sales Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Tue, 27 Jun 2023 07:46:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 sales Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 How To Generate Leads Online? Tue, 27 Jun 2023 07:46:28 +0000 Telephone prospecting was well-known as the most popular for generating leads. But it is much

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Telephone prospecting was well-known as the most popular for generating leads. But it is much less efficient than before because it is not very popular with customers and is certainly a little too aggressive to date. Today, your prospects want to keep their free will and contact you of their own free will. So, your best online business asset will be your website. It will allow you to attract more prospects and immerse them in your world. So how do you generate quality leads?



First, a lead refers to someone who has shown interest in your company or your offer. A person is considered a lead when they contact you or fill out an online contact form. 

Generating leads will allow you to increase your sales and gain notoriety. On average, 60% of businesses with qualified leads grow faster.  

Lead (or prospect) generation refers to all the marketing and technical strategies your company can implement to acquire qualified contacts to increase your sales. A company can generate leads through digital marketing, inbound marketing or prospecting strategies.


A lead is defined as qualified when it has characteristics that bring it closer to the ideal customer. Indeed, a prospect will express a strong interest in your product or service and is part of your target (or persona). A qualified lead is rarer, but you have the assurance of an easier conversion and, therefore, a higher ROI. This is why you need to focus on quality over quantity. The more your website is optimized according to the expectations of your target users via UX, the more qualified leads you will collect via this channel.

A simple lead is a prospect who is still undecided. They need to get all the information they want about your business, or they’re just looking for information and need more time to be ready to convert. Although he is not the best customer for your business, the unqualified lead can allow you to highlight your website’s flaws, particularly via the “conversion rate.” If the lead leaves your interface in a matter of seconds or wanders through your web pages without finding what he is looking for, this requires areas for improvement on your part.



A good contact will become more or less mature through your website’s conversion funnel. To better follow the evolution of each lead that can lead to a contract, you will have to follow the different stages of qualification of the said lead. 


Given the many contacts you collected, you will need more than 100% personalized speech for each one to meet their needs. But you can at least categorize them.

You will therefore need to segment your customers according to their common characteristics. Once this action has been completed, you can send the same messages to a group of prospects and tune your speech to their expectations. 

And this segmentation can be based on different criteria depending on the activity of your company: 

Company size


Geographical location

The nature of their activity


You have now qualified and segmented your leads. To determine lead progress through the conversion funnel, you must create a scoring system.

The principle? You award points based on the action taken by the lead. For example, if your lead clicks on the link in your welcome email, it may be worth 10 points. These scores then act as milestones to track progress.


Your leads, interactions with them, or the information you collect are not fixed and can change over time. Your qualification actions must then be constantly adjusted to identify, for example, the appearance of new needs and major changes. 

Therefore, monitoring the data of your CRM, Customer Relationship Management, is essential to be aware of the need to adapt your segmentation or the scoring scale. Indeed, managing your customer relationship via a CRM is essential to optimize your experience.


You now know how to qualify your customers, but how do you generate qualified leads? Here are our methods and tips to apply.


A persona is a typical customer, stereotyped, representing your ideal target and for which you adapt your marketing actions. To work on your persona, you need to identify the characteristics of the perfect customer. 

This persona is built from behavioral, socio-demographic and psychographic data from market studies that you will have carried out beforehand. 

Among these data, you will have to identify, among others: 

  • Centers of interest 
  • Age
  • Buying behaviors
  • The motivations and barriers to action.

The persona is also widely used in UX Design to determine clear expectations and the UX workflow adapted to your users. It is then called persona UX.


To generate qualified leads, you must design your path to purchase adapted to your target. The goal? Attract their attention by offering coherent and adapted content on each site page, thus bringing added value. 

This content should address the issues your personas encounter and answer the questions they will have along this buying journey. 

This consists of three phases: 

  • Awareness: the prospect becomes aware of his problem 
  • Consideration: he becomes aware of the solutions available to him and compares them
  • Decision: the prospect chooses the solution that suits him best and seeks to validate that he is making the right choice.

During his buying journey, the prospect will ask himself questions between each phase. To generate qualified leads, you must determine the expectations, needs and questions that your prospects will have during each stage and how to provide the right solutions. 

This is why understanding the path to purchase is the key to successful lead generation. You can also collect the most asked questions in your industry to include and answer them in your website content. 


