networking Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Thu, 03 Mar 2022 06:54:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 networking Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 Failover Strategies Against Network Failures Thu, 03 Mar 2022 06:54:45 +0000 Business processes depend more and more on functioning networks. The network edge is where the

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Business processes depend more and more on functioning networks. The network edge is where the device or local area network communicates with the Internet. To ensure reliability, many companies rely on SD-WAN, software-defined network structures.

Modern 4G-LTE and 5G technologies can supplement conventional cable connections in the SD-WAN orchestra – and are often the first choice, for example, when non-stop availability of Internet connections is essential. In the case of company branches or branches, there are a few unique features to consider.

A small group of risk points is responsible for most network problems. The following six failover strategies can counteract this.

Connectivity Diversity At The Edge

WAN connections to branch offices are usually based on just one or two lines from an Internet Service Provider (ISP) shared by several consumers. This connection to the corporate network and cloud is vulnerable because it can be disrupted in various ways, such as weather events or construction work.

Connections such as 4G LTE and 5G gigabit-class are more flexible and faster than wired lines. With the help of such wireless connections, special wireless routers create a failover in the event of a network failure. Network managers can also use these connections to monitor and troubleshoot the router and other devices in the branch office.

Dual Carrier Connectivity

Dependence on just one cellular network operator or Internet provider can be risky for uninterrupted operation: Network congestion, routing, DNS problems, and network core failures can cause disruptions. In wireless WAN architectures, at least two connections from different operators should therefore be used because it is unlikely that both networks will fail simultaneously.

LTE or 5G routers with at least two modems or a SIM card extension can be set up for this carrier redundancy. Both connections can be bundled for additional capacity at peak times.

Hardware Redundancy

Redundant or mirrored routers often also protect against failures. They monitor each other and create automatic failover if the primary router or WAN link fails. Updates, configuration changes, and other maintenance work can be carried out without jeopardizing communication.
Modern end devices use the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) to configure and coordinate the failover. The routers are connected directly via a cable or an Ethernet switch, share a virtual gateway address and a DHCP table, and thus act as a router for other devices in the network. During the failover state, the former primary router continually monitors its WAN connection and signals the backup router when it can switch back over.

Secure Connection Via VPN Tunnel

Multiple direct Internet connections via VPN tunnels to various input devices can ensure uninterrupted communication between the branch and head offices. A configuration of so-called dynamic multipoint virtual private network tunnels (DMVPN) is possible from each branch to redundant devices.

Each tunnel is routed independently over the Internet, and the data traffic is dynamically routed via the most effective connection. If network or hardware problems disrupt a tunnel, traffic is sent over the alternate path.

Cushion Traffic Peaks

Increasing video usage, file sharing apps, software updates, and the increasing number of connected devices often contribute to spikes. A backup connection based on mobile communications can offer relief here. Routers with SD-WAN functionality dynamically load balance traffic to the best available path. When the peak traffic subsides, the wireless connection is automatically and invisibly disconnected in the background, allowing employees to continue working without interruption.

Remote Management In Routine And Emergency

Cellular wireless connections can also provide an alternate network connection when the end device is unreachable over primary links. Routers configured for use at the edge of the network have so-called out-of-band management functions. The responsible persons access the device remotely via a wireless connection to solve problems without an on-site visit.

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Phase Change Memories for Recurrent Impulse Neural Networks Mon, 15 Nov 2021 19:10:03 +0000 Swiss researchers have investigated the use of phase-shift memory technologies to improve in-memory computing used

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Swiss researchers have investigated the use of phase-shift memory technologies to improve in-memory computing used in recurrent impulse neural networks. According to their findings, the resistive SCM memory can be designed to train these types of networks more efficiently and online.

Impulse neural networks emulate the functioning of human neurons more realistically than classic artificial neural networks. This has led to the development of new impulse recurrent neural networks (RNN), whose nodes can work with larger data sets and relate to each other more dynamically and effectively. But this requires more efficient in-memory computing technologies built into each device that makes up an RNN.

According to experts, the greatest challenge in providing each node with its learning capabilities is the temporary allocation of credits and achieving more stable network dynamics, even when the weighting resolution of this allocation is limited. These are typical characteristics of RNNs, and it has been shown that these problems are accentuated by using memristive substrates for computation in local memory. Facing the Von-Newmann bottleneck in these architectures increases the variability in the calculation and the working memory of the recurrent impulse neural networks.

