internet Archives - Web Updates Daily Get All The Latest Updates Of Technology & Business Tue, 06 Jun 2023 07:52:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 internet Archives - Web Updates Daily 32 32 Internet Fraud – Discover The Most Common Tue, 06 Jun 2023 07:52:09 +0000 Surely you have heard in the news about Internet fraud. It is true that, just

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Surely you have heard in the news about Internet fraud. It is true that, just as our daily life is increasingly digital, it is also increasingly in the online environment where scams occur. However, the truth is that most online frauds are easily identifiable, and it is enough to take a few simple precautions to navigate safely.
In this guide, we will give you guidelines so that you can continue enjoying all the good things about technology while keeping yourself safe from possible scams. Let’s see which are the most common and how we can avoid them.

Phishing, One Of The Most Common Internet Frauds

Phishing means fishing in English. By doing the translation, you can already imagine how this scam works. The cybercriminal does “throw the cane” and waits for those who surf the net to “bite”.
Its way of operating is to impersonate an entity you trust and impersonate it: Social Security, bank, Netflix, university, Treasury… Normally you receive an email or SMS from a company or association that it is your trust. It is usually a communication that seeks to create in you the urgent need to click on the link that goes in the message.
For example, it may be the Treasury telling you that you have a refund pending receipt and that they need your bank account number or Social Security warning you that you have a debt pending payment and must settle it as soon as possible. Or it could be Netflix (or another similar service) making you a great offer or even your bank asking for some missing personal information about you.
Since the user trusts the message’s sender and gives credibility to it, they end up clicking on the link and providing the requested information. He does not know that he is not accessing the entity’s real website but rather a copy of it. When you enter data such as your credit card number, it goes directly into the criminal’s hands.
What does the cybercriminal do with the information? It can “hijack” your social networks and ask you for payment to regain access, use your card details to make online purchases, loot your bank accounts, impersonate your identity online, sell your data on the black market, etc.

Can Phishing Be Prevented?

If you’ve ever gone fishing, you may have come home without a single fish, and that’s what we should be getting when a cybercriminal tries to commit a phishing scam: drop the rod, but no one bites.
To achieve this, the best thing you can do is never trust communications from unknown senders. If you don’t know who sent you the email, try not to open the message and delete it directly. If the communication comes from your bank, the Treasury, or another trusted sender, always remember that none of these entities will ask you for personal data through an email or SMS.
When in doubt, access its website directly from your browser by typing the entity’s address and, if necessary, contact it to check if the information you have received is true or if it is fraud.
Until a few years ago, it was relatively easy to identify fraudulent messages since they were usually badly written, and their appearance already made you suspicious. However, criminals are increasingly taking care of this aspect. So don’t trust a communication because it needs to be correctly written or visually believable.
One last way to ensure the communication is real is to cut and paste everything that appears in the sender’s email address starting at the at sign (@) and search the Internet for it. If the address is legitimate, it will send you to the website of the real entity. If it’s illegitimate, it will get you nowhere.

Fraudulent Online Shops

Who has never made an online purchase? Electronic commerce has increased significantly in the last decade, and as it has developed, the fraud associated with this activity has also grown. Since cybercriminals are after money, it is not surprising that they also create fake online shops to deceive people who buy from them.
The operation of this type of scam is usually similar in all cases. The criminal creates a fake website where they sell a product in high demand at a truly irresistible price. In this way, the person’s curiosity is aroused, who clicks on the link and, from there, is directed to something that looks like an official online store, although it is not.
In these cases, you will carry out the purchase process as normal. You put the product in the shopping cart, indicate the delivery address and make the payment. It is possible that right after you receive an email confirming the transaction, which is what legitimate digital stores usually do. It’s not until a few days later that you realize the problem: the package never arrives, and when you go to complain to the store, you discover that no one is behind giving support.
This is one version of this scam, but there are several. An example is the selling company that delivers a product whose quality has little or nothing to do with what was shown on the web (this happens a lot with clothing and footwear) or the one that sends a package full of useless objects, such as paper or stones.
It’s not just that the cybercriminal person keeps the money from your purchase; it’s that they have all your data and can do whatever they want. In addition, when accessing its website, malware may have been installed on your device.
It is a malicious computer program that can collect your data, access your files, or monitor your online activity, among other things. The criminal can use the information to extort you or sell it to third parties.

