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As a platform that is already popular with many users and companies in many countries, LinkedIn offers many opportunities to conduct effective marketing. The so-called LinkedIn Ads are particularly suitable for B2B offers. The platform has a specific user base and offers many options to target your audience efficiently. In this article, you will learn everything about LinkedIn Ads’ advantages and possible uses they can bring you.

Benefits of LinkedIn Ads

Knowing all the advantages of LinkedIn is important so that the decision for or against the platform is more informed. It is fine to rely on several marketing channels because potential customers can wait for you anywhere. LinkedIn Ads offers unique opportunities to ensure the measures bear the desired fruits.

Large and Specific Range

Companies can also access the international user base and thus address more than 610 million people in more than 200 countries. Marketing employees are amazed at these values because LinkedIn is constantly growing while Facebook hardly registers any new registrations.

In addition to a large number of users, LinkedIn has another decisive advantage: the type of user is very specific. Above all, higher earners and decision-makers are typical users of LinkedIn. The platform is for people who like to network a lot and communicate with each other on a professional level. As a result, LinkedIn has a very different user base than Facebook, for example. In order to maintain contacts or find new ones, a good self-portrayal on LinkedIn is therefore essential for many users. Therefore, users are willing to disclose a lot of data about themselves. This information can be used to target ads very precisely and target the exact audience that is most valuable to your business. Advertisers and users alike benefit from this wealth of data. While the former have hardly any wastage, the latter only see relevant and interesting advertising for them.

Lots of Targeting Options

With a good advertising platform, it is not important how many users it has but how well the existing users can be narrowed down. Because the largest user base in the world is of little use if I cannot target these users properly, and a lot of money is lost due to high wastage. LinkedIn Ads does not have this problem and gives advertisers plenty of opportunities to target their audience effectively.

The amount of data that LinkedIn users willingly share with others must also be available for optimal marketing. This is where LinkedIn Ads flexes its muscles and offers many options to address exactly the right users. In addition to the classic options such as country, language, age, etc., LinkedIn Ads can also target skills, interests, professional experience and much more. As a result, your target group is very well selected and reliably reached.

The options mentioned above can also be excluded to limit the already excellent targeting even further. An example would be: I want to reach all Marketing Managers except those interested in “Cars” and interested in “Smartphones”. As a result, the target group can be extremely limited in reaching the users who are most likely to convert with the budget spent.

Very High Conversion Rates

As mentioned, LinkedIn’s user base is very specific and has different characteristics than Facebook’s. While Facebook users mostly use the platform privately, LinkedIn is used almost exclusively for business. People on LinkedIn are more career-oriented and have a steady income. As a platform for networking, LinkedIn attracts a very specific type of person, who are all individual, but still “tick” at their core. LinkedIn represents a gold mine if this user group is interesting for a company.

The specific user group, in combination with the diverse targeting options, create a strong synergy effect: The more precisely a target group can be selected and restricted, the higher the conversion rate. If the targeting is set well for LinkedIn’s already specific target group, exactly those users will be addressed for whom the topic of the ad is most relevant. As a result, many of these users respond positively to the ad and take action requested by the advertiser. This reflects the average conversion rate of around 6% very well. As a small comparison: With GoogleAds, an average conversion rate of 2.58% can be expected. As a result, LinkedIn Ads achieve more than twice as many conversions on average.

LinkedIn Ads thus offer the possibility of advertising with a strong conversion orientation and reaching a small, specific group of users or attracting a larger group’s attention and achieving slightly fewer conversions. It doesn’t have to be an “either/or”. For example, two campaigns can be run to advertise brand awareness and conversion-optimized.

Also Read: Best Tricks To Take Advantage Of LinkedIn

Ad Formats And Placements Allow Room For Creativity.