Conventional memristive, due to the substantial non-idealities of PCM. To solve this problem, a team of researchers at the University of Zurich has developed a differential architecture crossbar matrix simulation framework based on a more accurate and comprehensive phase change memory device (PCM) model. They have been able to train an impulse RNN by emulating the weights, using a recently proposed e-prop learning rule, which according to their appreciation, is close to the ideal conditions for synaptic updating, but which cannot be successfully implemented in memory.

In their simulations, they have compared the performance of their matrix with various widely adapted weight update schemes to resolve these device non-idealities. And they claim to have shown that it is possible to take advantage of the accumulation of gradients of phase change memory based on memristive substrates to achieve online training of recurrent impulse neural networks and significantly increase their efficiency.

Also Read: There Differences Between An ERP Cloud And An ERP SAAS

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8 Benefits Of Using A Predictive Dialer For Your Business Mon, 01 Mar 2021 08:46:38 +0000 Cold calling has always been one of the most common lead generation techniques of businesses

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Cold calling has always been one of the most common lead generation techniques of businesses from many industries. However, many people claim that cold calling is now obsolete, but you need not listen to their words. After all, success lies with your overall strategy
Speaking of which, there is one very effective cold calling strategy that’s slowly becoming popular these days, and it involves the use of a predictive dialer system.
People that have already used this system claim that it’s possible to make cold calling a lot more seamless with predictive dialers, yet some are questioning its efficiency.
This guide will show you how well predictive dialers can help your business, but it might be best to get rid of a misunderstanding about predictive dialers before anything else.

Are Predictive Dialers The Same As Auto Dialers?

Auto dialers are calling systems that allow businesses to dial contacts from a list automatically. When the person on the other end of the connection responds, the auto-dialer will automatically pass the call onto an agent of the business.
Predictive dialers pretty much have the same function, but there are a few additional features.
To start with, if an auto dialer receives a response, it’ll naturally pass the call into an agent, but what do you think will happen if that particular agent isn’t available? Usually, the prospect will think that they’re on the line with someone, when in fact, they aren’t, and this can lead to many problems. For example, the prospect might lose interest in your business thinking that it’s a prank call.
Hence, it’s much better if the dialer temporarily stops operating rather than randomly passing calls to anyone even if they’re on break—that’s what predictive dialers are.

Benefits of Predictive Dialers

Predictive dialers like Call Cowboy can slow down operations or even stop operations when agents are currently on a break or if the agency is busy. Simply put, predictive dialers will ‘predict’ the times when agents are not available and adjust its operation accordingly. 

Of course, that’s not the only difference. There are many more, and you will learn of them soon as you go through the following benefits of predictive dialers. 

  • Queues Prospects Intelligently 

When an autodialer receives a response from multiple prospects, it usually waits until an agent is finished with their current call before passing the baton. 

Now, what happens if, after a long time, the agent is still not done with their call? You guessed it—the prospect is likely to get tired of waiting and hang up. This usually happens two minutes after the prospect receives the cold call. 

Hence, the key to cold calling is speed. Agents must talk to prospects that are on hold as soon as possible, but there’s a huge problem—auto dialers don’t have the ability to sort the queue. 

More precisely, an autodialer might pass a 30-second old call to an agent before passing the call from a prospect that’s been waiting for three minutes. Simply put, most auto dialers can’t queue prospects intelligently, and this is where predictive dialers come in. 

Unlike most power dialers, predictive dialers can sort the queue so that the people waiting for longer will be the first to hear a response from agents. Furthermore, predictive dialers can also help agents finish their calls much faster, and they do this by preventing mistakes that may take up some time for agents to fix. 

  • Eliminates Human Error 

Regardless of which industry your business operates in, your workplace will always be prone to different kinds of human error. While some are harmless, others will be quite detrimental to your business, especially if you’re dealing with prospects—one mistake can make them lose interest. 

This is especially true if you rely mostly on your agents to run your business. Usually, the best course of action is to turn your workplace more comfortable and less stressful. 

