saas Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Thu, 31 Mar 2022 05:33:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 saas Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 What Can Hardware As A Service (HaaS) Bring To The IT Channel Thu, 31 Mar 2022 05:33:10 +0000 The as-a-service concept has become a predominant business model in many sectors as it provides

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The as-a-service concept has become a predominant business model in many sectors as it provides significant business advantages over proprietary technology. Pay-as-you-go services allow companies to serve customers better, increase agility and free up capital to drive other investments.

How Can Hardware As A Service Benefit Companies’ IT Strategies

HaaS is an acquisition model that allows companies to rent Hardware (servers, computers, printers, etc.), through a lease or license agreement, to a managed service provider (MSP) so that the customer can enjoy the device in its facilities, accompanied by a series of services established in the agreement. The supplier can also be the original equipment manufacturer (OEM), and the agreement stipulates the responsibilities of both parties for the devices and the update and renewal intervals. This model allows customers to obtain the latest technological assets at an affordable price, without a high budget or the purchase of the devices.

Among the main advantages that HaaS can bring to the IT channel are:

  • Affordable model for SMEs. Small and medium-sized businesses can sometimes face budget problems. A HaaS agreement can be especially beneficial for SMBs that cannot afford to spend a lot of money updating or to upgrade their technology infrastructure.
  • State-of-the-art technologies on demand. Taking advantage of Hardware as a service or subscription models, companies can access cutting-edge technologies and update their fleet and infrastructure, taking advantage of the benefits of digitalization and improvement of their equipment and avoiding having to pay large amounts of investment, as well as spend time identifying and implementing the necessary solutions.
  • Built-in maintenance and services. In addition to the benefits for small and medium-sized businesses, large organizations can also benefit from the advantages that HaaS brings. This model assumes responsibility for maintaining and replacing IT hardware, allowing companies to avoid the expense of IT maintenance staff or staff specializing in hardware infrastructure-related issues, allowing their teams to focus on business goals.
  • Customization and scalability. The as-a-service model is a highly customizable model that adapts to the changing needs of IT infrastructure that companies have today. In addition, HaaS enables organizations to evolve their devices, thereby overcoming rapid hardware obsolescence quickly. Regardless of company size, as-a-service models make it easy to scale services up or down depending on different needs.
  • Financial benefits for the entire company. Shifting from a proprietary hardware model to an as-a-service model allows companies to stretch their budgets and improve their liquidity. Instead of having to justify capital expenditures (CapEx) to purchase the Hardware, the HaaS model moves that expense into the business’s operating costs (OpEx) as a recurring budget line item. Thus, customers will be able to benefit from having the latest technologies without having to face large long-term investments.

Hardware as a service is one more variant of the consumption models towards which the IT sector and distribution channel are increasingly heading.

Also Read: Microsoft Improves Small Business Communication And Collaboration With Teams Essentials

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Digital Marketing Guide For SaaS Tue, 22 Mar 2022 15:33:18 +0000 SaaS, or Software as a Service, is a business model in which web-delivered software applications

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SaaS, or Software as a Service, is a business model in which web-delivered software applications are licensed on a subscription or pay-as-you-go basis for use by organizations without owning the software. These applications are usually accessed through a cloud-computing infrastructure, so they can be scaled to provide computing resources to meet customer demand.

This thriving market generated more than $145 billion in 2021, and it’s projected to grow even more. As more players enter the market, SaaS digital marketers will find themselves in a challenging position as companies scramble to get clients.

At the same time, it presents a unique opportunity for digital marketing—and it’s an area where SaaS marketers can gain an advantage over competitors if they play their cards right.

This article presents a digital

marketing guide for SaaS companies on how to get new customers and how to

retain existing ones.

1. Use data mining as part of your digital marketing strategy.

Data mining is the process of finding insights to improve business decisions. It’s important now more than ever for companies to have a thorough understanding of the data they have to be able to effectively market their product.

This applies particularly well to SaaS companies. Data mining is a powerful tool to help you gain insights into consumer behaviors that are otherwise overlooked.

