google Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Thu, 26 May 2022 06:02:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 google Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 4 Google Algorithms To Know To Boost An E-commerce Site Thu, 26 May 2022 06:02:16 +0000 The traffic of your e-commerce site is closely linked to the quality of your SEO.

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The traffic of your e-commerce site is closely linked to the quality of your SEO. Organization of your online store, choice of products, writing of their file and relevance of net linking are essential elements for SEO. Can you explain why? The answer is simple: Google likes them. The Mountain View firm is constantly improving its algorithms related to the indexing of web pages. Understanding how they work and why they were deployed allows you to avoid certain pitfalls and enhance the visibility and profitability of your merchant site. Here are four Google algorithms to learn to boost your e-commerce site.

Google Panda Content Quality

Launched in 2011, Google Panda is a filter which went through several updates before being integrated into the real-time operation of the algorithm. As Google indexed more and more pages, the firm had to find a way to clean up its index to avoid being invaded by spam. Quality then becomes an important criterion, which must be defined and considered. The main sites in Google’s sights are content farms, content aggregators (legal and illegal), forums and price comparison sites. Penalized, they experience a significant drop in attendance. While the way Google Panda works remains obscure and technical, the direction is obvious. Quality content is favored, the tags used to source the information are valued, and duplicate content is penalized. The product sheets should, therefore, not be neglected.

Google Penguin The Quality Of Net Linking

In 2012, Google launched a new filter, which will also be integrated in real-time, Google Penguin. After cleaning the content with Panda, it is the turn of the links to be screened. Netlinking is essential in an SEO strategy, provided it is relevant. Artificial and poor quality links are now penalized by Google. Unlike Panda, Penguin does not penalize an entire site, does not blocklist it, but directly targets the page concerned. Links bringing nothing to the Internet user via opaque directories, blog comments, or forum interventions are considered poor quality. A good link for Penguin adds value to the user experience. Following the same logic, Google Penguin also fights against over-optimized anchors:

Google Rankbrain Search Intentions

Launched in 2015, Google Rankbrain is now the 3rd criterion for positioning a site, after content and net linking. The goal of the algorithm is to understand the user’s search intent. It was deployed in particular to facilitate voice and conversational searches. As with the previous techniques, machine learning (or automatic learning) is at the heart of this technology. The algorithm understands the purpose of the search and not just the keywords used. The page must contain the request and valuable quality content and related sub-themes. Thus, even if it does not have precisely the key request, a page responding to the same intentions can be well-positioned. Google learns as it searches and does predictive analysis accordingly. Thus, even when the word “buy” is not searched by the user,

Google Pigeon Local SEO

Deployed in 2014 and 2015, Google Pigeon improves search results related to local queries, the most optimized pages will be highlighted. For this, registration with Google My Business is an essential asset. Free, it allows you to reference your company precisely and appear in the Google Maps results in the “local pack”, that is to say, at the top of the results page. For the algorithm to perceive the company’s seriousness, all the information present on the web must be identical. Depending on the sector of activity, registration on sites and social directories such as Yelp, the Yellow Pages or even Trip Advisor is valued by the algorithm on local referencing. Finally, let’s not forget that Google geolocates most of its users.

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How To Rank On Google With Natural Referencing Sun, 24 Apr 2022 05:18:00 +0000 In the digital age, the importance of online presence is well established. Contrary to what

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In the digital age, the importance of online presence is well established. Contrary to what some people think, it is not enough to create a website to enjoy good visibility on the web. It is indeed necessary to put in place all the strategies to improve your website’s position on Google. How do you achieve it? This is what we share with you in this article.

Perform A Technical SEO Audit Of The Website

To rank on Google, your website must necessarily meet the essential criteria in terms of SEO. To achieve this, you must first carry out an SEO audit of the site. To do this, some platforms provide you with tools specially created for this purpose. You can carry out an exhaustive technical audit of your website free of charge in just a few clicks.

In general, the audit of a website is a process that can take place at different times in the life of your website. In other words, it is an analysis carried out based on specific structural and technical criteria. Considered the anchor of any SEO strategy, auditing a website provides valuable information on key elements such as accessibility, indexability, microdata, web performance, l architecture, user experience, etc. For the technical audit of your online store, click here to benefit from professional and personalized support.