The following are examples of things that can contribute to a stressful workplace

  • Heavy workloads 
  • Long work hours 
  • Uncomfortable workspace 

The problem is that most businesses don’t have time to focus on these things. If you’re looking for a quick way to eliminate human error, a predictive dialer might help. With a predictive dialer, you don’t have to worry about your agents forgetting that they’re on a call, making typos with telephone numbers, accidentally hanging up on a call, and the likes. 

Plus, when agents make mistakes, it’s their responsibility to clean the mess up. As a result, the time that they would’ve spent calling another client is wasted due to their mistakes. So, not only will a predictive dialer prevent potential issues, but it can also improve your agent’s productivity, which in turn will increase your sales. 

Besides, employees aren’t the only ones prone to such errors. You, as their employer, may also make mistakes when fulfilling your tasks, and those mistakes can be worse than theirs.  

One particular mistake that can be quite detrimental is calling prospects more than once.

  • Automatically Remove Duplicate Numbers 

Every sales-driven business has a sales lead sheet—a sheet that lists down information on each potential customer, including their number. 

Usually, agents will look through the sheet to call each number individually and try to connect with the number owner. Every sales-driven business should have its own sales lead sheet. Usually, a team is dedicated to building this list. 

Building a sales lead sheet consists of several steps, such as: 

  • Identifying your target audience 
  • Monitoring the market 
  • Looking into social media accounts of prospects 
  • Obtaining information on potential customers 

Unfortunately, teams in charge of the sales lead sheet tend to duplicate a number in the sales lead sheet. Thus, there might be a telephone number that appears more than once on the list. It may seem harmless, but it can lead to severe problems. 

For instance, if the duplicate number owner receives a call twice from your business, chances are they’ll think of you as a hindrance, and as a result, they’ll block your number. This is a big no-no for sales-driven businesses since it’ll essentially rid you of one potential customer, but how will a predictive dialer help in this situation? 

For starters, predictive dialers can check through your sales lead sheet automatically. Once it deals with a certain number, it will check through the list and remove all duplicates, if there are any. As such, the chances of calling a number twice are basically zero. 

However, take note that not all predictive dialers have this function, which is why it’s essential to look for a platform that has the functions you need. 

You may even find predictive dialers that can integrate with CRM systems. 

  • Integrates With CRM Systems 

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is when a business manages its interactions with customers. It usually involves storing information about customers. You can think of CRM as a fancy term for a customer database, but what does it have to do with predictive dialers? 

For starters, if an agent knows more about a prospect, such as their address, age, interests, and other information, it would be much easier to convert them into customers. 

In other words, by integrating your cold calling system with CRM systems, the conversion rate of your business has the potential to skyrocket. After all, they say that CRM and cold calling goes hand in hand since the combination can solve problems like: 

  • Wasting time on the wrong people 
  • Agents saying the same things over and over again 
  • Cold calls not being personalized enough 
  • Not being able to answer unexpected questions from prospects 

The good news is that some predictive dialers can integrate with database and CRM systems. 

With this combination, it’s also possible to save a lot of time, especially if you require your agents to do individual assessments on your prospects. 

  • Minimizes Time From Individual Prospect Assessments 

Typically, an agency will have a team that answers the call and a team in charge of prospect research—a technique that involves researching a prospect to obtain personal and sometimes corporate information that can be invaluable during cold calls. 

The bad news is that most of the time, the information they procure is not used by the cold calling agents. After all, agents only have so much time in their hands, so it’s understandable if they can’t assess the information given to them. 

However, that’s only from a normal standpoint. If you have a predictive dialer, the process will be much easier. It displays the necessary information, such as the prospect’s address, hobbies, and occupation, as you go through the sales lead sheet. 

If you look at it in another way, a predictive dialer practically allows even amateur agents to convert prospects into customers with minimal effort. 

  • Removes The Need For Skillful Agents 

To build a successful sales-driven agency, you’ll need to hire skilled agents… is what many people think, but that’s not entirely true. 

Even with beginners, a business can succeed as long as its strategy is fool-proof. For example, you can prepare scripts that employees must strictly follow. It doesn’t require a skillful agent to read it, but if the scripts are effective, the agents will also be effective. 

The same goes for when you have an effective cold calling system like predictive dialers. With a predictive dialer, most of the mundane tasks that agents usually do are automatically taken care of, so there’s not much room for error for your agents. 

