education Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Fri, 10 Feb 2023 06:44:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 education Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 Are There Any Privacy Risks To Using AI In Online Education? Fri, 10 Feb 2023 06:43:59 +0000 The use of the Internet has increased rapidly worldwide after the spread of COVID-19, which

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The use of the Internet has increased rapidly worldwide after the spread of COVID-19, which shows the importance that this service has gained for the development of work and education at home. During confinement.

Artificial intelligence has invaded our daily lives, and it is impossible to ignore its place in all sectors of society, including education. It is emerging in education with applications for both learners and teachers to improve the quality, efficiency and equity of education. In the previous article, we defined AI and analyzed the place of AI in the service of student learning and its impact on teaching. We have tried to see the extent to which the teacher sees his place and his role modified. Although we are using AI technologies in our elearning platforms or in online education there are also some risks in it.

Factors such as the greater dependence on communications and information technologies, the use of multiple digital solutions in the educational field and the longer time spent online, among others, increase the exposure of boys, girls, adolescents, young students and teachers, to online threats and risks.

AI And Cybersecurity

Like any computer program, AI systems can be attacked or defended but can also be used to defend or attack, as described in ExpressVPN research on AI bias.


Poisoning: consists of artificially sending a lot of data that will shift the centre of gravity of the AI. The probabilities are, therefore, biased by these attacks.

Evasion: this attack is based on optical illusion. By making small changes in the input data, the AI ​​fails to recognize something and completely changes its classification.

Inference: the objective is to seek information about something to cross-check it and find information that normally could not have been accessed.

Main Issues That We Face Through AI

For each ethical issue raised by AI, it is possible to implement solutions to limit their consequences.

  • The issue of bias
  • Diversify the provenance of data and use reverse engineering to prove that an algorithm is biased
  • Check that it complies with legislation and ethical rules
  • The issue of transparency
  • Set up thresholds for validations. The human must remain the decision-maker, and the AI ​​must only propose solutions.
  • The problem of personal data
  • Create tools that help prevent AI from collecting and encoding personal data.
  • The problem of responsibility
  • Create a new legal status for robots and AIs 
  • Define and apply ethical charters
  • The environmental and security issue
  • Improving AI abilities by 1% consumes a lot of energy and produces a lot of waste.

Most Common Threats In Online Education

  • Malicious codes or malware (viruses, worms, Trojans, etc.).
  • Threats related to social engineering.
  • Phishing: method of attack through email.
  • Smishing: attack method through SMS messaging.
  • Vishing: phone call scam.
  • Contact predators online.
  • Online grooming: online sexual harassment or abuse involving an adult’s interaction with children or adolescents.
  • Cyberbullying: includes sending, posting or sharing harmful content about another person through any digital device or media.
  • Sexting: sending content (photographs and videos) containing images that show or describe sexual activities.
  • Access to potentially harmful or illegal content.
  • Exposure to false information, content that threatens the integrity of children and young people, or that incites violence, suicide or other risky behaviours.

What NOT To Do

  • DO NOT share personal information.
  • DO NOT post daily activities on networks.
  • Please DO NOT send photos of our privacy to unknown people or share them on social networks.
  • DO NOT open emails or attachments from unknown senders.
  • DO NOT share passwords with third parties by any means.
  • DO NOT install malicious code on other people’s computers or devices, as recommended by WebUpdatesDaily.
  • DO NOT intimidate, harass, threaten other people, or make teasing or comments with negative connotations.
  • DO NOT arrange meetings with strangers or agree to do so if a stranger requests it.

What To Do

  • Respect the privacy of others.
  • When interacting with others online, use an alias or alternate name as a username.
  • Inform parents, guardians, teachers or trusted adults about harmful content, threats or negative situations.
  • Apply privacy settings to social media accounts.
  • Connect only with known people.
  • Report on websites or social networks any abusive, offensive and threatening situation, as well as inappropriate behaviour.

