socialmedia Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Thu, 20 Jul 2023 06:28:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 socialmedia Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 What Does NFS Mean On Instagram? Thu, 20 Jul 2023 06:28:41 +0000 Instagram has a lot of shortcuts and acronyms. From that one of our readers had

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Instagram has a lot of shortcuts and acronyms. From that one of our readers had asked us what does nfs mean on instagram? NFS is an acronym which indicates many terms with different meanings. As the craze for social media is increasing day by day the usage of social networks and communication through social channels is also becoming a trend. people will communicate through social media channels with different languages and use many short forms or acronyms based on their time. NFS is one of them which is mostly used in a social network called Instagram.

Today here in our article we will discuss what does nfs mean on instagram? We will cover all the abbreviations that NFS leads and explain each and everything. Let’s go into the article.

What Does NFS Mean on Instagram Exactly?

There are many meanings and full forms for NFS on instagram. We had collected some of the popular full forms of NFS which are mostly used in instagram by users. Below are them

NFS – Not For Sale

NFS – No Filter Sunday

NFS – No Filter Sky

NFS – No Filter Selfie

NFS – No Filter Sunset

NFS – Need For Speed

NFS – No Filter Skin

NFS – No Funny Stuff Any

NFS – New Fashion Style

NFS – Next Fashion School

NFS – Not For Sharing

Below we will explain each and every term and hashtag of What Does NFS Mean On Instagram is. Let’s have a look at it

NFS – Not For Sale

Not For Sale or hashtag #notforsale is used on instagram while describing or mentioning about some product or accessories. This is also used for the properties to tell that the object or property is not for sale or it is already sold out.

NFS – No Filter Sunday

People on instagram used this hashtag on sundays when they post their photos without filters on sundays. At that time they use #nfs #nofiltersunday.

NFS – No Filter Sky

#nofiltersky or #nfs is used when people on instagram post pictures of some beautiful sceneries, beaches or other environment photos on their feed.

NFS – No Filter Selfie

While posting selfie photos some people will use #nfs #nofilterselfie hashtags because they want to tell the world that they did not use any filter while taking their selfie photo.

NFS – No Filter Sunset

Some people will post sunrise and sunset regularly to show the world the real sunset images they will post without using any filter. At that time they will use the hashtag like #nfs #nofiltersunset.

NFS – Need For Speed

In instagram the bikers or racers will use this hashtag most commonly #nfs #needforspeed. While posting racing videos or photos the bikers or gamers will use this type of hashtags.

NFS – No Filter Skin

Most girls will use this hashtag on instagram while posting photos. If they post the photo which is taken without using filer they will use $nfs #nofilterskin. Means the skin is of original colour and a filter is used on them.

NFS – No Funny Stuff

If anyone post something on instagram which is important and needed they will use hashtags like #nofunnystuff, because they want people to take their post seriously and not in a funny way.

NFS – New Fashion Style

If we post a new dress or any new fashion photo or accessories then we will compulsory use this kind of hashtags called #nfs or #newfashionstyle.

More Acronyms Like NFS on Instagram

Direct Message – DM

For Real – FR

Private Message – PM

In case you missed it – ICYMI

Just so you know – JSYK 

In Real Life – IRL

As far as I know – AFAIK

Let Me Know – LMK

Also known as – AKA

So Much Love – SML

Ask me anything – AMA

Talk To You Later – TTYL 

As soon as possible – ASAP 

Reason For Selling – RFS 

Be right back – BRB

For Your Reference – FYR 

Behind the scenes – BTS

For Your Approval – FYA

By the way – BTW

What You See Is What You Get – WYSIWYG

Change my view – CMV

Flashback Friday – FBF

Fear of missing out – FOMO

Final Words

Now from reading the above article i think you came to know What Does NFS Mean On Instagram and any other social media. We need to know all these acronyms or abbreviations that are used in social media communication because nowadays it is a must to have knowledge on social media if you are working in any firm or corporate. Not only above mentioned acronyms there are many other acronyms used on instagram or any other social media channel, if you know any other

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The Importance Of Social Networks And Most Common Mistakes Mon, 08 Feb 2021 07:28:21 +0000 Social networks are a fundamental factor in understanding your company. Most marketing strategies include a

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Social networks are a fundamental factor in understanding your company. Most marketing strategies include a point related to Social Networks since social networks’ scope is a fundamental factor and brings together users and users in the same space. Business. Multiple platforms specialize in different target audiences, so carrying out a marketing campaign must be different between the different social media platforms.