Your website should be the centerpiece of your lead generation strategy. It should be built like a funnel. This is why this process is called a funnel or conversion funnel. You attract your visitors and then encourage them to click on a call-to-action button which directs them to a Landing Page on which they can fill out a form. Your visitor has then become a leader since he has performed the action you expected of him.

To transform this lead into a qualified one, you must optimize this conversion tunnel by giving importance to the design of your site by placing the appropriate Calls-to-Action in the right place. 

They can, depending on the context:

  • “Share”
  • “Download it now!”
  • “Find out more.”
  • “Also read”
  • “About us”
  • “Click here”
  • “Contact us”
  • “Tell us about your project.”

It is imperative to create the right content according to the stage of the buyer’s journey that your prospect is in. You must ask for more information in the 1st phase than in the 3rd, in which your lead will be more engaged. When we talk about lead, we can also talk about cold/hot. A lead that matures is, therefore, a lead that gets hot. Therefore, everything is a question of dosage and “lead maturity.”


To make your site a real lead machine, activate all the levers at your disposal. Your visitors should be able to contact you from any page on your site. 

For this, you have different Call-to-Action choices available to you: 

  • Propose a telephone meeting with one of your experts.
  • Suggest a demo request. 
  • Give the possibility of dialogue via chat. 
  • Offer a free audit 
  • Provide a white paper.


Lead generation will only happen with visitors to your website. But you have to bring them to your website. Thanks to a content marketing strategy, you can bring your prospects to your website. This strategy is also called the inbound marketing strategy. 

When a prospect conducts research on the Internet, he will find information on products or services similar to yours. He can find what he wants on social media profiles, blog posts, web pages or other content that will answer his quest. A content or inbound marketing strategy will allow you to direct your prospects to your website. 

Depending on your prospects’ needs and your target’s preferences, you can offer blog articles, guides, white papers or even videos. This quality and relevant content aim to generate website traffic, serve your marketing and prospecting strategy, and position you as an expert. Having expert content on your site adds value to your brand, both in terms of brand awareness and claiming your expertise.


To convert your leads into customers, you must meet their expectations and, above all, inspire them with confidence. Each page of your site must have content with high-added value to convert. 

Your visitors will not expect your company to sell them its offer, but rather that you guide them in their thinking by showing them that you are the company they need. Your target must therefore recognize themselves through the different issues and content on your website.


To stand out on your social networks, it is important to know your target and your competitors to offer differentiating content. 

You must define the social networks you want to develop: Facebook to create a community? Instagram to support your identity? Or LinkedIn to position you as an expert in your sector of activity? 

In your lead generation process, the use of social networks will allow you to gain the following: 

visibility, thanks to frequent publications

authenticity, based on the opinions and testimonials of your customers

Notoriety, thanks to the expertise that you will offer to your readers 

promotion, highlighting your services or products


Called a destination page in French, a landing page is an independent web page created solely to convert and serve the needs of a marketing campaign. 

His goal? Encourage the visitor to take a specific action from your content, most often by clicking on a Call-to-Action or an advertisement as a sponsored link. 

Usually used to launch a product or service, you can also use it to: 

Collect information, opinions, contact details… 

Encourage your customers to take action: subscribe to your newsletter, download your application… 

  • Estimate a project
  • Become a partner
  • Join a team
  • Make presales 
  • Offer a discount code. 
  • Submit content such as a white paper or guide for download.
  • Offer to make an appointment with someone from your company.

A landing page will help you quickly test whether your target is interested in the content offered.


Marketing automation concerns automated marketing campaigns triggered when visitors act on your website. It can be in several forms, such as a follow-up email a few hours after abandoning a basket of items on an e-commerce site.


The Internet offers advertising formats adapted to all business needs. Well-honed, your paid acquisition strategy is a very good way to generate quality leads. 

Different formats are available to you: 

  • paid referencing (SEA) with sponsored links in the first results of search engines
  • Display advertisements in the form of inserts, banners or videos on websites with a large audience
  • acquisition campaigns on Google at cost per click 
  • socials Ads as an advertising solution based on the power of the algorithm 
  • affiliation by creating strategic partnerships 

Be careful; advertising is one of many keys to attracting your prospects. You must guarantee that your product or service aligns with your market and target.


SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ), or natural referencing in French, must be part of your visibility and marketing strategy. The results are only sometimes visible overnight; it is a work of endurance. 

By working correctly on your SEO, you can invest less money in your SEA strategy. SEO consists of working on keywords and inserting them into your content pages to appear on the first pages of search engines like Google. 

