servers Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Mon, 27 Mar 2023 08:48:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 servers Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 The 10 Benefits of Server Virtualization Mon, 27 Mar 2023 08:48:50 +0000 Server virtualization involves setting up a platform that runs multiple operating systems on a physical

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Server virtualization involves setting up a platform that runs multiple operating systems on a physical server or machine. This platform, called a hypervisor, had its genesis in large companies. However, thanks to IT outsourcing solutions for SMEs, this technology can fit into the latter and offer them a more modern and efficient IT system. It’s also an excellent opportunity for them to prepare to migrate to a cloud. Here are the ten existing advantages of setting up server virtualization.

Decrease In The Number of Physical Servers.

In the server virtualization process, the first benefit and impact is the decrease in the number of physical servers. Indeed, since several virtual machines can operate on a single physical server, the need to purchase several servers is reduced, as are maintenance costs. Server virtualization also enables better optimization, offering less hardware to operate the company’s information system.
Virtualizing your servers is a perfect way to optimize costs, but the security issue is no less. Virtual servers segment the physical server into several virtual entities, each independent, allowing better data security. Each virtual environment is unique and can easily detect malware and viruses thanks to this segmentation, and an affected virtual server will not damage others—a natural bulwark against cyberattacks.

Powerful Availability

If you want to transfer a virtual machine from one server to another, virtualization allows it without downtime—an essential advantage for maintaining optimal business and service continuity. Installing two physical servers is judicious, automatically transferring virtual machines on one in the event of failure or problems on the other.
A significant issue in cybersecurity and hypervisors in particular, being able to guarantee business continuity thanks to high availability environments is an asset that makes it possible to reduce the costs linked to cyberattacks and to be able to continue its activity thanks to this duplicate of physical servers.

Increased Performance

Transferring virtual machines between several physical servers automatically is also a guarantee of better performance. In case of overactivity on the same machine, the other virtual elements may be transferred to another server. In this case, it is a server outsourcing solution. Each virtual machine can be configured according to needs, which makes it possible to correctly adapt the application of several critical tasks thanks to more memory.
Whether for operational performance or simply storage, your virtual environment allows you to adjust your needs thanks to the possibility of improving the power of your processor (CPU), graphics card (GPU), RAM or simply storage. Absolute adaptability or service of the performance of your company, and this is thanks to virtual machines.

Optimal Security

Data security is critical in an SME but also fragile when this data is stored on a single server. The slightest virus can infect the entire system. Server virtualization makes it possible to classify tasks to protect them from each other.
Indeed, separating the different applications from the physical servers, thanks to server virtualization, makes it possible to isolate the affected applications and thus avoid any spread of viruses or malicious software in your server cluster.
Since servers are often targets of ransomware, you can secure the most critical folders and implement memory integrity checks and protection for critical endpoints that may be exposed.

An Anti-Obsolescence Solution

For an SME, the information system data is stored on a single server, representing a renewal cost. With server virtualization, physical servers can be turned into virtual machines. This solution facilitates migration when changing servers.
But that’s not all; the physical server also manages the primary resources. The operating systems are automatically updated and allow another way to manage several of these operating systems (Linus, Microsoft).
As a result, you reduce the multiplication of physical and virtual computer maintenance, allowing your employees to benefit from virtualizing their workspace to the latest standards from any network access point.

Also Read: How To Improve The Sales Strategy In The SMEs Ecosystem

Savings on Licenses

The rule is one license per server, which is expensive for an SME. Virtualization makes it possible to lower this cost by developing a set of licenses grouping both the physical server and the various virtual machines that are backed up. An advantage when changing the server since the licenses linked to the machines are acquired and not to be renewed.

Ease of Backups

Server virtualization simplifies the various backups. Virtual machines are generally software whose outsourced backup can be done very simply. The operation can be done instantly on the physical server without any interruption. A backup can be used to restart the system in case of a problem.