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How 5G Is Going To Change Education Forever Sun, 08 May 2022 07:04:00 +0000 The implementation of 5G is going to change our society forever. A study recently published

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The implementation of 5G is going to change our society forever. A study recently published ensures that the deployment of this network will lead to an improvement in efficiency and productivity that will boost world GDP by 1.3 trillion dollars in the year 2030. The advantages of this technology – faster speed, lower latency, and the ability to connect a greater number of devices – will lead to a more efficient and productive future, where sectors such as health and socio-health care, electricity, and industry will benefit greatly. or the financial.

But beyond its economic impact, if a sector can experience improvements as a result of the implementation of 5G, it is education. Advances in mobile technology, IoT, and the tactile internet will forever change the way we teach, as will new and improved applications of virtual and augmented reality, which will begin to play an important role in understanding-based learning.

The future learning model will be centered on the student and the connectivity of the devices. 5G will contribute to creating an international, immediate, virtual and interactive environment that will also allow the role of the teacher in the classroom to be redefined. Beyond the technology used, the challenges of the Education System and the Training model can be summed up in four axes and a clear objective: change to make the most of everything that technology offers us and therefore digitization.

That People Make Decisions

It is necessary to strengthen the empowerment of people so that they make decisions about their professional and personal development, and for this, it is necessary to develop systems that help people to make these decisions. Big data and algorithms are a perfect combination to help people make better choices. Without forgetting that reason, the importance that the counselor has in the entire system, who must also rise to technological evolution so that its use is productive and effective for the individual.

Learn And Train Together

We must underline the idea that we cannot do things alone, but that it is more productive to work as a team, with people close or far away and in real or deferred time. Learning to work as a team associated with mastering other languages ​​is one of the most important challenges of our educational system. The relationship with other people will make our knowledge and our desire to learn more solid, and for this, we must continue to develop increasingly intuitive platforms that allow continuous collaboration and communication in real-time, in which the contribution of 5G will be decisive. The pandemic has taught us an important lesson in this regard, being connected has meant being active and connected.

Take Advantage Of All Resources

Resources for training and learning are everywhere, many of them free. We must know how to look for them, discriminate and relate them to our interests. Never before in the history of humanity have we had access to such an amount of knowledge, today we can access a Nobel Prize class from a train station. The 600 free courses integrated into this platform have received nearly two million visits in one year. And resources continue to develop at a rapid rate. Augmented reality, virtual reality, and simulators are the new guests at this great feast of resources, which will come from the hand of the new generations of networks, 5G, and the increasing capacity of fiber optics.

Focus On Personalization

Each individual has to be the protagonist of their development and training. Those who learn and those who teach have to take advantage of the power of social networks to enhance their strengths: those who teach have to learn and those who learn have to teach. To get here we have to face one of the most defining challenges, developing the new role of the teacher, a teacher who must not only teach but also create content, structure information, develop projects and give students a leading role. In short, challenges that can only be faced with the support of faster and more reliable technology should make education a much more efficient area, where new models based on 5G facilitate the student’s cognitive process.

Also Read: 5G And The IoT Industry, Will It Be The Network Revolution

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Log4Shell What You Need To Know About The Panicking Java Flaw Fri, 07 Jan 2022 08:01:22 +0000 What Is Log4Shell? This is a security vulnerability in the Log4j logging utility that affects

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What Is Log4Shell?

This is a security vulnerability in the Log4j logging utility that affects versions 2.0-beta9 through 2.14.1. Basically, it allows you to send a specific message that the targeted server will log. Message that activates the flaw, so that the server, via the JNDI API (connection to directories), contacts another where it retrieves the malicious code.

The level of risk is not the same depending on the version of Java. The main attack vector (LDAP) does not seem to be usable from 6u211, 7u201, 8u191 and 11.0.1. Other protocols (HTTP / S, DNS, etc.) can however still be used to load the code.

Who Raised The Alert?