Boost Your Site Content

Now that you have an idea of ​​the problems of your website, you can take the necessary measures to boost its natural referencing to rank on Google. It will be, in other words, to optimize the content of your site for this search engine.

The optimization work begins with the pages directly associated with your keywords. They must indeed have content of impeccable quality composed of a descriptive title and a meta description tag. Thus, the Internet user who sees the wording of your page in his search results will be encouraged to click on it to find out more.

To rank on Google with natural referencing, you must regularly publish unique content that adds value to your site. Above all, avoid duplicate content, a technique likely to harm your e-reputation. Instead, create strategy pages with texts including relevant keywords (related to your activity). Also, avoid focusing only on inserting the keywords. Indeed, Google is relying more and more on the meaning of words to rank websites.

Improve The User Experience Of The Site

The user experience of a website is of paramount importance for the Google ranking of the latter. This expression is defined mainly by the following two important data. These are the bounce rate and dwell time. The first concept refers to the number of pages that Internet users visit when they land on the website. The more pages they visit, the more the bounce rate drops. So understand that it will be difficult, if not impossible, for you to rank on Google with a high bounce rate. This is a sign that the user experience is not at the top.

In general, there is a close relationship between the bounce rate and the visit time. If Internet users leave immediately after landing on a page, it is undoubtedly because the content is of little interest. Conversely, when Internet users spend a lot of time on a page, they have found relevant content there. In return, Google gratifies your website with better positioning.

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Google Alerts Discover The Benefits Of This Simple Functionality Fri, 14 Jan 2022 09:26:34 +0000 Google Alerts is a content analysis service that, as its name suggests, is offered by

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Google Alerts is a content analysis service that, as its name suggests, is offered by the Google search engine. The service consists of automatically tracking all new content that is uploaded to the internet to send it to users based on personalized alerts that they have previously configured.

Google Alerts is a very complete functionality that allows you to monitor a specific topic. Using the tool’s filters well allows us to get the most out of it, getting very precise results on what we are interested in.

One of the aspects that we must take into account is that the alerts service can only offer as results those contents that Google indexes through its search engine. This means that if Google itself does not have a certain content “registered in its database” it cannot offer it through a Google Alerts email.

Also Read: How To Enhance The Local Positioning Of An SME

Advantages Of Google Alerts

At the beginning of this article, you may have wondered what advantages this simple service can have. In this sense, you should know that Google Alerts can not only be used to receive alerts on certain topics of interest but also that it is possible to carry out an advanced configuration to find very precise results related, for example, with positions of work, offers on certain products or monitor your brand. There are currently eight types of alerts that can be configured, depending on the information sources that are selected, so that Google will notify you with the results in your email inbox:


This is the default “basic” alert setup mode. In this option, the results of the alerts can come from Google News, specific websites, and blogs.


As the name suggests, these alerts are sent with the content of the first ten results within Google News related to the activated alert.


This alert is sent when new web pages appear in the first twenty results of a Google search, previously configured through a “keyword”.


Blog alerts are sent with the top ten Google blog search results within the specified period.


They are sent to the user with the contents that match the search configured within Google Video.


The alerts that are sent through this source make it possible to collect results on the latest news from specific authors or titles.


With this option, you can configure the reception of news about the conversation topics you want to follow.


If you want to receive news about finances, select this data source and include the appropriate terms to receive the financial information you want.

How To Configure Alerts On Google

Setting up a Google alert is a very simple process. An essential requirement for this is to have an active Google account. Once you have access to your account, the next steps to configure your custom alert are:

Create A Custom Alert

  • Enter “Google Alerts”.
  • Select the email address to which you want to receive Google alerts.
  • In the box at the top, enter the topic you want to follow.
  • To change the default settings, click on “Show options” to be able to choose between the following preferences:
  • How often do you receive notifications?
  • The types of websites or “sources” from which you will receive alerts.
  • Language.
  • The area of ​​the world from which you want to receive information.
  • The number of results you want to see.
  • The email account or accounts in which you want to receive the alerts.
  • To finish, click on “Create alert”.

Once you have configured all the options according to your preferences, you will receive emails every time Google finds search results matching your selection.

Change An Alert In Google Alerts

  • Enter “Google Alerts”.
  • Click “Edit” next to an alert.
  • Click “Show Options” if none appear.
  • Make the configuration changes you want.
  • Click on “Update Alert.”
  • To change the way you receive alerts, click “Settings”> “Settings” and then select the options you want and click “Save.”

