marketing strategies Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Tue, 05 Jul 2022 13:56:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 marketing strategies Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 Use This eCommerce Advice to Grow Your Online Business Tue, 05 Jul 2022 13:55:53 +0000 Businesses today operate in a very fast-paced digital space, and as new technologies and channels

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Businesses today operate in a very fast-paced digital space, and as new technologies and channels emerge constantly, these businesses must continue to adapt their strategies in order to succeed online.

However, many businesses struggle to grow their eCommerce presence. eCommerce stores are digital marketplaces that allow businesses to sell their products directly to consumers.

According to a report from Statista, the global ecommerce market will be worth $4 trillion by 2021. This means that if your business has not yet succeeded with an eCommerce strategy, you might be missing out on a lot of action.

Fortunately, eCommerce has never been easier than it is today, thanks to platforms like Shopify, BigCommerce, and Amazon.

If you’re still trying to figure out how to grow your business in the digital front, read on for helpful eCommerce advice that will take your company to the next level.

Set Achievable Goals

First and foremost, you’ll need to set measurable and achievable goals for your eCommerce strategy. Without goals, you’ll have no way to measure your success — or lack thereof.

Before setting goals, you’ll need to understand the type of customers you want to target. Next, you’ll want to understand which channels will help you reach those customers. Last, you’ll need to set a time frame for achieving these goals.

Understand Your Audience

eCommerce is all about the customer experience. In order to create an amazing user experience that keeps your customers coming back, you’ll need to understand the needs of each customer segment.

For example, if you’re selling a product to a younger customer, you’ll want to keep the design and messaging lighthearted. If you’re selling to an older customer, you’ll want to keep the design and messaging more conservative.

You can use data to understand your customer base by taking advantage of tools such as Google Trends, Google Analytics, and Amazon’s Customer Feedback. These tools will provide you with detailed metrics about your audience to help you better understand your consumer base.

Don’t Ignore SEO

While it’s true that users will find you through organic search results and paid advertisements, a lot of customers will find your products through direct navigation. To make sure your products are easy to find, you’ll want to optimize your navigation and product pages for SEO.

SEO includes several different techniques that can help your products to rank higher in search engines like Google and Bing. This will give you more traffic and more conversions.

You can use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEO Book, and SEO for Shopify to optimize your eCommerce shop for SEO.

Don’t Be Afraid To Experiment

eCommerce is a volatile industry that is constantly changing. To keep up with the latest trends and best practices, you’ll need to keep experimenting with new strategies. For example, you might want to experiment with paid advertisements on social media. Make sure you assess what’s working and what’s not to make sure you’re not wasting money.

Summing It Up

Whether you’re new to e-commerce or have been selling online for a while now, it can be tricky to stay on top of things. Competition is fiercer than ever and shoppers are becoming increasingly savvy when it comes to buying online.

So, if you want your business to stay ahead of the game, you simply have to put a lot of weight behind your eCommerce efforts.

Whether you have one or several completed products ready for sale, the pointers listed above will help get your company moving in the right direction.

Also Read: The Future Of The eCommerce

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What Is Remarketing Strategies And Advantages Thu, 23 Jun 2022 08:45:06 +0000 What Is Remarketing? Remarketing or retargeting consists of creating advertising campaigns or personalized ads for

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What Is Remarketing?

Remarketing or retargeting consists of creating advertising campaigns or personalized ads for people who have previously visited your website or ecommerce or have interacted with your brand. These advertising campaigns aim to increase ROI as we focus on creating highly personalized ads for an audience that has previously been interested in our brand. Indeed it has ever happened to you that you have been looking at a product in an online store.

Then that same product has appeared on Facebook, in Instagram stories, in an advertising banner, in the newspaper you read. That’s why they were doing an excellent remarketing or retargeting campaign. Of course, to create good retargeting campaigns, it is imperative to understand and analyze what the audience we are targeting is like and use tools such as Facebook Ads or Google Ads display ads to create an excellent joint strategy.

Remarketing And Retargeting Strategies

Time Sequential Remarketing

This remarketing strategy shows different ads to users based on the purchase phase they are in. In this way, people who leave your website will see advertisements highlighting the characteristics and benefits of your products or services, thus obtaining a greater probability of conversion. If there are still users who resist, you can make an ad with a special discount to encourage them to take the step and, in addition, to obtain a greater probability of conversion, we recommend that you link the ad to a particular landing page in which the price has that discount applied.