Web scrapers like Scrapfly can extract an enormous amount of potentially valuable data. This is user-provided data that can be used for predictive analytics, particularly examining past data in order to predict future patterns in consumer behavior.

Some of the data points that you can gain access to are geographic locations, activity history, search queries, ratings, and reviews, among others. This unlimited supply of data can help you build a fool-proof, data-driven SaaS digital marketing strategy.

2. Implement an SEO-friendly content marketing strategy.

Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to generate new leads and bring in revenue for your SaaS company. It’s also a great way to maintain good visibility with potential customers who may not be ready to buy from you just yet.

But how do you design an effective content marketing strategy?

  •  Create a buyer persona.

A buyer persona is a composite of all the traits that define your ideal customer. By understanding their needs, priorities, and motivations, you will be able to create marketing materials that will resonate with the people who are most likely to buy from you.

  • Do keyword research.

The content you produce should be relevant to the needs of your target audience. This means identifying relevant keywords that your ideal customers use in their search queries. If you have created a buyer persona and ahve gained insights from data mining, you’ll be able to target the right keywords.

Using keyword search tools, such as Ubersuggest, Ahrefs, and Keywords Everywhere, can also help you find keywords that can help drive traffic to your site. 

  • Optimize your content.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a necessary element in making sure your website is easy to find online. Applying SEO best practices to your site can improve the visibility of a website in search engines. This involves on-site and off-site SEO strategies that include the following:  

>        Creating content that answers problems and addresses pain points.

>        Adding relevant keywords to articles and images.

>        Optimizing the page’s title and meta description.

>        Speeding up load times of your website and pages.

>        Making your website responsive for mobile devices.

>        Getting backlinks from authority websites via guest posting and outreach.

Keep in mind that content marketing is all about providing information that matches user search intent. If you are writing articles or creating videos that solve problems in the realm of SaaS, you can expect organic traffic to your site. If your website is designed to give the best user experience, you’re closer to converting site visitors to paying customers than you think.

If you need a little bit of help, Embarque can design an SEO for SaaS strategy that can drive organic traffic to your site, generate high-quality leads, and increase conversion rates.

3. Implement a social media marketing strategy.

You can’t ignore the stats: there are 4.2 billion active social media users worldwide. That’s more than half of the total world population! It goes without saying that a social media marketing strategy is necessary to reach even just a fraction of this massive number of users.

Effective social media marketing involves understanding and using platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, and Instagram, among others, to promote your product and engage with customers. It can also be used to monitor feedback about your brand, analyze sentiment, and measure customer engagement.

It also requires the consideration of the target audience and tailoring content to their needs, in

addition to understanding how different social media networks work in terms of how content is shared, who has access to it, and the culture of the network.

Facebook and LinkedIn are the obvious choices for SaaS companies, but if you want to find more prospects, you have to get out of your comfort zone and build a strong presence on Instagram. You’d be surprised at how it can help create awareness of your brand and drive traffic to your site.

Instagram is heavy on visuals like images, stories, and reels, so you have to create content that is visually appealing and makes sense to the audience that use the platform.

But before you start creating and posting content, you have to carry out Instagram hashtag research. This involves identifying hashtags that your target audience use, looking at which hashtags are popular among certain demographics, and observing what conversations are taking place around these hashtags.

You have to do this strategically to get the best results. Flick’s Instagram hashtag research is a data-driven strategy that can help you find the relevant hashtags that will push your SaaS product in front of your target audience. More reach means more traffic to your site and more opportunities to generate leads and convert them to paying customers.

4. Make your SaaS customers stick around.

Churn rate is a measure of customer turnover. In SaaS, it’s the percentage of customers who have canceled their subscriptions over a period of time. Companies calculate this to try and determine if they need to plan for changes in their strategy so as to keep their customer base.

A high churn rate can be a major issue for service providers that rely on recurring sales cycles and new customers to remain profitable.

Customers who cancel their subscriptions may be unhappy with the product or service or they may have found a better deal elsewhere. If you don’t understand retention metrics, you wouldn’t be able to pinpoint the reasons.

The Churnkey Audit will help you make sense of your customer churn metric so you can lower your SaaS customer churn rate to acceptable levels.

