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As soon as the local network of a company or a public authority is connected to the Internet, ensuring cybersecurity becomes the priority of CIOs. Employees will browse the Internet where dangers are omnipresent. Under these conditions, what are the tools that can guarantee secure browsing and reduce the risks associated with cyber threats? When companies are generalizing the use of cloud services, it is more essential than ever to make the right choices regarding web security tools or risk having to accept the conditions of ransomware.

What Are Cyber Threats

We often speak of malware or “malicious software”: spam, viruses, Trojan horses, ransomware, phishing attacks, etc. If viruses are less publicized today thanks to the generalization of anti-virus software on workstations, phishing attacks are now the most feared. Because they will seek to deceive end users through infected links hidden in “real-life” emails, for example, a user will receive an email that looks like a message from his bank, perhaps even after he has connected to it, asking him to update his information, which a hacker will recover. If the computer is infected, the organization’s entire network is likely to be infected within minutes! Some sectors are particularly affected, such as health, for example.

Web Filtering, Therefore, Remains An Essential Point Of The Cybersecurity Strategy

Internet filtering is essential to ensure web security via two key tools: the Proxy and the Firewall. Combining the two tools is crucial to forming a secure web gateway between users and the Internet. The Firewall will ensure incoming/outgoing access authorizations.

At the same time, the Proxy will take care of all the filtering operations either via allowlists to authorize known sites or via blocklists which will block access to dangerous sites. Safelisting only allowing sites validated as safe is arguably the best way to protect against cyber threats. The blocklist will ban specific hazardous sites but will not be able to know them all, so it can let the user navigate to the short URL of a Phishing attack, for example.

These two tools are also essential because they make it possible to limit the vulnerability resulting from security flaws in the operating systems. Even if publishers regularly publish fixes, patches or other codes correcting security vulnerabilities, it is important not to wait for these patches because, in the event of a zero-day attack for which the patch is not yet known, the network computer could be exposed: the combination of Proxy and Firewall is the correct answer.

Proxy And Firewall The Two Essential Web Security Tools

Firewalls and Proxies have evolved rapidly in recent years to deal with increasingly sophisticated attacks, and some malware even embeds artificial intelligence to adapt to end-user behavior. The important thing is to make the two tools work well together and not try to use only one of the 2, diverting it from its primary function. The Firewall remains the barrier to managing the inputs/outputs on the computer network. Still, the Proxy will ensure all the filtering operations between the Internet and the local network to allow employees to navigate optimal security conditions.

patches or other codes correcting security vulnerabilities, it is important not to wait for these patches because, in the event of a zero-day attack for which the patch is not yet known, the network computer could be exposed: the combination of Proxy and Firewall is the correct answer.

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Immutable Data Storage To Protect Against Ransomware https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/immutable-data-storage-to-protect-against-ransomware/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/immutable-data-storage-to-protect-against-ransomware/#respond Fri, 30 Jul 2021 06:51:00 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=4552 Data security has been complicated by modern malware, such as ransomware, which has wreaked havoc

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Data security has been complicated by modern malware, such as ransomware, which has wreaked havoc in many recent years. Companies need new ways to protect their systems against these threats, and experts recommend adopting immutable storage solutions and other technologies capable of ensuring data cleanliness and security.

Although security experts have wiped out many varieties of dangerous ransomware, many such pathogens are still circulating, and organizations are exposed to a serious threat to their storage systems. Protecting yourself from attacks is a priority as enterprise storage is increasingly diversified, and there are numerous avenues of attack that cybercriminals can exploit. Another priority is to recover in the event of a system hijacking by this malware, and for this, it is necessary to have inviolable backup systems.

In a recent article published by Jerome Wendt, president and founder of DCIG and independent technology analyst, he delves into the risks of ransomware for data storage and the options available to companies that want to recover after being affected by an attack. Of this type. In their opinion, immutable storage solutions are one of the main options available to them, and there is a wide variety of media they can use.