For quality SEO, the key is to identify the right keywords and place them in the right places on your content pages. These keywords can be inserted into the structure of your website (your titles, subtitles or menus) and the formatting (your visuals, internal links, Call-to-Action ). Traffic growth is based on using the right keywords that improve SEO, as well as the work done on your website’s user experience (behavioral design).


To generate qualified leads, you absolutely must analyze your actions. 

This step needs to be more frequently addressed by companies. However, analyzing your actions allows you to identify which ones are performing and which are not. This is to adapt and readjust your marketing strategy at each stage. 

Unlike a traditional marketing strategy, generating leads online allows you to monitor your performance in real-time, thanks to marketing automation or analysis tools such as Google Analytics. 

By defining your marketing and sales objectives, you can come up with key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor to verify that your strategy is working. 

The only way to generate qualified leads online is to test, fail, refine, and repeat until you find the strategy that works for your business. And because a strategy is never fixed, yours will also need readjusting as your business evolves.

In the long term, you will need analysis to generate ROI, even if you can generate some of them over time without knowing how they arrived.

Also Read: Tips For Creating Advertisement Videos

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The Importance Of Retail Management In Today’s Market Fri, 01 Jul 2022 06:39:27 +0000 What Is Retail Management? Retail management is understood as the management of sales in retail

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What Is Retail Management?

Retail management is understood as the management of sales in retail companies. Specifically, the retail sector includes direct sales businesses to the public regardless of location. In this classification, e-commerce companies are included, although many often call them e-retail. These companies face great changes in the market and expectant customers to find a company that can meet their needs.

To all this, the retail sector is added to the large surfaces that occasionally seem like sharks in search of small retail companies. So that this does not happen and companies can find and secure their place in the market, it is important to have the figure of retail management. This highly qualified person can provide solutions so that retail companies adapt to changes in the market and customer demands.

The Functions Of Retail Management In The Company

There are several points on which retail management affects a company. The first of these is better channel efforts to sell and better focus the company’s products. This, which seems simple a priori, has become increasingly difficult due to the appearance of omnichannel and the need for synergy between all sales channels.

What Is A Retail Manager

That is why, at this point, the retail manager is in charge of standardizing prices, products, signage, communication, and marketing. So that in all channels, the customer can see the same thing about the company and immediately remember its brand image. Continuing with the theme of omnichannel, retail management also controls the stock of products and their logistics, all of this effectively. In addition to this point, retail management fulfills many other functions in the company:

  • It helps to improve the company’s projection of its corporate image thanks to the study and homogenization of everything that the company launches and communicates.
  • Support carrying out feasibility studies so that when a project is launched, it is possible to know if an optimum return will be received based on the investment made, both at the beginning and in different phases of expansion.
  • Application of motivation techniques for the work team to improve the business’s profitability.
  • Improve the relationship with the client thanks to a better understanding of it. With Marketing and research techniques, this discipline can provide valuable data to learn more about the customer and improve their experience in all the company’s available channels. All this is to improve purchase conversion ratios.
  • We are applying Retail Intelligence techniques and Cognitive Systems to increase effectiveness at the point of sale.

Also Read: How Advanced Analytics Can Improve Operations In The Retail Sector

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Five Strategies To Attract New Customers Thu, 30 Jun 2022 05:31:29 +0000 Attracting new customers turns out to be one of the essential tasks of the digital

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Attracting new customers turns out to be one of the essential tasks of the digital age and the one with the highest value. A configured plan is needed based on the information obtained from the best tool to meet and interact with users: wifi social marketing. The ideal combination of the internet, Big Data and social networks. In this context, you should not lose sight of the five most relevant strategies that bring you to increase the client portfolio in your business. 

The Five Best Strategies To Attract New Clients

Businesses that manage to meet, interact and attract new customers will be positioned at the top. Strategies to achieve greater profitability must capture the attention and preference of a significant number of audiences. To achieve this goal, here are the best methods.

Periodically Renew Digital Marketing Strategies

The great challenge for today’s businesses is learning to get the most out of digital marketing. This is the main way to attract new customers. To do this, you must have a wifi tool that allows you to study the most important features of regular customers, segment them and recognize their preferences. This information will allow you to renew strategies to adjust, position and channel a social image according to public expectations.

Stimulate The Purchase Decision With The Merchandising Tactic

Merchandising generates significant profits. This promotional tactic is conveniently used to condition the purchase decision and build loyalty. However, its effectiveness in attracting new customers has also been proven. Since it produces satisfaction that leads to good reviews, it places your business in the orbit of thousands of users.