Delete An Alert In Google Alerts

  • Enter “Google Alerts”.
  • Click “Remove” next to the alert you want to remove.
  • Another way to remove an alert is by clicking “Unsubscribe” at the bottom of an alert email.

Configure Advanced Alerts In Google Ads

To refine the results you receive in your Google alerts you must include a series of commands next to the terms included in the search field. Next, we detail the process for configuring advanced alerts in Google Alerts:

To Monitor Your Brand And That Of Your Competitors

Include the domain in the alerts field, for example: “”.

With this search, you will receive all the alerts with the new websites where the indicated domain appears.

To Monitor Exact Content

Include the term in quotation marks, for example: “Mobile technical service.”

With this search, you will receive alerts about the contents that exactly match those included in the quotation marks.

To Monitor A Specific URL

Include the URL with the command “site:” in front, for example: “site:”.

In this way, it is possible to receive alerts about all the updates of the indicated website.

To Exclude Terms From Your Search

Includes the operator “-”, for example: “technical service – mobile”.

With this configuration you will get alerts about technical services and those related to mobiles will be excluded.

To Search For Related Topics 

Include the operator “*” to replace the terms we want to receive in alerts, for example: “technical service to repair *”.

This way you will receive alerts with terms related to repairs for which technical service is needed.

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What Is Google Optimize And How Does It Work? Fri, 31 Dec 2021 07:40:39 +0000 Google Optimize is a Google tool that offers companies the ability to build more compelling

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Google Optimize is a Google tool that offers companies the ability to build more compelling web pages. Do you want to know what it is for and how to use it?

What Is Google Optimize

Google Optimize is an online testing tool that, connected to a website, allows users to experiment with different versions of its content to find which is the most effective. On a web page, the choice of some elements, such as the title, corporate colors, images or calls to action, can make the difference between a website that achieves good results (conversions, sales.) and one that does not.

Google Optimize was launched with the idea of ​​helping companies obtain information on which elements are the most effective. Doing this allows applying some of the most common types of testing on websites. Through this tool, a user can create different versions of the same page (for example, one that uses stock images and illustrations) and discover which one has achieved the best conversions.

Thus, it is a crucial strategy in creating effective landing pages or a suitable homepage, among other content. The convenience of using this type of testing tool is proven: it is calculated that they allow reaching practical conclusions between 20 and 80% faster than other methods and achieve more accurate results.

How Does Google Optimize Work

In Google Optimize, there are at least two different parts:

  • The editor is the platform from which the different versions of the pages are created.
  • The reporting tool linked to the Google Analytics account allows access to data on this type of experiment.

The steps to follow to create a test include:

  • Create an account on the Google Optimize website
  • Also, download the Google Optimize plugin from the Chrome Web Store.
  • Back on the web page, start creating an “experience.” From here, the user is asked to choose the type of Test he wishes to create, among 3 types:
  1. A / B Test: Two versions of the same content are generated: the original and different ones. These are shown to users following similar parameters.
  2. Multivariate Test: Different elements (titles, images, texts) are taken and combined to create different web page versions.
  3. Redirect Test: Differentiated web page versions are created (with its link).
  • Once you have chosen the type of Test you want to carry out, click on “add variant” and create the different types of web.
  • Finally, to make the different tests appear for users, the user must connect their Google Optimize account with Google Analytics and their website, following the instructions provided by Google in its help portal.

How To Use It In Your Business

In short, Google Optimize is about obtaining information to achieve an effective website at the level of conversions. In other words, it enables more website visitors to take action desired by a business (for example, to make a purchase).

Experimentation and testing are crucial in this area to understand what kind of text, images, and user experience is the most effective way to achieve the objectives of a business. Google Optimize is thus an exciting tool that designers and developers can use to create an effective website for a business.

Also Read: Google Begins Testing Its System For Replacing Third-Party Cookies

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Google Ads – The Missing Ingredient to Building More Sales Tue, 14 Sep 2021 07:00:48 +0000 Many marketing campaigns are made or broken by Google. The default search engine of many

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Many marketing campaigns are made or broken by Google. The default search engine of many people needs to be central to a marketing strategy for it to work.
To do this, firms need to pay attention to organic search and paid search. This article details how you can optimize the latter and ensure that your ads appear ahead of your competition every single time.