Fair use of RRSS can help give visibility to a company, increase brand awareness, create an audience, interact with them and attract potential customers, among many other things. The multiple benefits, they offer us, and the management of Social Networks for companies must be carried professionally and following clear objectives.

How To Focus Your Social Media Strategy:

One of the essential factors in following a business social media strategy is the return on investment (ROI), as it is one of the most profitable means.

  • Set Your Goals: The main advantage of running an advertising campaign is that they allow you to be very specific, with a specific product and a specific audience.
  • Investment: Investment in RRSS does not have to be high; there are times when only with organic traffic and taking care of your audience can get great benefits. Other times, investing very little in the campaigns, you also get great results and, when you have the results, you can decide whether to increase that investment or not.
  • Encourage Participation: Communication with your audience can be very beneficial since you have the opinions of your customers, you generate trust, you increase your brand awareness, and you will create loyalty. Also, you will encourage them to comment on things they like or improve to increase their experience.
  • Increase Customer Satisfaction: If, as companies, you establish fluid communication with your customers and commit to them, they will feel more valued and satisfied. Also, having a presence on social networks increases customer confidence since they know that there are more communication methods and can read the opinions of other users.
  • Traffic To Your Website: A general approach to social media strategy is to attract followers to your website. There are times when you get traffic from potential customers that otherwise would not have reached your website. The more visibility, the more possibilities there are to increase your sales.
  • Establish KPIs: To know if your strategy is paying off, and you must establish the objectives you want to achieve (KPIs). What specific action do you want to take? (attract traffic to your website, generate potential customers, create an audience, increase visibility, have more followers.). You need this goal to be as specific and achievable as possible.
  • Create Your Buyer Person: Define what your ideal client would be like, their needs, their tastes, their concerns, etc. In this way, you can focus your social media strategies on their tastes and needs. You must also know what days and hours your audience is most likely to be on the platform. This will ensure that your posts are seen.
  • Analyze Your Competition: See what the competition is doing on their social media profiles, study what their followers like the most and what they least and know what type of content they show to their users. Importantly, what works for them may not work for you, so know your audience and be creative.
  • Original And Creative Content: Find a balance between engaging with your followers and promotional content, because if you “sell” your products too much, your followers will lose interest. On the other hand, a content that is increasingly present and generates more interest is video, use it!

Most Common Mistakes In Social Media Strategies:

It is not always easy to carry out a social media strategy, and there are many times that we fall into prevalent mistakes:

  • Not Having The Profile 100% Completed: Although it may seem obvious, it is widespread that because of the rush, profiles are created without putting all the information or thinking that you have already put it on other platforms and it is not necessary to put them on this. Optimize them to the maximum with keywords and links.
  • Being On All Social Networks: Does this sound like you? Not by being on all the social networks that exist will you achieve your goals. There are times when your target audience is on other RRSS, and it is impossible to get good content for each of the platforms. Therefore, it is essential to create a Social Media strategy to know which Social Networks to be on. Each one has a different objective and is directed to a different target.
  • False Followers: There is a false belief, especially when you are starting with your profile that the more followers, the better and companies that pay to obtain false followers.
  • Quantity Before Quality: Related to the previous point, many brands prefer to have many (real) followers without caring who they are or if they share goals with our brand. There is no use to having followers who do not interact with us. You must target your target audience and grab their attention.
  • Talk Only About Your Product: No one likes selfishness, be it between personal relationships or talking about the brand. Do not focus only on talking about yourself, your products, your company and share varied content that generates interest and is not only self-promotion.
  • Use Nonsense Hashtags: Hashtags are essential in our Twitter or Instagram posts, but it is essential to use them with care, and it does not make sense to put hashtags on the loose.
  • Also Read: YouTube Tests The Generation Of Chapters Using Artificial Intelligence

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Tips For Networking On Social Networks Fri, 28 Aug 2020 07:31:36 +0000 The transformation digital not only has changed the way companies operate, but also the path

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The transformation digital not only has changed the way companies operate, but also the path that talent takes to reach these. The networking is now the concept that handles both organizations and professionals to discuss the job search in the digital realm. The technique that carries its peculiarities. And, unlike traditional job boards, success on the Internet depends on the ability to manage certain skills in terms of image and communication.

