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“Ops on me, fr” is an internet language used by people when they are communicating in social media or other online channels. In today’s world online communication has become a compulsory thing for all the people of different ages across the world. There is no world without the internet and social media these days. Many people will use short forms for time saving while communicating online. Internet communication language always involves abbreviations and phrases, acronyms and many other things. Due to the rise in social media existence we all need to know the techniques and abbreviations in online language.

“Ops on me, fr” is one of the short forms that is mostly used by people in social media(snapchat and twitter) and online games. Today here in our article we will completely explain and abbreviate what Does “Ops on me, fr” Mean and where it is used by the people most commonly. Let us decode it together.

What Does “ops on me, fr” Mean Exactly?

Here is exact meaning of each word that will breakdown the doubt

Ops: as per our research Ops means opponents or opposition

On Me: on me is a simple phrase that means toward someone. This can be understand by everyone

Fr: Fr indicates For Real

The exact full form and What Does “ops on me, fr” mean is “opponents” or “opposition On me for real

Using of “ops on me, fr” At various Places and Contexts

Online Gaming Platforms

“Ops on me, fr” is used by gamers in many games. It is mostly used in team games or group based games in which a team member is indicating to its members about the opposition attacks on him or team. The phrase is used to make the team alert and stand against the attackers.

Social Media Platforms

It is mainly Used in various social media platforms mainly like snapchat, twitter, Instagram and facebook. In communicating with others people will use “ops on me, fr” to express themselves. This will be mainly used by the social media influencers.

In Daily life

In normal personal life also people will use these kinds of phrases and abbreviations when they are taking stand for themselves or others.

Final Words

I think by now you get to know What Does “ops on me, fr” Mean in online communication language. Not only this word or phrase there are many other abbreviations in online communication which are used by many people while chatting with their friends or people. So it is necessary to get to know what all these phrases means, because in such a competitive world we must be a step forward and learn new thing which helps us to grow faster and keep us up to date along with this fast moving technical world


Where Does “ops on me, fr” Is Used?

This is used in online communication mainly in social networks

Is it compulsory to use “ops on me, fr”?

No it is optional, people will use it as an abbreviation.

Also Read: What Is Facebook Social Network?

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What Facebook Knows About Us And How The Algorithm Delivers Ads Fri, 09 Jun 2023 05:40:23 +0000 Are you also scared from time to time? What does all of Facebook know about

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Are you also scared from time to time? What does all of Facebook know about you? How is it possible that most of the time, Facebook offers you exactly what you want? Are you talking to a friend about a new phone, and suddenly your web browser is full of apples? Are you planning a trip to Venice and immediately have an accurate idea of ​​the price of plane tickets and local accommodation? And that’s just because you’re looking at your personalized ads. Coincidence? Exactly, not at all!

Meta Platforms

Meta platforms, which own both Facebook and Instagram, know exactly what you like. And they personalize the products you’re likely to buy. At first, men would prefer to avoid seeing an advertisement for menstrual cups or women’s conditioners. Similarly, women are rarely interested in car accessories. You will not excite a vegan with an advertisement for a local steak house.

Is Facebook Bugging Me?

We all hope not. Let’s look for the answer to the question in a small unobtrusive script, which is hidden in the website’s source code. Professionally, it is called Facebook Pixel (after the new Meta pixel). Such a pixel is active in every e-shop and every website where its owner decides to advertise.
The meta pixel sends the data to its parent advertising account, and the marketing specialist who manages the advertisement works with this data. But Pixel also sends data to Big Brother – in our case, Facebook – for their internal needs.
In practice, it then looks like you go to holiday comparison sites, and the Meta pixel puts you in the audience of people likely to want to travel to that location. Facebook will do a few more tests to verify that you are visiting this site.
It provides advertisements, and you confirm by clicking that you plan to travel. And you already know it. Everywhere you look, you see ads for that stay, stays in a neighboring city, or different accommodations in the country you’re planning to go to. Air tickets, restaurants, and other attractions are included.


