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You may think that your home is the safest environment when it comes to the Internet. “Who is going to be interested in my data?” You may ask yourself, and the truth is that as long as you have an email account, a bank account with money and a credit card, you are already a possible target for hackers operating on the Internet. For this reason, we will give you a few tips to improve cybersecurity in your home.

Why You Need To Protect Your Home Network

This may be the most basic question and, at the same time, the most important. Now, more than ever, your home needs to be well protected at the Internet security level. There are many electronic devices at home, and we are not only talking about the existence of tablets, mobile phones and smartwatches. Home automation plays a fundamental role, and that is not to mention that many continue to telework. Now you see how important it is to follow some cybersecurity tips at home, right? But don’t worry, the term looks pretty technical, but the truth is that it is a matter of common sense accompanied by practices that will help you make your home safer.

Tips To Improve Your Cybersecurity At Home

Large companies sometimes hire a computer team to maintain the security of their data. This happens by having some good practices to avoid failures in the Network, and some of them can be applied to the most home environment. You may already know some of the best personal cybersecurity tips, but reviewing them from time to time to avoid greater evils is good.

Beware of webcams

One of the critical points of home cybersecurity has to do with webcams. Today there are no devices that do not have a webcam and, above all, computers are the most dangerous. For this reason, whether or not you suspect your computer has been infected, we recommend that you cover it with a sticker or a unique adhesive cover.

Protect Router And Printer

They seem like devices that cannot be attacked, and even that will never be used for an attack, but the truth is that both the printer and the router need to go through security measures. In the case of routers, we urge you not to use the WPS button for a long time and to change the password that comes by default in the box. The same happens with the printer, a device that already has an Internet connection and can become a node to connect to other devices. Do you see the problem? If a hacker breaks into your printer, they can move around to other devices on your home network, and that’s a severe problem.

Take Care Of Your Home Automation

The previous step to improve your cybersecurity at home also applies to other devices. And it is that more and more people have security cameras, vacuum cleaners, kitchen robots or smart thermostats at home, which we recommend disconnecting from time to time to protect them from the dangers of the Internet that can enter through any device.

Basic Software Security

We cannot finish this post without talking about some aspects you should already know and put into practice today: activate your antivirus. Whether paid or free, plenty of proposals on the market can help you protect your computer and that of your family. That’s not to mention following other security standards that will make your passwords more secure, such as password managers or using two-step verification systems, which can be a bit cumbersome, but everything is in pursuit of security. As you know, some services and applications send a unique key to your device every time you log in, which prevents a criminal from breaking into your account and stealing.

Also Read: Technological Trends 2022 Hyperautomation, Virtual Reality And Cybersecurity

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Essential Cybersecurity Measures For Teleworkers Fri, 08 May 2020 09:24:28 +0000 Whether you telecommute regularly or are one of the many new remote workers due to

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Whether you telecommute regularly or are one of the many new remote workers due to the coronavirus pandemic we are experiencing and we are trying to stop together, there are a number of essential cybersecurity tips that you can take advantage of.

In these pages we already talk about the main tools to be able to telework with guarantees, in addition to the main techniques for working remotely without losing an iota of productivity. Today, it is the turn of cybersecurity, those tools, and tips that can make life easier and safer while we work from home.

Company computer or personal computer?

The first thing we should mention is that working with equipment provided and maintained by the company is not the same as doing it from our personal computer, installing new software and preparing the environment to work.

If we are in the first case, that the company provides the necessary resources for teleworking, we must faithfully follow the instructions they provide us and making exclusively professional use of the devices provided. These devices should not be tampered with or modified by the IT team or lent to others.

In the case of using our own devices for personal use, we should follow some minimum security guidelines, divided into three parts: device preparation, protection of information, and security in communications.