What Exactly Is Networking

The simple search for applicants has been replaced by the creation of a network of contacts with similar interests.

The networking focuses precisely on the identification and consolidation of contacts with the same employment status, which can serve as a backup when finding job opportunities.

The Cambridge dictionary presents a series of definitions that can help to understand this new vision of the field of Human Resources :

  • The activity of meeting people who could be helpful, especially at work.
  • The process of meeting and talking to lots of people, specifically to get information that can help you.

In parallel, the concept also refers to computational ecosystems made up of various teams. It is the same meaning but applied to the technological world.

Nowadays it is no longer enough to have a good company and a good presentation speech; You also need to have a good relationship to achieve your goals, he adds.

In fact, according to a LinkedIn study, 85% of the most technical hires closed between 2015 and 2016 were the result of a good networking strategy.

Also Read: How Social Networking Sites Affects Students Academic Performance

What Does Networking Offer

Today there are still employment platforms that allow you to stick to the more traditional one-way method. However, networking goes far beyond the simple idea of job hunting.

Companies and professionals that already have businesses turn to this technique to open new business avenues or to establish future relationships with competitors and allies.

It will depend on whether it occurs at a fair, on social networks, or in any other physical-virtual meeting. But the advantages of networking can be summarized as:

  • Sell and promote services or products with the highest probability of success.
  • Obtain direct and reliable feedback from specialists in specific sectors.
  • Create and nurture B2B relationships.
  • Establish possible synergies and agreements with other companies and professionals.
  • Obtain financing.
  • Cultivate and enhance personal or business image.

Social Networking Tips

In the last decade, social networks have become a daily path for millions of people, and companies have not been slow to stop there to look for talent.

However, although the operation of Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn is simple, when it comes to networking factors often ignored by candidates come into play.

Outside of social networks, organizations look for trusted sources that allow reading between descriptions and formalities. That is, “really knowing the candidate. “

In many cases, the original position is adapted to the skills of the talent, but it is still important to ensure that the personal image is consistent both inside and outside the digital world.

In networking, more is not synonymous with better. It is not so important to have many contacts, as it is to have the most valuable ones.

Therefore, when operating in an environment such as LinkedIn, you have to be clear about the objective you want to achieve, and based on that, set contact criteria.

In this sense, experts recommend giving priority to other users who have the same job rank, or similar job search interests. They are the ones who will be more likely to recommend you and offer you opportunities if they get to know them.

It is complicated in the digital environment, but the candidate must always try to prove his skills for the job to which he applies, and not reduce his talent to the completion of a simple test.

Most of the mistakes that Human Resources departments make are due precisely to this; the excessive bureaucratization and automation of the process.

The networking is not gambling a few hours or a few days a week. To achieve what you want, it is important to maintain continuous communication with the network of contacts.

So it is key to spend a couple of hours a day looking for users, showing interest, or generating adapted content that may be interesting to your network.

None of this ensures success, but it does increase the chances that your claims will fit the needs of an organization or professional.

Also Read: How to Trend Using Instagram Stories?

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Best Tricks To Take Advantage Of LinkedIn Wed, 27 May 2020 09:14:33 +0000 It is possible that during these last months you have had more time to use

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It is possible that during these last months you have had more time to use LinkedIn and update your profile. Without a doubt, this social network is especially useful to create a network of contacts and access new job opportunities, but also to expand your training and grow as a professional. Do you put into practice some of these tricks?

LinkedIn: 5 keys to take advantage of the platform

Created by Reid Hoffman, the LinkedIn social network has been with us for more than 15 years. In addition to having become a meeting point between professionals and companies, it is also a source of interesting learning resources.

  1. LinkedIn Learning

First of all, one of the most interesting applications of LinkedIn is its wide range of training courses within its LinkedIn Learning program. Digital marketing, creative writing, SEO, leadership … the themes are practically endless and will help you stay up to date as a professional.

Although some of these courses are free, there are others that are not, for which it is necessary to subscribe to the platform. Even so, if you prefer to try it before paying, the platform offers a free month of subscription.