Another way Meta platforms offer you advertising is so-called remarketing. A marketer writing an ad chooses not to target people in a given audience but to hunt for a much better and more converting audience than simple targeting. And that is, as we mentioned, REMARKETING. With these types of campaigns, the marketer targets people who have already taken some action on the web or the FB or IG page.

And these actions can be:

  • Site interactions,
  • website visit,
  • adding goods to the cart and leaving the website,
  • watching a video,
  • reading an article like this one.

Lookalike Audiences

The royal discipline of the Facebook algorithm is the so-called lookalike audiences. They evaluate what shoppers have in common and accordingly target more and more users who are most likely to buy. In general, the more data Facebook has about us, the better quality ads it delivers. Therefore, agreeing to the cookie bar on every website we visit is a matter of course.
If you were the operator of a party and one of your customers walked up to you in a hood, you would also like to know his identity.

Also Read: Marketing Will Evolve profoundly In The Coming Years

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Twitter Adds Automatic Captioning To It’s Videos Fri, 17 Dec 2021 11:56:17 +0000 Twitter adds automatic captioning on new videos. A gradual deployment was initiated very recently. Not

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Twitter adds automatic captioning on new videos. A gradual deployment was initiated very recently. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have good hearing. Some of us are born with hearing problems, and others have experienced events that caused hearing loss or decrease. When it comes to watching videos, the operation turns out to be delicate since these people cannot or have difficulty hearing what is being said. For this reason, in particular, the subtitles were invented. They offer users with hearing problems an alternative to enjoy their videos.

Twitter adds automatic captioning to new videos. Today, many services offer subtitles on their videos, whether they are added automatically or not. And now we need to add Twitter to this list. Therefore, the deaf and hard of hearing will undoubtedly be pleased to learn that Twitter has just started to roll out support for automatic captions. This means that videos sent to the platform will be captioned automatically.

A gradual deployment was initiated very recently. According to the platform’s statement, this feature will eventually be activated worldwide and support “most languages.” Depending on your language, the results will be pretty different, but in some time, all videos should be processed. That being said, according to The Verge, Twitter explains that automatic captioning will only be applied to new videos uploaded to the platform. This means that videos already published will not be entitled to it, which is a shame.

Also, there doesn’t seem to be any way for users to report wrong or simply inaccurate captions. Hopefully, Twitter makes up for this lack and adds the necessary functionality. Although subtitles were initially an accessibility feature, these can now be very useful if you want to watch a video without sound, which can happen regularly daily.

Also Read: Twitter Is Testing A New Shopping Section For Brands

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Twitter Is Testing A New Shopping Section For Brands Thu, 19 Aug 2021 06:23:57 +0000 Is Twitter finally ready to launch into eCommerce? It would seem reasonable. This July 28,

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Is Twitter finally ready to launch into eCommerce? It would seem reasonable. This July 28, 2021, bluebird announced on its blog that it is testing a new shopping feature that allows companies to add a commercial insert at the top of their profile.

Twitter Tries The Shopping Experience Again Within Its Platform

In 2015, Twitter tested several shopping features on its platform for the first time. Product pages, catalogs, a buy button. So many features that the bluebird quickly abandoned to focus on other avenues of development for its platform.

However, the current trend seems to have proven Twitter wrong since eCommerce has never been so influential in the context of a global pandemic. The bluebird has therefore decided to retrace its steps to exploit the full potential of shopping on its platform finally. From this decision was born a first functionality dedicated to brands.

Currently being tested in the United States, this consists of an insert that companies can add to the top of their profile. It consists of a carousel that users can browse to scroll through the catalog. By pressing a product, a file opens, and users will then have the possibility to buy it directly without leaving Twitter. Note that the test is currently limited to iOS devices for people who use the social network in English, says the bluebird.

In its announcement, Twitter also explains: “People talk about products every day on Twitter. So we are very excited that this first exploration of the ‘Shop’ module can create a bridge between people who talk and discover new products. Products on Twitter, and those who buy them “.Finally, note that only a small number of brands can currently benefit from the test of this functionality. Among them, GameStop or Arden Cove. Twitter did not say when the service will be open to a broader range of businesses.

