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Algorithms already support us in many everyday activities, and artificial intelligence (AI) is also considered a key technology and engine for progress and development in healthcare. Classic treatment methods, but also diagnostics, will change, and the use of AI will play a decisive role.

AI In Healthcare: Four Sketches And Concepts

For three days, the participants brooded over their ideas in working groups, discussed applications of AI in healthcare, and developed possible solutions. This resulted in four extremely promising project outlines.

The AI-based prediction tools aim to improve the clinic’s processes and apply measures that are in line with guidelines preventively to react proactively to complications in the clinic and minimize the risk of rehospitalization. After evaluating various data, the risk assessment tool is intended to provide a prediction before an operation as to whether a person to be operated on has a high risk of certain complications. With this support, certain aspects can already be considered during the treatment.

In addition, the experts developed a solution for predictive workforce management to make more precise and automated predictions about the personnel requirements in the emergency room of clinics. Critical overload situations should be avoided through the forecast and the personnel planning that is coordinated with it. This, in turn, leads to higher employee satisfaction, which ultimately improves the quality of treatment and leads to a reduction in costs.

Another group worked on the Easy Docu project to simplify the interactions between doctor and patient and thus achieve data-driven healthcare. This is a tool for automated documentation using Natural Language Processing (NLP), i.e., the processing of natural language. In the doctor-patient discussion, there is more time for the patient, and communication becomes more personal. The associated evaluations and the consistent transparency of the documentation across the entire patient path also enable a better understanding of the treatment and, thus, high-quality therapy. Patient safety is also increased due to lower susceptibility to errors.

Another project related to AI-based support in the personalized selection of therapy. Based on historical data on a patient, an AI-based prediction is to be made as to how likely it is that a complex therapy will be adhered to (adherence). This allows the doctor to adjust the therapy or take other measures, such as a more intensive care plan. This way, the success of therapy, satisfaction, and quality of life of the patients can be improved, and the severity of side effects minimized. A more efficient therapy can also reduce costs since, for example, additional treatments are no longer necessary. Thus, the entire health system can be relieved by more successful therapies.

Also Read: What Is Facebook Social Network?

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Leverage Digital Marketing To Reach More Customers Tue, 12 Jul 2022 07:02:00 +0000 Digital marketing has become the fundamental tool for any business today. It includes all the

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Digital marketing has become the fundamental tool for any business today. It includes all the communication strategies designed to attract and retain consumers. It is an inherent part of the electronic commerce of products and services, and also, it is an essential piece of the customer-company business relationship.

To attract new customers, digital marketing offers a significant number of strategies. However, some variables determine which is the most suitable for the type of business. This requires having the appropriate means to collect valuable information and optimize communication channels. The purpose is to improve the Customer Experience and increase profitability. If you want to know how you can have a successful business in the online universe, keep reading!

How can you take advantage of digital marketing to attract more customers? The main thing is to have a medium that lets you know and interact effectively with the public. These are the three basic elements with which your business can adapt to the constant transformations of the commercial context. At the same time, you keep it given the potential client and the modern consumer.

Design your digital marketing strategy to design the digital marketing strategy of your business, you need several elements. First, characterize your regular customer, and study his behavior and segment. This way, you can specify a more personalized and accurate communication. Another element is knowing the trends of electronic commerce and the new forms of cultural development that condition today’s consumer tastes. This way, you can adapt the physical space, online and the offer to match social preferences.

Channel the Social Media strategy today is characterized by the integration of physical and digital channels. Current marketing plans categorize social media strategies to address the obvious diversity in the online universe. Digital marketing allows channeling the social media strategy based on the expectations of a resilient, analytical and well-informed user. It is no longer just selling; it provides advice and useful information. For this, you have content marketing and SEO positioning, with which you can direct attention to your products and services.