  1. News

It is crucial to be trained but also informed. That is why, in addition to the video courses, other resources such as its News section are also interesting on LinkedIn. In it you will see the compilation of the most relevant and viral current news, as well as own content created by the LinkedIn journalist staff.

In fact, every day when you log into the social network you will receive a selection of the news that best suits your profile and interests, so you can soak up the digital news in just a few minutes.

Also Read: LinkedIn – History From 15 Years

  1. Groups

Sharing is definitely living, and LinkedIn groups are a good place to do it. In them, specialized professionals share content on specific topics, be it e-commerce, Java programming, or machine learning. According to your profile, find the groups that interest you the most and sign up for your favorites. Each day will be an opportunity to learn new things.

  1. Community

In addition to groups, another good way to learn (and first hand) is by having a large and rich community, made up of professionals who are experts in the topics that interest you most. Try to be selective and add and/or follow professionals who can bring you value with both their daily posts and articles. Not only will you be up to date with all the most relevant trends and projects in the industry, but you will also be able to network and strengthen ties with your contacts.

  1. SSI Index

Finally, once you take advantage of the training resources at your fingertips, put them into practice, and keep your profile up to date. And to see if you’re doing well, calculate your profile grade (or SSI Index).

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Boosts conversions using the Facebook bots Fri, 22 May 2020 11:22:38 +0000 In recent years, a steady rise is seen in the usage of Facebook chatbots due

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In recent years, a steady rise is seen in the usage of Facebook chatbots due to the ease of using and splendid range of features. Using the messenger bot can help in reducing a lot of burdens associated with manual efforts to identify and increase leads. Now, it has become convenient to use bots for exchanging messages or replying over customer comments. There exist ample benefits that can help in raising your Facebook page subscribers. Using the bots, it has become easy to send messages to thousands of subscribers in a single click.

And who can attract more leads manually and send each message to customers over the business page? No one! It takes hell efforts to do it manually. Even if you try, there’s a maximum limit of sending messages. So, what to do in such a case? Is there any help to send messages to potential as well as current customers? For this purpose, Facebook chatbots are gaining enormous popularity. The best way to contact the customers is by sending messages related to offers, deals, or other stuff. It helps a business in maintaining contacts with existing customers and retaining them for the future. 

For businesses, Facebook bots work as a magic power. So, why not enjoy the benefits associated with bots? One of the astonishing benefits is the speedy boost in conversion rates using a chatbot. If you want to double or triple your conversion rates, using chatbots is the best option. Now, the question is- how to use chatbots for raising conversion rates? You can look at some ways discussed below.

Effective customer management service

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In the beginning, one should start using chatbots for boosting conversions without any doubt. When you start using services like automatic replies or messaging, it can give you a 100% guarantee to deal with the potential audience in a conversational manner. It makes you connect with the potential audience by replying instantly to their queries.
If you want to raise your conversions and get ahead of the competition, it is a must to focus on an effective customer management service. In the chatbot description, don’t miss to focus upon the FAQs inquired by the audience. It gives a clear means for the audience to get their queries solved.

Create awareness about your brand

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With the bots, you get an advantage to create awareness about your business with the audience. Let the potential customers know about the products and services available within your business. It makes the audience learn about your company. For new customers, it can help them learn about your business. In this way, you can capture a lot of attention from the customers. When you promote your brand, the first step is to ensure brand awareness. To create awareness about your brand, make it conveyed appealingly to capture the audience’s interests.

It is a beneficial step in warming up your audience with your brand. For brand awareness purposes, you can do it in many ways. In the first step, message a greeting text to your customers. It gives a little space for the customers to know about the brand before turning into a customer. In the second option, you can make your window covered with the menu of your business. It helps the audience to learn about the products and services available with your brand.

Encourage more visitors

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If you want to get a boost in your conversion rates, it can’t be done without using chatbots. Once you made the audience warm-up with your effective customer services and promoting awareness about the brand, it is a wise idea to encourage more visitors over your business page. Just direct all the potential as well as the existing audience towards your business page. Though, it is important to ensure that it looks like a natural activity. Don’t make it look like a sales strategy, or else the audience won’t get much attracted. Make it a conversational thing with your audience. Or, if you do not have any idea how to direct your audience over the business page, then use a top to link a “shop button” with the menu. Or it can be a good conversation which can work as the best method.