Simpler Management of The Disaster Recovery Plan

When an SME uses a disaster recovery plan, its execution is made easier with server virtualization. Getting started with complex plans is easier. However, if two physical servers depend on each other, nothing will change. Therefore, this kind of problem can be limited thanks to the partitioning of services made possible by virtual machines.

Try For Free

Virtualizing your network means creating a virtual machine very quickly without the slightest expense. The only obligation is to have the necessary space on the physical server. It’s a fantastic technical way to test new services. Gone are the days when the company had to install a test server with the costs inherent in the operation.

A Cloud-First Future

Thanks to the virtualization of servers and Cloud Computing, the SME can manage all its services with virtual machines and provide software resources, online storage and free access to employees. Giving it the right size for the desired use is still necessary. This is an opportunity for each company to offer all its services with different machine sizes to each business team.

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Virtual Server – What Is It? Sun, 12 Mar 2023 15:42:04 +0000 For years, companies were forced to have many “physical” servers to store and make accessible

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For years, companies were forced to have many “physical” servers to store and make accessible data, applications, etc. This made the computer park quite heavy and relatively quite expensive. To overcome these difficulties, virtualization has emerged, giving rise to virtual servers (VPS).
In this article, we will discover how virtual servers work, present their advantages and disadvantages, and then see the benefits that make this technological innovation a solution for the future.

What Is A Virtual Server?

A virtual server, a VPS (Virtual Private Server), is a virtual machine that uses the resources of a physical server to offer users the same functionalities provided by a classic dedicated server. A physical server can host several virtual servers.

This virtualization of servers makes it possible to optimize the capacity of use of the hardware resources available because it makes it possible to operate several operating systems on the same physical platform.

The virtual server is part of the so-called “Iaas” services (Infrastructure as a service).

How Does A Virtual Server Work?

The virtual server uses part of the RAM, processor, computing power, and storage memory of the physical server on which it is installed for its operation. A virtual server may have a different operating system from the physical server on which it is installed. Generally, the physical server is called “host,” while the virtual server is called “guest.”

There Are Three Types Of Virtualization

Full virtualization: This type of virtualization uses specific software called a hypervisor. This software interacts directly with the disk space and the central unit. In the case of full virtualization, each “guest” server is independent and even ignores the existence of other “guest” servers present on the same “host” server. This form of virtualization allows each virtual server to have its operating system.

Para-virtualization: In the case of para-virtualization, the “guest” servers are aware of the presence of the other “guest” servers, contrary to what happens in the complete visualization. Therefore, this allows the hypervisor to no longer need a very high power to manage the virtual servers’ operating systems.

Virtualization at the operating system level: In this third case, the hypervisor plays no role. The physical server’s operating system can act as a hypervisor. In the case of virtualization, the virtual servers operate under the same operating system as the host server. We will therefore say that the guest servers are in a “homogeneous” environment.

Why Choose Server Virtualization?


The very first advantage of the virtual server is its accessibility cost. Indeed, a VPS is much cheaper than a physical server. Even better, with a VPS, responses to queries from users of a hosted site or application are served relatively quickly. From a security point of view, the data of a VPS cannot be accessed by users of other VPS using the same physical server. It is possible to increase the performance of the VPS by generally subscribing to a superior “hosting formula.” Choosing an external IT service provider allows you to have a new and neutral point of view on your IT equipment and personalized support to find the solution best suited to your needs.


The very first limitation of the VPS is that it requires knowledge of server administration. It is sometimes necessary to master the command lines to make adjustments or changes. It is also essential to master the basics of an exemplary configuration to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the data. Many companies use a server outsourcing service to be able to call on a professional to maintain their servers.

Virtual Server – A Solution For The Future

Because of the many advantages companies derive from server virtualization, this technological solution has a bright future. Indeed, virtualization allows companies to save not only money but also space. Mainly supported by an IT outsourcing provider, companies ensure the constant efficiency of their servers. With virtual servers, it is no longer necessary to implement a single application on a physical server. If the applications are manageable, it is possible to put several on a single physical server thanks to virtualization. Virtualization also helps companies to guarantee data redundancy and, above all, ensure service availability.

