cyber attacks Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Tue, 04 Apr 2023 11:35:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 cyber attacks Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 Strengthen Cyber Resilience – How To Prepare Yourself For Dealing With Cyber Attacks. Tue, 04 Apr 2023 11:34:54 +0000 The constant intensification of the cyber threat situation due to current geopolitical events and ongoing

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The constant intensification of the cyber threat situation due to current geopolitical events and ongoing digitization makes it clear once again: the question of a cyber attack is not “if” but “when”. But despite growing public awareness, many companies have some catching up regarding cyber resilience. Cyber ​​resilience measures strengthen a company’s reactive capabilities by providing plans for specific threat scenarios and creating structures to deal with cyber attacks.

What Exactly Is “Cyber Resilience”?

Cyber resilience describes a company’s ability to react to information security incidents, particularly cyber attacks, so that the material and immaterial effects on the business are kept to a minimum. This is not about the implementation of technical defence measures – such as virus scanners, firewalls and other security measures – but about the establishment and regular exercise of reactive skills, such as setting up a crisis management system or having concrete plans and procedures ready for the occurrence of the actual cyber emergency.

Cyber ​​resilience is divided into the following two pillars of information and operational security:

Incident Management

Incident management deals, in general, with processing disruptions in IT operations and is the most important linchpin for the company’s ability to react. As part of incident management, specific cyber-relevant incidents are identified, analyzed, processed, and rectified; their status is monitored and, if necessary, communicated to relevant stakeholders. If an escalation occurs, (IT) crisis management, BCM and ITSCM are involved.

(IT) Crisis Management

(IT) crisis management forms the overarching bracket and takes over the control of incidents that can no longer be processed in the normal IT business organization – for example, because the effects are significant and pose an acute threat to the company’s business success. The goal of crisis management is to maintain or prioritize the impaired critical business processes, communicate with all relevant internal and external parties involved and make the necessary decisions during the disruption, emergency and crisis.

Therefore, several areas are relevant for successfully mastering a major cyber incident – and the system is only as good as the sum of its parts. The system must be viewed holistically to increase cyber resilience, and the individual components must be coordinated. In addition to the three pillars mentioned above, close integration with other risk disciplines is essential – information security and third-party risk management.

What Can a Roadmap To Increase Cyber Resilience Look Like?

Before you can devote yourself to this question, you have to check your status quo of the relevant skills. This is done, for example, as part of a cyber resilience maturity assessment.

In this first step, an inventory of one’s skills in the respective areas contributing to cyber resilience occurs. The focus is on the question: What options do I have to react to relevant cyber security threats to minimize the impact on the company? The answer is based on further questions:

  • Have all relevant threat scenarios been identified?
  • Are the critical business processes known?
  • Has it been defined how long a possible failure or impairment may last?
  • Do contingency, response, or recovery plans exist for all scenarios and critical business processes (and associated IT resources)?
  • Are the responsibilities regulated to rectify a corresponding fault, from detection and analysis to elimination and recovery?
  • Are such threat scenarios regularly practiced in the units involved?

Only by considering all these elements can sufficient cyber resilience be achieved.

Once transparency has been established about one’s capabilities, the content of the necessary cyber resilience measures can be planned:

  • Design, testing and implementation of a reproducible method kit (framework)
  • Definition of relevant cyber scenarios and prioritization of them
  • Survey of the critical business processes and their (IT) resource requirements
  • Creation of all necessary plans and procedures in order of scenario priority (e.g. business continuity and disaster recovery plans)
  • Establishment of an IT emergency and crisis organization
  • Embedding, practicing and improving the plans in the general and higher-level emergency and crisis organization


Considering your cyber resilience means accepting that it is only a matter of time before you will be hit by a cyber attack yourself. Fortunately, building and expanding your cyber resilience is not an unattainable goal, albeit one that requires continuous attention and close collaboration between different areas and disciplines. In particular, identifying and constantly running through potential scenarios with a defined reactive emergency and crisis management organization increases the skills and knowledge to react successfully to unexpected events.
The need to build and expand your cyber resilience has never been more important – after all, the stakes are nothing less than the loss of your ability to do business.

Also Read: Top Most Common Types Of Cyberattacks

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Cybersecurity – Three Ways To Prevent Cyber Attacks Mon, 20 Feb 2023 07:59:42 +0000 Cybercriminals should have an especially easy time this year. On the one hand, phishing emails

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Cybercriminals should have an especially easy time this year. On the one hand, phishing emails could lure interested football fans to fake websites or supposed streaming services with content relevant to the World Cup. On the other hand, the annual online gift hunt could prove fatal. Due to inflation, shoppers plan to shop more sparingly this year and could be tempted to follow fake links by false savings offers and holiday deals.

Check The Content First, Then Click.