How To Avoid This Fraud?

You should never access any website from advertising you see on social networks. If you have observed something interesting, write the store address in your address bar and access it directly from your browser.
On the other hand, if it is an establishment you have yet to learn, it is worth researching beforehand. Do a Google search like this: “reviews about (store name)”. You will immediately be able to learn about the experience of previous customers, which will let you know if it is a legit store or a scam.
But do not trust if there are no opinions. The criminal may have just created the website, but there is still insufficient information about it. Remember that many people who have been scammed online are ashamed to admit it and do not warn others.
One last thing to keep in mind. If the offer is too good to be true, it is likely not true and is a scam.

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How To Take Advantage Of Social Wi-Fi In The Retail Sector Sun, 31 Jul 2022 06:58:00 +0000 Taking advantage of the opportunities provided by wifi in the retail sector is an essential

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Taking advantage of the opportunities provided by wifi in the retail sector is an essential strategy, as it is a commercial space with serious disadvantages compared to the most prominent multinational companies. Acquiring Social wifi for this type of business represents progress. In recent years, the differentiation of a store, compared to the rest, is due to the implementation of tools that connect with the customer. In this sense, it has been positioning itself by offering all the possibilities of technology so that these businesses can achieve a more profitable commercial position.

The key is that wifi in the retail sector cannot be just any service. For retail, which has direct contact with consumers, one is required that allows it to capture essential customer information. That combines the internet with Big Data and social networks. Also, it provides a stable and fast signal, with which you can digitize the processes inherent to the service if you want to know how to take advantage of all its advantages.

Wifi in the retail sector: how can you achieve the desired profitability? The current situation of businesses in the retail sector has changed in recent years. To stand out or position yourself, it is necessary to apply the strategy most aligned with the company’s objectives. After the year 2020, reality has set. The current customer has become detached from the customer of the past decade, and consumption habits have evolved. This explains why multinationals have adopted a customer-centric culture, understanding that the product alone no longer sells.

The retail sector’s wifi is essential to expand the technological capabilities that improve the customer experience. Because this sector encompasses different business models and online sales already make up a significant percentage of total turnover, adapting to today’s technological parameters is an excellent strategy to maintain and grow. In this case, the wifi Social Marketing tool is ideal. With it, you can adapt your business to the expectations of the most demanding consumer. In addition, you will be able to optimize the means of interaction and digital marketing strategies.

The advantages of wifi in the retail sector are significant to increasing the profitability of your business. It is the way to increase profitability because it allows digitalizing the processes of commercial dynamics. With wifi Social Marketing you can ensure a more effective local SEO strategy. It is a means to obtain and collect key information from the client who visits the business, such as the one who communicates online. This advantage is essential to gear digital marketing strategies to the profile of regular, sporadic and potential customers. This way, you can generate personalized service methods and an operational capacity according to consumer expectations.

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The Future Of The Data Center Sector Is Based On High-Speed Fiber Networks Tue, 21 Jun 2022 08:00:35 +0000 In the coming years, the data center industry will make great strides, both technologically and

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In the coming years, the data center industry will make great strides, both technologically and in its expansion, which will accompany the rapid digitization of the leading economies. Along this path, companies in the sector will bet on increasingly diversified data networks. For this, it will be essential to have high-speed fiber lines necessary to offer quality services and low latency to customers on a global scale.

The data center industry is booming, buoyed by the accelerating digital transformation in much of the world. In this context, new cloud technologies, as well as distributed computing and storage, among other innovations based on decentralization, are expanding rapidly, driving growth in the volume of data generated and travels through global networks. Throughout this decade, the data center sector will grow. Still, it will also become highly decentralized to make room for new edge technologies, which bring applications and data closer to end-users.

To achieve this, equally decentralized networks will be needed, united by a solid infrastructure in the cloud, and in this sense, high-speed fiber networks will be the backbone technology of data center infrastructure at a global level. In a recent article published by Datacenter Frontier, the experts highlight the conclusions of the research carried out by the firm Belden, in which they analyze the increasingly important role of high-speed networks and new IT architectures for the future centers of data.