The Apache Foundation – which manages Log4j – has pulled the alarm bell on 9 December. Since then, PoCs have multiplied . And a nickname emerged for the flaw: Log4Shell.
Atlassian, Boomi, Cisco, Docker, ESET have also issued alerts relating to Log4j in recent days .
The active business evidence has also accumulated. Among them, the dissemination of the Mirai and Muhstik botnets , known to convey in particular ransomware and cryptocurrency miners.

What Are The Risks?

  • There are many risks for the Java applications that use it. They go as far as injecting – and executing – unwanted code remotely .
  • Attacks are likely to bypass solutions, especially firewalls, both by exploiting alternative ports and by implementing obfuscation techniques.
  • Cisco identifies around thirty affected departments. The Webex Meetings server is part of it… unlike the client. The projects of the Apache Foundation are not spared either. On the list there are, among others, Druid, Flink and Struts2.
  • The implementation of attacks sometimes appears elementary. Changing the name of an iPhone has hit the mark on iCloud servers. Ditto for the Minecraft cat who uses the Java edition.
  • It also seems possible to exploit existing code on the server even with the remote execution vector.

How To Protect Yourself?

Log4j 2.15.0   provides corrections to “padlock” JDNI by limiting both the usable protocols and the classes accessible via LDAP. For those who do not have the possibility to update, there are several workarounds which have in common to deactivate the StrLookup interface (thanks to which we can modify the configuration of Log4j).

  • From Log4j 2.10, set to “true” the property log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups or the environment variable LOG4J_FORMAT_MSG_NO_LOOKUPS
  • On 2.7 and later, modify all logging schemes to eliminate lookups (by replacing% m by% m {nolookups})
  • From 2.0-beta9 to 2.10.0, remove the JndiLookup class from the zip classpath -q -d log4j-core – *. Jar org / apache / logging / log4j / core / lookup / JndiLookup.class; or substitute a non-vulnerable implementation

The CERT-FR alert bulletin emphasizes these obfuscation techniques. In the background, a recommendation to companies: perform a deep analysis of their network logs, looking for the character strings used to trigger the attack. And, if possible, correlate it with the DNS logs . Then, at the affected software level, filter and log the outgoing flows while checking the availability of patches. Developers will take care to upgrade to Log4j 2.15. See version 2.16. Published the day before yesterday, it completes the correction by disabling the JNDI API and the lookup function by default .

What Are The Results Of The Attacks?

At its last score Check Point recorded more than a million attempts to exploit Log4Shell. And provided a “raw” indicator: globally, 44% of corporate networks were affected. Main objective of the attackers: the mining of cryptocurrencies, assured the American group.

Also Read: Cisco Prime Collaboration Dashboards – Monitor your voice and video network easily

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Benefits of taking up management and leadership course for beginners Thu, 23 Dec 2021 16:51:00 +0000 Be it a beginner planning to attend a B-school or a working professional eyeing up

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Be it a beginner planning to attend a B-school or a working professional eyeing up the corner office, a management and leadership course is a guaranteed way to a successful career. The management and leadership course is also the right fit for those who want to refresh their learnings and acquire new skills. The most acclaimed degree worldwide, management and leadership, trains beginners to think and execute strategically as a business leader. The course is tailor-made to provide an insight into the real business world as it bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

An introduction to management and leadership course

The management and leadership is a 12-week programme that helps aspirants develop strategies to improve their workforce’s performance to get desired results. The programme also equips students with the skills to motivate employees to increase their efficiency. Delivered in an online mode, the 12-week programme course also provides pragmatic skills to manage the workforce efficiently.

Now when you have learned the importance of studying a management and leadership course, let us talk about the program’s benefits to aspirants.

1. Teach the ways to develop strategies

The management and leadership course helps aspiring business leaders or managers to develop a true vision for any business. The aspirants also learn to define competitive advantage and targets while developing strategies for the company. The course also teaches to focus on systematic growth and make fact-based decisions for a business.

