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The employer brand is one of the subjects on which to communicate. Our decryption and advice are in this article.

The Employer Brand: What Is It?

Definition of The Employer Brand

The notion of employer brand refers to many criteria specific to the company. Indeed, it is about the identity, the culture, even the values ​​company’s values, the employee brand is an important element of human resources.” Indeed, the employer brand plays a decisive role in recruitment, the development of employees, and the overall reputation of the company.

Return an authentic and realistic image in its communication to engage its collaborators. Who knows? One of your future work colleagues is surely in the network of one of your collaborators. For this, it is essential to use an internal communication strategy as well as an external one.

To develop the employer brand, the company needs to highlight its main strengths and, in particular, the well-being of its employees.

Why Develop This Business Strategy?

With the development of digital and new technologies, companies must communicate the employer brand. In addition, new generations are increasingly attentive to what a particular company represents and its image online. Indeed, talents are now looking for “The Place To Be.”
We also return to QVT, an essential concept associated with the employer brand. As you will have understood, the company’s bad reputation could tarnish the employer’s image.
Thus, with each communication, it is important to think of the customers but also of the collaborators and potential candidates that your company would likely attract within its teams. This boosts your employer image, an essential characteristic for attracting talent. However, note that a good employer brand is not just about best practices when recruiting. Indeed, once you have succeeded in attracting talent to your ranks, you must succeed in retaining them. Moreover, we are talking about the “employer brand” and not the “recruiter brand.”

How To Make The Company More Attractive?

There are many strategies and techniques to implement to develop an attractive employer brand! If these are all applied optimally, then see the positive spin-offs and possible candidates arriving.

Social benefits: an effective lever for the attractiveness of the company

What could be more attractive than a company offering its employees meal vouchers? When two similar offers catch a candidate’s attention, what can convince him to join your company is the criterion of well-being at work. The favorite advantage of French collaborators is that the meal voucher has many arguments, especially if you choose Ticket Restaurant Edenred, the leading solution in the meal voucher market!

However, social benefits are not limited to meal vouchers. Indeed, some companies also offer gift certificates or even CESU titles to facilitate employees’ work/personal life balance.

Convey authentic values ​​to the company.

Yes, you should know that one of the main criteria for an employee looking for a job is a match between his values ​​and those demonstrated by the company. Moreover, this is an integral part of what is called the culture of the company.

Example: to communicate on the well-being at work of employees in your company, provide concrete evidence and share employee experiences.

Employees: the company’s best ambassadors

Indeed, to make your company known to your potential candidates, there is nothing better than communicating your employer brand! Your current employees will promote it and communicate it around them, be careful… guaranteed result.

For this, internal company platforms make sharing content accessible to all employees, who can re-share it with their network outside the company.

Communication: an essential element for top recruitment

It is honoring your employer’s promise to make it a subject of communication. Moreover, by doing this, you considerably increase your chances of attracting the best talent. Thus, the quality of your recruitment will be boosted and the company’s image at the same time!

The employer is always looking to the future.

As you will have understood, the employer brand is THE way to attract talent within the company. As such, be aware that 70% of millennials use social networks to measure the quality of an employer brand, against 58% for Generation X and 50% for boomers. The generations that follow will certainly be even more searching for information via this channel! Therefore, it is crucial to adapt your employer’s brand strategy to communicate with new generations via relevant channels, promoting arguments that correspond to their concerns.

Conquer Potential Candidates And Current Employees.

There are many channels to disseminate information to develop attractiveness.

To unearth certain talents, internal and external communications must be in line. Employers often neglect external communication, which is as essential as internal communication when it comes to the employer brand. For this, a digital strategy worthy of the name and in the image of the company can be developed via, among other things:

An attractive and quality website

This is the perfect place to communicate the employer brand. Indeed, the website remains one of the first means of contact between the company and the candidate. It is, therefore, preferable to build its interface properly, including all the essential information on a specific and dedicated page.

A presence on social networks

We told you about it above. Have you ever thought about communicating about your employer brand on social networks? It would be a great idea for your employer image to get started. Undoubtedly, the content offered by your company will convince the ideal candidate. Indeed, is it conceivable that a company in full development is absent these days? If only to manage the company’s reputation online, this is essential!

