digital Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Wed, 08 Nov 2023 08:01:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 digital Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 Here’s Why Most Medical Offices Use Ehr Software Tue, 14 Feb 2023 06:18:32 +0000 An electronic Health Record, often abbreviated as an EHR, is a digital representation of an

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An electronic Health Record, often abbreviated as an EHR, is a digital representation of an individual’s medical history. Medical offices and healthcare centers use them to keep a secure and instantly available record of each patient’s treatment history under a particular healthcare provider’s financial expenses and their medical records on an outpatient basis.
Other information contained within a patient’s EHR may include their age, date of birth, gender, ethnicity, or nationality, and the number of appointments the patient is required to make for a particular treatment or recovery process.

Why Use Ehr Software?

For many healthcare providers, manually storing, editing, and updating each patient’s electronic health record can prove quite cumbersome. Each time a particular patient has a scheduled appointment, the physicians involved must ensure that they are up to date on their medical history, frequency of visits, billing records, and any other confidential information that their patients might have disclosed to them for the purpose of treatment. It can become quite a cumbersome and error-prone task e, especially as a particular medical practice’s client base grows.

EHR software has proven to be a very efficient way to improve medical practice efficiency by streamlining and organizing the overall experience that a patient will receive before, during, and after they visit a medical office. Here are a few reasons why so many medical offices have decided to use EHR software to enhance the quality of healthcare they provide.

Improved Patient Care Delivery

The efficiency with which medical offices and healthcare facilities can retrieve vital and confidential information concerning the treatment of a particular patient can be maximized thanks to the use of automated tracking and recording software. The physicians involved in each patient’s treatment can access and update the complete record of a patient’s medical history under a certain healthcare provider almost immediately, while the patient can refer to different medical records whenever necessary without the need to carry physical records to the medical office for each session they have to attend. It makes the treatment process less cumbersome and energy-intensive for all the parties involved.

The use of electronic records can improve the manner through which medical practitioners gain, analyze and store medical information. This is because recording information electronically ensures that there will always be a digital copy of any physical data that is recorded onto a database, whether cloud-based or stored in a hard drive.

Better Data Collection and Analysis

The ease of access to secure medical information by authorized personnel may improve the tracking of patients’ progress with a particular treatment, be it experimental or government approved. Conversely, the same recorded information may help medical researchers to analyze different diseases and their clinical treatments over a global pool of those infected and whose treatment has been stored within an EHR database. It has contributed significantly to clinical research and pioneering new medical treatments for previously incurable diseases.

Less Consumption of Resources

Using the software, you can minimize using valuable resources such as paper, manual, and skilled labor. Automated recording of outpatient proceedings and medical history helps medical offices reduce their reliance on clerks, secretaries, and physicians to log each patient’s medical history, scheduled appointments, and treatment procedures. You can tailor them for each patient’s needs without using extra labor, which usually comes at an added financial cost to the healthcare provider.

Start Using Ehr Software Today

Electronic health record-keeping is guaranteed to improve patient healthcare while reducing healthcare providers’ energy consumption and labor costs. Over time, customer satisfaction with medical offices will improve as well. Medical practitioners worldwide can benefit from using software for their patients’ medical progress. Get efficient today with EHR software.

Also Read: What Is Database Marketing And How To Apply It

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Benefits of a Document Management System for Growing SMBs Sat, 16 Apr 2022 08:48:36 +0000 Despite the economic downturn due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a new study by Adobe Acrobat

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Despite the economic downturn due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a new study by Adobe Acrobat explains the 82% increase in new business applications in 2020 and the rise of digital entrepreneurship. Improved access to digital business solutions allowed many to launch their own startups and small businesses from home. Now, enterprises, SMBs, and budding entrepreneurs alike utilize these tools to stay competitive in a digital business world.

What is a Document Management System?

A document management system, or DMS, is software that helps you keep track of all your essential files digitally. A DMS can store and organize your digital documents regardless of the file type or format. Document management solutions contain a series of tools that allow you to easily store, access, edit, share, and search your digital files. These systems were integral in the digital business transformation of many companies during the pandemic. Document management systems are essential for helping remote SMBs stay organized and running efficiently. Here are a few of the benefits of a document management system for digital businesses of any size.