Remarketing To Users Who Abandon The Cart

By having an online store, some potential customers will inevitably abandon the purchase process, either because the shipping costs are high or because the final price is higher than that of the competition. However, you must remember that if these users have added the product to their cart, they have a high purchase intention, so they will only need a little push to convert.  

Therefore, if you want to apply this remarketing strategy, you will have to use AdWords or Facebook Ads to carry out advertising campaigns, in which you will only have to create a list of people who do not make the purchase. Once this list is made, we can show you personalized ads, such as: 

  • Offering them free shipping costs. 
  • Providing them with a discount on their next purchase. 
  • Remind them that you have abandoned the shopping cart halfway. 
  • Remarketing to buyers

If the customer makes a purchase on your website and is satisfied, they are more likely to make a purchase again than if they are a new customer and do not know the quality of your products or services. Therefore, this strategy will be effective if you have additional products or services in your store or e-commerce that will likely be purchased by users who have previously converted. To be effective, you will only have to collect previous buyers on a list and offer them products or services similar to those they have already purchased.  

Remarketing To Users Similar To Those Who Convert

You must know your target audience to obtain visits or conversions thanks to your ads. It would help to observe your statistics in Google Analytics or other analysis tools. When entering Google Analytics, it uses the behavior report to identify if users follow a specific pattern so that we can target an audience that is more likely to convert. Once you have analyzed and obtained some common characteristics among your buyers, we recommend creating an audience with those requirements and using it in a Google AdWords campaign.   

The Facebook Ads tool also offers you an option to create public audiences similar to your website visitors, buyers, and followers. For example: If you get that they perform an average of 2 sessions that last 3 minutes and are between 30 and 45 years old, you will be able to specify your Google AdWords campaign. 

Advantages Of Remarketing Campaigns

Reduce Cost

By advertising through this technique, the costs of your campaign will always be lower than running conventional ad campaigns since they will go to people who are already interested in your brand or product and not to cold traffic.

Promote Branding

Since your ad will appear to potential customers while browsing, your brand will become more visible, and they will become familiar with it. Also, if these appear on platforms that allow images to be included in the ads, the effect will be more significant.  

Carry Out Hyper-Segmentation

With this method, you will focus on potential customers since the ads will target people with more specific profiles. 

Increase CTR

People who know your brand will get more clicks about impressions and, therefore, the CTR of your ads will increase. 

Improve ROI

Thanks to the fact that these types of campaigns are very effective, in addition to having a lower cost, the return on investment will increase compared to conventional campaigns that you have carried out in the past. Now that you know some advantages and strategies of remarketing, you can put them into practice when you run campaigns to get more conversions on your website or e-commerce. 

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Social Proof Helps You In Your Digital Marketing Strategies Fri, 18 Mar 2022 07:03:02 +0000 How often have you searched for: “Best restaurants to eat nearby”? Questions like this reflect

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How often have you searched for: “Best restaurants to eat nearby”? Questions like this reflect the psychological process in people when they look for social proof to make decisions. Yes, we are talking about Social Proof.

How Does Social Proof Help To Sell More

Social Proof is a psychological phenomenon through which people assume that the actions and behaviors of other individuals are correct. To also explain Social Proof offline, imagine that you are on vacation at the beach and you do not know the restaurants in the area. Surely, to choose a seafood restaurant, your choice would be based on seeing which restaurant is more crowded and assuming that this is the ideal place to eat the best seafood.

Such is the relevance of Social Proof that neuromarketing has been studying these phenomena for some time to improve the success of campaigns. Of course, there are other factors for a user to choose our brand, but what is certain is that the perspective they have of what others think of us will be decisive in choosing it.

Knowing this way of acting is a great advantage that companies and marketers can take advantage of. If the user needs third-party confirmation to choose between one product or another, or between one service or another, let’s give him the information and security he needs! Make use of Social Proof in your marketing strategies!

Types Of Social Proof To Work On Digital Marketing Strategies

Among the marketing campaigns that we must maintain during the life of our business is Social Proof. What consumers think of us and the message that reaches the people getting to know us is simply crucial. Therefore, we list some of the types of Social Proof that you can count on for your marketing strategies:


We are having the approval or affirmation of an expert in the product or service that we sell will give us a great reputation in the eyes of our clients. If an expert affirms that something is good, he will reinforce this thought in the rest.

Influencers And Content Creators

Something similar happens with experts. Although they are not people with deep knowledge in the matter, they are individuals that we trust when making decisions. Their strength is such that they can even create needs that we did not even know existed.