ECommerce, The New Major Challenge For Social Networks

If Twitter decides to deploy shopping features on its platform finally, it is lagging behind its competitors, who agreed to adopt this shift several years ago. This is particularly the case with Facebook with its dedicated shopping tab and live broadcasts dedicated to shopping. His little brother, Instagram, is no exception. The social network recently made its shopping functionality available on Reels and introduced a visual search to facilitate purchases within its platform.

Pinterest has nothing to envy the giants of Mark Zuckerberg, as the platform recently signed a partnership with Shopify and launched a slew of new shopping features. Finally, Snapchat acquired the company Vertebrae a few days ago, which specializes in shopping in augmented reality, and several weeks ago the company Screenshot to propel online shopping. It is clear that eCommerce has become a common goal for all platforms, and Twitter now seems ready to seize this opportunity, too.

Also Read: Twitter Implements New E-commerce Features

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Increase Your Popularity With Good Practices In Social Networks Mon, 19 Apr 2021 07:04:07 +0000 Today, social networks are a tool of great value for companies, allowing them to publicize

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Today, social networks are a tool of great value for companies, allowing them to publicize their products or services, and at the same time, establish a closer relationship with current or potential customers.

The publication of images, videos, and interactive charts is a digital showcase for many organizations that use these applications to reach many users in a much more personal way if we compare it with how a company is presented on a web page.

So far, everything seems advantageous, but, as always, we cannot ignore that social networks are often an easy target for cybercriminals, often taking advantage of the ignorance of the dangers associated with their use by their administrators.

What Will You Find In The Policy Of Good Practices In Social Networks?

We have developed a security policy to make safe use of these tools that allow us to keep corporate information out of the reach of cybercriminals, protect the company’s image, and raise awareness about the proper use of social networks, knowing both their strengths and weaknesses. The objective is to provide the appropriate security tools to protect social networks and raise awareness about the need to train administrators before carrying out this work.

Risks Associated With Social Networks

  • Human error is the cause of many of the incidents that affect the reputation and enterprise security. It is common to see inaccurate actions in profiles of organizations, such as publishing personal value judgments on behalf of the company or the exchange of comments, which finally ends in discussion with the client. Another of the most common failures is to publish private information about the company or details of its internal functioning: the people who hold certain positions, hours of meetings, who are its partners, etc.
  • A weak privacy setting incorporating social media profiles is a clear security risk for the company, so it will be necessary to review these options for each social network individually. Likewise, applications that have access to these profiles may also pose a privacy risk if granted access (permissions) to certain data (such as followers or customers) without any restriction. Also, we must avoid granting applications more permissions than strictly necessary.
  • Cybercriminals also use social networks as a source of financial gain, using different types of campaigns:
  • Fraud by impersonation of clients or suppliers. Cybercriminals create false profiles impersonating customers or suppliers to modify data in their favor, such as the billing account, shipping addresses, etc.
  • Malware campaigns. Cybercriminals use malicious software delivery via social media profiles to infect victims’ computers using various techniques, such as impersonating a customer, a supplier, or even a member of the company itself. They end the deception by directing the victim to malicious websites, where they host the malware that the user downloads when clicking on an ad or simply by visiting the page. In other cases, they send it attached using a private chat.
  • Phishing campaigns. Cybercriminals can impersonate a known company or organization and redirect the victim to a fraudulent website where they steal personal, banking, and company data.

So that your company is not a victim of these security incidents related to social networks, download this policy and start taking security measures now. You have a checklist to keep track of the measures applied and those that you still have to implement. Remember to check our security notices to stay updated with all the news and anticipate possible scams by cybercriminals.

Also Read: RPA(Robotic Process Automation) Advanced Technology To Guarantee Cybersecurity

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Twitter Implements New E-commerce Features Mon, 08 Mar 2021 09:52:33 +0000 Twitter is currently testing a new way to display tweets that link to online stores.