>        Make customer onboarding easy. Don’t make them jump through hoops to use your product.

>        Add the option to pause subscriptions. This will give you a reasonable time to fix issues that are making your customers leave.

>        Ask for customer feedback. Use the information to improve your product or service.

Churnkey can help you develop a strategy so your existing customers stay with you for a long time.

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There Differences Between An ERP Cloud And An ERP SAAS Sat, 13 Nov 2021 08:19:52 +0000 One of the IT solutions that have served the most as a lifesaver in recent

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One of the IT solutions that have served the most as a lifesaver in recent months associated with Covid has been ERPs. Those deployed in the cloud have facilitated the harsh working conditions experienced, thanks to their ease of access. This is why many companies look to the cloud when updating their applications. How to do it? Are there differences between an ERP Cloud and an ERP SaaS?

Interruptions in processes, continuous readjustments with the supply chain, changes in business models, etc., have been solved many times thanks to having this business management solution well-oiled. The success, in most cases, has been because the ERP was easily accessible via the Internet and teleworking employees have been able to use it from any computer or mobile device.

In the previous post, we saw the requirements that a business management software consumed in the cloud must meet to ensure its performance, efficiency and profitability. On this occasion, we take a step further and see different ways of using this ERP, differentiating between ERP Cloud and its ERP SaaS version.

The Evolution Of ERP

Cloud computing allows a much-needed tool in companies such as ERP to overcome some of their initial weights. Before the explosion of cloud IT, this business application was consuming much of the budgets and resources of the IT department. Its deployment at the customer’s facilities and using its data centre’s storage and network resources was very complex and lengthy, and any modification involved a considerable investment of time. In addition, its use used to be limited to managerial cadres.

Over time, ERP solutions became more flexible. While expanding their functionalities beyond traditional financial and administrative processes, they offered different modules for companies to incorporate them according to their needs. Thus, they became systems for the integral management of the company from which to manage production, distribution, warehouse, purchases, etc. All of this by centralizing and unifying the data so that it could flow through all the departments.

But most ERPs failed in a critical area today: connectivity. They were too rigid and did not allow dialogue with other systems, and their use was restricted to company facilities or complicated VPN deployments. The cloud has democratized ERP use throughout the company without time or location limits, simply by accessing the Internet.

Types Of Cloud ERP

Being a cloud ERP is a critical premise to be competitive in the sector. ERP manufacturers have recognized these cloud advantages by taking their products to the cloud. Now, their way of consumption by organizations differs. When talking about an ERP program in the cloud, we are talking about a business solution accessed through the Internet with its servers in a data center external to the company. In this modality, the company can be responsible for maintaining the software and its updates, as is done in the local ERP model. Now, if that ERP cloud is served as a service from a provider responsible for the maintenance and updating of both hardware and software resources and is governed by a pay per use, that would be a SaaS ERP.

Benefits Of Migrating ERP To The Cloud, Whether Or Not It Is SAAS

The benefits of both modalities compared to an on-premises ERP locale are quite a few. On the one hand, not purchasing hardware greatly reduces deployment and maintenance costs and streamlines both operations. Also, the mobility strategy is promoted because its access via the Internet makes it universal. That means always having that data at hand that can be decisive to close a business opportunity, build customer loyalty or make operations profitable. Additionally, the usage-based subscription model also allows you to know costs in advance and easily scale consciously when you need to add new users.

Keys To Working With An Effective ERP Cloud Or ERP SAAS

The advantages are very attractive for companies, but some things do not change, although cloud and SaaS solutions. In other words, migrating from an on-premises environment to one in the cloud is a complicated process because ERP software is the heart of business management and contains a lot of data whose integrity and security must be guaranteed. Another aspect to consider is the integration of ERP with corporate programs such as CRM, eCommerce solutions, etc. The exchange of data between them must be agile and fast, without bottlenecks. And all this in a high-security environment.

Let us remember that even though the hardware providers apply security measures, most of the time more advanced than those of traditional data centers in the clients, the security of the connection to the infrastructure and local devices, as well as the corporate data dumped in cloud resources are the responsibility of the company. No one can forget about customization. Fortunately, most ERP providers have advanced a lot in flexibility. Still, the success of a solution for the company’s management is that it adapts 100% to your needs beyond the standard functionalities that each program brings. In this way, extra costs will be avoided in its consumption.