Migration is another significant advantage of virtualization that will keep companies adopting it for many years. Indeed, it is possible to migrate virtual servers from a physical server to another physical server. The only requirement is that both physical servers use a processor from the same manufacturer.

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What Are The Benefits Of Cloud Hosting? Wed, 22 Feb 2023 11:07:55 +0000 The use of hosted services such as Cloud hosting records day by day a spectacular

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The use of hosted services such as Cloud hosting records day by day a spectacular generalization in the rank of SMEs. Cloud hosting is fast becoming the best scalable choice of IT solutions for most SMBs. Most SMEs now opt for the whole Cloud by storing and backing up their data on remote servers (Cloud) only accessible by internet connection.

What Type Of Server Should You Choose For Your Cloud Hosting?

Logically there is a difference between these two types of servers because:

– a dedicated server is a physical and hardware server comparable to a computer tower. As its name seems to emphasize, it is dedicated to personal use. The customer who opts for a dedicated server has full access to the machine’s potential and can configure the machine as he wishes (RAM, operating system, processor, storage space, etc.) The dedicated server is often

– A virtual server can be described as the sharing of the resources of a physical server between various users thanks to virtualization made possible by hypervisors.

A virtual server is, therefore, a virtual machine created and hosted on a physical server among several other virtual machines. Each virtual machine is independent and has its own storage space, RAM, operating system…

The virtual cloud server is now the best hosting solution to be preferred by SMBs because cloud platforms like Microsoft Azure register many users every day. To provide your company with the best possible management, it is necessary to call on an IT service provider to provide server outsourcing solutions. In this way, you will benefit from the many advantages of the cloud server, of which there are some.

Reduced Costs Thanks To Cloud Computing

Cloud computing saves users the cost of purchasing hosting infrastructure and even allows the user to opt for per-minute billing.

Cloud computing encourages users to reduce investment in upkeep, maintenance and repair of hosting equipment because, in most cases, the central part of these investments goes to cloud hosting service providers.

Cloud computing makes life easier for start-ups by making them accessible at a lower cost from the start of their activities to large volumes of storage, which were once only reserved for large and wealthy companies.

Greater Flexibility Thanks To The Cloud

The Cloud enables the virtualization of business computing resources and immediately adapts to the needs of a business. Also, cloud hosting guarantees maximum performance thanks to the scaling and high availability.

Greater Productivity In Development

Cloud hosting promotes :

– reduced development cycles

– forecasting of pilot project investments

– backup and replicability of processes

– faster production launch

– and limitation of cloud hosting hardware

High-Performance Security For Your Data

Cloud hosting offers :

– constant updates in compliance with the system

– improved security thanks to data redundancy

– and finally, continuous availability

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What Is Database Marketing And How To Apply It Sat, 02 Apr 2022 07:43:35 +0000 Database marketing is a marketing technique based on researching and collecting data about the consumer

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Database marketing is a marketing technique based on researching and collecting data about the consumer of the brand’s products and services, from their name and contact information to interactions with the company or preference for specific products.

All this information is organized in a database and analyzed to offer potential customers content, products, and services based on their needs and interests. In this way, we can provide a relevant and satisfactory customer experience that increases the chances of conversion and loyalty.

Benefits Of Database Marketing

  • It helps you better segment your marketing messages. Database creation allows for an accurate, centralized record of each customer, including information such as demographics, purchasing preferences, and brand-related behaviors. This information will enable you to create precise customer segments to send them the most relevant offers.
  • Improve your marketing results. Segmenting marketing messages ensures that each person receives the information best suited to their needs. This increases the chances of a response and ensures that impressions are not wasted on users who are unlikely to convert, ultimately leading to more effective marketing.
  • Personalize the customer experience. According to a study by Epsilon & GBH Insights, 80% of US consumers want brands to personalize their experience. Your database can help you send messages to your customers relevant to them and personalize their experience on your website, for example, tailoring navigation based on the pages that interest them the most.
  • It helps you make better recommendations. The information collected through database marketing makes it easier to advise customers and offer them products tailored to their interests and needs.
  • Improve the service. Database marketing enables customer-centric marketing, which translates into better service by prioritizing their preferences rather than sending standardized messages. In addition, as the interactions with these messages also become part of the database, we can use all this information to send more and more adapted messages.
  • Improve the relationship with your customers and long-term loyalty. Analyzing your marketing database helps you identify your most loyal and profitable customers. You can then use this information to offer them special incentives, create loyalty programs tailored to them, and increase the average amount of each order through cross-selling and up-selling actions.