Hire The Influencers’ Service

Influencers are individuals who dominate specific niches of great value for company marketing. If you want to attract new customers, it is essential to be part of your content. This is a way to position yourself and attract the interest or curiosity of a convenient number of users. Make sure you hire the right personality to expose your business to the target audience properly.

Optimizes The Quality Of Regular Customer Service

If you invest in digitizing customer interaction processes, including sales logistics, you can choose to channel actions that allow you to attract new customers. In the digital age, it has become clear that improvements to the Customer Experience ensure key benefits, such as increased sales. In addition, it provides security and confidence.

Strengthens Interaction With The Digital Environment To Attract New Customers

When attracting new customers, it is necessary to strengthen the means of interaction with the environment. Social networks, for example, monopolize the audience. This means that the content you broadcast must be aligned with the interests of the sectors that follow you in terms of dissemination and attention. You should also invest efforts to channel online reputation through review websites.

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4 KPI Indicators To Analyze The Evolution Of Your Business Thu, 23 Dec 2021 07:40:49 +0000 Any business in the world has the same goal: to increase sales. Different related tools

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Any business in the world has the same goal: to increase sales. Different related tools will be helpful to us to achieve this end. One of them is the KPI indicators we want to talk about today.

What Are KPI Indicators

Its acronym comes from the English Key Performance Indicator, which in Spanish we could translate as Key Performance Indicator. It is a series of metrics used to analyze information related to the efficiency and productivity of all the business’s actions.

So we can empower the ones who work and change those who don’t. They are also known as quality or business key indicators and can be applied in any area or sector. Still, without a doubt, their most excellent effectiveness is demonstrated in everything related to online marketing.

What Are The Benefits Of KPI Indicators

Given that the main objective of KPI indicators is to help us make better decisions regarding our business, what advantages can they offer us?

  • We can obtain precious information about the operation of our marketing campaigns.
  • Measure the variables and the results based on that information.
  • Analyze the effects of your strategies.
  • Compare the information so that we identify effective strategies and enhance them.

What Are The KPI Indicators You Need In Your Business

Various KPI indicators can be used in a business, regardless of its size. However, although as you go, you can get to know the ones that best suit you, there are some generals that you need to have.

Income Statement

This KPI allows you to analyze your income and expenses to ensure that the benefits are in line with them. It is recommended to do it every month and carry out quarterly reviews to always be up to date and make the appropriate modifications.

Traffic Data

Web traffic is necessary for a business with an online presence to function, and if you do not have visits (traffic), it is useless to be present on the Internet. As the objective is to increase traffic, the KPI indicators that control the existing one allow you to know if your strategies are working and what to do to improve them.

Conversion Ratio

Without a doubt, this is one of the essential KPI indicators since it allows you to know the income of your business by dividing between the monthly visits and the sales made. Then multiply the result by 100, and you will learn how much you have won. In this way, you can make the necessary changes to continue increasing sales.

Churn Rate

Some businesses receive many visits but few sales. Why do people leave your site without buying? Knowing how high this rate is can lead you to analyze details of your site and improve bugs. Maybe it’s things like loading speed, usability, or other easy-to-change details.

Also Read: Becoming a Better Business Manager: 3 Top Tips

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How To Get Clients For A Local Business Tue, 07 Dec 2021 06:04:32 +0000 Finding clients for your company is one of the most delicate processes in the current

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Finding clients for your company is one of the most delicate processes in the current context, taking into account the growing competition between businesses in both physical and digital spaces. However, there are certain strategies that achieve immediate results for a business that is looking for clients. We will tell you.

1. Getting Customers: Start With The Leads

In the digital environment, many of the customers who obtain the business first go through a previous stage, in which the user has contributed their data to the company, but has not yet bought anything. This is what is known as a lead. Thus, a sales lead is a potential customer. It is quantified as such because you have shown interest in a business in different ways, for example, by downloading content on the business website, requesting more information using a form, or requesting a quote after viewing an ad.

In exchange for the information that he has requested, the lead voluntarily gives his data to the company (such as his name, telephone number and email). Thus, the company can contact him to turn this sales opportunity into a closing of the deal. Searching for clients for your company can begin with obtaining leads and, for this, it is essential to have an adequate digital marketing strategy . In addition, it may require efforts that combine online and offline actions. For example, 50% of marketers use calls to close a deal, according to Ruler Analytics.