We have already examined in detail that LinkedIn offers many options for selecting the right target group. Now come the ads. Here, too, LinkedIn Ads is generous with options to achieve the set goal effectively. Advertisers have a choice of five different formats in which to broadcast ads. Probably the most interesting and efficient option is the so-called “Sponsored InMail”. Here the advertising text appears directly in the user’s mailbox. If these ads are well written, users will only recognize at a second glance that this is no ordinary message. This is exactly why this ad format has the best click-through rates.

However, the other ad formats also have their strengths and purposes. Depending on the goal (brand awareness or conversions), some formats are better, and some are worse. The good thing, however, is that each format has its placement. “Text ads” are usually very short ad texts at the top of the page and attract little attention, while “sponsored content” appears in the user’s newsfeed and is seamlessly embedded in the organic posts. Depending on the existing image material, the planned amount of work, and the goal pursued, advertisements that are well-adapted to your needs and wishes can be created.

More Performance Data and Better Tracking Thanks To The Insight Tag

We have clarified that targeting and ads can be chosen precisely to achieve optimal results. And it is these results that need to be reviewed and tracked to identify effective and underperforming ads and calculate ROI. Again, LinkedIn has a good solution that provides advertisers with valuable information because tracking is extremely important to control advertising measures and determine performance, and ultimately to be able to optimize it.

With the Insight tag, LinkedIn provides an easy way to determine all user data, which can be used to optimize the campaigns. LinkedIn does not forget the GDPR and anonymizes the collected data. This information is incredibly valuable for optimally setting up the campaign so that the budget is used as well as possible. The insight tag can determine the interests, skills, etc., of the users who clicked on the ad. For example, it can be seen that users with an interest in “cars” click on the ads most often. If such trends are identified, then the campaign can be optimized accordingly.

For Whom Are LinkedIn Ads Suitable?

LinkedIn Ads are suitable for many applications. Advertisers are offered many opportunities to promote various things. Advertising is flexible and can be individually adapted to your wishes and goals.

LinkedIn is particularly suitable for companies active in the B2B sector. Because on LinkedIn, besides many people who network and maintain contacts, there are also those decision-makers in companies that every advertiser wants to reach. Here LinkedIn Ads can help to expand your customer base and open up new markets significantly. However, it is also important that your company has a LinkedIn account not to affect the performance of the advertisements.
In addition to advertising your service or product, LinkedIn Ads can be used perfectly to search for employees. Nowadays, many companies need help finding qualified and talented employees. LinkedIn Ads help HR workers worldwide and enable them to contact potential applicants. This makes it easier to attract the right people’s attention and convince them directly of your own company. This is not a guarantee for the ideal employee, but it makes finding and contacting the right people much easier. This makes the application process much easier for both companies and applicants since both already know through LinkedIn Ads.

Of course, LinkedIn’s unique and specific user base can also be used for “normal” product advertising because the users of this platform are mostly good earners and have secure jobs. If the interests and data of your target group are well known and if they match the typical LinkedIn users, an advertising campaign using LinkedIn Ads can certainly generate more sales. This is a good way to advertise lifestyle and high-quality products on LinkedIn. Their statements show LinkedIn users have about twice as much purchasing power as users on other platforms.
Overall, LinkedIn Ads are mainly used for the B2B sector and for finding new employees. However, ads on LinkedIn can also be used for products. If you need help determining whether and how to advertise effectively on LinkedIn, contact us for a non-binding consultation.

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Increase Your Popularity With Good Practices In Social Networks Mon, 19 Apr 2021 07:04:07 +0000 Today, social networks are a tool of great value for companies, allowing them to publicize

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Today, social networks are a tool of great value for companies, allowing them to publicize their products or services, and at the same time, establish a closer relationship with current or potential customers.

The publication of images, videos, and interactive charts is a digital showcase for many organizations that use these applications to reach many users in a much more personal way if we compare it with how a company is presented on a web page.

So far, everything seems advantageous, but, as always, we cannot ignore that social networks are often an easy target for cybercriminals, often taking advantage of the ignorance of the dangers associated with their use by their administrators.