Messaging subscribers with the broadcasts

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If you want to raise the value of your customer’s retention, it is a must to follow this step. Just message the ad-hoc broadcasts to your subscribers and potential customers. For grabbing the audience’s attention, you can follow several ways. And with the increment in the lifetime value of the customers, it can be beneficial in increasing your conversion rates. In the whole process, keep an eye that it doesn’t appear as a pitch for sales purposes. You can send the broadcasts once a week to the customers.

Broadcasts help customers learn about the news related to business, which can attract them to be a part of your business.

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Reasons To Stay Away From Social Media During Exams Thu, 02 Apr 2020 10:51:51 +0000 We live our lives on social media. Previously, we could say that it is our

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We live our lives on social media. Previously, we could say that it is our second life, second world, but now it looks much more like our first and sometimes the only real world. We have more friends in social media than on campus, we attend more online events than offline ones, and we prefer to spend time on social media to almost anything else. There are lots of reasons for that, but it is not an article dedicated to digging into the nature of our social media dependence. Here, we will give you some bulletproof reasons to stay away from social media during exams.

Reason #1. Obviously! It is a huge distraction

You cannot concentrate on anything when your phone beeps all the time announcing that someone retweeted your tweet, commented on your post, or likes your insta-photo. We are programmed to look for social appreciation, and it can truly decrease your concentration on the things that matter right now. Also, when you take your phone just for a minute and see all those notifications, you just can’t stop before you check all of them. They are designed to attract your attention. If you get distracted beyond belief and experience difficulties with submitting pre-exam papers on time, address an essay service with professional academic writers like those from SmartWritingService.

Reason #2. It can give a feeling of false satisfaction with life

When you are not ready for exams, you are worried. You don’t feel satisfied with your life; you are anxious. It is unpleasant, but it is logical. This anxiety helps you to concentrate on what matters — preparation for the exams. Scrolling social media pages gives you a false feeling of satisfaction. Your posts are liked, you are popular, life is good. But that is not the reality. The reality is that you are not ready for your exams! 

Reason #3. …Or instead of it — it can kill your self-esteem

Another edge is social media killing self-esteem. You are studying for exams, and someone is surfing in the ocean, you are reading textbooks, and someone is partying hard every night. You don’t have time even for a normal shower, and someone has time for a gym, work, healthy food, etc. You feel like you are not doing something worthy that whatever you do, you stay alone with your studies, and you will never be so successful as others. It is a very distracting and discouraging feeling, especially for students.

Reason #4. It provokes you to spend money on comfort shopping

When you are stressed, when you feel bad about yourself, when you are bored, and nothing goes the way it should, shopping is one of the choices that give some emotional comfort. Advertisement in social media is targeted very wisely, it hits you right in your soft spots, and you cannot resist clicking the pics, the links, and adding a few items into the basket. For some time, you feel better, but it is a false comfort accompanied by money not well spent.

Reason #5. It makes you feel obligated to nurture your social network

There is a term – FOMO. It stands for Fear Of Missing Out. There is also a social media FOMO. Fear of losing your well-built connections on social media. You are afraid that once you make a substantial break, you lose your influence and online friends. It adds to the anxiety of the exam period and totally messes with your cognitive abilities.

We realize that there is no way you will give up on social media completely, but at least try to reduce the time you spend on it. The best way is to install one of the applications that help to monitor time and block social media apps at some point until the next day. Desperate times call for desperate measures!

Also Read: Best Social Networks for Companies and Professionals

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How To Delete Data From Social Networks Sun, 08 Mar 2020 06:17:00 +0000 Our online presence grows steadily, as we use new services and open social profiles in

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Our online presence grows steadily, as we use new services and open social profiles in the different existing networks. Infinity of data, photographs, videos, texts is published every day that, with the passage of time, may not be interesting to leave insight.

More and more people are deciding to take a step forward in their privacy and delete a profile in a social network. Recently, Facebook is in the spotlight of everyone for precisely privacy issues, and we can find many guides to unsubscribe from social networks and eliminate all personal traces of the Internet.

A few days ago we addressed the issue of whether it is possible to eliminate all personal traces of the Internet. If possible, or not, eliminate our online presence. We saw that it is, in theory, but that it can become a long and complex process, so we will explain how to eliminate our presence in the main social networks: Facebook and Twitter.