How To Ensure The Best ERP Deployment In The Cloud

These four aspects, the migration, integration, security and customization of ERP Cloud and SaaS, demand knowledge and experience in this type of software and in the field of the cloud that not all companies have. To cover all your company’s needs, whatever the sector, we propose the ERP Cloud SaaS Sage 200 Advanced Edition, a service that brings together the best of both options.

Also Read: Why Is It Key To Integrate E-commerce And ERP In SMEs


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How BPM Can Ease Business Transformation Thu, 08 Jul 2021 06:17:20 +0000 The current pandemic situation hasn’t made it easy for businesses to carry on as usual.

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The current pandemic situation hasn’t made it easy for businesses to carry on as usual. All the tech breakthroughs as well as the sudden shift to a remote work model has taken many by surprise.

BPM software solutions are experiencing such an increase in popularity recently as more businesses realise the need for trustworthy and transparent team collaboration and task management. With most business operations taking place on the screen at home as opposed to a shared physical office, it is essential to have a virtual solution that helps overlook and keep track of all projects and positions involved so that productivity levels stay on point.

Small business BPM like SaaS BPM make the transition to digital very easy as all levels of the team (HR managers, team leaders, executives, HR and staff) are included in one simple dashboard. Just like in an office, each employee works on a task, or several tasks at once and prioritizes them based on deadlines, difficulty and expertise available. Apart from these features, a BPM software also lets employees edit documents, curate reports and communicate on each task – so conversations are not scattered all over the place.

There have been rapid changes in the global business community and they come down to digitalization of work. 54% of enterprises are considering significant investments in process automation as of the year of 2020 and the global BPM market is expected to grow by more than 5 million dollars by 2025.

In this article, we will take a peek at the various ways a BPM helps organisations with digital transformation and boosts productivity and business growth.

Data Unification, Reduced Costs

Business transformation to digital could be quite a pain in the neck not only because of the change in operations but also cost. If business owners and managers choose to continue using the apps they have been using before, it could be a nightmare when all employees work remotely. Imagine all work spread across different documents, endless sheets, tools and chats – that means a lot of wasted time on clicking through searching for bits and pieces of information.

However, BPM is an end-to-end solution that automates both business operations (mundane, repetitive tasks) and workflows (i.e. unique projects and tasks). It allows organisations to do it all on the same tool, keep communication about each project there, get notifications, updates and prods on deadlines and status, do reports as well as curate job descriptions and onboarding pathways.

Price is also a big advantage of BPMs for businesses digital journey as there are various packages depending on the size of the team of a company. You can easily find decent packages for free or just for a few dollars a month, containing all the necessary features for efficient and steady workflows.

In addition, BPM software is typically a low code/ no code tool so it’s quite adaptive to what the team needs to use it for. Simple and easy to use, it makes going digital a breeze.

Enhanced Performance Review And Risks Control

BPM software gives companies a competitive edge in the digital transformation journey also because it is so agile and easy to manage. Managers can easily spot delays and productivity drops and act on them spot-on, eliminate human error as well as implement, monitor and analyse new processes.

Therefore, it’s easier to spot unnecessary steps in the workflow processes and omit them in a timely manner when all the work is embedded within one unified BPM dashboard. There is no room for dysfunctionality in this day and age when businesses are literally forced to go digital and automate.

Also, BPM helps with risk control and revenue generation, as the earlier senior management spot errors and fix them, the more uninterrupted the business processes will be.

Easy Team Collaboration and Communication Across Different Channels

Essentially, the key to a successful business is having a team that works like a well-oiled machine towards perfection and growth. Thus, smooth, easy and purposeful communication and instructions are a must.

Communication in a bpm tool happens in the form of discussions, mentions, notifications and reactions. Therefore, people engage in a conversation only if it directly concerns them and only if they can actively contribute.