However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t tend to your workers. You should also take the initiative to improve your agents, and one way of doing that is by giving them clear standards. 

Also Read: How To Get Good Reviews on Amazon

  • Sets Standards That Agents Can Follow 

Setting a standard is important because it provides a way for your workers to determine if their performance is acceptable or not, but how do you set the standards for cold calling agents? 

To begin with, you can inform them how long you want cold calls to last. However, even if you say that it should last for around 30 or 20 seconds, some agents will inevitably go beyond that. After all, not everyone can do everything according to plan. Chances are, they’ll exceed that time limit that you set unless you find a way to limit the duration. The good news is that predictive dialers can pre-determine the duration of calls. 

For example, you can make it so that after 30 seconds of a cold call, the agent will receive a notification that they should end it as soon as possible. At first glance, it seems to be quite an ineffective technique and might even ruin the agents’ momentum, but over time, they’ll get used to this standard. 

Speaking of which, if there are standards, there are also policies for cold calling. 

  • Helps Businesses Comply With National Policies 

Many people ask whether auto dialer is illegal or not. While it’s completely legal, have you ever wondered why they ask this kind of question? 

This is mainly because there’s actually a national policy among businesses involving cold calling. It goes like this—if a person blocks your number, you shouldn’t attempt to call them anymore with a different number. 

The bad news is that you might be violating the policies without knowing it. To be precise, your business might be contacting those that have you blocked even to this day, and it’s not like you can keep up with your growing list of contacts. 

Fortunately, predictive dialers can make it easier. As always, predictive dialers record numbers that already have a history with your business. Those that you’ve already called, those that are already customers, and those that have you on their blocked list. In other words, a predictive dialer can help you comply with policies. 

Final Words

Auto dialers have become quite popular over the years, but not many know of predictive dialers despite their similarities. Perhaps it’s because it hasn’t been around for long, but considering its benefits to businesses, it’s only a matter of time before predictive dialers take the business industry by storm.

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Cisco Meraki Cloud-managed Networking Benefits Mon, 11 Jan 2021 09:01:59 +0000 The cloud is increasingly the natural space where businesses operate. According to estimates by the

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The cloud is increasingly the natural space where businesses operate. According to estimates by the consulting firm Gartner, the market for managed cloud services will reach 266.4 billion dollars in 2020, representing a significant increase if the figure for the previous year is taken into account: 227.8 billion dollars.

The rise of cloud-managed services will force companies to implement other performance-enhancing technologies such as cloud-managed networks. More and more companies will want to invest in these networks to improve the network capacity and the resources necessary for cloud services to work correctly.

However, today, not all cloud-managed networks bring the same benefits to companies. Most have certain drawbacks, such as the fact that they are challenging to manage, have rigidity, and are costly to implement and maintain. In this context, companies that want to achieve their network’s maximum performance must implement a solution such as Meraki Cloud-Managed Networking.

What Is Meraki Cloud-managed Networking?

It refers to a Cisco Meraki solution responsible for managing a company’s campus and distributed wireless network in a fully centralized way. With this secure, reliable, and scalable solution, a company can centrally manage the network, eliminate traditional architectures’ complexity, and reduce operating costs. Meraki Cloud-Managed Networking is, in short, a solution that brings many benefits to organizations.

Also Read: Organizational And Management Skills Required For Digital Transformation

Advantages Of Meraki Cloud-managed Networking

These are the benefits of this solution compared to other alternatives on the market:

Easy To Use

The solution includes an intuitive dashboard that can be run from the browser. It is a very easy-to-use control panel that allows real-time monitoring of the network’s state to detect any incident that occurs in it, and better and faster decisions can be made.

Centralized Administration

Companies that implement this solution will manage the different users, applications, and devices that connect to the network on a single cloud platform.

From the corporate headquarters, IT staff will manage the entire network, regardless of its location, be it a remote headquarters, a store, or a worker on the move.

Network Security

The Meraki solution presented to you in this article can protect the different endpoints (Endpoints) of an organization that connects to the network, schedule firmware and security updates, and install new automatic functions. It is certified to HIPAA / PCI Level 1 and passes third-party security audits and penetration tests daily.


This solution adapts to business growth and can be used both in small sites and in those implementations that involve millions of users.