The majority’s opinion is one of the most powerful social proof types in digital marketing. It knows the evaluations of other people who have already experienced that product, service, place. It is much more relevant than the words of the company.


In the same way that happens with reviews, reading real experiences, both positive and negative, helps us in our comparison process. One of the most used filters, when we opt for our final decision, is to analyze the positive, negative comments and comments that we are finding.

Social Media

Companies’ communication and sales channels are also a great example of Social Proof. And, when a user observes that the account of a business has a critical mass of followers, unconsciously, they are already assuming that it is good. It has the approval of thousands of people. 

In addition to the number of followers as a sign of social approval, we also find the engagement received on social networks. An account full of positive comments, likes, shares. It will greatly reinforce the positive image of the brand. In the end, people are behind all these actions, and Social Proof consists of trusting them.

Statistics And Data

In line with the importance of the number of followers, we must also highlight numbers’ power on the brain. The number of subscribers, views, buyers. These are data that strengthen the security of people in their choices. How do you choose the YouTube video you click on? I look at its age, the number of likes, and views in my case. Numbers, numbers, and numbers.


The media still have enough authority to influence the public about the brand image of businesses. 

Also Read: Social Marketing Automation Strategies That Convert The Most

Advantages Of Opting For Social Proof or Social Proof In Your Marketing Results

Once some of the types of Social Proof that we can opt for in our marketing strategies have been explained, it is easier to understand all the benefits obtained by working with it.

Earn The Trust Of Users

The most common is that consumers distrust the messages that brands launch. But, if real opinions reinforce those same ideas that you are trying to convey, then you will be gaining the trust of the most suspicious.

Increase Your Sales

Regardless of the main objective of the marketing campaign you are working on, its ultimate goal is to increase sales. For this reason, one of the actions that you should always keep in mind is to practice some of the types of Social Proof that we have explained to you. In this way, you will see how more and more consumers will choose your business.

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How To Succeed In Your B2B Digital Transformation Thu, 17 Mar 2022 06:12:22 +0000 The health crisis has imposed many challenges on B2B companies, and they had to rethink

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The health crisis has imposed many challenges on B2B companies, and they had to rethink the buying process and their sales channels thanks to innovative solutions. In this white paper, A digital experience platform for professionals, discusses the impact of technological transformations and their benefits in B2B. Through three main chapters, it provides an overview of the main processes and elements to consider during its digital transformation.

Improve Your Commercial Relationships And Sales Methods

The advent of digital has dramatically changed consumer buying behavior. Before purchasing a product, it is not uncommon for them to roam the web to read reviews and learn about the brand. Ibex’s ebook reveals that shoppers perform an average of twelve searches before interacting with a business.

These changes force companies to review their B2B commercial approach: it is no longer necessarily going directly to offer its offer to consumers but guiding them throughout their customer journey. This gives them a certain autonomy: a study by Gartner explains that buyers have already completed half of their buying journey before making the first contact. This new way of buying involves changing business-to-business relationships. By downloading this whitepaper, you will discover that for B2B sales, the new normal is to include D2C, B2C and B2B2C.

Improve The Customer Experience

Similar to B2C, companies need to provide their customers with optimal experiences. If they experience delayed or chaotic delivery, their entire supply chain planning is disrupted. Solutions such as real-time monitoring should be implemented to prevent delays and maintain control of the situation in all circumstances. This allows, among other things, to protect your company’s reputation, even in the event of a problem.

The proposed experience must also be fluid. For this, it is necessary to reduce the stages of the purchase journey, especially at the time of payment. Experts reveals that one in four buyers want a more straightforward and faster payment procedure in this white paper. They are also looking for more accessible repeat orders and better online tracking. For this reason, the customer experience must be at the heart of the decisions and the new processes put in place.

Also Read: Marketing Analytics The Way To Interpret Your Data And Metrics

Focus On Innovation

Therefore, for a B2B company, it seems essential to innovate and experiment with new action plans and business models to prosper. This involves using innovative tools, such as a digital experience platform (DXP). It makes it possible to support all facets of the customer experience via different digital channels. However, not all DXPs have the same approaches. The platform, for example, allows professionals to simplify B2B purchasing journeys by offering self-service management systems. By downloading this white paper, you will discover all the features of its solution.

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Social Marketing Automation Strategies That Convert The Most Tue, 09 Nov 2021 07:14:24 +0000 The objective of any business, small, medium, or large, is to increase sales and get

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The objective of any business, small, medium, or large, is to increase sales and get customers. However, this is not an easy task. Having the right tools and the necessary knowledge of social marketing automation is crucial for success. So, what are the strategies that work best? There are many ways to work marketing and make it work, but the techniques we are talking about today are proven, and yes, they work!