We all know how annoying it is to be on a group chat or a ‘Reply all’ email recipient and keep receiving messages about stuff you are not really working on at the present moment. Fortunately, communication on a BPM tool is organised in ‘hubs’ – so only around current projects and focused on getting them done with care and by the set deadlines.

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Data as a service- what is it, and how is it lucrative for businesses to take advantage of? Sat, 29 May 2021 14:31:31 +0000 Data as a service (DaaS) regards the cloud-based solutions that businesses need to manage and

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Data as a service (DaaS) regards the cloud-based solutions that businesses need to manage and respond to data. Using cloud software to manage data is more productive and lucrative for companies today. In this article, we provide an overview of all you need to know about DaaS and the ways that it can benefit your business.

Improve Performance and Outreach

Organizing and managing data is a complex process that requires modern technology to assess, diagnose, and respond too, productively. With the amount of data that businesses receive daily, digital solutions are needed to stay on track. Earlier innovations to improve data management included cloud models that moved applications to users tuned into networks.

While this allowed information to be shared faster than a team could provide, information was only shared to application users. It was also more expensive to share data across the bandwidth. Although earlier models are still popular, DaaS like VoyanceHQ is gaining interest because of its increased performance and sharing capacities.

Save Time and Money 

Rather than purchase and install application after application, data management teams can utilize DaaS in cost-effective ways by customizing how their resources are allocated. With these advanced cloud solutions, companies can bring in more or less of their data tasks based on the goals that are the most practical for their businesses. The ability to store resources in one place and on a grander scale also eliminates per-user application costs.

Data Service Automatic Management

Costs are also dialed back using data service; on-site teams for setup are no longer needed. The DaaS provider already has the data service management processes taken care of. Due to the positive impact that data service has had on businesses, i.e., (quick sharing and assessing data while saving both time and money), this newer cloud computing model is paving the way as a revolutionary way to access data in real-time.

Businesses also benefit from improved functionality with updates, storage processing, and access to resources. Updates are handled automatically and using cloud infrastructure reduces the risk of technical error. Maintenance is also updated automatically, preventing mistakes and outdated processes from wreaking havoc on the software. The functionality of the data service makes business even more productive without interruptions or lags that stem from neglecting updates.

Also Read: Advantages Of Working With Cloud Solutions (Saas)

Simplify Data Processes

It is now simpler for businesses to gain insights and respond to data effectively with improved processes. With the insights gathered from cloud-based solutions, companies can decide how to best streamline their efforts. Companies gain an edge over their competitors and feel secure in their data management. Businesses that work in industries with changing customer demands are relieved by the simplicity of DaaS, as it allows operations to adjust accordingly to changing needs. Companies can also refresh data faster with cloud-based systems, allowing them to stay one step ahead of competitors.

The antidote to poor data management is a system that supercharges data insight and business response. Give your business the gift of wiser data reflections by using advanced cloud-based solutions.

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Pros And Cons Of Online Business Software Tue, 22 Dec 2020 05:41:43 +0000 The explosion of Cloud offers since 2010 is transforming the IT landscape. Yet is online

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The explosion of Cloud offers since 2010 is transforming the IT landscape. Yet is online software cheaper, less complicated, and more secure? Uses have been revolutionized with the arrival of mobile devices and the democratization of high-speed Internet, which has allowed “white-collar workers” to travel while increasing their productivity. According to this same study, we will have 2 billion to access our work tools via the Internet in 2025. The race is also on the side of software publishers in SaaS mode, whose revenues will exceed 100 billion dollars this year. global scale. If uses and technologies take precedence over Full-Web, this poses several questions in terms of data security, expenses, but also internal organization. We will answer them here. Also, find all our other articles on IT services issues.

Online Software Cheaper And More Flexible

Online software – known as SaaS, for Software as a Service – is consumed on-demand through a subscription per user per month. However, with an Internet connection, they offer an average availability of 99.8% of the time. This is more than software to install, which suffers from bugs and downtime more regularly.

Finally, not all software is available in SaaS, such as video editing software that is very greedy in graphic resources. Installed software also sees the escape of unified communication and collaboration solutions, which take on their full meaning online. In summary, trust SaaS for all software except graphics work.