One of the critical factors for the future is how the volume of data is increasing due to digital transformation and the increasing complexity of cloud environments, which have become a fundamental pillar of digitization strategies. In their report, titled “How High-Speed ​​Fiber Networks Can Future-Proof Data Centers,” the researchers highlight that the more data generated, the more resources are needed to manage it. This refers to both the data center infrastructure and the capabilities of the interconnection networks that link the entire world and will continue to evolve to accompany the growth of the data center industry and its decentralization.

In other articles signed by Belden, experts highlight that new IT strategies require more flexible architectures, which has a profound impact on data networks. In the future, it will be more vital than ever to have networks capable of supporting the transformation of industries into a post-digital transformation.

At the same time, the massive adoption of the cloud, virtualization, or edge computing, and the growing concern about performance, security, and resiliency, will force us to rethink what the global interconnection infrastructure should look like in the future. Although next-generation wireless networks provide helpful options for many needs, the backbone of global networks will continue to be high-speed fiber-optic lines, which will need to improve to provide fast and reliable connectivity worldwide.

Also Read: 3 Unique Benefits of Using Fiber Optic Cables for Your Internet Connection!

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Public Wi-Fi Networks Know Their Risks And Protect Your Information Sat, 21 May 2022 06:29:36 +0000 Wifi networks enabled in public places and establishments, such as restaurants, hotels, or airports, are

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Wifi networks enabled in public places and establishments, such as restaurants, hotels, or airports, are usually not protected by a password and do not have an adequate security protocol. They provide convenience and speed to users when connecting to the Internet. Still, they can pose a high risk to your personal information since it travels unencrypted when transmitted through them.

Many public wifi networks ask Internet users to fill in a form in which they must enter their name, surname, and email, among other information. On some occasions, this information may be collected to be later sold to advertising companies and agencies, even from countries located outside the European Union, or in the worst case, on the black market, which may pose a risk. Elevated for user privacy.

However, the riskiest scenario occurs when a cybercriminal takes advantage of these wifi networks to access the victims’ devices and, consequently, the data they enter and store on them. The attackers create a wifi network with free access and give it a name very similar to the official network of the place where the users are. 

For example, suppose the official wifi network is called “Wifi_T4_Barajas”. In that case, they can create one and name it “Wifi_T4_Barajass” to create confusion. Therefore, cybercriminals can make users believe that they are connecting to the establishment’s network when in fact, they are connecting to a fake wifi network controlled by them. 

By executing the “Man in the Middle” or man-in-the-middle attack, the cybercriminal places himself between the user’s device and the server he is communicating with to intercept the information. The attacker monitors online activity within the infected network or fake network to record interest data.

These are some good practices that you can carry out to protect the information on your devices when you connect to a public wifi network:

  • Avoid entering your access data to your online banking and not using online services, and you must detail your personal and banking information to carry out transactions or buy online.
  • If you are not sure what the whole network of the establishment is, ask someone in charge of the premises to inform you.
  • Be careful when browsing the Internet and make sure you are doing so on secure web pages (they start with “https” and contain a closed padlock located on the left of the navigation bar).
  • It is advisable to use a VPN (Virtual Private Network) so that the information is transmitted encrypted.
  • When you disconnect from the network, remove it from your device. Within your list of networks, go to the “Advanced” section and then to “Manage networks”; once in it, click on the one you want to delete and click on “Forget.”
  • As a general rule, always keep the operating system and browser of your devices up to date, install an antivirus, and perform regular scans.
  • When you connect to a wifi network from a smartphone or tablet, an option appears to remember the network and allow the device to connect to it when it is available automatically. Do not accept this option with public wifi networks.

Also Read: Here Is How WiFi Marketing And a Customer Data Platform Can Grow Your Business!

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What Is A VPN? And How Does It Work? Mon, 02 May 2022 16:03:45 +0000 A VPN (Virtual Private Network) enables a secure Internet connection. It is privacy-oriented cybersecurity software

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A VPN (Virtual Private Network) enables a secure Internet connection. It is privacy-oriented cybersecurity software that masks users IP addresses and encrypts online traffic, and no one who intercepts the encrypted data can read it.

How Does a VPN Work?