Induce online reviews as a method of attraction. It is useless to make large investments in your business to make it more attractive to the target audience if you do not properly manage what is said and written in online environments. These environments have a wide range. The best tactic is to provide good service and proper attention so that the client forms an attractive opinion and review available to other users. The review strategy is basic in digital marketing plans. It provides the advantage of turning a client into a spokesperson for what you have to offer and the quality you submit—generating a long-range network that favors the arrival of new customers.

Also Read: Digital Marketing Guide For SaaS

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Digital Twins To Improve Data Center Operations Mon, 13 Jun 2022 05:25:44 +0000 Digital twin technology offers exciting possibilities to many industries to know what is happening in

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Digital twin technology offers exciting possibilities to many industries to know what is happening in real-time, plan strategies and predict problems. Among them are data centers looking for new solutions to improve their operations and reduce their energy consumption and carbon footprint but are not ready to use other next-generation keys, such as artificial intelligence.

In recent years, the data center industry has been improving its facilities’ monitoring systems and implementing new technologies to optimize operations and reduce consumption. Many operators are considering using artificial intelligence to manage energy consumption and carbon emissions, but there are numerous challenges related to data quality and availability. In many cases, the information that can be obtained is limited to homogeneous environments and does not represent the current complexity and diversity in the facilities.

Therefore, the most important challenge for most data centers is improving their operations’ monitoring at multiple levels. This problem could be solved with new technologies such as digital twins. These are fed with all the data related to the operations and allow the creation of a virtual representation of the physical environments with great detail and different uses. On the one hand, there is real-time or near real-time monitoring of what is happening in the data center. On the other hand, they allow simulations to be carried out to discover what would happen if problems of a different nature occur or new systems are implemented.

This proposal is advancing thanks to the work of certain specialized companies, such as the Singapore firm Red Dot Analytics (RDA), which has created an artificial intelligence-driven digital twin platform specifically focused on data centers. Its creators claim that it allows operators to simulate their operations in great detail, helping to manage their carbon footprint and reduce energy consumption.

This company was born at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Since its creation, it has focused on the simulation of actions aimed at improving operational and energy efficiency and helping operators better understand the costs and risks of each step in this path. Additionally, this solution can be used to implement machine learning models that would help improve data center operations at different levels.

Regarding Computer Weekly, RDA chief scientist and NTU professor Wen Yonggang explains that “different people have different interpretations of what a digital twin should be, and that has been a big challenge when we work with partners from the industry, customers and stakeholders. He explains that most digital twins are “just” virtual representations of the physical infrastructure, but he sees this as just the first layer of this platform.

It highlights that many other capabilities can be integrated into it, such as the overlay of operational data to carry out statistical analysis and diagnostics and achieve predictive and prescriptive capabilities that drive decision-making for data center operators. And he claims his digital twin can help operators reduce facility power consumption by 40% without having to modify the hardware.

Another approach they have taken at this company is to help operators better understand their carbon emissions and identify ways to reduce them. And they’re also working with other customers on asset management to minimize downtime in data centers. In any case, the objective of this digital twin platform is to be used as a support for decision-making that allows converting the best practices of the industry into a more scientific way of carrying out operations.

The challenge that data centers face is that, in many cases, they do not have enough sources of information since they have obsolete data collection systems and multiple sources that are unable to unify. But When explains that digital twins offer the ability to start with a small amount of data to build the foundation of the virtual representation and then feed in more data to scale and refine the model.

Also Read: The Technological Revolution Of Machine Learning

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Digital Transformation Of The Industry The Factory With A Future Thu, 09 Jun 2022 05:33:26 +0000 Today’s factories face formidable challenges to maintain the competitiveness of their business in a market

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Today’s factories face formidable challenges to maintain the competitiveness of their business in a market that is increasingly demanding in terms of delivery times, product customization and quality, lower prices, and real-time information. End users transfer this requirement with a bullwhip effect to the entire goods and services supply chain. This fact leads us to review what market phenomena force factories to undergo a series of significant changes to become Factories of the Future and to be able to evolve towards Factories with a Future through a process of digital transformation of the Industry. Discover what characteristics make the Industry a Factory with a Future!