2. Equips with fundamental business concepts

The course familiarises students with the core concepts of business management, such as Human Resource (HR), Operations, Accounting, Strategy, Finance and Marketing. In addition, the course prepares to look at real-world businesses as aspirants will develop a deep understanding of core management areas.

3. Helps to develop new business opportunities

With in-depth knowledge in the fundamentals of business management degree, aspiring managers or business leaders will be able to pursue global career opportunities. In addition, the management and leadership course provide aspirants a vision to predict future crises and the chance to make sound decisions for a business at unprecedented times.

4. Encourages to find innovative ways to manage workforce

With vital management skills such as time management, problem-solving, decision making, critical thinking and strategy making, aspiring business leaders will be able to manage a workforce efficiently. As the workforce is considered an asset to the company, it is extremely important to encourage and motivate your employees to achieve the organisational goal strategically and efficiently.

5. Teaches to build networks with people

Networking skill is an essential quality of a successful business leader. A good networking skill can open a broad business or career opportunities for individuals. In addition, networking helps business leaders in finding investors, customers or others at relatively low cost. Therefore, the course teaches individuals to build networks with people by interacting with them at corporate events, meetings or conferences.

Enrolling in the 12-week management and leadership course in London can help you leap ahead in your career. Hurry up!

Also Read: How Can Accounting Help You In Growing Your Business?

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How Can You Help a 4th Grader With Writing? Sat, 25 Sep 2021 15:24:41 +0000 It is always an exciting moment when your child moves from a lower class and

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It is always an exciting moment when your child moves from a lower class and joins the upper grade. The fourth grade is a crucial stage because it links the lower classes and middle school. This means that their learning capacity or style is similar to that of elementary school.

Most fourth-graders are basically children and they enjoy learning through playing in warm environments. Nonetheless, the content of the grade four curriculum is designed to make learners think critically compared to lower grades.

In grade four, children learn how to critically think and create connections between different learning materials. The curriculum content is also designed in a manner that makes them understand complex concepts.

Building study skills for your fourth grader

Reading and writing skills go hand in hand. Fourth graders are usually expected to use periodicals, websites, and books to carry out their research projects. Your child should be able to take note of all the sources he or she uses to learn and write the project.

Besides, taking notes while reading stories will help a child to analyze whatever he or she is reading. This will provide a deep description of the setting, characters, and the story in general.

The prewriting process

The prewriting step that your child underwent in the previous class turns out to be vital in the fourth grade. When a child begins the writing process, they should use notes to come up with a structure of what they want to write about.

In the process of planning, a child can also brainstorm ideas for the piece of writing or decide on how facts will be arranged in a cohesive manner. The major advantage of the prewriting stage is that it equips your child with more knowledge hence making the writing process much easier.

You should also encourage your child to do things such as rereading, taking notes, getting extra sources, and discussing ideas aloud. The child can also make use of the 4th grade writing worksheets to cross After the child is done with the first draft, it is important for the teacher and other students to give feedback.

The teacher and other students should check the draft to find if there’s a proper introduction and conclusion. After which, your child should go through the feedback and revise the first draft before creating the final one.

Opinion pieces

When writing, the opinions of your child should always be accompanied by tangible evidence. Persuasive writing must begin by giving a clear opinion introduction about the topic. In order to support opinions, the child should argue points together with reasons for those arguments.

Informative writing

As your child starts his fourth grade, informative writing will get more organized than in the previous stage. Several elements such as illustrations, headers, and multimedia components will be introduced to support particular points.

There’s no doubt that every parent feels good when his or her child moves to a higher grade. The fourth grade is just as important as any grade. Parents should work hand in hand with their children to help them perfect their reading and writing skills. For more information, you can always check out places like Adobe Education Exchange.

Also Read: Plan Your Career With Microsoft Azure Certification

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Plan Your Career With Microsoft Azure Certification Thu, 23 Sep 2021 13:53:47 +0000 Microsoft Certification will add more mileage to your CV and will act as proof of

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Microsoft Certification will add more mileage to your CV and will act as proof of your insight and testament to your Microsoft technical abilities. This certification can be pursued in three phases: fundamentals, which will cover basics; role-based, focused on different job roles; and advanced industry solutions. There are various certified courses available, but let’s discuss how Microsoft Azure Certification can help you boost your career with a wide range of job opportunities in the IT sector at this juncture.