How To Start Implementing Database Marketing In 3 Steps

1) Create A Database

To start collecting data about our customers, we need to have the right software to collect and organize it. Typically, this is done through a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) program.

Having done this previous step, we need to think about what our strategy will be like to collect customer data, always with their permission. There are different options, from encouraging them to fill out a form after having an experience with our brand to offering downloadable content in exchange for email and other essential information.

The next question to solve is: what data will we collect? It is important not to overwhelm the user with excessive requests for information, especially in the first points of contact. Therefore, we must prioritize what information is most important for the brand. Here are some of the data brands collect most often:

  • Contact data: essential information to communicate with the user, such as name, telephone or email.
  • Demographic data: age, gender, city of residence, profession, level of education.
  • Acquisition data: how they have come into contact with your brand.
  • Data on preferences and lifestyle: attitudes, values, interests, motivations.
  • Behavioral data: which pages of your site they browse, their favorite products, and how much they have spent on each purchase.

2) Segment Your Customers

The information in your database identifies different groups of consumers and sends them additional messages. The most relevant factors to carry out this segmentation depend on each brand, but these are some of the most common:

  • Interests: For example, if you have a brand related to sports, you can distinguish between fans of running and swimming.
  • Buying Behaviors: For example, you can distinguish between users who haven’t bought from you yet, occasional buyers, and regular buyers.
  • Location: significant in the case of businesses with physical establishments.
  • Personal situation: for example, families with children, teleworkers, people who have just moved.
  • Preferred communication channel: an essential element, as it will help you decide which is the best channel to reach the audience you are looking for with your campaigns.

3) Adapt Your Content And Offers

Based on the consumer segments you’ve identified in the previous step, you’ll be able to create marketing campaigns tailored to their unique needs, from actions aimed at achieving the first conversion among hesitant users to loyalty programs for your most valuable customers.

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Database Marketing: What Is It And How To Do? Mon, 01 Feb 2021 11:13:20 +0000 The marketing database provides tools for companies to sell more and more efficiently. We tell

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The marketing database provides tools for companies to sell more and more efficiently. We tell you what it is, and we share some examples and three steps to start applying it.

What Is Database Marketing

A marketing database is a form of direct marketing based on consumer data collected for later use this information to deliver personalized experiences. On the one hand, the company is dedicated to collecting information: name, contact forms, previous transactions with the company. It is then analyzed to provide offers according to the interests of the consumer and attract them to close the transaction.

Although traditional database marketing was based on physical shipments (brochures, catalogs, coupons, samples.) currently, this can also be completed with the delivery of promotions and information online. In short, it is about creating a relevant experience for the consumer, based on the information the company has about him.

How To Do Database Marketing

1. Create Your Database

The first step is to choose the right software to create your database. CRM programs are standard, which allow data to be stored and provide facilities for later use. At this point, it’s essential to choose a tool that makes it easy to segment customers and organize their information. 

There are different strategies to obtain your clients’ data, always with their consent: from creating their file by asking for them on the premises to generating online content that they can only download if they give you their data. 

Some data that you can request or collect in an automated way (through forms, loyalty programs, etc.) are:

  • Facts Contact: Necessary information such as name, address, phone, or email.
  • Acquisition Data: By what channel or advertising campaign they reached your business. 
  • Demographic Data: Age, educational level, place of residence.
  • Preferences and Motivation: What values ​​do they have, what are their interests and motivations.
  • Transaction Data: If they consume again in your business, how often they do it, what products they buy, and how much they spend.

