business tools Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Tue, 18 Apr 2023 06:19:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 business tools Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 ERP PLATFORMS AS DRIVERS OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION Tue, 18 Apr 2023 06:19:08 +0000 The best-known pioneers who spread their business models as platforms all over the world are:Amazon,

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The best-known pioneers who spread their business models as platforms all over the world are:
Amazon, eBay, Alibaba, Airbnb, Facebook, and Uber. Here, every provider can sell their products worldwide – Alibaba doesn’t even have its warehouse, AirBnB doesn’t have a bed, and Uber doesn’t even have a single car.
Facebook is one of the largest media groups in the world and broadcasts, prints, or distributes its media.
These platforms act as intermediaries between supply and demand, breaking all previous “rules of the game” in their respective markets. The platform economy is infinitely scalable, and the operators let others work and earn their money with commissions. They also market their services through advertising. And then, they sell their valuable user data to almost infinite users. Against this background, it is unsurprising that half of the top 20 companies in the world are already organized according to a platform model.

The Platform Economy Is The Driver Of Digital Transformation.

All platforms have in common that the market structures are breaking through disruptively and setting up new rules. From the customer’s point of view, the platforms offer a better overview of the variety of products. You can compare many offers directly on one platform. Providers benefit because they cannot set up or maintain their infrastructure. In addition, competitors also attract potential customers for their products. However, transparency also increases price pressure and speeds up innovation.
The platform operator thus provides an entire ecosystem that the providers, regardless of whether they are a group, medium-sized company, or individual entrepreneur, can develop for themselves. They must comply with the technical basics but can act fairly freely within this framework. Other examples of such platform ecosystems are Apple and Google. Every provider can develop apps for the smartphone operating systems iOS or Android and market them after certification. Platforms are, therefore, the main drivers of digitization, especially since the cloud has become firmly established.

ERP Platforms In The Cloud Are Revolutionizing Corporate IT

Today, platform operators in the cloud offer all the classic IT solutions that companies need for their business models. They only need a device with an Internet connection to use cloud services. With infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), or software as a service (SaaS), companies can almost do away with their own “on-premise IT.” For small and medium-sized companies, this is a great opportunity to organize their IT use more securely and, simultaneously, to control their costs. Because the price models of cloud services are usage-dependent. You have to pay for what a company uses and how many users. At the same time, they constantly benefit from the innovations that the providers are constantly developing and updating.

ERP From The Cloud Makes Companies More Agile

There are now platform solutions for every conceivable business challenge. Above all, they give medium-sized companies access to previously reserved applications for corporations. Today, enterprise resource planning systems pay off even for small manufacturing companies with fewer than 100 employees because they connect all business units, for example. Users can organize their entire operational processes in one central application from accounting, sales, human resources to production planning, warehousing, and logistics. With a solution based on an ERP platform, users create their digital transformation, work more agile internally and streamline their processes. And customers and suppliers also benefit from this.

Also Read: There Differences Between An ERP Cloud And An ERP SAAS

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Must-Have Startup Tools – For More Efficiency In Everyday Work Sat, 15 Apr 2023 05:45:12 +0000 Starting and running a business is no picnic. After all, it is always important to

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Starting and running a business is no picnic. After all, it is always important to maintain an overview of all projects and business areas. To help you do this, we have put together 10 top startup tools that you can use to make your day-to-day work easier and more efficient. And the best thing about it is: Many of the tools presented are even free of charge.

Marketing Tools

Anyone who wants to be successful on the Internet sooner or later has to deal with the topic of online marketing and with suitable tools. It doesn’t always have to be a lot of money, as many free tools can help you grow your business.


Email marketing is one of the most successful marketing activities. Mailchimp should not be missing from your list of tools for founders. With over 15 million customers worldwide, Mailchimp is one of the leading email marketing platforms. With the tool, you can send up to 12,000 emails to 2,000 recipients per month free of charge. That should be enough for a start. After sending, it is also possible to view user analyses. For example, you can display how high the opening rate of the newsletter is and how long it was read on average.

However, it must be said that the free version always automatically includes a small advertising banner in the footer. If that bothers you, you have to switch to the paid version.


Companies usually have several social media accounts, e.g., on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter. An account with Hootsuite is extremely useful in order not to maintain them all separately and to save time. The application is used to administer and support several social media channels simultaneously. With Hootsuite, posts can be prepared, scheduled for specific times, and published. Messages or mentions by users can also be tracked here. Lastly, Hootsuite provides statistics on your social media activities, which you can use to optimize your social media strategy.

Google Analytics

The popular tracking tool Google Analytics is used by 50-80% of all websites. And the service also has some useful information for you as a founder. Because once your target group has landed on your website, you have cleared the first hurdle, but of course, you want to know how the users behave on your website. Only with this knowledge can you fully exploit your optimization possibilities. And this is where Google Analytics comes in.