For the first part, the preparation of the device, we should consider:

  • Install a good antivirus, that is updated (and that it does it frequently) and equipped with the best tools for detecting the most common threats.
  • Update all applications, starting with the operating system itself: browsers, email clients … any application that you will use at work.
  • Isolate your computer: create a new user account to work, configure a VPN to connect 

The connection you use to send and receive data must be secure. If you are at home and use your WiFi, secure it with a good password on the router and look for possible intruders with these tools; In case of connecting abroad, avoid public WiFi, because they are very the company’s servers.

To protect information, we cannot forget to configure backup copies of critical and confidential data to avoid risks. It is best to have a physical and cloud copy so that the probability of data loss is minimized. Also, encrypting your hard drive (or part of it, like a dedicated work folder) is a good idea.

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Will Corona Virus Lead to More Cyber Attacks? Thu, 09 Apr 2020 11:08:36 +0000 Cyber-attacks all over the world are increasing day by day. It is crucial for all

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Cyber-attacks all over the world are increasing day by day. It is crucial for all the e-commerce website owners to protect the website from all kinds of cyber threats. A multi-domain wildcard SSL certificate plays a vital role in securing your online shopping website portal.

Moreover, a multi-domain wildcard SSL certificates are very popular within every kind of customer as these have a reputation of cost-savers and cost-effective products that secures unlimited domains. There is no need to buy and manage other single SSL certificates.

Most multi-domain wildcard SSL certificates provide licenses to unlimited servers and also all top certificate providers will give you unlimited reissues and also a 30-day money-back guarantee. There are some amazing benefits for a multi-domain wildcard SSL certificates.

There are many benefits to a Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL Certificate, as it is one of the most reliable certificates available in the market.

  • To secure unlimited sub-domains under one certificate
  • Easily to manage and protect all domains with one Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL Certificate 
  • It provides with HTTPS address bar and Security Padlock which is safe for browsing.
  • Available for DV (Domain Validated) andOV (Organization Validated) organizations.
  • Comes with a site seal


Moreover, the generation process for a Multi-Domain Wildcard Certificate is easy. Each Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL Certificate can secure from 100 to 250 domains, depending on the vendor you have purchased from.

However, apart from the vendor, there is a process that should be followed to generate the certificate.

The CSR for a Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL certificate must have a non-wildcard domain to feed as the Common Name.

So, once the CSR is generated for this, you can include the additional domains and sub-domains. Now you have to the wildcard domains here.

Now coming to our topic, as we all know that the outbreak of the corona is bringing the world on knees. The world has come to rest because of this corona effect. The governments and the people of everywhere are confined to their homes. Almost all companies across the world have given work from home permissions so that they stay safe indoors.

The whole world right now is concerned only about the precautions that the threat created by the COVID 19, no doubt that even the cybercriminals take the
Chance to more and more employees are working remotely and the companies are facing issues with little staff and to no staff at all in few companies.

As the number of coronavirus victims is increasing the companies are taking more measures not to spread the viral symptoms to other people. At this time of hazard, the companies must request their employees to work from their homes which safe for everyone.

However, the organizations depending on the size make use of proven technologies like VPN or RDP for providing secured remote access to sensitive data and applications.

Also, both the employees and employers must take care of themselves and also the surrounding and most importantly the confidential company information.

In this article, we will discuss the steps to minimize the COVID 19 risks:

Be Extra Cautious About Phishing Emails:

It is a fact that cybercriminals love to take advantage of any crisis. Do not relax at this point of time as the attackers will be more active and try to intrude your systems They always look for the opportunities to send phishing emails designed in such a way that you cannot differentiate what is a phishing email and the original email.

They might send the links or spam content related to corona protection as this is the latest trending topic for the whole world. Once you click the link or download the pdfs the malware harm your website and also your organization.

Also, email interruption scams have brought a huge loss for many companies that the hackers send the fraud invoices faking them to be legitimate and with the change in the instructions, the amount goes into the hackers’ account.

To avoid this mishap, enable multi-factor authentication where you can control all of your accounts. If you have any doubts regarding the emails you can always contact the sender for more details to avoid any losses.