Social Marketing Automation, How To Use It To Increase Sales

It is not only about increasing sales, and each company may have different objectives to attract new customers or retain existing ones. We are reaching better contacts, finding potential clients, or increasing productivity, maybe some of them. Creating marketing strategies is not an easy task, so we recommend you go to a team of qualified professionals who achieve excellent results.

The client is increasingly demanding, and we are not going to lie to you. If you do not adapt to the times and these changes, you will not succeed. Dynamic content achieves a more direct relationship with the customer, interacting with him and getting closer, which he will appreciate. Content marketing, which is the branch that this strategy will work on, generates trust in your users and helps you better understand their behavior and interests. It’s that simple. You need to create dynamic content that interests and creates excitement. We can talk about blog articles, posts on social networks, videos, images, and memes within this context.

The Team

Although it is true that without clients, there is no business without a qualified team either, therefore, you must include this in your social marketing automation strategies so that you are always communicated to know in which part of which process each one is. Achieving fluid communication between everyone, especially when you have too many clients, will be one of the keys to getting a practical job that keeps sales safe and increases them.

Drip Campaign

Have you heard about the drip? It is a strategy in which you act based on customer behavior. For example, if they subscribe to your email list, it is normal for you to send them a welcome message. But what the client does not expect in any case is that you fill his tray with emails that are not of interest to him. Therefore, their behavior and their steps must be known. For example, if he looks at a product, maybe you can send him information about it or even a promotion to buy it. Therefore, it is important to achieve balance, and above all that your emails are particular.

List Segmentation

One of the best social marketing automation strategies is to group your customers into different segments. These are based on different criteria, whether demographic or geographic information, your previous purchases, or others. As we mentioned before, if you want to use social marketing automation techniques and strategies that work, nothing better than having professionals from the sector. Get in touch with us, and we will help you achieve success in your company.


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How To Do Video Marketing Successfully? Wed, 06 Oct 2021 08:41:52 +0000 The idea of incorporating videos into your marketing strategy is not new. However, the importance

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The idea of incorporating videos into your marketing strategy is not new. However, the importance of video marketing is. Today, the video strategy must be central to any company that wants to reach new audiences and, therefore, multiply its sales, especially at the level of social networks. We analyze what exactly video marketing is and how to apply it to your business.

What Is Video Marketing?

Video marketing is a concept that refers to promoting products or services or achieving better brand recognition through video content format. Videos, shared on social networks and in other media such as blogs or newsletters, are today essential content for any company. It is thus a very versatile format that can be used to educate and add value to users and transmit, in turn, the brand values of a business.

The evolution of video marketing over the last few years has been spectacular. Although less than five years ago, it was one more tactic within the generation of content, from 2019 and 2020, video has become a central point in any marketing strategy. Thus, more than 50% of consumers today say they prefer to watch videos created by brands, over any other type of content, according to HubSpot Research.

Today, success in video marketing does not happen by creating videos with large productions but by all the company teams using this tool to generate value conversationally with users and customers.

Video Marketing Strategies

Creating videos and sharing them on social networks is the most popular video marketing strategy today. These videos, in turn, should direct users toward company-defined goals. 

For example, suppose a company wants to get more sales leads who download its ebook. In that case, they can create a video that summarizes the content of this ebook and, in turn, redirect interested users to that content if they want to know more. 

Before launching any video marketing campaign, it is essential to define the main objective that this campaign is going to try to achieve (achieve more sales, more downloads, more followers, improve the branding of the company.).  

In turn, there are several keys to sharing videos on different social networks:


Videos on Twitter can be used to redirect users to content on a landing page or blog. The preferred type of video on this social network is short. 


In the case of the social network Facebook, the type of video most consumed is longer, and, in addition, live broadcasts are also allowed. It is preferable to upload the videos directly to this platform instead of redirecting users to other pages (such as YouTube) to view them. In this way, the algorithm favors them and will have a greater reach. It is advisable to incorporate subtitles into your video so that users can also see them without sound. 


On Instagram, the preferences are similar to Facebook, although, in this case, vertical videos are prioritized. There are three possibilities for uploading videos to Instagram: in the IGTV format (long videos), the reel format (short and dynamic videos, similar to those that can be found on Tik Tok), and the live broadcast format (which later also, it can be saved to be viewed when the user prefers).