On the one hand, traditional storage media, such as optical discs and magnetic tape, remain isolated from the networks and can be restored. Or magnetic hard drives and USB media that stay disconnected. The increasingly popular cloud storage services and Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS). Businesses prefer disk and cloud storage for speed reasons.

But for disk storage to be immutable, you must use software that offers specific data immutability capabilities, accessible in two ways. One is through backup hardware or storage devices that include data immutability. Another is by purchasing software-defined storage or backup software that can make any hard drive immutable. On the other hand, certain cloud providers have long had object storage offers with data immutability options, which have evolved, adapting to new customer requirements.

In addition, the storage industry has developed the concept of Air-Gapped Storage, which is based on creating a space physically disconnected from non-secure networks, in which computers or storage systems can be located, guaranteeing the inviolability and immutability of the data. , away from the risks posed by ransomware. According to Wendt, this concept implies a low cost compared to other solutions; its technology has already matured enough and is well proven.

Wendt says that companies have multiple options for immutable data storage and recommends exploring these possibilities to find the most suitable recovery medium for their specific needs. However, it insists on the need to have systems disconnected from the networks to avoid any possible risk of infiltration. But it also warns that there are risks because immutable storage systems cannot detect, repel or prevent ransomware attacks, and the stored data may contain latent traces of this type of malware. For this reason, it is vital to carry out a deep scan of the data stored in backup copies to avoid risks. For this, it is necessary to have robust security software specialized in fighting ransomware.

Also raed: Teleworking – IT Security Put To The Test Of New Information Challenges In The Cloud

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Top Most Common Types Of Cyberattacks https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/cyberattacks/ https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/cyberattacks/#respond Sat, 07 Mar 2020 05:33:59 +0000 https://www.webupdatesdaily.com/?p=795 The cyber attacks are becoming more frequent and in some cases, are more and more

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The cyber attacks are becoming more frequent and in some cases, are more and more dangerous, attacking diversity of targets with a handful of purposes (all malicious, of course).

Cyberattack is understood as any type of offensive maneuver from one or more teams to a device, multiple devices or complete networks. We can distinguish two types of attack: those in which the objective is to disable the target device or leave it out of combat; those in which the objective is to gain access to the data of the target device and, perhaps, to obtain administrator privileges on that device.

The Most Common Types Of Cyberattacks Today?

Within these two major “trunk” categories of cyberattacks, there are a number of types of canonical attacks that, as expected, do not have to be isolated in the new ways of carrying out cyber attacks. That is, we start from these “ingredients” and we can combine them to result in new ways to attack targets.

  • The malware  is a type of attack as general as possible, it is a bounded way of saying “malicious software.” Within the malware, we find viruses, Trojans, worms and many other forms, which are characterized by a modus operandi in which their replication is always present along with one or more devices. Malware can cause the device or network not to work, or grant the attacker permission to control the system remotely.
  • Phishing also is known as phishing, is a set of techniques designed to trick the recipient of a message to guide it towards a series of steps that will end up in the infection of its systems, or in the theft of data, credentials or identities.
  • Denial of service: The philosophy of these attacks is to consume so much bandwidth in the network that you want to compromise that it loses connectivity to the network and, therefore, stops serving its customers.
  • Ransomware a type of malware specialized in disabling devices until any requirement by criminals is satisfied. Normally, the attacker encrypts the data on the target devices and demands a payment to provide the decryption key.
  • Man in the middle is a method by which attackers manage to secretly interpose between the user and a web service they are trying to access.
  • SQL injection: an attack whereby a criminal can exploit a vulnerability to take control of his victims’ database.
  • Zero-day exploits: These attacks exploit the vulnerabilities present in software that has not yet been detected by the developer and, therefore, have not been fixed.
  • Cryptojacking: a specialized attack that makes the device of another person do the job of generating cryptocurrencies. The attackers will install malware or execute JavaScript code in the victim’s browser.

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