Cybercriminals impersonate people, companies or institutions you know to gain attention and trust (spoofing). To do this, they try to make email sender addresses, web addresses and messages appear deceptively real. However, there are a few tricks you can use to verify authenticity. Take a close look at the sender and the content: Are there any obvious spelling and grammatical errors? Is it a legitimate email address? Let’s take the following example: Is the “L” in Apple an “L” or maybe an uppercase “i”? This is very easy to control. Or: Someone has provided a text module with a hyperlink. Just move your mouse over the word without clicking. Most programs show where the link leads to. However, you should always enter web addresses yourself in the browser. The basic rule is: Do not open any messages, attachments or links if something strikes you as odd, and certainly not if you do not know the sender. The same applies to software and apps: do not install applications from unknown or unverified providers.

Securing Poorly Protected Accounts

Having a secure password is now a given. Each time you register, you are advised to use a strong one. But the truth is that even in 2022, “123456” and “password” were still the most popular.
Good password hygiene ensures that nobody can easily guess your current password. This includes using a strong password at least ten characters long and consisting of upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters. Also, it would help if you renewed passwords regularly and never recycled them. However, before you write down your difficult passwords on a piece of paper that other people around you might find, you can transfer the responsibility to a password manager. This saves the information and automatically inserts it on the respective websites.
With two-factor authentication, you can protect your accounts additionally. You verify the registration for a website or app with a second input – for example, a PIN that you receive by SMS or biometric features. Attackers would then need your password and your smartphone to crack your user account.

Trusting The Technology

Manufacturers constantly work to make their hardware and software more secure and regularly release updates. Once your PC or phone prompts you to update, please don’t ignore it or postpone it until tomorrow. This increases the risk that vulnerabilities identified by developers, for example, remain open for longer and can be exploited by cybercriminals. Ideally, activate the automatic updates function to close security gaps as quickly as possible.

The same applies to security functions such as the firewall or virus scanners. These should also remain switched on permanently and updated to ensure the greatest possible protection of the end device.

Of course, the responsibility does not lie solely with the workforce. Companies have to help with certain adjustment screws. On the one hand, they can support their employees with information and further training with the help of regular, practical security awareness training courses.
On the other hand, pursuing a three-part security and resilience strategy is advisable. Part of this strategy is anticipating threats and implementing the right technologies to protect the infrastructure. It’s also imperative that they know what to do during a successful disaster recovery and business continuity attack.

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What Is Zero Trust? 4 Advantages Of Adopting A Zero Trust Security Model Tue, 16 Nov 2021 18:21:01 +0000 The relevance of global cybersecurity is more than ever in today’s world, especially since the

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The relevance of global cybersecurity is more than ever in today’s world, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic. There has been an escalation in cybercriminal activities since the work-from-home or the remote working environments.

According to IBM’s Data Breach Report 2021, their data breach costs escalated from USD 3.86 million to USD 4.24 million, the highest average total in their data breach report history.

The silver lining is, this same report suggests that organizations that adopted the Zero Trust Application architecture saw a drop in data breaches.

This article will take you through some major advantages and the underlying importance of the Zero Trust Security model. But first, let’s start with the definition.

What is Zero Trust?

The Zero Trust Security model works on the principle of providing least-privilege access, trusting no user, application, or internal employees.
It assumes every user or application is hostile and only establishes trust based on the user’s context of identity- device’s security posture, user’s location, etc.
This model secures the network applications and services against malicious entities.

What are the benefits of the Zero Trust Security model?

Here’re some of the major benefits of the Zero Trust Security model for your organization.

1. Reduces organizational and business risks

Since Zero Trust assumes that all the users and applications are hostile and malicious, the users cannot use the network or communicate unless their identity attributes verify them.

This prevents internal and external attacks, making the hackers overcome the external security defense system to access the business data.

Thus, the Zero Trust Application Access reduces risk by uncovering who’s on the network and how the users communicate.

2. Ensures data privacy and reduces data breach risks

The Zero Trust approach verifies user identity first, preventing unverified and malicious workloads from communicating elsewhere on the network. This makes it simpler and beneficial for the security teams to detect and stop malicious data-based attacks and practices.

Moreover, for the approved users, the communication is limited to the “need-to-know” basis. Meaning, secure access is locked and confined to only the hosts, users, or services that need it.

3. Provides secure cloud access and adoption

Cloud’s biggest challenge and security concerns include loss of access control and visibility.

The Zero Trust model and its control bring together collaboration, context, and visibility. It classifies all the assets and the users on the cloud, ensuring the right protections and access controls.

4. Supports regulatory compliance

Regulatory compliances like California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), General Data Protection Regulation (GDPA), HIPAA, and many others are major concerns for organizations.

In Zero Trust Application Security, each time a user moves, their payload and identity are verified- stopping the attack before it reaches the data.


Zero Trust is a new and robust way to protect the network architecture against potential cyberattacks and malware threats. Furthermore, it also ensures secure cloud adoption, supports regulatory compliance, and ensures data privacy for utmost network protection.

Instasafe offers a Zero Trust Application Access service to provide one-click and secure access to applications and protocols like RDP and SSH with SSL, MFA, IDP, and SAML features. All in all, it is a more reliable solution than traditional security models.

Also Read: Keys To Attracting And Retaining Talent In Your Company

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