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Twitter is currently testing a new way to display tweets that link to online stores. The functionality thus presents a redesigned layout with the implementation of a new button and the addition of information on the store and the product. We quickly received confirmation of this experiment from Twitter and learned of the arrival of other e-commerce experiences on the platform.

E-commerce And Twitter, A Long History

The social network is not at its first attempt. In 2014, Twitter integrated the first e-commerce functionalities, notably with a “Buy now” button to buy a platform. A few months after this integration, the social network announced the arrival of the product and collection pages.

The page dedicated to the products made it possible to display classic information such as price, product description, purchase link, and images or videos. The collection pages were reserved for products from trending moments such as the release of a series or the announcement of a brand about a collection. Twitter did not stop there since the social network allowed its users to use the platform to promote their stores.

Tweets Better Highlight Ecommerce Links

Each link posted on Twitter offers a map that allows you to view some information on the shared site. Contacted by, the social network announced “a new treatment for organic tweets referring to the link of an e-commerce product page”. Thus, the map of a publication sharing a link to an online store like Shopify will display a “Shopping” redirection button, the name of the store and the product, and the latter’s price. Twitter would not like to stop there, however. According to a spokesperson for the social network, the functionality under test would be “the first of many experiences in the Commerce space, and we will enrich the experience as we learn”.

The Year 2021 Signs The Revival Of Twitter

The social network comments are similar to those made by Bruce Falck, head of revenue at Twitter, at a conference in February: “We are beginning to explore ways to better support commerce on Twitter.” Some companies are already developing creative means to enable sales on our platform,” he explained during the event. Falk then added, “Imagine you easily discover, and quickly buy, a new skincare product or a trendy shoe from a brand that you follow with just a few clicks.”

This day was also an opportunity for the social network to present new experiences that should arrive in 2021, such as paid subscriptions, redesigned company pages, and the arrival of new community spaces. A few days before these announcements, Google Cloud unveiled a partnership with Twitter to rely on their technology to strengthen their capacity for analysis and data processing for ever more relevant results via the user.

Also Read: Twitter Is Testing New Tag For Retweets With Comments

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Top Trends That Brands Will Choose In Social Networks In This 2021 Thu, 07 Jan 2021 05:09:35 +0000 Social networks have become the inseparable companions of many users this year, being the perfect

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Social networks have become the inseparable companions of many users this year, being the perfect medium to communicate with family members, entertain themselves, discover new products and services, and keep up to date with the latest news. And the fact is that social networks will continue on this good path during the next year, accompanied by the brands that will bet on some trends that HubSpot details on its blog.

Less Is More When It Comes To Posting On Social Media. Brands will stop wasting so much time creating a lot of new content for social media and will focus on spending more time designing content to make it quality and value-added. If brands don’t have anything new and important to share, they just won’t and will post less.

Value Crouched in the content will detract from quality in production. Brands have realized that low-quality content from a production perspective can generate a lot of engagement if attention is paid to the content having value. The creation of content for social networks has changed from “hi-fi” to “lo-fi” in recent months, and the audience has received it with joy.

It is not surprising, since social networks users have suffered in their flesh video calls via Zoom and home filming with their mobile phone. If there is genuine value in content, your output doesn’t necessarily have high-quality gloss.

Conversational marketing will change the tune conversational marketing, which is carried out through messaging on social networks, is expected to change by 2021. Brands will no longer focus on promotions and sales. Rather, they will help the consumer by providing useful information, relevant and educational about theirs.

Products, apart from stimulating the customer’s conversation from a more empathetic point of view. The brand’s humanity will determine its success on social media, so artificial intelligence will remain a good tool as long as it is paired with human interaction.

The video will remain in the foreground The video format continues to be the content that creates the most interactions on social networks. For this reason, networks such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, and LinkedIn are introducing more and more improvements in video capabilities, which the consumer awaits with great anticipation.

Also Read Security Considerations When Video Conferencing

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What is Facebook Face Recognition & How Does It Work Sun, 04 Oct 2020 08:52:00 +0000 We have already talked to you in other posts about facial eating and its applications.