Metadata & User Info

A reliable document management system will help you and your team track who uploaded what document, where, and when. There is always a clear user history, and previously edited versions of the document can still be accessed. Metadata tags documents as they are uploaded with important information, such as the document’s title and the upload date. The DMS will then index this information so that you can effortlessly search and sort your files once they’ve been uploaded.

Security & Storage

All document management systems will encrypt your information and require authentication before access. The administrators of the system can select who has access to which documents. Protecting your company data is critical for sustaining your business. As you continue to scale your SMB, you will need a document management system that will efficiently and reliably store your accumulating company data. Adobe Acrobat’s document management solution will keep an encrypted version of each document in the cloud, so you always have a reliable backup and secure storage.

Collaboration & Workflows

To manage a successful remote team, you need efficient workflows and collaboration tools. Document management systems can help your team establish workflows and streamline tasks. You can automate documents to be sent to other team members once completed and keep track of each edit and version of the document, even as entire teams collaborate on a file at once. Collaboration tools help your team stay in communication and work creatively together. Comment, edit, share, sign, copy documents, and always have a backup if something goes wrong. These team features of document management systems can seriously improve the efficiency of your remote team.

Remote Accessibility

Adobe Acrobat reports, “More than 3 in 4 adults would rather apply for jobs that offer remote work options.” Remote work is essential for scaling a successful business in 2022. Launching a startup from home or managing a remote team requires accessibility so you can stay in touch with the day-to-day in real-time. When selecting the digital business tools best for your company, consider the importance of mobile accessibility. A document management system that you can access through an app on your smartphone no matter where you are may prove integral for your work-life balance and management style. Some DMS apps, such as Adobe Scan, can even create digital versions of actual documents by scanning them through your phone camera.
A document management system is critical for the success of digital businesses of any size. If you’re considering launching an online startup or working with a remote team, check out your options for a DMS that will make your day-to-day business efficient and collaborative.

Also Read: Businesses Increase Use Of Cloud Backup Solutions

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The Challenges Of Companies In The Field Of Digitization In 2022 Sun, 09 Jan 2022 05:41:00 +0000 The outbreak of the pandemic made digital transformation one of the great objectives of the

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The outbreak of the pandemic made digital transformation one of the great objectives of the national productive fabric. In fact, both SMEs and large multinationals have verified the benefits that the digitization of production processes, work organization and corporate culture brings to their business. As a result, many companies were able to continue operating relatively normally even in the harshest months of lockdown. In case it was not yet, the virus has made it clear that digitization is positive and cannot be postponed. But it has also highlighted the digital challenges that companies were facing then and that still remain unresolved in a way that meets the demand rates of the current economy.

2020, therefore, was for many businesses the year in which they got serious about digital transformation. They also had to do it urgently to ensure the survival of the company. 2021, on the other hand, can be described as the year of consolidation. In fact, the training of professionals, the transformation of the corporate culture, the technological integration in the work environment and the strengthening of digital channels have been common in the strategy of many companies.

Looking ahead to 2022, and although much progress has been made and accelerated, the reality is that there is still much to do in the era of digitization, which is also characterized by constant changes. In order for companies to continue moving forward this year, The Valley business school has prepared a list of the most important business challenges of 2022 in the field of digitization that, for your interest, we transfer to this post. Lack of technologically trained professionals to meet demand. 

The technological professions are, without a doubt, the protagonists of a large part of the job offer that currently exists. Profiles such as Digital Product Manager, Product Designer, Data Scientist, Business Data Analyst or experts in digital business or Cloud systems. They are highly demanded by companies of all sectors and take up many of the offers on job portals. However, and despite the high demand for digital and technological professionals, there are currently not enough trained profiles, at a technical level, to assume these types of roles that guarantee employability. Therefore, one of the main digital challenges facing the business landscape in 2022 is to contribute to the training of professionals in everything related to digital skills and the use of digital tools.