What Is Microsoft Azure Certification?

It is the most in-demand the path of Microsoft certification in the cloud market. Microsoft Azure has been one of the top leaders of the market that offer Cloud services under IaaS and PaaS Cloud segments. Microsoft developed this platform and has become a game-changer for businesses that wish to move their infrastructure to a better and more secure cloud environment. They have taken a more job-centric approach in developing these certification programs aligning with the existing job roles to make them more effective and elevate the skill levels of the IT sector employees. There are 12 certification programs with 14 exams split into three levels, Fundamental -Level, Associate-Level, and Expert-Level.

Fundamental – Level

Azure Certification training at the fundamental level is suitable for individuals who have just started their careers in Microsoft Azure Technology or the cloud domain. The different programs under this level are:

  • Microsoft Company Certified: Azure – Fundamentals AZ-900
  • Microsoft Company Certified: Azure AI – Fundamentals AI-900
  • Microsoft Company Certified: Azure Data – Fundamentals DP-900


Azure Certifications at the associate level are aimed at professionals with 2 to 3 years of experience. To get Expert-Level certifications, an associate-level Certification will be essential. The different programs under this level are:

  • Microsoft Company Certified: Azure Administrator – Associate AZ-104
  • Microsoft Company Certified: Azure Developer – Associate AZ-204
  • Microsoft Company Certified: Azure Security Engineer – Associate AZ-500
  • Microsoft Company Certified: Azure AI Engineer – Associate AI-100
  • Microsoft Company Certified: Azure Data Scientist – Associate DP-100
  • Microsoft Company Certified: Azure Data Engineer – Associate DP-200 and DP-201
  • Microsoft Company Certified: Azure Database Administrator – Associate DP-300


The cost of getting a certification increases with the different levels of these programsSome global IT training organizations provide excellent Azure Certification Training at an affordable price suitable for most individuals. This level is ideal for professionals with 3 to 5 years of experience working in relevant IT-related technologies. The different training programs under this level are:

  • Microsoft Company Certified Solutions Architect – Expert AZ-303 and AZ-304
  • Microsoft Company Certified: Azure DevOps Engineer – Expert AZ-400

Who Should Opt For Microsoft Azure Certification?

Several job roles can use Microsoft Certification in Azure to boost the career prospects of professionals. These include:

  • Microsoft Azure administrators 
  • System Admins
  • Software Developers
  • Cloud Administrators
  • Cloud Architects
  • Cloud Sales and Purchase Manager
  • Big Data Specialist
  • Networking Specialist
  • Data Security Engineers
  • Data Administrators
  • Business Intelligence Professionals
  • DevOps Professionals
  • AI Engineer
  • Functional Consultant
  • Anyone inclined to gain knowledge of Microsoft Azure

Benefits of choosing Microsoft Azure Certification

  • If you get this certification, it will prove your commitment to your profession. 
  • Professionals who acquire Microsoft Certification in Azure have a better chance to get a higher hike than others. 
  • The program is suitable for most individuals who are looking for a career in the IT sector. 
  • It will help you to stay ahead in this competitive job market. 
  • The chances of getting shortlisted for an interview are higher with this certification.
  • Structured learning will help you better understand other tools such as GitHub, DevOps, Hadoop, Eclipse, etc. 
  • Most companies have migrated to cloud base infrastructure, and hence getting this certification will give you an edge during the hiring or promotion. 
  • It may give you the required push in switching to a different and better career related to Microsoft Azure or other cloud computing domains
  • It may help you to secure high-paying IT jobs overseas
  • Microsoft Azure provides a comprehensive integration between data centers and cloud infrastructure. This certification will train you to save money for your company by scaling and managing hosted assets.
  • There is an exponential rise in the demand for Artificial Intelligence Engineers, and hence having Azure Certifications will help hone the skills even further.