Challenges Of Industry 4.0

The factories, in their essence, will continue to operate to transform some inputs into outputs through key operations in a specific time called Lead Time. How the Factory is managed and operated will generate particular results that will provide competitive differentiation in the sector.

In this mission, manufacturing industries must face industry-specific challenges:

  • Improve product and service quality levels
  • Improve production times and delivery times.
  • Maintain the level of motivation and skills of people
  • Improve the profitability of your production and logistics operations
  • Improve productivity and overall efficiency
  • Achieve a high commitment to social and environmental sustainability.

What is The Factory Of The Future

Since the essence of the factories must be maintained, what is called the Factory of the Future? In our opinion, the Factory of the Future results from a metamorphosis where these operations of transforming inputs into outputs are maintained, but with structural, physiological, and behavioral changes towards an improved evolution aligned with the social, technological, and economic transformation of the world. The environment surrounding the business. 

This metamorphic change must adapt to the evolution of the demand profile of the end-user and must be enabled by working on 3 axes:

  • Continuous improvement of processes towards the creation of value.
  • Technological Innovation towards Industry 4.0.
  • Management of the change of people towards the Employee 4.0.

These lines that enable the metamorphosis of our factories must respond to VUCA and BANI environments concerning:

  • The fragility and volatility with a coordinated and hyperconnected adaptation of the entire value chain.
  • Anxiety is caused by uncertainty with empathy, attention, and trust in people.
  • The non-linear behavior between causes and effects and the world’s complexity with a systematic vision, data management, and artificial intelligence algorithms.
  • The lack of understanding of the existing ambiguity with collaborative work, information transparency, and intuition development.

As can be deduced from the above, the Factory of the Future is synonymous with change, a rhythmic change that the Factory must follow like a score of ups and downs in pulse, accent, notes, and compass so that at any moment of silence in that staff one can reflect that You have a Factory with a Future.

Digital Transformation Of The Industry The Factory With A Future

To evolve towards a Factory with a Future, it is necessary to implement a digital transformation process in the Industry. In this way, the Industry will be able to aspire to the characteristics of Factories with a Future:


You must mark a strategy, objectives, and expected key results. It is necessary to align people, technology, processes, and business properly through an agile and straightforward reorganization in its operation.


Changes must be led towards a digital mindset, enhancing soft skills, building for change and innovation, collaboration, and teamwork, while promoting intrapreneurship and empowerment.


Base decisions on real-time data with artificial intelligence systems help us obtain business indicators and search for the prevention, prediction, and prescription of events.


With processes and production, logistics and information flow optimized to meet the market’s time-to-market and working in PULL on demand to maximize the income statement.


IoT sensors, fixed and mobile robots, digitalization of workstations, and automated quality controls in the production plant allow for fast, flexible, and efficient processes.


Vertically integrating all the information layers of the industrial pyramid and horizontally departments, industrial plants, and the entire supply chain to have information and systemic traceability.


They were connected to the entire value chain, collecting information from all product life cycle stages. To do this, machines must be attached and cooperate with devices, men with men, and men with machines, in addition to creating product-service networks.


Intensifying ecodesign to create products and manufacture through increasingly sustainable activities in terms of proper use of materials, reduction of energy consumption, promotion of circularity, and attending to occupational health and safety (OSH).


People, machines, and systems were adaptable to changes in the environment and demand. Thus, it is possible for manufacturing to follow the pace set by the BANI environments of the market. Adapting a famous quote from Charles Darwin: It is not the most robust Industry that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one that responds best to change.