But then, how to support this online presence?

Analyze your brand and its target.

Indeed, some social networks are more or less preferred to reach an audience that may feel concerned or be sensitive to your speech.

Instagram is a virtual platform, especially for improving your brand image.

Depending on the target, it may be very relevant for the brand to be present on LinkedIn. Companies are swarming on this platform, and potential candidates are likely hiding there! In addition, LinkedIn not only serves as a social network on which to develop the employer brand, but it is also a recruitment platform that is gaining importance daily. A good hearer.

TikTok is THE social network at the service of content virality. Don’t get me wrong, this is certainly invested massively by the younger generations, but all age categories are now present. Indeed, what better idea than to attract candidates via video format? Plus, it can be a great way to improve company visibility and post employer branding content!

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How Companies Attract And Retain Skilled Employees https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/how-companies-attract-and-retain-skilled-employees/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/how-companies-attract-and-retain-skilled-employees/#respond Fri, 17 Feb 2023 06:35:01 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=6799 The shortage of skilled workers makes it clear that many companies currently have problems finding

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The shortage of skilled workers makes it clear that many companies currently have problems finding suitable employees. On the one hand, attracting people to the company who meet the requirements is often impossible. On the other hand, many applicants do not offer the specialization and technical expertise that companies want. Or people with the desired profile can be hired but not retained for long: where there is no deeper connection, fluctuation is high.

In other cases, companies struggle with unmotivated, dissatisfied employees and complain about their lack of commitment to the company or about the employees lack of ability to adapt to changing requirements in their work area. All of this speaks for an approximate matching of companies and specialists in the recruiting process, which affects the corporate culture.

Professionals Have The Freedom of Choice.

In certain areas, the shortage of skilled workers is related to the changed demands of people in the context of a change in society: today, young professionals have much greater freedom of choice than the generations before them. They are better financially secure and have a broader range of options for shaping their lives: which profession they choose, which employment model they choose, and how they generally make money.

Where work is a less coercive and more free choice, people’s expectations of the work they choose voluntarily (rather than out of necessity) increase. Everyday practical demands play a greater role than before. The value “work” competes with values ​​such as free time and family, which today often have a higher value. Therefore, the corresponding compatibility of work with other aspects of life is increasingly expected. At the same time, the meaning of work has changed: work is no longer a means to an end for earning money, i.e., simply earning a living, but is becoming a meaningful activity that is based on intrinsic motivation is chosen and which, as a basic condition, must above all offer one thing: quality of life. Where there is a shortage of applicants, the attractiveness of the working conditions must always be asked about.

Employers Become Applicants

Today it is no longer enough to create the requirements profile for a desired candidate and go out there with it – with the safe expectation that the right candidate will get in touch. Where professionals can freely choose their job, HR managers can no longer wait for applicants and select the best from a pool. The logic has been reversed: employers must become workforce applicants. New methods in human resources, such as active sourcing and employer branding, show that there is already an increased awareness in personnel management of the need for stronger, multidimensional self-marketing. Measures such as motivation workshops and team building also show that companies try to pay more attention to their employees.

However, such measures must not remain an end in themselves. A human resources department that wants to strategically focus on hiring people who are happy to work for the company and who want to act sustainably, i.e., want to guarantee long-term satisfaction and loyalty, must use targeted company applications and maintain relationships. Only then will the right specialists come and stay. To this day, companies and recruiters make sure that applicants match their job profiles. In the future, they will also have to ensure that the company fits the ideas and demands of the workforce. So this is not about another criterion an applicant must meet, but the other way around. Companies must face the critical evaluation of people – and be able to reflect and question themselves.

Values ​​And Lived Values

A company’s attractiveness is determined even less by classic (status) offers such as careers, salaries, and incentives. If you want to avoid disappointments in the recruiting process caused by a clash of different ideas, if you want to prevent dissatisfaction and lack of motivation or even burnout among your (future) employees and prevent high fluctuation, it becomes a duty to create a working environment in which people feel comfortable and in which they can experience their work as meaningful. Only then can companies succeed in attracting attention and arousing interest. Only then are people approachable and open to job offers. And only then do people feel comfortable in a company and enjoy working there with commitment.