If your data is transmitted unencrypted, it can be viewed by anyone who has access to the network, for example, from your internet provider. A VPN creates a private “tunnel” between your device and the Internet, protecting your data using encryption.

The VPN server is an intermediary between your device and the target site. The target page answers the VPN server’s request and returns the data to the VPN server. There is no direct exchange of data between you and the target page.

VPN Connection Explained:

  • A VPN program encrypts Internet traffic on your device (before sending it). Encryption keeps your data private.
  • The encrypted data is sent to the VPN server.
  • The VPN server decrypts the data and sends your request to the target site. The landing page only sees the IP address of the VPN server, so your IP address remains private. The IP address contains information such as the geographic location of your computer,
  • As soon as the VPN server receives a response from the target site, the server encrypts the data and sends it back to your device.
  • The VPN For Windows program on your device decrypts the received data.

Possible Applications

Privacy & Security

Going online is like boarding an airliner. Security personnel, baggage handling, flight attendants and the flight counter require your data. Something similar happens on the Internet. Your data goes through different servers. If you’re surfing the web to pass the time, you might not have a problem with letting anyone see your unencrypted data. However, things are very different when it comes to business email, online banking, or other sensitive data. Without using a VPN, all of your online activity is traceable back to your physical location. With VPN access, you hide your IP address and create an additional level of security by encrypting your Internet connection.

Accessing The Company Network While on The Move

Businesses often use VPNs to access the company network while on the move securely.

Security on Public WiFi

When you use public WiFi, your browsing activities on non-HTTPS websites are visible. If you want to hide your browsing activity, you should connect to a VPN, and the network then only sees a secure VPN connection.

Bypass Geo-Blocking

With a VPN, you can access geo-restricted services. For example, to access your Netflix account while travelling abroad.

Bypass Internet Censorship

Many people use VPN access to bypass internet censorship.

Accessing Your Home Network 

To access your home network when you’re out and about, you can set up your VPN (Virtual Private Network). This allows you to access a remote Windows desktop, share local files, and play games over the Internet. As if you were at home on the LAN.

Is a VPN Difficult To Use?

After installing the VPN software, you usually only have to enter your user name and password. Then select a server, and off you go. Most VPN providers also offer detailed instructions.

Does a VPN Slow Down The Internet Connection?

Depending on the provider, a VPN can slow down the internet speed. However, with most reputable VPN services, a braking effect is usually not noticeable.

The farther away the VPN server you are connected to is, the more significant the drop in speed.

How Can I Check If a VPN Is Working?

  • Determine your actual IP address, which you received from your Internet provider. To do this, search Google for “What is my IP address?”.
  • Make a note of the IP address you have without a VPN.
  • Turn on your VPN and recheck the IP address.
  • You should now see a different IP address.

Also Read: Trends In Inbound Marketing For 2022

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7 Best Website Practices To Improve Your Online Presence Wed, 13 Apr 2022 05:42:14 +0000 Your audience will most like to find your store online. That’s why businesses, from early-stage

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Your audience will most like to find your store online. That’s why businesses, from early-stage companies to well-known brands, are always looking for ways to improve their online presence. The stronger the online presence, the more people will reach your website and, therefore, your online store. In this post, we help you distil down the first things you need to do to revamp the strategy of your website.

1. First things first: Your Website Goals

One of the first things in creating your website strategy is to determine the goals you want to achieve with your site- what, why, and how will your site visitors convert to potential buyers?

Perhaps you want to generate leads or boost traffic to meet your sales goals. Whatever the reason, these goals need to be the gist of your website strategy. With them in mind, you can make more informed decisions about user experience, web pages, and conversion paths needed to achieve them.

Your visitors might find different pathways to accomplish the same goal. However, putting some effort into each of these will give you a lot of data on how to create your website strategy to support each journey.

Because we all access the homepage when searching for a website or online store, your homepages are critical in accomplishing your goals and are a great place to start planning. You can make an idea of how the perfect homepage should look like by researching other eCommerce platforms, hiring a trustworthy website development NYC agency or by:

  • Discussing with industry experts or making a purchase. Depending on the nature of your online business, the “Bottom of the funnel” action may vary. Your main goal is to make it easy for your audience to navigate your homepage.
  • Grouping products and services. With that said, you will want to make sure your products or services are the first things someone sees when accessing your homepage.
  • Price is also important. Price is one major topic potential buyers are looking for when making a purchase. Make sure they can easily navigate your homepage for this information.