Microsoft Certification has gained tremendous popularity among newcomers and professionals aspiring to make great careers in Information Technology. In this present scenario, most businesses have either shifted or planning to move their infrastructure from regular to cloud-based platforms due to various benefits that can lead to higher profits and better data security. Hence, getting Microsoft azure certification might be the masterstroke you need to boost your career in the IT field and rise to a higher salary package with higher skill levels attained. When we weigh the benefits of getting this certification, the Azure Certification cost seems a minimal price to pay for a better career direction. 

Also Read: Microsoft Announces News To Enhance The Integration Of Equipment In Hybrid Scenarios

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What Is Flask (Python) And What Are It’s Main Advantages Wed, 01 Sep 2021 11:25:17 +0000 Today we have a wide range of options to create web pages and many different

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Today we have a wide range of options to create web pages and many different language options (PHP, JAVA.). In this case, Flask allows us to develop web applications with the Python language very quickly. Flask is a “micro” framework written in Python and designed to simplify and make more accessible the creation of Web Applications under the MVC pattern. The word “micro” does not mean that it is a small project or helps us make small web pages. By installing Flask, we have the necessary tools to create a functional web application.

It is likely that at some point, you will need new functionality that you do not have first with the installation; for that, you will find a large set of extensions (plugins) that can be easily installed with Flask, and that will allow you to add all the functionalities you need. As for the MVC pattern, this is a way of working that allows differentiating and separating what the view (HTML page), the data model (the data that the App is going to have) is, and the controller (where the requests from the web app).

Frameworks in Python

There is the Python Wiki, where a list of all supported Frameworks is shown. Some of those on the list say “full-stack,” this means that when the Framework is installed for the first time, it already comes with all (or almost all) the necessary functionalities to create a complete web application, such as Django. For those who are not “full-stack” such as Flask, you will need to install extensions to achieve some functionality.

Main Advantages Of Using Flask

  • Micro Framework: Perfect if you want to develop a basic App or create it quickly and agilely. For which applications, many extensions are not required, and with Flask, it is enough.
  • It includes a development web server: Therefore, it does not require an infrastructure with a web server to test web apps. You can run a web server in a simple way with which you can observe the results that are obtained.
  • It has a debugger and built-in support for unit tests: If there are any errors in the code being created, you can debug that error, and you can also see the values ​​of the variables. In turn, there is the possibility of integrating unit tests.
  • WSGI compatibility: To serve web pages created in Python, web servers with this protocol, the WSGI, can be used.
  • It is compatible with Python3.
  • Good route management: When you work with Web Apps made in Flask Python, you have the controller that receives all the requests made by the clients, and you have to determine which route the client is accessing to execute the relevant code.
  • It natively supports the use of cookies.
  • No ORMs: You don’t have ORMs, but you can easily use an extension.
  • Sessions can be used.
  • Very optimal for building static content applications or web services.
  • Documentation, mailing list, and GitHub code.
  • Open Source that is covered under a BSD license.

Flask Extensions

Here are the most used extensions or plugins with Flask:

  • Flask-script: This plugin allows you to manage the application through commands.
  • flask-WTF: This allows you to generate HTML forms with objects and classes.
  • Flask-login: To authenticate the username and password.
  • Flask-Bootstrap: They are style sheets for the content of the page.
  • Flask-Sqlalchemy: It allows us to generate the data model.

Flask is a perfect option for building Web Apps with Python; it has a good learning curve and can be learned quickly. If you would like to master Flask, at Epitech, we have a degree in computer science in which we teach this and other programming languages. For more information, questions, or any other procedure, do not hesitate to contact us; we will be happy to assist you.