The importance of soft skills in the age of machines. In an environment in which machines are assuming more and more new mechanical and repetitive tasks and processes, professionals stand out for their soft skills, or soft skills that differentiate them from machines and allow them to provide added value to companies. Thus, skills such as critical and analytical thinking, creativity to address new challenges, the ability to manage times and teams, emotional intelligence in the hybrid model, the strategic ability to lead projects or the predisposition to change, are just some of the skills that stand out the most in the current job environment, and that will allow professionals to be successful in this environment.

Beyond the digitization of processes, a corporate culture based on innovation. The digitization process goes far beyond integrating technologies in the day-to-day or the use of digital tools, being the redefinition and transformation of business culture, one of the fundamental pillars. The changes that have taken place in recent years have resulted in the need for a corporate culture based on innovation and in which flexibility, collaboration and well-being in the work environment are key to attract, retain and retain talent. Therefore, the challenge for companies is to adapt their models, processes and work methods to this new paradigm to promote a more innovative, efficient, productive and, above all, collaborative work environment. 

Whose essence is to train employees and make them part of the change. Adaptation of services, products and channels to the demands of the digital customer. Now, The challenge is to adapt products and services to the rhythm of digital customer demand, strengthen online channels and align messages to the new post-pandemic lifestyle, in order to remain competitive and relevant in the new environment.

Strategic alliances framed in digital transformation. To approach the digitization process in the most appropriate way possible, the ideal is to have the advice and accompaniment of experts in digital transformation. These strategic alliances will facilitate the companies that are going through the transformation process, everything related to the training of their professionals and the transformation of their corporate culture, the implementation of innovative work methodologies and the optimization of internal processes, in addition to help them increase their brand awareness and adapt to the new environment.

Also Read: What Is The Relationship Between Digital Transformation And Organizational Culture

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What Is A Digital Trafficker And What Are Its Functions Mon, 23 Aug 2021 06:27:35 +0000 Surely you know that the digital marketing sector is full of relevant figures where new

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Surely you know that the digital marketing sector is full of relevant figures where new specialized professions appear faster and faster. The same happens with the work of digital trafficker, one of the most demanded positions at the moment that can be vital for any company, regardless of its size. You may have already heard of her, but do you know exactly what this figure does? Keep reading; we explain it to you.

What Is A Digital Trafficker

A digital trafficker is a person in charge of managing internet advertising campaigns. This professional is to carry out the digital advertising necessary to meet the company’s objectives, whether it is to make it known or create conversions of its products. These people have a very versatile profile since they know about digital advertising, image editing, and copywriting.

Given the excellent specialization today in the sector, it is possible to find traffickers for social networks, for Google Ads, for contracting services such as digital courses or of any other type, or even to encourage the visit of physical stores. The characteristics of the profile are very varied, depending on the shape of the company. Today e-commerce is in great demand for these professionals due to the increase in sales they can achieve with their campaigns.

As we say, the functions of a digital trafficker are very varied and depend on each company and each professional, but, in general, they could be similar to the following:

  • Plan the social media and Google Ads campaigns, providing them with the appropriate images, durations, copies, and materials so that each one fulfills the objective previously defined by the company.
  • Supervise the campaigns personally, improving them progressively, eliminating the resources that work the worst, and promoting those that give the best results.
  • Create reports with the result of each campaign, specifying the chosen KPIs, the conversions, or the objectives of each one of them to see what the operation has been.
  • Conclude the reports and use what you have learned. The particularities of the company and the campaigns themselves continue improving day by day, trying to obtain the best results.

Why Is It Beneficial For The Company

The digital trafficker is helpful for any company since the internet and social networks are natural fishing grounds for customers. Finding the exact people who have the needs that certain companies can cover is the best way to achieve sales on a global scale. As you can see, there are many functions of this new figure, and it is one of the profiles that are most likely to continue growing in the world of digital marketing.

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The Future Of Technology – SD-WAN Wed, 28 Oct 2020 07:17:51 +0000 The digital transformation of companies is a more than obvious phenomenon. New technologies such as

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The digital transformation of companies is a more than obvious phenomenon. New technologies such as business mobility, the cloud, or IoT are changing how organizations are managed.