What Will You Find In The Policy Of Good Practices In Social Networks?

We have developed a security policy to make safe use of these tools that allow us to keep corporate information out of the reach of cybercriminals, protect the company’s image, and raise awareness about the proper use of social networks, knowing both their strengths and weaknesses. The objective is to provide the appropriate security tools to protect social networks and raise awareness about the need to train administrators before carrying out this work.

Risks Associated With Social Networks

  • Human error is the cause of many of the incidents that affect the reputation and enterprise security. It is common to see inaccurate actions in profiles of organizations, such as publishing personal value judgments on behalf of the company or the exchange of comments, which finally ends in discussion with the client. Another of the most common failures is to publish private information about the company or details of its internal functioning: the people who hold certain positions, hours of meetings, who are its partners, etc.
  • A weak privacy setting incorporating social media profiles is a clear security risk for the company, so it will be necessary to review these options for each social network individually. Likewise, applications that have access to these profiles may also pose a privacy risk if granted access (permissions) to certain data (such as followers or customers) without any restriction. Also, we must avoid granting applications more permissions than strictly necessary.
  • Cybercriminals also use social networks as a source of financial gain, using different types of campaigns:
  • Fraud by impersonation of clients or suppliers. Cybercriminals create false profiles impersonating customers or suppliers to modify data in their favor, such as the billing account, shipping addresses, etc.
  • Malware campaigns. Cybercriminals use malicious software delivery via social media profiles to infect victims’ computers using various techniques, such as impersonating a customer, a supplier, or even a member of the company itself. They end the deception by directing the victim to malicious websites, where they host the malware that the user downloads when clicking on an ad or simply by visiting the page. In other cases, they send it attached using a private chat.
  • Phishing campaigns. Cybercriminals can impersonate a known company or organization and redirect the victim to a fraudulent website where they steal personal, banking, and company data.

So that your company is not a victim of these security incidents related to social networks, download this policy and start taking security measures now. You have a checklist to keep track of the measures applied and those that you still have to implement. Remember to check our security notices to stay updated with all the news and anticipate possible scams by cybercriminals.

Also Read: RPA(Robotic Process Automation) Advanced Technology To Guarantee Cybersecurity

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Which Social Network Generates a Greater Advertising Memory? Thu, 04 Jun 2020 07:30:06 +0000 When choosing a channel for an advertising campaign, there are many factors to consider, from

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  • When choosing a channel for an advertising campaign, there are many factors to consider, from the target to the objectives or the brand itself. Undoubtedly, social networks are increasingly gaining more weight in advertising strategies, but not all are equal to each other, nor do they obtain the same results, nor do they achieve the same advertising memory.
  • That is precisely what we have asked in our  Survey of the Week: on which social network do you usually remember the most about advertising campaigns? Do you always remember the brands you see in Instagram stories or do you remember sponsored tweets better?
  • The result is clear: almost half of the audience, 44%, affirms that Instagram is the most effective social network when it comes to creating advertising memories.
  • Second, LinkedIn is the most effective social network according to 22% of respondents. One of the causes could be the high level of personalization of some of the campaigns on the professional platform, such as InMail messages.
  • On the other hand, 17% maintain that Facebook is the social network where advertising is most remembered, while 11% lean towards Twitter.
  • Finally, 6% opt for other social networks, which can range from Pinterest to TikTok. Even, there are those who consider YouTube as a social network instead of as an audiovisual content platform, so the debate is open.
  • The post Which Social Network Generates a Greater Advertising Memory? appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

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    Best Tricks To Take Advantage Of LinkedIn Wed, 27 May 2020 09:14:33 +0000 It is possible that during these last months you have had more time to use

    The post Best Tricks To Take Advantage Of LinkedIn appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

    It is possible that during these last months you have had more time to use LinkedIn and update your profile. Without a doubt, this social network is especially useful to create a network of contacts and access new job opportunities, but also to expand your training and grow as a professional. Do you put into practice some of these tricks?