Thus, one of the most common strategies to search for clients on the internet is the following: advertisements are set up for the user to see when they do a search on Google for a service or product related to the business. The ads take the user to a page with a form, where contact information is requested , turning an unknown user into a lead. Later, a commercial call will transform this lead into a customer.

How To Find Clients For Your Company: 5 Tips

Use Social Media

Social networks have revolutionized the strategies to find clients for your company. The presence on social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube is an opportunity to publicize the products and services of a company and get in touch with potential customers. 

To generate leads that later become customers, it is necessary to create quality content in networks that inform and entertain users, generating a powerful and differentiated brand image. In addition, some of the networks offer their own lead capture systems, as is the case with ads on Facebook.

Offer Webinars or Consulting Services 

Getting leads and finding clients for your company often involves offering exclusive and valuable content for those who are potentially interested in your company. Thus, educational content in webinar or ebook format is often a perfect claim to get the data of people who, later, may be open to knowing more about your products and services.

Ultimately, it is about attracting the attention of people who are already interested in the area related to your business. Through a webinar or a consulting service, you position your company as an authority on the subject and, in addition, you start a relationship of trust with potential clients.

Generate Email Marketing Campaigns 

Converting leads into customers can be a simpler process if you establish a relationship of trust with them through a series of informative emails. To do this, get an email automation tool and organize the contacts of your leads in a database. Sending personalized offers (depending on the products the prospect has shown interest in) or with a time limit is usually a good strategy to push them to take the last step and become customers.

Make Use Of Content Marketing

Content marketing consists of providing valuable content (whether in blog, video, podcast format.) that attracts people potentially interested in your products or services. Published regularly and guaranteeing its quality, it is possible to attract more people to your website and, through the appropriate strategies, make them notice your products or services. In addition, content is an important part of web positioning strategies.

Participate In Events

Events such as fairs or conferences are a way to make your business visible, establish yourself as a trusted and authoritative brand in the sector, and ultimately get closer to more customers. It’s a way of getting in front of, physically and online, people who might never otherwise get to know your products or services.

Also Read: Digital Transformation In Business Finance

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What Is Automated Marketing? Mon, 29 Nov 2021 07:23:14 +0000 Marketing is undergoing a revolution thanks to the expansion of the Internet. The amount and

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Marketing is undergoing a revolution thanks to the expansion of the Internet. The amount and ease of access to information have fundamentally changed how companies collect data from their customers and create their databases. From slow and tedious systems, which sometimes require even the individual’s response by letter, we have moved on to very agile mechanisms in which, with minimal effort, you can know everything you need. This article will introduce you to automated marketing and sales funnels to make your business strategy more effective.

What Is Automated Marketing?

As a consequence of this situation, the need arises to create a system that makes these databases manageable. Through different types of programs, they are in charge of creating a system that facilitates the collection of user information ( lead scoring ) and planning actions and communications that maintain the users’ interest. Leads in your business ( lead nurturing ).

These automation systems will be in charge, for example, of sending generic communications with the news of your company and taking concrete actions through the use of dynamic lists. As a result, not only will you be able to reach users more efficiently, you will also do it more often and better with less effort. All the actions that this discipline allows you would need days or weeks if they were managed manually. Still, thanks to automation, they only require you to study the data and create a strategic plan adapted to your objectives.

What Are Sales Funnels?

One of the ways automated marketing works is by minimizing the loss of contacts in sales funnels. As users progress through the purchase process on your website, many of them fall by the wayside, and only a few reach the final conversion. First, they will have to find what they are looking for, take it to the cart, accept it, enter all the data and pay.

By creating conversion funnels or sales funnels, you will have an intelligent system to minimize the people who leave your website without entering any product, those who enter but do not put it in the cart, or those who go before making the payment. By analyzing this information, you will create improvements and take specific actions in each phase of the process.

How Do You Create A Conversion Funnel That Works

As you have already deduced from the previous explanation, sales funnels work differently than a typical funnel. If, with the latter, the liquids that pass through it are never lost on your website, you will have a big difference between the traffic that arrives and the conversion. Not everyone who passes through your website will have bought. However, the objective will be to increase the number of people who go from one phase to another. To do this, work is done on at least four levels.

1- Information

The first thing you want to know is where your visitors come from and how they know your brand or product. If you have done advertising campaigns online, on social networks, AdSense or Google Ads, you will be able to check where your users come from and what has aroused their interest. It will also give you a good idea of ​​which search terms drive the most traffic to your site.