Also Read: Why Is Digital Transformation Important? Discover How To Adapt To New Technologies And Market Opportunities

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Virtual Reality And Personalization This Will Be Retail In 2030 Wed, 11 May 2022 07:59:19 +0000 Humanity is increasingly dependent on technology in different areas and industries. Our society has changed

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Humanity is increasingly dependent on technology in different areas and industries. Our society has changed its preferences when shopping and leans more and more on its electronic devices, causing a drastic transformation of physical stores. In the case of retail, or retail store, technology will offer consumers personalized experiences and will also be key to improving the logistics efficiency of points of sale. Currently, this transition is already happening, and there are fewer and fewer physical stores, but they are larger and with greater integration of new technological applications. These businesses are incomplete evolution toward the digital world,

According to a report carried out by the consulting firm Frost & Sullivan and promoted by Dassault Systèmes, surprisingly, only 23% of consumers think they will make absolutely all of their purchases online in 2030. The vast majority of those surveyed continue to believe that they will go to physical stores, but the appearance of these will not be what we are used to. The use of augmented and virtual reality technologies will change the consumer experience when buying. It will be possible to test products virtually and check how they feel in different scenarios. For example, it is not the same to try on a swimsuit and see yourself in the mirror of the store fitting room than to see how it would look on you on the beach with the help of virtual reality technologies.

Stores will have to adapt their businesses to new technological trends to survive this new era of change. Combining a physical and digital shopping experience is the key to success. Physical stores will no longer be places with an infinite number of products on display but rather showrooms that offer immersive experiences that will not be available online. There will also be significant changes in the logistics field, where there will be robots that will restock the shelves and provide the products that the customer requests. Payments will be made almost entirely electronically with the help of cutting-edge facial recognition technologies.

Another trend that will be very much in vogue in the next decade is personalizing products to the needs and tastes of the consumer, and companies like ECCO are already implementing this type of technology to adapt their products to each of their customers. The company’s innovation lab has developed a sophisticated algorithm to make a digital twin of each consumer’s foot create personalized soles with the help of 3D printing technologies. These characteristics will be increasingly present in products and services that will offer features that meet the user’s requests.

There is no doubt that the technological advances of recent decades have made it possible to modernize and include these discoveries in our daily lives, and by the year 2030, this trend will be at its peak. For successful digitization of the industry, physical stores and online services cannot be rivals but allies that will allow customers unique experiences when buying.

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The Five Best Online Training Cycles Tue, 10 May 2022 08:09:29 +0000 A training cycle is a modality of study in specific disciplines whose objective is to

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A training cycle is a modality of study in specific disciplines whose objective is to train the student in the exercise of certain professions—a very fashionable degree today since it opens many doors to the labor market. Here we will show you precisely the best online training cycles that you can do today.

The Two Best Medium Training Cycles To Study Online

Online medium-grade training cycles are the best option to perform professional jobs after theoretical-practical training. The qualification obtained at the end of a cycle of this type is that of Technician in the profession of the cycle studied. These are the two best online training cycles that you can do today.

Microcomputer Systems And Networks

With a duration of 2,000 hours, this intermediate training cycle will show you how to install, configure, and maintain microcomputer systems isolated on the network and local networks in small environments. The best process to work in companies dedicated to the commercialization, assembly, and repair of equipment, networks, and microcomputer services.

Administrative Management

The intermediate level training cycle in administrative management, for its part, is ideal for learning to carry out all kinds of administrative support activities in the local, accounting, commercial, financial and fiscal spheres. You will be able to work in public and private companies in customer service, as an administrative assistant, office assistant, receptionist, or in any position within the service sector administration.

The Three Best Higher Training Cycles To Study Online

The higher-level training cycles and allowing you access to university will enable you to acquire a higher education degree. You will learn and manage broader and more general skills and develop the skills and competencies to hold relevant positions.

Web Applications Development

One of the most demanded online training cycles today is web application development. This cycle will allow you to develop, implement and maintain web applications using the most advanced current technologies. You will be able to work afterward as a web programmer, an application developer in web environments, and, in general, a multimedia programmer/developer.

International Trade

If you want to work as a technician in foreign trade or international trade agent, this is the higher level training cycle that you must complete online. You will learn, above all, to make the best decisions about the entry of a company’s products into the foreign market. You will have the best tools and resources to develop your company’s most appropriate marketing plan.