This means the appearance of new devices and applications that need a much more effective bandwidth, which also raises costs and generates unique needs and complexity levels of networks that are much more demanding.

This is where SD-WAN comes into play, a networking technology that significantly reduces costs and helps companies be faster to manage, more competitive, and with better business productivity results.

Older WANs were never intended for a cloud and internet-based environment.

Unlike previous systems, SD-WANs are compatible with cloud applications and platforms, whether they are public or private clouds or SaaS solutions such as Office365 or Salesforce, among others.

Advantages Of SD-WAN For Businesses

The future for business has arrived with the addition of SD-WAN. We tell you why and its benefits:

  • First, it increases productivity and user satisfaction. It makes the management of hardware ecosystems easier, saves costs, and gains efficiency in using resources.
  • Improve quality.
  • It reduces the cost of WAN up to 90% and practically at internet prices.
  • Simplify the WAN architecture. SD-WAN unites MPLS and numerous broadband paths at a very low cost in a hybrid network, resulting in increased capacity and performance.
  • The migration is evolutionary and progressive, so any company can incorporate and deploy SD-WAN without changing existing MPLS networks.
  • Improve security and reduce the risk of threats. SD-WAN is more secure for certain applications such as VDI, VoIP, video conferencing, ERP, and CRM.

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Digital Talent – How Is It Managed? Thu, 22 Oct 2020 08:57:07 +0000 On many occasions, we’ve talked regarding the digital transformation of corporations. For the results of

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On many occasions, we’ve talked regarding the digital transformation of corporations. For the results of the method to achieve success, there must be an association between technology and folks, and the United Nations agency should be ready to face the modification. That’s why these days we wish to concentrate on the social issue, swing Associate in Nursing finish to the unknown regarding what digital talent is.

What is Digital Talent

Digital talent is the ability to develop a given activity by technological tools to optimize processes. If we tend to take away this idea, we tend to discover that it refers to the digital skills that the members of the corporate possess.

More and a lot of corporations price and demand digital skills from their members. To be thought of as a digital talent, consultants signifies that a minimum of one of the twenty-four laborious digital skills and four of the eight soft digital skills should be perfect.

Among the primary, we discover skills like analytics, computing, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Community management, SEO, or net Development. Among the latter square measure adaptation to varying, time management, leadership, emotional intelligence, or cooperation.

How Digital Talent is Managed

As we’ve aforesaid antecedently, digital transformation values human talent. Those to blame for Human Resources of corporations should manage it in Associate in Nursing optimum manner for businesses to operate correctly. Most of the time, 60 minutes should face a series of challenges in managing digital talent :

  • Digital Talent Audit: They need to be guilty of enhancing the present talent within the company, still as recruiting new talent. They need to outline the profiles necessary to attain the objectives set, the functions they’re going to develop, and also the skills and attitudes required to try and do, therefore.
  • Creation of Recent Digital Positions: It’s necessary to require into consideration the new digital skills demanded by the corporate. Supporting them, completely different digital professions are going to be created: Community Manager, SEO specialist, knowledge analyst, or Digital promoting Manager, among others.
  • Redefinition of Existing Positions: It’ll be necessary to trust that classes ought to embody digital skills. Additionally, it’ll be required to foster cooperative work surroundings to find individuals receptive to digital modification.
  • Renewal of Talent Plans: Sixty minutes policies might not answer new digital wants. In these cases, they’re going to get to be reworked to change the processes of attraction, retention, and development of talent.
  • Cultural Modification: To deal with the conversion with success, you’ve got to change the cultural components. With this objective, it’s attainable to market a collaborative culture through social networks, retain power, and develop ways to manage modification.
  • Appointment of Digital Leaders: Having the support of the corporate executive and members of alternative areas (Marketing, CIO, strategic partners, etc.) is essential for success. Leaders are going to be to blame for fostering the digital transformation of the corporate.

Why it’s Necessary To Market It

Fostering digital talent is essential for corporations to attain their goals with success. Additionally, it provides a series of benefits that have a positive impact on the company:

  • Strengthening of motivation
  • Generation of skilled development opportunities
  • Acquisition of digital data and skills more and more in demand
  • Ability to fulfill the challenges of a digitized future
  • Alignment of individuals, processes, and technologies.