How does Google AdWords campaign management work?

The thing to know is that AdWords campaign management is all about getting your keywords right to track what your target buyers are looking for. Other vital components are ensuring your ad copy achieves the balance of being short enough to capture search terms, but long enough to give the information the reader needs.
Ultimately, Google AdWords campaigns are all about investing time and having the right technical skills to make your ads prosper.
Google Ads work best as part of a diverse marketing mix. Along with other digital activities, Google Ads serve the purpose of pulling in buyers that have searched for exactly what you sell. They also create awareness for your firm by consistently keeping your ads at the top of relevant searches – whether or not people actually go on to click.
With its sophisticated targeting, Google has the power to unlock a consistent flow of new leads into your firm. Its real advantage is that you can target slightly different audiences with ads, so depending on whether you are looking to attract CEOs or mid-managers you can achieve real results with Google Ads.

Why the first page matters so much

You have probably heard the term ‘Google first page’ before, its importance cannot be understated. To put this into perspective, consider that almost a third of people never even click onto page two of Google.
With this in mind, it is vital to be on the first page, and ideally within the first few search results. Optimizing your website consists of SEO for organic search terms and pay per click for Google Ads.
The advantage of Google AdWords campaigns is that if they are not delivering the right results at any given time, they can simply be refined until they do so. A skilled AdWords consultant will know exactly how to make that happen and can save you money that would otherwise be wasted on irrelevant clicks.

Choosing Google AdWords management services

The good news is you will not be short of options when you are recruiting Google AdWords management services. One search will give you more results than you could possibly need. The trick is finding a service that will deliver for your firm.
If you approach this in a methodical manner in the same way you would hire a new employee, you will be off to a good start.
First, decide how you would like to work. Do you want a local agency that you can meet in person, or are you happy with working with someone remotely? The next choice is whether you prefer a single freelancer or a larger agency. Both have pros and cons, so it is down to personal choice.
Look for an agency that wants to provide expertise and dynamism, not just be paid to tweak keywords. You want someone that will step up and provide a strategy for your whole Google AdWords campaign management.

Establish baseline metrics

The guide of any good marketing campaign is to establish clear KPIs with your chosen agency. By doing so, the agency will know what they need to deliver to achieve your measure of success.
Be realistic with how many clicks you want to generate. It is better to aim for a smaller number of high-quality leads than reams of lower quality ones. This will save you money on wasted clicks with Google, but it will also allow your salespeople to optimize their time working only on qualifying good leads.

Getting started

Once you have been through a recruitment process, it is time to get started. Organize a brainstorming session with your agency to get started and brief them on what you are looking to do with your first campaign.
Brief your sales team to be ready for new leads and let them know what services they will be focused on. Good luck!

Also Read: What Is Big Data Marketing And What Are Its Advantages

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5 Google Tools To Boost Your Business Wed, 28 Jul 2021 07:31:46 +0000 The tools Google for business confirm something clear, Google has become much more than just

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The tools Google for business confirm something clear, Google has become much more than just a search engine web page. Over time, this internet giant has grown to offer several tools, with different functions or objectives, but always very valuable to stand out from the search engine results, in one way or another. We analyze them.

The Best Google Tools For Business

1. Google My Business

It is estimated that there are around 63,000 searches on Google every second, which translates to 5.6 billion every day. These numbers speak to the need for businesses to appear on this search engine to be discovered by the right customers.  Google My Business is one of the specific Google tools for companies: a switchboard to display all your company’s information, from photographs to your schedules or customer reviews. 

2. Google Street View

Google Street View is a digital representation of an environment that allows the user to visit a place virtually. It works with the union of several panoramic images so that the user can perceive what they would see if they were present in the class, be it a street or the interior of a building. Knowing how to use Google Street View as a business can be very relevant, enhancing an immersive user experience that also:

  • Get a business to differentiate itself from the competition.
  • It provides a lot of information in a short time, allowing potential clients to see what is in the business as if they were in it.
  • It can be enriched by adding videos, texts, or even reservation forms. 
  • It is instrumental in showing environments or for businesses in which the facilities are essential for the purchase decision: hotels, bars, spas, restaurants, gyms.

3. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is the platform through which businesses can analyze the performance of their website, that is, how many users are visiting it and how their behavior is being on the page. This is very relevant information for possible content optimizations on the web, based on its current work.

4. Google Shopping

Google Shopping is one of Google’s tools for e-commerce oriented businesses. It is a free platform that allows users to search and buy products in a database created by Google. Thus, companies show and advertise their products on this platform, meeting potential buyers. Like the general Google search engine, the results in Google Shopping also work by keywords: the products appear organically depending on the user’s search. However, there is also space for companies to advertise their products, and, in addition, there are algorithms that personalize searches according to user preferences.

5. Google Ads

The Google Ads platform is another of Google’s tools for companies, in this case, aimed at helping businesses create advertising. Google Ads allows you to create ads that appear prominent in Google search results and other websites, displaying advertising and in various ad formats.

In this way, it is a complementary strategy to organic SEO positioning, which seeks to appear among the first results on the search page without financial investments. Therefore, each company must analyze how to combine both efforts to attract its potential audience to its website, products, or services. 

Also Read: How To Improve The Conversion Rate In Google Ads

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How To Improve The Conversion Rate In Google Ads Mon, 19 Jul 2021 05:23:45 +0000 Improving the Google Ads conversion rate, that is, the ratio between users who see an

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Improving the Google Ads conversion rate, that is, the ratio between users who see an ad and those who make a purchase or other transaction is one of the objectives of most companies that use this platform. According to figures from Smart Insights, Google Ads, which allows companies to advertise on the search engine in various formats, has a conversion rate of around 3% for ads in search results and 0.7% for display ads.

With at least 2.3 million searches every second on Google, advertising on Google can be an extremely successful strategy for businesses that want to reach new audiences. However, a successful Google Ads management means generating a conversion rate in Google Ads that is also ideal. Next, we collect the main tips to achieve it.

Tips To Improve Your Google Ads Conversion Rate

1. Use Specific Keywords

In many cases, the improvement in the conversion rate of Google Ads happens because the right audience sees the ads. Thus, it is common for the use of very specific keywords to have a better conversion rate. For example, instead of using “men’s shoes” as a keyword, it may be advisable to go for “brown Camper men’s shoes.” 

2. Work The Headlines

Headlines are one of the keys that influence the conversion rate of Google Ads because they are the first element that the user perceives. It is necessary to use appropriate language that guides users to the purchase using words such as ‘now,’ ‘buy,’ ‘discover,’ or ‘limited offer.’

3. Generate Specific Landing Pages And Optimize Them

Once you catch the user’s attention with the ad and get them to click on it, it is also crucial that they find a landing page that invites them to make the purchase. Therefore, when adding the main elements of the landing pages, consider the type of user who has reached it and goes directly to their needs. It is not the same to sell light bulbs to an electrician as a common user, and the landing page should reflect this to improve conversions. 

4. Use Negative Keywords

Improving the conversion rate also involves including negative keywords. Your ads are not shown to users who do not interest you (those who only learn about a topic but have no intention of making a purchase, at least for the moment). For example, it is useful to include the word “free” as a negative keyword to eliminate users looking for free solutions, and it is more difficult for them to make a purchase.

5. Create Ads Targeting Mobile Users

Mobile users and those who search from a computer tend to have different purchasing products or services. It is easier to search for information to read from a computer, while smartphone users are more oriented to action. Thus, it is advisable to create specific ads for users using smartphones that include, for example, the keyword “buy microwaves” in their search, instead of “which is the best microwave.”

6. Include Reviews And Testimonials

The critical and positive evidence of other users can expand the rate of conversion by 270%. Make use of these tools to boost customer confidence in your products and services and improve your results.

Also Read: Google Ads – Basics Knowledge To Get Started With Google Ads

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Microsoft Teams Makes Hybrid Work Easier With New Features Fri, 18 Jun 2021 06:47:01 +0000 Microsoft announced the arrival of several new features in Teams. They aim to facilitate collaboration

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Microsoft announced the arrival of several new features in Teams. They aim to facilitate collaboration between employees in the office and those working from home. The company also unveiled options in Viva Insights that could be useful for employee well-being.

Microsoft Wants To Make Teams The Ally Of Everyone, Everywhere

Over the past few months, many employees have familiarised themselves with Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams video conferencing platforms. Over time, hybrid work has become a norm for many companies. Mark Zuckerberg predicts that 50% of his employees will be telecommuting permanently within 5 to 10 years, while Microsoft believes that part-time homework will certainly become the norm.