Marketing And Publicity

Finally, one of the best online training cycles that you can study is marketing and advertising. You can work with him in any public and private trade and marketing sector company. You will be in charge of planning, organizing, and managing all marketing tasks, commercial research, online advertising, and public relations—critical aspects of any company’s current future.

In recent years, online training cycles have become the first choice of study for many students. Not in vain, they allow a rapid insertion in the labor market and are suitable even for those already working in a company who wish to increase or update their knowledge. Having an intermediate or higher level training cycle on your resume opens many doors.

Also Read: Metaverse The Future Of The Internet

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Why Is Bitcoin Getting Popular For Payment? Wed, 20 Apr 2022 16:35:55 +0000 The international market wants to return on the abstract to help finance various countries without

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The international market wants to return on the abstract to help finance various countries without uncertainties. For example, in any country going into a war, they always make sure that there are some weapons in their Court to protect themselves and their citizen from the damages that will happen. There is a global tender, Fiat currency, and the universal tender is a crypto coin for finance. The Crypto coin is said to be a fantastic and powerful weapon that can hold the country’s financial conditions so that they can survive. Many individuals think that it is not the right thing, but Bitcoin has excellent liquidity that can adequately hold the market? Read The important points to note before trading the bitcoin on the platform.

 All the mainstream companies have started employing persons who have good knowledge about saving tax. It is an essential role that if anybody takes any services, they must pay for it. There is a lot of potential in Bitcoin cryptocurrency because it has come with many unique and fresh policies. Nobody wants to miss the chance to use it because they know that it will ultimately help them in many ways. Let us discuss why Bitcoin is preferred for payment options.

Provides Open Mode For The Payment

All cryptocurrency users do not need to shy about the fact related to verifying their account with any other party. It is perfect about open source technology because it helps ordinary people save themselves from different types of online scamming. In today’s scenario, online hacking and scanning are increasing because many people do not want to work hard to earn money. They always try to do something to help them increase their bank balance through some illegal activity. But the open-source factor does not allow them to do so. All E-Commerce websites present on the online platform like Flipkart, Amazon, and many others are preferred a lot because making the payment is very easy and clarified. 

Administration and preference are two crucial things that every online business tries to provide the customer. And Bitcoin provides both these support to its users, making it a beautiful currency. Furthermore, Bitcoin can receive the payments very anonymously, and the transactions complete very quickly without considering replacement. Moreover, the blockchain technology accumulated in Bitcoin provides the addresses to the user to get the information. All these reasons have made people favour Bitcoin. A survey conducted by a very renowned Publication claims that more than 80% of the population prefers using Bitcoin as a payment option. And according to them, this percentage will increase in the coming years.

The Peer To Peer Technology

It is an outstanding technology, and this mechanism helps connect People from Bitcoin. It is advised to the users that they should have basic knowledge about peer to peer technology to understand its mechanism in a better way. The investors who invest their money in Bitcoin do not need any license for doing online trading, as they are free to do that without having it. The transactions which are done internationally do not need any Forex authorities.

All the users who have participated in Bitcoin know that they will receive excellent profits for an extended period. Therefore, everybody is Keen on having Bitcoins to receive those benefits and use them in their professional life. By doing online trading for a long time, investors get habitual of it, and with that, their experience also increases. This experience helps them to receive more possible results for themselves.

It Provides The Autonomy To The Users

People have stopped using the traditional currency for trading purposes. They much prefer Bitcoin because of various reasons. Everybody knows that they have to increase their economic condition to take their business to a reasonable height in today’s environment. Bitcoin is helping them and doing so. Bitcoin has become a saviour for most of the industry because since it came into the market, they have started using it, and after its use, they have seen tremendous growth. Every person in business wishes for a reasonable rate of revenue. Therefore, the skills of bitcoin are notching the channel and fastly acknowledged.

Also Read: Tips To Improve Security In Your Online Payments

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How To Buy and Sell Real Estate With Bitcoin in 2022 Wed, 20 Apr 2022 12:16:20 +0000 The use of Bitcoin is continuing to grow. That means it will start seeing more

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The use of Bitcoin is continuing to grow. That means it will start seeing more use in doing real estate transactions. The time might be coming soon that you transact real estate with your own Bitcoin.