Also Read: Digitizing – The Importance Of Digitizing Your Business

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What Is The Impact Of Digital Transformation? Sat, 04 Jul 2020 07:41:00 +0000 More than ever, the digital transformation of businesses is at the heart of the challenges.

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More than ever, the digital transformation of businesses is at the heart of the challenges. Fully accountable for these process modifications, the accounting experts also use digital technology and the automation of accounting procedures. Find out how digital transformation is revolutionizing accounting.

Digital transformation: what challenges for online accounting?

The digital transformation affects all professions, regardless of the sector of activity. Accountants are not immune to these digital upheavals. Accounting expertise is one of the professions to see digital transformation fully integrated into its operating model. Using an online accountant is now common.
Online accounting firms respond effectively to the changing needs of businesses and individuals. Accessibility, responsiveness, and simplicity are now different challenges for professionals. Online accounting expertise is part of projects to standardize digital technologies, to successfully dispense with paper documents gradually and over the long term.

What are the benefits of online accounting?

The profession of chartered accountant, whether it uses digital or not, has always been a necessity for companies. An online accountant is present daily to meet the obligations of keeping and presenting accounts by regulations. At each stage of the life of a business, the online accountant provides advice and optimizes situations in many areas such as tax, social, and legal. Online accounting has many significant benefits for businesses.

An online accountant to save time

The dematerialization offers to save considerable time on all the tasks related to keeping up-to-date accounts. The automation of accounting processes, the dematerialization of the tax package, or even the use of increasingly efficient accounting software, are all measures that allow online accountants to limit the time spent on these tasks and increase the time spent on strategic missions.

An online accountant to improve productivity

The generalization and automation of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) for the filing of accounting documents allows more time to work on management control, analysis, and advice. Through applications, online accounting offers the possibility of consulting all the accounting information concerning your business at any time.

Online accountant to save time and money

The dematerialized route notably saves time in terms of travel and to reach your accountant online at all times, by email or by phone. As a result, professionals can transmit their accounting documents, such as receipts, expense reports, or various invoices, easily and instantly. The online accounting firm synchronizes securely with your professional account to know the situation of the business in real-time.

The digital transformation of accounting also has the advantage of making companies benefit from cheaper offers. The time savings, linked with simplified data entry, allow online accountants to offer services at a lower cost, 30 to 50% cheaper than a traditional firm.

Can you start your own business online?

An online accountant has the same qualifications as an accountant in a traditional firm. This is why online accounting firms are more than willing to offer comprehensive services to businesses and individuals.

The digitization of accounting makes online business creation possible. Indeed, it is quite possible to manage all of the formalities for setting up business directly online. The entrepreneur can carry out various procedures alone or use an online accountant. The professional will support the business creator in the drafting of the statutes, the deposit of cash contributions, the recording, and the transmission of documents to the competent Business Formalities Center, all this in a paperless manner.

Online accountant: what are the points to check?

The digital transformation has seen the profession of chartered accountant change over the years. To ensure the expertise of the online accountant, it will be necessary to verify that the company in question is registered with the Order of Chartered Accountants. Also, it is a good idea to ensure the availability of the online accounting service. To guarantee the success of the collaboration, exchanges must be able to be fluid and regular. Finally, always for the sake of fluidity, check that the service offers secure tools allowing the automatic retrieval and categorization of the various transactions of the company. Productivity and expertise are at the rendezvous of the digital transformation of accounting.

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5 Key Tools Of Digital Workplaces That Guarantee Team Productivity Sat, 13 Jun 2020 13:56:55 +0000 Companies that have digital workplaces equipped with certain key functionalities will be the best equipped

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Companies that have digital workplaces equipped with certain key functionalities will be the best equipped to face any crisis that appears in the future.