Thanks to this solution, the network saturations have ended since companies will increase and reduce their capacity according to demand. Plus, they can add and remove devices in minutes.

It is the best option that can be implemented by companies that are in a growth phase and need changing benefits.


The reliability of this solution is certified with an SLA uptime of 99.99%. This means that the chances of failure are minimal. This certification makes Meraki’s Cloud Managed Network the best choice for organizations of any size.

If you also want your company to benefit from this solution, contact us. At SCC, we are a trusted provider that provides you with the best solution to adapt the corporate network to market demands and take advantage of the Digital Transformation.

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WiFi 6 Security Features And Other Improvements Mon, 26 Oct 2020 08:01:55 +0000 WiFi six technology (AX wireless fidelity or 802.11ax) are incorporated into all kinds of network

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WiFi six technology (AX wireless fidelity or 802.11ax) are incorporated into all kinds of network devices and applications, from people who need most performance, primarily in strict business environments, to people who need low power and latency, like those in tiny offices wherever an occasional range of employees work or households wherever they perform their activity freelancers or people. Its enhancements build its potential to develop new applications for your business.

What’s New In Wireless Fidelity 6

One of the most novelties of the area network WLAN wireless fidelity WiFi local area network LAN six customary is its management of networks. Several devices are connected, permitting users with totally different bandwidths to attach expeditiously at the same time. This feature can considerably increase the quantity of information sent and received at constant time, with less latency or delay within the network, which can avoid congestion. This can be potential because of a technology referred to as OFDMA (for its signifier in English Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access or Multiple Access by Division of Orthogonal Frequencies). This technology permits higher use of wireless fidelity channels of the network device between the devices that hook up with it.

Another improvement to focus on is the increase within the information transmission speed, going from the utmost 7Gbps that would be achieved with wireless fidelity five, to in theory nine.6 Gbps. This means that a larger quantity of information may be sent within the same information measure than with previous wireless fidelity protocols. However, these transmission speeds are a side addicted to extremely variable factors, like distance to the router., the thickness of the walls, etc. Therefore, efforts are focused on rising signal potency and so rising real speed. Those devices that don’t seem to be compatible with the new customary can hook up with wireless fidelity six networks since it conjointly operates at the same time on the two.4 and five gigacycle bands. However, they’ll not have all the speed of the same network.

As we tend to mention, signal potency has been improved. Therefore WiFi6 incorporates a bigger variety than its predecessors. Wireless fidelity five offered the chance of skyrocketing the speed, however, at the value of seeing its coverage diminished, particularly in terms of the signal’s space, notably if it had to cross too many obstacles. With wireless fidelity six, the speed of the network will increase while not penalizing the vary.

Also, it uses the technology-supported Color BSS. It’s a technology that permits the router to spot if the information it detects within the air area unit packets destined for itself or not, in much the way that it’ll ignore people who don’t seem to be for it, significantly rising network performance and avoiding interference.

Finally, it offers bigger energy potency by reducing the consumption of the devices that are connected. This can be potential because it estimates the access times to the communication on an individual basis for every device, establishing once the information is received and for a way long. This makes it potential for devices to be unbroken in ‘sleep mode’ till that set time arrives, increasing each savings and battery life, that is very helpful for mobile and IoT devices.

And What Concerning Security

Regarding the safety section, additionally, to the enhancements above that favor bigger accessibility (less congestion, bigger reach), confidentiality and integrity are significantly improved because the WPA3 security custom is enforced. It’s a type that provides bigger protection than its predecessors (WEP, WPA TKIP, WPS, and WPA2 ), rising authentication mechanisms, simplifying configuration, promoting the employment of sturdy cryptanalytic protocols that makes devices additional immune to weak passwords.

Is This Certification Necessary

The wireless fidelity Alliance is a corporation that integrates massive and tiny technology firms and whose main objective is to ensure the operation of devices that use wireless fidelity technology. Therefore, if a tool incorporates a certification from this body, it implies that it’s been verified that it complies with the safety, performance, and ability functionalities of the quality. The certification method isn’t necessary for makers of wireless fidelity products. Therefore there’ll be devices on the market that support this technology; however, they’ll not be certified.