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We have already talked to you in other posts about facial eating and its applications. We have seen how this technology spreads more and more and is used for different purposes and on different platforms. And how could it be less? It has also signed up to this “fashion” of Facebook’s facial recognition. In this post, we will focus on explaining how the social network uses facial recognition and why.

Facebook Joins The Controversial Trend of Facial Recognition of People

In recent years, digital cameras and those incorporated into smartphones have caused hundreds of millions of photos and videos to circulate through cyberspace every day, images that we share with family, friends, acquaintances, and strangers through our social networks. And surely many of you tag the people who appear in your snapshots or appear tagged in those photographs. We could do this through the tag suggestion settings on Facebook, but a facial recognition setting has replaced this system.

For a relatively short time, we can use facial recognition on Facebook to tag ourselves or other people in the photos or videos that we publish (apart from other functions that we will see in the next point). Mark Zuckerberg’s social network thus joins this trend of using facial recognition to identify people.

And when we talk about facial recognition, we are talking about using biometric data, which in the RGPD is classified as a special category of personal data and must have special protection. The reason why the controversy around all this matter does not allow controversy around privacy. In any case, let’s see what facial recognition is used for on Facebook, how it works, and how we can configure it.

What Is It For?

The main function of this facial recognition system on Facebook is to search for people in the photos and videos that are published on the social network, specifically, to look for us, to suggest tags, and to inform us when we may have appeared in an image or video where we have not been tagged.

It will also suggest to tag the people it identifies through the facial recognition search carried out by Facebook. And the same in reverse, if a friend uploads a photo or video in which we appear, they will suggest our tag.

Another important function of the Facebook facial recognition program is to fight against identity theft in the social network. It will notify us if it detects a profile photo of someone who uses our image to impersonate us, allowing us to report it. Finally, it is also intended as one of the accessibility functions for people with vision problems, since it offers alternative text to indicate who appears in the images.

Also Read: Facebook Creates A Parallel Social Network To Detect Bots

How Does Facebook Facial Recognition Work

Facebook’s facial recognition analyzes the photos and videos in which it evaluates that we appear, to create a unique number for each user, which is called a pattern. For this pattern to be created, it is essential that we first activate the facial recognition settings.

Once Facebook has created the pattern, it uses it to compare it with other photos and videos and places where it uses the camera, such as live videos that can be made through the social network, to check if we appear in those contents.

Facebook ensures that the pattern is not shared with anyone else and that once we deactivate the facial recognition option, it is eliminated. Likewise, they affirm that they do not have any facial recognition function that is used to inform strangers of our identity, that is, that, in principle, the label suggestions would be made between our contacts in the social network. If a photo or video is untagged, these would no longer be used as part of the pattern.

How To Disable It

In case you want to deactivate Facebook’s facial recognition, you have to follow the same steps as to activate it, but in the Edit option, choose “No.”

Once this setting is deactivated, Facebook will not recognize us in the photos or videos that other people publish and in which we are. As we said, it will eliminate the facial pattern that it had created for it. It is important to note that our friends or contacts will still be able to tag us in their photos or videos, but Facebook will no longer use facial recognition to suggest that they tag us.

Also Read: How To Sell Our Products on Facebook Through Fanpages?

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WhatsApp Business How does It Work For Your Companies Tue, 22 Sep 2020 05:47:51 +0000 Using WhatsApp Business is thus part of the strategies to improve customer service, opening a

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Using WhatsApp Business is thus part of the strategies to improve customer service, opening a new communication channel that is closer and with great possibilities. Also, the application allows, through the tools it provides to companies, to boost efficiency and productivity.

What Is WhatsApp Business

WhatsApp Business is an application designed to facilitate communication with its customers and suppliers for small and medium-sized companies.

It incorporates mechanisms that automate messages and tasks, while allowing you to organize your contacts, without neglecting the rest of the uses of WhatsApp that we all already know: sending and replying to messages, sharing photos or videos.