There are many current indicators that indicate that the companies that invest the most in improving the digital experience of their employees and equipping them for remote work achieve more committed workforces, enhance their competitiveness, and positive results at all levels that have an impact on even an increase in income. What if a crisis like that of the coronavirus enters the scene? Well, in this case, the state of evolution of a company’s digital workplace can make the difference between continuing or not maintaining business productivity. Knowing what stage of maturity your tool is in and the way forward to evolve this solution towards a digital workplace model Completeness is essential to the future of organizations.

Experts highlight five capabilities of digital workplaces that can help the employee develop with more than ever before. ease and efficiency in their tasks, while increasing their motivation and satisfaction:

Content management and collaboration capabilities

Having technology endowed with high functionalities of content and documentary management is important for the correct development of the professional activity of the employees. In addition, the functionalities that allow creating knowledge bases, facilitating the creation and exchange of content, as well as departmental and interdepartmental collaboration with videoconferencing systems, chats, discussion forums, or collaborative wikis, are excellent for maintaining employee productivity. , regardless of the environment in which they are working.

Personalization of employee experience

In order to maintain the productivity index of the employees, it is necessary that they have the experience that responds to their specific needs. Automatic behavior-based content personalization will be a very useful tool to facilitate information localization, reducing search times, and increasing productivity. You can also consider using a company like Workhuman that helps you recognize employees, retain talent, and makes sure everyone feels seen.

Management of access to information based on roles and profiles

Correct identity management and access control on the intranet will allow us to maintain a continuous information access security system while enabling the organization to define specific policies adapted to special situations or crises, applied to each specific type of business.

Search for content

Having a powerful first-rate search engine will provide quick and agile access to information, which directly affects the productivity index of the workforce. Also, if users have tools to filter and sort search results, or to customize search rankings, it will have a direct impact on their satisfaction levels.

Integration of ecosystems

All the mentioned tools will make sense to the extent that they are integrated with the rest of the corporate systems. Because this integration will be the one that will allow offering a unified experience to the employee while making the most of the investments previously made in different technologies by the organization. It is important that, in situations that need to be managed with agility, the companies have the technology that allows them to adapt and evolve towards the model they need.

The digital workspace is a fundamental element for business. It is a critical environment when it comes to training the operations of the teams, keeping it prepared for any future challenge since it allows connecting different spaces, applications, processes, and culture in an integrative solution of the “Employee First” type.

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Digital Drive – The Solution to Digitize Vehicle Accident Claims Mon, 11 May 2020 13:54:12 +0000 If you have ever suffered an accident with your car, however slight, you will know

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  • If you have ever suffered an accident with your car, however slight, you will know that it is an unpleasant experience. In addition, there are times when the process of claiming damage to the vehicle is slow, tedious, and inaccurate.
  • To improve these types of situations, we present the solution that accelerates the management of damage claims in the event of an accident. It is a new functionality of Digital Drive.f you’re stuck with an older car, there are easy ways to get paid for junk cars around you. Don’t let it keep your drive-way looking ugly.”
  • The key to this system is that it is able to shorten the terms of the insurers after the event since these companies must analyze the damages, the vehicles involved, and a series of parameters that allow them to determine exactly the responsibilities, and therefore what Coverages may apply. From there the calculation of the corresponding compensation is made.
  • The system designed by experts and Spearhead, a startup based in Zurich, is responsible for digitizing all the information generated at the time of the accident. In just one minute the accident is notified, the damages are described and the claim is specified. It is possible to generate repair orders, and all this is done in a virtually automated way.
  • Digital Drive offers functions connected to vehicles without integrated internet access, and this allows drivers to enjoy more and better services such as precisely the notification of accident claims.
  • In addition to its native functions, such as providing real-time information on various vehicle status parameters (fuel level, vehicle location, or various safety notifications), Digital Drive allows a prior accident analysis to be sent.
  • This is possible because the device is connected to the diagnostic interface of the car, through an adapter for the vehicle’s on-board diagnostic system (OBD), which receives, in the event of an accident, the movements of the vehicle that are recorded at through the sensors, in addition to other data of the control unit that will allow to determine exactly the level of damage, and its location.
  • These data are presented through a portal in the insurer where you can see the damaged parts of the vehicle and make an estimate of the repair cost. Thanks to the user smartphone application, it is possible to track all the procedures, document the people involved in the event, specify damages, provide photos, and any other customer needs.
  • It is an application that will speed up the procedures after an accident with the car providing the necessary data immediately and very accurately, making life easier for insurers and their customers.
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    Top Most Popular Digital Professions In [2020-2030] Wed, 01 Apr 2020 16:49:54 +0000 New technologies are changing the way we live day to day and also, in which

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    New technologies are changing the way we live day to day and also, in which we work giving rise to new digital professions.