2. Segment Your Customers

Second, it is essential to identify consumer groups and divide them. Categories can track demographics or personal interests. They can also be based on shopping behaviors, including loyal consumers, occasional shoppers, or first-time shoppers. 

3. Generate Appropriate Content

Based on these groups and segments, create marketing campaigns to meet the needs of these customer groups. For example, you can generate a campaign aimed mainly at people who will buy one of your products or services for the first time. You can also specifically target the participants in your loyalty program. 

Personalized campaigns, based on customer data, sell more: Database marketing makes the return on investment (ROI) between 5 and 8 times more profitable, according to at this point, it will also be essential to establish which communication channel your customers prefer to send them these content or offers. 

What Is Database Marketing For

Identify the most valuable customers. You must identify and take care of your most valuable customers (those who buy repeatedly and frequently). Through the database, detect who your valuable customers are and send them specific campaigns that reward them for their loyalty or recommend related products (cross-selling and up-selling).

Recommend suitable products after analyzing the information collected in the database, it is easy to recommend products according to the clients’ interests and their needs. For example, a travel agency can segment its clients according to interests and budget and then recommend backpacking experiences to some and luxury trips to others. It is thus adjusted to the reality of each client and improves their probability of selling.

Provide unique experiences, also in customer service the information collected by database marketing can be useful to all departments of a company. Combining this data with customer service, it is possible to retain customers through an extraordinary and personalized experience.

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Top 5 Servers For The Business Market Mon, 13 Jan 2020 13:50:40 +0000 Servers are key technological components for any organization, and the current offer is varied because

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Servers are key technological components for any organization, and the current offer is varied because not all companies have the same needs. Therefore, we have asked the firms specialized in this niche to propose us for this comparison of servers some of their latest news to have as complete radiography as possible. In the following text, we show you a summary of the 5 best business servers.

Comparison Servers – The 5 best Business Servers

Huawei Atlas 900

The Atlas series of Ascend-based cloud products and services are part of Huawei’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) strategy.

With thousands of AI Ascend 910 processors, the AI ​​Atlas 900 cluster incorporates high-speed RoCE 100G, HCCS, and PCIe 4.0 interfaces through the cluster’s communication library and Huawei’s job scheduling platform, which unlocks everything the performance of Ascend 910; in fact, the integration of this library occurs vertically, as is the topology and low latency network, which allows it to reach a linearity of more than 80%. In addition to being powerful, the Ascend 910 processor stands out for its energy efficiency: to release the computing power it consumes 310 watts, a figure significantly lower than what its developers had originally planned, 350 watts.

Specifically, this cluster offers up to 256-1024 PFLOPS of FP16, the equivalent of the processing capacity achieved by 500,000 computers. Likewise, the results of the tests that have been carried out show that the Atlas 900 is capable of completing the training of artificial intelligence models based on ResNet-50 in 60 seconds, speed 15% higher than the next best product. Given its characteristics, ResNet-50 is a type of artificial neural network with half a hundred layers of depth and is capable of classifying images into 1,000 categories of objects.

It is compatible, in another order of things, with a hybrid cooling system capable of carrying out a thermal dissipation of 50 kW per cabinet, with more than 95% liquid cooling, and PUE less than 1.1, which decreases the place that the team occupies in 79%.

For its presentation, the Chinese multinational chose its event ‘Huawei Connect 2019’, one of the most important organized annually for the global ICT industry, and which has begun to be held in Shanghai. In short, this Huawei Atlas 900 has been designed to provide better computational access to the artificial intelligence of the different fields of scientific research and current business innovation and is trained to provide new possibilities to different fields such as astronomy, the forecast of weather, autonomous driving and oil prospecting. This includes faster artificial intelligence training models with images and voice, more accurate weather forecasts, more efficient oil and astronomical exploration and faster market access for autonomous driving. 


Manufacturer: Huawei



Lenovo ThinkSystem SE350 Edge

With MIL-STD-810G certification, it is a 1U height and medium width perimeter server that offers wall mounting, stacking in shelving or rack installation.