Also Read: WIFI6 – What is Wi-Fi 6 and What Are Its Advantages

Enhancements Modify New Business Applications

The bigger potency in information management can permit firms that need 4K streaming or the video game sector to own a far additional economic affiliation between the router and, therefore, the devices. This can facilitate the event of rising applications in e-learning, telepresence, telehealth, and telemedicine environments. On the opposite hand, the enhancements in capability and energy potency can permit operators to support location-based applications to supply advanced property services for retail stores, stadiums, congresses, public sites, and transport firms. Finally, the employment of the WPA3 protocol gives you bigger security. Therefore, wireless fidelity six has arrived to permit new applications in your business by rising wireless fidelity networks in numerous aspects: potency, speed, range of connections, and security.

Also Read: Tricks And Tools To Improve The WIFI Signal At Home Or At Work

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Tips For Networking On Social Networks Fri, 28 Aug 2020 07:31:36 +0000 The transformation digital not only has changed the way companies operate, but also the path

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The transformation digital not only has changed the way companies operate, but also the path that talent takes to reach these. The networking is now the concept that handles both organizations and professionals to discuss the job search in the digital realm. The technique that carries its peculiarities. And, unlike traditional job boards, success on the Internet depends on the ability to manage certain skills in terms of image and communication.

What Exactly Is Networking

The simple search for applicants has been replaced by the creation of a network of contacts with similar interests.

The networking focuses precisely on the identification and consolidation of contacts with the same employment status, which can serve as a backup when finding job opportunities.

The Cambridge dictionary presents a series of definitions that can help to understand this new vision of the field of Human Resources :

  • The activity of meeting people who could be helpful, especially at work.
  • The process of meeting and talking to lots of people, specifically to get information that can help you.

In parallel, the concept also refers to computational ecosystems made up of various teams. It is the same meaning but applied to the technological world.

Nowadays it is no longer enough to have a good company and a good presentation speech; You also need to have a good relationship to achieve your goals, he adds.

In fact, according to a LinkedIn study, 85% of the most technical hires closed between 2015 and 2016 were the result of a good networking strategy.

Also Read: How Social Networking Sites Affects Students Academic Performance

What Does Networking Offer

Today there are still employment platforms that allow you to stick to the more traditional one-way method. However, networking goes far beyond the simple idea of job hunting.

Companies and professionals that already have businesses turn to this technique to open new business avenues or to establish future relationships with competitors and allies.

It will depend on whether it occurs at a fair, on social networks, or in any other physical-virtual meeting. But the advantages of networking can be summarized as:

  • Sell and promote services or products with the highest probability of success.
  • Obtain direct and reliable feedback from specialists in specific sectors.
  • Create and nurture B2B relationships.
  • Establish possible synergies and agreements with other companies and professionals.
  • Obtain financing.
  • Cultivate and enhance personal or business image.

Social Networking Tips

In the last decade, social networks have become a daily path for millions of people, and companies have not been slow to stop there to look for talent.

However, although the operation of Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn is simple, when it comes to networking factors often ignored by candidates come into play.

Outside of social networks, organizations look for trusted sources that allow reading between descriptions and formalities. That is, “really knowing the candidate. “

In many cases, the original position is adapted to the skills of the talent, but it is still important to ensure that the personal image is consistent both inside and outside the digital world.

In networking, more is not synonymous with better. It is not so important to have many contacts, as it is to have the most valuable ones.

Therefore, when operating in an environment such as LinkedIn, you have to be clear about the objective you want to achieve, and based on that, set contact criteria.

In this sense, experts recommend giving priority to other users who have the same job rank, or similar job search interests. They are the ones who will be more likely to recommend you and offer you opportunities if they get to know them.

It is complicated in the digital environment, but the candidate must always try to prove his skills for the job to which he applies, and not reduce his talent to the completion of a simple test.

Most of the mistakes that Human Resources departments make are due precisely to this; the excessive bureaucratization and automation of the process.

The networking is not gambling a few hours or a few days a week. To achieve what you want, it is important to maintain continuous communication with the network of contacts.

So it is key to spend a couple of hours a day looking for users, showing interest, or generating adapted content that may be interesting to your network.

None of this ensures success, but it does increase the chances that your claims will fit the needs of an organization or professional.

Also Read: How to Trend Using Instagram Stories?

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