YouTube was the first social network dedicated explicitly to videos that achieved spectacular popularity. With more than 2 billion users, it is a gold mine to apply video marketing strategies. The videos on this platform rank very well in the Google search engine.

Tik Tok

The fashionable social network among the younger generations, video marketing, should focus on short and dynamic videos on this platform. 


This platform specializing in ‘streamings’ (live broadcasts) has not stopped growing in recent years, overtaking YouTube among younger audiences.

3. Advantages Of Video Marketing 

  • More attention to your content: The fact that most users prefer video over other types of content means that they will pay more attention to your messages if they appear in this format. It has been proven, for example, that the word video in the subject of a newsletter improves opening rates by 19%. 
  • Better results in sales teams: Videos are not just great marketing material for social networks: they also demonstrate promising results for sales teams, who can show a product or service in this type of format.
  • Used on a website, it helps improve organic positioning since it increases the time spent on the page (something that the Google algorithm values were positive).
  • There are a thousand and one ways to use videos for different purposes. In this post, we give you some original ideas for corporate videos.

Also Read: Business Challenges In The Digital Transformation Of Human Resources

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What Is Big Data Marketing And What Are Its Advantages Tue, 24 Aug 2021 06:14:24 +0000 Technologies have notably increased the amount of information that companies handle. In this context, organizations

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Technologies have notably increased the amount of information that companies handle. In this context, organizations use Big Data applied to Marketing to manage large volumes of information. Who is what is known as Big Data Marketing. If you want to know exactly what Big Data Marketing is, be sure to read this post.

What Is Big Data Marketing

We have already talked about Big Data and its applications in our blog, but what is Big Data Marketing? It is a new tool that combines, on the one hand, the management of information flows and, on the other hand, traditional marketing resources. However, in this case, these resources are adapted to the digital environment and new technologies.

Big Data Marketing refers to the set of information processing processes, techniques, tools, and technologies in large volumes of data carried out in a company to analyze user behavior and customize actions based on the needs detected.

The term does not refer only to the data itself but also to the challenges, capacities, and competencies associated with storing and analyzing data sets. This analysis, if done correctly, will help organizations develop personalized Marketing strategies that impact a greater number of users and enable sales growth.

What Is Big Data Marketing For

Users generate new data at every step they take on the network. Such data can be structured (obtained by clicking on a website, for example) or unstructured (such as which is generated by posting on Facebook). The use of Big Data technologies and analytical methods allows Marketing professionals to extract, combine and analyze the two types of data in real-time.

In this way, they can discover patterns and understand how the target audience interacts and triggers a purchase decision. This information is used to develop personalized marketing campaigns aimed at the individual preferences of each user. Therefore, with Big Data, we precisely approach the public, which goes from being a mass to a group of people with their own needs.

Advantages Of Big Data Marketing

The term “Big Data” describes the large volume of data that companies collect, data that comes from their business efforts or their interaction with customers. That information is the foundation of a successful marketing campaign. Hence the success of combining Big Data and Marketing, whose union brings advantages such as the following:

Good Planning

Planning is essential to combat market volatility. It also helps predict trends and changes in consumer behavior well in advance to develop a more efficient plan. The use of Big Data as the starting point of the marketing strategy also allows having a better vision of all the existing options. In this way, it will be possible to determine what works and what does not, so the probability of error will decrease.

Increased Customization

For a Marketing campaign to be effective, it has to be versatile. In other words, it must allow a product or service to be delivered at each step that adapts to the needs, tastes, and expectations of a specific customer.

Flexible Pricing

The adaptability of Big Data guarantees a broader scope since, although many people consider that higher-quality requires a higher price, the price is perceived as a great disadvantage on many occasions. In this sense, Big Data helps overcome this problem by providing useful data to understand the customer and get the price calibration right.

SEO Optimization

Combining Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Marketing automation ensures better results in user retention. Big Data Marketing is used to evaluate the habits of loyal customers and discover what the company did to attract them. Repeating the same process will achieve the expected balance between customer retention and attracting new users.

Tight Budgets

One of the problems when developing Marketing campaigns is related to budget allocation. However, by using big data in the business plan correctly, we will be able to calculate the ROI of a user with precision. In this way, who will reduce irrelevant and excessive expenses to allocate more resources to the important aspects of marketing campaigns.

In conclusion, the main utility of Big Data Marketing is to use the information to create marketing messages that connect with the target audience. When this happens, the campaigns are successful.

Also Read: Opportunity And Risks With Big Data In Companies

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