It is essential to continue to deploy new features that will facilitate hybrid work. For this, Satya Nadella has unveiled new options for Teams, which are enriched with applications such as Table or Tasks. These tools can be modified directly from a conversation, avoiding opening a new window and wasting time. To make work even more fluid, it will be possible to send a message by integrating a table or a list of tasks to facilitate collaboration between employees.

Microsoft Teams has a new watchword: optimization. The purpose of the new employee layout at the bottom of the image in Team meetings is to provide a more natural experience between coworkers at home and those in the office. So that each of them continues to be invested, information about the meeting will be visible during their sessions.

Microsoft is also relying on technology from Jabra, Logitech, Poly, and Neat so that teleworkers can “better identify the reactions and commitment of each employee within the group gathered in a room”. For their part, the smart and connected Team speakers from EPOS and Yealink will improve voice recognition within the application so that a name is associated with a voice during meetings. In addition, Microsoft has not forgotten PowerPoint Live, which is offered a slide translation option.

Viva Insights Is Enriched With Features To Promote Well-Being

Microsoft wants to combine telework and well-being by making the Headspace meditation application available from the Viva Insights module in Teams. It will aim to relax them before or after their working day and offer music with the “concentration” mode. It will allow you to “program a daily concentration-time” and not be distracted by Team notifications. The “silent” mode, still in Viva Insights, can then be activated when the working day is over.

The user will not receive any notifications, either from Outlook or Teams. The Redmond-based company says it will promote work-life balance. While competition is fierce in the video conferencing market, Microsoft is trying to stand out by regularly upgrading Teams. Lately, she even announced that calls made on the platform would benefit from end-to-end encryption. Enough to satisfy its 145 million active users.

Also Read: How To Prepare Your Business Network For Microsoft Teams Telephony

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How To Measure The Digital Reputation Of Your Business Fri, 04 Jun 2021 06:52:32 +0000 The digital reputation is an article that appeared after the paradigm shift in communication between

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The digital reputation is an article that appeared after the paradigm shift in communication between businesses and customers concept. While in the past, consumers played a passive role in which they were limited to receiving information from companies, today’s opinion is more important than ever. The websites and platforms where information about a company appears are not static places that contain lead but two-way communication platforms.

Places like Google My Business and other review portals have increased the importance of customer reviews. In addition, social networks have generated very dynamic communication channels, which erase all the borders that traditionally existed between companies and clients. The online reputation encompasses these and other talks and has become a crucial factor to be managed by companies of all sizes.

Why Is It Essential To Measure Online Reputation?

Online reputation is defined as the subjective image that a user can build a business based on its information on digital platforms. Therefore, this reputation is built around the content that an organization distributes about itself in various channels. However, it also includes the reactions that other users have to that content (reviews, comments on networks.) and the public conversations between the brand and users.

Today, it is essential that companies take care of this online reputation in two ways.

  • On the one hand, they must be present in all internet channels relevant to their sector: from search engines to online directories, social networks, and review portals such as TripAdvisor.
  • On the other hand, they must take care of the conversation around their brand generated in the online environment. Therefore, it is about enhancing the visibility and credibility of the business.

The figures testify to the importance of caring for your online reputation:

  • 3 out of 4 consumers trust a business more if it has positive reviews.
  • 85% of consumers ensure online trust reviews to the same level as if they were personal recommendations.
  • 49% of consumers need reviews to the least four stars before buying into an online business.

Tools To Measure Digital Reputation

Google Alerts

It is a system-generated by Google that sends notifications when new content is published around the specified keywords (for example, the name of your business). Thus, it is possible to detect reviews or comments about your business posted on blogs or web pages that are not under your control.


A complete tool aimed at monitoring online reputation on various platforms, from review portals to social networks and business directories. Among its possibilities, it offers to generate surveys to collect feedback from users, tools to manage comments and messages on social networks, and instruments to create reports on metrics related to digital reputation.


Yext is not limited to managing digital reputation but also offers services related to SEO and eCommerce optimization. Regarding reputation management, it allows you to monitor online reviews of a business and respond to them from a unified platform, in addition to enhancing the acquisition of reviews from actual customers in an automated way.