The First Step, Download All Your Data Stored In Social Profiles

Social networks allow their users to download the data stored by them in their profiles to a file. In this way, on the one hand, users can check the data that was actually in the possession of the application and, on the other hand, ensure they do not lose any photo or file shared in these profiles.

Normally, all social networks have this option in the configuration or privacy section. More specifically:

  • Facebook: we access «Settings> Your Facebook information> Download your information». We can specify the categories of data we want to download, and the format (HTML or JSON), the quality of the multimedia files and mark the date range for the information to download. Once this is done, we just have to press «Create file» and access «Settings> Your Facebook information> Download your information> Available copies». After a few days, we can download this file and we can delete our account.
  • Twitter: we can download all the information from the first tweet we have written. To do this, we access “Settings and privacy> Account> Data and permissions> Your Twitter data” in our profile. Enter the password again for security, and we will proceed to download the data. As always, once the download is prepared, we will receive a notification or an email, in which we will press the «Download file» to obtain a .zip with the Twitter account file.

Next, if we want to effectively disappear from these social networks, we must remove our profiles. In the case of Facebook, the process can be complex to some extent, as explained in in this article in detail. The case of Twitter is simpler and more transparent.

Also Read: Email – The Future Of Email Will Be More Personal

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6 Emojis You Can Use To Be Passive-Aggressive Mon, 24 Feb 2020 18:29:30 +0000 Digital communication can be a circus sometimes. In this day and age, where there is

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Digital communication can be a circus sometimes. In this day and age, where there is a focus on making our social media lives appear perfect, it’s common for people to resort to being irreverent. Interactions in text, chat, DM’s, PM’s, and comments are as important as the post itself. That’s why it pays to artfully express yourself in a way that people will understand instantly.

We all have that friend, co-worker, or colleague who we don’t know how to interact with. In the few times that it happens, the nagging feeling of being underhanded stays. So if you want to master the art of being petty, passive-aggressive or just plain savage, here are some emojis that you need to use:

Thumbs-Up Emoji

Perfect for a non-committal way of saying “sure, yes, okay” – the thumbs up emoji is as straightforward as it can get. When you want to make sure that you got the message right, use it once, and it’ll tell the person you sent it to that you’re on board with whatever they were asking.

But when you use the thumbs up emoji for that coworker who constantly is late and wants you to do their work, it can mean two things: that you’re okay with what they’re doing or you’re okay because you don’t have a choice. One artful way to be passive-aggressive with this emoji is when you’re sent a paragraph-long text and respond with this. Trust us; the receiver will want to choke you for it.

Upside Down Smiley Emoji

While it looks innocent, when the upside-down smiley emoji is paired with “Sure,” “No problem,” it becomes an entity on its own. The receiver won’t know if you’re making fun of them or patronizing them. Fun, right? There’s also a sinister edge to it. So if you want to test the waters, so to speak, use it strategically.

The Peace Hand Sign

This is a good emoji to use when you’re fed up with the person you’re texting with. Say you’ve been following up something from a co-worker, and they haven’t made an effort to entertain you. You can send a bunch of formal texts with veiled threats and read-in-between lines so that they know exactly not to cross you. Finish it with a peace sign emoji, and it will drive them crazy.

Cool Button

Remember when we used the word “cool” for almost anything? This is exactly what the cool emoji is for. When someone is spouting uninteresting stuff or just humble-bragging in social media, you can use this to make them feel they’re not as engaging as they think. It’s also a great way to express boredom. Much like saying, you’re listening, but not really listening.

This emoji is perfect for that one group chat with your friends who are not really your friends anymore. They won’t think you’re unengaging, or worse, trashing them down – they’d just think you don’t have anything to add to the conversation. That’s a better way to keep the peace than to become a nasty person on text outrightly.

Scratching Chin Emoji

Perfect for when you’re not sure how to react to the text that you’ve just received. The scratching chin emoji signifies, “I’m pretty sure there’s something wrong with what you’ve just texted me, but I’m not calling you out on it. So, stay pressed.”

Dancing Lady Emoji

The dancing lady emoji denotes happiness, the state of being carefree, and having a fun time. It is usually used along those lines. But when you come across an eye-roll worthy social media post that you don’t want to engage in but still want to take a piss at, the dancing lady is perfect for conveying those feelings.