    If you are learning about the new digital professions, you may be looking for a job or want to change You are also probably wondering where you can study digital marketing . It is totally logical, because this sector is one of the fastest growing and most likely to find work.

    In addition, you have to take into account some data. According to the Huffingtonpost ” 47% of current jobs will disappear in the next 25 years ” So training in digital professions can be a competitive advantage in today’s job market.

    What Are The Most Demanded Digital Professions?

    Every day more professions are made in digital environments , with a computer or a tablet. Furthermore, with each technological advance, new professions of the future appear.

    If you still don’t know what you want to do at work, here is a list of the 25 most interesting digital professions .

    1. Digital Marketing Director

    The Marketing Director (or Digital Marketing Manager ) is in charge of coordinating and directing the marketing department of a company or an agency.

    He is responsible for establishing the marketing strategy, defining the budget for the different actions that will be carried out and directing the team so that everything goes according to plan.

    2. SEO Technician

    Every day we spend hours searching the most important information on Google or other search engines.

    Almost every time we have a problem, we usually go to Google to find a solution. Therefore, appearing on the first page or on the second page can mean hundreds or thousands of euros.

    The SEO Consultant is the one in charge of making a project appear in the first positions, that is why it is one of the most demanded digital professions.

    3. SEM specialist

    In addition to SEO, there is another way to appear in the best search engine positions , with the paid positioning , the SEM.

    SEO is a long-term process, but sometimes, like when you have to position a sales page quickly and only for a few days, the best option is SEM.

    4. Trafficker Digital

    Without a doubt, one of the digital professions with the most future is the figure of the Trafficker .

    He is responsible for the paid advertising of a company or business. It handles both advertising on social networks , such as Google Ads, YouTube or other digital platforms. Its mission is to make a brand visible on the internet and increase its conversions.

    5. Copywriter

    The Copywriter has the function of writing the texts with the aim of increasing conversions. Regardless of whether they are sales pages, emails, advertisements etc. The goal is to persuade the reader to take the action that the person really wants. For this, persuasive writing is one of the best weapons copy has.

    6. Web designer

    Nowadays, having a digital presence is practically essential for any type of business, so having a website is essential. Most often outsource this service and the fact that every X time the website has to be renewed, means that this service does not decline.

    In addition, more and more people decide to start and set up their own digital project and the first thing they will need is a web page.

    7. Application and software designer

    Computer programs and mobile applications not only make life easier for us, they also help us to be more productive and efficient at work.

    Within the design of applications, two different professional profiles are distinguished: backend programmers and UX designers.

    8. Backend developer

    The backend programmers are in charge of the applications, programs and web pages executing the actions that we request. That is the software correctly fulfills its function .

    For that a backend developer must be specialized in at least one programming language.

    9. Responsible for Usability and UX

    The UX or frontend designer takes care of the entire visual part of a web page or application.

    He is responsible for making the user interface easy to use . A frontend designer also has to have programming knowledge, but he doesn’t need a high level of specialization, instead he has to know about graphic design and be creative.

    10. Social Media Manager

    The director of social media strategy is in charge of planning the communication strategy of a brand on social networks, which will then be executed by the community manager.

    For this, the SMM has to study the client’s business model, analyze the competition and focus the strategy to take advantage of the best opportunities.

    11. Community Manager

    The Community Manager is in charge of the communication of a brand or company on social networks, this is done following the guidelines of the social media plan that the SMM developed.

    Today it is one of the most demanded digital professions, since more than 80% of people are users of some social network, and it is very important to have a good digital reputation .

    In this case, there are many people who decide to embark on their own and c onvertirse in community manager freelance .