    LinkedIn: 5 keys to take advantage of the platform

    Created by Reid Hoffman, the LinkedIn social network has been with us for more than 15 years. In addition to having become a meeting point between professionals and companies, it is also a source of interesting learning resources.

    1. LinkedIn Learning

    First of all, one of the most interesting applications of LinkedIn is its wide range of training courses within its LinkedIn Learning program. Digital marketing, creative writing, SEO, leadership … the themes are practically endless and will help you stay up to date as a professional.

    Although some of these courses are free, there are others that are not, for which it is necessary to subscribe to the platform. Even so, if you prefer to try it before paying, the platform offers a free month of subscription.

    1. News

    It is crucial to be trained but also informed. That is why, in addition to the video courses, other resources such as its News section are also interesting on LinkedIn. In it you will see the compilation of the most relevant and viral current news, as well as own content created by the LinkedIn journalist staff.

    In fact, every day when you log into the social network you will receive a selection of the news that best suits your profile and interests, so you can soak up the digital news in just a few minutes.

    Also Read: LinkedIn – History From 15 Years

    1. Groups

    Sharing is definitely living, and LinkedIn groups are a good place to do it. In them, specialized professionals share content on specific topics, be it e-commerce, Java programming, or machine learning. According to your profile, find the groups that interest you the most and sign up for your favorites. Each day will be an opportunity to learn new things.

    1. Community

    In addition to groups, another good way to learn (and first hand) is by having a large and rich community, made up of professionals who are experts in the topics that interest you most. Try to be selective and add and/or follow professionals who can bring you value with both their daily posts and articles. Not only will you be up to date with all the most relevant trends and projects in the industry, but you will also be able to network and strengthen ties with your contacts.

    1. SSI Index

    Finally, once you take advantage of the training resources at your fingertips, put them into practice, and keep your profile up to date. And to see if you’re doing well, calculate your profile grade (or SSI Index).

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    Best Social Networks for Companies and Professionals Fri, 20 Mar 2020 09:40:54 +0000 Knowing which are the best social networks for companies is essential for any business that

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    Knowing which are the best social networks for companies is essential for any business that wants to have an online presence. It is not a matter of having profiles on all social networks , but where our target audience is.

    Think that the more social networks you have open, the more time and money you will have to invest in them , so does it not make more sense to focus your efforts only on those that are going to obtain better results?

    Also, depending on the type of business there will be some social networks that work better than others.
    So our goal with this article is not just to tell you which are the best social networks for companies.But we also want you to be able to determine which ones are best suited to your business.

    Best Social Networks For Companies


    Facebook is the “social networks” par excellence and although it has declined in interest, it is still the social platform with the largest number of users.

    It has exactly 2.12 billion people, a figure that does not leave anyone indifferent, right? Now, is Facebook useful for all kinds of companies?

    Many times we forget that these platforms are  social and as such, the main use that is given is for:

    • Chat, send messages, etc.
    • Watch video, music.
    • See what friends do.

    Understanding this is essential, and therefore, Facebook tends to work better for B2C businesses and in some cases for B2B . Some of the sectors where Facebook tends to work really well are : local businesses and retailers, online stores, news and information, electronics, sports, finance, travel, health and wellness.

    In addition, Facebook for online stores is a platform that really works thanks to the creation of catalogs. Of course, keep in mind that you are going to have to invest in advertising on Facebook yes or yes because the organic reach is really low. Another strategy that I recommend you try is that you use Facebook Bots because you can get really interesting results.


    LinkedIn is the social network for companies and professionals par excellence, so in the sector where it works best is B2B and for job search . Specifically, some of the sectors where it works best are : Marketing, education, finance, technology, ICT, Legal, Science, Education, etc.

    Nowadays, personal profiles tend to work better than company pages on LinkedIn to generate new business opportunities. So working a strong personal brand on this social network I consider something really relevant to make ourselves known to our target audience.