Through this channel, the company can send appointment reminders, shipping alerts or other notifications, as well as videos with product demonstrations or documents such as entry tickets.

Also Read: WhatsApp Is Implementing Advanced Search Mode On Android

How Does WhatsApp Business Work

The first steps are the same as to create a personal WhatsApp profile: download the app (in this case, the WhatsApp Business app, not the usual WhatsApp app ) and verify the phone number following the guidelines that appear on the screen.

The interface found by the user is similar to the personal WhatsApp application, with chats, status and calls sections. However, the settings section goes further and allows you to edit the company profile, establish what the automated messages will be and view the statistics.

WhatsApp Business Functionalities

  • Incorporate a company profile. As in social networks, it allows you to show the necessary information about the business (location on a map, website, email, a brief description, hours.).
  • Generate a product catalogue that includes photos and prices.
  • It allows access to application usage statistics, is possible to know how many messages were sent, delivered and received, as well as how many the company itself has read.
  • Provides message automation tools. It is possible to generate a list of quick answers that the company frequently sends to solve some common questions. It is also possible to develop automated messages in case of not being able to answer immediately, with welcome messages and absence messages, which are activated at times set by the user.
  • Organize contacts according to labels (for example, new connections, regular customers, orders pending payment.).
  • Establish verified accounts utilizing a badge (as in other social networks such as Twitter or Instagram) in a way that provides greater security and confidence to the client.

Advantages Of WhatsApp Business In My Business

1. Provide Closeness To The Customer

Users communicate with confidence using the same platform for their messages and contacts with companies. Being able to send messages to a company through a messaging app makes them “feel more secure about the brand,” according to a study published by Facebook Messenger.

2. Make Use Of Conversational Marketing

The app enables sales managers to answer questions with valuable, context-based messages.

On the other hand, the use of automated messages allows the company to be part of the conversation, even when there is no employee available. Thus, you can answer the customer at a critical moment, in which the user gets in touch with the company and is more willing to go one step further and close their purchase.

3. Boost For Automation

The facilities in sending pre-programmed messages allow the company to access all the advantages of automation.

Thus, on the one hand, some repetitive tasks are eliminated (such as having to write the same message to several clients), boosting productivity. On the other hand, some processes are perfected, avoiding, for example, unanswered messages.

Also Read: Tips For Networking On Social Networks

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Twitter Is Testing New Tag For Retweets With Comments Thu, 13 Aug 2020 07:19:04 +0000 Some Twitter users have noticed a new indicator called “Quotes” below the tweets appearing in

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Some Twitter users have noticed a new indicator called “Quotes” below the tweets appearing in their feed. The social network is thus testing a new feature concerning retweets, reports The Verge.

Retweets With Comments Are Now “Quotes”

It was the readers of the specialized media who warned him of this novelty. The term “quotes” actually refers to retweets with comments and for some twists, it now appears next to “Retweets” (understand without comments) and “Likes”.

Recently, the social network had also decided to facilitate the consultation of retweets with comments on iOS by bringing them together in one place. Contacted by The Verge, a Twitter spokesperson detailed the platform’s approach:

“A few months ago, we made retweets with comments more visible when you click to see retweets on a tweet. This is accessible to everyone. Now we are testing the tool to make retweets with comments accessible directly on the tweet and in a new language (Quotes) to see if that makes them easier to access and understand”.

Concretely, the “quotes” display the number of people who shared a tweet by having added a comment above it.

Classic Retweets Under Threat

Of course, a test does not mean that a feature will be permanently implemented on the social network. Twitter has in the past tested several tools that have come to nothing. This is for example the case of a label to highlight the person who starts a thread. However, it seems that the company is determined to review its organization regarding retweets.

The latter is indeed accused of accelerating the dissemination of false information. The developer who created this button also claimed to regret its implementation and Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, also said that this feature could be problematic. Earlier this year, the social network tried to improve its tool by encouraging its users to read articles before retweeting them.

Twitter is also looking to improve the means of communication between each user, and this new indicator could well be part of its program to achieve this.

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