2- Attraction

The next step is to get the attention of the visitors and that they stay. You can do this by creating an attractive visual environment, an easy-to-navigate website with well-organized information, etc. The bounce rate will allow you to know and test what works and what doesn’t. However, if you want to measure interest in another way, you can do like the rest of the online stores and invite interaction with a  call to action. For example, it asks you to subscribe to the newsletter in exchange for a discount.

3- Create A Desire

In this phase, the client already knows you and has a potential interest in keeping up to date with your brand news. Now you are going to need to create the desire for your products. To achieve this, the lead nurturing strategies that we talked about at the beginning come into play. Thee – mailings of newsletters are very common. Still, you can also use other customer information (such as your browsing history) and directly offer products of your interest, or you have seen in recent days.

4- Conversion

This is the last level of the sales funnel and the part of the process that the fewest users reach. You can take concrete actions to increase sales, but it is also an essential step because it will give you precious information about who buys from you and how they have reacted to the actions. On the other hand, the funnel will not stop there, but you should repeat the previous steps to retain users.

Types Of Funnels And How To Automate Them

Now that you have a general understanding of how they work, it’s time to dig a little deeper and see exactly how to adapt them to your strategy. Some of the most common are to capture qualified leads. They are popular in the service sector and, through organic traffic actions, direct customers to a  landing page. In it, there will be a prominent ad with a  lead magnet that can be accessed to a class of the course offered or an ebook.

Also Read: Strong Authentication Is Considered As Essential Guardian Of Data

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How To Properly Define Your Commercial Objectives And Stimulate Your Business Mon, 13 Sep 2021 06:17:01 +0000 Defining clear and realistic business goals is essential to your business strategy. This is indeed

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Defining clear and realistic business goals is essential to your business strategy. This is indeed one of the critical conditions for the commercial success of a company. But for these goals to be relevant, they must be attainable, ambitious, and motivating at the same time.

But that’s not all. Setting business goals is more than important: they describe precisely what your company wants to achieve over a given period. This, therefore, allows the smooth functioning of your sales team and ensures the sustainability of your business.

So how do you set good business goals? Why is it necessary to set good goals? Besides, what characterizes a “relevant objective”? How to monitor the results of its objectives while motivating its sales teams?

What Are Good Business Goals

Business Objective

A business goal, also known as a sales goal, is a clear and precise description of what your business wants to achieve over a period, which is typically a year or more. Thus, these objectives are essential to the commercial and overall strategy of your company. Business goals are numerous and can span multiple areas within an organization, for example:

  • Financial: Achieve a well-defined turnover, or show an evolution of at least 10% in one year, etc.
  • Marketing: Increase the number of its customers, improve its conversion rate by 25%, etc.
  • Human resources: improve your employer brand, increase the workforce by 30%, etc.
  • Communication: Increase the communication budget by 10% to improve its notoriety, etc.

Who Sets The Business Goals

It depends on the type of lens. While the latter is a long-term objective that will significantly impact the company, it is usually set at the highest level in the hierarchy. Decision-making here, therefore, involves a top-down movement.

Suppose the objective is short or medium term, and the latter is more operational than strategic. In that case, it can be taken directly by the sales representatives or by the department in question.  Even when setting a long-term business goal, it is important to involve the representatives and employees of the department in question to determine clear and achievable objectives more precisely.

Why Set Up Business Goals

To Make Informed Choices And Simplify Decision-Making

Making choices, whether strategic or operational, is much easier when we know our objective. You can thus make your decisions on a solid basis.

To Motivate Your Resources

Motivation is much more important if your team knows what they need to achieve. In addition, the fact that the entire department or the entire sales force is working towards a common and collective objective leads to real teamwork and group cohesion.

To Define Relevant Control And Monitoring Criteria

Setting clear and specific goals gives you a solid foundation on which to compare your choices and results. This optimizes the monitoring of your activity.

Also Read: The Importance Of The Marketing Mix For A Business

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How Can Your Business Start Selling Online In A Week Tue, 17 Aug 2021 07:49:15 +0000 The society we live in is increasingly digital. This has led us to the need

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The society we live in is increasingly digital. This has led us to the need to reinvent ourselves, especially at the business level, relegating the physical to the background to dedicate most of our efforts to prepare for a more digital environment than we had, if possible and, more specifically, in enhancing those digital capabilities so necessary for our business to be able to adapt to this new scenario where online sales prevail. In the following video, we show you the guidelines you must follow to achieve it.

