical records can be automated, making healthcare personnel less time-consuming to paperwork and more to healthcare.
  • Tourism And Hotel Sector: There are already hotels that use IoT sensors to retain guests. One of them is the Hilton hotel chain that uses this technology to identify recurring customers and serve them in a specialized way, for example, by leaving an object that they usually ask for in their rooms, even offering them deals in restaurants.

And this is only the beginning since the hyperconnection of data is one of the characteristics of Industry 4.0, whose core of understanding revolves around analysis and processing to transform all information into knowledge. This is in the face of two axes; on the one hand, to better understand consumers and, on the other, to establish work teams that can work simultaneously with online processes. All to create the concept we have been talking about: the hyperconnected company or company 4.0.

But how is all this put into operation within a company to carry out technological evolution? Although all experts agree that the main thing is to have a strategy that marks the steps, it is not an easy question to answer. In other words, it is useless to have the most innovative tools on the market implemented, but there is a “guide” that will mark the implementation of each stage. So will it cost me a lot? How do I start, and where? How do I involve my workforce? How do I guarantee security throughout the entire process?

The technological combination as the basis of Industry 4.0 these and other questions are resolved within the strategy in which risks and challenges are contemplated. In addition, the foundation of Industry 4.0, and that defines the hyperconnected company, is the combination of different software and technologies:

  • 360 And Intelligent Communication: Using other channels to communicate facilitates workflows for both internal and external processes. More and more applications include voice and video systems and writing to be able to work and establish relationships with customers and suppliers.
  • RPA or Process Automation: This technology makes it possible to robotize specific tasks that free up teams to work on other activities of more excellent value for the business.
  • Cloud systems: With the rise of teleworking, the way of working with and in the “cloud” has increased. In addition, they can be combined with in-house systems, even with Edge Computing solutions, to meet specific needs.
  • IoT (Internet of Things): As we have said before, IoT devices elevate the capabilities and reach of companies to another level, placing them ahead of their competitors in the market.
  • Machine Learning: OR “machine learning,” a form of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that, as its name suggests, allows machines to learn without having to be programmed to do so. Although it may seem too futuristic and many entities feel the reluctance to incorporate this type of technology into their processes, the truth is that Machine Learning is essential to identify patterns in the data, which will allow us to make predictions.
  • Cybersecurity: In the cloud, locally, and in all processes. Cybersecurity is already a genuine concern in almost any company, and it is essential to have programs and applications that guarantee the confidentiality of data. Although each software already incorporates specific protocols against cybercriminals, we cannot talk about Industry 4.0 without mentioning the importance of security plans in the network (both internal and external). In this article, we leave you some recommendations so that you can start now in your organization.

The pace of evolution is already constant, and companies must get on the digital bandwagon if they want to remain competitive in the market. The technological combination has become a necessity of which we are experts. 

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How to Adapt to New Technologies Fri, 02 Jul 2021 16:06:00 +0000 Technology can be described as a collection of methods, techniques, processes, skills, and systems used

The post How to Adapt to New Technologies appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

Technology can be described as a collection of methods, techniques, processes, skills, and systems used to provide services, produce goods, or accomplish specific tasks.

Technology is not only based on information technology (IT). However, it has been the main driver of developed economies. Some notable new technologies include the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, cloud computing, and Data mining. These new technologies have become necessary for any business that wants to remain competitive in their industry and make profits.

Most businesses that decide to change and adapt to new technologies often find it hard to apply these changes. Change is inevitable, and it does not have to hurt the business or employees when it happens. Here are few hacks to help your business adapt to new technologies:

Create a Plan

For any business to thrive, change must happen depending on the nature of the company. Before introducing the new technology, you want to curate a perfect plan to map out how things will proceed. Any firm that does not react to the changing market environments and is not innovative may not last long.

However, as a business owner, you are not doing the changes just for the sake. You ought to come up with a comprehensive business plan. Identify the areas in the business where a change would be most effective and have a plan for how the change will happen.

Understand the End Goal

Before rolling out new technologies in your firm, you have to understand the objectives and end goal. This can be determined by looking at the business’s current position and where you want to be after a few years.

Any change leader must bear the capability and confidence to effect changes if the path makes financial sense. Once you know the direction you want the business to take, implement the technological changes to spearhead it.

Start with people, then technology.

Many businesses make the mistake of launching new technologies without talking to the employees first. The employees will only be confused at changed ways of doing things and will not comprehend why the change is needed in the first place. Educate the employees first before bringing the change.

Make them understand how the new technologies offered by LeftLeads will align with the company’s vision and how it will help them achieve business objectives at their capacity. The employees will most likely support and try as much as possible to adapt to the new technology since they already understand growth for the business means individual growth.

Test Early

Before releasing the new technologies to be adapted, you must work on the technologies’ inefficiencies, bugs, and potential flaws. New technology is aimed at getting things done more faster and improving customer interactions. If you fail to test these new technologies first before implementing them, your business could suffer unimaginable losses.

The only solution to this is testing the technologies first and updates before they go live. Testing is crucial since this is the only way to learn what could go wrong with the technology. As a business owner or company, you will need to ask yourself: how will the marketing structures be with this new technology? How will the finance sector be affected? And so on.

Identify Key Players

Employees react differently to changes at the business premise. As the leader, you must pinpoint the potential saboteurs and the change advocates. Keep these change advocates around you all the time as these are the people who will help other employees adapt to the new technologies. Make them aware of how impactful the change is to the business and how it will help make work easier for the employees.

Such team members are instrumental to the success of the new processes. They will encourage the skeptics to hop in and maintain high spirits and morale among other employees in adapting to change.

Create learning, change, and growth culture

Businesses that try to implement change as a one-time event will have a rough time making it in the market. Encourage your employees to always expect and accept change in the business environment. They should embrace change as a routine in the business. That means they are always psychologically prepared to adapt to new technologies and grow the company as they grow themselves too.

Delegate Tasks

As a leader, you must lead from the front. This method of leadership is quite effective, but the change cannot be implemented by one person alone. Delegate tasks to the implementing team members and give them firm deadlines. Follow up on the members and provide support if any employee needs it while effecting the new technology.

Prepare yourself to answer questions during this change process. Ensure you answer all the employee questions comprehensively to understand what is expected of them. Offer support to the team members and guidance for the new technology to be efficient. By delegating duties, you will be able to achieve a lot and make the process of adaption even quicker than trying to do it alone.

Get Feedback and Ideas from Employees

Positive psychology and mindset are what you need from your team members. Encourage the team members to offer their ideas on the new technology, provide feedback, and fully engage in the process of change. Employees may have valuable information in the form of feedback on the latest technology. Schedule implementation kickoffs and informal training that incorporates socialization with education.

Retrain the employees

New technologies may have implications if not handled with care and people who know what they are doing. Anyone who will be using the new technology should be retrained on using it safely and coping with it. Hold weekly meetings, seminars, and training sessions to ensure team members are fully acquainted with the new technology before it goes live. This helps a lot in the transition process and less waste of time.

Final Thoughts

Change is inevitable, and it is a must in business if you are to remain competitive in your industry. The market is changing day in day out, and you have to implement new technologies to meet market demands. You can make the process easy and smooth by implementing these insightful hacks to your benefit.

Also Read: Importance of Investing In Cybersecurity For A Protected Business

The post How to Adapt to New Technologies appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

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