Our lifestyle typology and our future personas based on it show the spectrum and the now great variety of what is important to people today: Today, values ​​play an important role when choosing an employer. People perceive their work as meaningful when they can work following their convictions in their everyday work – i.e., when they can act according to their values. Only then is the intrinsic motivation of the employees awakened. Only then do they feel emotionally involved and are willing to commit themselves personally to the company.
Values ​​cannot be written on the flag arbitrarily: Whether they are really valid or only valid on paper is shown very quickly by whether they (can) be lived or not. And since young professionals today have grown up in a world of advertising, the mechanisms they have long since seen through, they question and examine extremely critically – and quickly learn to distinguish whether values ​​are only dictated or asserted. Pure marketing, or whether they are that good, is anchored in the company so that it can (or can) be translated into behavior. HR managers should, therefore, also deal with their company’s values, look inwards and get an idea of ​​what the company offers – and for whom the company profile could be interesting. Values ​​and corporate culture are two sides of the same coin: The actual values ​​that prevail in a company only become apparent when the corporate culture is lived.

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Jobs With The Greatest Security https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/jobs-with-the-greatest-security/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/jobs-with-the-greatest-security/#respond Fri, 20 May 2022 16:00:13 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=5881 With the seemingly endless march of technology, it’s becoming harder and harder for job seekers

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With the seemingly endless march of technology, it’s becoming harder and harder for job seekers to find a career with job security in today’s modern world. Where once an employee could have had relatively good prospects of spending their entire working career in the same position, employment experts now suggest today’s workers will hold multiple jobs over a lifetime.

Perhaps worse yet, with the speed of development of technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), robotics, and Machine Learning (ML), tech is coming to play an increasingly important role in the workplace – in many cases, usurping humans.

If you’re in a position where you’re hoping to find a role with the best long-term career prospects, below are just a few jobs reckoned to offer the highest stability.

Study a computing degree to expand your current work role

If there’s one employment sector that definitely shows no signs of slowing and seems the most likely to remain in demand in the years to come, it has to be jobs in the IT and computing industry. Tech offers a massive variety of different roles – everything from data analysis to programming and hardware production. Best of all, with technology now playing such a dominant role in most industries, it’s quite likely that, with just a little extra training, you could make yourself an invaluable member of staff while still keeping a similar role with your existing employer

For example, signing up for an online masters computer science could open a wealth of different opportunities – even if you’re already in a current role in a company that isn’t particularly IT-related.

Follow a career in nursing

While it’s undeniably true that computers are changing most modern job roles, if there’s one area that which tech simply can’t compete with humans, it’s within the caring sector. Computers and tech are remarkably adept at performing repetitive tasks, but they still fundamentally lack the empathy and care that’s required for medical roles. Moreover, they aren’t particularly good at making life or death decisions – again, another fundamental aspect of jobs in the care sector.

Become a software developer

Software development is another area of IT that is burgeoning – and with the software industry showing no signs of slowing, developers will remain in demand in years to come. As more and more firms move their digital resources to cloud computing providers – including porting their existing systems and programs to remote networks – the demand is likely to remain high for bespoke systems and apps tailored precisely for individual company needs.

Working as a software developer also has the distinct advantage of being able to operate remotely – even from your own home.

Take a job in speech-language pathology

Interestingly, the prospects for speech-language pathologists are among the highest of any professions, with the sector predicted to see a rise of 25% year on year until 2029. Just as with many other sectors, work in this area was transformed by the recent coronavirus, with many specialists having to change their role from face-to-face meetings to working more in an online setting.

Train to be a veterinarian

Somewhat similar to jobs in nursing, jobs in the veterinary sector are unlikely to be replaced anytime soon by computers and tech. For many of the same reasons, technology simply can’t compare when it comes to the human touch needed to be a good vet – plus, again, computers lack the skills to make often life or death decisions.

Become an IT manager

IT managers will typically oversee the work of programmers and networking specialists – and the job holds particular promise for those individuals that are willing to study cloud networking tech. This highly varied role offers a wealth of opportunities, often working in an advisory role for companies looking to integrate tech into their firms.