What Do We Have To Do To Boost Our Online Sales

To give a blow to our online sales, the fundamental thing is to think about the customer, listen to him and, above all, take care of him. To do so, we must know where it is. It is becoming more and more common to see him ‘surf the Internet, regardless of his age. The reason? You have been able to test and verify the benefits of online shopping. This ‘good experience’ has made me want to continue ‘being part of it.’ And if the client is on the Internet, we have to follow him there.

If we look at the long term, we will see that the client will not “only” go to the Internet. You intend to optimize all the channels that the network offers you. Indeed, he will not stop resorting to more physical sales, the same as always, but he will prioritize online sales. Therefore, without eliminating physical business models from our business structure, we must include digital ones as soon as possible. Because our businesses must be ‘online,’ either 100% or, instead, be omnichannel. For this, and as a recommendation, we must train ourselves, acquire those digital capabilities. It is an indispensable requirement.

How To Make Your Sales Online

To start selling online, you must follow these three simple steps:

  • Generate digital sales channels, which will allow us to be close to the client. There are three that cannot be missing in our company, no matter what sector it is and its size: Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp.
  • Detect how our customers pay and how we deliver the product, for which we have multiple options, for example, Pay gold (in the first case) and Glovo (in the second).
  • Enhance customer service, since we not only have to think about selling. Currently, an essential part of the business is the relationships with our clients and, especially, trying to make their experience with us the best.

We can all carry out these three steps. In fact, despite what many may say, getting started in online sales is accessible for any business. It does not matter its size or the sector it operates, as we have said before. Everyone can acquire enough digital capacity to reach their customer through the Internet. 

Data Is The Key To Online Sales

Online sales cannot live without them. And we are not talking about figures as such, but about those related to the client. There is a perfect relationship that says: if I give value, my clients will be by my side, and they will provide me with their data. And if I have their data, I will be able to create value with them”. Therefore, if we want to start in them and make a place for ourselves on the Internet, let’s measure to maintain and prosper.

Also Read: Which Cloud Model is Right for Your Business Apps?

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How To Improve Performance Management In Companies Sat, 07 Aug 2021 05:18:31 +0000 Managing performance and digitizing a company is not accessible. But navigating on sight – as

The post How To Improve Performance Management In Companies appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

Managing performance and digitizing a company is not accessible. But navigating on sight – as too many VSEs and SMEs do in an environment of ever-increasing demands is highly reckless. This is why adopting good practices by creating a dashboard to help improve performance has become a necessity. But what does this tool consist of? What is his role? How to implement it effectively? You will find the answers to these questions in this section.

What Exactly Is Business Management

Running a business involves monitoring and optimizing its performance using different tools and indicators. It, therefore, consists of collecting relevant data to evaluate them to make the necessary decisions. Thus, the main objectives of piloting are risk prevention, the anticipation of pitfalls, and improving efficiency, both organizationally and financially.

DashboardsTheir Definition, Their Roles

Dashboards are still little-known, little-known tools with a vague concept. Their use has been limited for so long to the preparation of a budget, the presentation of reports related to accounting or finance, or even to simple reporting in an Excel file that they have lost their primary function: to manage.

What are dashboards used for? They are used first and foremost to analyze data to assess progress leading to achieving profitability objectives in a company. They highlight the physical or financial results against the goals to be completed and identify the gaps.

Dashboards are also responsiveness tools. They make it possible to orient the measures to be taken to correct the discrepancies noted. They are also information and motivation tools for managers. They are used to transmit internally the results obtained to stimulate the teams to continue the work initiated to achieve the set objectives.

The Main Stages Design Of A Dashboard

This is how ultra-powerful analysis technologies that are well known to management controllers emerged, such as the multidimensional Essbase technology, which, thanks to the expertise of expert integrators, has made it possible for many years to develop dashboards and efficient financial reporting by respecting specific steps which relate to both substance and form:

Determination Of Objectives

The first step in realizing a dashboard is to determine the objective and target of such an exercise exhaustively. The use we want to make of TB can go well beyond performance evaluation and be part of collaborative and transversal projects.

Choice Of KPIs

KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) are inseparable from dashboards. It is through these key indicators that a leader can measure the effectiveness of his actions. There is a multitude of KPIs in all sectors of activity. Each hand must also be combined with at least one driver, that is to say, an element serving to improve the performance of the action in terms of quality, time, or cost. It is essential to be careful to limit the number of key indicators in the dashboards, choose the right ones, and interpret them correctly.