    12. Content Manager

    The content manager is in charge of planning and executing a company’s content strategy on the website and on social networks.

    To make a good content strategy , the content manager must develop a strategy aligned with the social media plan and with the SEO objectives of the web.

    13. Graphic designer

    In general, people are very visual, and the more visual stimuli we receive, the more demanding it is to pay attention to things. That is why all the companies that advertise have at least one graphic designer to have attractive visual elements that attract the attention of their clients.

    14. eCommerce Manager

    The head of eCommerce is in charge of coordinating the entire digital strategy of the online store in the market. Every day we buy more through the internet and that means that qualified profiles are needed to carry out the tasks.

    To give you an idea, e-commerce increased more than 30% compared to the previous year . Which means more than 10,000 million euros in a single quarter.
    15. Inbound Marketing Specialist

    The Inbound specialist is responsible for designing the company’s attraction marketing strategy.

    That is, to define strategies whose objective is to get the person’s lead to qualify them and to end up making the sale. Years ago, advertising was more than enough to sell. Today with advertising saturation it is necessary to create content that solves the problems of our target audience.

    16. Growth Hacker

    The growth hacker is a professional who is in charge of developing sales strategies, with the particularity that his intention is to find hidden opportunities for the competition.

    To do this, it analyzes the data, trends, social response, experiments, etc., looking for new business opportunities in which to grow at the lowest possible cost.

    17. Data analyst

    Data analysts, or big data analysts, are adept at collecting data and analyzing it statistically. Your goal is to find out where the best opportunities are for a company.

    In addition to that, a good analyst is capable of developing strategies based on data to solve deficiencies or improve the processes of a company. This makes it one of the new digital professions most valued and where there are fewer qualified profiles.

    18. CISO, Director of Information Security

    CISO is the acronym for Chief Information Security Officer, is responsible for the security on digital platforms and technological systems of a company.

    Every day we are more connected to the internet and new technologies. This causes new vulnerabilities and requires specialists in this new digital profession.

    19. Responsible for CRM

    The success or failure of a company depends on its ability to satisfy a need to its customers. To achieve this, it is essential to know customers and their needs in depth .

    With this function, the CRM position appears in charge of getting to know customers, in order to adapt the product or service to their needs and increase customer satisfaction.

    20. 3D modeler and animator

    Movies, series and even youtube videos have 3D animations.

    More and more companies are demanding designers specialized in 3D modeling to work in design departments. In addition, 3D printers are evolving and every day they print with higher quality and with more materials.

    21. SAP Consultant

    The SAP system is a program that makes it easier for companies to manage all their resources , both financial, material and human.

    To administer this system, companies need a specialist to carry out not only the administration but also the implementation and transformation of the company organization.

    22. Artificial Intelligence Developer

    Artificial intelligences or bots are programs that act automatically. This means that they can be “trained” to do a job and improve with experience.

    In addition to creating them, computer scientists are also needed to control and guide them to carry out the work in a coherent and synchronized way with the work of the person.

    23. Architect in the cloud

    The advantages of working through the cloud are enormous for companies.

    Allows data to be stored and shared , improve coordination between teams, you can even run streaming programs from a server. That is why companies, especially the largest ones, have specialists on staff in charge of developing and managing this system.

    24. Blockchain expert

    Blockchain technology is being a real revolution. The best known application of this technology is cryptocurrencies, with Bitcoin at the helm, but there are more and more.

    Companies are emerging using the blockchain to transmit data in a much more secure way, to follow up with patients and even to know if the bus you are waiting for has free seats.

    25. CDO, Digital Director

    The digital director is in charge of carrying out the digital transformation of a company or brand .

    He is also responsible for the entire online part of a company. The digital director is the head of the organization chart of all the employees who work in the digital and online environment of the company.


    With the constant evolution of technology, new digital professions appear as the big data analyst.

    Others like the copywriter or the digital trafficker have been around for a long time. But with the growth of online businesses, they have transformed and every day companies need more qualified profiles.

    With the passage of time, new jobs will emerge that we will add to the article. Because in the world we live in today, everything is dynamic.

    The post Top Most Popular Digital Professions In [2020-2030] appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

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