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Society has learned to communicate through the screen, work, study and buy. 2021 forces everyone to turn their lives online and do any paperwork – even buying fruit or bread – through a computer or mobile. The myth that these actions were focused on a young public evaporated, and the option was opened for any business to be on the network and generate profits. Is it possible to do it for any business? Practically yes. Are there any guidelines for this transformation to be effective? As well.

Get To Know Yourself And Your Client.

Implementing a digital business begins with a phase that is very similar to that of a traditional business: Who are you? What do you offer? Who cares what you sell? You have to know yourself, what phase you are in, and your target. Although your day-to-day clientele may be analog, you must bear in mind that in the digital world, there are also needs, and you must cover them. Once you’ve figured this out, start building your business in the cloud.

Being A Hybrid Is Not Bad

The second step would be to establish a digital strategy, but you may prefer to continue keeping your traditional business on par with digital. It’s not bad, and many brands do it, even more so for local businesses, food, or craft stores. How is a hybrid maintained? With dedication. Your business will have two aspects, and you must be aware of your digital speaker and the day-to-day business. The management of all your clients will be much easier with an ERP such as Sage 50 for smaller businesses.

Design Your Website And Position It

Once your audience has been defined, and it is clear that your business model is hybrid, it is time to think about how to transmit your message on the network and, for this, you will need a website. Make it based on your target, and once designed and launched, position it.

Adwords And Social Networks

Are you interested in having social networks? Yes. Are you interested in being in all of them? No. Study where your audience is and, based on that, decide to be in one place or another. If your audience is too young, you should try networks like TikTok or Instagram, but if what you want is to sell in a store, maybe Facebook (and Instagram) are your solution. Talk to the experts, and let yourself be advised.

Everything related to Google ads, SEO positioning, SEM, etc., comes to light here. How is it done? Using the keywords to position your website and have a good position in Google. Invest moderately and analyze each campaign. An SEM expert will be the best. And the SEO? It’s organic so that you can work on it yourself. Have an updated blog on your website that uses the right words to position yourself in your sector and add value to the user.

Social networks and the blog of your website must provide interesting content for the client, and thus it will be easier to make the sale.

Training, Training, And More Training

You are about to enter a new world for your business, so you and your team likely have a lack of knowledge. It is logical and normal that the processes are automated, and the digital leap costs. Therefore, it is necessary to re-educate.

Although it is a hackneyed phrase, it is important to change the chip. How is it done? Surround yourself with a proactive team that accepts changes and wants to listen because it is essential to correctly communicate all the processes that will change and the new actions that will be implemented.

Benefits Of Digitizing Your Business

  • Recognition. It is easier for them to know you if you are in more places, and the network is a great place to be.
  • Expansion. You cannot set up a place in every corner, but you can reach every corner with a single website.
  • Multiple solutions. For digital problems, there are many solutions. We invite you to take the step and join the digital transformation from consulting.

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The Basic Aspects Of The Business Digitization https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/business-digitization/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/business-digitization/#respond Wed, 09 Sep 2020 07:11:24 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=2903 The digitization of companies is the process by which businesses adopt new technologies to improve

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The digitization of companies is the process by which businesses adopt new technologies to improve the efficiency of their processes and achieve a complete change in all their work areas.

Also known as digital transformation, it is a metamorphosis at all levels of the organization. In this sense, it does not simply consist in adopting one or another specific technology: the company must understand that a change has taken place in the way of organizing work and in the consumption habits of customers; and that it is essential to adapt to these transformations in order not to be left behind.

Thus, the digitization of companies can affect areas as diverse as the internal organization of a business, the way of interacting with customers, and the efficiency of processes.

Basic Aspects Of Business Digitization

The transformation of the corporate culture and the mere adoption of technology does not imply the true digitization of companies. The organization must generate a new business structure and culture, based on innovation and flexibility, so that change becomes the new way of understanding work and progress towards objectives.

Understand The New Customer & Put Him At The Center

Today, consumers are increasingly active in their search for information and in their relationship with brands, which is both a challenge and an opportunity for companies.

Current customers seek to educate themselves on a topic before making their purchase decision and speak out when dissatisfaction occurs, having a company’s reputation in their hands through messages on social networks or review sites.

Thus, online reputation is essential for businesses that sell online, but also for those that are face-to-face: surveys show that a large part of consumers search the internet before going to buy in a local business, a behavior that puts in 90% of the people in the US march is also on the rise. If what they find is not to their liking (bad reviews, sloppy image, confusing or out-of-date data) they may choose a competing business.

It is essential to know that consumer behaviors are changing and that it is necessary to change with them to turn the internet into an ally that helps to get more customers.

The digitization of companies involves using the current paradigm proactively, generating a new way of approaching customers through strategies of quality content on social networks, and using technology to develop a customer service that manages to create a good reputation and attract more customers.

However, there are still many business managers who do not see the need for a digital presence, since they do not sell online and fear that conversations will take place in this medium that they cannot control. However, we must know that not having an internet presence does not solve this problem, but rather aggravates it: only with a solid digital presence and under the control of the business could a hypothetical reputation problem be intervened and redirected.

Explore New Business Models

The virtual world has transformed the way of consuming and the type of products available. On the one hand, with the rise of electronic commerce, having a physical place of sale is just one more option for companies, which can consider a business model based on online sales or a hybrid model.

After the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, there has also been an accelerated transformation of the products or services that customers had been demanding, as in the case of online consumer products (for example, an online training course).

Advantages Of Digitization In Companies

The digitization of companies helps them adapt to a world in a constant change where technology offers increasingly convenient and necessary solutions.

  • Improvement in efficiency, leaving behind those processes and business models that are already obsolete.
  • Access to new clients and improvement in the experience of those who have already trusted the company. The company-client relationship does not end with the purchase, it is maintained on the network, thus favoring a new purchase.
  • Creation of a complete transformation, generating an organization in which internal communication and innovation are the everyday languages.

Also Read: Organizational And Management Skills Required For Digital Transformation

The post The Basic Aspects Of The Business Digitization appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

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