Setting The Update Frequency

The design of dashboards must also provide for the determination of an update periodicity. Whether you opt for a daily, weekly, or annual update, the frequency chosen must be meaningful so as not to become counterproductive.

Form Of Tables

The use of Excel spreadsheets for the design of dashboards is a valid option, but it is not the only generalization of software in the Cloud. It is also possible to use a reporting tool that employees already master to design tables. Several SaaS business intelligence solutions are also available for the construction and distribution of dashboards. In any case, the main thing is to be able to highlight necessary data visually. Beyond the construction of KPIs and dashboards, there are tools dedicated to managing the performance of companies, such as EPM software.

Also Read: International Export Guide For SMEs

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Artificial Intelligence Digital Sales Make It’s Revolution Tue, 03 Aug 2021 06:43:45 +0000 From industry to finance, via medicine and cybersecurity: Artificial Intelligence (AI) now penetrates practically all

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From industry to finance, via medicine and cybersecurity: Artificial Intelligence (AI) now penetrates practically all sectors of activity. According to a recent study, AI adoption has exploded during the Covid crisis, particularly in the financial services and retail sectors, where its rate increased by 37% and 29%, respectively. According to McKinsey, 61% of top-performing companies have also increased their investments in AI during the pandemic.

AI is also making its way into industries where you don’t necessarily expect to find it, such as b2b selling. Its various applications help salespeople who face increasingly complex sales environments. AI-guided selling, which combines human intelligence with machine learning, has great potential in optimizing and personalizing sales journeys and the customer experience. In a highly competitive and digital environment, how can its adoption guarantee the long-term success of companies?

Technological Innovation As A Guarantee Of Competitiveness

Upset by the changes induced by the pandemic, the entire sales cycle is now mainly digital. B2B sales processes have become more complex for both buyers and sellers. On the one hand, competition on digital channels has increased: users are constantly bombarded with promotional content, and brands must redouble their efforts to differentiate themselves. On the other hand, customers now have more control over their journey.

They rely on the content that circulates online and can research, compare, and make a buying decision long before interacting directly with a seller. In this context of increased competition, sales teams are also under constant pressure to optimize their strategies. Go to the market to achieve their goals. More than half (51%) of companies have increased their revenue targets for 2021, while 81% see growing their business as a top priority.

In the face of this, dirty teams have no choice but to adapt. They must become advisers, facilitators with a deep understanding of the expectations and needs of their potential clients. It is also essential for them to have access to a wide range of personalized content that guides customers and directly meets their expectations – and this is where AI comes in.

In the all-digital age, AI has the potential to underpin the complexity of sales cycles and help sales and go-to-market teams achieve increasingly demanding goals. Companies must, therefore, absolutely take advantage of technological innovations linked to AI if they wish to optimize the productivity of their teams and guarantee their effectiveness in the long term.

AI And Data, Hand In Hand To Optimize Sales

The potential of AI in the context of b2b selling lies in data analytics. Every interaction or action of a potential customer generates data, which provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of a brand’s sales strategies. If this contextual data is collected and analyzed on a large scale, it is possible to identify patterns and typical behaviors on which new business strategies can be based.

AI-driven selling isn’t meant to replace sales teams but to truly support them at every stage of the sales journey while providing them with insights and recommendations from analyzing customer data. While the sales cycle cannot be without the people skills and empathy of teams, AI support enables them to leverage proactive guidance to make the most effective decisions possible – those that will be most likely. Optimize their interactions with their potential customers.

Taking financial services as an example, AI has a key role in improving the relationships financial advisors and wealth managers have with their clients. In an increasingly competitive industry marked by growing reliance on online services, AI systems allow financial advisors to optimize every interaction to deliver personalized and consistent customer experiences. The goal is to guide financial advisors with recommendations based on the analysis of real-time customer data and content performance across different interaction channels. AI can also take over tasks such as writing, adapting or converting this content for specific channels,

Is the future of selling in AI? The answer is clear as the potential of AI-driven selling in terms of optimizing sales cycles is vast. In a context dominated by online interactions and the upsurge of ever more active competitors, companies must do everything possible to support their teams. With AI at their side, b2b vendors across all industries will focus on building stronger relationships with their customers and thus driving their business growth over the long term.

Also Read: How To Diversify Your Digital Sales Channels To Support Its Transformation?

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