From 4 to 16 server cores with up to 256 Gbytes of memory, SSD storage of up to 16 Terabytes, high bandwidth connectivity either wired or wireless, Wi-Fi and LTE secure wireless connection … Here are some of the features available on the server that Lenovo has chosen to participate in this comparison. It is a perimeter model of 1U of medium height and width that has a small and flexible design: specifically, it has a depth of 376 mm, a width of 215 mm and a height of 40 mm. It also provides highly automated deployment and its structure has been reinforced because it withstands temperatures from 0º to 55º as well as accumulation of dust and vibrations.

With this equipment, Lenovo wants to meet the needs of the so-called ‘Edge Computing’ which, among other benefits, improves response times and saves bandwidth. This explains why in its implementation the requirements of the edge servers have been assessed. With a wide variety of security and connectivity options, it is managed with the help provided by the Lenovo XClarity Controller integrated management engine with a mobile option. The objective? That companies standardize, simplify and automate the basic tasks derived from the management of the server itself. The firm integrates it into all the servers of its ThinkSystem family in a separate microprocessor and has control panels, an intuitive user interface, easy access to common actions and status displays with just a glance.

It is prepared to be installed anywhere and companies can choose how to do it. In this way, the ThinkSystem SE350 Edge server supports rack installation, rack stacking or wall mounting. With a memory of up to 256 Gbytes distributed in four slots with 64 Gbytes in TruDDR4 DIMM units at 2133/2400/2666 MHz, its internal storage options include several alternatives and it is possible to choose an optional erase of the encryption key in the case of The user detects theft or tampering.

In another order of things, its RAID support includes these options: RAID hardware 0/1 for M.2 SATA drives SSDs and hardware RAID 0/1 for M.2 SATA storage SSDs. At the security level, it has ThinkShield Key Vault key management – with movement protection and intrusion manipulation – and optional Key Vault SED encrypted storage for bootable and data units, among other measures.


Manufacturer: Lenovo


Oracle Private Cloud Appliance X8

Thanks to the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance, companies automate their cloud implementations in a cost-effective way. The latest version available is the X8.

Last July, Oracle announced Private Cloud Appliance X8, an agile and intelligent engineering system that had been designed for the rapid and automated implementation of private clouds. Compared to other previous versions, this new development is 45% faster and offers 17 times more storage capacity for customer workloads.

Highlights of this version include hardware and software improvements. In the case of the former, it highlights the presence of two latest-generation Oracle X8-2 servers that serve as management nodes. It also has two Intel Xeon 8260 two-core processors: these X8-2 compute nodes can be requested in three different memory configurations: 384 Gbytes, 768 Gbytes, and 1.5 Terabytes. It can provide, on the other hand, an optimal balance of cores, memory and input/output performance for mission-critical business applications. Clients can scale from 2 to 25 compute nodes in the same rack.

The third innovation in terms of hardware refers to the presence of ZS7-2 integrated storage that centrally stores not only the management environment. Also, the applications that run on the computer itself. Now, Private Cloud Appliance X8 includes 100 Terabytes of customer usable storage capacity in the rack, but this storage can be scaled to 2.2 Petabytes using a combination of fully flash DE3-24C or DE3-24P expansion storage trays. Meanwhile, the network defined by high-speed and low-latency software offers 100 Gbytes Ethernet connectivity for all communication between the internal components of the rack and allows flexible 10/25/40/100 GbE connectivity to the customer data center.

From the point of view of the software, the new version of Oracle Private Cloud Appliance includes Oracle VM 3.4.6 with the latest security fixes and kernel. In addition, it adds the ability to move a running VM to a different Oracle VM repository and provides updated versions of Oracle VM Manager, Oracle VM Server for x86 and Oracle VM Agent for SPARC, as well as performance improvements, and bug fixes regarding the previous version. Oracle VM Server virtualization software was designed for open cloud infrastructure and promises high performance, scalability, and reliability for the company’s SaaS and PaaS workloads. Do not forget about traditional business applications. 