SEMrush Brand Monitoring

The well-known SEO tool also provides social listening tools that allow you to discover the brand’s reputation and estimate traffic from mentions.


This social media management platform allows you to monitor brand-related conversations on social media so that that reputation can be inferred.

Also Read: What M-Commerce Is Find Out What You Need About Mobile Commerce

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New Google Guidelines for Product Review Websites Tue, 27 Apr 2021 15:59:37 +0000 Even though Google didn’t launch any core updates since December, this industry giant made some

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Even though Google didn’t launch any core updates since December, this industry giant made some changes in the product review algorithm. Needless to say, product reviews play a huge role in determining business success. Not only do they provide potential customers with additional information about the products or services they’re looking into but they also play a key role in boosting a business’s visibility.

That being said, it becomes quite clear why businesses should pay attention to new Google guidelines regarding product review websites and pages. So, with that in mind, let’s see what you should pay attention to.

Provide stellar content

The first and the most important thing we simply can’t emphasize enough is the quality of your content, or rather the content on your review page. Poorly written and content that’s not eloquent enough simply won’t do. Instead, make sure that the content you provide is written by an expert. If yourself don’t have the necessary set of skills to create such content, make sure you reach out to the professionals that do. To make it feel more unique and authentic, feel free to provide them with talking points and key pieces of information you want them to address or even emphasize. Simply put, there’s no worse thing than a poorly-written product review.

Make sure you’ve tried the product personally

Next, whenever reviewing a product, you need to make sure that you have tried it yourself. There’s simply not much sense in talking about something you don’t know anything about. Not only is this considered to be quite shady but you may be putting your reputation on the line. Imagine you reviewing a product that’s absolute garbage but you are not aware of the fact because you haven’t tried it. In case your audience listens to you, trusts your review and purchases the product – only to end up entirely disappointed – your reputation, as a reliable source, will be entirely crushed. And being able to recover from something like that can sometimes be downright impossible.

Emphasize important aspects

Moreover, when writing a product or a service review, simply mentioning the product is not enough. Instead, you need to try and really sell it. What this means is that you should focus on all of the important aspects of the product. Make sure you mention where you got it from and how much did it cost. How long did it take for the product to arrive? How light or heavy the product feels? Alternatively, when talking about services, mention which aspects matched your expectations and which ones exceeded them – or failed to meet them. A great example of this is reliable casino review sites where you can find all the information regarding casinos – both positive and negative. So, make sure you mention anything and everything that feels relevant and important.

Focus on everything that makes the product stand out

Along similar lines, you also need to make sure you emphasize all the things that make that certain product unique. In such a crowded market, chances are you can easily find numerous similar products out there, so you need to identify and really hone in on the things that are making the product you are reviewing unique. This will leave a huge impact on the audience. Since people love to learn as much as they can about a product or service before they invest their hard-earned money, make sure you offer them just that. Unless you manage to really emphasize the uniqueness or the benefits of the product, you can’t really expect positive feedback from your audience.

Offer updates

When reviewing products, sooner or later you will come across an update. Even if you are reviewing the updated product for the first time, make sure you mention its predecessor and compare and contrast the two. This way, in case someone is thinking about whether or not they should upgrade – let’s say they have the previous version – they will know if the upgrade is worth it. Additionally, you can even do the same with competing products, which is also a good way to provide your audience with some useful insight. In the end, the more in-depth and accurate comparison you manage to come up with the better for everyone involved.

Target the right audience

Finally, when reviewing products, make sure you research who the audience the product is targeted to is. The fact of the matter is that not all products – or services – are designed for all people. What this means is that you, for example, won’t have any use for the new ergonomic car seat cover, since you don’t own a car. So, make sure you target the right group of people and let them know specifically which benefits they can expect to get from the product – or service – you’re reviewing.

While these may seem just like common-sense things, rather than useful tips, you’d be surprised to learn just how many reviewers fail to meet even some of the most basic requirements. The latest Google guidelines for product review websites were made due to the fact that the previous ones left plenty of room for inconsistencies. And, as you probably already know, consistency is extremely important in the world of digital marketing. So, by adapting your content to match these new guidelines you can actually expect to see numerous benefits. And since the internet is commonly referred to as a living organism that constantly growing and evolving, you need to make sure that you follow suit.

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