It’s especially hilarious to respond to a rant, whether it’s on a group chat or on Facebook. You get to undermine what they’re feeling as well as make it known that you’re so unbothered by it. Enough for you to be dancing around and living your best life.


It’s expected for communication to be as layered as a rainbow cake. There are always things that will be lost in confusion, as some are misunderstood to the point of exaggeration. This is why communication is a two-way street. It’s give and take, back and forth. But if you want to make things more interesting, use these emojis to stir up the pot!

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5 Secret Techniques to Improve INSTAGRAM FOLLOWERS Thu, 06 Feb 2020 12:57:18 +0000 When Instagram hit the market, it was just a fun app for kids to connect

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When Instagram hit the market, it was just a fun app for kids to connect with friends on. Not anymore! In fact, now it’s a serious content marketing tool that promotes products and drives sales. 

Sure, when we think of e-commerce it’s not Instagram that comes to mind. You think of Amazon and eBay, but you can’t ignore that Instagram is closely linked to it. E-commerce focuses on intent in the strategies it employs and while this approach has shown results, it fails to inspire people to buy more. That’s where platforms like Instagram come in. According to a study, 80% of consumers discover products on social media. Not having Instagram as part of your marketing strategy is not an option anymore and while you’re at it, why not get real people who really care about your products and your brand to engage with it online. That’s the one and only way to move forward really.

Indulging in shady practices and getting bots to boost your brand will only take you so far. These strategies won’t reflect well on your company in the long run. In addition to this, they won’t even deliver real business results. But, worry not! We’re here for you every step of the way ready to unveil the secrets to an improved volume of Instagram followers.

Write Compelling Captions

When you create any content, the first thing you add is the captions. They are there for a reason and we can’t stress enough on how important it is to make them compelling.

Instagram may be a visual platform, but the power of words cannot be denied. Captions help you increase engagement, allowing you to reach more people. Since reach and engagement are key indicators on how successful your Instagram profile is, you might want to make the most of this feature.

To help you out, we have a few strategies for you. As you write your caption make sure to put the most important words upfront. This is because, after a few lines, the captions cut off and unless the user clicks on reading more they won’t get to the end of your caption. So, write the best part at the start.

You might also want to include a question in your caption. Questions prompt users to leave a comment and increases engagement which in turn increases your account’s visibility. Experiment with different caption lengths, long-form captions are great for storytelling and may interest your audience. While you’re at it drop in a few emoji if the pictures call for it, it is a visual social network after all!

Embrace Instagram Stories

Around half a billion Instagram users add Stories every day of which 45% are from business pages. Accounts that use Instagram Stories report high engagement and according to Instagram, around 20% of the Stories lead to a direct message. 

Make sure to add hashtags and location features so you gain visibility with a more relevant audience. You can get new followers for free. Sadly, this opportunity is often not used to its full potential by brands.

Similarly, create an IGTV Series. This feature is here to stay so you might as well get on board. A lot of people browsing through Stories can land on your page and become a follower. It’s kind of like Netflix and offers much to the viewers. We expect brands will explore this feature to develop serial content and turn viewers to followers. 

Sharing the best of video content requires a good internet connection so while you’re at it give Spectrum Customer Support a call. Their affordable plans will have you covered in no time.

Use Shout-outs 

Who knows who makes a ton of difference, we all know that. For instagram also same principles applies. You want to get more followers, try getting a shout-out from someone who has followers and make them your own. For this, though you might want to make sure they are relevant to your profile and the Stories you share. 

Many influencers accept money for shout-outs so create an outreach list and get to work. Before you do this though, look at what your budget is and analyze which influencer will give you the best results. You can approach them directly or use agencies and apps to do it for you. 

Ask for a “share for share”

Shout-outs are great, but have you tried share for a share? 

If you don’t have money to spend and can’t pay influencers, simply do some trading. Offer to share a user’s content on the condition they share yours. You get exposed to new audience.

The important thing to keep in mind is that only influencers with a similar number of followers will take you up on the offer. So if you want to share content on an account with hundreds of thousands of followers, you must have a massive following yourself.

Also Read : Best Tools To Schedule Free & Paid Instagram Posts

Join popular conversations

Another way to promote your account is by chiming into the popular conversations and trends around you. Leave in comments and use hashtags relevant to your brand. Drop-in your own hashtag too. Long-tail hashtags are great for reaching specific audiences whereas simple and short ones like #wanderlust are great for exposure to more people. A balance of both is the best strategy. If in doubt, follow this rule, make as much noise as you can. Until you’re offering good content, nobody will mind.