Also Read: Edge Computing – Processing Speed On The Web

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How to Prepare a Professional Portfolio Sat, 24 Jul 2021 14:34:20 +0000 Finding a job today requires more than just a plain CV. Most people looking for

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Finding a job today requires more than just a plain CV. Most people looking for employment have to submit some information to their prospective employer on their work history.

This can range from simply listing work history and references on a job application form to a highly descriptive resume or curriculum vitae (CV).

However, the people working in the creative arena need to display their work by compiling them in a professional document. For this, you need to send in a professional portfolio.

The portfolio can be shared with prospective employers to help them understand your knowledge and expertise in your field. People like digital artists, writers and other creative people maintain a professional work portfolio carrying their best works.

What is a Professional Portfolio?

A professional portfolio is a collection of work that you can show to employers to give them an idea of what your work looks like. This particular tool can make or break your job search, as other applicants might have an equal or even more impressive employment pedigree.

With a professional portfolio, you have the capability of overtaking your employment competition based solely on the qualities of your work that the employer might prefer.

Steps on How to Prepare a Professional Portfolio

1.   Gather Your Files

This means gathering not just your images but items that you used to create your work. This can include notes, sketches, early drafts and more.

By showing your prospective employer how you work, you improve your chances of being considered, as they see more than the final product.

2. Organize Your Files

At this stage, you should gather a collection of your best work. It should be representative of your work quality without being cumbersome. The image quality that you start with should be of impeccable technical quality, with a resolution that lends itself to printing and being viewed on a screen, preferably no smaller than 300 pixels per square inch (ppi).

You will want everything to be in a uniform format for professional presentation purposes. That means you will need to convert any files that are PNG or JPG to PDF.

3. Convert Your Files to PDFs

There are several ways to convert files into PDF. The least expensive way is to use Adobe’s own JPG to PDF online converter. However, using Adobe Acrobat itself is a more streamlined approach, especially considering the next step.

4. Bundle Your Files into One Larger File

In Acrobat, once all of your files are saved or converted into individual PDF files, you can then add and manipulate your other PDF files into a paginated larger PDF file using the “Organize Pages” feature. Once saved, you will have a master portfolio file ready to share.

Planning for the Future

It is crucial to keep in mind that a professional portfolio is an ever-evolving document, much like a standard resume. It needs to be updated regularly to display recent work and present an array of work to anyone who might want to hire you. A portfolio should also be fine-tuned and tailored for each industry niche that you may apply to.

Also Read: How To Stay Productive By Telecommuting

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The Inevitable Benefits Of Accelerated Digitization Of Education Thu, 17 Jun 2021 09:43:38 +0000 The pandemic has acted as an accelerator of social changes that, although in many cases

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The pandemic has acted as an accelerator of social changes that, although in many cases predictable, has managed to establish itself and naturalize itself surprisingly quickly. The most obvious of these is the digital transformation that we have experienced over the last year. Not only have we dedicated more time than ever to digital leisure or social networks to cope with confinement, but companies in our country have shown an incredible capacity to adapt, increasing the number of employees teleworking by up to 74.2% and compared to the previous year.

But if there is one area that has been fully involved in this transformation, it has been education. Practically all the educational centers in our country, from Infant to university education, have been forced to introduce digital solutions to the moment’s needs, such as telematic classes for distance students.

All this, even though the situation in our country in terms of digitization started from a rather precarious position. According to the 2018 report, only 51.5% of educational centers had online learning platforms. Only 33.1% of teachers claimed to have enough time to prepare their classes by integrating technological solutions.

It is increasingly necessary to improve the training in technical skills of students. New resources allow them to improve their educational experience and because digital skills are more necessary, both in the private sphere and in their future incorporation into the labor market. Addressing the digital divide is more necessary than ever.

Advantages of digitizing education A priori, the digital divide is not a problem faced by Spanish adolescents. In fact, according to a survey by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) carried out in 2020, 91.5% of young people between 10 and 15 years old had used a computer during the last three months, a figure that rose to 94, 5% in terms of internet use.