Below are a few examples of the data that can be collected with the tool:

  • Session duration or length of stay on a website
  • Total number of all users currently on the website
  • Bounce Rate – If a user leaves a page without further interaction, that counts as a bounce.
  • Conversions (orders, creation of accounts)

Campaign Tracking


With the free startup tool Canva, professional graphics can be created quickly. The operation is really simple. Previous knowledge in the field of design is optional. In addition to social media covers, business cards, or posters, presentations can be created using drag & drop. Even in the free version, a large selection of different fonts and shapes and free stock images exist. After creating the graphic, it can be downloaded as a PDF or image.

Communication Tools

Nowadays, there are almost endless communication channels. Keeping an overview and limiting yourself to a few tools is important.


Webex Meetings are recommended for optimal teamwork. Cisco Webex is the market standard for virtual meetings and allows exchanging ideas and information with others worldwide. So you can easily share any content on your desktop via screen sharing and edit documents together. With this SaaS solution, employees can participate in conferences worldwide inside and outside the company’s firewall. With the premium version, many other functions are also possible, such as integrated telephone and VoIP dial-in and scheduling meetings in Outlook.

Also Read: WordPress Hacks: How To Create Headlines That Convert

Project Management And Administration Tool

Getting all projects under one roof and meeting all deadlines can be challenging. Organizational talent is required here. Fortunately, some applications ensure that you keep track of ongoing projects.


The free tool Trello was designed for project management and is suitable for professional and private purposes. The visual organizer tool helps you to organize, share and annotate projects. For this purpose, a board with lists and various subtasks (so-called cards) is created, which can be viewed and edited by several users. Each card can be commented on and moved within a list or to another list. Different colored labels help to distinguish the cards easily. A checklist and a due date can also be created for each task.


WordPress is a content management system (CMS) popular worldwide and can be used to create and manage websites. This free tool is extremely practical for founders, as its high user-friendliness and enormous expandability characterize WordPress. Thanks to various plugins, forms, appointment calendars, social media elements, or SEO tools, for example, can be integrated. In the official WordPress plugin directory, you will find over 54,000 plugins for download. And there are more and more!

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ERP Security Managed Services To Control Risks Tue, 31 May 2022 07:00:02 +0000 Many SMEs and large companies have an ERP to manage their business processes. Cyber-attacks are

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Many SMEs and large companies have an ERP to manage their business processes. Cyber-attacks are associated with non-application of security patches and updates, misconfigurations, unauthorized Internet access, external connections, etc. They can cause a natural disaster in the company. Cybercriminals know this and hunt for vulnerabilities and flaws in ERP security. How do you know that you have to update and if there is a new vulnerability in your ERP? It’s time to hire a Managed Service Provider to control risks.

The Human Factor And ERP Security

Yes, the human factor is probably the weakest link, and many factors can cause this security gap:

  • Lack of a strong safety culture
  • The belief that if something works, it is better to leave it as it is
  • An oversight
  • A file opened by mistake
  • Weak passwords
  • Improvised external accesses
  • The fear of an error in the update of your ERP and that the service stops working
  • Existing vulnerabilities in systems to which new ones are usually added are almost always evolutions of existing ones.

Many companies think we are not a multinational. Who is going to know us in China, Russia or Vietnam?(main origins of attacks). But the danger is confirmed when, for example, a user’s computer has been compromised.

Objectives Of Cybercriminals In Attacking Your ERP

The main reasons for exploiting ERP security vulnerabilities and misconfigurations are:

  • Theft of confidential information to sell it to the competition or use it as a means of extortion.
  • Theft of bank data stored and managed by ERPs may cause economic losses for your company or your clients.
  • Theft of personal data.
  • Denial of service will imply a tremendous reputational and economic impact.
  • Infection of devices with Trojans, keyloggers, or even ransomware, can affect business continuity.

Many attacks that occur, and the ERP is the destination, are:

  • Identity theft.
  • Access to ERP data.
  • Request payment orders to suppliers with a modified IBAN account towards the cybercriminal.

Managed Services To Control Risks

We cannot afford to be attacked in these moments of total technological dependence. The availability of business processes is essential. What can we do to combat this threat?

  • Training and awareness of users in cybersecurity
  • Implement a policy/schedule for program updates, server operating systems, and equipment that access data.
  • Backups.
  • Control of access to the Internet, creation of roles, and optimization of passwords.
  • GDPR compliance.
  • Carry out periodic checks of the access routes to our information ( pentesting ).
  • Monitor the ERP
  • Review ERP vulnerabilities and auxiliary services on an ongoing basis.