Security And Confidentiality The Real Challenge Of The Cloud

Recurring mass data hacking events as well as state surveillance undermine the credibility of SaaS. However, we must not mix security and data confidentiality. On the other hand, the lack of security of Cloud solutions is a myth for the vast majority of them for a simple reason: a company cannot secure its data as well as a cloud service provider who’s a job it is. fulltime. Also, loss or theft of data stored on USB drives or computers is deleted through secure Internet access.

Specific Development, The Black Beast Of SaaS

The customization of applications is a very important subject in this comparison between online and on-premise software. Many companies express this need because their business requires very suitable computer software.

SaaS is not subject to specific developments because all of a publisher’s clients share the same application. It is probably here that some users will turn to local installations. However, most SaaS is highly configurable (modification of fields and interfaces). However, there are cases where a client company asks the publisher to carry out a specific development. The request is generally accepted if the publisher believes that the functionality will be of interest to all of its customers.

Web applications work differently, and that is why specific developments are no longer relevant. APIs, a sort of open and secure door in a web application, allow SaaS to communicate data with each other. It is therefore possible to build an information system by combining several SaaS, without any specific development.

The Most Popular Online Software

Here are the most popular software categories in 2020

  • ERP
  • Project management
  • CRM
  • Customer Support
  • Time management
  • Pay
  • Marketing watch
  • Emailing
  • Quotes and invoicing
  • Accounting


Online software is a performance vector for companies, which adapt perfectly to the new constraints of users and companies. Replacing solutions that do not go through a web browser is inevitable except for a minority of companies that need customization or software requiring a lot of local resources.

Also Read: How The Internet of Things Is Applied In Medicine

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The Top SaaS Companies You Should Know About in 2020 Sat, 06 Jun 2020 05:42:01 +0000 Companies are pouring record amounts of money into their IT budgets this year.  Close to half

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Companies are pouring record amounts of money into their IT budgets this year. 

Close to half of that money is being spent on software as a service or SaaS for short.

What are the services these businesses are lining up at the door waiting to invest in?

Keep reading to discover the top SaaS companies in 2020 and stay up to date with the latest in business technology.

Top SaaS Companies

SaaS, or software as a service, is one of the most popular trends of the year when it comes to business innovation.

The software is changing the way we do business and bringing people closer together when we need it the most. Take a look at the SaaS trends of 2020 and the companies leading the way.


Slack technologies has been gaining significant momentum in 2020. It was founded in 2009, had its initial launch in 2013, and it has been rapidly growing ever since.

Slack is a communication platform that businesses use for employee communication. It is similar to an instant messenger where employees can communicate through different “channels.”


Shopify is another SaaS business that has been rapidly gaining momentum in 2020. Shopify recently released its Q1 Earnings and noted a 62 percent increase in new stores created between March 13, 2020, and April 24, 2020. 

Shopify is a leader in the global e-commerce industry. They provide a platform for businesses to sell their products.

Adobe Creative Cloud

Adobe creative cloud is a must-have on any list of SaaS companies. Adobe grew by leaps and bounds in 2019 and is poised to continue the trend in 2020. Adobes stock price outpaced the industry and gained close to 46 percent in 2019. 

A subscription to Adobe creative cloud gives you access to a library of software applications used to edit pictures and videos, develop web applications, and also design them. 


With everything going online these days, you need a place to store all that information. This is where Dropbox comes in. 

Dropbox allows you to create and store documents and files all in one place. They allow for the documents to be shared, making it easier for teams to collaborate in one place.


Everyone is turning to the internet during this pandemic, and many businesses are trying to make the switch from brick and mortar to the web. 

Wix helps by creating templates to help you build a website without having to learn any coding skills. Making it easier for small businesses to move online, set up a website with their website builder, and continue selling their product.


One of the best SaaS companies ever created, Github, is a platform that users go to create, share, and discover software.

Github was so widely used and functional that Microsoft acquired them for 7.5 billion in 2018.

For More Technology Updates

SaaS has been growing significantly in the past few years and is projected to continue to grow substantially in the future. These top SaaS companies are leading the revolution for the future of technology.

For more technology news and updates, check out the rest of our website!

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