If you’ve invested in, you might need to hold on to that investment and hopefully watch it grow. However, Bitcoin was the first big cryptocurrency and is still arguably the most well-known.

In fact, Bitcoin started an entirely new kind of wealth. This was certainly true for those who bought it when it was at its lowest point. Now, more than a quarter-million Bitcoin transactions happen every day. That number will keep growing.

If you want to use your Bitcoin when making real estate transactions, you need to know what real estate agents and property companies actually have experience using it for selling or buying a home. There aren’t many, but there are some, and the number is expected to grow with demand. For now, you might want to check out these options:

  • Kuper Sotheby’s International Realty: Based in Texas, they were the first ones in their state to do real estate transactions using Bitcoin.
  • Magnum Real Estate Group: Based in New York, this company is matching the desire of younger generations to do business with Bitcoin.
  • Open Listings: This is a website that makes it simpler to buy a home using Bitcoin. You can even limit the search results to homes that are on the market in exchange for Bitcoin.
  • Sand Key Realty: Based in Florida, they have a strong history of properties listed for sale, including listings where sellers are willing to accept Bitcoin as payment.

You have to check with each seller about whether or not they accept Bitcoin. If they don’t, then you’ll need to convert your digital currency into fiat currency via a third-party website.

However, if the seller is willing to accept Bitcoin, then you still have another step to take. That is negotiating the actual selling price in Bitcoin with the seller.

You also need to remember that banks and many other financial institutions are wary of dealing with Bitcoin. Given that, you won’t be able to pay for a home in Bitcoin while also getting a mortgage. That means you’ll have to operate just like you would if you were a cash buyer. You might also need to determine how to pay your real estate agent their fees if they don’t take Bitcoin themselves.

You’ll also need a real estate agent or business with Bitcoin experience if you hope to sell a home for a digital currency. Whether or not you’ll find an interested and compatible buyer is a different matter.

Taxes and appreciation are also both potentially complicated issues for those buying and selling real estate in Bitcoin. Tax laws are slow to catch up with digital currency. It’s also interesting how real estate and digital currencies are both potential investment vehicles over time, so the interplay between them should be interesting to watch in the future.

Also Read: Real Estate Technology -Present And Future Technologies In This Sector

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How To Build An Effective Digital Strategy Wed, 16 Mar 2022 08:44:35 +0000 Digital is essential to the customer acquisition process and their loyalty, but do you know

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Digital is essential to the customer acquisition process and their loyalty, but do you know which levers to use and when? Today, it seems inconceivable for a company to develop without promoting itself on the internet and social networks. The purchasing process begins as soon as the first web pages are consulted.

We inquire about checking the quality of the products and customer satisfaction. Digital solutions have become essential to gain visibility, create new leads, convert them into prospects, and build customer loyalty. Here are four essential steps to implement your digital strategy for 2022.

Identify Your Target What Is Your Buyer Persona

The Buyer Persona corresponds to the audience of a company, that is to say, the typical profile of the people who are most likely to be interested in its products or services. Several notions are to be identified, such as age, social status, profession or hobbies. We must also consider more psychological criteria such as fears, motivations or ambitions.

The goal is to define how the product or service you offer meets their needs. The answers to these questions make it possible to establish a detailed profile and, therefore, to aim more accurately when setting up a digital marketing strategy by answering the question: who are we trying to reach?

Generate Qualified Leads With Inbound Marketing

With inbound marketing, you are no longer the one looking for customers. They are the ones that come directly to you, thanks to a content strategy designed specifically for your targets. It is called inbound marketing, far from an untimely commercial approach. This strategy is rooted in the new purchasing process for the consumer who wants to be the sole decision-maker: find out for himself, compare, and find customer reviews. A word of advice: combine content marketing (dissemination of informative content with added value) with SEO.