There you go!

Running a successful Instagram account is not difficult, it’s not easy either, but till the time you’re willing to put in the effort, you’ll be alright. Follow these tips and half your work is done. For anything else, worry not. Whatever you need, the World Wide Web has it. Just get a high-speed internet connection and you’re good to go.

The post 5 Secret Techniques to Improve INSTAGRAM FOLLOWERS appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

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Best Tools To Schedule Free & Paid Instagram Posts Sat, 25 Jan 2020 14:35:02 +0000 When I started with the social networks, one of the things I asked myself was

The post Best Tools To Schedule Free & Paid Instagram Posts appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

When I started with the social networks, one of the things I asked myself was how to program my posts on Instagram so I don’t have to waste time editing them every time I wanted to publish.

But in the beginning, the tools that I usually use to manage my social networks did not have this possibility. From what I asked myself, can you really program content on Instagram?
In addition, if you are a CM or social media manager, you are interested in knowing this type of tools to better plan the company’s digital marketing strategy.

Best Tools To Schedule Posts On Instagram From PC


Unlike other programs, SocialGest is one of the few tools to program on Instagram that allows it to be done directly. To be able to program on Instagram the first thing you will have to do is create an account in this tool and then add your social profile.
In the lower right, there will be around an orange circle with an X, we click and the publication panel will open. We select the social network we want (in this case Instagram) and write the copy for Instagram.
By the way, if you have trouble writing the texts on social networks I recommend this post to write the copy on social networks.


First of all, I would like to clarify that Metricool does not publish directly on Instagram. What Metricool really does is plan your posts on Instagram.

That is, you plan what will be the content you want to upload and Metricool will notify you that you must publish when the time is approaching. That said, let’s see step by step how to post on Instagram with Metricool.

First of all (obviously, it is to be registered in Metricool) and then connect your Instagram account with this tool. Once you have done, on the left side you will get the social networks that you can manage and you will have to select Instagram.

Then at the top, you will see 3 options. You have to select the planning option. A pop-up window will appear that reminds us that to post on Instagram we can only do it through its official app. And it tells us which option we prefer to send us the images:

  • By direct message on Twitter.
  • By mail.


Shedugram is one of the best tools for programming Instagram posts that exist and one of the best known. The trouble is that it only has a 7 day trial period. But it has some very interesting options like:

  • A planner to see how your posts would look in the Feed before uploading them.
  • It allows you to select which days and hours you would like to publish to automate it and save time.
  • It allows you to upload photos to Instagram from your computer or Dropbox.
  • Manage multiple Instagram accounts.
  • Your own tool to edit images


Onlypult allows you to upload videos and images to Instagram from PC in a very comfortable and simple way.

It is a tool more designed to manage Instagram in a professional way because it allows you to manage several accounts on the same site and also allows you to delegate access to your publications to other people.

It has a 7-day trial version and among other functions, you can also have:

  • Schedule stories on Instagram
  • Edit the images
  • Instagram analytics
  • Publication Calendar

Without a doubt, if you dedicate yourself to social media and keep several customer accounts, it is one of the options to consider.

Also Read : What Are Facebook Groups And What Are They For?


As in the previous case, if you are going to use this social network in a professional way, it is one of the applications for Instagram that would take into account.

Because apart from the functionality that I have told you to program stories it also gives you access to some very interesting analytical data. And in addition (and this is one of its most interesting functions) it has its own editing tool with customizable templates and designs to highlight your competitor’s Instagram posts.


A classic when it comes to managing the social networks of a company and could not be missing in this list. Of course, like other tools that I mentioned, Hootsuite does not allow you to publish directly from the computer on Instagram.

You write the copy and choose the image and Hootsuite will send a notification to your device to publish from your Instagram application. Let’s see how to schedule posts on Instagram from Hootsuite.

  • The first thing you will have to do is connect your account with this social network.
  • You will then have to enter your mobile number and access the Hootsuite app
  • Click on settings → notifications and activate notifications on Instagram.

And ready, we can manage Instagram from the PC.

The post Best Tools To Schedule Free & Paid Instagram Posts appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

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