Manufacturer: Oracle


Dell EMC PowerEdge R7515

It is part of the new batch of PowerEdge servers of the firm. An efficient TCO and greater bandwidth are some of its novelties.

The new PowerEdge servers, among which is this R7515, address the complex and varied needs of traditional, emerging and multi-cloud workloads. These servers, designed to unlock the full potential of second-generation AMD EPYC processors, offer improved performance and a secure and easier to manage platform. Likewise, and according to data provided by the US firm, they allow improved implementations of Dell EMC vSAN Ready Node with an increase of up to 51% in input/output per second (IOPS) with respect to PowerEdge systems based on the AMD EPYC processor the previous generation

Another improvement to mention is that customers can now benefit from a faster computer and memory response. Also of security incorporated in the hardware and firmware. Thus, and continuing with the improvements, the motherboard provides better cooling and optimal signal integrity. In addition, PowerEdge designs benefit customers with support for PCIe 4.0 interconnection for next-generation storage, accelerators, and advanced networks.

The news and key capabilities of these servers can be summarized in four key points. The first is related to system designs optimized for the workload. Created from the processor architecture – to support all aspects of the new AMD EPYC second-generation processors – these yield performance improvements for a variety of workloads, including HPC, databases, and VDI.

The second point is linked to the idea of ​​efficient TCO: with a high number of cores and balanced configurations, such single-socket designs are capable of workloads that often require two plugs. Efficient performance can offer savings in hardware and software costs to improve the total cost of ownership. The presence of greater bandwidth is the third point to highlight. With up to 26% more PCIe lanes and 60% faster interconnect fabric, enabled by PCIe 4.0, the new servers provide high capacities for the most demanding network needs. The fourth section is related to security, integrated from below the chipset and from the BIOS to the processor. Thanks to secure encrypted virtualization and encryption (also AMD’s secure memory),


Manufacturer: Dell


Cisco UCS C220 M5 Rack Server

With a rack unit format, it is suitable for workloads such as IT and web infrastructure, high-performance virtual desktops, public cloud …

The Cisco UCS C220 M5 Rack Server is among the most versatile general-purpose enterprise application and infrastructure servers in the industry. It is a high-density two-rack rack server that offers performance and efficiency for a wide range of workloads, including virtualization, collaboration, and basic applications. By being part of the range of Cisco UCS C-Series rack servers, it can be deployed as a stand-alone server or as part of the Cisco Unified Computing System (Cisco UCS): in this way, take advantage of the company’s unified computing innovations that help reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO) of customers while increasing their business agility.

It incorporates Intel Xeon Scalable processors, which support up to 20% more cores per socket, double memory capacity, 20% more storage density and five times more PCIe NVMe solid-state (SSD) disks compared to the previous generation These improvements provide significant gains that optimize application performance.

From a technical point of view, the proposal is capable of supporting up to 28 cores per socket and a maximum of 24 DDR4 for improved performance. Compatible with Intel Optane DC persistent memory (with capacities that include 128 Gbytes, 256 Gbytes, and 512 Gbytes), it is ready to support up to 10 2.5-inch small format (SFF) units or four large-format (LFF) units 3.5 inches (77 Terabytes of storage capacity with all NVMe PCIe SSDs). Similarly, it provides support for the 12 Gbps SAS modular RAID controller in a dedicated slot, leaving the remaining PCIe Generation 3.0 slots available for other expansion cards. Your LAN-On-Motherboard (mLOM) modular slot can be used to install a Cisco UCS virtual interface card (VIC) without using the PCIe slot. Cisco also

Suitable for a wide range of workloads – which includes IT and web infrastructure, high-performance virtual desktops, medium and distributed databases, middleware, collaboration and public cloud – the machine is ready for Cisco Intersight, the administration platform of the Cloud-based manufacturer that uses analytics to provide proactive automation and support. By combining intelligence with automated actions, you can reduce costs and solve possible problems that arise faster.

Manufacturer: Cisco

Also Read: Best Antivirus & Security Applications For Android

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