2. Convince them: Tell people a story

Now it’s time to think about the content that goes on those website pages. This will depend on the purpose of each page at hand, but besides that, your pages should follow the same narrative.

That doesn’t mean you should not focus on specific pages or customer journeys, it means you should focus on the overall story and value of your brand. With that in mind, the hero of a page should always:

  • Say what you offer
  • How it can solve a problem
  • Tell people where and how to get it

3. Have a Social Media Presence

Being active on social media is a must in this day and age. There are now more than 3.2 billion people on social media globally, which means social media is a key tool for reaching your intended audience.

Linking your website to your social and vice versa for better visibility instils trust in your customers and potential customers. Even so, having a social media presence is a great way to strengthen your credibility and reputation and showcase your brand.

4. Produce Content (A lot of It)

The more content you share, the more chances you have to improve your online presence. Is your audience spending a lot of time on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, or Amazon? If so, make sure you prioritise these platforms and start brainstorming content that fits every medium.

For instance, on Instagram, you will come up with caption and photo ideas – whereas, on YouTube, you will come up with video ideas.

5. Target Popular Keywords Through Blog Posts

One of the most critical pages of your site (homepage, pricing, about, products/service, contact) are somewhat limited in terms of optimising for keywords other than your location and service. This gives you little to no room for texts that can appeal to your audience.
With a business blog, each content you publish can dive deep into a relevant keyword and be individually adjusted to rank for that keyword, helping you reach the uppermost Google results. More first-page rank doesn’t just mean a stronger web presence but also more traffic to your perfectly optimised website and greater credibility.
In fact, online businesses that blog posts get 55% more website reach than businesses that don’t. Even better, this allows you to prove your expertise in the industry and let your brand identity shine through – both of which are critical for your online presence.

6. Personalise Your Brand

 Your website success also depends on how people identify with your brand. One practice that many businesses use to build an online presence is to personify their brand.

By personalising your brand, you will be able to appeal to your target demographic while staying true to your values and mission. Having something to relate with helps consumers connect to your brand and makes them want to engage with you, whether by signing up for email newsletters or social media.

7. Use Relevant Visuals

You may be creating the best content or the most engaging social media stories. Still, in today’s fast-paced times – text isn’t enough to satisfy the audience who craves to consume content faster. That’s where visuals come in! They enable faster communication of information and help improve the level of engagement.
It’s no secret that we process visuals 60,000 times faster, but it’s a reason visual marketing should be your top-of-mind priority. So make sure you include relevant visuals in your social media posts and website content to enhance credibility.

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Failover Strategies Against Network Failures Thu, 03 Mar 2022 06:54:45 +0000 Business processes depend more and more on functioning networks. The network edge is where the

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Business processes depend more and more on functioning networks. The network edge is where the device or local area network communicates with the Internet. To ensure reliability, many companies rely on SD-WAN, software-defined network structures.

Modern 4G-LTE and 5G technologies can supplement conventional cable connections in the SD-WAN orchestra – and are often the first choice, for example, when non-stop availability of Internet connections is essential. In the case of company branches or branches, there are a few unique features to consider.

A small group of risk points is responsible for most network problems. The following six failover strategies can counteract this.

Connectivity Diversity At The Edge

WAN connections to branch offices are usually based on just one or two lines from an Internet Service Provider (ISP) shared by several consumers. This connection to the corporate network and cloud is vulnerable because it can be disrupted in various ways, such as weather events or construction work.

Connections such as 4G LTE and 5G gigabit-class are more flexible and faster than wired lines. With the help of such wireless connections, special wireless routers create a failover in the event of a network failure. Network managers can also use these connections to monitor and troubleshoot the router and other devices in the branch office.

Dual Carrier Connectivity

Dependence on just one cellular network operator or Internet provider can be risky for uninterrupted operation: Network congestion, routing, DNS problems, and network core failures can cause disruptions. In wireless WAN architectures, at least two connections from different operators should therefore be used because it is unlikely that both networks will fail simultaneously.