Train to be a physical therapist

With populations around the world living longer – and chronic illnesses becoming more common – jobs in the physical therapist sector are becoming more and more valued. Again, this is another sector where computers and technology stand little chance of usurping humans. Indeed, employment experts suggest that roles in the physical therapist sector could increase by around 33% up until 2029.

Take a job as an anesthesiologist

Although working as an anesthesiologist is widely regarded as one of the world’s most stressful jobs, career prospects are almost unlimited, with virtually zero unemployment in the sector. Anesthesiologists are responsible for administering anesthesia to patients, often undergoing life-saving operations meaning these highly trained individuals are among the most trusted and respected in the entire nursing and care industry.

Study occupational therapy

Occupational therapists are tasked with the responsibility of helping people recover from accidents, illnesses, or injuries. Working as an occupational therapist can provide a highly rewarding – if at times demanding – career. You will also likely be expected to offer care for those with disabilities using a variety of techniques, exercises, and equipment to aid in the recovery of patients.

Work in the therapy and counseling sector

Through the stresses of modern life, work in the therapy and counseling sector has increased tenfold – and, likewise, shows no signs of decreasing. This often demanding and challenging role is also one of the most rewarding, helping couples and individuals overcome personal problems.

Try a career in the physical therapy sector

Yet another role that is unlikely to come under threat from computers and tech anytime soon, a job in the physical therapy sector can be one of the most rewarding available. Physical therapists will typically be tasked with helping individuals to recover from surgeries, accidents, or illnesses.

Study for a role in Human Resources (HR)

Human Resources (HR) is one of the fastest-growing sectors of all employment positions. Working in HR is an extremely varied role that can offer career prospects as either a freelancer or employed in a more full-time position with a company.

Companies the world over are coming to realize more and more the value of their staff – and employing an HR specialist is one of the best ways to ensure the happiness of their workers. However, while looking after staff concerns and grievances is undoubtedly central to the role of the HR managers, the modern role involves much, much more – everything from hiring and firing to providing an essential and valuable link between employees and their bosses.

Work in prosthetics

The advances in artificial limbs and supportive devices over recent years have been nothing short of extraordinary, and a job in this sector could see you liberating those suffering from the ravages of illness or accidents, literally transforming lives.

Look at engineering for your next career role

Engineering must be one of the most diverse job sectors covering everything from electric and electronic engineering right through to chemical and nuclear engineering. This incredibly diverse career role can be equally rewarding both in terms of pay and the jobs you might expect to do.

However, before starting down the path towards working in engineering, it’s very important you first decide what sector you want to work in. As one might expect, the training to become a chemical engineer is entirely different from what you would study to work in construction engineering or the nuclear sector.

Work as a surgeon

The training involved in becoming a surgeon may be long and extensive, but this is one job that is going to remain in demand for many years to come – plus, surgeons earn some of the highest wages in the entire care industry.

Not everyone has the skills or aptitude for working in this sector, but it is still a career that will offer tremendous job security and satisfaction.

Treat people suffering from substance abuse or dependency

Working with people suffering from substance dependency may be challenging but helping an individual overcome their problems to find a new path is nonetheless extremely rewarding. Substance abuse can involve anything from alcohol dependency to drugs or even just something as simple as cigarettes.

Train to interpret and analyze data

With so much of our personal and business lives now transferring into the online realm, it’s probably little wonder that data analysis is becoming such an in-demand skill. Experts now suggest data is the world’s most valuable commodity – outstripping previous heavy-hitters like gold and oil. Given how much companies now rely on data for everything from client contact to predicting the ebb and flow of demand, training to have the skills to interpret that data is a skill that is likely to remain in high demand long into the future.

Work as a dentist

Yet another role that is unlikely to be replaced by tech any time soon, a job in dentistry offers not just excellent job security but also similarly high wages. While the pathway into this role may take time, working as a dentist offers great job prospects, including the opportunity to perhaps open your own surgery and work for yourself.

Study to be a lawyer

Because of the vagaries of legal systems – plus the fact people normally prefer the contact and understanding of fellow humans – a job in the legal sector is another career that offers great job security and high wages.

Also Read: What is the future of security engineering jobs?

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