In 2006, the first year these questions were asked, the figures stood at 74.4% for computer users and 72.2% for those who used the Internet. However, the work of parents and educational centers involves transferring education to an online environment and taking advantage of the multiple possibilities offered by these new tools to enrich the educational process.

First, it encourages active and collaborative learning. Through interaction with different tools, programs, simulations, and models, students will develop more interactive and participatory learning, in which research becomes a fundamental part of their development, compared to traditional methodologies such as memory. On the other hand, it allows learning at a distance and in different contexts. Spatial barriers are being diluted while the possibilities of accessing sources of knowledge in other parts of the planet multiply and have greater flexibility of schedules.

Digitization has proven to facilitate the understanding of concepts through structured processes. Access to hyperlinks that expand the information, animated graphics, and diagrams facilitate student retention and multiply the number of resources. Through digital applications, students can have an educational plan tailored to their needs, which will ensure that no one is left behind in the achievement of objectives.

Also Read: The Digital Future How To Prepare For The Challenges Of Digitization

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Reasons to Study Fashion Communication Thu, 27 May 2021 08:22:44 +0000 What good can fashion bring if it doesn’t reach the right people at the right

The post Reasons to Study Fashion Communication appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

What good can fashion bring if it doesn’t reach the right people at the right time? And, who ensures that it does? Fashion communication designers! Know that this degree is not only about the business of fashion but mostly about informing individuals about a piece or trend’s creative spirit.

As a fashion communication designer, you will facilitate and create verbal, written, and audio-visual content for a brand, label, or magazine, which will be shared with your target audiences. A degree in this discipline will equip you with a diverse set of skills such as advertising, public relations, visual merchandising, fashion journalism, photography, and much more.

Brass tacks! It is not an easy profession, but one that is both fulfilling and lucrative. Appease your creative spirit and pursue a degree in fashion communication to become any of the following professionals.

Fashion Journalist

Here is a career choice that is gaining more and more popularity with each passing day. As a fashion journalist, you can write for some of the world’s leading magazines like Harper’s Bazaar, Vogue, Elle, and several others. Since a formal degree in this field equips you with creative writing skills, you will be able to articulate information the right way.

You will also need to read up on prevalent fashion trends and do thorough research on topics that you will write about in your pieces. If you don’t want to be tied to a job, you can also become a freelance fashion journalist.

Visual Merchandiser

When you go shopping, you must have noticed how different brands have a separate identity. For instance, a Nike display will never look like an Adidas one – even though both are sports fashion brands.

A part of the credit for creating a unique brand identity goes to a visual merchandiser. Not only are they responsible for arranging displays in ways that make them look attractive, but they also stress the utility and uniqueness of specific fashion items, thus propelling purchases.

Fashion Photographer

As a trained fashion photographer, courtesy of a degree in fashion communication, you will be responsible for various photoshoots. When you start in this field, you will likely get smaller projects like catalogue shoots for e-commerce sites, but later with the right work quality and network, you can start working with big fashion houses and magazines.

If you wish to become a fashion photographer, a formal degree can help you hone your visual and aesthetic skills. Know that these two qualities can be a real game-changer within the photography sector.

Fashion and Beauty Blogger

Thanks to social media and other digital platforms, fashion blogging is starting to soar in popularity. This is a great career option for those who wish to go out on their own and make a name for themselves within the fashion world. Whether you want to give out fashion tips or become an influencer and promote brands, the choice is yours.

You can also become a fashion influencer by sharing valuable content on your blog handle and gaining a following. If you gain thousands of followers, you can also charge a significant sum for each post you put up on your page for a brand.

In the end

Apart from these career paths, there exist several others such as brand management, marketing and PR, styling for movies, shows, and events. You can pursue any of them when you study fashion communication. The bottom line is that once you have a degree in fashion com, the possibilities are endless.

So, if you don’t want to be a fashion designer but wish to be a part of the fashion industry, divert your focus towards a career in fashion communication. But, before that, make sure you have a credible degree from a renowned institution like the Pearl Academy.

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