Have You Considered Hiring A Managed Service Provider To Control ERP Security Risks

Any manufacturer of Hardware or Software continuously corrects, or on-demand, the vulnerabilities that they may have or be discovered. These vulnerabilities are exploited by an attacker who has already gained access to our environment to gain control over systems and hijack our data. For this reason, one of the main tasks of your MSP Provider will be to apply the corresponding security patches to the hardware and software assets that may be compromised.

Through periodic tasks previously studied so as not to affect the functionality or business continuity, the corrections released by the manufacturers are applied, leaving the system immune to known attacks at that time. And why do we say periodic? Because what is safe today and tomorrow is no longer secure.

And how do we know which systems I have to update and if there is a new vulnerability on them? With Managed Services, the latest security fixes are applied, minimizing the impact of an attack. Through the Managed Cybersecurity Services, CiberSOC, company systems are continuously scanned, activating an alert when a vulnerability is discovered that applies to some of the scanned techniques. This triggers a study action to remedy the problem. 

Inforges And Managed Services For ERP SAP Business One

At In forges, we are specialists in the ERP SAP Business One. Our value proposition with our SAP Business One managed services is:

  • Preferential attention: Contractual SLA.
  • Maximize SAP Service availability: 99.x%
  • Minimize impact: Optimize RPTO.
  • Technological evolution: Continuous improvement.
  • SAP Business One is the platform that models and automates the most critical processes of your company. A problem with the availability and performance of this service can cause severe financial and image damage.

Have You Managed Services Why In forges

IT departments often have a love/hate relationship with managed services. They know that having a specialized company in charge of a particular service will relieve their daily workload, but they fear that their job is no longer necessary. The company will end up dispensing with them. The reality is that it is essential to ‘free’ IT professionals from those tasks that do not add direct VALUE to the business to help the Management lead the CHANGE process. Betting on In forges is betting on:

  • Methodology
  • Tools
  • The work team and its specialization
  • The experience
  • Model Maturity

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The Importance Of CRM For A Community Manager Mon, 30 May 2022 06:13:27 +0000 A CRM is not a simple platform, but rather it is the solution used by

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A CRM is not a simple platform, but rather it is the solution used by startups, small and large companies in order to be able to organize and analyze interactions with customers, detect their needs and tastes in advance, improve profitability, boost sales and create tailor-made campaigns to attract new customers.

The main objective of a CRM is clear: to improve customer relations. Anyway, we can use it in different ways:

  • As a strategy: It is the knowledge about how relationships with clients and potential clients should be managed.
  • As a process: The system a company adopts to nurture and manage those relationships.
  • As Software: A technology product that teams use to record, report, and analyze interactions between the business and users.

Over time, companies began to distance themselves from their customers due to the technologies that have driven online shopping. The growth of advertising and dissemination channels has caused the breaking of the existing connections that marketing and sales had stimulated. That is why the well-known CRM is now used to be able to maintain that relationship with the client , have a close relationship with him, knowing his tastes, his preferences…

Why The Need For The Community Manager For CRM Management

It is well known that Community Managers are essential to manage the presence of companies and/or brands in the media, being the professional profile that builds their online community through social networks as another means of customer service, managing and administering them. to create and maintain stable and reliable relationships with customers, fans and users who show interest in the brand. The main objective of the Community Manager is to improve the visibility of the brand digitally to improve its reputation, expand the community claiming quality and generate web traffic ensuring that it becomes a customer.

This management of the brand that we are talking about must include a set of skills and technical understanding, therefore, the CM (Community Manager) appears as a fundamental piece to spread the image and identity of the brand in the RRSS. And with this, they take responsibility for the reputation through them and the ability to create the community towards the brand, capturing the public and connecting with them.

What Does A Community Manager Do

It develops activities typical of its profession through knowledge of the brand and its identity , as well as of the medium it manages:

  • Make attractive and quality content , it is about making all the brand’s media have content that adds value and is original.
  • Generate engagement with the community , it is essential to generate an emotional bond with users so that they interact with the content that is published. This is the key to an excellent Community Manager.
  • Interact with users (responding, interacting and chatting). You must have response methods for both positive and negative comments, managing moments of crisis quickly and without putting the company at risk.
  • Viralize the content on social networks , knowing the environment and the characteristics of each one of them to adapt the message and know what is the best time to publish.
  • Manage actions such as raffles, promotions, contests, advertising campaigns, actions with influencers, etc. In this way, you can viralize the profile of the company and get more influence on the networks.
  • Get to know your community , which ones have the most active users, influencers that are most related to the brand, etc. These can help us encourage people to buy.

Knowing what a CRM is and at the same time a Community Manager, we would enter the term Social CRM . As a result of the evolution that has arisen in the traditional CRM due to the constant social transformation, new ways of treating data, social networks, platforms and tools appear, which are available for a company to carry out relationship management with its customers. 

Also Read: How Does CRM Benefit A Company?

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