    Furthermore, according to this post , 50% of web traffic in B2B companies that comes from social networks is from LinkedIn. And 80% of the B2B contacts generated on social networks come from LinkedIn, followed by 13% by Twitter. While the advertising part on LinkedIn is still in the development phase, in fact they are recently introducing new developments.


    Instagram is the fastest growing social network in recent years and is establishing itself as one of the best social networks for B2C companies . Some of the sectors where Instagram works best are : Fashion, health and wellness, beauty, automobile, travel, events, crafts, food, e-commerce, photography, sport, etc.

    A very common practice that companies use is to make raffles on Instagram. If you want to get a lot of followers and also attract an audience that may be interested in your products, the truth is that it is a practice that I recommend you use.
    In addition, I also recommend you to invest in Instagram advertising yes or yes because today the cost of ads has a fairly high return on investment, so I recommend that you invest or hire a specialist who knows how to do it.


    What if I told you that you get to download 400 hours of videos on YouTube a minute? YouTube currently has more than 1.9 billion active users per month and is the second largest search engine in the world .

    But is YouTube a social network for companies? Well according to this article 68% of YouTube users saw a video to help them in the purchase decision.

    In other words, YouTube directly influences the consumer’s purchase process, but it also influences the post-purchase process.

    Because there are many people who instead of seeing the assembly instructions of any product what they do is go directly to search YouTube for any video tutorial. So the type of videos that work best are informative, educational and especially entertainment . For this reason, both B2C and B2B companies can use it within their content strategy .


    If there is a social network for companies that is going to give a lot to talk about this year, it will be WhatsApp Business. Not surprisingly, the use of WhatsApp in Spain has already surpassed Facebook itself as the most used social network, in addition 97% of the people surveyed said that they use WhatsApp daily .
    So it is a social network with tremendous potential to have a closer contact with current and potential customers and above all to be able to close sales. It can be used perfectly by both B2B and B2C companies, and it can also be a great tool for improving customer support .

    Think that an average user enters WhatsApp at least 23 times a day, which is outrageous. In addition, 84% of SMEs think that WhatsApp helps them communicate with their customers .


    In the case of Twitter, it usually works better for B2C businesses, although it is the second most used social network in the B2B sector after LinkedIn.

    You have to think that Twitter is mainly used as a source of real-time information , so the sectors where it works best are: News and information, finance, education, telecommunications, electronic commerce, sports and politics. Twitter for business is mainly used as a support, in fact people expect the response time on Twitter to be really low.

    While the advertising platform on Twitter is still for many businesses still to explore, the reality is that you can get a really low cost per click or interaction compared to other social networks.


    Pinterest is a social network that is used more often by women and works best for the B2C sector. Some of the sectors where Pinterest works best are : health and wellness, event planning (mainly weddings), beauty, home and garden, fashion and crafts.

    You have to think that one of the main uses it is given is mainly to find inspiration. In fact, according to this article , 85% of women use Pinterest to plan “moments of life” such as:

    • Decorate the house.
    • Going on vacation.
    • Event planning.

    What’s more, 59% of Millennials have discovered new products on Pinterest and a large percentage uses it to make purchasing decisions . It’s a platform that works really well for the sales funnel discovery stage because 97% of Pinterest searches are unbranded, so they are still very open-minded in the sales process.

    Google My Business

    If you are the owner of a local business, Google My Business is the ideal tool to optimize our presence on Google.

    It will be the showcase that our people will see when they search us on Google, and if in a traditional store the showcase is always well ordered, here it is just as important to do it.In other words, it could be said that it is the «social network for businesses».

    What users can mainly see here are the reviews that other people leave with the opinion about the brand, or its products and / or services and we can interact in the same way with the customers who leave the opinions. It is here where the social character of this tool comes into play.

    In fact, even hashtags can be used, you can “follow” shops to keep up to date with the type of publications they make, we can also promote a store before it opens, etc.

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