LTE or 5G routers with at least two modems or a SIM card extension can be set up for this carrier redundancy. Both connections can be bundled for additional capacity at peak times.

Hardware Redundancy

Redundant or mirrored routers often also protect against failures. They monitor each other and create automatic failover if the primary router or WAN link fails. Updates, configuration changes, and other maintenance work can be carried out without jeopardizing communication.
Modern end devices use the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) to configure and coordinate the failover. The routers are connected directly via a cable or an Ethernet switch, share a virtual gateway address and a DHCP table, and thus act as a router for other devices in the network. During the failover state, the former primary router continually monitors its WAN connection and signals the backup router when it can switch back over.

Secure Connection Via VPN Tunnel

Multiple direct Internet connections via VPN tunnels to various input devices can ensure uninterrupted communication between the branch and head offices. A configuration of so-called dynamic multipoint virtual private network tunnels (DMVPN) is possible from each branch to redundant devices.

Each tunnel is routed independently over the Internet, and the data traffic is dynamically routed via the most effective connection. If network or hardware problems disrupt a tunnel, traffic is sent over the alternate path.

Cushion Traffic Peaks

Increasing video usage, file sharing apps, software updates, and the increasing number of connected devices often contribute to spikes. A backup connection based on mobile communications can offer relief here. Routers with SD-WAN functionality dynamically load balance traffic to the best available path. When the peak traffic subsides, the wireless connection is automatically and invisibly disconnected in the background, allowing employees to continue working without interruption.

Remote Management In Routine And Emergency

Cellular wireless connections can also provide an alternate network connection when the end device is unreachable over primary links. Routers configured for use at the edge of the network have so-called out-of-band management functions. The responsible persons access the device remotely via a wireless connection to solve problems without an on-site visit.

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Can Devices Slow Down Your Internet Speed? Mon, 14 Feb 2022 13:12:55 +0000 Everything seems to be connected by the internet in one way or another nowadays. Want

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Everything seems to be connected by the internet in one way or another nowadays. Want to order your favorite food, book an Uber, buy clothes, shoes, or watches, read an e-book, stream a TV show, play a game with your friends, and whatnot all you need is a steady internet connection. People rely on well-reputed providers like CenturyLink, for instance, to enjoy a steady and fast-speed internet connection since the emergence of various online streaming platforms has caused a paradigm shift.

More and more viewers find the idea of being able to watch their favorite content anywhere, anytime they want, quite fascinating and seem to jump to the streaming bandwagon. So with a significant amount of internet users subscribing to any of their favorite streaming platforms thus further adding to the popularity and demand of fast internet connectivity.

Almost every device we use these days is internet compatible. Smartphones, watches, home appliances, tablets, security cameras, and almost every other device now uses the internet. All this also results in congestion at times. Imagine everyone in the house using an internet-compatible device at the same time. The internet connection might undergo congestion and consequently slow down. Every device using your internet connection reduces the bandwidth since they are consuming data.

Ever wondered if your internet-compatible devices affect your internet speed and how much? Well, here are the answers you might be looking for. Keep reading to find out all about it:

Number of Connected Devices

We all have heard of the term internet of things and it has become quite popular over the past few years. It is used for all the devices among your home appliances that make use of the internet connection to exchange data. Be it a doorbell, thermostat, AC, etc. Each of the internet-enabled devices uses your internet connection wired or wireless, consuming a lot of bandwidth. Therefore, you can expect your internet speeds to slow down when everyone is streaming online, on any of the devices at the same time. So the greater the number of devices, the greater the bandwidth consumption and the slower your internet may get.

Age of Device

Older devices present on your internet network are likely to slow it down. Even if you are using a new router or modem, an old laptop or mobile, for instance, can make you experience slower internet speeds. This is why it is highly recommended to always upgrade your hardware and remove any old devices from the Wi-Fi network.

Wired vs Wireless connection

A wired connection does beat a wireless connection in terms of speeds. Therefore, you can use Ethernet cable wherever possible to enjoy faster speeds. Wired internet can be used with smart TVs, smart speakers, gaming consoles, etc. More often, you will see a considerable difference in internet speeds as compared to the wireless network that might be congested.