Practice Good Cyber Hygiene:

We are all practicing good hygiene habits after this corona hits us with its ferocious paws. It is equally important to make sure of maintaining hygiene for all the devices as well. These will include the internet router, malware protection, anti-virus protection, avoid passwords from the public places. Follow the company guidelines to avoid any sort of cyber-attacks on your device.

Only Use Secure Wi-Fi:

Note that your systems are prone to more hackings than ever at the current situation. Make sure you work on only secured Wi-Fi and make sure you are under an authentic network and a unique password.

This way you can protect the computer, company data and your website from the hackers and have full control and access upon any changes made.

According to reports, COVID 19 is not only used to gain monetary access by cybercriminals. This is also being used for more than this. It is used for gaining control over the company and the website. There is actually spyware attached to all the emails that are used against the company.

There are many messages flooding into the message boxes. One says it is from the World Health Organization, the other one claims from the UN and many more. Be careful while opening the emails as these are attached to spams.

After clicking the emails, the landing pages will lead to more serious issues but your security team should monitor your website and get rid of any spams, phishing emails, fake news links, and coronavirus links as they steal the login credentials and can easily hack the sensitive information.

Moreover, the cybercriminals have improved their tactics, now even the harmful links are very attractive with graphical information, information related to WHO and UN, etc.
We all are worried and also saddened at the outbreak of the Corona, let us keep our selves safe and also applaud all the health care professionals all over the world and wishing all the infected people a speedy recovery.

At the same time, let us follow all the hygiene habits and let us pledge to stop the spread of this deadly virus.

Final Thoughts:
By maintaining the above cyber hygiene conditions, you can safely create an environment for work from home and also protecting the company’s sensitive data and also user’s data.
It is our social responsibility and accountability to stay safe and also keep the surrounding clean and stop the spreading of the virus further. Stay responsible and stay safe !!

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Top Most Common Types Of Cyberattacks Sat, 07 Mar 2020 05:33:59 +0000 The cyber attacks are becoming more frequent and in some cases, are more and more

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The cyber attacks are becoming more frequent and in some cases, are more and more dangerous, attacking diversity of targets with a handful of purposes (all malicious, of course).

Cyberattack is understood as any type of offensive maneuver from one or more teams to a device, multiple devices or complete networks. We can distinguish two types of attack: those in which the objective is to disable the target device or leave it out of combat; those in which the objective is to gain access to the data of the target device and, perhaps, to obtain administrator privileges on that device.

The Most Common Types Of Cyberattacks Today?

Within these two major “trunk” categories of cyberattacks, there are a number of types of canonical attacks that, as expected, do not have to be isolated in the new ways of carrying out cyber attacks. That is, we start from these “ingredients” and we can combine them to result in new ways to attack targets.

  • The malware  is a type of attack as general as possible, it is a bounded way of saying “malicious software.” Within the malware, we find viruses, Trojans, worms and many other forms, which are characterized by a modus operandi in which their replication is always present along with one or more devices. Malware can cause the device or network not to work, or grant the attacker permission to control the system remotely.
  • Phishing also is known as phishing, is a set of techniques designed to trick the recipient of a message to guide it towards a series of steps that will end up in the infection of its systems, or in the theft of data, credentials or identities.
  • Denial of service: The philosophy of these attacks is to consume so much bandwidth in the network that you want to compromise that it loses connectivity to the network and, therefore, stops serving its customers.
  • Ransomware a type of malware specialized in disabling devices until any requirement by criminals is satisfied. Normally, the attacker encrypts the data on the target devices and demands a payment to provide the decryption key.
  • Man in the middle is a method by which attackers manage to secretly interpose between the user and a web service they are trying to access.
  • SQL injection: an attack whereby a criminal can exploit a vulnerability to take control of his victims’ database.
  • Zero-day exploits: These attacks exploit the vulnerabilities present in software that has not yet been detected by the developer and, therefore, have not been fixed.
  • Cryptojacking: a specialized attack that makes the device of another person do the job of generating cryptocurrencies. The attackers will install malware or execute JavaScript code in the victim’s browser.

Also Read: Professions For Future With More Job Opportunities [2020-30]

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