Mastering SEO And SEA

More than 90% of clicks are on the first page of search engine results. To gain visibility on the internet, opt for the combination of SEO and SEA. Natural referencing (SEO) appears without paying for advertising in the first results of a search engine. See our article Top 10 SEO best practices to learn all about this technique.

SEO is free because it does not use paid advertising to promote a brand, unlike SEA (Search Engine Advertising). By only doing paid to reference, we risk becoming invisible from the first pages of results the day we stop this investment. Therefore, a good strategy is to combine SEO and SEA for lasting visibility.

Acquire New Customers With Social Selling

Today, a purchase path that does not go through social networks is rare, and social selling uses social networks to find new customers. The wealth of information found on social networks is immense. You can thus acquire a precise knowledge of your target and its current problems. You broadcast the right content at the right time to capture their attention. The goal is for your target to go directly to your site or contact you directly. In summary, implementing an effective digital marketing strategy requires an upstream study and analysis of targets and competitors to define relevant objectives.

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Digitize Your Traditional Business Mon, 07 Mar 2022 06:05:18 +0000 Society has learned to communicate through the screen, work, study and buy. 2021 forces everyone

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Society has learned to communicate through the screen, work, study and buy. 2021 forces everyone to turn their lives online and do any paperwork – even buying fruit or bread – through a computer or mobile. The myth that these actions were focused on a young public evaporated, and the option was opened for any business to be on the network and generate profits. Is it possible to do it for any business? Practically yes. Are there any guidelines for this transformation to be effective? As well.

Get To Know Yourself And Your Client.

Implementing a digital business begins with a phase that is very similar to that of a traditional business: Who are you? What do you offer? Who cares what you sell? You have to know yourself, what phase you are in, and your target. Although your day-to-day clientele may be analog, you must bear in mind that in the digital world, there are also needs, and you must cover them. Once you’ve figured this out, start building your business in the cloud.

Being A Hybrid Is Not Bad

The second step would be to establish a digital strategy, but you may prefer to continue keeping your traditional business on par with digital. It’s not bad, and many brands do it, even more so for local businesses, food, or craft stores. How is a hybrid maintained? With dedication. Your business will have two aspects, and you must be aware of your digital speaker and the day-to-day business. The management of all your clients will be much easier with an ERP such as Sage 50 for smaller businesses.

Design Your Website And Position It

Once your audience has been defined, and it is clear that your business model is hybrid, it is time to think about how to transmit your message on the network and, for this, you will need a website. Make it based on your target, and once designed and launched, position it.

Adwords And Social Networks

Are you interested in having social networks? Yes. Are you interested in being in all of them? No. Study where your audience is and, based on that, decide to be in one place or another. If your audience is too young, you should try networks like TikTok or Instagram, but if what you want is to sell in a store, maybe Facebook (and Instagram) are your solution. Talk to the experts, and let yourself be advised.

Everything related to Google ads, SEO positioning, SEM, etc., comes to light here. How is it done? Using the keywords to position your website and have a good position in Google. Invest moderately and analyze each campaign. An SEM expert will be the best. And the SEO? It’s organic so that you can work on it yourself. Have an updated blog on your website that uses the right words to position yourself in your sector and add value to the user.

Social networks and the blog of your website must provide interesting content for the client, and thus it will be easier to make the sale.

Training, Training, And More Training

You are about to enter a new world for your business, so you and your team likely have a lack of knowledge. It is logical and normal that the processes are automated, and the digital leap costs. Therefore, it is necessary to re-educate.

Although it is a hackneyed phrase, it is important to change the chip. How is it done? Surround yourself with a proactive team that accepts changes and wants to listen because it is essential to correctly communicate all the processes that will change and the new actions that will be implemented.

Benefits Of Digitizing Your Business

  • Recognition. It is easier for them to know you if you are in more places, and the network is a great place to be.
  • Expansion. You cannot set up a place in every corner, but you can reach every corner with a single website.
  • Multiple solutions. For digital problems, there are many solutions. We invite you to take the step and join the digital transformation from consulting.

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