Outdated Routers

Older routers will slow down the internet connection. Even if you have subscribed to a high-speed internet plan, but have an outdated router, then you will not be able to experience better speeds. If your router is 3 to 4 years old, it might be about time to think of getting a new one. You can consider mesh Wi-Fi routers that can scale up your bandwidth speeds and provide excellent coverage throughout the house.


Viruses, spyware, or malware can drastically slow down your internet speeds. They can be downloaded along with any other files over your system and use bandwidth without your knowledge. It is always important to install anti-virus programs and run security checks periodically to keep any malware away from your network. Moreover, never open any unauthorized emails and avoid clicking on any random ads or pop-ups as they usually carry malware or viruses.

Speed Tests

To be well aware of the internet speeds you are experiencing, it is recommended that you run speed tests on your network. Especially when you feel that the internet speeds are reduced, it is better to check both your wired and wireless networks by running a speed test.

This will help you get a clear insight into the actual internet speed of your network. If drastically slow, you can look into the aforementioned reasons as the cause and fix it. If nothing seems to improve the speed, you can always contact your internet service provider and report the problem.

Wrapping Up,

All devices in your home share the bandwidth and can cause a slowdown in the overall network speeds. Therefore, it is better to switch off any devices that you are not using so it does not hog the Wi-Fi network. Conducting periodic speed tests of your wired and wireless network also helps keep a track of the current internet speeds you are experiencing.

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Tips to Help in Choosing the Right Online Transcription Services for Your Needs Fri, 24 Sep 2021 11:01:43 +0000 Whether you want to keep a record of meetings and conferences, capture the details of

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Whether you want to keep a record of meetings and conferences, capture the details of interviews, or keeping detailed information for future reference.
Transcription services are quite easy to come across. A quick search on Google will bring you lots of pages full of companies that provide transcription services. Therefore you need to figure out what your priorities are since almost every service provider has different qualities from the next one. It is important to know your limitations and expectations. Find out their prices to know if it works with your budget and ensure they have high accuracy rates.
Before deciding which company you want to get transcription services from, make sure you put the following factors into consideration.

Good quality and high accuracy

You must assess the service quality. Check if they have ISO 27001 and 9001 accreditations. This can guarantee that they have met a set of international standards. The industry standard for transcripts is a 99% accuracy rate, so if they advertise an accuracy level lower than that, then you should move on to the next option.
Even with the rise of automated transcription services, manual transcription still takes the win in terms of producing the highest quality transcripts.

Affordable prices

Make sure you get the combined price structure for all the services you need. Some companies might try to hide a few extra costs or increase the price for any extra add-ons that you request.
Some transcription service providers can give you a complex price structure. Make sure you understand exactly what you’re paying for.

Security and confidentiality

Businesses and companies often want their meetings or conference calls transcribed. Some even request market research transcriptions for their products in the testing stages. Sometimes all this information could be sensitive and to avoid leaks and info hacks, it is best to make sure that one of the companies’ top priorities is safeguarding your confidentiality.
Some transcription services have strong data protection laws and are even willing to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) to ensure your data is not at risk of being leaked by the people transcribing your information.

Realistic Turnaround time

Meeting deadlines can be one of the most crucial things for some, so if you are requesting a long file, make sure you find transcriptionists that can handle your tight deadlines. The industry standard turnaround time is usually at least three times the size of the file for a transcript to be generated. Most transcription services charge per audio minute, but if your desired time is short, the cost can be a bit higher. Make sure the service provider is providing realistic estimates. It’s nice to have your transcription done quickly, but some estimates are too good to be true and will result in lower quality work.
Some of the things to be considered when setting turnaround times include; verbatim, audio quality, number of speakers, heavy accents, typing speed, formatting, timestamps, the topic of discussion.

Professional skills

Transcription is a challenging task that demands a distinct skillset like the ability to multitask and sometimes transcriptionist will require some extra industry-specific knowledge to execute an assignment.
When looking for a transcription service provider, ensure they have employed native speakers of your language. This can be helpful to avoid issues like poor language, grammar mistakes, misspellings, and poor word phrasing.
Some benefits of hiring a local transcription company include; timely completion of the project, retaining language themes and cultural variations, better quality transcripts, and if the local transcriptionists are in your country, you can arrange a face-to-face meeting to discuss the details.


Good customer service can show you how committed a company is to deliver the best services to its clients. Transcription service providers have great customer care experiences and services that can assist with all the issues and questions that clients may have.


If you have sizeable projects and are looking for bulk transcription services or you require high volume content like legal transcripts or something to do with medical services, it is best to pick a transcriber with the kind of experience to handle your work with a quick turnaround time. They should also be capable of scaling if needed.

There are many things to consider when choosing a provider to outsource your prescription needs. Make sure you get the best online transcription services by following the guidelines in this article.

The post Tips to Help in Choosing the Right Online Transcription Services for Your Needs appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

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How To Protect Yourself While Browsing The Web Mon, 20 Sep 2021 18:33:44 +0000 Cyber security crosses the mind of very few people nowadays, and the reality is, that

The post How To Protect Yourself While Browsing The Web appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

Cyber security crosses the mind of very few people nowadays, and the reality is, that people are far too trusting when it comes to how secure they actually are while browsing the web.

There are a plethora of events that could happen to you while browsing the web if you aren’t careful, and you could even end up with a nasty virus or getting some of your information stolen from an unreputable site. Because of this, protecting yourself while browsing the web is absolutely crucial.

In this article, we will be talking about all the different ways you can protect yourself while browsing online, as well as drastically reduce the chances that you ever fall victim to a scam or cyber attack.

Ensure Your Data Is Protected

When it comes to protecting yourself online, there are a plethora of ways you can achieve this goal. Although, no matter how careful you are, there are always going to be situations that are out of your control, and that’s why it’s so important to take the steps to protect yourself in the case your security is somehow compromised.

This can mean ensuring you have all of your essential data and information backed up, have some sort of antivirus software installed on your PC, or any other form of defensive steps you could take.

Even if you never fall victim to a targeted hack or something of a more serious nature, you’d be surprised at just how advanced and believable scams are now, and even the most reluctant among us can easily fall victim.

Sure, you may be an expert at telling whether or not something will give you a virus or take your information. However, it only takes one little mistake for everything to go wrong.

As well as all the above-mentioned steps, there are also things like Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) which is a more modern security service that can give you even more protection when paired with the other methods we stated.

Don’t Venture Onto Any Unsecure Sites

Preventing any sort of danger from happening is always preferable to defending an attack in the aftermath, and just by simply avoiding any unsecured websites, you can reduce the risks that come with browsing the web dramatically.

There are a plethora of ways you can tell if a site should be avoided, but the easiest out of all of them by far is to just take a quick look at the top of the screen, next to the search bar on any website you go too. If there is a padlock that is shown as locked, you are on a secure website and you can be relatively sure you are safe. However, if the padlock is seen as unlocked, this shows that the website is potentially unsafe, and it would be a good decision for you to avoid said website altogether.

Websites that are not secure could potentially have harmful viruses or AIs that are set up to steal your information, or it could even be a website that is deemed as a threat to the public.

However, most of the time you will be able to tell if a site is reputable just by looking at it, and you will not even need to look at the padlock. In reality, it’s the sites that are listed as “secure” which can be the real threat, in which case, you will have to just use your common sense.

All in all, if a website seems a little off or is asking you to give out some private information or download an untrustworthy file, it’s always best to air on the side of caution, and said sites should be avoided at all costs.

Don’t Hesitate To Use a Plethora of Different Passwords

Something that is rarely done by the overwhelming majority of people is the simple act of using different passwords for different accounts. Just by using a different password for every account you login to, you are drastically reducing the chance that anyone would ever be able to crack open your account.

Sure, having a different password for every single thing you log in to can take a little getting used to, and it can certainly be a bit frustrating at first before you get used to it. However, as long as you write every password down on a physical piece of paper to ensure you cannot forget said passwords, having multiple passwords will be more than worth the time and effort it takes to keep track of them all.

After going through and taking heed to every point we made throughout this article, you can safely say that you have done everything you can to take your cyber security into your own hands.

In reality, if you follow all of the advice contained within this article, is it very unlikely that you will ever face any sort of trouble while browsing the web, as you have taken every possible precaution to ensure you are not vulnerable.

Also Read: Android 12.1 The Previous Step Before Android 13?

The post How To Protect Yourself While Browsing The Web appeared first on Web Updates Daily.

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